What does it mean if you cry in your sleep. Crying in a dream: what is it for?

In our nightly dreams, we sometimes have to do and experience things from which it is then difficult to recover - and dreams often surprise us with their scenarios and plots.

In real life, we always, as a rule, strictly monitor our own actions, the words we say out loud, our thought process, and even more so, the manifestation of our own emotions. That's how it is!

It’s worth restraining yourself, you don’t need to show joy or anger, fear or delight too brightly. Polite people show their feelings with restraint and not to the fullest.

But in the world of dreams, unlike in reality, much does not depend on us - and this is precisely why we are so much and often surprised by what we did and how we behaved in the world of dreams. Often you have to cry bitterly in dreams - about or even simply, for no apparent reason.

This can be unnatural, strange, and it is not always clear to us why we dream of crying in a dream, in which the events that caused such a reaction may not even occur.

It is worth knowing that, as the dream book says, crying is always very good for sleep. This act means spiritual cleansing, at least a small liberation from unnecessary emotional burden. This means that important processes and renewal are taking place in your soul.

So, you shouldn’t immediately rush to get upset and think that such a dream promises tears or sadness in reality - it’s better to remember as many details of the dream as possible, and find out the truth, why you dream of crying - and what actually awaits you in the near future in reality.

The interpretation of a “crying” dream can change dramatically depending on its details. They can be like this:

  • In your dreams you saw your own face in tears.
  • They cried loudly and bitterly for no apparent reason.
  • They cried out loud.
  • She shed bitter tears in a dream together with someone, for example, with a friend, friend, sister.
  • They cried in their bed, dropping tears into their pillow.
  • They held back their tears in the dream, tried not to cry.
  • They mourned someone, wept over the death of a person who was still alive in reality.
  • In your dreams you mourned a person who, unfortunately, is no longer among the living in reality.
  • In your dreams, you cried with joy or happiness.
  • They cried with remorse and guilt.
  • They cried without tears.

There is nothing joyful or fun about shedding tears, but sometimes they are necessary - after crying, we often feel better. What does this mean in a dream?

What made you shed bitter tears?

An important point that must be taken into account. Remember in what emotional state you woke up from this “tearful” dream.

Usually, in most cases, after crying in a dream, we wake up in a good mood, as if liberated, and melancholy or anxiety often goes away.

If you felt good in the morning, after a dream, know for sure that this dream in which you had to cry does not bode well, and even if the dream book warns of a possible danger, then its probability is low, and you will definitely cope with difficulties.

But be on your guard - after all, if after such a dream you seem to have an unpleasant and heavy aftertaste in your soul, you feel anxiety for no reason - perhaps you should adhere to a cautious and quiet lifestyle, take care of yourself, and not take risks. One way or another, take into account both the information from the dream book and your feelings.

1. If in such a dream you clearly and distinctly saw your own face, bathed in tears, interpreter Vanga regards such a dream as a harbinger of imminent changes, good news. Perhaps you will receive good, kind news from a person from whom you have not been able to wait for news for a long time.

2. Cry in a dream strongly, bitterly, sobbing, from great resentment or pain - such tears are unpleasant and heavy. But in reality they promise joy, bright events, the kindness of others and the favor of fate!

3. Such a dream, in which you had to cry not alone, but shed tears with someone else, for example, with a faithful girlfriend or sister, foreshadows noisy celebrations, fun, gifts and a lot of pleasant bright moments. Get ready to experience joy!

5. If in a dream you cried in your bed, flooding your pillow with tears, a disease awaits you, but not a dangerous one. And it will lead to cleansing, getting rid of something unnecessary accumulated in the body.

6. If in a dream you tried with all your might to hold back your tears and not burst into tears, this is not very good - it speaks of alienation, deliberate loneliness. Are you shielding yourself from communication and not opening up to people?

Why, and does it make your life happier? Know that this can lead you to sad, even irreparable consequences.

7. As Vanga’s dream book says, if in a dream you mourn a person who died in a dream, but is alive in real life, this promises great happiness for that very person, a good fate, health until old age.

And you will also have peace and a very good relationship with this person. He will never become your enemy, know this.

8. But if you mourn a deceased person in your dream, and he has already really left the world of the living in reality, this is a good dream for you.

It foreshadows cleansing, forgiveness of past sins, and generally getting rid of the burden of the past. Enter into a good, bright, new life without doubt, boldly and with a clear conscience, and do not be afraid of anything.

9. If you cried in a dream from joy or happiness, this foreshadows in reality the resolution of some long-standing problem.

10. Repentance, guilt, recognition of one’s wrongness in a dream, and tears about this is a wonderful, spiritual dream. He talks about the cleansing of your soul, conscience, a new level of life and spiritual development. You are moving to a qualitatively new, higher and purer level of development of your own consciousness.

