The head of Crimea Aksenov is a criminal authority. Aksyonov in Crimea - “Goblin” or “classic post-Soviet official”? According to BTI, Aksenova E.A.

This text contains information about where the future Crimean separatist was born, what business and real estate he owns. The criminal connections of Aksenov, who received the nickname “Goblin” in the criminal world, are also described separately.

Aksenov Sergey Valerievich, born November 26, 1972, native of Beltsy, Moldova, Russian, citizen of Ukraine, passport EU507995 issued on August 12, 1997 by the Zheleznodorozhny RO SGU Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, identification code 2662817974 received on May 30, 2001, registered by address: Crimea, Simferopol, st. Heroes of Stalingrad, 35, apt. 231, the apartment has a telephone number 481320, subscriber E.A. Aksenova. For personal use, you can have a mobile phone number 099 7808320.

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In 1988 he graduated from secondary school No. 6 in Balti with a silver medal.

He has a higher education; in 1993 he graduated from the Simferopol Higher Political Military Construction School, but upon graduation he retired to the reserve. Worked as an insurance agent in the private enterprise "Irbis" (OKPO 20695406, legal address: Crimea, Simferopol, Crimean Partisan Street, 17, apt. 6, type of activity - mediation in the trade of furniture, household items, etc.) , had business connections with the managers of the insurance company "Centurion" (not listed in the database), which was located at: Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Simferopol, st. Crimean partisans, 4/55, presumably sq. 58.

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From October 1998 to March 2001 - Deputy Director of Asterix LLC.

From April 2001 to the present - Deputy Director of Firm Eskada LLC.

S. Aksenov lived at his registered address for about 10 years. There is a housekeeper in the apartment, but she is strictly forbidden to communicate with strangers and open the door. The apartment is equipped with the latest model alarm system and is under the control of the private security service of the Crimea. The apartment has a sauna, redevelopment and major renovations have been carried out.

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Formally, S. Aksenov is divorced, but in fact he lives with his family in a newly built private house located in the area of ​​the park named after. Shevchenko, the house has several floors, a swimming pool.

Those around Aksenov S.V. characterized as a businesslike, enterprising, self-confident, serious, cunning, resourceful, uncommunicative, secretive man. Leads an isolated lifestyle.

The main source of family income is the funds received by spouses from private business activities. Aksenov S.V. is actively engaged in commercial activities and is a co-owner of the Alcatraz bar. Together with his wife, they own several private companies engaged in the sale and rental of their own and state real estate, the issuance of tourist visas abroad, the sale of food products, household chemicals, and industrial goods. From time to time, spouses go on vacation abroad.

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Illegal activities S. Aksenov started in the organized crime group "Greeks", where he was at first a simple militant, then, after the defeat of the “Greeks” - in the Salem PF, he hid behind entrepreneurship - he was the general director of several companies, shops, restaurants and bars, the work of which he supervised as the leader of an organized crime group. Since approximately 1997, he has been working at the expense of one of the leaders of the Salem organized crime group, Sergei Kryukov. In criminal circles, S. Aksenov has the nicknames “Aksen” and “Goblin”.

S. Aksenov was a member of the Union of Entrepreneurs of Crimea, headed by S. Voronkov, and maintained friendly relations with V. Shevyev, the “godfather” of the Salem organized crime group.

In January 1996, on the Simferopol-Moscow highway, "Greeks" fired at a car with members of the Salem organized crime group, in the front seat of which S. Aksenov was. On the same day he was taken to the hospital. Semashko with gunshot wounds.

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On April 5, 1997, during a “showdown” near the Palace of Culture, Aksenov’s close friend and business partner Agayev Samkhan Mazakhir Ogly, born in 1961 (criminal authority, nickname “Sani”) was killed. After this, Aksenov S.V. became the head of all retail outlets previously owned by Agayev, one of which was the Lancon restaurant, located in Simferopol on the street. Gorky, and also took control of the persons involved in currency exchange at the CCR. For a certain period of time, the Aksenov spouses were constantly accompanied by security after the death of Agayev.

Earlier, in May 1996, “Sani’s” wife, Elena Nikolaevna Agayeva, organized an underground workshop for sewing wedding dresses, suits, tents and other products. The workshop was located on the street. School on the territory of a garment factory. After the death of “Sanya”, Sergei Valerievich Aksenov began to voice property claims against Agayeva. She was given to understand that the above-mentioned Marilyn store, which was located in the courtyard of the cinema named after. Shevchenko, and other objects belonging to "Sani", obshchakovsky.

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In February 1998 there was a transaction was recorded for the acquisition of pistols by Aksenov from a Crimean Tatar, living in Simferopol on the street. Builders, 9.

In June 1998, Aksenov, through his connections in the police (Alexey Deminov), resolved issues regarding his companion S. Borodkin. According to Borodkin, the decision to terminate the criminal case against him cost 12 thousand dollars.

On April 21, 1999, information was received that one of the main channels of financial support for the Salem organized crime group operates through commercial structures operating from Dnepropetrovsk companies, in particular, through the Rainford company. Its representative in Crimea for the wholesale trade of products is the company "Partner". At the same time, to counter the work of law enforcement agencies, the emphasis is on “cooperation” with the prosecutor’s office. According to one of the leaders of the organized crime group, the personal friendship of the organized crime group member Aksenov and the prosecutor of the city of Ratiya is used for these purposes.

On April 6, 2000, information was received that Aksenov’s work relied on the authority and connections of the former chairman of the State Property Fund of Crimea, Valery Mironovich Gorbatov. They privatized the Simferopol Furniture Factory, the Yalta Cold Storage Plant, and a grocery store in Alushta on the street. Snezhkova, 26, and other objects. Working together with Aksenov is Igor Stepnov, who was previously part of Litvin’s PG, the owner of a currency exchange office in the “Fabrics” store on Kirov Ave.

