December frosts. Folk calendar: signs for December

Our ancestors called the first winter month the time of white paths, since winter begins with it. December also had other names: winter road, icy month, gruden, winter road, student. People watched how much snow had fallen, whether the water was noisy in the well, how much frost there was on the branches of trees and bushes.

Based on all these signs, it was possible to predict the weather for the entire next year. The peasants determined how rich (or, conversely, poor) the harvest would be. The predictions came true, which is why they have survived to this day. will tell you about folk signs for December in his material.

Our ancestors considered the last month of the year to be special. It is customary to take stock and make plans for the future. To make this easier, it is recommended to take into account folk signs that have come down to us from time immemorial.

General signs for December

Folk signs of this month are mostly related to the weather. So, if there are bitter frosts during December, then you can expect a good harvest in the coming year. If the clouds float to the South in the morning, then the day promises to be clear, if to the North, then gloomy. A pale moon at night in December is a harbinger of what will fall during the day. wet snow. Large snowdrifts indicate that sunny days there won't be much next summer.

Sunny weather in December does not bode well for a good harvest. But cloudy days, on the contrary, promise that summer residents and gardeners will have something to rejoice at. If cloudy and snowy days occur frequently, then there will be especially a lot of grain. Lack of precipitation during the first winter month is a sign that spring will be the same as the previous one.

Our forefathers observed the behavior of animals and birds. A cat that hides its face hints that the day will be frosty. If hares “wear” spotted coats, then the frosts throughout the winter will not be severe. A dog that swings in a snowdrift “calls” its owners to cancel the hunt, as a strong snowstorm is expected.

If a bullfinch sings right next to the window, then a thaw will come. Chaotically flying birds are a sign of heavy snowfall. Crows walking on the ground promise warming, and if they croak loudly, then severe frosts will strike. But screaming jackdaws herald a sunny day.

Signs for every day

This day indicated what winter would be like. If December 1st turns out to be warm, then all three upcoming months will be the same, not without exception, of course. A frosty day, accordingly, hints that we should expect frosts in the future. Strong wind indicates that the winter will be blizzard. The changeable weather on the first day of December also testifies to the capricious winter.

In the old days, the Slavs prepared sbiten on December 2, seasoning it with medicinal herbs. This remedy was taken during colds throughout the winter. In Avdeya it was customary to take care of household. It was believed that a successful winter depended on how many things could be done during that day.

The weather on this day corresponds to the weather in the first days of June. If it snows or rains, then the beginning of summer will be rainy.

The day was also called the gate of winter. If the snow that fell after December 4 remains until spring, then you can expect a rich harvest.

About this day exists folk saying: “The trench digs a snowdrift, walks through the snow, and makes way for the sleigh.” From this we can conclude that after December 5 we can expect heavy snow.

Take a closer look at which direction the wind is blowing. If from the North, then June will rain. And if snow falls on Mitrofan, then there is no doubt about it.

Unmarried girls can tell fortunes about their betrotheds. Katerina patronizes the creation of a family, so prophecies often come true. Clear weather on December 7 foreshadows a frosty continuation of winter.

Do you want to be lucky in any matter? Start it on an empty stomach. In the old days, on December 8, women sat at spinning wheels, and the stronger sex threshed grain.

If you have a well in your yard, listen to see if the water is noisy in it. If it is quiet, then winter will please you with the absence of frost. Are you hearing any noises? Then don't flatter yourself! In the old days, people believed that it was on this day that all the bears, as if on command, went into their dens for hibernation.

To get rid of various troubles and failures, wake up early and face the North. This ritual is aimed at clearing your life of adversities: they are carried away by the wind. People who could not have children for a long time asked Roman to get rid of infertility.

Happiness, prosperity and joy await the family if on this day a jay flies to the window and starts singing. On December 11, you can tell fortunes for the fulfillment of a wish. To do this, you should throw coins of different denominations into a snowdrift, and then try to get them out. If the largest one comes first, then the plan will come true.

A strong wind is heralded by a crimson morning dawn. If snow falls on Zornik, then it means blizzards. But you can’t expect frosts until Nikolai himself.