11. If you cried in a dream without tears, according to Vanga’s dream book, this speaks of some unfinished business that prevents you from living fully and working productively. Think about what it is - and follow through!

Don’t be afraid to cry both in your dreams and in reality if you feel the need. After all, sincere tears cleanse and release from strong internal tension.

But at the same time, look at the world more positively, be more optimistic - and there will be fewer and fewer reasons for tears!
Author: Vasilina Serova

Associated with something pleasant. During the night, the body must rest and regain strength. But it happens that a person wakes up tense and restless. For example, if he dreamed of crying in his sleep.

Any dream associated with tears is not just a dream. It demonstrates that the dreamer needs to release pent-up emotions that he is trying hard to ignore. At the same time, various dream books interpret such dreams ambiguously. Let's look at why you dream of crying in a dream.

I cry in my sleep: interpretation

Cry in a church or cemetery

Seeing a church in a dream usually indicates that you are seeking to fill gaps in your spiritual life. It can also be a harbinger of dramatic changes in some area, entering a new stage. Most likely, you already have new plans that you are planning to do, but you should not rush things. First, carefully plan everything, think it over, and only then proceed to implement your plans.

Crying bitterly in church in a dream means finding peace and spiritual joy in reality, gaining positivity and strength. According to Miller's dream book, tears in the temple may indicate negative events in the near future.

If you dream of a grave or cemetery, then such visions will definitely not evoke pleasant emotions. Especially if they were also accompanied by your tears. But don't panic, because perhaps this is just a warning about mistakes being made or possible obstacles. You have the power to change everything.

According to Meridian's dream book, if you cried in a dream at a grave and at the same time felt some kind of emotional relief, then your troubles will soon end and a white streak in life will come. If the tears were accompanied by a feeling of loneliness or pain, then get ready for the situation to worsen.

According to the Egyptian dream book, such dreams are a good sign. They mean that you are currently at the stage of purification, which will subsequently lead to spiritual growth. Now it is necessary to accept new emotions and calmly, without fear, open up to new things.

Tears of happiness: what do they mean?

It is much more pleasant to cry in your sleep with happiness. Moreover, such a dream does not apply to shapeshifters and should be interpreted in the literal sense. That is, in real life you will soon experience joy and inspiration.

Pay attention to the circumstances that made you experience such emotions, because they are your real aspirations.

Cry in a dream with joy speaks of the imminent onset of pleasant events, perhaps any (family celebration, anniversary, wedding).

Swear and roar

If you dreamed that you were swearing and crying at the same time, then take a closer look at how you feel, you may have nervous tension. And soon it will reach its maximum. Therefore, try to reduce your ardor a little and, as soon as the right opportunity arises, restore your strength and rest. Otherwise, this can lead either to a serious scandal or to unbridled fun: depending on what kind of emotional outburst you will have.

Also, such visions can warn that things are not going as you dreamed. This is probably a kind of signal from the subconscious that you are doing the wrong thing and it is worth reconsidering your aspirations and changing your field of activity.

Quick jump to interpretations

If you dream of crying, then such a dream has the opposite meaning. If you had to cry in a dream, then in reality joy and peace will settle in your heart. A dream in which tears appear is never meaningless; most often it signals that the time has come to free yourself from the heavy burden of negative emotions that impede movement through life.

Cry in your sleep yourself

If the dreamer sheds bitter tears for a familiar person, then in reality this person is in serious danger. The dream has a warning meaning. The dreamer needs to protect his friend from dangerous actions.

Crying for joy in a dream is a symbol of a dream coming true. In the near future, the dreamer will achieve his goal or receive the desired material reward. A woman crying joyfully in a dream can hope for a long-awaited pregnancy. Moreover, after such a dream, an addition to the family can occur even in women with serious diseases of the reproductive system.

If the dreamer cries bitterly, and a familiar person tries to console him, then in reality it is this person who is able to show nobility and provide free help. You should contact this friend if serious problems arise; he will never refuse to help.

A dreamer who is forced to cry at his own wedding, in reality, will most likely marry an unloved person. The marriage union will be carried out out of stupidity or out of self-interest, and will only bring troubles and disappointments. The dreamer should under no circumstances enter into this marriage.

Other people cry in their sleep

Why do you dream that someone you know is crying? Such a dream means that in reality this person needs care and moral help. Probably, the acquaintance who is crying in the dream is in a difficult situation, but is embarrassed to ask loved ones to help him.

If a man you know cries in a dream, from whom tears cannot be expected in reality, then this man should prepare for positive changes in his career. The dream foreshadows a transition to a new job or a sudden promotion. Changes will be unexpected, but there is no need to be afraid of them, as they will bring satisfaction.

