Forms of cooperation on continuity in the work of preschool educational institutions and schools. From work experience “Interaction between kindergarten and school Forms of interaction between preschool and primary school

1. Public preschool institutions carry out a wide program of educational work to prepare children for school. Preparing children for school should be comprehensive and begin long before entering school, first of all, with the family and preschool institution.

The purpose and objectives of public preschool education /family, preschool educational institution, school/ are determined by the general goals of education, taking into account the specifics of the age of children. Thus, the importance of continuity in the work of preschool educational institutions and schools:

· A condition for the successful implementation of the task of preparing children for school.

· creating conditions for the implementation in the pedagogical process of a unified, dynamic and promising system of education and training, which ensures the formation of personality.

· bringing the conditions of education and training closer together, due to which the transition to new conditions of education is carried out with the least psychological difficulties.

· natural entry of children into new conditions, which helps to increase the effectiveness of learning from the first days of school.

2. So, the condition for the successful implementation of the task of preparing children for school is the presence of continuity in the work of the kindergarten and school - a meaningful, two-way connection, which presupposes, on the one hand, the focus of educational work in kindergartens, taking into account school requirements, and on the other hand, the teacher’s reliance on the level of development of older preschoolers.

Work to establish continuity with the school has the following directions: content, methods, forms of education.

The condition for continuity in methods and forms is the unity of their focus on ensuring consciousness, solid assimilation of knowledge, development of mental abilities and creative activity, both at school and in kindergartens.

The general features of the lesson and lesson should be:

1. programmatic content;

2. clearly organized time regulation;

3. the leadership role of the teacher;

4. use of scientifically based methods and techniques.

Continuity of pedagogical requirements and educational conditions is also necessary. After all, the forms of behavior, moral ideas and feelings acquired by preschoolers are the foundation of new forms of moral consciousness in primary school. The school, in turn, creates conditions for further education:

1. the school creates the necessary conditions for the further qualitative development of collectivism.

2. At school, high civic feelings are formed /patriotism, sense of duty/.

3. Work on aesthetic education continues at school.

4. in the educational process of the school there is a continuous development of all aspects of the personality

Thus, the focus of the entire pedagogical process in preschool and school on the comprehensive development of the child’s personality is a fundamental condition for achieving continuity.

Teachers draw up a single joint plan, the purpose of which is to concretize the work in these areas: 2 parts - the content of the joint work of the educator and teacher; introducing children to school.

Forms of organizing joint work between educators and teachers can be:

· Visits to kindergartens, schools

· Participation in pedagogical councils

· Mutual consultation

· Joint holding of parent-teacher meetings

· Conference organization

· Study of education and training programs, etc.

includes motivational readiness in the child’s desire to learn, the desire to be a schoolchild, a certain level of volitional and social development.

Special readiness is an addition to general readiness, determined by the presence of special zones.

4. One of the most important conditions for the practical implementation of continuity between kindergartens and schools is the establishment of business contacts between teachers of the preparatory group and teachers of the 1st grade of the school, which is carried out in various aspects:

1. Information and educational aspect - mutual familiarization with the tasks of educational work.

2. Methodological aspect - mutual acquaintance with the methods and forms of educational work in senior, preparatory groups and 1st grade of school.

3. Practical aspect - expressed, on the one hand, in preliminary acquaintance with future students, on the other hand, in supervising former students during their studies in the 1st grade of the school.

Specific forms of implementation of this content are the continuous interaction of educators and teachers and their systematic visits to each other / school, kindergarten /, i.e., the establishment of comprehensive meaningful cooperation between kindergarten and school is the key to achieving a high level of preparation of children for school.

The role of the family in the development of the child.

The family plays a big role in the development of the child’s personality: in the assimilation of behavioral norms, the development of individual characteristics and abilities.

57.Planning the pedagogical process in a preschool institution. Pedagogical requirements for drawing up work plans

PLANNING THE PEDAGOGICAL PROCESS is a predetermined order and sequence of educational work, indicating the necessary conditions, means, forms and methods.

