How long can you live without food? Is it good to fast one day a week? If you don't eat during the day.

How long can you go without eating? How long can you fast without harm to your health?

    I would like to remember two people who practiced fasting. Paul Brague and Porfiry Ivanov. Everyone had their own system.

    A person can live without food for 30 days without harm to health.

    Paul Brague believed that fasting cleanses the body of toxins. And with the help of fasting you can cure many diseases. He recommended fasting for 1 day once a week, seven days a quarter, and 21 days once a year.

    I cannot agree when they say that fasting helped them live actively and for a long time. It was not starvation that allowed them to live more than 90 years, but a rational lifestyle, their own system of a rational lifestyle.

    It is impossible to derive a general figure for how long a person can live without food. Everyone has a different body and mental state. Some people can survive on water for 2 months, while others will feel bad even for a day without food.

    But, on the other hand, for example, many prisoners by and large starve and survive. You can find information that a person can live without food for 2 months, but he needs to drink a lot.

    I think it is good to fast no more than 1 day a week. And it is better to go for extreme experiments only when absolutely necessary.

    As nutritionists say, fasting is, in principle, very harmful. You can arrange fasting days, which means still eating some food and drinking water. But regular hunger strikes can affect not only your health, but also your weight, because constant stress can program your body to save in reserve, and thus you can gain more than one extra kilogram

    Personally, I know that if you do not have the right diet, then you are already harming your health, and you are talking about starving, I think that a few days of fasting will already affect your health and the longer you starve the worse, so If you want to have good health and not have stomach problems, don’t just eat, but make a diet.

    You can fast for no more than three days without harm to your health. At the same time, be sure to drink water. After all, the human body cannot live more than three days without water. There are known cases of fasting lasting about a month. Such fasting is dangerous to health, it is advisable to carry out it under the supervision of a doctor and with the use of vitamins. You need to get out of this state carefully and gradually.

    barsko, yes, everyone’s health is different! One, if he constantly did preventive fasting on a weekly basis, from Friday evening to Sunday morning, is ready for exploits, and long-term fasting, if he has the appropriate mood, will not harm him, he will endure it, and normally. And the other, if he is heavily slagged, If he is overweight, he simply cannot start a hunger strike right away. He must prepare and undergo a cleansing course. That’s why fasting is often carried out under the supervision of specialists. But you can do it yourself, according to the book, if you prepare in advance. You also need to take into account the fact that in the process you will need frequent water procedures, massage, walks in the fresh air. And then, how long will your organism, depending on the situation. This is not predictable. From 3 to 7 days during the first fast is the most useful period (not counting the preliminary one-day fasting!)

    For health – 1 day a week constantly (dry fasting) is enough. Or 3 days in a row with water (or natural juice). Second time a month, for example, or less often. I checked it from personal experience, one benefit!

    And how a long fast of 20-30-40 days will affect your health depends on your individual health status and psychological mood. Oddly enough, the most important thing is how the person himself perceives his condition and the purpose of the hunger strike. If you constantly think about food and feel sorry for yourself, you may suffer more, even if you are in good health.

Incredible facts

The New Year holidays are behind us, it's time to return to normal life. This means that many people are thinking about how to get in shape after heavy feasts and rich food.

It's no secret that overeating is harmful to the body. But what about the other extreme – a 24-hour fast?

Is this beneficial or is refusing food for a whole day a lot of stress for the body?

Is it possible to fast

So, first, let's figure out whether it is useful to completely give up food for a whole day?

Not eating for 24 hours is a form of fasting, a very popular practice among those who diet or fast.

The principle is that during a 24-hour fast, you can only consume calorie-free drinks and drink plain water. After the 24-hour period, you can resume your normal food intake until the next fast.

In addition to weight loss, intermittent fasting can have a positive effect on your metabolism, improve cardiovascular health, and more. According to experts, such fasting can be practiced only with the permission of a doctor and in the complete absence of contraindications.

While this technique may seem simpler than cutting daily calories, it can come with many pitfalls in the form of health problems.

In addition to making you feel hungry, daily fasting can cause serious side effects or complications in people with certain medical conditions.

Therefore, before starting this practice, be sure to visit a doctor. Only a specialist can advise the patient about individual benefits and risks.

Daily fasting

So, what happens to your body during a daily fast? Let's find out.

It will take 24 hours before your body realizes what is happening to it.

During the first eight hours, the body will still be digesting the last meal. It will use the accumulated glucose as energy and continue to function as if you will be eating again very soon.

After eight hours without food, your body will begin to use stored fats to provide the energy it needs.

Fasting that lasts longer than 24 hours can cause the body to begin converting proteins into the energy it needs.

Fasting for the body

Are there any benefits to this method or will it only harm your health?

