Homemade ice cream - preparation (ice cream maker). How to choose an ice cream maker for your home: your favorite dessert at any time Ice cream maker instructions for use

Making ice cream at home is both difficult and simple. It is difficult, since it is difficult to manually organize synchronous mixing and cooling of the mass. And it’s easy, because all the components of this dessert can be purchased in the grocery section of any supermarket. Buying an ice cream maker is also not a problem - they are available in every household appliance store. We will tell you in detail how to make delicious ice cream of different types using an ice cream maker in the article.

Ice cream making technology

According to the modern scheme, two conditions must be met simultaneously:

  1. Saturate the main ingredient (milk, cream, fruit juice, egg white) with air by vigorously stirring, bringing the consistency of the mixture to a whipped emulsion.
  2. Gradually cool the emulsion to a temperature of minus four degrees Celsius, achieving a state of uniform thickness.

The principle of operation of ice cream makers

A cooled container with blades is filled with a ready-made mixture of milk, cream, sugar and other fillers. The device is then connected to the mains. The blades begin to rotate and mix the sweet milk mixture, which cools from contact with the cold walls of the container. As a result, the whipped mixture hardens and mixes evenly, forming ice cream of the same thickness. The quality of ice cream depends on the consistency of mixing and uniform cooling of the mixture. If these two conditions are not met in sufficient interconnection, ice crystals will appear in the mass. They will crunch unpleasantly on your teeth.


The mass is mixed by periodically turning the blades manually using a special handle. This operation should be repeated every two or three minutes. The bowl is made with double walls. A mixture of coarse salt and fine ice is poured between them, which over time turns into a cold brine solution. The lifespan of this cooler is short. It has to be frozen in the freezer for each new serving of ice cream. This primitive “refrigerator” cools the inner wall of the bowl. Using a mechanical ice cream maker, you can make ice cream without electricity.

Electric: automatic and semi-automatic

Modern household electric ice cream makers are available in two versions:

  • Desktop autonomous model of semi-automatic type. The walls of the bowl of such devices are double. The space between them is filled with refrigerant. It is capable of storing cold. To do this, place the bowl in the freezer for 10–15 hours. This supply of cold is enough to prepare one batch.

    Semi-automatic ice cream maker HILTON requires constant replenishment of ice

  • Compact model of a compressor-type freezer. Continuous and uniform cooling of the bowl walls occurs due to a special cooler (freon), the constant circulation of which is carried out by a compressor. This type of ice cream maker uses the heat pump principle. These models are designed for continuous operation over a long period of time.

    Automatic ice cream maker VIS-1599A is compact and can work for a long time

Brief general instructions

  1. Having chosen a recipe for making ice cream, prepare, mix and cool the mixture of ingredients in advance to a temperature of plus 6–8 degrees (in the refrigerator compartment).
  2. Add small doses of alcohol to the milk mixture to speed up the cooling process.
  3. Do not fill the bowl more than half the volume, as during the process of mixing the mass, its quantity will almost double due to saturation with air.
  4. Prepare the fruit puree while the ice cream maker is running, as it can only be added at the very end of the cooking process.
  5. Adjust the operating modes of the ice cream maker strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  6. Ready ice cream can only be unloaded from the bowl using wooden or plastic spoons.
  7. Do not leave the ice cream maker plugged in after finishing the ice cream making process. As soon as the milk mixture reaches the required thickness, the device should be disconnected from the electricity, and the finished ice cream should be unloaded into pre-prepared containers.

Video: making ice cream at home

Popular ice cream recipes



  • milk - 390 g;
  • powdered milk - 25 g;
  • sugar - 75 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 15 g;
  • starch - 10 g.

Step-by-step cooking process:

  1. Pour starch into a medium-sized glass or enamel pan. Measure a given portion of milk with a glass with divisions and pour most of it into a bowl with starch powder. Mix everything thoroughly with a wooden stirrer or with a hand mixer until smooth.

    First you need to thoroughly mix the kramal and milk

  2. Mix granulated sugar, vanilla sugar and milk powder in a deep bowl with a large spoon. Add the remaining milk to the mixture and stir with a mixer until you get a solution of the same consistency.

    Use a mixer

  3. Pour the milk mixture from the second bowl into the first container, mix everything thoroughly and beat with an electric mixer. Transfer the pressure cooker to a moderate flame and, stirring continuously with a wooden spoon, wait until the mixture of milk and main ingredients begins to boil. Immediately turn off the gas and remove the hot saucepan from the gas stove. Cool to 12–15 degrees and place in the refrigerator for one hour.

    After boiling, the mixture must be cooled

  4. Place the container of the semi-automatic ice cream maker in the freezer for two hours so that the refrigerant between the double walls of the bowl freezes. Remove the bowl and transfer the cooled milk mixture from the saucepan into it. Plug in the ice cream maker so that the blades begin to mix the mixture, which will simultaneously cool near the walls of the bowl and become saturated with air.

    Constant stirring will not allow the smallest droplets of water to crystallize

  5. When the ice cream becomes airy thick (this will happen after 30 minutes of operation of the ice cream maker), the volume of the milk mass will double. Unplug the ice cream maker and transfer the finished ice cream to a plastic container. Store in the freezer.

    Ice cream is almost ready

  6. Before using, remove the container of ice cream from the freezer to allow it to thaw a little.



  • milk - 1440 ml;
  • sugar - 195 g;
  • dark chocolate - 340 g;
  • eggs - 12 pcs;
  • cocoa.

Cooking process:

  1. Break the eggs, separate the yolks. Lightly beat them with a spoon or whisk. Pour into a saucepan, add 720 milliliters of milk and all the sugar. Place on the burner, turn on low heat and start whisking with a tablespoon until the mixture reaches the consistency of sour cream.
  2. Turn off the burner. Slowly pour in the remaining milk. Grind the chocolate and pour half the volume into the pan. Stir thoroughly with a wooden spoon.
  3. Cool the pan with the milk mixture to room temperature and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  4. We prepare the ice cream maker for use and transfer the cooled mass into the bowl. Add the remaining chopped chocolate. Turn on the ice cream maker, which will begin to mix and cool the milk chocolate mass.
  5. After half an hour, turn off the ice cream maker and transfer the finished ice cream to a plastic container. Before serving, sprinkle each serving with cocoa.