The basis for planning the pedagogical process is the program according to which the preschool institution operates. The practice of modern kindergartens includes a tendency to democratize all aspects of activity, based on a creative approach to various processes, including planning. From here, each kindergarten can choose the types and forms of planning and put certain content into them. Planning is aimed at organizing the pedagogical process both for the kindergarten as a whole and separately for each age group. The main goal of planning is to determine / Specific tasks of educational work for a specific period of time, as well as types of activities, methods of their organization and means of solving tasks that ensure the implementation of the program.

Planning principles: scientific, promising, specific, regular, consistent, repeatable. Based on the principles, planning all the work of a kindergarten must meet certain Requirements:

1. Planning should be based on the general goal of raising and educating children, as well as the corresponding tasks. Based on this, the content of children’s lives, forms of organizing their activities, and methods of work are planned.

2. Planning should be aimed at organizing the pedagogical process as a whole: specifying the tasks facing the preschool institution, selecting the content and methods of pedagogical influence in accordance with the tasks of education and the age of the children.

3. Planning of educational work should include the preservation of the basic principles of education and training.

4. The plan must be real and feasible, and be a guide to action. ]

The content of the program is specified in plans for educational work. When planning Lessons, the main stages of assimilation are taken into account (primary perception, expansion and generalization of knowledge and skills, their use in life), repetition of the material and the gradual nature of its complication are provided. Learning continues outside of class, in the process of everyday life, games, and work. It is planned to conduct observations (program tasks and basic techniques), didactic games, and exercises with didactic materials. The formation of moral qualities of an individual is carried out in the process of all educational work with children.

Therefore, moral education is not planned as an independent section. The plan reflects the work on developing behavior and cultural and hygienic skills in children (the scope of skills, the sequence of their formation, methods of education). As for the Game, it is not the play activities of children that are planned, but the pedagogical activities of the teacher in managing the games (tasks and management techniques).

Planning of work activity is based on 2 groups of tasks: developing children’s labor skills and abilities and thereby developing moral qualities. The most effective is planning according to forms of labor organization (the volume and content of child labor, equipment, as well as methods and techniques for teaching labor skills, individual work are indicated).

In addition, the specific content and forms of organization of work with parents are subject to planning.

In the practice of preschool institutions, the following types of planning have developed: annual, long-term, calendar or current, calendar-perspective.

The annual plan is a joint creative work of the entire team. It defines the tasks of the preschool institution for the year and measures for their implementation, which cover all aspects of the kindergarten’s activities. The plan includes the following sections of the kindergarten’s work: a) increasing the professional level and business qualifications of employees, studying the work of teachers, and exercising control; b) methodological work; c) pedagogical propaganda among parents and the public; d) administrative and economic work; e) connection between kindergarten and school. The annual plan can be presented in different forms (schedule, plan, tablet planning).

The long-term plan is drawn up for a month and includes the following sections:

I. Activities of children outside of class (physical education and health work; education of cultural and hygienic skills; education of skills and habits of cultural behavior, positive relationships; familiarization with the environment and development of speech; acquaintance with nature; play; work; independent artistic activity; holidays and entertainment ).

P. Learning in the classroom.

Sh. Individual work with children.

1U. Working with parents.

U. Work accounting.

U1. Additions.

Attached to the plan is a list of children; you, a list of literature, a schedule of activities and a diagram-memo for organizing the activities of children and the teacher throughout the day.

The calendar plan is drawn up for 1-2 weeks. The form of its writing can be a plan-note, which covers in detail all the activities throughout the day: in the morning (individual work with children, work on developing cultural, hygienic and self-service skills, conducting a didactic game, etc.), in the classroom (type, topic, program content, methodological techniques, visual material, etc.), on a walk (observations, work, outdoor games, play activities, individual work), in the afternoon and evening (various play activities, work, entertainment). In addition to the outline plan, the calendar plan can be made in the form of a table diagram.

Schedule-perspective plan Usually compiled in the form of a table-scheme. Classes, outdoor activities and individual work with children are planned for the week. Work with parents, morning exercises, and entertainment are planned for the month.