On December 29, 2001, workers from the Simferopol Organized Crime Control Department found an explosive device on the roof of Aksenov’s house.. Aksenov stated that this device was planted on him because... he refuses to follow Voronkov's instructions. So, Voronkov demanded that Borodkin and Aksenov give the disco "Guys" and "Eva" to one of Voronkov's close connections, to which they refused.

At the beginning of 2002, Aksenov and Borodkin actively began nominating their candidates for deputies at all levels. They established especially close ties with the Chairman of the Government of Crimea and the leader of the KRO of the Labor Ukraine party V. Gorbatov.

On January 23, 2002, information was received that S. Aksenov was directly related to a group involved in the theft and sale of stolen cars for spare parts. This group was organized by former traffic police officer Igor Valerievich Vilisov, who at that time worked in the environmental police. The group included former members of the Salem organized crime group. One of them is Volovik Alexander Viktorovich, born on March 20, 1970, who has connections in the Criminal Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Crimea. The auto repair shop for the re-equipment and dismantling of stolen vehicles was located in the area of ​​the Simferopol Glass Container Plant, and the body work for the conversion of license plates and units was located in the auto repair shop located in the village of Gvardeyskoye.

On December 27, 2002, information was received that Aksenov and his connection I. Stepnov were actively looking for an opportunity to find out why they wanted to tap their cell phones 526801 and 526802. A trusted person from the DCC cellular communication company informed them about this initiative immediately upon receiving a request from the Organized Crime Control Department. Aksenov and Stepnov connect these events with the arrest of Shabelnik Oleg Gennadievich, born in 1966, living at the address: Simferopol, st. Energetikov, 6/12, apt. 4 and accused of committing the murder of Baboshina I.V. November 26, 2002. Shabelnik borrowed money from Aksenov and Stepnov and did not pay it back. He is characterized by them extremely negatively; he is considered a dishonest businessman. In their opinion, Shabelnik reported something to the police about their criminal activities, so no help will be provided to him.

Since the beginning of 2004, Aksenov has been actively acquiring large industrial facilities in Simferopol. One of such objects is OJSC "Simferopol Glass Container Plant" (OKPO 00293350, legal address: Simferopol, Industrialnaya St., 41). Aksenov invested large amounts of money in the reconstruction of the plant, almost completely reorganized production, purchased and installed new modern equipment for the production of glass and bottle casting. The plant's production was reoriented to the production of vodka and wine bottles, which are sold to the wine industry, including outside the Crimea, and the high quality of the products is noted. It should be noted that this enterprise has been in the sphere of influence of the Salem organized crime group for quite a long time. One of the first to control it was the former foreman of the organized crime group Andrei Pavlovich Zabolotny, who was killed in 1996 and was listed as an engineer at the plant. OJSC "Simferopol Glass Container Plant" is a joint "project" of Aksenov and Valery Mironovich Gorbatov, whose brother, Leonid Mironovich Gorbatov, was the director of this enterprise. With the help of Gorbatov V.M. Aksenov manages to avoid problems associated with inspections by the tax inspectorate and other control bodies. Until February 21, 2006, S. Aksenov was a member of the Supervisory Board of the OJSC.

In November 2006, information was received that members of the Salem organized crime group Borodkin and Aksenov were “cooperating” with an employee of the Internal Affairs Directorate from General Pascal’s group (a special group of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for solving crimes of past years) Alexey Demin and financing work related to solving the crimes of the Salem organized crime group. and the organized crime group "Bashmaki". The source associated the fact of cooperation between the named representatives of the organized crime group with the presence of incriminating materials on them from Deminov.

It became known that Borodkin and Aksenov collaborated with an entrepreneur who was part of the business structure of Valery Gorbatov, Stepnov (nickname “Styopa” - a former employee of the SBU), and Deminov previously maintained a trusting relationship with employees of the Crimean SBU, including Stepnov.

The result of a trusting relationship was Borodkin and Aksenov’s investment in Stepnov’s business project (construction of a market in the area of ​​Geroev Stalingrad Street). After receiving money from members of the organized crime group, information appeared that Stepnov ordered the murder of Borodkin and Aksenov to an SBU officer. This custom-made event was stopped by an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Alexey Deminov. Stepnov was taken into custody, and Deminov “became friends” with Brodkin and Aksenov.

A. Deminov, at the request of Aksenov and Borodkin, “leaked” information “about the attempt on Nenaltovskaya’s life by Karasev,” and the press reported that Nenaltovskaya was attacked by the people of “Karas” (Ukrainian Pravda, article by Sonya Koshkina).

The source also said that through the mediation of A. Deminov, Aksenov and Borodkin transferred 60 thousand US dollars to the Crimean prosecutor’s office so that the case of Tikhonchuk’s murder would not be raised again. Aksenov and Borodkin received the money from Gorbatov, because Gorbatov was an interested person. It is known that the perpetrator of Tikhonchuk’s murder, Gonadze, suddenly died in a pre-trial detention cell, and the driver Stas, the second participant in the attempt on Tikhonchuk’s life (Aksenov’s connection), was sentenced to 9 years.

Since 2008, S. Aksenov has been a member of the public organization "Russian Community of Crimea", a member of the public organization "Civil Activist of Crimea", since 2009 - a member of the board of the public organization "Civil Activist of Crimea".

Since that time, he has been in a state of constant conflict with the leadership of the Crimean autonomy and the city of Simferopol, namely with the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Anatoly Gritsenko, the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Alexander Melnik and Igor Lukashev, and the mayor of Simferopol Gennady Babenko. The “Civil Activist of Crimea”, controlled by S. Aksenov, regularly held mass protests against the above-mentioned persons.

