Phonetic games in English for preschoolers. Phonetic games in English for elementary students


The sound structure of the language, i.e. the totality of all sound means that make up its material side (sounds, sound combinations, stress, rhythm, melody, intonation, pauses). In primary school it is necessary to lay the foundation for good pronunciation. After all, it is very important to get it right make sounds and that is the main thing in oral language.

Without play there is not and cannot be full-fledged mental development.
The game is the spark that lights the fire
inquisitiveness and curiosity.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

The importance of phonics games

To develop the auditory attention and memory of a preschool child, it is very important to teach them to listen and hear the differences in pronunciation and intonation of English speech. Many of the games used help memorize English words and teach children to speak at different paces.

It will be useful for adults and children to memorize various English poems, tongue twisters, proverbs,

Game "Wizard"

For a while, turn into fairy-tale wizards with your children and use the magic of sounds to transform an object into a completely different one, change letters and sounds so that a completely new word comes out of it. Example: “Who can turn a hat into a cat! And what will we get? Hat - Cat! By changing the sound [h] to the sound [K].”

Game of attention

Rules: The teacher names the sounds and simultaneously shows the corresponding transcription. From time to time you need to make mistakes in pronunciation. Children must listen carefully and spot mistakes.

Guess the sound

Rules: One of the students names several words in which the same sound must appear several times, and the rest of the students must guess such a sound.

The fastest

Rules: we distribute cards to the children, on the cards in the first column there are words in English, in the second column - opposite the corresponding words - their transcription and the third - translation of the words. The words in English are listed in order. Each child should, as soon as he hears a word in English, put its number next to it with the correct transcription and translation into Russian (can be connected by a line). The winner will be the one who completes difficult tasks faster and with fewer errors.

Tongue Twisters:

Children must say the tongue twister several times after the teacher, and the pace must be accelerated with each repetition.

  1. Pat’s black cat is in Pat’s black hat.
  2. If you, Andy, have two candies give one candy to Sandy, Andy.
  3. A cup of nice coffee is in nice coffee-cup.
Catch the word

Rules: the teacher says the words, inviting the children (distributed into teams) to take turns naming which word is different.
Example: cup - cup - cap - cup, bad - bad - bad - bed, sheep - ship - ship - ship

Sound presentations

Bees (show two colorful bees in the picture)
Rules: the teacher tells the children that one of the bees flew from far away and understands only English, and the other is from our country. The English bee buzzes loudly [ð], and ours says [z]. The bees have become friends and are talking in a huge beautiful flower-restaurant, telling each other how they live in their countries. (Alternate sounds [ð], [z]).

Beginners learning English need to study the phonetic composition of this language. The main purpose of studying phonetics is to teach you the correct pronunciation of English sounds and words. The secondary task is to develop native speech perception abilities. necessary in order to learn to read and speak English correctly.

There are only 26 letters in the British alphabet and, of course, this number is not enough to convey all the sounds, of which there are already 46 in English. That is, phonemes almost double the number of letters. Therefore, one letter is capable of conveying several sounds at once, based on who its “neighbors” are, that is, between which letters it is located.

English sounds are extremely important for the successful mastery of this foreign language, so you need to understand how to use them and in what case. Based on the above, you must understand that you need to speak and read very carefully and with caution. Very often, incorrect use of phonemes brings misunderstandings and troubles into the life of a foreigner among the indigenous population.

In particular, the spelling and pronunciation of the words “bad” (bad) and “bed” (bed) are almost the same, so it’s very easy to get confused about them. At the initial stage, many transcribe the pronunciation of words in Russian in order to quickly remember. But this tactic is deceptive, since both words in the Russian version of the transcription can only be entered as “bad”, which in no way reflects the dual sound.

How to learn sounds correctly?

Knowing the laws of English phonetics will bring more clarity to mastering the language and pronouncing all the words and expressions that you will encounter along the way during your study.

To begin with, it would be a good idea to have a dictionary notebook in which you will write down sounds in generally accepted transcription, and up close you can also write them in their native version. Also there you will indicate special patterns of pronunciation - to indicate that a given word is pronounced in a special way or that there are no analogues of Russian sound.