Implementation of interaction between preschool educational institutions and the primary level of secondary schools

Issues of interaction between preschool educational institutions and secondary schools in order to ensure the continuity of the preschool and primary levels of education remain relevant throughout the existence of the education system, based on the identification of the main stages of education according to the age of the child, i.e. for about a hundred years now.
Today, the problem of preserving a unified educational space is relevant for modern preschool education, since, on the one hand, it is necessary to take into account the goals and content of preschool education at the appropriate age stages of child development, introduced by new educational standards. And on the other hand, the need for high-quality preparation for school on the basis of uniform requirements for the work of kindergartens and schools.
The level of requirements for children entering school becomes more complex from year to year. As a result, a preschool educational institution needs to ensure the implementation of measures for the continuity of the preschool and primary stages of education, since the main activities to prepare children for school are carried out by kindergartens. His further education largely depends on how well and timely a child is prepared for school.
The task of a preschool educational institution is to gradually lay the foundation for his readiness to study at school throughout the entire period of upbringing and education of a child, starting from the junior group, forming in him systematized knowledge about the surrounding reality, the ability to consciously use it to solve a variety of practical problems.
But the main activities to prepare for learning at the primary level of a general education school are carried out at the stage when the child attends the preparatory group and the first grade of school.
The main directions for optimizing the interaction between preschool educational institutions and the primary level of secondary schools are
1. Organizational and legal.
2. Organizational and communicative.
3. Organizational and pedagogical.
Thus, today’s head of a preschool educational institution needs to carry out certain managerial actions of an organizational nature aimed at
creation of a legal framework for interaction between preschool educational institutions and secondary schools,
ensuring communication between preschool educational institutions and the primary level of secondary schools,
organization of pedagogical events within the framework of interaction between preschool educational institutions and the primary level of secondary schools.
We will sequentially consider the necessary activities within each area.
First of all, it is advisable to legally consolidate the main positions of cooperation between the preschool educational institution and the secondary school by concluding a cooperation agreement between the preschool educational institution and the secondary school. This document will define the goals, objectives, main directions, forms and means of interaction, which is extremely important from the point of view of organizing the process (as a management function). Concluding a cooperation agreement will avoid misunderstandings between the subjects of interaction and, as a result, ignoring the implementation of necessary activities. Determining the forms and means of interaction will help to identify the areas of responsibility of preschool educational institutions and secondary schools, which is necessary, since carrying out activities involves the use of material and human resources.
The main part of the agreement should be the appendix “Project of joint activities to ensure interaction between preschool educational institutions and secondary schools,” which includes a list and plan - schedule of activities.
This list will include a set of activities within the organizational-communicative and organizational-pedagogical areas.
An important task of preschool educational institutions and secondary schools is to organize communication between the administrations of educational institutions, kindergarten and elementary school specialists, parents, kindergarten students and first-graders.