If you dream of crying parents, it means that the dreamer is worried in his heart. In the recent past, we had to face problems due to which the ground disappeared from under our feet. The dream indicates that it is time to pull yourself together, forget about past troubles, and confidently move on in life.

An important interpretation is a dream in which a woman sees her sobbing husband. The dreamer in reality shows selfishness, cares only about her own needs, and therefore does not notice that her husband is very worried about something. The dream signals that a woman needs to be more attentive to her beloved man and show more love and care.

A dream in which you see your crying child has a similar interpretation. The dream indicates that the dreamer is not paying enough attention to a child who is faced with some problem and needs parental advice. The dreamer needs to walk with the child more often, talk with him, and provide him with moral support.

Crying a lot in a dream

A dream in which you cry a lot can have different meanings. The interpretation is determined by the situation and under what circumstances one has to cry.

A dreamer crying while sitting or lying on the bed will soon receive sad news. If a person in a dream cries uncontrollably alone, hiding from human eyes, then in reality he can expect the onset of a prosperous period. Crying with friends in a dream means receiving an expensive gift, and crying with a loved one means facing problems in intimate relationships.

If a person cried in a dream, and then woke up and saw tears on his cheeks, then he needs rest and a positive emotional shock. The dream means it's time to go on vacation, retire, travel, or take up a hobby.

Baby crying

If a parent dreams that his child is crying, then such a dream has a positive meaning. Good news will come soon. The dreamer will probably receive positive information about something that worried and worried him.

In some cases, a dream in which a crying baby appears has no interpretation and is simply a reflection of the day's events. Perhaps the child is sick, is constantly capricious, and the parent is worried about the baby, so he sees him in a dream.

But if in a dream a strange and unfamiliar child cries loudly, covering his face with his palms, then the dreamer should check his health. The dream warns that a dangerous disease is developing in a latent form in the dreamer’s body.

Cry for the dead

If the dreamer sheds tears for a deceased person, then this is how the mental trauma received due to death is manifested. In reality, a person strengthens himself, but subconsciously experiences acute pain for a deceased relative or friend. The dream does not mean anything, the dreamer just needs time for the longing for the deceased person to leave his heart. But if such a dream occurs constantly, then the deceased is trying to remind himself of himself. In this case, you need to go to the cemetery and visit the grave of the person you dreamed about. It wouldn’t hurt to visit church and light a candle for the repose.

Sometimes in a dream you don’t have to cry yourself, but see a dead person crying. Such a dream has a negative meaning and foreshadows a conflict with loved ones. It is believed that the deceased warns the dreamer that a family conflict could end in tragedy. Therefore, after sleep, you should exercise maximum caution and tact in relationships with loved ones.

It happens that in a dream there is a funeral of a friend or relative who is alive and well in real life. And the dreamer weeps over this man’s coffin. The dream means that in reality a conflict with this person is likely. This could be a quarrel with a friend, separation from a loved one, discord in the family.

Weeping statue

A dream in which a statue of a saint or an icon is crying has an important interpretation. Such a dream is a warning; it signals the approach of trouble or the development of a serious illness. The dreamer needs to take measures to stop the trouble, or find out the cause of the disease and begin treatment immediately.

crying animal

If a person sees a crying dog in a dream, then in reality his enemy does not have enough strength to fight. The dreamer has significant advantages in the fight, which infuriates the enemy. The enemy will try to harm the dreamer, but in the end he will only harm himself.

Miller's Dream Book

Tears in a dream are a warning symbol. Conflicts are most likely looming in the dreamer’s environment, but there is time to prevent them.

Crying heavily in a dream means quarreling. If a young woman happens to see herself crying bitterly, then she will have problems in her intimate life. If a businessman sees himself crying, then a serious crack may arise in his affairs. There are likely to be disagreements with the team and partners, and pitfalls of competitors.

But a dream has a positive meaning if it is not the dreamer himself who cries, but someone nearby. If a loved one sheds tears in a dream, then in reality he needs help and consolation. Seeing a stranger crying means receiving good news or making peace after a long quarrel.

Vanga's Dream Book

Crying in a dream is a good sign. The more tears there are in a dream, the more joy there will be in reality. A few tears promise good news. And abundantly flowing tears foreshadow a wonderful future, a cheerful event. Strong crying, accompanied by a hysterical attack, predicts a wedding. Either the dreamer or one of his friends will enter into a marriage union.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

For a girl to see herself crying - in reality her personal life will return to normal. Crying in a dream means you will be able to implement your ideas and receive a worthy reward for your work. But seeing someone crying from resentment is a bad sign. Probably, in reality, the dreamer hurts a loved one with words or actions.