From coconut milk


  • chicken yolk - 3 pcs;
  • cream (fat content 35%) - 300 ml;
  • sugar - 130 g;
  • coconut milk - 200 ml.


  1. Heat coconut milk and add sugar to it.
  2. Continuing to heat the mixture, add cream, stirring with a wooden spoon.
  3. Beat the yolks with a whisk or hand mixer. Add the prepared yolks to the mixture and bring it to a boil, stirring with a spoon.
  4. Cool to room temperature and place the container in the refrigerator for an hour.
  5. The remaining steps are similar to making milk ice cream in an ice cream maker.

With mascarpone

The main secret of this original ice cream is the delicious Italian cheese made from heavy cream - mascarpone. It is easy to buy in any large supermarket. Having a high fat content, Lombardy cheese makes ice cream airy and gives a delicate creamy taste.


  • fresh raspberries or other berries - 500 g;
  • mascarpone - 250 g;
  • dark brown sugar - 250 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 10 g;
  • fresh milk - 150 ml;
  • heavy cream - 200 ml;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp.

Cooking process:

  1. Thoroughly peel the raspberries from leaves and stems and rinse in a plastic bowl.
  2. Mix milk with sugar, add vanilla sugar and raspberries, beat everything with a blender.
  3. Continuing to beat the mixture, carefully add mascarpone cheese and lemon juice.
  4. Whip the cream separately at low speed until it thickens.
  5. Using a wooden spoon, pour the cream into the bowl with the milk mixture and mix everything carefully.
  6. Place in the refrigerator for one hour. Then fill the ice cream maker bowl with the prepared mixture. In an ice cream maker, cook for 25 minutes (the pink texture of the mixture should become thick).
  7. Turn off the ice cream maker and place the bowl with the mixture in the freezer for 10–15 minutes. After this, put the finished ice cream into containers.



  • peeled and diced banana - 300 g;
  • fresh milk (fat content 3.2%) - 150 ml;
  • cream (fat content 23%) - 100 ml;
  • white granulated sugar - 150 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 10;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp.

Cooking process:

  1. Puree the banana (using a blender).
  2. Add sugar, lemon juice and vanilla sugar.
  3. Pour in milk and cream, whisking constantly.
  4. Cool the finished mixture in the refrigerator.
  5. Transfer the finished mixture into the bowl of the ice cream maker.
  6. Prepare in ice cream maker according to instructions.

Diet according to Dukan


  • chicken yolk - 2 pcs;
  • milk without fat - 200 m;
  • cream without fat - 125 ml;
  • sweetener - 5 tablespoons;
  • vanilla - half a pod.

How to cook?

  1. Milk and cream are poured into an enamel pan and heated over a moderate flame until hot without boiling.
  2. Beat the yolks and sweetener in a blender until foamy. Then 1/3 of the hot mixture of milk and cream is added to them. The diluted yolks are poured in a small stream into the pan with the remaining mixture. Add vanilla and sugar substitute (to taste).
  3. The pan is put back on the fire and heated with stirring until the mixture thickens. Do not allow it to boil, otherwise the yolks will turn into scrambled eggs. The mixture should be thick and resemble sour cream.
  4. Cool the finished mixture to room temperature and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  5. Then transfer the cooled mixture into the bowl of the ice cream maker and run the device for 15–20 minutes.
  6. Transfer the finished ice cream into a plastic container.


This low-calorie ice cream is consumed by those with a sweet tooth who have diabetes or are watching their figure. If ice cream is specially prepared for diabetics, then it should contain sorbitol or fructose, which are recommended as sugar substitutes. The ice cream base is low-fat milk yogurt or other similar fermented milk products, and fillers and sweeteners can be chosen as desired. They can be liquid honey and powdered cocoa, sweet fruits and fresh berries. The main thing is to ensure that sugar-free ice cream tastes like your usual ice cream or fruit ice cream.

  • milk yoghurt or cream - 50 m;
  • egg yolk - 3 pcs;
  • butter - 10 g;
  • fructose or sugar sweetener - 50 g;
  • berries or pieces of sweet fruit (berry, fruit puree or natural juices).

Cooking process:

  1. Beat the yolks with a blender, adding a little yogurt or cream.
  2. Mix the whipped mixture with the remaining yogurt and place on low heat. Stir constantly. Do not bring to a boil.
  3. Add fillers to the resulting mixture (mashed potatoes, juice, pieces of fruit, berries. Mix everything.
  4. At the same time, add a sugar substitute (sorbitol, fructose, honey) in small portions.
  5. Cool the finished mixture to room temperature and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  6. Transfer to an ice cream maker and let it run for 25-30 minutes. Then place the bowl with the finished product in the freezer for 20 minutes.

From sour cream and condensed milk

This delicacy has a delicate taste and even hardening. It is very easy to prepare at home. It should be borne in mind that condensed milk has a sweet taste, so it is advisable to balance it with raspberries or strawberries, blackberries or cherries (pitted).


  • sour cream (store-bought or homemade 20%) - 400 g;
  • condensed milk - 380 g;
  • berries with a sour taste - 200–250 g.

How to cook?

  1. Mix sour cream with condensed milk and beat with a blender.
  2. Rinse the berries carefully, mash in a blender, rub in a strainer and strain.
  3. Add the berry mixture to the sour cream and mix everything thoroughly using a mixer or blender.
  4. You don't need an ice cream maker for this type of ice cream. The finished mass in a glass or plastic container can be immediately placed in the freezer without stirring for 5–6 hours.

Video: ice cream recipe on Bartscher 135002 ice cream maker

How to avoid possible problems

To make ice cream at home tasty and healthy, you need to meet a number of conditions:

  1. Use only natural products, fresh and high quality. This applies to dairy products, fruits and berries, chocolate, cocoa, honey. It is best to use natural vanilla bean as a flavoring.
  2. Before use, be sure to cool the bowl of the ice cream maker in the freezer (for manual and semi-automatic models).
  3. When heating milk and fruit mixtures, never bring them to a boil (maximum heating temperature plus 80 degrees).
  4. Flavorings are added to the cooled mixture, but not to the hot mixture.
  5. Pieces of nuts, fruits, and chocolate must first be kept in the refrigerator and added to the almost finished ice cream.
  6. Adding small doses of liqueur, rum, or cognac can influence not only the special taste of ice cream, but also make it tender, airy, and soft.