At the level of administration of educational institutions and specialists in kindergartens and primary schools, it is necessary to hold pedagogical councils and meetings of methodological associations in order to determine goals and key areas of cooperation.
The creation of a coordinating council on issues of continuity and interaction contributes to optimizing interaction between preschool educational institutions and the primary level of secondary schools.
At the level of kindergarten teachers, primary school teachers, educational psychologists, speech therapists, social educators, medical workers, it is necessary
holding seminars and round tables on issues of continuity and adaptation to school in order to identify tasks and specific activities;
mutual visits by educators and primary school teachers enrolling children in first grade in the next school year to each other’s lessons and activities. After classes, teachers have the opportunity to jointly discuss pressing problems and adjust their activities, which makes it possible to improve methods of teaching children, taking into account the characteristics of their personal and intellectual development.
At the level of kindergarten teachers, primary school teachers, parents of future first-graders and kindergarten students, traditional forms of communication are
acquaintance with the school in the form of an excursion for pupils of preparatory groups to the school, a visit to the school museum (if available), the school library, sports and assembly halls, conversations and meetings with school students (first-graders who attended the same kindergarten);
acquaintance with the school on Open Day, at which a concert is organized with the participation of kindergarten students, first-graders and other interested school students, and an exhibition of children's drawings and crafts is organized.
Also, the development of communication ties at this level is facilitated by holding joint holidays for kindergarteners and first-graders, joint participation of first-graders and preparatory group children in holidays, entertainment, games - competitions, relay races. All this makes the children want to go to school, makes them interested, removes fear and instills confidence in their abilities.
However, getting to know the school is important not only for the future first-grader, but also for his parents, who will have to make a choice of school, taking into account today’s variety of educational programs and a wide range of educational services. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the mental characteristics and physical condition of the child (“their zone of proximal development,” which parents who do not have a pedagogical education usually do not think about), the personal qualities of the future teacher, and much more.
At the level of educators, primary school teachers, educational psychologists, speech therapists, social educators, medical workers and parents, it is necessary
conducting a survey of parents to study the well-being of the family on the eve of the start of the child’s school life;
Carrying out work with parents throughout the academic graduation year:
 design of information stands, moving folders “Advice to future first-graders”, “Psychological readiness of a child for school: parameters of readiness and recommendations for parents on their development”, “Readiness for school: preparing a child, preparing ourselves”, “Motivation to study”, “ Social and psychological readiness. Communication skills";
 holding parent meetings, round tables on the problems of preparing a child for school, choosing a school and future educational programs for children, at which teachers of future first-graders and a school psychologist can answer all questions from parents;
 conducting individual consultations with parents.
All this allows parents to decide on the choice of school when their child is still in kindergarten.
Working with parents is all the more important, since today the problem of overestimating the requirements for a child’s readiness for school is urgent. When entering a gymnasium or lyceum, a kindergarten graduate is often required to read fluently, handle numbers within a hundred, and much more.
Hence the need for parents to meet the requirements of a high level of development of the child without taking into account his individual characteristics. A kindergarten from which children move to an “elite” school is considered good. And the content of preschool education has to be structured according to “school” logic - early teaching of writing, reading, and advanced mathematics to children in preparatory groups is practiced, instead of the development of cognitive processes.
Play and other activities specific to this age are being replaced by lesson classes. Increased stress, overwork, deterioration in children's health, decreased educational motivation, loss of interest in learning, and lack of creativity provoke children's neuroses and other undesirable phenomena during the transition to school education.
Cooperation between psychologists in kindergartens and schools on the issue of continuity, the formation of teachers’ understanding of the importance of the child’s development process, rather than the accumulation of knowledge, will help correct this negative practice, preserve the health of children, without infringing on the child’s legal right to education.
In this regard, to optimize the interaction between preschool educational institutions and the primary level of secondary schools, it is necessary:
ensuring the conduct of classes aimed at developing children's readiness to learn for school, taking into account their age and personal characteristics;
conducting joint activities to adapt children to school;
conducting school readiness diagnostics;
jointly with the school, recruiting 1st grades from preschool educational institution graduates;
monitoring the process of children's adaptation to school.
The comprehensive implementation of the above activities will allow optimizing the interaction between preschool educational institutions and the primary level of secondary schools and achieving the required level of continuity and continuity of the educational process.

Authors: Smirnova Elena Grigorievna, head of MBDOU kindergarten No. 70 of a combined type, Odintsovo, 2nd year master's student, Faculty of Management, ANOO VPO Odintsovo Humanitarian University, Odintsovo, Moscow Region

Bulinok M.B., head of MBDOU kindergarten No. 41 of a combined type, Odintsovo, 2nd year master's student, Faculty of Management, ANOO VPO Odintsovo Humanitarian University, Odintsovo, Moscow Region

Jamalova T.Yu. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Management, ANOO VPO Odintsovo Humanitarian Institute,
Odintsovo, Moscow region

Name of material: article, methodological development
Subject name: management

Interaction between kindergarten and school.

