What is known about the staging. Nikolai Sobolev was beaten in the entrance of his studio (in fact, no)

The seller of Oryol Cakes, Vladimir Mukhin, was suspected of murdering the son of the former mayor of Orel Vasily Uvarov.

The Investigative Committee does not comment on the investigation, citing the secrecy of the investigation; relatives of the murdered Andrei Uvarov are not accessible; the suspect's daughter calls the accusations against her father unfounded. And yet, there is reason to believe that Vladimir Mukhin, a confectioner from Orel, may be involved in the double murder five years ago.

The deputy head of the Moscow Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship, Andrei Uvarov, and the former general director of Orelstroy OJSC, Vladimir Sobolev, were killed in 2013. Uvarov was shot at the entrance, Sobolev - at the gates of his own house. Almost five months passed between the murders, but a clear connection was found between them: the shots were fired from the same weapon. Another 4.5 years later, the investigation finally had a main suspect. This is the owner of Orlovskie Torti LLC, Vladimir Mukhin, who has already been charged. And not only in murders, but also in extortion and illegal possession of weapons.

Law enforcement officers managed to find Mukhin after he tried to blackmail the father of one of the killed, former mayor of Orel Vasily Uvarov, by demanding 15 million rubles. In general, the root cause of this criminal plot was most likely an old land conflict.

Part one. Murders

In May 2013, Moscow official Andrei Uvarov late in the evening entered the entrance of his own house, where a killer lay in wait for him. There were at least three shots, bullets hit him in the back, leg and neck. Neighbors later said that they heard a conversation in a raised voice, in particular, Uvarov’s words: “Leave me alone! I have nothing!".

In September of the same year, Oryol developer Vladimir Sobolev, who had already gone out of business, was driving out of the gates of his mansion - and was killed right behind the wheel of a Mercedes. There was only one wound, but it was fatal. They shot, as experts found out, from the same weapon as Uvarov. The version of revenge was considered even then, but evidence appeared only a few years later.

Part two. Blackmail

In the winter of 2017, the former mayor of Orel Vasily Uvarov and his eldest son Boris contacted law enforcement agencies with a statement that they were being extorted money: more than 15 million rubles. The extortionist is Oryol confectioner Vladimir Mukhin, to whom the Uvarovs allegedly owed such a large sum several years ago. If the debt was not repaid, Mukhin threatened to cause big problems for the Uvarovs. But it turned out differently; father and son came to hand over the first part of the money under the supervision of operatives; the blackmailer was detained at the moment of receiving the money. And according to the Investigative Committee, quite soon the detainee confessed to the murders committed almost 5 years ago, presenting the same TT pistol as confirmation.

Chapter 3. Old connection

Back in the 90s, Vladimir Sobolev acquired a plot of land from Vladimir Mukhin, on which an elite house was later built. This was the land under the Vostok shopping pavilion, where Mukhin sold ice cream and cakes. “Orelstroy” bought out plots from neighboring entrepreneurs, clearing the territory for luxury construction, and Mukhin, as they say, “resisted more fiercely and longer than the others.” Apparently, he did receive some compensation.

According to a source from the Kommersant - Voronezh publication, “the site was exchanged for the former Skazka cafe on Moskovskaya Street... It had a reputation as a “tavern for the lads” and changed its signs many times.” In addition, “Mr. Mukhin was listed as a co-owner of ZAO Rus-Stroy Orel, liquidated in 2005, whose profile is housing construction. ... Vladimir Mukhin owned several plots of land, which were allegedly “taken by Orelstroy with the participation of Uvarov Sr., and Mukhin did not receive the promised money for this.”