Freud's Dream Book

A woman crying in a dream is dreaming of a child in reality. The dream suggests that the optimal time has come for conception and birth of a baby.

A man who cries in a dream is prone to a wild lifestyle in reality. He does not want to start a family, he only strives to seduce women. The more tears, the more active the dreamer’s intimate life.

Islamic dream book

Crying in a dream means rejoicing. Laughter in a dream is a harbinger of heavy thoughts and sadness.

Esoteric dream book

Crying in a dream means accumulated emotions are bursting out. The dreamer will try to express his feelings; in the end, everything may end in a quarrel and a fight.

Modern dream book of N. Stepanova

Crying means a joyful event will come to the family. I want to cry - a sign of joy and peace.

Chinese dream book

If I shed tears with someone, I will celebrate and receive gifts. I’m crying my eyes out, screaming – a happy event is approaching. I'm sobbing in mourning - I'll get a new position. I cry bitterly because of a person I know but lives far away - misfortune will come. I’m sobbing on the bed - there’s a big disaster ahead. Some person is crying - there will be a confrontation.

Gypsy dream book

Seeing tears means a letter will arrive containing bad news. But if a small child is crying, then the news in the letter will be good.

Various characters can appear in night dreams. A person also experiences emotions. If he happened to cry in a dream, then some changes await him in everyday life. Sometimes a dream indicates a character that needs to be changed in order to live happily. You also need to pay attention to the details of the dream, they will help to put together a complete picture of interpretation.

Interpretation from dream books

Crying in a dream according to Miller’s dream book means preparing for unpleasant events. Strong emotions, which were accompanied by hysteria, portend the sleeping person a big quarrel out of nowhere. Such a dream tells girls that because of their suspiciousness they may be left alone.

In Vanga’s dream book, the plot means positive events. How many tears the sleeper shed in a dream, so many positive emotions he will receive in reality:

  1. One - there will be no changes in life.
  2. Two tears - he will receive news that will make him happy. If they flowed like a stream, then a joyful event will happen in life that will be significant for the sleeper.

He sobs bitterly and no one can stop him - soon he will be lucky enough to attend a wedding. This can be either your own celebration or a close friend or relative.

Freud's dream book indicates the process of fertilization. The dream is interpreted separately for men and women:

  1. Bitter tears for girls mean a thirst for sex. The goal is to get pregnant. If she dreams of a crying man, it means that she does not experience problems in her intimate life and does not suffer from the attention of the opposite sex.
  2. Crying in a dream for men - in reality there are many connections with girls, but it does not give pleasure. I dreamed of a crying girl, which means that she is the one with whom you want a romantic relationship with consequences. It is possible that he is considering her as his wife.

Loff's dream book interprets tears in a dream as psychological cleansing. If a person feels relief, it means the process was positive.

The psychological dream book indicates a person’s resentment if he happened to cry in his night dreams. This state helps smooth out the impression of events. It is possible that a person will forgive his offender when he wakes up.

And also a dream can reflect the sleeper’s feelings about another person with whom there is no opportunity to see. This plot indicates that emotions are not turned off at the time of dreams.

The Chinese dream book interprets tears in a dream as a joyful event in life. Crying at the same time as someone means having fun at the holiday. Shedding a lot of tears and swearing while sitting on the bed means an unpleasant moment will happen. Bare your teeth - compete with someone.

Tears over death

If a person shed tears alone in a dream, prosperity awaits him. This happened among friends - receiving expensive gifts. Together with your loved one - sort things out.

In his night dreams, a person cried a lot in church - he will be able to find peace and balance in real life. Miller considered such a plot a symbol of negative events in the near future.

Seeing a grave or cemetery means negative emotions await a person. Crying in such a place means you need to rethink your actions. Perhaps this is a warning about incorrect actions. A person can still correct the situation in his favor.

Crying at the grave and feeling relief at the same time means the troubles will soon end. A favorable period awaits the sleeper. The plot was accompanied by pain, and the person felt lonely - the situation would get worse.

In the Egyptian dream book, the plot meant good changes. The period of adversity will pass, the person will be cleansed, which will lead to his spiritual growth. You need to accept new sensations calmly and not be afraid to open up to new things.

Crying at the grave of a deceased friend means letting go of negative memories and thoughts. At the same time, you will be able to let go of the memories of this person. The sleeper lets positive emotions into his life.

Crying at a funeral - a person left negative emotions in a dream, but in reality positive situations await him. If the deceased cried, all the troubles occur through the fault of the sleeping person, due to some trait of his character. It is necessary to identify it and correct it, then there will be fewer troubles in reality. The deceased cried and left - prosperity and prosperity await the dreamer.