Entering school is a turning point in a child’s life. With him begins a new stage in his development: he will have to master forms of activity that are not always similar to previous ones, and develop a different style of relationship with peers and adults. Rebuild physiologically and psychologically. How can we make this process painless for the child? Here we are sure that a close connection between kindergarten and school can be of great help. The problem of continuity between preschool and primary education is relevant at all times. The concept of continuity is interpreted broadly - as a continuous process of raising and educating a child, having general and specific goals for each age period, that is, it is a connection between different stages of development, the essence of which is the preservation of certain elements of the whole or individual characteristics during the transition to a new one condition. A serious issue that needs to be given great attention in preschool is the formation of social skills. In elementary school, work on developing social skills continues. Particular attention is paid to the skills of partner communication and business interaction. Already in kindergarten, children begin to independently practice the rules of behavior in a particular situation. If we talk about physical development, then here too most of the work falls on kindergarten, since preschool age is the period when the motor and sensory systems of the body develop. Children have the opportunity to move around the group freely. They are given freedom to choose the type of activity, freedom to choose a position in space that is comfortable for the child (sitting, standing, even lying down). This freedom allows the child to develop physically correctly. In this regard, at the initial stage of schooling, teachers in many schools began to allow children to choose a comfortable position. Development of the emotional-volitional sphere: the goal is the same, but the tasks at school become somewhat more complicated. In kindergarten, we work to develop in the child simple skills of internal volitional regulation. Children engage in some type of activity, most often at will, for the sake of the success of a common cause. These skills continue to be actively developed in primary school in the process of interaction with learning activities. At the same time, the forms and methods of organizing educational work smoothly move from kindergarten to school: the morning begins with gathering in a circle, children greet each other and discuss problems, children are given the opportunity to choose a task of any degree of complexity; they actively work in pairs. Project activities move from kindergarten to school. One of the important tasks that requires a comprehensive solution is the creation of a unified educational process connecting the preschool and school years. We have identified three main areas of ensuring continuity between preschool and school education: methodological work, work with parents, work with children. Methodological work involves conducting seminars, workshops, conversations, methodological meetings for school and kindergarten teachers on the topics: adaptation of first-grade students to school; the child’s psychological readiness for school; tasks of kindergarten and family in preparing for school. Seminars include mutual visits to lessons in the first grades of school and open classes in the preparatory group.

The classes are attended by teachers who enroll children in first grade. We also work with parents throughout the school year.

We hold parent meetings about preparing children for school, the development of cognitive and creative abilities, teachers answer questions from parents of future first-graders. This allows parents to decide on the choice of teacher and school for their child.

And of course, working with children.

For some time, our kindergarten and the school have been holding seminars where children get to know their future teachers. Teachers attend open classes and communicate with future first-graders. As the famous teacher Asmolov A.G. said.

It's not the child who should get ready for school,

And the school should prepare for the child..."

In close cooperation, the teacher expresses his wishes and recommendations that are needed for our joint work. Here, for example, is one of them: a school teacher widely using self-assessment cards in her lessons recommended using them in the educational activities of preschoolers in the preparatory group. Very often, when conducting open classes, schoolchildren from grades 4-5 - our former graduates - are also involved. Our guys find it interesting to work with them, because they share their experiences, convey their emotions, and also share their knowledge. In our educational institution, a senior teacher, psychologist, and social pedagogue annually monitor the progress of our graduates throughout primary school. Preschoolers, in turn, go to school on excursions and take part in the school’s cultural activities: concerts, performances, exhibitions of crafts and drawings. Meeting with school students, former kindergarten students - all this makes children want to go to school and instills confidence in their abilities. Events are held not only within the walls of the kindergarten and school, but also at the village level.

In February 2014, an important event took place in one of the schools in our village, owned by JSC Russian Railways - a new, fully equipped sports hall was built and put into operation.

In May 2013, I had my children graduate from school, and the seminar was held in November 2013. In the first half of the day, teachers watched the event in our garden: in the preparatory group there was an interesting business game - “Travel to Moscow”, in this event 5th grade students helped the teachers; The preschool children happily completed all the tasks that were prepared for them. A teacher from the school in the preparatory group conducted a very interesting lesson in English.

The teacher comes and conducts his classes once a week in the preparatory group. The music director prepared with the children of the senior group the fairy tale “Porridge from an Axe,” in which the 1st grade children were also involved. Schoolchildren and preschoolers played together on the same stage.

