Be a Sith who knows that if I am not an obstacle to bad, then it is not bad for me. If this is the solution, then what is the problem?

Islam is a religion of peace, love and compassion that teaches us to respect honor, dignity and the right to privacy. Lies, suspicions, slander, slander and gossip are great sins in Islam that go against its values ​​and destroy peace among Muslims. They can cause hostile relationships even between the closest people, relatives, friends, neighbors.

Gossip and slander

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) asked: “Do you know what gossip is?” The people replied: “Allah and His Messenger know better about this!” He said, “It means saying things about your brother that he doesn’t like.” Then someone asked: “What if what I say about him is true?” He said, “If what you say about him is true, then you are gossiping. If your words are lies, then you are slandering him.”

Thus, gossip means saying something behind a person's back that he does not like, even if it is true. Making fun of people through facial expressions or hand gestures behind their back is also a form of gossip.

Why do people gossip?

To join a certain circle.
To show your superiority.
Just for fun.
Because of envy and anger.
Out of pity.
To impress other people.
Because of ignorance.

Strict ban on gossip

In the Qur'an, regarding the spread of gossip, Allah said: “O you who believe! Avoid making many assumptions, for some assumptions are a sin. Do not spy on each other and do not speak evil behind each other’s backs. Would any of you enjoy eating your dead brother's meat if you were disgusted by it? Fear Allah! Verily, Allah is Accepter of repentance, Most Merciful” (49:12).

“You spread lies with your tongues and say with your lips what you have no knowledge of, and you think that this act is insignificant, although before Allah it is a great sin. Why, when you heard this, did you not say, “It is not proper for us to say such things. Glory to You! Is this a great slander? (24:15).

The hadith says: “When the son of Adam wakes up in the morning, all parts of his body express their submission to the tongue, saying: “Fear Allah for our sake, for we (depend) only on you, and if you remain upright, then we will be upright, and if you become bent, then we will be bent.”

Prohibition of listening to gossip

We should not pay attention to gossip or listen to it with pleasure in the hope of hearing more. Allah said: “Do not follow what you do not know. Indeed, hearing, sight and heart - they will all be called to account” (17:36).

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

“A Muslim is one whose tongue and hands are safe for Muslims.”

“If a man defends the honor of his brother in his absence, then on the Day of Resurrection Allah will protect his face from the flames.”

When is it okay to gossip?

Islam teaches a Muslim that if we see a person being slandered and slandered, we must stand up for him. Otherwise, we deprive ourselves of the mercy of Allah Almighty. However, there are a couple of cases when you are allowed to tell a person only what is necessary:

1. To prevent injustice.
2. Asking religious knowledge from a Muslim scholar
3. In order to prevent any disaster.
4. Counseling in matters of marriage, business, about a neighbor before moving.

- Do you want me to give you the definition of falsity? You love definitions so much. False is what claims to be the ultimate truth.

Then it turns out that everything we receive is false.

- Yes, if we consider this as the only option.

What if we do not consider the acquired knowledge as the only truth?

- But are you able not to consider the knowledge you have acquired as the only truth?

— Now for some reason it occurred to me that I read about a method associated not with the analysis of the structure of a word, but with the assumption that the pause that exists between phrases also has a very great semantic meaning. In other words, the space between phrases and words is just as important as the words themselves.

It's more important. What is a word? A word is a thought form, energy, charge. We send these charges to the person or group of people to whom we say something. They explode like bombs and cause a certain fireworks display. inner world person. It is these fireworks that are the most important. What's interesting to me is something that evokes a lot of resonances in me, my own resonances. But this is precisely what is systematically suppressed in the education system adopted in our reality. The student is forced to cram what someone has said. The entire system of control of knowledge that is given there is built in exactly this way. This is the murder of one's own creativity. Therefore, completely meaningless, monotonous, dry, boring texts are produced.

Only that which resonates is creative. Co-creation. I encourage you to co-create. What I say is simply an opportunity for something to resonate in the person to whom it is said and cause a desire to create something of their own. This is how co-creators of realities communicate. Each of us is the king of our own world. I send you my gifts that you can use for your creativity in your world. Having created something beautiful, you will share its fruits with me, and I will share it with you again, etc. It is for such co-creation that the Great One Creator created the universe. He awarded His messengers - the Creators - the ability to create, so that they would return to Him the fruits of their creativity. People were created as Creators, but they have forgotten this. They forgot because this reality is such that its guardians monitor so that the Creators are not here. They don't need Creators, they need slaves. And for slaves there is a special education system. For slaves there is a special frequency control of consciousness. We go against this, we want to go beyond restrictions and control. We want to remember ourselves as a multidimensional being. A creative being. A being located in many realities, with different structures time and space.