And again you can listen to the water in the well. If it makes noise, then expect snowstorms and frosts. If there is silence, then the continuation of winter will be calm. On December 13, unmarried girls prayed to St. Andrew the First-Called for a successful marriage.

In the old days, on this day, children began to learn to read and write. When leaving the house, the parents said: “Naum, bring the child to mind!”

Anyone who suffers from insomnia can read special conspiracies against this scourge. Habakkuk is considered the patron saint of sound sleep, so in the old days they believed that such a ritual could heal and drive out evil spirits from the house that frighten children at night.

Our ancestors were silent for a whole day. They spoke only when urgently needed, because they believed that silence would help them remain eloquent throughout the year. In addition, according to people, silence protected from sorrows and attracted good luck to the house in all endeavors.

From this day on, severe frosts begin, due to which the rivers are covered with thick ice, on which you can safely walk. If there are many stars in the sky, then the frosts will only get stronger. Clouds in the sky indicate the onset of a thaw.

In order not to cause trouble, people tried not to work. According to folk beliefs, Savva the Sanctified continues the work of Varvara - attracting frost.

From this day on, winter matchmaking rituals began. Young people who had not yet found a couple offered prayers for marriage. The frosts continue to get stronger, and it is believed that as much snow falls, the same amount of harvest can be expected next year. If the day is sunny, then severe frosts will occur.

The 20th is the day of preparing the dowry, so unmarried girls sat down to yarn and embroidery.

Anfisa is a saint, called the needlewoman in the world. On December 21, young ladies spun, weaved, sewed... Particular attention was paid to embroidery. Started on this day, it had magical powers.

On Anna Winter - the shortest day and the most long night per year. Good weather is a harbinger that it will be clear on December 31st. Cloudy skies promise warmer temperatures for the New Year.

People with visual impairments asked Ming to send them improvement. But all the other laymen also turned to him with requests to remove the veil from their eyes in order to distinguish bad from good.

To avoid causing trouble, you should not pick up sharp objects on this day. Therefore, when sitting down at the table, use spoons and break bread with your hands. You can tell fortunes for the fulfillment of a wish. To do this, you should go to a tree, think about your dream, break off a twig and put it in the water in your room. If leaves appear on it before Christmas, then the dream will come true.

The day is getting longer and the night is getting shorter. In ancient times, people believed that Spyridon unfolded the Sun. It's heading towards spring. Catholics celebrate Christmas and offer prayers for prosperity.

People began to monitor the weather more closely. The next 12 days should show what the weather will be like throughout the next year. It's very simple: every day corresponds to one of 12 months.

It was believed that this day was the warmest of the entire winter. People believed that on December 27, evil spirits scratched at the doors of their houses. To prevent it from getting inside, the home should be thoroughly cleaned. Unnecessary items should be taken to a landfill.

It was often frosty on this day. They said that birds freeze on the fly. The weather matches what March will be like.

If December 29 is cold, it means that the winter will continue to be frosty. Heavy snowstorms can be expected. If frost appears on the trees, then Christmas will be warm.

If there is a snowstorm on this day, then next year the bees will be active. On December 30, the girls told fortunes about their betrothed. This is done like this: on three laurel leaves the names of the friends of the patron saint of this day are written: Ananias, Azarius Michael. The petals must be placed under the pillow in order to see the future groom in a dream.

The last day of the year is an opportunity to tell fortunes about the weather for the whole year ahead. This will require 12 small boxes corresponding to each month of the year. To avoid confusion, you can sign them. You need to put a little salt in each of them and leave overnight. If some of the salt is soaked in the morning, it means the month will be rainy.

This is how you live and live - and suddenly you find out that all these years you have been freezing incorrectly! Not in Russian! It turns out that there are much more varieties of frost than modern mass culture teaches us; Epiphany and Christmas are just the tip of the iceberg. We present to your attention the correct cold weather schedule!

Russian humanitarian encyclopedic Dictionary The 2002 edition informs: the following types of frosts are highlighted in the folk calendar (after the dash the start dates of the Dubak periods are indicated, in brackets - according to the new style; we have added brief explanations on our own why they are called that).

Mikhailovsky (first, winter) - November 8 (21)

The folk holiday “Michael’s Day” marked the end of summer-autumn agricultural work.