Mukhin, who decided that he had been paid less than he was supposed to, began to demand additional payment - from Sobolev himself, as well as from Vasily Uvarov (at that time the mayor of Orel) and members of his family, believing that they were included in the “scheme”. In order to ensure that the funds he believed were not received were returned to him, Mukhin repeatedly came to Sobolev - but to no avail. Meanwhile, his confectionery and restaurant business was not going well, the entrepreneur “accumulated huge loan debts and, in general, his financial situation was deplorable.” Apparently, he decided to close the financial failure by again demanding old debts from the Uvarovs.

Before the denouement

On February 1, Vladimir Mukhin, by decision of the Sovetsky District Court of Orel, was sent to a pre-trial detention center. He was charged with two murders, extortion and illegal possession of weapons (clause “a” of part 2 of article 105, part 3 of article 163 and part 1 of article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Details of the investigation into the murders of the deputy head of the department of science, industrial policy and entrepreneurship of the city of Moscow Andrei Uvarov and the ex-general director of the largest developer in the Oryol region OJSC Orelstroy Vladimir Sobolev have become known. Charges for these crimes have been brought against the owner of Orlovskie Torty LLC, Vladimir Mukhin, who was arrested the day before and who, according to investigators, decided to deal with his victims because of a long-standing land conflict. The police caught the accused after he tried to get more than 15 million rubles from the former mayor of Orel Vasily Uvarov, whose son was a metropolitan official.

Vladimir Mukhin is accused by the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for the Oryol region of murder, extortion and illegal possession of weapons (clause “a”, part 2 of article 105, part 3 of article 163 and part 1 of article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). On February 1, the Soviet District Court of Orel sent him to a pre-trial detention center. At the same time, Mr. Mukhin actually brought the operatives to him. Some time ago, he contacted the ex-mayor of Orel Vasily Uvarov and his eldest son Boris, demanding from them more than 15 million rubles, which, as the accused believed, this family owed him for affairs of past years. Otherwise, according to investigators, he threatened major troubles for the victims. The Uvarovs turned to the police, after which they communicated with Vladimir Mukhin under the control of operatives. At the end of January, he was detained at the moment of transferring the first part of the required amount. According to the Investigative Committee, he soon confessed to the murders of Moscow official Andrei Uvarov and ex-general director of Orelstroy OJSC Vladimir Sobolev, showing where he was hiding the TT pistol from which they were committed.

Andrei Uvarov was killed on the night of May 4, 2013. He walked into the entrance of his house in Oryol and received bullets in the leg, back and a fatal bullet in the neck. Eyewitnesses heard that a few seconds before the shots were fired, Andrei Uvarov shouted to someone: “Get away from me! I have nothing!". Vladimir Sobolev, who by that time had already retired from business, was shot dead on September 24, 2014. The only wound that proved fatal was that he received while driving a Mercedes out of the gates of his own mansion.

The investigation quickly established that the murders were committed with the same pistol. At the same time, the participants in the investigation did not rule out that a certain “avenger” was behind both crimes, but they were only able to prove this now. Meanwhile, the relationship between Vladimir Mukhin and Vladimir Sobolev has been difficult since the 1990s. According to sources, the arrested businessman at that time owned a store that sold cakes and ice cream, as well as several plots of land. In 1997–1998, Mr. Sobolev’s structures acquired Mr. Mukhin’s property, building the first elite house in Orel on one of the plots. However, Vladimir Mukhin considered that he was not paid enough, and began to make claims not only to Mr. Sobolev, but also to members of the family of the then mayor Orel Uvarov, believing that they were involved in possible fraud.

“Mukhin came several times, asked and demanded to return, as he believed, the funds due to him, but was always refused. Apparently because of this, he decided to commit crimes,” suggested an interlocutor familiar with the situation.

The Investigative Committee did not discuss the details of the case, citing the secrecy of the investigation. Boris and Vasily Uvarov were unavailable for comment. In turn, Vladimir Mukhin’s daughter Natalya said that she was “convinced that the accusations are unfounded.”