Since our assumption that kitchen appliances are also appliances turned out to be correct, as evidenced by the excellent attendance of both individual articles and the “Comfortable Home” section as a whole, we continue to expand the range of our interests and get acquainted with new types of devices. And you will never know in advance how interesting such an acquaintance will be. Therefore, we decided to master a new genre: testing and research in one bottle. Its essence is simple: we take several samples of kitchen appliances that we have not previously studied, and during the testing process we form a certain opinion both about specific products and about the phenomenon as a whole. Today we will try to figure out what an ice cream maker is, why it is needed and what they are like.

Starting testing ice cream makers, we decided to turn to trustworthy sources to decide - what is real ice cream and how should it be prepared?

The one released by the USSR Ministry of Trade was chosen as a reliable source. Here's a quote: “Milk ice cream contains 3.5% fat and up to 20% sugar, cream ice cream contains 10% fat and 16% sugar, fruit and berry ice cream contains 27-30% sugar. At least 20-30% of the weight of fruit and berry ice cream consists of natural juices or purees of berries and fruits.” Well, everything seems clear. Now we’ll find out how ice cream was prepared: “The process of making ice cream is divided into two stages: preparing the mixture and freezing it. The ice cream mixture is prepared as follows. Eggs, thoroughly mashed with sugar, are combined with hot boiled milk and, stirring continuously, the mixture is heated until it thickens. These or other flavoring and aromatic products are added to the finished mixture and the mixture is cooled, stirring occasionally.”

In total, to get high-quality ice cream, you need to adhere to the following simple rules:

  • the higher the fat content in the mixture, the smaller the ice crystals when frozen, and, therefore, the better the structure of the ice cream;
  • With mechanical stirring, the ice cream is of better quality, since during freezing the mixture is constantly whipped by rotating blades, as a result of which it acquires a delicate and uniform consistency.

How has this been implemented in the past? In the countries of victorious capitalism (and even in Russia at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries), special devices for making ice cream were common. They were a primitive hand mixer, into the bowl of which the mixture was placed, and freezing components (for example, ice mixed with salt) were placed in the gap between the bowl and the outer wall of the device. In the USSR, the role of such a device could be performed by an ordinary hand-held mixer-jar, which was available in almost every home. However, the mixture had to be frozen in the freezer of the refrigerator, periodically taking out the ice cream to stir it.

Modern ice cream makers from the top segment combine the functions of a refrigerator and a blender and do not require preliminary preparation of ice. However, the operating principle of these devices has remained virtually unchanged: the mixture is frozen in the same way in a special container, except that the mixing blade is now driven by an electric motor, and not by the cook himself.

We decided to test several devices sold under the name “ice cream maker” and find out how easy they are to use and how these kitchen gadgets differ. Three ice cream makers fell into our hands - , and . Looking ahead, let's say that the Princess Yonanas ice cream maker chosen at random turned out to be not quite an ice cream maker. But the other two devices are real ice cream makers. Let's start with the simplest.

Princess Yonanas

This ice cream maker, manufactured by Princess, is a rather simple device, more reminiscent of a food chopper than an ice cream maker.

The Princess Yonanas ice cream maker comes in a small box decorated in colorful “acid” colors. Inside the box you can find the device itself, instructions and a recipe book (in different languages, including Russian, however).


Model name
Typenon-compressor, frozen fruit chopper
Power consumptionno data
Housing materialplastic
Case colorsilver, black
Bowl volumeno data
Bowl materialplastic
Guarantee12 months
Button typemechanical
Temperature -
Cooking time for 1 servingdoes not depend on the device (on average an hour or more)
Packaging (W×H×D)23×19×39 cm
Weight with packaging2.2 kg

The device itself consists of an electric motor, onto which a bell is attached with the only possible “nozzle” equipped with sharp teeth. When you turn on the device (using a single control button), the nozzle begins to rotate, as a result of which pre-frozen fruits are crushed into a homogeneous puree-like mass.

The ice cream maker is extremely easy to use. Turning on and off is done using one button; there are no indicators at all. The attached book contains only eleven recipes, which contain various combinations of fruits and various additives: banana with strawberries, banana with chocolate, banana and peach, banana with blackberries, vanilla and pistachios, etc.

Judging by the fact that not a single recipe is complete without a frozen banana, and the device itself is called Yonanas, the main trick is that it is banana pulp that is the basis for ready-made desserts: without banana in chopped frozen fruits (strawberries, peach, etc.) . etc.) ice crystals are clearly distinguishable by taste, but in a banana this effect is much less pronounced. The result is a smoother banana-fruit mixture that tastes less like crushed ice and frozen juice.

Making ice cream

The time it takes to prepare dessert using Princess Yonanas depends solely on the power of the freezer compartment of your home refrigerator, and the process itself is so simple that even a primary school child can handle it. All you have to do is take fresh fruits, peel and pit them, cut them into small pieces and freeze them in the freezer. To start cooking, the fruits need to be slightly defrosted (literally for ten minutes), after which they are ready to prepare the dessert. Different combinations of fruits allow you to experiment for a long time without repeating yourself.

The obvious advantages of this method are the ability to simultaneously prepare a large amount of fruit “in reserve”, and then use them as needed. This ice cream maker is perfect for situations when you need to quickly prepare dessert for unexpected guests, as well as for children to use independently. It is also impossible not to mention the relatively low cost of the dessert: since more than 50% of the volume of the finished products is banana pulp, and the second component can be chosen depending on the season, the final price will be very moderate.

Preparing one serving of dessert (if you have prepared ingredients) will take no more than five minutes.

Caring for your device

The bell can be removed by simply turning it, after which all removable parts can be washed in the dishwasher, or simply rinsed under running water - this is quite sufficient in most cases (if parts of the chopped fruit have not had time to dry). It is recommended to wipe the device body with a damp cloth.


Princess Yonanas is a simple, but somewhat expensive gadget for its functionality, with which you can prepare a fruit dessert. Of course, those who have a high-quality blender or food processor at home will think about whether it would be easier to use these devices for chopping frozen fruit. But for those who are thinking about purchasing household appliances for use, for example, in the countryside, this ice cream maker is perfect: with its help, you can please yourself and your loved ones with desserts at least several times a day without spending much time. The only downside to Yonanas is that it is not, per se, an ice cream maker, although most online stores advertise it as such.

Smile ICM 1155

This ice cream maker, unlike the previous device, allows you to make real ice cream. True, only with the help of a refrigerator: she does not know how to freeze the product on her own.