More research is needed to clearly understand how not eating for 24 hours can affect your body. The earlier study does offer several advantages.

Firstly, this practice promotes weight loss.

According to some experts, fasting one or two days a week causes you to consume fewer calories over time. For this reason, this method seems easier than cutting a certain number of calories each day.

Restricting calories can also improve metabolism, helping with weight loss.

Regular daily fasting helps stabilize cholesterol and blood sugar levels. In turn, these changes in your metabolism reduce your risk of developing diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Benefits of Fasting

Practicing 24-hour fasting can help reduce your risk of coronary heart disease in the following ways:

Daily fasting for a long time reduces the level of trimethylamine N-oxide. High levels of this compound are known to be associated with coronary heart disease, so it may actually help reduce your risk of the disease.

Fasting has other benefits as well. For example, fasting for 24 hours also helps:

-reducing inflammation in the body;

-reducing the risk of certain types of cancer;

-reducing the risk of neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

Cons of fasting

And, of course, many are interested in whether there are side effects and risks associated with a 24-hour refusal of food?

Frequent fasting for 24 hours can indeed lead to side effects and increase the risk of certain complications if a person has a number of diseases that he may not be aware of.

This is especially important if you have health problems that you are aware of.

So, fasting is strictly prohibited if:

- you have or have had an eating disorder;

- you suffer from diabetes;

- you are pregnant or breastfeeding;

- if you are under 18 years old;

- you are in the recovery period after surgery.

In addition, fasting more than twice a week may increase the risk of cardiac arrhythmia and hypoglycemia.

In any case, keep in mind that it is always necessary to consult a specialist to make a sound assessment of the potential benefits and risks of fasting for your body.

Regular exercise and a balanced diet are proven ways to improve health and maintain a healthy weight.

Benefits of water during fasting

What role does drinking water play in such a situation? How much should you drink during fasting?

Of course, drinking enough water is very important. As a rule, we drink 7-8 glasses of water per day. However, during fasting this amount should increase. The more water you drink, the better it is for your body.

Since your body does not absorb water from food during this period, your body is in dire need of moisture. Water helps your digestive system, regulates your body temperature, improves joint and tissue function, and helps you feel energized and alert throughout the day.

You should drink water depending on your weight as well as your activity level.

It is believed that on average men should drink about 15 glasses of liquid per day; for women this norm is slightly lower - 11 glasses of water per day.

The body uses food as fuel for all important organs and cells. What will happen if you don’t eat, then the body does not receive fuel as needed, which is transformed into organs and body parts. Without energy, all organs of the body will begin to suffer from a lack of energy.

What happens when a person doesn't eat for a long time?

If you don’t eat for a long time, a person’s internal organs will gradually lose their basic functions.

Heart and circulation

The heart is a muscle that will reduce and weaken its strength when a person does not eat. This will possibly create blood circulation problems and an irregular and very slow heartbeat. Blood pressure may drop during fasting and a person will feel dizzy when standing or exercising.


The stomach becomes smaller when a person does not eat, so when they start eating again, the stomach may feel uncomfortable (stomach pain and/or gas). In addition, the stomach will lose control of the need for food, as if the person no longer needs energy.


The intestines will move food, if there is little food, then slowly, which often leads to constipation (problems with bowel movements) and/or stomach pain or cramps after uneven meals.


The brain controls the rest of the body's functions and will not function properly without food. For example, a person may have problems thinking and will also experience anxiety or depression.

It is also important that if you do not eat for a long time, this will lead to hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. Since the brain requires blood sugar levels to function optimally, when they begin to drop, one of the first cognitive processes affected is self-control. The ability to exercise self-control allows you to control attention, regulate emotions, cope with stress, and resist and refrain from aggressive behavior.

Body cells

The balance of electrolytes in the blood can be altered with malnutrition or fasting. Without food, the amount of potassium and phosphorus can be dangerously low, which can cause muscle problems, changes in brain function, and cause life-threatening heart and rhythm problems.


When a person doesn't eat, their bones often become weak due to low calcium and low hormone levels, increasing the risk of getting broken bones and developing weak bones as they age.

Body temperature

The body naturally lowers its temperature during fasting to conserve energy and protect vital organs. When this happens, there will be a decrease in circulation (blood flow) to the fingers and toes, which will appear bluish and the extremities will feel cold.


Skin becomes dry when the body is not well hydrated and when it does not get enough vitamins and minerals from food. The skin will naturally protect the body during periods of famine by shedding the soft, fine hair called lanugo that covers the skin to keep the body warm.


When hair doesn't get enough nutrition from the vitamins and minerals naturally found in healthy foods, it becomes dry, thin and may even fall out.


Nails require nutrients in the form of vitamins and minerals from the diet. When a person does not eat, they deny their body and their nails become dry, brittle and break easily.