The sleeping man cries

The tears in the dream were from joy - your wildest dreams will come true. A person will be able to obtain material value. If a girl has long dreamed of becoming a mother, then she will succeed. Unfavorable prognoses from doctors will not interfere.

And also tears in night dreams can mean strong emotions in reality. Whether they will be positive or negative depends on the details.

The sleeping person cries bitterly, and is consoled by relatives or friends - these are the people who will support him in a difficult situation.

If you dream of crying in a dream because of insults, it means that the same situation can happen in reality. Perhaps an unpleasant conversation will take place, which will turn into conflict and the spread of rumors. This situation can ruin the reputation of the sleeper.

A man in a dream cries because of insults from a girl, which means that in reality he treats the fair sex poorly. This is what prevents him from finding his happiness.

To see another person crying out of resentment in a dream means that the sleeping person will be able to cope with a difficult situation. Wisdom and life experience will help him in this.

Other People's Emotions

To see a person crying in a dream means one of the sleeping person’s relatives or friends needs him. I had to console him - the joy of a loved one will also touch the sleeping person.

Baby crying:

  1. It's disappointing to hear.
  2. Seeing a baby crying means a surprise or a pleasant meeting is expected.

If the sleeping person saw and heard a child crying, he will learn good news. It will concern a situation in which the dreamer is interested in the outcome.

Boy crying:

  1. For people who have a small child, this is a reflection of the current situation.
  2. For those who do not have children in reality, this means additional troubles and anxiety.

A man cries in a dream - joyful events await the dreamer in reality. The worries will be empty.

If you dreamed of a man who is unlikely to shed tears in reality, a promotion up the career ladder is expected. The changes will be positive. In addition, the dream indicates the sleeper’s readiness for this.

If you dreamed that your husband was crying, you need to pay attention to the little things. Perhaps there are moments that upset your spouse. And also a dream can indicate precarious well-being in the family.

I dream that a guy is crying:

  1. Son. It is he who needs the dreamer’s help, support or advice. You need to spend time with him, he will tell you all his negative events.
  2. Familiar. He needs emotional release, he’s tired of harboring grievances within himself.
  3. Former. Soon the sleeping woman learns that their separation was due to stupidity.
  4. Darling. There is tension in relationships; any careless word can lead to a quarrel and separation.

If you dream that a girl is crying, then you need to pay attention to her appearance. An attractive person symbolizes good news. Unpleasant and exhausted - the news will be disappointing.

The ex cried in a dream - the sleeping person will be able to overcome the separation, he will leave pleasant memories. In some cases, he will be able to renew the relationship.

A woman in tears portends new acquaintances. If she is familiar to the dreamer, then a favorable period awaits her. This is exactly what you need to tell her when you meet.

Mom's tears in a dream show the state of health of the sleeping person. It may also indicate difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex.

Seeing your grandmother’s tears means that unfair situations will happen in reality. The sleeper should not be upset, since reproaches will not apply to him.

Sister cries - drawn into conflicts. The sleeper will be able to come out of this with dignity, but for some reason it will not bring joy.

Sometimes we see dreams that make us fear that what we see will come true. Crying in a dream does not mean that you will soon have to wipe away your tears in reality. On the contrary, why you dream of crying in a dream most often foreshadows happiness and joy. And what exactly awaits you in the future - the details of the dream will help you figure it out. So, what is the point of crying in a dream?

Do not rush to get upset if you happen to cry in a dream. As the dream book says, this is a harbinger of joyful events.

Very often we see dreams, the meaning of which is not in actions and events, but in feelings. Such dreams make a strong impression and are especially well remembered the next morning. Indeed, during the night we did not just observe illusions generated by our consciousness, but experienced real experiences that affected the same “threads” of the nervous system as in real life.

Crying in a dream is an energetically strong emotion that can be interpreted in different ways. To correctly determine the true meaning of such a dream, you need to take into account its details. Concentrate and remember: what else, besides crying, was there? Do not forget that in the interpretation of a dream every little thing takes on its significance.

If you happen to cry bitterly in a dream

If in a dream you cried bitterly, in reality the cause for concern that worries you will soon disappear.

According to the dream book, crying loudly in a dream means getting rid of a protracted and annoying problem for which no solution has been found. For a person engaged in creative activity or art, crying in a dream strongly promises spiritual renewal, a kind of “creative” catharsis that will lead the seeker to new inspired discoveries.

Why dream of crying your eyes out all alone - be prepared to say goodbye to imaginary friends, parting with whom will only bring you benefit and relief. A dream about crying bitterly in a dream, but without shedding tears, means that a bright streak is coming in your life, favorable for drastic changes, and you should try your luck in the lottery or casino.