The semi-automatic ice cream maker Smile ICM 1155 is supplied in a cardboard box decorated in light colors. The selection of fonts and colors used for the inscriptions is reminiscent of fonts from children's books. In addition to the ice cream maker, the box contains an instruction manual with a small number of recipes (seven in total).

Model name
Power consumption18 watt
Housing materialplastic
Case colorWhite gray
Bowl volume1 l
Bowl materialaluminum
Guarantee12 months
Button typemechanical
Cooking time for 1 servingpreparation: independent of device, cooking: 40 minutes
Packaging (W×H×D)20×20×24 cm
Weight with packaging2.3 kg

The ice cream maker itself consists of a lid with a motor, a mixing blade and a cooling tank. The lid is made of translucent plastic, which has a hole for pouring the mixture (it also serves to monitor the cooking process). The module with the motor that rotates the blade is fixed to the lid, and the lid itself is attached to the tank using two plastic latches. The ice cream maker is controlled using a single button located on the module with the motor.

Making ice cream

This ice cream maker uses the same principle for making ice cream as the manual ice cream makers of the 19th century. An automatic motor stirs the mixture poured into the bowl, and cooling occurs due to the liquid that is between the walls of the tank.

It is clear that such a cooking process requires thorough preparation. The reservoir must first be frozen in the freezer, and it is recommended to prepare the prepared mixture the day before and keep it in the refrigerator overnight. Thus, the total preparation time for 1 liter of ice cream can be more than 24 hours (if the temperature in the freezer is −15 °C) and in any case will be at least 8-9 hours (if the temperature is −30 °C). It is clear that preparing ice cream in such an ice cream maker will require some planning of time, especially considering that it is not recommended to freeze ready-made ice cream for more than 30 minutes.

Ice cream maker manufacturers also impose additional restrictions. According to the data given in the instructions, the device can be used without interruption for no more than 40 minutes. However, the ice cream maker does not have an automatic timer. The fact that the engine is at risk of overheating will be indicated by a change in the direction of rotation of the blade (this moment also needs to be monitored independently). In general, the process cannot be called too simple. Potential buyers of this model should be prepared for the fact that the ice cream maker requires attention. Simply pouring the mixture and waiting for the sound signal will not work.

As for the recipes given in the book, they are quite standard. Here you can find vanilla and chocolate ice cream, rum and raisin ice cream and a couple of recipes for berry sorbets (frozen mixtures consisting of pureed fruit, egg whites and water). The quality of the finished product turned out to be up to par: if high-quality ingredients are used, the ice cream will be tasty and aromatic.

It is worth noting that the recipes given in the book are very similar to the classic ones, so the resulting ice cream ends up “with the same taste,” as they like to say in commercials.

Caring for your device

The components of this ice cream maker cannot be washed in the dishwasher, only by hand in warm water. Since the bowl is made of aluminum, it is forbidden to use metal spoons when using an ice cream maker (it is recommended to remove ice cream only with rubber scrapers or wooden spoons). It’s a pity that a suitable spoon is not included with the device.


Smile ICM 1155 is an example of an excellent combination of price and quality. By spending an amount not much exceeding one thousand rubles, everyone can practice making their own ice cream. The key disadvantage of this model is the need to “get used to” the device. The fact is that there are a lot of nuances in making ice cream using a non-compressor ice cream maker.

For example, a reservoir with coolant should be wrapped in a bag before being placed in the freezer, and the most suitable place for it is at the far wall of the freezer, where the temperature is lowest. Judging by our impressions and comments from other owners of this model, the most common mistake that causes ice cream to fail is the lack of “freezing power” in the tank or insufficient cooling.

It’s also annoying having to monitor the cooking process yourself and watch for the moment when the mixture becomes so thick that the motor can no longer stir it. Agree, the prospect of being distracted for ten minutes and ending up with a broken device is somewhat frightening. However, if such things do not scare you, then the Smile ICM 1155 can be a good, although not very high-performance source of ice cream in your home.

Brand 3811

The Brand 3811 ice cream maker is a compressor ice cream maker - a device designed to quickly prepare ice cream and does not require pre-freezing of ingredients or a cooling tank.

The Brand 3811 ice cream maker comes in a cardboard box with a simple design. Judging by the appearance of the box and its weight (10 kg), even before unpacking the ice cream maker, it becomes clear: this is a “serious” device that must meet the expectations of even the most demanding users.

Model name
Typecompressor room
Power consumption135 watt
Housing materialplastic
Case colorWhite black
Bowl volume1 l
Bowl materialaluminum
Guarantee12 months
Button typemechanical
Temperaturefrom −18 to −35 °С
Indicatorsoperation of the device, operation of the compressor
Cooking time for 1 serving1 hour
Packaging (W×H×D)44×34×38 cm
Weight with packaging10 kg

Looking ahead, we will say that in general this is true: this compressor ice cream maker is easy to use and maintain, user-friendly and capable of producing ice cream at a speed of 1 liter per hour.

It is worth mentioning that there are also similar models Brand 3812 and Brand 3813 on sale, the bowl volume of which is 1.5 and 2 liters, respectively. At a slightly different price, they can look much more attractive, especially for those who are planning to make ice cream for a large family. In addition to the ice cream maker itself, the delivery set includes instructions with a large number of recipes (32 pieces), an aluminum bucket, a measuring cup and a plastic spoon with a “button” for forming balls from the finished ice cream. Recipes include: ice cream, sorbet, frozen yogurt and popsicles.

The ice cream maker itself is a rather weighty “refrigerator” with a container that holds an aluminum bucket. The automatic motor driving the stirring blade is removable and is installed above the tank. During the preparation process, the reservoir with the bucket is closed with a plastic transparent lid, which has a closing hole that allows you to add ingredients directly during the preparation of ice cream.

The device is controlled using three buttons: “Power”, “Timer”, “Start/Stop”, the name of which speaks for itself. The user is allowed to set the operating time in the range from 10 to 60 minutes in 10 minute increments.

During operation, the LCD display will alternately display information about the remaining operating time and the current temperature. The red and green indicators located on the front panel indicate the operation of the ice cream maker and compressor, respectively.

It is worth noting that, unlike cheaper models, Brand 3811 has protection against engine overheating. If the load on it exceeds the level specified by the manufacturer, the engine will simply turn off. So the user does not have to monitor the cooking process.