S. Aksenov tried to position himself as a businessman, in every possible way refused to have ties with Voronkov (according to him, they remain neutral), however, according to available information, the State Joint Stock Company was their joint project, the main goal of which was to restore economic balance and return economic assets to Voronkov. This was partly confirmed by S. Aksenov’s increased interests in the financial component of the I. Lukashov-A. Melnik-A. Gritsenko group.

From a certain period, at the expense of Lev Mirimsky, the pseudo-social activities of Sergei Aksenov were covered almost daily on the website “New Region-Crimea”. During the preparation for the election campaign for the election of the President of Ukraine, Sergei Aksenov and one of the leaders of the State Joint Stock Company Sergei Veselovsky (previously part of Lev Mirimsky’s team, headed the youth wing of the Union party) visited all parties and public organizations in Crimea, offering their services. However, none of the party leaders began to openly cooperate with Aksenov.

In 2009, he was an assistant to the deputy of the Simferopol City Council from the “Russian Bloc”, ex-secretary of the City Council Vladimir Germanovich Blinov, born 04/01/1957.

Sergei Aksenov took advantage of the conflict between the group of Speaker Anatoly Gritsenko and part of the Party of Regions and the Russian Bloc, which was part of the “For Yanukovych!” faction. (Sergey Tsekov). After private negotiations, it was decided to unite the forces of the Civil Activists of Crimea and the Russian Bloc in the fight against A. Gritsenko.

On November 25, 2009, a meeting of the Coordination Council of Russian and pro-Russian organizations “For Russian unity in Crimea!” was held. Sergei Aksenov was present at the meeting; he and Sergei Tsekov were elected co-chairmen of the Coordination Council. The stated goal of this coalition is to create a single powerful national Russian movement in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol. The tactical task is to form an election bloc of Crimean patriotic forces to protect the constitutional rights of Crimeans and Sevastopol residents in local authorities at all levels.

According to a source at the headquarters of the Russian Bloc, the election of Sergei Aksenov as co-chairman (in fact, the second head of the Coordination Council) was difficult, many present at the meeting were against his candidacy. In addition to Aksenov, who had not previously been a member of the Russian movements, Rodivilov, Slyusarenko, Los, and Grzhibovskaya were proposed for the post of co-chairman, all of whom have extensive experience working in pro-Russian organizations and government bodies. However, the funds offered as a “dowry” for Aksenov, as well as the combat-ready, ready-to-work organization Civic Asset of Crimea, became decisive factors for his election. The distribution of responsibilities between the two co-chairs is also of interest: Sergei Tsekov will be responsible for ideological work, Sergei Aksenov is entrusted with leading the socio-economic direction of the CC activities, i.e. Aksenov and his Crimean Civic Activists will be responsible for organizing (and financing) actions, rallies, tent camps, publishing and distributing printed materials, and fighting officials from the ranks of the Party of Regions.

One of the most trusted allies of the pro-Russian organizations in Crimea are the Cossack formations. For this reason, the Association of Cossacks of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (Ataman Sergei Yurchenko) joined the Coordination Council.

On November 29, 2009, a meeting of the Council of Atamans of Crimea was held in Simferopol. The co-chairman of the Coordination Council "For Russian Unity in Crimea!", member of the board of the "Civil Activist of Crimea" Sergei Aksenov, took part in the meeting. Aksenov spoke on behalf of the Coordination Council and called on other Cossack formations to join this association. He promised that “Crimean patriotic forces will in every possible way contribute to the revival of the institution of the Cossacks on the peninsula as a powerful factor in the revival of spirituality and canonical Orthodoxy.”

In addition, at the meeting of the Council there was criticism of the deputy of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, ataman of the Crimean Cossack Union Vladimir Cherkashin, who supported A. Gritsenko’s group. This indicated that there was also no unity among the Cossack organizations of Crimea, they were disunited and situationally aligned with a stronger, more influential partner.

Since 2009 - leader of the All-Crimean socio-political movement "Russian Unity".

Since December 12, 2009 - first deputy of the Russian Community of Crimea. “We believe that we work well, we complement each other, we work effectively. Today there is a need for closer interaction. Together we created the pan-Crimean socio-political movement “Russian Unity”. And the election of Sergei Aksenov to a leadership position in the “Community” can be regarded as an influx of fresh forces of young age. Let me remind you that in the authorities of Crimea the youngest deputies are from the “Russian community,” said the leader of the ROC S. Tsekov.

At the end of 2009 and the beginning of 2010, the conflict in the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, created with the direct participation of S. Aksenov, had a detrimental effect on the Cossack movements of the region: after the collapse of the coalition "Bloc "For Yanukovych" and the withdrawal from it of the Russian bloc led by Sergei Tsekov (after conflict with A. Gritsenko), part of the Cossack organizations also joined the Russian movements of Tsekov-Aksenov. The Council of Atamans of Crimea, the Simferopol Cossack District went into opposition to Cherkashin and the organization he headed, since Cherkashin supported Gritsenko during the conflict.

On 01/09/2010, the Cossacks of the Simferopol District expressed no confidence in the Supreme Ataman of the Crimean Cossack Union, Vladimir Cherkashin, calling his order to remove from the posts of the Ataman and first comrade of the Supreme Ataman in the Simferopol Cossack District Viktor Mikshin (for supporting S. Tsekov’s organization “Russian Unity”) unfounded and political. ). The meeting of representatives of the Simferopol Cossack district was held in the premises of the Russian Cultural Center provided to them by S. Tsekov. The Cossacks stated that they did not intend to further obey the illegal orders of the Supreme Ataman of the KKS, and accused him of inaction. It was also announced about the possibility of the Simferopol district leaving the Crimean Cossack Union and the prospect of support by the Council of Atamans of Crimea for the newly created organization “Russian Unity” (S. Tsekov, S. Aksenov).