You woke up from your own crying

It is worth paying special attention to the dream that flows into reality. What does it mean to cry in a dream and wake up with tears in your eyes - you will experience many positive emotions. Perhaps soon one of your close people will get married or share the good news about a new addition to the family.

If you wake up crying on the night of the waning moon, then be sure to try to fall asleep again as soon as possible and remember the dream that you will have next. The image that you see will suggest a future that promises to be realized in the near future. Bright, joyful and pleasant scenes in this dream will speak of a corresponding future, but bad dreams will warn of troubles and problems that are just around the corner.

If in a dream that comes after waking up in tears, you see yourself crying again or the same plot as before, then this will indicate that your guardian angel is currently weakened and you need to be extremely attentive and careful .

You cried: from happiness, from resentment, from pain, because of death

Why dream of crying a lot in a dream and experiencing happiness, joy or tenderness - this is a good sign. Admiring a child in a dream and crying with love and delight means long-term prosperity in the family. If you met a very close person who died in real life and burst into tears of happiness, such a dream promises peace of mind and inner harmony.

It is possible that in a dream it is not clear why a wave of tears covered you, but if you feel that you are crying precisely from positive emotions, in real life you are on the right path to happiness and it is worth continuing to plan and implement things in the intended direction.

How does the dream book interpret crying in a dream from resentment? You need to remember from which side you saw this scene. View from the back - expect unpleasant news that will make you reconsider your attitude towards your friend. Looking at yourself from the outside means disappointment in a loved one or even in your own abilities. When you see a dream in the first person, you will soon need determination and perseverance. Do not be afraid to show arrogance in solving complex and serious problems, the outcome of which depends on your well-being.

If in a dream you cry from resentment and cover your face with your hands, be prepared to learn about the betrayal of the person from whom you least expect it. Such a dream may warn that you are at risk of blackmail or false accusation of something. Try to be extremely attentive to your surroundings and do not allow anyone to provoke you into anger and aggression, as this can only aggravate the situation.

If in a dream you feel severe physical pain that you cannot endure without tears, then very often this is a warning about real health problems. Not all diseases immediately manifest as pain. In many cases, we begin to “feel” the disease when it is no longer in the early stages of development. But our body instantly recognizes all deviations from the norm and begins to send signals, if not to a conscious level in the form of pain, then to the subconscious. That is, deep inside we already know that we have health problems, but we cannot “pull out” this information.

But in a dream, we just see what our subconscious is showing us, therefore, if you feel pain in a dream, and the kind that makes you cry, you should remember which part of the body or organ signaled the problem, and think about seeing a doctor. However, pain in a dream can also be interpreted symbolically. Our ancestors believed that if something in the upper part of the body hurts in a dream, then it means a rich harvest next year, and if it hurts in the lower part, it means drought or flood.

The interpretation from the dream book is influenced by the reason for your crying in a dream, try to remember it.

Why dream of crying in a dream because of a guy:

  • A young girl who is already in a relationship dreams of such a dream as a prediction of an imminent quarrel with a young man;
  • If a girl is lonely and sees such a dream, it means that in the near future she is destined to meet her soulmate.
  • If you cry because of a man with whom you recently broke up, it means that you cannot let him go, you need to throw out your emotions;
  • If a man cries in a dream because of his girlfriend, it means that he feels a sense of guilt, grief towards her, and repents of his actions

Death in a dream is almost always a good sign. However, according to the dream book, crying in a dream because of death promises good only if the deceased is your relative, friend or acquaintance. - to new useful acquaintances or relationships that will later develop into sympathy or love.

Crying in a dream for a deceased person whom you do not know in reality means that you should pay attention to your relationship with your child and how much attention you pay to him. Such a dream may indicate impending problems with the child’s behavior due to a lack of wise participation in his upbringing. If in a dream you cried because of someone’s death, and then it turned out that this person was alive, then be vigilant in your affairs at work. Perhaps someone wants to take your position or simply get rid of a competitor.

Who saw the dream: girl, woman, man

If a young unmarried girl dreams of crying in a dream and hearing her voice and sobs, this means the appearance of a secret admirer who modestly watches from the side and does not dare to take the first step. If a girl cries and does not hear her voice, this may mean that she should be more careful and selective in her relationships with men, otherwise she will face deception and betrayal.

If in a dream you felt that tears were running like a stream down your cheeks and dripping down, then in reality you have to make a difficult choice.

For a woman to cry in a dream is a sign that a “cold snap” may soon occur in her relationship with her husband. Multiple recurring dreams with crying often promise betrayal on the part of a lover. Dreams can also indicate that in life you lack emotionality and sensitivity towards others, which is why you have no luck in relationships with men, and even with girlfriends.