Upon completion of the “main” stage of preparation (the first hour of operation), the ice cream maker switches to the “freezing” mode, sequentially turning on and off the compressor at intervals of 10 minutes for another hour. This stage, in principle, can be skipped by transferring the ice cream into a resealable plastic container and placing it in the freezer of the refrigerator.

Making ice cream

Since this ice cream maker turned out to be the most “advanced” not only in technical terms, but also in terms of the number of recipes, we tried to prepare several different desserts. It is worth noting that many recipes do not include the stage of heating the mixture, but in many cases you will have to beat the ingredients in several stages (separately cream with milk, separately yolks with powdered sugar, etc.)

The classic vanilla ice cream (cream, powdered sugar, eggs) turned out very similar to a regular store-bought ice cream with the GOST marking, even though we used the cream with the highest fat content.

Orange sorbet (300 g sugar, 300 ml water, 300 ml orange juice, 2 egg whites, juice of one lemon, lemon and orange zest) was tasty, but too sweet. It was easy to predict, calculating that for 300 g of sugar there is 700 ml of liquid.

But we were not too pleased with the recipe for fruit ice: 250 ml of juice, 300 g of sugar, a tablespoon of lemon juice, 6 g of gelatin and 450 ml of water ultimately turn into a very dubious, albeit rather budget-friendly dessert.

Caring for your device

It is suggested to wipe the ice cream maker with a damp cloth, and wash the components under running water. The manufacturer does not allow use of a dishwasher.


The Brand 3811 ice cream maker is a complete and independent unit for making ice cream at home, which can please and even surprise owners if a number of simple conditions are met. Firstly, there is no need to skimp on the quality of ingredients. It seems to us that if someone was ready to spend about ten thousand rubles to purchase an ice cream maker, then for such a person it would not be very difficult to find out where the nearest market or farm produce store is located. The quality of the resulting ice cream made from real cream and milk will be an order of magnitude higher than from “regular” dairy products purchased at the nearest hypermarket.

The second thing we would advise ice cream maker owners is not to neglect old recipes, which in many cases will turn out to be much more suitable than simplified modern ones. Of course, making ice cream according to “traditional” recipes will take a little more time, but the excellent result will be an excellent reward for the work (especially since most recipes already involve the need to separately beat the ingredients or prepare the sugar syrup on the stove, which inevitably leads to a lot of dirty dishes).

General conclusions

Speaking personally about our impressions, we came to the conclusion that making ice cream at home is a pure hobby, and therefore this process should be approached accordingly. There is no need to look for benefits (both material and in the form of saving time) - it will be cheaper and faster to buy a briquette of ice cream. Also, even the most modern ice cream maker is unlikely to allow you to prepare large portions of ice cream for future use.

And finally, not everyone who regularly cooks at home will like the process itself: get out the ice cream maker, separate the whites from the yolks, beat several mixtures separately, wash the dishes, wait an hour (or even more), put the ice cream in a container, wash the ice cream maker and put it back - all this results in a rather lengthy process, the result of which is 1 liter of ice cream, which three people eat in a matter of minutes.

And on the contrary: if you initially approach the process as creativity, then after a while you will definitely have your favorite recipes with which you can delight both yourself and your loved ones from time to time.


The average retail price of the device in Moscow in rubles at the time of reading the article can be found by moving the mouse to the price tag.

We all know what ice cream is. In the middle of the 18th century, humanity learned about this delicious delicacy, and since then the cooking method has not changed, but the cooling systems themselves have managed to improve. Today, ice cream is made in giant refrigeration plants. The delicacy turns out to be of high quality, but monotonous. You can make homemade ice cream that is incomparably more delicious and extremely refined using a special ice cream maker.

Types of ice cream makers

Devices for preparing your favorite cold delicacy differ in the principle of stirring and cooling the original products.

Mechanical manual

In a mechanical machine, the ice cream is stirred by rotating the handle. In their design, modern mechanical ice cream makers are very similar to those that were used a century ago. The body of such an ice cream maker is made icy by pre-cooling it in the freezer. The ingredients are placed in the container and the lid is closed. The handle on the lid is connected by a gear transmission to the stirrer. The hostess turns the handle, the rotation is transmitted to the blades that mix the treat. The complete cooking process can take about one hour. Nowadays you can find mechanical ice cream makers less and less often, because constantly turning the handle is really exhausting.

In a mechanical ice cream maker, the treat is mixed manually


A semi-automatic mechanical ice cream maker consists of a body made of metal or plastic, a whisk, an electric motor and an internal metal bowl with double walls, between which refrigerant is poured. A special timer turns off the power when the dessert is ready.

The ingredients in a semi-automatic ice cream maker are mixed thanks to an electric motor that rotates the mixing blade. In such a device, it is necessary to pre-cool the mixture reservoir. Pour the prepared mixture into an ice bowl and press the button. The timer will notify you that the treat is ready to eat. Preparing ice cream in a semi-automatic machine takes about half an hour. If you decide to go for this type of ice cream maker, be sure to make sure that the bowl of the ice cream maker will fit in your freezer.

Electric automatic

An automatic or autonomous ice cream maker is equipped with a refrigeration system, due to which the temperature in the tank with the mixture is lowered using a compressor. The whisk, which rotates with the help of a motor, mixes the ingredients. Preparing the dessert will only take half an hour, and the very uniform texture of the resulting delicacy will only please lovers of homemade ice cream. Be careful and do not forget that the tank is automatically cooled to twenty degrees below zero; under no circumstances should you touch it with your bare hands. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting that the price of an autonomous ice cream maker is much higher than that of semi-automatic and manual devices; such a device takes up quite a lot of space and weighs a lot.

The ice cream maker is equipped with its own refrigerator


Companies Vitek, Nemox, Ariete, Clatronic have been producing ice cream makers for a relatively long time.

Table: popular models of devices for preparing cold desserts

Model Type Characteristics
Ariete 634 Semi-automatic
  • the ice cream maker mixes up to 700 g of ice cream in 30 minutes;
  • You can add the mixture directly during operation through the hole in the lid;
  • the body on legs allows you to serve the delicacy directly into the waffle cone.
Clatronic ICM 3650 Semi-automatic
  • the device prepares two types of ice cream at the same time;
  • two bowls and two stirrers are provided at once;
  • Each mug prepares up to 500 g of dessert.
Nemox Talent Automatic
  • the device prepares up to 900 g of ice cream at a time;
  • thanks to our own refrigerator, the process is completely automatic and takes 20–40 minutes;
  • it's easy to make sorbet or chill the bottle.