Vvedenskiye - November 21 (December 4)

Holiday Introduction (gastroenterologists, keep quiet!) among the Slavs, who considered this day the beginning, introduction, of winter, and Orthodox Church(Introduction of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple).

Catherine's - November 24 (December 7)

Memorial Day of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine of Alexandria.

Barbarian - December 4 (17)

The barbarians are out of business. This is the day of remembrance of the Holy Great Martyr Barbara.

Nikolskie - December 6 (19)

Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Christmas - December 25 (January 7)

Well, everything is clear here: Christmas.

Epiphany - January 6 (19)

And don’t go to Google here: Epiphany of the Lord according to the church (that is, Julian) calendar.

Fedoseevs - January 11 (24)

Fedoseev Day, aka Fedosey Vesnyak, aka Fedoseevo Warmth in the folk calendar. Based on the weather on this day, your ancestors determined whether spring would come soon: if it was warm - early warming, if not - no. Orthodox Christians also commemorate the two saints of Theodosius - the Great and Antioch.

Afanasyevskie - January 18 (31)

Athanasius Lomonos, Athanasius Day in the Slavic calendar - in honor of St. Athanasius the Great.

Timofeevskie - January 22 (February 4)

Day of St. Apostle Timothy among the Orthodox.

Sretenskiye - February 2 (15)

The Presentation of the Lord, or the Bringing of the Baby Jesus Christ to the Temple by the parents, is one of the twelve holidays in Orthodoxy.

Vlasyevsky (last) - February 11 (24)

Vlasiev day, named after Saint Blaise of Sebastia.

The calendar is tasty and useful, but it clearly has gaps and gaps. Where are the colds that are attributed to March to winter year after year (we would call them “tailor-made”)? Why are the nasty frosts that traditionally plague summer residents on the May holidays not indicated (let’s call them “bird cherry frosts,” because the same popular rumor connects them with the flowering time of this insidious plant)? And, of course, there is a place for “unexpected” frosts, which are so good at spoiling citizens’ blood, vacation and summer season somewhere in June or August and September. In general, there is work for the descendants of your ancestors!

Signs for December 2019 will tell you what the weather will be like and help attract prosperity. By listening to the wisdom of our ancestors, you will be able to spend the last month of the outgoing year without problems and troubles.

Our ancestors carefully observed what was happening around them, and their knowledge was transformed into signs that to this day help to dodge troubles and attract happiness and good luck to the house. Experts on the site recommend getting acquainted with the signs for December to find out about the weather, as well as understand exactly what actions will help you become happier.

December 1: Warm weather on this day promises the absence of severe frosts in winter. Cold winter will come if it’s frozen on December 1st. According to legend, blizzard weather on this day means heavy snowfall. The rooks have not flown away - there will be winter with frequent thaws.

December 2nd: on this day they drank herbal infusions to drive away illnesses throughout the winter. Anyone who sits idle on Avdeya will have a hard time surviving the winter. Going outside in a snowstorm means losing your way to your house.

December 3: On the third of December they put up protection against evil spirits. You can’t be distracted by a knock on the window, otherwise someone will come into the house. Precipitation on this day - June will be wet.

5th of December: the smoke from the chimney goes straight up - it will be frosty. Heavy snowfalls are expected from this day on. During the day, a damp wind blew, causing freezing rain.

December 6: wet snow has fallen - June will be rainy. On this day, luck will come to that house where there is no disagreement. Killing a spider means shedding tears all year long.

December 7: It is believed that on this day the most reliable fortune telling for the betrothed and for the future. Clear day - frosty winter.

December 8: For Clement, work is easy on an empty stomach, but on a full stomach he is lazy. Spending a day doing nothing means living in poverty for a year. Working in silence is a blessing in the home. Saying swear words means taking money away from the family.

9th December: the water is calm - the winter is calm, and if there is a hum from it, then frosts will be frequent. You can hear a wolf howling - trouble is near.

December 10: According to legend, on this day everyone will get rid of melancholy and sadness if they leave the house at dawn and stand facing north. A child will be born soon if the husband and wife help their loved ones and do not seek self-interest. Catching a fish means your desire will be fulfilled if you release it back.