A man crying in his dream is most likely very tired in real life and urgently needs rest. Why dream of crying a lot in front of a large number of people - the sudden appearance of a large number of aggressive ill-wishers in your life. Crying very hard in a dream alone in a dark room means loss of strength and self-confidence due to overexertion and fatigue.

Interpretation of the meaning of sleep according to various dream books

Crying in a dream - why do you dream about it? A dream in which you cry, in the most popular dream books, crying means the following. Soon an event will happen in your destiny that will make you rejoice and have carefree fun. If you have serious things planned at the moment, then you can be sure that success awaits you. Soon successful events at work await you, the situation will be resolved in your favor.

The more you cry in a dream, the more grandiose and joyful the event in your life will be.

In the near future you will meet your dear friend. Soon things will get better for your family. If people cry in church, it means there will soon be a wedding to which you will be invited. Perhaps as a witness or toastmaster.

Tears in a dream are a sure sign that your negative premonitions are in no way justified. Your own tears also foreshadow a significant improvement in matters on the love front. In the near future, you will find your soulmate, and if you already have one, then your relationship will go uphill.

Crying a lot in a dream - why is it? Soon you will experience the peace, joy and liberation you have been waiting for. In some, the dream book interprets crying as something negative - it depends on the circumstances of the dream. Please read this article carefully to clarify these details. Next, let's look at why we dream about crying according to different dream books.

Miller's Dream Book - sad news awaits you

Miller advises to understand such a dream as a warning from above: be prepared - sad news awaits you soon. It may be worth postponing long trips far from home for now, and also try to avoid making final decisions on important issues.

A person who is about to go through a serious quarrel with a close relative or even with the whole family cries in a dream. For a young girl to grieve and cry in a dream means a scandalous break in relations with her beloved, and restoring the union after such a quarrel will require a lot of time and diligence on the part of the girl.

Vanga's Dream Interpretation - a conflict with loved ones is possible

According to Vanga’s dream book, seeing a crying child in a dream foretells problems in the family.

The Great Vanga attached great importance to dreams in which feelings predominate. Laughter, happiness, hatred, fear, tears - all these are powerful energy signals that cannot be ignored.

The seer was also convinced that ties of kinship play a very important role in shaping a person’s destiny, and, accordingly, are an integral part of each of us. That is why you should pay special attention to dreams in which one of your close relatives cries.

The strongest energetic connection is established between mother and child, so if in a dream you see your parent or your child, especially the firstborn, in tears, know that the universe is sending an important sign and really wants you to recognize and understand it, and for this it uses the most powerful channels of family ties and energetically strong emotions in the form of crying.

A mother in tears in your dream is a sad omen of a future quarrel with your family. After such a dream, you will probably wake up feeling unwell, and you may experience physical ailments during the day. Take this as seriously as possible, because such a dream and subsequent state are a desperate attempt from above to warn you of impending trouble and give you a chance to fix everything.

Think about your relationship with your family, try to figure out what could be the cause of the scandal and how it can be prevented. In any case, remember that family is the basis of everything, you should not neglect relationships with relatives, so it is better to respond to the omen in time and be prepared to solve the problem.

Another strong signal from space is a dream with a crying child. No mother can calmly watch her child cry, which is why such dreams are well remembered and leave an unpleasant aftertaste. The Great Vanga foresaw many world events and was sure that a child bathed in tears in a dream was a sign of a terrible catastrophe that threatened to cause numerous human casualties. However, only those who have the gift of foresight can interpret a dream in this way. For others, a crying child in a dream means an imminent illness.

Freud's Dream Book - Are you ready to become a mother?

Those who prefer to think positively should turn to Freud’s dream book for an interpretation of crying in a dream. If a girl cries inconsolably or openly sobs in her dream, it means that the moment has come for her when she is finally and in all respects ready to become a mother. In some cases, such a plot even reports that a new life is developing in a woman’s body.

But for a man, such a dream, alas, does not promise anything joyful; his masculinity and natural instincts take precedence over universal moral values. Perhaps the recipient of such a dream risks soon being punished by fate for his irresponsible attitude towards women and developing serious problems with men's health.

If a young man lets slip to a girl about such a dream, then she should be wary and take a closer look at her chosen one: there is a possibility that the man is simply playing with the feelings of a gullible and inexperienced girl.