Are you ready to become aware of yourself as a multidimensional consciousness? Otherwise, all conversations and ideas about the multidimensionality of consciousness will remain just conversations. We are working on practical implementation. We don't use ideas just for the sake of ideas. We will implement them. The realization of the idea of ​​multidimensionality of consciousness is impossible without liberating one’s consciousness from the conditioning of a limited mind. Therefore, our work in this direction is the main one. Awareness of your multidimensionality occurs through the opening of your higher energy centers. They are the ones who connect us with other realities. If we are ready to treat the information that comes through them impartially, without judgment, with love, it will definitely come to us - sooner or later. Your Love and acceptance are the main condition for it to come. Without this, you can endlessly try many different techniques, but nothing will happen.

Unconditional Love is the most important key for us now. Unconditional Love is the acceptance of everything that is, as it is - people, your own experience, other realities, unearthly civilizations, new ideas, changing situations in politics and economics. Love is not something that would be nice to have. Love is a necessary attribute for receiving information from expanded consciousness; a necessary attribute for realizing oneself as a multidimensional being. And further. Light is information. You can receive new information by calling on the Light, but will you be able to understand it and assimilate it? A very important question. Imagine that your apparatus - the body-mind - begins to enter a large number of new information, like in a computer. It can make a person crazy if he has a lot of conditionings, old beliefs and beliefs because this information will not correspond to them. It will conflict with the conditioning contained in the mind. And what will this lead to? Yes, besides what they say here: “the roof has gone crazy.”

If... then


Syntactic constructions with the conjunction “if” are distinguished by punctuation marks, usually commas. A comma is always placed before the correlative word “that”.

And if you delve into it, then there was nothing to be ashamed of. B. Vasiliev, Don’t shoot white swans.If I haven't been to the city for a long time, That , so I was sick or something had happened to me, and they were both very worried. A. Chekhov, About love. Listen... because if this is true, then , so both of them... V. Korolenko, At night.

The conjunction “if... then” in a complex sentence may be preceded by another conjunction. There is no punctuation mark between the two conjunctions, since the correlative word “that” implies the impossibility of eliminating or rearranging the subordinate clause.

It was warm in the cabin, and one could forget that under the apparatus there was a mile and a half of empty space, what if you fall, then a crow cannot collect bones, that everyone’s life lies in the art of the pilot and the proper functioning of the engines. B. Zhitkov, Above the water. And I also thought that if daddy wants to make fun of me so much, That , please, I can leave home straight to the virgin lands. V. Dragunsky, Deniska's stories.

Dictionary-reference book on punctuation. - M.: Reference and information Internet portal GRAMOTA.RU. V. V. Svintsov, V. M. Pakhomov, I. V. Filatova. 2010 .

See what “if... then” is in other dictionaries:

    if only- if only …

    if- if … Spelling dictionary-reference book

    If- If …

    if- (b) ... Russian spelling dictionary

    if only- if (b) ... Russian spelling dictionary

    IF- 1. union. Expresses the condition for the occurrence or existence of something. E. you ask, I’ll go. E. you can, come. 2. particle. The same as perhaps (in 2 digits). I have no time to come in. E. for a minute (for a minute e.). A shovel doesn’t take, a crowbar does. If 1) a union... Dictionary Ozhegova

    IF- IF, union. 1. at the beginning of a conditional clause. sentences, from ch. in the present vr. or bud. vr. In the case when... (in the main sentence the conjunction this or that may correspond). “If life deceives you, don’t be sad, don’t be angry.” Pushkin. If demand... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    If- If, if, when, if, if, if soon; Isn't it? If only, if only. If you tell the truth, then... No matter who asks, then tell me... If I die, otherwise I will. Praise my lip, otherwise (if not, otherwise, otherwise) I’ll tear it apart... even if... . Dictionary … Synonym dictionary

    if- when, if only, if only, if only, if only, if only beans would grow in your mouth, if only, if only mushrooms would grow in your mouth Dictionary of Russian synonyms. if ever; if only (beans would grow in the mouth or mushrooms would grow in the mouth) (colloquial joke); if only... ... Synonym dictionary

    If- IF, in case if, in case if, if and... then, if only, if... then, in case if, in case if, provided that, provided that, provided if, provided that, perhaps, is outdated. if, outdated if only...... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

    IF- The rapprochement with other languages, their influence accelerated and intensified those development trends that had emerged even earlier in the Russian language itself. Both in the field of vocabulary and grammar influenced foreign languages spreads quickly and... ... History of words


  • If not you! , Vyacheslav Viktorovich Marchenkov. Only true love makes a person cleaner. Raises him above the abyss of existence, lies and hypocrisy. Only sincere love gives us the strength to survive in this crazy...