December 11th: the water splashes in the well - they carry it home in order to attract wealth and not spend a year without money. Feeding birds means attracting happiness to your home.

12 December: It snows on this day - there will be snowstorms, and frosts will arrive late. In the morning the sun is crimson - the winds will blow strong. On this day, brooms speak and sweep with them so that there is no trouble in the house. Finding a coin in the house means good luck for the whole year.

December 13th: For Andrey, a good dream means a successful year. An unmarried groom dreamed that she was going to have a wedding soon. Winter will be calm if the water in the well and polynyas is calm.

December 14: Reading conspiracies over a child will make him smarter. Happiness will come to those who study and are not lazy. Cloudy in the morning - flax will become rich. To catch drops from the roof on your hand - cherished wish fulfill.

December 15: Haymaking is determined by the snow. If there is a lot of it, then the tall grass will rise and the cattle will have enough to eat. On this day, everyone who turns to the icons with prayer will be freed from nightmares. For Habakkuk, fill your pillows with herbs so that bad dreams do not overwhelm you.

December 16: For Ivan the Silent, words are precious. For those who swear and talk idle, trouble will come knocking on the door. Things will go well if you work silently. Whoever quarrels with loved ones on this day will be left with nothing.

December 17: The weather is cloudy - there will be a thaw. The stars are bright - the frost is bitter. Every woman will attract happiness to Varvara if she says prayers for intercession.

December 18: Working for Savva means trouble. Winter can be harsh if mice run from the fields into the houses. On this day, horses should not be offended so that they do not get sick.

December 19th: snow has fallen in excess - haymaking will be successful. On this day, frowning and thinking about bad things means bringing misfortune on yourself.

20th of December: The dogs are lying in the snow in front of the house - there will be a blizzard soon, you can’t leave the house. The girls are preparing the dowry - they won’t stay too long as girls.

21 December: Doing needlework on this day means attracting good luck and gaining wealth. To speak embroidery is to save yourself and your loved ones from any evil for a year. The harvest will be rich if the snow breaks the trees. There is a lot of snow - bees will swarm a lot in the summer.

December 22: According to legend, pregnant women should not work on this day, so that trouble does not happen to the children. On the day of the solstice, luck comes into your own hands, and whoever catches it will become happy for a year. Cloudy weather - don't expect cold weather in the new year. For beekeepers, the hives will speak - to collect a lot of honey, to endow it with healing powers.

December 23: the thaw will come if the day is clear. On this day, the house is cleaned so that there are no evil spirits in it. If you plant a disease in a pot, you will pass a year healthy.

December 24: Anyone who takes a sharp weapon into Nikon’s hands will bring trouble upon himself. A cherished wish will come true if you whisper it into a dark corner. Men, according to legend, on this day appease the barn farmers so that the grain does not go to waste.

December 25: clear day - frosty New Year. Sparrows' nests began to be insulated - the cold weather has arrived. Winter will pass quickly and the sun will begin to heat up if high fires burn and invite spring. In order for chickens to lay eggs, they are fed grain, pouring it from the right sleeve. If there is no grain left, then there will be more chickens in the spring.

December 26: The weather for the whole of January was determined on this day. To speak bad words is to open the door for evil spirits. Leaving a broom on the porch means letting the evil eye and damage into the house. Whoever begins to spread rumors will dashingly come to him first and take away happiness from home.

27th of December: the weather of this day indicates what February will be like. There is peace and comfort at home - happiness will not last. According to the sign, to clean the house is to drive away any troubles and scare away evil spirits.

December 28th: The frost is crackling - March will pamper you with warmth. Finding a frozen bird means trouble. Whoever brings a horseshoe found into the house will not know poverty.

December 29th: cold this day - winter months they will be cold. The logs in the stove crackle merrily - happiness smiles on the family, the house is bathed in abundance. The cat in the house is worried - don’t let evil people on the doorstep, protect the house with wormwood.

December 30th: frost on the trees - the thaw is coming soon. According to legend, on this day the betrothed will appear in a dream and introduce himself if the names of the grooms are written and hidden under the pillow.

31th of December: On this day, honest contracts are concluded, and whoever decides to deceive will be left with nothing. To guess on this day and pick up cards is to bring trouble upon yourself.