The Investigative Committee does not comment on the investigation, citing the secrecy of the investigation; relatives of the murdered Andrei Uvarov are not accessible; the suspect's daughter calls the accusations against her father unfounded. And yet, there is reason to believe that Vladimir Mukhin, a confectioner from Orel, may be involved in the double murder five years ago.

The deputy head of the Moscow Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship, Andrei Uvarov, and the former general director of Orelstroy OJSC, Vladimir Sobolev, were killed in 2013. Uvarov was shot at the entrance, Sobolev - at the gates of his own house. Almost five months passed between the murders, but a clear connection was found between them: the shots were fired from the same weapon.

Another 4.5 years later, the investigation finally had a main suspect. This is the owner of Orlovskie Torti LLC, Vladimir Mukhin, who has already been charged. And not only in murders, but also in extortion and illegal possession of weapons.

Law enforcement officers managed to find Mukhin after he tried to blackmail the father of one of the killed, the former mayor of Orel Vasily Uvarov, demanding 15 million rubles. In general, the root cause of this criminal plot was most likely an old land conflict.

Part one. Murders

In May 2013, Moscow official Andrei Uvarov late in the evening entered the entrance of his own house, where a killer lay in wait for him. There were at least three shots, bullets hit him in the back, leg and neck.

Neighbors later said that they heard a conversation in a raised voice, in particular, Uvarov’s words: “Leave me alone! I have nothing!".

In September of the same year, Oryol developer Vladimir Sobolev, who had already gone out of business, was driving out of the gates of his mansion - and was killed right behind the wheel of a Mercedes. There was only one wound, but it was fatal. They shot, as experts found out, from the same weapon as Uvarov. The version of revenge was considered even then, but evidence appeared only a few years later.

Part two. Blackmail

In the winter of 2017, the former mayor of Orel Vasily Uvarov and his eldest son Boris contacted law enforcement agencies with a statement that they were being extorted money: more than 15 million rubles. The extortionist is Oryol confectioner Vladimir Mukhin, to whom the Uvarovs allegedly owed such a large sum several years ago. If the debt was not repaid, Mukhin threatened to cause big problems for the Uvarovs. But it turned out differently; father and son came to hand over the first part of the money under the supervision of operatives; the blackmailer was detained at the moment of receiving the money. And according to the Investigative Committee, quite soon the detainee confessed to the murders committed almost 5 years ago, presenting the same TT pistol as confirmation.

Chapter 3. Old connection

Back in the 90s, Vladimir Sobolev acquired a plot of land from Vladimir Mukhin, on which an elite house was later built. This was the land under the Vostok shopping pavilion, where Mukhin sold ice cream and cakes. "Orelstroy" bought out plots from surrounding entrepreneurs, clearing the territory for luxury construction, and Mukhin, as they say, “he resisted harder and longer than others”. Apparently, he did receive some compensation.

According to a source from Kommersant-Voronezh, “The site was exchanged for the former Skazka cafe on Moskovskaya Street... It had a reputation as a “tavern for the lads” and changed its signs many times.” In addition, “Mr. Mukhin was listed as a co-owner of ZAO Rus-Stroy Orel, liquidated in 2005, whose profile is housing construction. ... Vladimir Mukhin owned several plots of land, which were allegedly “taken by Orelstroy with the participation of Uvarov Sr., and Mukhin did not receive the promised money for this”.

Mukhin, who decided that he was paid less than he was supposed to, began to demand additional payment - from Sobolev himself, as well as from Vasily Uvarov (at that time the mayor of Orel) and members of his family, believing that they were included in the “scheme”.

In order to ensure that the funds he believed were not received were returned to him, Mukhin repeatedly came to Sobolev - but to no avail. Meanwhile, his confectionery and restaurant business was not going well, the entrepreneur “accumulated huge loan debts and, in general, his financial situation was deplorable.” Apparently, he decided to close the financial failure by again demanding old debts from the Uvarovs.