Popular devices for preparing ice treats in the photo

Ariete Party Time - ice cream served in waffle cones Clatronic 3650 - two mugs for different ice creams Nemox Talent - automatic ice cream station

Step-by-step recipes for homemade cold dessert

Homemade ice cream is not that difficult to make if you remember to follow the basic recommendations:

  1. Before pouring the mixture into the reservoir, stir it with a kitchen mixer, because the built-in one does not always do its job well.
  2. If you decide to add fruit to your ice cream, chop it as finely as possible to avoid bumping into pieces of ice when eating.
  3. When storing in the freezer, cover the ice cream with a tight lid to prevent the delicacy from absorbing excess odors; the dessert should not be stored for more than two weeks.



  • chocolate - 50 g,
  • milk - 3 glasses,
  • sugar - 200 g,
  • eggs - 4 pcs.

Chocolate dessert recipe:

  1. Grate 50 g of chocolate.
  2. Heat three glasses of milk in a saucepan and add chocolate chips.
  3. Stir the mixture until the chocolate has dissolved, then remove from heat.
  4. Grind four egg yolks with 200 g of sugar.
  5. Stir the chocolate mixture vigorously, then pour the yolks and sugar into it.
  6. Cook the chocolate mixture over low heat until it thickens, but do not allow the mixture to boil; do not forget to stir constantly with a spoon.
  7. Remove the saucepan from the stove and cool.
  8. Pour the chocolate mixture into the machine and put it into operation.

Fresh strawberries are the perfect complement to a chocolate dessert.

From condensed milk and sour cream


  • tangerines - 8 pcs,
  • condensed milk - 380 ml,
  • sour cream 20% - 500 g.

It is prepared like this:

  1. Peel eight tangerines and grind them in a blender.
  2. Rub the resulting puree through a strainer.
  3. Pour 380 ml of condensed milk into the container with puree, add 500 g of sour cream (20%) there.
  4. Stir the mixture well.
  5. Pour the resulting mixture into the bowl of the ice cream maker and turn on the machine.



  • cream 30% - 1 l,
  • sugar - 1/2 cup,
  • coconut milk - 1/2 l.

This aromatic delicacy made from coconut milk is prepared as follows:

  1. Pour a liter of cream (30% fat content) into a separate container.
  2. Beat the cream with a mixer until thick.
  3. Add 1/2 cup of sugar to them, and also pour 1/2 liter of coconut milk into it.
  4. Beat the mixture with a kitchen mixer until creamy.
  5. Pour the mixture into the bowl of the ice cream maker and press the start button.

Serving a scoop of ice cream in half a coconut

For a crunchy texture, you can sprinkle shredded coconut into the dessert. It looks very creative to serve this dessert in half a real coconut, used as a bowl.

With mascarpone


  • eggs - 6 pcs,
  • powdered sugar - 50 g,
  • cream 33% - 1/2 l,
  • mascarpone.

A dessert based on cream cheese is prepared as follows:

  1. Separate the six yolks from the eggs by placing them in a small saucepan.
  2. Place the whites of these eggs in a separate bowl.
  3. Place the saucepan with the yolks in a water bath, add 50 g of powdered sugar.
  4. Beat the yolks together with the powder until creamy and homogeneous.
  5. Add mascarpone cheese to the egg mixture and stir well with a spoon.
  6. Whip 1/2 liter of cream (fat content 33%) with a mixer and add it to the egg mixture.
  7. In another container, beat the egg whites and add a drop of lemon juice.
  8. Add whipped whites to the creamy mixture.
  9. Cool the resulting mixture.
  10. Pour the treat into the cup of the device and turn it on.

Ice cream scoops sprinkled with coarsely chopped hazelnuts

Classic dairy


  • eggs - 5 pcs,
  • milk - 1 l,
  • vanillin - 10 g,
  • powdered sugar - 100 g,
  • cream 33% - 250 g.

To prepare a classic dessert:

  1. Separate five yolks from the eggs.
  2. Pour 10 g of vanillin and 100 g of powdered sugar into a cup with yolks.
  3. Then grind the resulting mixture into a homogeneous mass.
  4. Boil 0.5 liters of milk in a saucepan.
  5. Pour another 1/2 liter of milk into the bowl with the yolks and stir well.
  6. Pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan with warm milk. Reduce heat on the stove, cooking will take about three minutes, do not forget to stir.
  7. Remove the mixture from the stove and let it cool.
  8. Take 250g of chilled cream (33% fat) and beat with a kitchen mixer until the cream thickens.
  9. Add whipped cream to the cooled egg mixture and mix well.
  10. Pour the resulting product into the bowl of the ice cream maker and press the start button.

Ice cream scoops sprinkled with chocolate chips



  • bananas - 1 kg,
  • milk - 1/2 l,
  • water - 1/2 cup,
  • lemon - 1/2 pcs.

As many people know, bananas contain starch, which, in turn, is a natural thickener. The delicacy is prepared from frozen bananas, so you should peel them in advance and place them in the freezer for three hours. Then:

  1. Place 1 kg of frozen and mashed bananas in a blender.
  2. Add half a glass of water, juice of 1/2 lemon and half a liter of milk.
  3. Grind the mixture thoroughly in a blender.
  4. Place this mixture in the bowl of the ice cream maker and start the machine.

Serving scoops of ice cream with a piece of gingerbread cookies

Diet according to Dukan


  • eggs - 3 pcs,
  • low-fat cottage cheese - 200 g,
  • milk - 1 glass,
  • fructose,
  • vanillin.

Diet ice cream contains few carbohydrates and a fairly large amount of protein. Pierre Dukan indicated in his instructions that ice cream must contain fewer carbohydrates than proteins. We prepare dessert according to a famous nutritionist:

  1. Using a mixer, beat the whites separated from three eggs, and set aside the yolks.
  2. Add fructose and vanillin to the whipped whites.
  3. Stir the resulting mixture with a spoon all the time, adding a glass of milk and 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese.
  4. Pour the yolks into the mixture and beat until creamy.
  5. Place the resulting treat in the bowl of the device and turn it on.



  • eggs - 3 pcs,
  • fruits,
  • cream 33% - 1/2 l.