“The year ends - winter begins” - this is what they say about December, the last month of the year and the first of winter. The sun is getting lower and the days are getting shorter and darker. And frosty nights are brighter from the stars.

The Old Russian name for December: LUTEN, STUDEN - for the severe frosty season, for a long cold. This is the most modest month of the year, consumed by darkness and frost.

Sometimes frosts subside and a thaw sets in. Lilacs respond to the warm weather, turning green at the tops of their swollen buds. But winter does not recede, and fluffy snow is falling, frosts are crackling.

Signs of December

December is cold: it’s freezing all winter.

December paints patterns on the windows.

December snowstorms will sweep snowdrifts.

The sun shines in December, but does not warm.

December pleases your eyes with snow, but hurts your ears with frost.

December is the month of large wolf packs.

December is a time of gloomy skies and early evening days.

At the end of December, the sun turns to summer and winter turns to frost. If in December there is a lot of frost, mounds of snow, deeply frozen ground, then this means a harvest.

If in December the snow piles up close to the fences, it will be a bad summer; if there is a gap left - to the harvest.

Proverbs and sayings about December

December is the cap of winter.

December - New Year's Eve.

December ends old grief and lays a path for the new year with happiness.

The year ends in December, and winter begins.

The frost is not great, but your nose turns red.

Winter has a big mouth.

In the winter cold everyone is young.

A winter day with a sparrow's hop.

In winter, the sun shines like a stepmother, but does not warm.

In winter I would eat a fungus, but the snow is deep.

In winter, everyone loves a sheepskin coat.

And the moon shines, since there is no sun.

Riddles about winter for preschoolers

Guys, name the month in this riddle:

His days are shorter than all days, longer than nights,

There was snow on the fields and meadows until spring.

Our month has only passed and we are celebrating the New Year.


Guess who, the gray-haired mistress:

The feather dusters will shake - there will be fluff over the world?

The cold weather has set in, the water has turned to ice,

The long-eared gray bunny turned into a white bunny.

The bear stopped roaring, the bear fell into hibernation in the forest.

Who can say, who knows when this happens?

Who builds a bridge on a river without an axe, without nails and boards?

And not snow, and not ice, but with silver in winter he will remove the trees.

He entered - no one saw, he said - no one heard.

He blew through the windows and disappeared, and a forest grew on the windows.

In the new wall, in the round window, the glass was broken during the day and replaced during the night.

(Ice hole.)

Troika, troika has arrived,

The horses in that trio are white.

And the queen sits in the sleigh -

White-haired, chubby,

How she waved her sleeve -

Everything was covered in silver.

(Winter and winter months.)

Every day, Seryozhka gives us clothes.

And he broke up with the last one - he disappeared somewhere.

(Tear-off calendar.)

It flies in a white flock and sparkles in flight.

It melts like a cool star in the palm of your hand and in your mouth.

What kind of daring janitor shoveled snow on the pavement?

Not with a shovel, not with a broom, but with an iron hand.


The miracle janitor is in front of us. With raking hands

In one minute I raked up a huge snowdrift


Here is a silver meadow, no lamb in sight,

The goby does not moo on it, the daisy does not bloom.

Our meadow is good in winter, but you won’t find it in spring.

My new friends are both brilliant and light,

And they frolic with me on the ice, and they are not afraid of the frost.

Two new two-meter maple soles:

Put two feet on them - and run through the big snow.

We are nimble sisters, masters of running fast,

In the rain we lie down, in the snow we run, that’s our routine.

We stood there all summer and waited for winter.

When the time was right, they rushed down the mountain.

Oh, it's snowing! I'm bringing out my friend horse.

I lead him through the yard by a rope-bridle,

I fly down the hill on it, and drag it back.

What a beauty - stands, sparkling brightly,

How luxuriously decorated... Tell me, who is she?

(Christmas tree.)

I come with gifts, I shine with bright lights,

Dressy, funny, I’m in charge for the New Year!

(Christmas tree.)

On a winter day, among the branches, a table is set for guests.


The hut is new, a dining room for everyone, calling for dinner,

Taste the crumbs.


Let me be a small bird,

I, friends, have a habit -

When the cold starts,

Straight from the north here.