For convenience, phonemes should be divided into groups. For example: vowels, diphthongs, consonants and triphthongs. One of the conditions for successfully mastering English phonetics is also constant practice and performing various transcription exercises. To make the learning process easier, create phrases or entire sentences by constantly saying them out loud.

So, let’s say that the word “row” can simultaneously say “quarrel” and “row”, depending on how you pronounce it. To remove this ambiguity and remember the correct option, you need to form sentences or simple phrases: row of apricot trees - a row of apricot trees. This way you will practice your pronunciation and learn a lot of useful phrases.

English sounds

Well, now let's move on to the sounds. Let's consider the most “severe” cases.

[ɒ] - short [o]

[æ] - Russian [e]

[ʊ] - short [y]

[ʌ] - Russian [a]

[ʊə] - [ue]

[əʊ] - [оу]

[ᴐı] - [oh]

[ıə] - [ie]

- [ea]


[j] - weak [th]

[w] - short [y]

[ʤ] - [d] and [zh] together

[ŋ] - [n] nasal

[h] - just exhale

[ʃ] - between [w] and [sch]


- [yue]

- [aue]

- [aie]

Worth noting:

Double vowels are pronounced as one phoneme: soon - - [sun]

Voiced consonants do not become voiceless: in the word “dog” the sound [g] is clearly pronounced

Of course, these are not all phonemes; you will receive comprehensive information and even examples by studying the materials on the website. Remember that sometimes even a slight difference in pronunciation can be a critical aspect when communicating with native speakers.

Good luck and good mood to you!

Based on materials from the site

tic hearing.

Progress of the game: Students are divided into teams. The teacher pronounces the words. If he names a word that has a long vowel... or..., the students raise their left hand. If the named word also contains consonants... or..., everyone raises both hands. The teacher writes down the mistakes of the players on the board. The team that made the fewest mistakes wins.

2. Wide and narrow vowels.

Target: formation of phonemic hearing skills.

Movegamess: the teacher names the words. Students raise their hand if the sound is pronounced widely. If the vowel is pronounced narrowly, you should not raise your hand. The team that made the fewest mistakes wins.

3. Right wrong.

Target: formation of correct phonemic hearing, sensitive to distortions.

Progress of the game: the teacher names individual words or words in sentences, phrases. Students raise their hand when reading the sound they have highlighted in sound combinations. Then he asks each student in both teams to read certain sound combinations, words, phrases and sentences. When reading a sound correctly, students raise their hand with a green card (flag); if they read it incorrectly, they raise their hand with a red card (flag). The winner is the team that, after counting the points, most correctly assesses the presence or absence of errors.

4. What word does it sound like?

Target: developing the skill of establishing adequate sound-letter correspondences.

Progress of the game: students are offered a set of 10-20 words. The teacher begins to read words at a certain speed in a random order. Trainees must do the following:

Option 1. Find the words spoken by the teacher in the list and put a serial number next to each of them as the teacher pronounces them.

Option 2. Mark in the list only those words that were spoken by the teacher.

Option 3. Write down by ear words that are not on the list, and try to find them in the dictionary, and, if they are unknown to the students, write down their meanings, determine whether there were spelling errors when writing them down.

The one who completes the task most efficiently wins.

5. Who is faster?

Target: formation and improvement of skills in establishing sound-letter correspondences and meanings of words by ear.

Progress of the game: Students are given cards on which words in a foreign language are given in the first column, their transcription in the second, and translation of the words into Russian in the third. Words in a foreign language are numbered in order. Each student must, as soon as the teacher pronounces a particular word, put its number next to the corresponding transcription and translation into Russian (or connect all three correspondences with a continuous line). The winner is the one who quickly and efficiently establishes correspondences between a foreign language word, transcription and translation.

6. Who will read it more correctly?

Target: developing the skill of pronouncing a coherent statement or text.