On February 14, 2010, a Cossack circle took place, the participants of which discussed the main events for the spring of 2010. Among the guests of the meeting was the co-chairman of Russian Unity Sergei Aksenov. He confirmed that his organization is committed to close cooperation with the Cossacks of Crimea in protecting the interests of the Orthodox Russian population of the peninsula.

In addition, he proposed convening a unifying forum of the Crimean Cossacks by the end of February in order to develop a program for the development of Cossack autonomy, and promised assistance from Russian Unity in organizing this event.

On September 11, 2010, Sergei Aksenov stated that the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine registered the renaming of the Avangard party to the Russian Unity party. Thus, the All-Crimean movement "Russian Unity" acquired all-Ukrainian party status.

Since November 2010 - deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea of ​​the VI convocation, elected in a multi-member electoral district from the Crimean Republican organization of the Political Party "Russian Unity". Member of the Standing Commission of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea on budgetary, economic and investment policy (chairman of the subcommittee on tax policy).

09.12.2010 deputy|intercessor| Secretary of the Security Council of Ukraine D. Vydrin said, that, in his opinion |in his opinion|, exactly Aksenov is a politician from|s| "a new generation of businessmen who are eager to come into power". “Let’s hope that these people will come out and claim national fame.”, - he said. This statement indicates that Aksenov’s candidacy was considered by pro-government structures as promising in the future change of leadership of the Russian|Russian| movement in Ukraine.

According to the Statistics Department, Aksenov S.V. is a founder (investor) of the following enterprises:

1. Public organization "Sports Club "Hwarang-Do" (OKPO 33266837, legal address: Crimea, Simferopol, Kievskaya St., 115, type of activity - public organizations).

According to the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, in the name of Aksenov S.V. The following vehicles are registered:

VAZ 21140-120-20, manufactured in 2006, gray, license plate AK0159AK;

OPEL FRONTERА, 1993, blue, license plate Н9102МЯ.

S. Aksenov is the founder of the newspaper “Russian Courier in Crimea” (registration certificate KM 1604-356r dated February 19, 2010).

In addition, S. Aksenov is a co-owner of the Berg shopping center in Simferopol and the shopping center at the address: Simferopol, Kirova Ave., 27 (previously the Ocean store was located at this address).

According to the Statistics Department, S.V. Aksenov’s closest relatives registered:

1. LLC "Panel Systems" (OKPO 35053323, legal address: Crimea, Simferopol, Khimicheskaya St., 4, type of activity - general construction).

2. According to the BTI, apartment No. 19 at the address: Simferopol, st. Oktyabrskaya, 5.

3. LLC "Gals" (OKPO 469197, legal address: Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Simferopol, Kirova Ave., 27, type of activity - retail trade). By decision No. 462 of the 32nd session of the City Council of the IV convocation dated September 15, 2005, Gals LLC was allocated a complex with an area of ​​3559 square meters for rent. m. at the address: Simferopol, Kirova Ave., 27 for a period of 49 years for the reconstruction of a store-restaurant with an increase in the building area to accommodate an office and shopping center;

4. LLC Firm "Best and K" (OKPO 30328193, legal address: Crimea, Simferopol, Kirova Ave., 22, type of activity - leasing of own and state real estate for industrial, technical and cultural purposes). In turn, LLC Firm "Best and K" is an investor in LLC "Web-Com Plus" (OKPO 33267364, legal address: Crimea, Simferopol, Kirova Ave., 22/2, type of activity - wholesale trade of office furniture and equipment);

5. LLC Firm "Eskada" (OKPO 24871679, legal AR Crimea, Simferopol, Kirova Ave., 18/3, type of activity - leasing of own and state real estate for industrial, technical and cultural purposes);

6. Malva-Kom LLC (OKPO 33918042, legal address: Crimea, Simferopol, Karaimskaya str., 50, type of activity - leasing of own real estate);

7. LLC "Monolit-Plus" (OKPO 36115317, legal address: Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Simferopol, Kirova Ave., 22/2, type of activity - leasing of own real estate);

8. LLC "Stealth-Yug" (OKPO 36275776, legal address: Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Simferopol, Kirova Ave., 22/2, type of activity - leasing of own real estate);

9. LLC "Brig Company" (formerly - OJSC "Bakhchisaray Food Products Plant", OKPO 378909, legal address: Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Bakhchisaray, Rakitsky St., 23, type of activity - retail trade in non-specialized stores with a predominance of food assortment);

10. Private communications enterprise "Telesvyaz" (OKPO 20757082, legal address: Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Simferopol, Kirova Ave., 32/1, type of activity - canteen activities);

11. LLC "Panel Systems" (OKPO 35053323, legal address: Crimea, Simferopol, Khimicheskaya St., 4, type of activity - general construction);

12. LLC "Baza-Sim" (OKPO 37543709, legal address: Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Simferopol, Kommunalnaya St., 57A, type of activity - vehicle maintenance and repair).

13. LLC "Krymteplitsa" (OKPO 4687229, legal address: Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Simferopol district, Molodeznoye village, Simferopol highway, 11 km, type of activity - vegetable growing, ornamental gardening).