Poems about December for children

December is cold

Like emerald bridges on a river,

Well, in the field there are snow-white canvases.

In a snowy, cold December

Seven weathers are all playing tricks in the yard.

Frost has grown a silver beard,

Stings cheeks, fingers, ears, forehead and nose.

I won’t whine, I’ll endure everything, I won’t scream -

In the New Year I'll ride on a new sled.

M. Sukhorukova


In December, in December all the trees are silver.

As if in a fairy tale, our river was paved with frost overnight,

I updated my skates, sleds, brought a Christmas tree from the forest...

S. Marshak

Winter sings, echoes...

Winter sings, calls, the shaggy forest lulls

The ringing sound of a pine forest.

All around with deep melancholy they float to a distant land

Gray clouds.

The blizzard sweeps the white path.

He wants to drown in the soft snow.

The frisky wind fell asleep on the way.

Neither drive through the forest, nor pass.


White birch

Below my window

Covered with snow

Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches

Snow border

The brushes have blossomed

White fringe.

And the birch tree stands

In sleepy silence,

And the snowflakes are burning

In golden fire.

And the dawn is lazy

Walking around

Sprinkles branches

New silver.

S. Yesenin


Where are you from? Where are you from

Has it come to us, red-breasted?

I flew all over Siberia.

What is your name?


M. Lapygin

Frost the Voivode

It is not the wind that rages over the forest,

Streams did not run from the mountains,

Moroz the voivode on patrol

Walks around his possessions.

Looks to see if the snowstorm is good

The forest paths have been taken over,

And are there any cracks, crevices,

And is there any bare ground somewhere?

N. Nekrasov

Brave snowman

You're a snowman, you're a snowman!

I've gotten used to the cold since childhood!

You put the pan on cleverly!

Your eyes are made of coals!

Your nose is a red carrot -

Your pride and beauty!

You're a snowman, you're a snowman!

I've gotten used to the cold since childhood!

O. Preusler, from the book

"Little Baba Yaga"

Snowstorms have arrived

Snowstorms have arrived to us,

They covered the cracks with snow.

Old man Frost on the window

I painted it with ice.

In an open field in a white dress

Mother Winter has come out.

Let her walk boldly -

All the bread has been put into bins.

G. Ladonshchikov

New Year's Eve

The trees go one by one,

Christmas trees go in pairs.

Sidewalk, pavement,

Snowy boulevards.

Soon, soon New Year!

Everything brand new

He will come to you and he will come to us

Guest-Christmas tree.

I. Tokmakova


The ponds are bound until May,

But how warm the houses are!

The gardens are covered in snowdrifts

Winter is caring.

Snow is falling from the birches

In drowsy silence.

Pictures of summer frost

Draws on the window.

E. Rusakov

Magic sundress

The fog is already falling on the ground,

And winter puts on a sundress.

This outfit is white and light,

He's even fluffy, they say.

He warms the grass, warms the flowers,

And he is amazingly beautiful.

That sundress is called a snowball

Or winter fluff.

in winter

Frost looks out the window and breathes

And he writes patterns on the glass,

And against the frozen window,

Breath of Santa Claus

Decorated in brocade and pearls,

There is a curly birch tree.

S. Drozhzhin

New Year

What do I want in the New Year?

I want to skate on the ice,

I want to go to kindergarten every day,

I want to be strong friends with the guys.

So that the native city is spared the cold,

And so that trouble never happens.

I want our family to live long,

So that the Snow Maiden comes to me at night

And she would bring me many gifts.

New Year! New Year!

White snow, ringing ice!

About winter

Snow fluffy, silvery

It spreads lightly as a carpet,

And snowflakes are like fluff,

They fly around merrily.

Winter has come

At night the wind howled like a wolf

And he hit the roofs with a stick.

In the morning we looked out the window,

There is a magic movie:

Rolled out the white canvas

Sketched some bright stars

And hats for home

Winter has come.

V. Fetisov


The Russian winter is walking,

Stop her and try!

He waves his hand - the earth is white,

Another wave - the snowdrifts are growing!

Whitewashes trees and houses,

Freezing, tired without knowing,

The Russian winter is walking,

Frosty, not evil.