Sugar can easily be replaced with your favorite fruit. You can use fructose and honey. The healthy delicacy is prepared as follows:

  1. Take 3 eggs and 1/2 liter of cream (33%).
  2. Separating the yolks, mix them with cream (33%).
  3. Place the resulting mixture on the fire and place the remaining cream there.
  4. When heating the mixture, do not allow it to boil.
  5. Add chopped fruit to the mixture.
  6. Place the resulting mixture into the machine and press start.

Soft ice cream made from milk and cream


  • vanilla pudding - 1 sachet,
  • cream - 0.2 l,
  • milk - 1 l.

The difference between soft serve ice cream is that it contains a lot of liquid, which is why it melts so quickly. It’s quite easy to prepare such a delicacy; pudding will help you with this:

  1. Take a packet of vanilla pudding and prepare it according to the recipe.
  2. Whip 0.2 liters of heavy cream until the consistency is not too liquid.
  3. Pour 1 liter of milk into a saucepan and put 200 g of pudding in it.
  4. Stir the mixture with a mixer.
  5. Place the treat in the bowl of the ice cream maker and start working.

Waffle cones are ideal for delicate soft serve ice cream

If suddenly the components that you load into the ice cream maker contain a large amount of water, then when it freezes, it forms unnecessary ice. Aim for the consistency of the mixture to resemble not too thick sour cream.

It happens that the mixture does not thicken. The coldness of the ice cream maker may not be enough for the desired texture, then you should stir the mixture with a spoon, and then start the procedure again. It is important to remember that to thicken ice cream, you can use thickeners such as starch, gelatin or yolks, which are most often used in recipes. The fattier the ingredients, the more tender the ice cream itself will be, and the mass will become creamy and homogeneous, but do not forget that fatty foods are not healthy.

Remember that flavors and colors are added before freezing, and fruits, toppings and sprinkles are added to the finished ice cream.

Video: comparative test drive of household ice cream makers

How to make ice cream: recipe and 5 tips for choosing an ice cream maker

There are small nuances to making ice cream at home that you need to understand before you get started. Ice cream is a favorite dessert of children and adults, which appeared in the 13th century in Europe. Today, ice cream manufacturers offer this incredibly delicious dessert with various toppings, ranging from classic ones based on chocolate and fruit, to unusual toppings made from green tea, avocado, and jalapeno peppers. In addition, ice cream has long been an integral part of many dishes (for example, milkshakes). So is it possible to make such a popular delicacy at home?

Ice cream maker: operating principle and advantages

It is better to prepare a homogeneous cold dessert based on milk and eggs at home using a special apparatus - an ice cream maker. There are two types of ice cream maker: mechanical and electric.

The operating principle of any ice cream maker is the same: the cooking machine simultaneously cools and stirs the mass until smooth.

The difference in the operation of the devices is that the mechanical device requires pre-cooling of the container to prepare ice cream. An electric ice cream maker is equipped with a special compressor that cools the mass during its preparation. Why is it better to prepare ice cream in a machine rather than using, for example, a mixer?

An ice cream maker equipped with a compressor is considered the most convenient for making desserts at home.

An ice cream maker allows you to cool the mass during preparation, while ice cream mixed with a mixer will need to be frozen after it is ready.

Thus, ice crystals will form in the ice cream placed in the freezer, which will crunch unpleasantly on your teeth. In addition, the ice cream maker works completely autonomously, you only need to load the necessary ingredients or dry mixture into the machine to prepare dessert. The preparation time for ice cream will be 20-30 minutes. To obtain a homogeneous mass, you will have to hold the mixer in your hands. After this, the ice cream will need to be cooled for 12 hours, first in the refrigerator, and then kept in the freezer for about 2 hours. At the same time, while the mixture is in the refrigerator, it will need to be stirred every quarter of an hour or an hour.

At the same time, an electric ice cream maker can be used to quickly cool and store drinks and food.

So, you can store ice cubes in the device and cool drinks. The ice cream maker is also suitable for making natural fruit ice and frozen yogurt at home.

Choosing an ice cream machine

As noted above, the ease of use of an ice cream maker depends on its type. Ice cream makers with a compressor will be more convenient. The cost of such devices is slightly higher than mechanical ones, but their scope of application is much wider.

The size of the ice cream maker is also important – the machine should be comfortable to use

In addition, when choosing a device To prepare ice cream, you need to pay attention to:

  • Mixing container volume. An ice cream maker with a capacity of 1 liter is considered optimal. From such a machine you can get up to 6 servings of ice cream. There are bowls with a volume of both 0.5 and 2.5 liters.
  • Device power. The power of an ice cream maker depends on its type. So, a mechanical machine for making dessert can have a power of 4-35 W. The power of models with a compressor should not be lower than 150 W.
  • Material of manufacture. The bowl of the ice cream maker can be made of plastic or steel. From a hygienic point of view, a steel bowl is better: if used carelessly, cracks may form on the plastic body in which bacteria can develop.
  • Availability of additional components. Ice cream makers that have portioned cups in their design are extremely convenient. There is no need to transfer ice cream from these cups; you can eat directly from them.

It is better if the device is compact and includes containers for storing the cord and accessories. After all, ice cream is not a dish that is prepared every day: the ice cream maker should be convenient to store. If you choose a mechanical machine, then you need to look at whether the ice cream maker will fit in the freezer for storage.

Ice cream recipes for ice cream maker

The basis of any ice cream is sugar, milk, cream. Some recipes contain eggs, others use butter.

Knowing the principle of making regular ice cream, you can prepare desserts with different flavors and calorie content.

The main secret of ice cream is the high fat content of the products. So, by taking skim milk and low-fat cream, you will get a liquid mass that vaguely resembles a real ice cream. Natural thickeners (gelatin, agar-agar), which not only make the dessert thicker, but also allow it to remain frozen longer, can correct the situation.

Home-made curd ice cream is popular among adherents of proper nutrition.

But, it is better to start making homemade ice cream with traditional recipes. Then you can be able to experiment without compromising the taste of the dessert. Homemade banana ice cream is the most popular. In order to make it you need to take 2 bananas and 2 eggs, half a lemon, half a glass of sugar, 75 ml of milk and cream.

To make ice cream you need:

  1. Grind bananas until pureed;
  2. Beat eggs with sugar, milk and cream;
  3. Combine banana puree with lemon juice;
  4. Add liquid ingredients to puree;
  5. Pour the mixture into a running ice cream maker.