The Anti-Corruption Foundation published an investigation into Medvedev’s “secret empire” in early March; a month later, the Prime Minister commented on it for the first time, calling the publication “nonsense” and “compote.” One of the authors of the investigation, an employee of the investigation department of the Anti-Corruption Foundation, Georgy Alburov, commented on Medvedev’s response to Dozhd.

Dmitry Medvedev:

Moreover, everything is done according to the “compote” principle: they take all sorts of different dregs, all sorts of nonsense, and collect them: if it concerns me, then about people I know, about people whom I have never heard of, about some places where I have been, about some places that I have also never heard of. They collect some pieces of paper, photographs, clothes and then create such a product and present it.

Georgy Alburov:

This is very funny. Every time, after investigations, we play this game with someone against whom we conducted such an investigation: when we say some facts, they answer us with some insults and some completely inadequate statements, to which we also respond with facts.

But every time it is quite difficult to respond with facts to what Medvedev or someone else said, because well, they called our investigation “compote”, “nonsense” and “papers” - well, what can you say about that? Apparently, this is intended for those who have not read our investigation, because it consists of hundreds and hundreds of documents, screenshots, certificates, videos, photographs, maps, everything in the world. And all this is interconnected and all this proves that Medvedev owns an entire corruption empire, into which 70 billion rubles have been pumped in by the oligarchs and state banks.

It’s difficult to argue with Medvedev when he doesn’t respond in form, when he doesn’t answer in substance, because he, apparently, simply has nothing to answer. He cannot present our certificates with his own certificates, which would refute all this. He needs to answer something, he can’t be silent all the time.

Dmitry Medvedev:

And if you pay well for this (investigation - Rain.), then the product turns out to be quite good.

Georgy Alburov:

We talked about how much this investigation cost—about 400 thousand rubles. This is money for business trips, for filming, for buying the song American Boy - for some such things, there were no other expenses. The Anti-Corruption Foundation is a non-profit organization. We exist on donations, people are paid salaries and we simply don’t need a lot of money to release this investigation. We do everything on a fairly budgetary and economical basis, because we live on people’s money.

Dmitry Medvedev:

What do people achieve with these materials? They naturally try to show that the authorities behave badly, and they are better than everyone else. In other words, these are all the stories that are being filmed, and, by the way, they are filming for a lot of money, and this money is collected, of course, not from the people, but there are private sponsors who are behind it all, they are aimed at achieving a very specific political result.

Georgy Alburov:

As for private investors, yes, indeed, we exist on the money of private investors. These are people who invest in their future and the future of their children, 100 rubles a month, 500 rubles a month - tens of thousands of these people donate to the Anti-Corruption Foundation so that we can film such investigations.

If our Prime Minister spent a month figuring out that the investigation into his billions was political, then he has some kind of problem with his cognitive abilities. Because yes, of course, if the corruption of the prime minister is being investigated, when he takes bribes from oligarchs, of course, this has both a political and criminal nature. Apparently they believe that if something is political, then it is immediately untrue and can be stigmatized.

No, of course, the investigation is related to politics - it would be stupid to say that we are investigating some abstract Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, and not a specific prime minister and former president.

On March 26, the police detained all employees of the office of Alexei Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation. Police came to the organization's office, saying they intended to conduct a search "due to a report of a bomb threat." At that moment, the foundation’s employees were broadcasting the rally on Tverskaya online. After the detention of FBK employees at the foundation’s office, searches were continued, and the police removed all the equipment.

The problem we're targeting here is that most development projects software complex in nature. A project receives funding based on some value—either quantifiable or not—that the resulting product is expected to provide.

Now it’s worth asking a few questions: “What is the value of this product? Is it evenly distributed among all components of the system? Is the value of this module with a capacity of one hundred lines the same as that of a module (also of 100 lines) that restores the configuration after a power loss?”

There is no guarantee that their value is equal. Our experience (and yours, too, admit it) suggests that value is very unevenly distributed throughout the system. Most of the money a system costs comes from certain key functions that occur at or near the heart of the product.

Sometimes this area, which contains the main value, is no more than 10% of the code. And the rest... well, what could it be? Sometimes - the necessary infrastructure support, and other times - clearly “bells and whistles” masquerading as the necessary infrastructure. Sensitivity analysis is all about cutting through this little misconception.

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  2. If we don't know what to do, it's easy to panic and make the worst decisions possible.
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