In the afternoon, educators and teachers worked at the school. I watched a math lesson in first grade. These were my graduates! The topic of the lesson was “Beam and segments.” Imagine my surprise when the teacher suggested taking out a compass and measuring 5 segments with it. The children successfully completed the teacher’s assignments. At the end of the lesson, the children held up self-esteem cards. It was interesting for me to watch how they worked in class. The children successfully answered, went to the interactive board and rearranged the “cars on the train,” and the first-graders coped with the teacher’s assignments.

When the bell rang, the kids ran up to me and started boasting about their successes at school, I was happy for them! In fourth grade, students prepared their projects during class. The teacher divided the children into three teams, and they got to work. The task was this: the first team needed to collect material about our Skovorodinsky district (various materials - newspaper clippings, stories from personal experience, etc.). The second team worked also hard, they collected material about our village. The resources were different, even the use of personal experience. The third team had to provide their own report from the scene of recent events in our village. There were three round tables in the classroom to make it convenient for children to work and communicate. At the end of the lesson, the children boldly came out and shared the information they had prepared. The lesson was held with interest. At the end of the day, when the results were summed up, the teachers spoke with words of gratitude to the educators. Children come to school prepared. Examples were given: when children who did not attend kindergarten differ sharply from those in kindergarten in their preparation for school. I was pleased that the work of our kindergarten had such good results.

I think that such cooperation for the sake of children will continue to achieve positive results in our work. According to the definition of D.B. Elkonin, preschool and primary school age is one era of human development, called “childhood.” An educator and a primary school teacher have a lot in common, which is why we have a common name - teacher.

Thus, “Continuity” gives children emotional well-being, rapid adaptation to school, and the development of positive motivation and skills in educational activities. Everyone benefits from this, especially children. For the sake of children, you can find time, energy and a solution to the problem of succession.

"Schooling is never starts from scratch, but always relies on a certain stage development done by the child."

L. S. Vygotsky

Of particular relevance at present is the problem of continuity between levels of education. Back in the 70s of the last century, the outstanding psychologist D.B. Elkonin pointed to the internal commonality of two “formations” of the era of childhood - preschool and primary school age. This gave the scientist reason to believe that children 3-10 years old should live a common life, developing and learning in a single cultural and educational space. Consequently, the problem of continuity in education is not new. How do we manage to create a unified cultural and educational space in our city?

By continuity we mean a consistent transition from one stage of education to another, maintaining and gradually changing the content, form, methods, technologies of teaching and upbringing. We believe that it is important to convince parents: continuity between the preschool and school levels of education does not mean preparing children for learning. In preschool age, the most important traits of a future personality are laid down. The task of adults is to ensure a happy childhood in a single developing world of preschool and primary education.

To make children’s transition to school smoother and help them quickly adapt to new conditions, teachers become familiar with the forms and methods of work in preschool institutions, since the psychological difference between a six-year-old and a seven-year-old child is not so great. And preschoolers are introduced to school, the educational and social life of schoolchildren, we give the opportunity to expand the corresponding ideas of kindergarten students, we develop interest in school and a desire to learn.

We implement continuity using certain forms and methods in the union of administration and teachers to create conditions for preparation for school life, an effective and painless transition for children to primary school.

We carry out continuity using various forms of interaction. At the beginning of the school year, teachers draw upa single joint plan, the purpose of which is to specify the work in three main areas:

Work with children;

Interaction between teachers;

Cooperation with parents.

We see the effectiveness of the work:

Vvarious types activities of pupils and students:

    school excursions;visiting the school museum, library;

    introducing preschoolers to teachers and primary school students;

    participation in joint activities, game programs;

    exhibitions of drawings and toys;

    meetings and conversations with former kindergarten students;

    joint holidays (Knowledge Day, initiation into first-graders, kindergarten graduation, etc.), sports competitions for preschoolers and first-graders;

    participation in theatrical activities.

Interaction between teachers:

    joint pedagogical councils (preschool and school);

    seminars, master class;round tables;

    psychological and communication trainings for parents, educational psychologists, and health workers.