Before the denouement

On February 1, Vladimir Mukhin, by decision of the Sovetsky District Court of Orel, was sent to a pre-trial detention center. He was charged with two murders, extortion and illegal possession of weapons (clause “a” of part 2 of article 105, part 3 of article 163 and part 1 of article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Three bullets for Andrei Uvarov

A high-ranking official from Moscow was allegedly “ordered” in the spring of 2013. Andrei Uvarov and his family came to his homeland in Orel for the May holidays. On May 3, the man was doing chores around the house, visiting his mother in the local hospital, who had undergone surgery that day, going to a theater production with his wife, and then stopping briefly to visit his father. Having picked up the children's nanny, Uvarov took the woman home and returned back. The fatal shots rang out when the official entered the entrance to house No. 13.

Several federal news agencies learned about the murder of a capital official the next morning from the press service of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. “On Friday at 23:40, the deputy head of the Moscow Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship was found in the entrance of one of the houses on Novikova Street in Orel with three gunshot wounds,” said department official Vadim Kolesnik. The police and ambulance were called by neighbors who noticed a suspicious noise.

The bullet hit the businessman through the passenger side glass in the neck. (Photo: istoki.tv)

During the examination of Uvarov’s body, it was established that the criminal was behind him and shot the official in the back. Casings from a 7.62 mm TT pistol were recovered from the crime scene. The killer did not use a silencer, as evidenced by the testimony of residents of the apartment building, who clearly heard the sounds of a shot. Interfax reported all this, citing its own source in law enforcement agencies.

The investigative authorities of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Oryol Region opened a criminal case regarding the murder of the deputy head of the Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship of the city of Moscow. According to one version of investigators, which was a priority at that time, Uvarov was “ordered” because of his professional activities. After checking the contacts of a capital official who lived and worked in Oryol for a long time, the regional Investigative Committee suggested that the murder of the deputy head of the department was connected with his affairs not in Oryol, but in the capital.

“Various versions of the official’s murder are being considered, but there is a “Moscow trace” in this crime. The investigation does not have any evidence that Andrei Uvarov has recently had conflicts in Orel,” the department emphasized. At the same time, employees of the central office of the Investigative Committee were involved in the investigation of the murder of an official in the regional center.

The version that Uvarov’s murder was connected with his professional activities was supported by the fact that the personal belongings of the murdered man were with him. Local media wrote that the capital's official was professionally eliminated, but the parallels between the murder and the fact that the official was the son of the scandalous, famous ex-mayor of Orel Vasily Uvarov were not directly voiced by anyone and did not become the main version...

The son of the ex-mayor of Orel, Andrei Uvarov, was shot three bullets in the back.

Andrey Uvarov had two higher educations in the specialties “Commercial Merchant” and “Jurisprudence”. Since 1996, he began to actively engage in business, was one of the managers of the construction company Domostroy-2000, and worked in a company developing a network of gas stations. Since 2007, he began to build a political career: he was elected as a deputy of a municipal entity, and worked as an assistant to a deputy of the State Duma. From 2009 to 2011, he headed the Oryol branch of United Russia and oversaw the project “Personnel Reserve - the country’s professional team” for the region. Since August 2011, by decree of the mayor of Moscow, he was appointed to the position of deputy head of the Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship of the city of Moscow. Since September 2012, he became first deputy head of the department.

Execution in the center of Orel, a hundred meters from the FSB Directorate

On September 24, 2014, in the center of Orel, the former chairman of the board of directors of Orelstroy OJSC, Vladimir Sobolev, was shot dead.

Former director of the largest construction company Orelstroy Vladimir Sobolev. (Photo: bolhov.ru)

The man was traveling on business from his private home, located not far from the Nikolai Leskov House-Museum. Having passed the automatic gate, Sobolev stopped to take out the remote control and close it. A few seconds were enough for the killer to carry out the “order”. At the time of the shot, the man was inside his own Mercedes ML350. The bullet pierced the right front window and hit Sobolev in the neck.