14. Private enterprise "Sea Surf and K" (OKPO 30639085, legal address: Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Alushta, 15 April St., 12, type of activity - cafe);

15. LLC "Capital" (OKPO 24864596, legal address: Crimea, Simferopol, Okhotnichiy lane, 18/38, type of activity - leasing of own real estate);

16. LLC "Golden Ear "Crimea" (OKPO 31220628, legal address: Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Simferopol, Vorovskogo St., 4A, type of activity - leasing of own real estate);

17. Private enterprise "Crimean Echo" (OKPO 37172182, legal address: Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Simferopol, Gorky St., 2, apt. 19, type of activity - newspaper publishing). The company develops the Internet portal "Crimean Echo" () and publishes a paper supplement - the newspaper "Crimean Echo" (registration certificate KM 1701-453PR dated May 17, 2011);

18. LLC "Arkhservisbud" (OKPO 35813793, legal address: Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Simferopol, 60 Let Oktyabrya str., 3, apt. 135, type of activity - general construction).

According to the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the following vehicles are registered in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea:

MERCEDES-BENZ CLS350, 2007, black, license plate AK0494AT;

MERCEDES-BENZ GL 450, 2007, black, license plate AK0433AR.

According to BTI:

Premises with an area of ​​112.5 sq. m at the address: Simferopol, st. Karaimskaya, 50;

Apartments No. 29 at the address: Simferopol, Kirova Ave., 30;

Apartments No. 231 at the address: Simferopol, st. Heroes of Stalingrad, 35;

Apartments No. 23 at the address: Simferopol, Kirova Ave., 30/2;

Premises No. 9-12 with an area of ​​116 sq. m at the address: Simferopol, Kirova Ave., 30/2 (1st floor).

Households at the address: Simferopol, lane. Okhotnichiy, 18/st. Likhogo, 38;

Apartments No. 4 at the address: Simferopol, st. Karaimskaya, 50B.

© RIA Novosti, Andrey Stenin

Premier nicknamed "Goblin"

The head of the Crimean government “was an ordinary foreman in a criminal group,” says a member of the Ukrainian parliament

Sergei Aksenov, who was elected Prime Minister of Crimea on February 27, approached Vladimir Putin with a request for help “in ensuring peace and tranquility” in Crimea. His election took place in the absence of a quorum (there were only 47 deputies in the hall), without the presence of the press, but surrounded by armed people who seized the Verkhovna Rada of Crimea. “There are enough weapons for a whole battalion and enough for a month of defense,” said the representative of the Ukrainian President in Crimea, Sergei Kunitsyn.

Sergei Aksenov, the leader of the Russian Unity party, which received 4% of the votes in the elections to the Crimean Armed Forces, has an interesting biography.

A Crimean member of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine told Radio Liberty about Aksenov and another supporter of Viktor Yanukovych, Chairman of the Supreme Council of Crimea Vladimir Konstantinov Andrey Senchenko.

— I have known Vladimir Konstantinov for about 25 years; he has always been involved only in business and had nothing to do with politics. His business is very specific - it is essentially a construction pyramid under the collective name “Console”. This company is known in Crimea for the fact that thousands of Crimeans are still waiting for apartments that they paid money for and should have received 5, 7, 8 years ago. She collected money all over the country and did not complete the housing. This company fraudulently obtained very large loans, including from Russian banks: Sberbank, VTB, Prominvest, and so on. Why fraudulently? Because, for example, in a large residential complex built on the southern coast of Crimea, they completely sold all the apartments, and then changed the house number and mortgaged it to the bank for a loan. Konstantinov has a terrible financial situation, he is bankrupt and owes a huge amount of money to the banks. There are criminal cases. To avoid responsibility, Mr. Konstantinov began to finance the Party of Regions in Crimea using the next loan money and thus became the speaker of the Crimean parliament. That is, it was a form of evasion of criminal liability for economic crimes. A couple of months ago, Konstantinov began actively traveling to Moscow. And after one of these trips, he called the head of the legal service of the Verkhovna Rada of Crimea and asked to make a selection of documents on the 1954 act on the annexation of Crimea to Ukraine - these are issues that he had never been interested in in his life. Konstantinov’s behavior changed sharply, he began to behave very aggressively, and felt support behind his back. Therefore, it is obvious that the scenario that is now being implemented has been prepared for several months and, of course, was prepared in Moscow. That is, this is not a spontaneous reaction of Crimeans to some events.

Mr. Aksenov in the mid-90s was an ordinary foreman in an organized criminal group; he was known in Crimea in criminal circles and police under the nickname “Goblin”. A person who cannot put together three words. At a certain point, he also became involved in politics, I would set the starting point as 2009, he headed the Russian Unity structure, again after several trips and consultations in Moscow. This structure is supported financially, apparently, there. That is why this couple was tasked with portraying the new government in Crimea.

— So you assume that this scenario arose long before the Maidan?

— In all scenarios of destabilization of the situation in Ukraine, the Crimean card was provided for. Therefore, I would say this: now the dust has been blown off from the scenarios of 20 years ago, when President Meshkov was elected in Crimea. Almost 90% of current actions are actions of that period. It’s just that now the troops of the Russian Federation are being brought in more freely, but when there was still an undivided fleet, this was associated with a fairly peaceful situation. There have always been scenarios, but the scenario became more concrete with the beginning of the Maidan.

— Many people are now comparing the situation in Crimea with the war in Abkhazia. Is this a valid analogy?

— Not yet, thank God, but this is the trend. As far as I understand, for those who stand behind Konstantinov and Aksenov, this option is quite acceptable.

- Among other things, the economic sins you talked about will be written off...

This applies specifically to these two characters, despite the fact that Konstantinov has economic sins, and Aksenov has simply corpses.

- Have the gangster cases you’re talking about been investigated?

In Crimea, unfortunately, many criminal authorities managed to avoid responsibility; the cases were not further investigated. Numerous changes of power in Crimea, erasure, purging of materials... Given the will and action of the law, and not some other arguments, I think that Aksenov’s place is in prison.