Cooperation with parents:

    joint parent meetings with preschool teachers and school teachers;

    round tables, discussion meetings, pedagogical “living rooms”, creative workshops;

    parent conferences, question and answer evenings, parent clubs;

    consultations with preschool and school teachers;

    meetings of parents with future teachers;

    open days;

    a survey of parents to study the well-being of the family in anticipation of the child’s school life and during the period of adaptation to school;

    game trainings and workshops for parents, business games;

    family evenings, themed leisure activities;

    visual means of communication.

We are sure that the personalities of the educator and teacher play an important role in organizing the continuity of preschool institutions and primary schools. A kindergarten teacher is a second mother who can hug the baby and pat him on the head. And the child reaches out to his teacher. At school: the student must maintain a distance between himself and the teacher.

That's whyThe main objectives of cooperation between kindergarten and school are:

    creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions that ensure a natural transition from kindergarten to school;

    not improving the preparation of 6-year-old children for school, ensuring a happy preschool childhood;

    do not replace preschool life with school life;

    expanding interest in life at school;

    providing assistance to the family in a new situation that arises in preparation for school life.

We implement the goals and objectives of ensuring continuity in the work of a preschool educational institution and school on the basis of joint events, organization of a single educational space, and the use of acceptable technologies, forms, methods of teaching and upbringing.

We are ready to share our accumulated experience in work on succession issues with colleagues, as we understand the relevance of the topic for modern education.


    R.A. Dolzhikova, G.M. Fedosimov, N.N. Kulinich, I.P. Ishchenko “Implementation of continuity in the teaching and upbringing of children in preschool educational institutions and primary schools”, Moscow, School Press, 2008.

    Vygotsky L. S. “Selected psychological studies” (The problem of learning and mental development of a child at school age), Moscow, 1956.

    Elkonin D.B. On the problem of periodization of mental development in childhood. (Institute of General and Educational Psychology of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR, Moscow), Questions of Psychology. – 1971. – No. 4.

Nevolnik N.I., methodologist MK

education administration department


Cooperation between a comprehensive school and a preschool institution

Author: Galitskaya Maya Aleksandrovna, Russian language teacher, State Educational Institution "Nedoyskaya Basic School of the Buda-Koshelevsky District" of the Gomel Region of the Republic of Belarus

Subject: cooperation between a comprehensive school and a preschool institution
Relevance of the project:
In modern society, a child becomes a full-fledged member of society only when he learns social norms and cultural values ​​in unity with the implementation of his activity, self-development and self-realization in society. This is possible provided that the child effectively adapts to the school community, on the one hand, and, on the other, is able to withstand those life conflicts that interfere with his development, self-realization, and self-affirmation.
One of the main obstacles when a first-grader adapts to a school environment is the stressful situation in which he finds himself when he comes to school. A change in place of stay, environment, rhythm of activity, content of his daily life has a negative impact on the child’s psyche. Associated with this is the psychological crisis of 6 years of age, which occurs as a result of the fact that the baby’s nervous system cannot cope with the exorbitant load and new impressions that appear with his transition to the next stage of life development.
Thus, for the most successful adaptation of a preschool graduate, it is necessary that the borderline period of change in activity and social status of the child (preschooler - junior schoolchild) pass as calmly as possible, taking into account the personal and psychological characteristics of six-year-old children.
smoothing out the consequences of the kindergarten-school transition period;
creating conditions for the most stress-free adaptation of a first-grader at school.
Expected result: a graduate of a preschool institution is socially adapted and socially protected according to psycho-age needs, ready to start studying at a comprehensive school.

to cultivate the child’s activity in interaction with the environment;
develop a culture of behavior (develop habits and rules of behavior in society);
develop social culture (correct attitude towards the surrounding reality, towards nature);
cultivate citizenship (correct attitude towards work, public and private property);
teach the child to apply his existing knowledge, skills and abilities of communication and interaction with the outside world;
provide age-appropriate general educational knowledge and ideas about oneself and others;
to form a national culture (respect for state symbols, preservation of the country’s cultural traditions, education on the historical national heritage);
develop the level of creativity (the ability to create) through involvement in various activities;
to improve the gaming culture of six-year-olds, since the central new formation of the psyche of a child of this age is role-playing play.