As local media reported, passers-by noticed a black foreign car stopped at the gate of the mansion, the driver of which was leaning forward. Doctors who arrived to the call confirmed the death of the Oryol businessman. The killer shot the victim with a TT pistol without a silencer: local residents heard a sound similar to a gunshot. The Regional Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case into the murder.

Vladimir Sobolev was shot several hundred meters from the buildings of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB Directorate. Journalists who arrived at the scene found the body of the former general director of the largest construction company in the Oryol region in the position in which he was at the time of the murder: sitting behind the wheel, head down, the wound on his neck frozen. Later, all regional publications reported that the mastermind of the murder had allegedly been detained. However, she did not find confirmation in the Investigative Committee.

They went to pay for the land

Throughout the year, the press services of official departments did not report any information on the progress of the investigation into high-profile contract killings. However, in January 2015, the regional Investigative Committee made a sensational statement: Andrei Uvarov and Vladimir Sobolev were killed from the same firearm, as shown by the results of a ballistic examination of the bullet and cartridge case. Investigators combined two criminal cases into one proceeding.

At first, new versions were voiced related to the identification and interrogation of additional witnesses, about whom no one even had an idea. A year later, the criminal case was completely suspended.

“The case was closed due to failure to identify the persons involved in the crime. But all measures are being taken to identify these persons. Monthly meetings are held as part of the criminal case into which these murders are combined. Over the past period, no significant information was received on criminals related to the murders,” explained the head of the department for investigating particularly important cases, Konstantin Baranov.

Many thought that this story could be put to rest, but last week the press service of the Investigative Committee reported information that literally blew up the public. Employees of the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and the Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Oryol Region uncovered the high-profile murders in the regional center of Moscow official Andrei Uvarov and former member of the board of directors of Orelstroy OJSC Vladimir Sobolev.

“For several years, investigators and operational police officers have painstakingly worked out various versions of the murders by carrying out a significant amount of investigative actions and operational search activities, as a result of which a suspect in committing these crimes was identified and detained. He turned out to be a 49-year-old resident of the city of Orel, who, under the weight of evidence, confessed to his crime, indicated the location of the crime weapon, outlined the circumstances of the criminal acts committed and the motive - hostile relations with the victims,”- says the official statement.

“Meanwhile, the relationship between Vladimir Mukhin and Vladimir Sobolev has been difficult since the 1990s. According to Kommersant's sources, the arrested businessman at that time owned a store that sold cakes and ice cream, as well as several plots of land. In 1997-1998, Mr. Sobolev’s structures acquired Mr. Mukhin’s property, building the first elite house in Orel on one of the plots. However, Vladimir Mukhin considered that he was not paid enough, and began to make claims not only to Mr. Sobolev, but also to members of the family of the then mayor Orel Uvarov, believing that they were involved in possible fraud.”

Businessman Vladimir Mukhin, suspected of murder, was detained in his own Rancho cafe while attempting to extort 17 million rubles from ex-mayor Vasily Uvarov and his eldest son Boris. “At the same time, the man, according to the investigation, threatened to kill them if his demands were not met. He demanded “compensation” from them for the business problems allegedly caused to him in the early 2000s,”- say colleagues from the online publication.

At the crime scene, the killer told how he aimed at the former general director of Orelstroy. (Photo: newsorel.ru)

The man is in custody. The Investigative Committee adds that the investigation of the criminal case is under the personal control of the head of the Investigation Department. In addition to murder, the man is suspected of illegally acquiring and carrying weapons, ammunition, and, in fact, extortion. It was not possible to obtain any information from Vasily Uvarov and his second son Boris. Colleagues from Kommersant managed to talk with Vladimir Mukhin’s daughter Natalya. According to the woman, she is “convinced that the accusations are unfounded,” but does not intend to give any further comments. Lawyer Sergei Nikitochkin, representing the interests of the accused, also refrained from communicating with media representatives.