After a quarter to a half hour, the ice cream is ready to eat! The dessert can be stored in the freezer for no more than a month.

Making ice cream in a mechanical ice cream maker: tips

The easiest way to make “dry” ice cream at home, which is sold in bags in any store. To do this, you just need to dilute the powder with water or milk in the proportions indicated on the package, and pour the contents into the ice cream maker.

The technology for making ice cream from natural products is no different: they will also need to be mixed and poured into a bowl.

At the same time, you need to follow some rules that will allow you to make a truly delicious dessert. So, the bowl must first be frozen. You need to keep the device in the freezer exactly as long as indicated in the instructions. This will allow the refrigerant to reach the desired temperature.

It is better to store ice cream from a mechanical ice cream maker in a glass and closed container, otherwise the ice cream may become saturated with the smell of neighboring products.

In addition, when preparing ice cream in a mechanical apparatus, you should:

  • Use powdered sugar instead of sugar, and rub the egg-milk mixture through cheesecloth before mixing: this will make the texture of the ice cream more delicate.
  • It is better to add fruits, dried fruits, nuts and candied fruits at the last stage of preparation or immediately after readiness (ice cream should be soft). In this case, it is better to pre-cool the additives.
  • Use 0.6 liters of mixture for a 1-liter bowl: this will make the ice cream softer and freeze faster.

Ice cream at home (video)

Ice cream is equally loved by both adults and children. But, unfortunately, the composition of modern store-bought desserts leaves much to be desired. You can make soft and tasty ice cream from natural products yourself, at home. To do this, you need to have an ice cream maker or mixer, and know the basic principles of preparing a dessert mixture. Use the above tips and delight your loved ones and friends with delicious cold desserts without synthetic colors, preservatives, thickeners, taste and smell enhancers!

Similar materials

Ice cream became popular and affordable in the second half of the 20th century, when industrial production began. The first recipe for a frozen delicacy was brought to Europe from the countries of the East by the great traveler Marco Polo, and the technology was improved on the island of Italy in Sicily. The modern product is prepared at catering establishments. When preparing, in addition to natural ingredients, manufacturers add dyes, food additives, preservatives and other harmful ingredients. Therefore, many users think about how to prepare fruit dessert at home, how an ice cream maker functions and works.

In the 19th century, ice cream was prepared using wooden tub: a container with the mixture was placed in it. Then they added salt and ice. After this, the master set the device in motion by slowly turning the handle. Constant intense rotation prevented the formation of large crystals. As a result, the mixture cooled evenly and the consistency became homogeneous. If the ice melted, its supply in the tub was replenished. The cooking process took about 60 minutes.

The technology itself has not changed over time, only the cooling system has been improved: the mechanical design with a handle has been replaced by an electric motor. A bucket of salt and ice replaced a tank with double walls, between which the coolant is installed.

A modern dessert preparation scheme consists of fulfilling two conditions:

  1. Saturate the main ingredients (cream, milk, fruit, egg yolks) with air by stirring, resulting in a whipped mixture.
  2. Gradually cool the emulsion to low temperature. In this case, the mixture should be homogeneous consistency.

Types of ice cream makers

A modern device for making ice cream consists of a container for mixing products. The heavy-duty chamber cools the mixture to a low temperature in a short time.

Manufacturers offer two main types of devices:

  1. Mechanical. This device must be rotated by hand. As a result, the dessert preparation time increases. The coolant is salt and crushed ice.
  2. Electrical. The device has an electric motor that automatically rotates the mixture using a churner.

Electric models come in semi-automatic and automatic (with compressor).

Automatic ice cream maker with compressor

Design and principle of operation of mechanical ice cream makers

Mechanical models are rarely found on sale. They consist of a container into which a special bucket of ice and salt is inserted. Ice is needed to freeze the mixture, and salt is needed to prevent it from melting.

The operating principle of a mechanical ice cream maker is that a person periodically manually turns the blades, due to which the consistency becomes homogeneous and freezes. After 30-40 minutes, when it becomes difficult to rotate, the dairy product is ready. The expenditure of time and effort made this type of technique unpopular.

Mechanical ice cream maker

Design and principle of operation of electric ice cream makers

The electric semi-automatic ice cream maker is equipped with a container for ingredients, which has double wall, and has the following operating principle.

  1. A special substance (carboxymethylcellulose) is placed in the space between the two walls, which can accumulate cold.
  2. The bowl is first placed in the freezer for 8-12 hours. The temperature of the freezer should be -18 0 C…-25 0 C.
  3. Afterwards, the container is removed and the ice cream mixture is placed inside.
  4. Fixed on top stirring blade and close the lid.
  5. The device is ready for use. The cooking process takes an average of half an hour.

An ice cream maker with a compressor is the most convenient technique for preparing dairy desserts. The principle of operation is that the freezing module freezes the mixture and is located inside the device, and the fluoroplastic blade mixes the products to a homogeneous consistency thanks to an electric motor. The devices provide electronic control with LCD display and additional functions: timer, pre-cooling, low temperature maintenance.

Important! When choosing a semi-automatic model, consider the size of the removable bowl: it must fit in the freezer.

Which ice cream maker to choose

Among the variety of models, the user sometimes gets lost. To make it more convenient to navigate the household appliances market, you can use the comparative characteristics of two types of ice cream makers - semi-automatic and with a compressor.

Parameter Semi-automatic
Maximum cycle time (min) 30 45-60
Control Electromechanical Electronic control with LCD display
Maintaining temperature and consistency No Eat
Presence of a timer No Eat
Pre-cooling the bowl Yes No
Advantages models are cheaper than automatic ones,

quality ice cream

the compressor freezes the mixture simultaneously with stirring;

convenient use of the device

Flaws You need to put the bowl in the freezer first. high price,

impressive weight and size

Popular models Nemox Dolce Vita Nemox Gelato PRO1700UP

Unold 48879 Fiesta

As can be seen from the table, automatic and semi-automatic ice cream makers have their pros and cons. You can choose a specific model depending on the requirements for the functionality of the device and personal preferences.

Manufacturers of ice cream makers offer a huge range of products. Mechanical and electrical models have different operating mechanisms. An automatic ice cream maker with a compressor is the most advantageous option. The compressor design allows you to prepare a delicious dairy dessert at minimal cost.