B. Pashov

Winter cat

The cat is looking out of the window

Winter lives outside the window.

The cat has a dream:



Along a frozen river,

Where they glide on two legs

Human children.

Hey boys by the river

Fur hats,

Where can I get skates for my cat?

Four legs?

S. Serdobolsky

Me and the snow

White, delicious snow is falling,

Goes straight into your mouth

If I really want to,

I'll swallow the snow all at once!

And then what will happen, brothers!

No sleigh ride!

And there are no snowdrifts in sight!

And don't play in the snow!

And skiing - don't run!

It will be bad for everyone without snow!

That's why, friends,

I probably won’t eat the snow!

M. Druzhinina

White grandfather

Santa Claus slept in bed.

He stood up, jingling his icicles:

Where are you, blizzards and blizzards?

Why don't you wake me up?

Mess in the yard:

Mud and puddles in December!

And from my grandfather in fright

Blizzards rushed to the fields,

And the snowstorms came,

They moaned, whistled,

We worked until the morning:

All the scratches of the earth

Covered with white snow.

Early in the morning grandfather came out

He's wearing a new fur coat.

I wanted to check it myself

Through meadows and forests:

Is everyone waiting in a new outfit?

And are you ready to meet him?

Yes, - answered the snowstorms, -

Even the hares turned white!

Not a blade of grass in the fields,

Not a leaf on the branches!

Only one Christmas tree

Yes fluffy pine

They don't want to obey

And the green ones are worth it!

N. Artyukhova

It's a good time

We like frosty

Fluffy time

The night sky is starry,

The sparkle of silver.

And the tree lights up

And a round dance dances,

And so, as it should be,

New Year is coming!

O. Vysotskaya

One day in winter

One day in winter

Along our street

Kitten go

Wanted to go for a walk:

The kitten came out

Black as soot

And he returned -

White as chalk!..

K. Maznin


The titmouse's paws are freezing:

They feel bad without mittens

Yes, and hungry in the cold...

I brought them some seeds:

Look here

This is delicious food!..

They sit on my palm,

Paws are warm. Not to be afraid of.

V. Polyakov

Letter in the snow

Embroidered snow

Beautiful line

Like a white shirt.

I call dad into the yard:

Look at the pattern!

Dad looks down:

Here is a letter for you, Denis! -

Birds and animals write:

“Make us, Denis, some feeders!”

N. Golinovskaya

Father Frost

Grandfather looked into the well -

The well was covered with ice.

And I looked at the river -

Dressed in an ice sheepskin coat.

Old Grandfather Frost

If he jokes, he means it seriously.

V. Lanzetti

Trees bloom in winter,

There are white caps on the roofs.

And the air is fresh, as if nearby

The boys eat cucumbers.

V. Marinicheva

December- the first month of winter, the last of the year. In common people it has another name - “jelly”. In December there is usually a lot of snow, and severe frosts can strike. It is impossible to convey in words this beauty, when the trees are covered with frost - you find yourself in a real winter's tale. There are many proverbs and sayings written about the last month of the year. “December ends the year, winter begins,” people say. Also, over the course of many centuries, many folk signs for December have been compiled, by which one can guess about the upcoming weather and harvest.

Signs about the weather in December

If it is clear in December, then next year there will be a shortage of harvest, if December is cloudy, then there will be a surplus of harvest, if December is dry, then spring and summer will be dry, and if thunder thunders in December, then there will be winter with severe frosts .

  • If winter has not arrived in December and January, then do not expect winter to arrive until February 10th.
  • Large frost, mounds of snow and deeply frozen ground in December - for the harvest.
  • Frost in December - for the oat harvest.
  • The northern December wind leads to severe frosts.
  • If December is rainless, expect a long, dry autumn and dry summer.
  • If in December the snow piles up close to the fences, it will be a bad summer; if there is a gap left, it will be fruitful.
  • If the clouds float from north to south in December, then the weather will be sunny, and if from south to north, then it will be bad weather.

Signs about nature in December

  • Wintering rooks - for a warm winter.
  • The bullfinches arrived in December - the winter will be frosty.
  • If the fur coat of hares is not white, but “with spots,” then the winter will be mild, with thaws.