Work with children:
teach children to come into contact with others, with peers, so as not to disrupt existing relationships;
involve children to consolidate skills in multifaceted social contacts based on interest in certain types of activities;
the principles and methods of working with children in the process of interaction must be in strict accordance with the psychological laws of personality formation;
create all conditions for identifying and developing potential internal reserves of the individual;
provide psychological assistance in adapting to the changing conditions of everyday life;
help to assimilate national and universal moral values;
teach children to apply their existing knowledge, skills, and human communication skills in everyday life.
Working with teaching staff:
creation of an educational system that promotes the exchange of experience and mutual cooperation between schools and kindergartens;
organization and methodological support of interaction between members of the school teaching staff and members of the kindergarten teaching staff.
Project activity object (implementation base):
Preschoolers 4 – 6 years old.

Subjects of project activities:
members of the school teaching staff:

Teacher - organizer;
- school psychologist;
- teacher-defectologist (if necessary);
- social teacher;
- leaders of circles;
- primary school teachers;
- teacher receiving kindergarten graduates;
- leader of the children's association.
- creatively working teachers.

Members of the school's student body:
- an asset of the children's self-government system;
- active BRPO (Belarusian Republican Pioneer Organization);
- children attending hobby groups and classes;
- "Octobers";
- guys who want to help in cooperation.

Parent Community;
Members of the teaching staff of the kindergarten.

Forms and methods of work:
Involving schoolchildren of different ages and preschoolers in joint gaming activities;
Organization of joint events, cultural activities of various types (game, educational, developmental, creative, intellectual);
Organization of excursion programs for preschoolers within the framework of “school - kindergarten”;
Organization and conduct of joint creative activities (exhibitions, competitions, festivals);
The work of socio-psychological services to study the personal and mental qualities and properties of each child with the subsequent introduction of differentiated, personality-oriented methods and forms of work;
Individual work on the formation, development and improvement of knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with the age characteristics required by the situation.

Implementation dates and schedules:
5 years
Planning stages:
Preparatory stage- 2 years:
Creation of a creative group consisting of teachers, educators, schoolchildren and parents;
Development of a program of cooperation and interaction between a secondary school and a preschool institution;
Planning of educational and methodological complexes;
Development of a comprehensive target system of pedagogical activity and interaction;
Creation of analytical material for diagnosing project implementation.

Main stage – 2 years:
Conducting planned educational and methodological events for participants in project activities;
Identification, generalization and dissemination of the best experience of participants in project activities on cooperation and interaction between a comprehensive school and a preschool institution;
Organization and implementation of educational interaction program;
Monitoring the implementation of project activities;
Analytical activities to implement project objectives.

Final stage – 1 year:
Monitoring and evaluation of project results;
Information and analytical work to summarize the results of project activities;
Accompanying first-graders in their first year of school.

Criteria by which the quality of the project will be monitored:

1. Level of socialization and adaptation of children at the borderline period “kindergarten – school”:
Level of motivation of children to study;
Assessing the opportunity of each child to demonstrate their creative potential;
The degree of realization of the value orientations of a first-grader;
The degree of influence of various factors of the social environment on children;
The place of school in the formation of a child’s personality;
The level of readiness of children to start school.

2. The degree of compliance of educational services with the needs and expectations of parents:
Comparative analysis of the opinions of first-graders and participants
project activities, parents regarding satisfaction with the work being carried out.

3. Assessment of the sociocultural situation:
Assessment of the activities of subjects of project work to develop the general cultural horizons of students;
Level of communication skills of first-graders;
Level of value orientations;
The level of education of children, the presence of negative phenomena in the adaptation of first-graders, their analysis;
The presence of sociocultural events in project activities;
The state of relationships between first-graders and other members of the school community.
Regulatory support:
Code of the Republic of Belarus “On Education”;
The concept of raising children and students in the Republic of Belarus;
Program for the education of children and students in the Republic of Belarus;
Law of the Republic of Belarus “On the Rights of the Child”.

Methodological support:
Scientific and methodological materials on the project problem;
Methodological developments of members of teaching staff of schools and kindergartens;
Methodological literature.