Teeth need vitamin D and calcium from food. Without both of these minerals, a person can end up with dental problems such as tooth loss and tooth and gum disease. Brushing your teeth can also destroy tooth enamel.

When answering the question: what will happen if you don’t eat, then the answer is necessary.

Since modern science does not accept experiments on people, research of this kind relates to theory and not to practice. However, the scientific world has come to the conclusion that a person cannot live without food for more than two months.

Such a long period was obtained thanks to the British Association. According to the conclusions reached by scientists. A person must have access to water. With a complete hunger strike, death can occur within a third of a month. The biggest problem in the first stage of fasting is low blood pressure. If the body is not given either water or food, the outcome can be sad.

How many days can a person live without food?

The duration of a hunger strike that does not end in death depends on many factors, such as age and physical condition, ambient temperature, access to water. Under average conditions, a person can survive without food for about half a month. In rare cases, almost a month.

Most often, it is not hunger itself that kills, but dehydration, because a starving person cannot determine when he is thirsty. The immune system is weakened, so a person can easily become infected with anything. With a prolonged lack of nutrients, the body begins to use any available sources of energy. First of all, muscle tissue suffers. It is from this that the body extracts protein. It should be taken into account that the heart also consists of muscle tissue, therefore, due to this distribution of protein absorption, the heart may stop.

In the first days of a fast, the body is able to use its own energy. First of all, adipose tissue is consumed. It is from this that the body receives the substances it needs to function. Then the skin turns pale and the body begins to save energy. A person may experience a loss of strength, low blood pressure, and hunger.

After three to four days of hunger strike, the feeling of hunger leaves a person. At this time, you may notice a decrease in sugar levels in the body. The body assumes a state of hunger and begins to conserve energy. It is on these days that a person sharply loses weight. The most dangerous thing at this stage is a decrease in pressure. It can cause a person to lose consciousness and hit their head. Death occurs if a person is deprived of water.

In the second week, the body has to use up its supply of important organs. It is at this moment that any existing health problems can have a negative impact, and diseased organs can fail.

After a month of hunger strike, the body weakens. Muscles that have lost most of their protein atrophy. The heart may fail. The person may begin to vomit. Since there is no food, the vomit will consist of stomach acid. Vision problems may begin, and hallucinations are possible.

After one month of hunger strike, a person feels a lack of thiamine. There may be double vision and dizziness.

After two months of hunger strike, death is quite possible. The body is unconscious, the brain may hardly function. Many may lose sight and hearing. The body may suffer from scurvy and jaundice due to lack of vitamins. IN It is a common practice in many countries that a prisoner, who has gone on a hunger strike and has not eaten for a very long time is being force-fed.

How many days can a person live without water?

The human body consists of liquid more than half. Water is used to digest food to transport nutrients to organs, to remove unnecessary substances out, to maintain mucous membranes in normal condition, to control temperature. The importance of water for the human body is difficult to overestimate.

This is why death from dehydration is very scary and painful.

First of all, the kidneys will suffer. They need fluid to form urine. In the early stages of dehydration, it will be painful for a person to go to the toilet. The skin will dry out and the throat will be irritated. In a state of fluid deficiency, the acidity of the stomach will increase, which may cause vomiting. The heart begins to beat faster as the blood becomes thicker. The eyes and brain are deprived of fluid, the tongue swells. This causes hallucinations and seizures. But a person may not live to reach this stage due to liver or heart failure.

Scientists have accepted the theory that a person will die without water in three days. Fortunately, this is an average value. Because there are known cases in which a person remained without water for much longer. Endurance depends on weight, physical condition, ambient temperature and humidity. The record holder was able to stay without water for 18 days. This record belongs to one prisoner who was forgotten to bring food and water. There is a theory that he could lick moisture from the walls of the cell, which is why he lasted almost a month.


The duration of the hunger strike depends on the person, his condition and access to water. When a person is sick, death can occur precisely from an illness that the body, in a state of suppressed immunity, could not stop. Or due to the failure of a diseased organ. Death may occur within a few days. A more accurate forecast can be made only if you know what the disease is and what the person’s condition is.


The body of an old person is exhausted and without a lack of food, so death may occur in the near future. There are many cases when an old woman was without food and water simply because she lives alone, she fell and could not get up. Real cases, according to eyewitnesses, are no more than three to four days.


All other things being equal, an obese person is more likely to last longer without food than a thin person. This is due to the fact that the body will be able to use fat reserves for energy production and only then will begin to consume energy from the muscles. However, an obese person requires more energy to move. In addition, as a rule, obesity is caused by disorders in the body. That is, an obese person can be sick. In this case, he has exactly the same chance of living longer as a person of average build.