Movegames: A short poem or an excerpt from it (reading book, tongue twister) is written on the board. The teacher reads and explains the meaning of words and sentences, and draws attention to the difficulties of pronouncing individual sounds. The text is read several times by the students. After this, three minutes are given to learn by heart. The text is covered on the board, and students must read it by heart. Two or three readers are allocated from each team. Points are awarded for error-free reading; For each mistake, one point is deducted. The team with the most points wins.

7. Sound off

Target: Develop listening comprehension skills.

Level: beginners.

Optimal group size: without limitation.

Required material: Each student has 2 cards in his hands (each has a word with one of the paired sounds; the words form a contrasting pair). For example, the sounds [e] and [x], and the words BET and BAT.


The class is divided into two teams. The teacher reads aloud words that contain either one or the other sound, and the students pick up the card on which the word with the same sound is written. For example:

Teacher: "met"................... Students raise BET

Teacher: "mat".................. Students raise BAT

Teacher:............................ "fat" Students raise VAT

Teacher:................................ "set" Students raise BET

Teacher:............................ "less" Students raise BET

Teacher:............................ "man" Students raise VAT

The team that picks up the most cards (that's right!) gets 1 point for that round.

ADVIСE: Ask students to make their own cards and encourage them to use one color for one sound in a pair and another color for the other (for example, red for BET and blue for BAT). Color contrast helps to count picked cards correctly. On the cards you can play out any two sounds that students find difficult to distinguish by ear. Here are a few pairs you can use: BET/BIT, THOSE/DOZE,THREE/TREE, CUT/COT, LEAD/READ.

8. If can you hear - sit down(SIT FOR SOUNDS)

Target: Develop listening skills.

Level: beginners.

Optimal group size: no limits

Required material: A special list of words like the one below.


Everyone gets up. The teacher says: "I"m going to say 4 words. Sit down when you hear one that begins with the sound [D] as in THIS. Ready? DISH. VERY. THAT. THIK."

Those students who are seated on time may sit during the next round OR all students must stand during each new round. The point here is what goal you are pursuing: to train those lagging behind (because the rest will remain sitting) or to give everyone the opportunity to practice distinguishing contrasting sounds. Sounds in the initial, middle and final positions should not be mixed in the same round.

A good practice is to pronounce alternately unvoiced and voiced paired sounds: , , , , , , , , as well as contrasting ones.

ADVIСE: When students stop making mistakes, do the same thing, but turn your back to them. They can't see your lips and guess what sound was made. Then you can play on the contrast of sounds and .

9. Hear difference . (Hear the difference)

Target: train in finding minimal differences in pairs of words.

Type of work: listening.

Level: elementary.

Preparation: a list of pairs of words that differ slightly in sound.

Vocabulary: without limitation.

Description: The teacher prepares an extended list of “minimal pairs”: words that are similar in pronunciation, but differ in one consonant or vowel sound, for example:

cheap/sheep his/hiss

bag/back wine/vine

You need to select about 30 pairs. The choice of sound differences will, of course, depend on the practical problem that the students have and the amount of lexical material that the teacher considers most appropriate.

The teacher then reads the first pair of words and asks the students if they were the same word or if they were different. The words can then be written on the board to demonstrate the differences.

Then the teacher reads a few more pairs of words. Sometimes he actually reads a couple of words, like cheap/sheep, and sometimes he just says the same word twice, like cheap/cheap. Students answer, individually or as a team representative, whether it was the same word or different.

The game should be played quickly, giving as many students as possible the opportunity to respond.

The teacher, of course, can use the same pairs of words for different students.

Option: Another type of this game is that the teacher asks to compose and write down sentences in which nouns from these pairs could be used, for example: There’s a gull/girl on the beach.

10. Tongue Twisters. ( Tongue twisters)

Target: practice pronunciation and fluent speech rate.

Type of work: speaking and listening.

Level: any.

Preparation: board.

Vocabulary: Tongue Twisters.

Description: The teacher places on the board certain tongue twisters that he would like to practice and divides the class into two teams. Each student should be able to pronounce the tongue twister that the teacher chooses for him, as many times as he can, quickly and correctly, each correct pronunciation brings the team 1 point. As soon as he makes a mistake, the move goes to the other team.