— There is no reason to talk about legitimacy at all. Firstly, because there was no quorum. There were fewer than 50 deputies, and not all of those present voted. This is not difficult to establish; law enforcement agencies just need to have a conversation with each of the deputies, and those who were not there can write a statement. Thus, the number of people who definitely did not vote or did not vote will be calculated. And second: the Constitution of Crimea, which is also the law of Ukraine, clearly regulates the procedure for appointing the Prime Minister. This procedure is as follows: at a meeting of the Verkhovna Rada, a candidacy is determined, then it is agreed upon with the president of the country, and after receiving written consent, the speaker submits the candidacy to a vote. That is, there is a preliminary determination, then agreement with the president, and then voting. This procedure has never been violated in Crimea in all the years of Crimean autonomy. This has now been ignored. They say they received verbal consent from Yanukovych, who is on the run and not the country's president.

“Despite all these blatant violations, everything happens without the slightest resistance. Can we expect that some kind of resistance will arise, and from which side should we expect it?

“I think that the Russian side is very much counting on a tough response: shooting will start in response, and then they will say that we are forced to protect civilians from bandits. That is why Crimean law enforcement officers and military units of Ukraine located in Crimea are in such an ambiguous position. Because on the one hand they cannot help but fight back, on the other hand they understand that this is exactly what they are waiting for. But the initiators of this scenario clearly underestimate the attitude of the population to what is happening. Some people think that the occupation will be greeted with flowers, but nothing like that happens.

— Russian support in Sevastopol is very serious.

- Of course, all this is present, of course. But the brazen occupation pushed people away.

— We can say that the main opponents of the occupation are the Crimean Tatars...

“This is a very important stabilizing factor, but there is something that, in my opinion, comes first: a whole generation of Crimeans who were born in independent Ukraine has already grown up. What is happening is the occupation of their homeland. This is exactly the question. Therefore, I think that today there is reason to expect very serious resistance from residents of Crimea of ​​different nationalities, resistance to occupation.

— Armed resistance?

- Why armed? Rejection of this scenario.

InoSMI materials contain assessments exclusively of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the InoSMI editorial staff.

There are many rumors about the “secret” biography of Mr. Aksenov - in particular, the name of the “head” of Crimea is associated with large criminal groups that operated in the late nineties, when the leader of the annexed peninsula was “young and full of strength.” In the Russian media, Aksenov, on the contrary, is presented as a simple deputy who “has become one of the people thanks to his work and intellect.” For organizing the Crimean referendum, as well as for further “successes” in the development of Crimea, Aksenov has already been awarded many orders and titles. Over the past couple of years, he was awarded the title of honorary citizen of the peninsula, and was given an order of merit, naturally, to the Russian Federation, and not to Ukraine. The Russian media characterize the “head” of Crimea as a confident and serious leader capable of making the peninsula a prosperous region.

He is a native of Soviet Moldova. In 1972, in November, he was born in Balti. There is no information about his family, in addition, Sergei Valerievich carefully hides information about his personal life. The media were only able to find out that the parents of the Crimean leader are Ukrainians by nationality. Aksenov graduated from high school with a silver medal, and later became a military builder, having studied at the Simferopol Higher Military School. According to Russian sources, for many years Aksenov ran a variety of businesses - he worked as a boss in cooperatives and companies, but, according to verified information, the future “chosen one” of the people was part of the Salem criminal group. Aksenov even had the call sign “Goblin”, and he was considered a fairly famous person in Crimea. The first to speak about the involvement of the future politician in criminal structures was Mikhail Bakharev, who held the position of deputy head of the Supreme Council of Crimea. In 2009, he accused Aksenov of raider seizures of two sanatoriums, several residential buildings and a train station in Simferopol.

The “head” of Crimea could not withstand such pressure and filed a lawsuit against Bakharev for libel and insult to honor. The judges came to the defense of Sergei Valerievich and ordered his offender to pay one hryvnia as moral compensation. Bakharev did not calm down and filed a complaint with the Court of Appeal. Aksenov lost the case because he did not present to the court a single piece of evidence of his innocence. He later stated that he was outraged by the judges’ decision, since after such “verdicts” any person could be trampled into the dirt and publicly humiliated. Aksenov insisted that Bakharev knew nothing about him and took information from false sites.

With Aksenov’s personal life, everything is as complicated as with his connections with criminal groups. It is known that “Goblin” married a girl named Elena at a very young age, and that he is still married to her – this is what the Russian media write. However, there are rumors that the “head” of Crimea has long separated from his wife and is only creating the appearance of a relationship. Elena and Sergei have two adult children - an eldest daughter and a younger son. Aksenov’s children entered prestigious universities. His wife Elena is considered a fairly successful businessman, and, as many say, after Aksenov entered politics, she earns no less than her husband.

Aksenov entered politics at the age of 36, joining the “Russian Community of Crimea”. Apparently, even then the owner of the annexed peninsula was thinking about returning Crimea to its “historical homeland.” In 2009, Sergei Valerievich was appointed co-chairman of “For Russian Unity in Crimea.” It was during the beginning of his political career that rumors began to circulate that Aksenov was organizing raider takeovers, but, despite his tarnished reputation, the politician gained the required number of votes and entered the Supreme Council of the Republic. Then history is silent about how in a short time Aksenov received the chair of the head of the Council of Ministers.

In the winter of 2014, the building of the Supreme Council of Crimea was seized, people changed the flag of Ukraine to the flag of Russia, and Aksenov was proclaimed prime minister of Crimea. A few days later, Turchynov signed an order declaring that such “elections” were illegal and stated that they violated the Constitution. Criminal proceedings were opened against “Goblin”, accusing him of violent seizure of power. In response, Aksenov issued his own decrees, and in a short time completely subjugated all the structures of the peninsula, after which he began to put pressure on Putin and ask for “assistance.” There is no need to tell the story further - through “joint efforts” a referendum was held in Crimea, and the peninsula joined the Russian Federation, and Aksenov became its rightful owner.