Many girls and women, being in a constant tedious race for the figure of their dreams, are sometimes ready to take extreme measures. All representatives of the fair sex, who are tired of all kinds of diets and cannot imagine themselves on a morning jog or on a machine in the gym, want to lose weight quickly, putting a minimum of effort into it. Most “chubby” people are generally embarrassed to “expose” themselves to someone’s show and dream of the moment when they will be able to impress their friends with their stunning figure, which will appear literally like magic in a short time. Desperately believing that this is possible, those who want to lose excess weight ask themselves the following question: what will happen if you don’t eat for a week?

It is logical to assume that our weight comes from food, so some maximalists assume that by depriving themselves of this allowance, they will quickly get their figure in order within a deadline. It is impossible to say specifically whether they are right or not. On the one hand, yes, such sustained fasting can save a woman from several hated kilograms. But on the other hand, no benefit or lasting effect will follow from this imaginary “progress”.

Now let's take a closer look at what will happen if you don't eat for a week, and how this will generally affect the girl's figure and well-being.

So, the female representative decided to give up any food for a long period of time and included only water and vitamins in her diet. For that matter, the last condition is extremely necessary if a woman who is losing weight does not want to disrupt the structure and lose the beautiful appearance of her hair, skin and nails. As many people know, the total number of days a person can live without eating any food is seventy days. That is, fasting for seven days, it seems, will not be too destructive for the body. But this is only at first glance.

If, with a balanced diet, the main source of energy is glucose, then who will replace it if a person does not eat for a week? For the first three days, the body will break down body fat reserves to produce ketone bodies, which will become a substitute for vital glucose. It is important to know that the brain needs a total of about one hundred grams of glucose daily to function, but when you are fasting and the body is in a state of ketosis, this can be problematic. Of course, part of the required norm will be successfully replaced by ketone bodies, but even if the amount of glucose is small, it is still needed by the brain.

After three days of fasting, the brain in ketosis will use up the small supply of glucose that was in the body and will begin to produce the amount necessary for its normal functioning from proteins. This is the time when, roughly speaking, the body begins to “devour” itself. All processes will be aimed at transforming parts of a large organism that are unimportant for life into the basis of nutrition for its main organs.

On the fourth or fifth day, the immune system becomes very weak and you put yourself in great danger. During this period, it is quite easy to catch a dangerous virus and “burn out” in a few days.

As a result, such fasting will not bode well for you. Starting from the third day, you will actively begin to lose muscle mass. Looking at the scales, you will be happy, thinking that you have finally managed to part with the hated “fat sides”, but it will be your muscles that say goodbye to you.

A person who does not eat for a week will simply make his body suffer.

Don't forget the fact that when a woman comes off such a diet, any product that gets into her stomach will go straight to her fat reserves, from where it will be converted back into ketone bodies. This is a kind of safety net to extend your life in case the period of hunger has not yet ended. That is, within a couple of days after the hunger strike, the kilograms will return to you with the same ease with which they disappeared. Only now the hated “fat” will return, and not your lost muscle tissue.

How much weight can you lose if you don't eat for a week?

If the above has not convinced you not to risk your health, and you think that the number is in the treasured answer to the question “ How much weight can you lose if you don't eat for a week?” cancels out all the other disadvantages of a hunger strike, then it’s your choice.

This figure is quite personal, that is, it depends purely on the individual characteristics of the human body, its height and initial proportions, as well as its tolerance to the fasting period itself. Typically the result ranges from five to ten kilograms. You can lose about the same amount by going on a strict diet in eight to nine days, so is this game worth the candle?

If you don’t eat for a week, you can lose weight externally, that is, it will seem to you that the volume will decrease, but, as mentioned earlier, the result will mainly be associated with the loss of muscles, not fat. Muscle, as you know, is heavier than fat, so it will seem that you have achieved the desired result, although, in fact, this will be self-deception.

Any method of quickly losing extra pounds will be extremely ineffective for those who have had a stable weight for a long time. If the needle on your floor scale has been fluctuating at two adjacent values ​​for a couple of years now, then a hunger strike will give a very small result in the plumb line. The fight against stable kilograms is best given to gradual diets, the course of which lasts at least a month. In addition, do not forget to take care of your skin while dieting, otherwise you risk getting a lot of stretch marks.

You can lose weight if you don’t eat for a week only if you are absolutely healthy, or if you have been prescribed therapeutic fasting. Most diseases can respond to such a “strike” with a battle cry and attack your weakened name system. Also, not knowing that you have any health problems does not guarantee you a successful weight loss process. If you suddenly feel any ailments, pains or cramps, immediately stop the fast and consult a doctor.

Before you start fighting unwanted pounds by any means, first consult a specialist!

Take the test

Does it ever happen that you leave the house without makeup?