Modern dream book - you may get sick

  • If at night you saw the image of a crying child, such a dream warns of an impending illness for someone close. However, there is no point in grieving and falling into despair, because a dream is not so much a model of the future as a warning. Knowing what turn fate is preparing, it is easy to take measures to direct events in the direction you want.
  • Meeting a crying mother in a dream means a temporary loss of vitality. You may soon be forced to admit that the things that once brought you joy are now boring and no longer bring you pleasure. Think in advance about new ways to spend your free time, try your strengths and capabilities in a creative hobby, and then your inner strengths will not dare to leave you.
  • Watching a spouse cry alone in a dream is a good sign that promises long-awaited reconciliation between a quarreling married couple and happiness in future family life;
  • If it seems to you that you don’t know the person you saw crying in your dream, then be prepared for the fact that serious changes will soon begin in your life, and they can be either pleasant and rosy, or sad and gloomy. In any case, be vigilant and try to make only thoroughly balanced and thoughtful decisions, because none other than ourselves has the greatest influence on our destiny.
  • Also pay attention to a dream in which you see yourself crying bitterly. This plot promises the onset of difficult times: you will have to face a problem that could lead to a quarrel with loved ones.

And other dream books: variety of interpretations

The English dream book promises a happy fate after a tearful sleep. Unheard of success in your career, success in your plans and undertakings, as well as family joys await you. In the near future, troubles and troubles will pass you by, and everything you plan will work out. Bitter crying is a clear harbinger of a happy fate; the stars of luck have converged above you, which will accompany you for a long period. If you saw one of your relatives crying, it means success and good luck await them, and you will share the joy with them.

All times have had their own interpreters of dreams - authors, from whose words personalized dream books were subsequently compiled.

Solomon's dream book says that tears are seen in those who will soon experience balance in family relationships. You can be sure that in the coming times no quarrels, bitterness or resentment are expected in your family, and possible misfortunes will recede.

Esoteric dream book. A lot of negative emotions have accumulated in you, which you will soon be able to get rid of. This will happen either through a negative event, where you throw out all the negativity, or through an extremely positive one. In addition, tears can indicate a warning: if you intend to drink alcohol in the near future, this may have a negative end. If someone cries bitterly in a dream, the dream book promises you emotional news soon.

Small Velesov dream book. Tears guarantee joy, peace, consolation, resolution of conflicts, grievances, and adversity. If you hear a pitiful, crying voice, expect positive news or pleasant events in the near future. In addition, if this is the voice of your loved one, it means he is sad and misses you. If you wipe away tears for yourself or a loved one - to calm, consolation.

Loff's dream book interprets tears in a dream as a response to actions performed by people around them. People cry in their sleep, experiencing bright emotions - pity, compassion, condolences. Thus, our subconscious is cleansed of the unpleasant, dark emotions accumulated in it. A positive effect is observed if you feel relief in a dream after crying.

Dream book of Prince Zhou Gong. Crying with someone means meeting a joyful event together, celebrating. Grief and tears for a distant person - to sad news, sometimes - to a mourning event. Crying while sitting on the bed means bitter misfortune and misfortune. If someone cries, looking at you and baring his teeth, he is harboring resentment and anger towards you; such a dream is a sign of rivalry and enmity.

  • Dream Interpretation of Hasse. If you cry, then expect a big event, joy, welcome news. If one of your relatives or loved ones is crying, then soon you will do something nasty to him or something unpleasant.
  • Dream book of Tsvetkov. Predicts a joyful event, peace, consolation.
  • Schiller's Dream Book. Promises joyful events in family life, normalization of the emotional background in relations between spouses, improved relationships, smoothing out troubles and conflicts if they have occurred recently.
  • Dream book of Simon Canonite. Tears - normalization of family relationships or a joyful, long-awaited event in family life; improving marital relationships. Sometimes - to a long-awaited child or normalization of the financial situation.
  • Chinese dream book. If you cry with someone, then celebration, success or good fortune will soon await you together with these people. Crying loudly and sobbingly is a happy event in the near future.
  • Spring dream book. Tears bring relief and calm.
  • An old Russian dream book. Fate is preparing happiness and consolation for you.
  • Autumn dream book. Predicts fun or celebration in reality.
  • The dream book of birthday people from January to April, as well as the Muslim dream book, promise happiness and success;
  • The Eastern dream book predicts joyful events and good luck for those who cried in a dream;
  • Psychoanalytic dream book. Tears in a dream work as a call from the subconscious; they speak of an event or news in the near future.
  • Summer dream book. If you cry bitterly, it means longing for a lost friend. Sad tears dream of the appearance of vivid emotions in reality.


Crying carries a very strong emotional and energetic load, which is why we get very worried when we wake up and remember our dream. By collecting bit by bit the details of the night's adventure and comprehending their essence, you will certainly be able to see the full picture and understand the meaning of the dream. Also remember to listen to your intuition. What is your heart telling you? Your feelings and impressions of the dream may not coincide with what you read about it in the dream book. In this case, remember that only what you sincerely believe in comes true.

Video “Why do you dream about crying?”