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Sergei Aksenov showed the makings of a leader from a very early age. At school, Sergei was active first in the Pioneer and then in the Komsomol line, was the captain of the school football team, which competed in the Balti city championship, and studied with almost straight A's. He graduated from school with a silver medal and, having received a brilliant Komsomol reference, went to the Crimea, to Simferopol, to enter the local military-political school.

Aksenov chose this school, firstly, because he always wanted to work with people, and the position of an army political commissar fully allowed this. Secondly, the Simferopol School trained political officers for the construction troops, and Aksenov’s father was a civil engineer. He also studied very well there and was in good standing with the teachers. It seemed that a brilliant career awaited him. However, fate decreed otherwise.

After the collapse of the USSR, the Simferopol Higher Military-Political Construction School (which overnight became simply a construction school) ended up on the territory of Ukraine. New enrollment was stopped, but it was announced that all cadets would be graduated as officers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Since Sergei Valerievich Aksenov did not intend to serve in the Ukrainian army, immediately after graduation he submitted a report on his transfer to the reserve. But he had to feed his family (Aksenov had gotten married by that time), so he went into business.

Sergey Valerievich Aksenov

Sergei Valerievich Aksenov started as an ordinary insurance agent, then became deputy director of the Hellas cooperative, which was engaged in mediation in the furniture trade. It was a hard time, so Aksenov had to communicate closely with representatives of criminal structures. Subsequently, the Security Service of Ukraine released information that Sergei Valerievich Aksenov was one of the leaders of the Salem organized crime group. This group protected several Simferopol shops and catering establishments. Allegedly, at this time Sergei Valerievich Aksenov was known in criminal circles under the nickname “Goblin”.

Members of the Salem organized crime group

It is difficult to judge what is true in the “bezpeka” materials and what is fiction. Therefore, we will proceed only from indisputable facts. For example, in 1996, Sergei Valerievich was taken to the Simferopol hospital named after Semeshko with gunshot wounds, which he received when his car was shelled on the Simferopol-Moscow highway. Well, in 1997, Sergei Valerievich Aksenov began to appear everywhere exclusively accompanied by security. This happened immediately after the murder of his business partner Samkhan Agayev, who was the owner of the Simferopol restaurant “Lankon” and also “oversaw” a number of currency exchange offices in Simferopol.

Again, according to the SBU, these points were taken over by Sergei Valerievich after the death of Agayev. In turn, in 2001, an explosive device was found on the roof of the Aksenovsky house. He was also a defendant in a criminal case, which, however, was subsequently closed.

Sergei Valerievich Aksenov and acquaintances

But Sergei Valerievich Aksenov maintained contacts not only with criminals. He had strong connections in the law enforcement agencies of Crimea, which later came in handy. Thanks to them, he allegedly managed to “resolve the issue” of closing the criminal case against his friend Sergei Borodkin. In addition, he actively assisted the police in solving crimes committed by members of the Salem and Bashmaki organized crime groups.

Sergei Valerievich also had a good relationship with the prosecutor of Simferopol Rodion Ratiya. As a member of the Union of Entrepreneurs of Crimea, Sergei Valerievich Aksenov established contacts with Valery Gorbatov, who at that time was the head of the regional branch of the State Property Fund of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Thanks to Gorbatov, Sergei Valerievich was allowed to privatize a number of properties on the peninsula, such as the Simferopol Furniture Factory and the Yalta Refrigeration Plant. When Gorbatov headed the Council of Ministers of Crimea in 2001, Aksenov began to gradually reach a new level.

In 2004, Sergei Valerievich Aksenov began acquiring large industrial facilities in Simferopol. In particular, he purchased OJSC Simferopol Glass Container Plant. Aksenov invested significant financial resources in the reconstruction of the plant, thanks to which production was reorganized, modern equipment for the production of glass and casting of vodka and wine bottles was purchased and installed. Valery Mironovich Gorbatov’s brother Leonid became the director of the plant. With the help of his brothers, Sergei Valerievich managed to avoid problems associated with inspections of the enterprise by regulatory authorities.

Sergei Valerievich Aksenov also collaborated with businessman Igor Stepnov, who, in turn, was a special confidant of Valery Gorbatov. Together they participated in an investment project to build a market in the area of ​​Heroes of Stalingrad Street in Simferopol. True, Stepnov was soon taken into custody on charges of preparing for the contract killing of Aksenov and his friend Borodkin. Evil tongues said that Stepnov was simply “framed”, but, again, it was difficult to say how everything really was. The only fact remains that Aksenov and Borodkin completed the project without Stepnov.

Businessman Sergei Valerievich Aksenov

By 2008, Sergei Valerievich Aksenov was already a very authoritative businessman not only at the Simferopol, but also at the Crimean level. He was the owner of several companies involved in the sale and rental of his own and state real estate, the issuance of tourist visas abroad, the sale of food and household chemicals, and industrial goods. He also owned the Alcatraz bar.

Sergey Valerievich Aksenov

Sergei Valerievich Aksenov built himself a house with a swimming pool in a prestigious area of ​​Simferopol, and together with his wife he regularly vacationed at fashionable foreign resorts. It seemed that life was good. At thirty-six years old, he had something that most people are never able to acquire in their entire lives. But still, Sergei Valerievich was too ambitious to be content with the life of a successful, but still ordinary businessman. He wanted more, and he could only get this more in politics.

Politician Sergei Valerievich Aksenov

In 2008, Aksenov joined the public organization “Russian Community of Crimea”. Then he becomes a member of the board of another public organization - “Civil Asset of Crimea”. Since that time, he has come into conflict with the leadership of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, primarily with the Chairman of the Supreme Council of Crimea, Anatoly Gritsenko. The “Civic Activist of Crimea” controlled by Aksenov regularly held mass protests against the Crimean authorities. However, he has not yet allowed himself any separatist slogans.