Examples of tongue twisters:

She sells sea-shells by the seashore.

Red leather, yellow leather.

Thirty thousand feathers on a thirsty thrush’s throat.

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

Around the rugged rocks the ragged rascal ran.

The Leith police dismisses us.

11. Rhyming ping pong. ( Rhyme ping - pong )

Target: practice in pronunciation.

Type of work: speaking and listening.

Level: elementary and intermediate.

Preparation: No.

Vocabulary: without limitation.

Description: The teacher explains the goal: to find words that rhyme with each other, giving the word cat as an example and asking students to find the rhyme (for example, sat, hat, pat). Next, the game takes place between two students: the first player names a word, for example do, the second must choose a rhyme, for example two, etc. If the player cannot find a rhyme, his opponent gets 1 point. The player (or teacher) can reject a word if it doesn't exist or if it doesn't have a rhyme. The next “race” starts with the player who won the previous round.

The game continues until 7 points, then the next two students enter the game. The game must be played at a good pace, set by the teacher by clapping his hands.

Option: In order to practice students in understanding and placing stress in words and rhythm, the condition for a correct answer can be the same stress or number of syllables in the selected word, for example:

Student 2 beaten

Student 2 abdicate

This option is suitable for more prepared students.

12. Sounds ( Sounds)

Kind of activity: identification of English sounds in speech.

Target: teach children to recognize the sounds of English speech by ear.

Exercise: When listening to the teacher speak, raise your hand when you recognize an English sound.

Preparation: Audio recording may be used.

Carrying out the game. Name the sounds [O], [o], [n], [n], [Z], [t], [d], [m], [g], [s], [s], [T], [D], , [a], [w], [b], etc.

Option 1. The teacher pronounces English sounds, and the children show the corresponding transcription icons.

Option 2. Words are written in transcription on the board. The students' task is to read them correctly.

Option 3. The teacher says a few words or a sentence while throwing the ball to one of the participants in the game. The latter must repeat the words in the same order or sentence, copying the teacher’s intonation. The one with the best pronunciation wins.

13. Echo

Target: training in pronouncing sounds.

Progress of the game: Turning to the side, pronounce the sounds you passed in a clear whisper. Children, like an echo, repeat each after you.

Today we have an online transcription of the English language in our program, created specifically for children. And although we have already become acquainted with the best and most detailed online reference book, where, under the guidance of a British teacher, we learned to pronounce and differentiate the sounds of English speech, which were indicated in writing by intricate icons called transcription, I think that for children “children’s transcription of the English language” will be more visual, and therefore more useful, and worth turning to if you have difficulty pronouncing a particular sound in English speech.

As we remember, transcription signs were borrowed from the Latin and Greek alphabets, the letters of which were sometimes written straight, sometimes upside down, sometimes even for a transcription sign two letters are drawn together. To indicate the sounds of the English language you will not have to remember 44 transcription characters, but this will help us with this funny English transcription for children, where each transcription sign is illustrated with a word (picture) that contains the corresponding English sound.
English transcription for children was first presented on the Oxford University Press website.

We look at the picture, see how the pink transcription sign fits well into the picture. Pay attention to the frame around the picture; its color also carries meaning. Click on the picture, listen to how the announcer first pronounces the word, and then separately pronounces the sound indicated by this transcription sign.

Vowel sounds of English

Short and long vowels.
Designations: red frame – short vowels, yellow frame – long vowels.

Diphthongs (double vowels)
When hovered, the frames change their color to blue.

Consonant sounds of English

Voiced and voiceless consonants.
Designations: dark blue frame – voiced consonants, turquoise frame – voiceless consonants.
When hovered over, all frames change their color to blue.

While practicing fun transcription for children,

we learned (repeated) 44 new words. It is very useful to remember them well, because based on them you can come up with many exciting games on the topic of transcription.
Today we have a small archive for download with pictures from this lesson and “talking tables”. Talking tables are located in .swf files; you can run such files in IE.