Gradually, Sergei Valerievich Aksenov became famous in Crimea. His activities were covered almost daily on the “New Region - Crimea” website. But none of the local political forces wanted to cooperate with his movement. Everyone was absorbed in the presidential election campaign that had begun, so no one cared about Aksenov.

At the end of 2009, the Speaker of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Gritsenko came into conflict with the Russian bloc of Sergei Tsekov. Sergei Valerievich took advantage of this confrontation and entered into negotiations on the possible unification of the “Civil Activist of Crimea” and the Russian Bloc. At the meeting of the Coordination Council of Russian and pro-Russian organizations “For Russian unity in Crimea!”, held on November 25, 2009, Aksenov and Tsekov were elected co-chairs of the Coordination Council. The creation of a single powerful national Russian movement in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol was declared as a strategic goal of this coalition.

It should be noted that the election of Aksenov as co-chairman of the Coordination Council was difficult, since many opposed his candidacy. The outcome of the vote was decided by the financial resources that Sergei Valerievich Aksenov was ready to make available to the coalition. Both co-chairs distributed their responsibilities as follows: Tsekov became responsible for ideological work, and Aksenov was entrusted with leading the socio-economic direction.

Sergei Valerievich also retained influence on the “Civil Activist of Crimea”, which had a serious combat core and became the main force participating in various actions, including unauthorized ones. Aksenov managed to win over the local Cossacks to his side, however, at the cost of provoking a split in their ranks.

In 2009, Sergei Valerievich Aksenov also became the leader of the All-Crimean socio-political movement “Russian Unity” (in 2010 it received the status of a party) and the first deputy chairman of the “Russian Community of Crimea”. In 2010, he was elected from the Russian Unity list to the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. There he was chairman of the subcommittee on tax policy of the standing commission on budgetary, economic and investment policy. Despite the fact that in Kyiv he was considered one of the promising politicians of the “new generation”, they did not pay much attention to him.

Russia of Sergei Valerievich Aksenov

Aksenov’s finest hour came on February 27, 2014, when the building of the Supreme Council of Crimea was seized by a detachment of unknown armed men in camouflage uniforms. The Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs officers guarding the building were expelled from there, and the Russian flag was raised above the building. The captors allowed a group of deputies inside, who voted for the appointment of Sergei Valerievich Aksenov as prime minister of the new government.

On the same day, a decision was made to hold a referendum on the status of Crimea. It is interesting that Aksenov’s candidacy was agreed over the phone by the Speaker of the Supreme Council Vladimir Konstantinov with Viktor Yanukovych, whom the Crimean parliamentarians considered the legitimate head of Ukraine. In the following days, Aksenov and Konstantinov became the driving forces of the process of annexing Crimea to Russia.

Sergei Valerievich Aksenov in a short time turned from a businessman of a regional scale and a deputy of an autonomy far from the largest party into a real leader of the republic. His merits in the return of Crimea to Russia are indisputable. It is difficult to say how he will show himself in the future; the heaviest burden of managing the economy of the peninsula during the transition period falls on his shoulders, but it seems that now we can say with confidence that Aksenov has established himself as a real politician.

The President of Crimea (1994-1995) Yuri Meshkov posted on his Facebook documents of operatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which confirm the criminal past of the “head” of Crimea Sergei Aksenov.

Meshkov said that the documents were given to him by employees of the former 6th department of the Crimean Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (department for combating organized crime).

The documents are dated 1994-97. It follows from them that Aksenov had the nickname “Goblin”, at first he was a member of the criminal group “Greeks”, then he moved to the organized criminal group “Salem”. According to operational information from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Aksenov survived several assassination attempts by rival groups and organized the murders himself, writes

Let us remind you that Aksenov’s criminal past was previously announced by ex-people’s deputy originally from Crimea, Andrei Senchenko. He said this live on Channel 5, Censor.NET reports.

Senchenko, noted that the speaker of the Crimean parliament, Konstantinov, is involved in a construction scam associated with the Consol company, which “collected money from people and did not build apartments for them.”

He emphasized that Aksenov, who today is called “prime minister,” in the 90s was not even a crime boss, but simply a “Foreman” nicknamed “Goblin.”

“These are not the figures who can unite the Crimeans,” concluded Senchenko.

In turn, Sergei Kunitsyn noted that Konstantinov really has “colossal” debts, and as you know, “debts in life must be repaid.”

The day before, information was also discovered that the Russian head of Crimea, Sergei Aksenov, graduated from the Simferopol Higher Military-Political Construction School, indicated in his official biography, does not correspond to reality. This was reported in the response of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Stepan Poltorak to a request from MP Georgy Logvinsky. A copy of this document is at the disposal of Krym.Realii.

According to the Ukrainian Ministry, a check of archival documents was carried out and it turned out that in June 1993 Aksenov was expelled from the school for indiscipline.

“The order of the head of the SVVPSU combat unit dated 06/07/1993 No. 0107 states: “Cadet Aksenov Sergei Valerievich - 13 r. expel for indiscipline, exclude from the lists of personnel, all types of support and send to the Republic of Moldova the city of Balti,” the document says.

It also states that the registration number of Aksenov’s diploma is listed in the SVVPSU diploma issuance book. However, the corresponding entry is crossed out in pencil, and the column “receipt of the person who received the diploma” is signed.

However, as the ministry reports, Aksenov is not listed in the verified copies of diplomas and in the “Report and Decision of the State Examination Commission” of SVVPSU.

Sergei Aksenov himself neither confirmed nor denied his expulsion from the military school.
