How to get on the program on how to become a millionaire. Rules of the game

From time immemorial, all kinds of games have attracted the attention of people who sought to get maximum winnings with minimal costs. Cards, chess, checkers - all these and many other games have enjoyed and continue to enjoy enormous popularity both among our compatriots and abroad. However, if some games are created only to somehow pass the time, others help everyone develop their intellect. In recent years, there are more and more such games - they are broadcast on radio stations and on television, held in real time on the Internet, and everyone is invited to special clubs - to cheer for this or that player or directly take part in the game.

In 1998, an unprecedented show “Who wants to be a millionaire?” appeared on British television. (in Russian translation - “Who wants to become a millionaire?” or in common parlance - the game millionaire). The name itself suggests that this is a television quiz in which anyone can win their million. This game immediately wins a huge audience of viewers and players; broadcast licenses are sold all over the world for huge sums of money. Such success of the British television show is quite understandable - people got the opportunity to earn money not only in casinos, but also directly on television. Now, thanks to a new television quiz, most people have the opportunity to make money not on their own luck, but on their knowledge and intelligence.

In order to become a participant in the game, it was necessary to correctly answer the question of the preliminary round, which was called by the presenter on each broadcast. At first, in order to give the correct answer, it was necessary to call by phone, a little later - with the development of modern technologies - everyone was able to send their answer using a short text message. After this, the editors of the program selected those people who answered correctly, and then, using special computer programs, a random selection of ten lucky people was made who had the opportunity to get into the qualifying round of the program.

The winners of the preliminary round are invited to the editorial office long before the start of filming a television program - the show editors talk to them, conduct various tests, surveys, and ask a wide variety of questions in order to identify how much a person understands certain areas of human activity. Only after this the participant signs a contract, agreeing to a number of conditions that are prescribed by the project management. Thus, one of the clauses of this contract states that the management of a television show under no circumstances can be held responsible for its actions related to a specific participant. Thus, a person who comes to the show and signs a contract automatically agrees never to sue the project management or the administration of the television channel on which the program is broadcast.

After all formalities have been completed, filming of the television program begins. In the qualifying round, there are participants who are fighting for the right to become a player, because out of ten people only one will be able to take a place opposite the host and will have a chance to win a million.

The qualifying round consists of the fact that project participants must correctly arrange the answer options in the correct sequence in the shortest possible time period. Often an easy question is asked and the first person to put the options in the correct order wins. Questions asked in the qualifying round of the program may sound like this: “Place the notes in the correct order,” “Arrange the names of the country’s presidents in chronological order,” “Arrange the animals listed below by adult size,” and many others.

After several winners of the qualifying round have been determined, the presenter invites the one who correctly completed the task first to take the place of the player at the table. While the player takes his place opposite the host, the latter introduces the participant and the person who came to support him. When the greetings and introductions are over, the host always briefly talks about the rules of the game and asks about the player’s readiness to begin his fight for a million. After the player is ready to begin an intellectual duel with the host of a television show, the first question and four answer options are announced, which the player sees on his monitor screen, and viewers on their TV screens. The first few questions are funny. They are aimed at bringing a smile to the player himself and to everyone watching the television show. It is these questions that allow a person who is fighting for the right to get a million to relax a little and feel more confident in their abilities. But after the first fireproof amount, the questions become more and more complex. Before the second fireproof line, the player has to answer specific questions that are related to one or another area of ​​human activity. And at the last stage of the fight for a million, the editors of the program ask the player those questions in which he is incompetent. This is precisely why all sorts of interviews, questionnaires and tests are carried out before allowing a participant to participate in a television show.

Depending on the situation that develops during the game, the complexity of the questions, and the player’s confidence or lack of confidence in the answers he gives, the show host can help the player a little. However, often this is done in such a way that the player becomes even more confused and begins to doubt the correctness of his decision.

If for some reason the player does not know the answer to the question asked or doubts the correctness of the decision made, he has the right to use three hints - call his friend, whose phone number he informs the editorial board of the program in advance, use the help of the audience or choose the hint “fifty on fifty".

Calling a friend is an opportunity to ask a question within thirty seconds and give options for an answer to a person who is ready to help on the other end of the line. If a “friend” names an answer within thirty seconds, the player has the right to use it as his final answer or refuse and name his own option. If within thirty seconds the person to whom the player turned for help was unable to name any option, the hint is still considered used.

Audience help is an opportunity to ask the audience who came to the program to vote for the correct answer. Next, the player decides whether to agree or disagree with the audience. In the event that the votes of the audience are divided approximately equally, the hint is still considered used.

The "fifty-fifty" hint allows you to eliminate two incorrect options out of four, thus significantly increasing the player's likelihood of answering correctly. This hint is made using a computer, which automatically removes two “extra” options.

Each of the above tips can be used by the player only once during the entire game at any time.

Regardless of what question the player is on, he always has the opportunity to refuse to continue the game and take back the money he earned. However, the excitement of the participants leads to the fact that almost no one refuses to fight for a million, even despite the enormous risk.

If the player reaches the first or second fireproof amount, then, regardless of whether he can give correct answers to the following questions, he will not lose this fireproof amount in any case.


St. Petersburg resident Stanislav Taratynov won 80 thousand rubles in the game “What? Where? When?". Because the experts could not answer his question. Participation in TV games and quizzes attracts many, but only a few succeed in getting on TV, and even a very insignificant percentage succeed in winning. “City 812” figured out how and what games you can get to.

TO How to get to “What? Where? When?"

Stanislav Taratynov asked experts: what are they talking about when they talk about “queue”, “sausage” and “steam locomotive”, but this is not about the “sausage trains” of the 1980s. Connoisseurs could not understand that these are the names of gorodosh figures that are not used now. Taratynov came up with the question while studying the gorodosh shield in the Peter and Paul Fortress. He wrote the question on a website on the Internet, he was chosen, Taratynov won 80 thousand rubles, but after deducting taxes it turned out to be much less. Stanislav Taratynov is an experienced player of various games. But he says that you shouldn’t seriously rely on this method of earning money.

Professional players are experts from the “What? Where? When?" - also do not consider the game as a way to earn money. Expert Mikhail Skipsky explains it this way: “Vladimir Voroshilov had a brilliant idea to play with something that was in short supply. In the 80s, books were in short supply. In the 90s - money. But now there is no such shortage. Therefore, only TV viewers receive money, and players play for fun. A cash prize is possible if the team wins the season, and then the best player is given 300 thousand rubles, and this amount is divided into six. Equal share for everyone, that’s our condition. In principle, everyone can benefit financially from their fame, but as a teacher, I am pleased that it is easier for me to organize all kinds of trips, games and festivals... It’s easier to negotiate when you are known and even respected in advance.”

Queue at “What? Where? When?" long, it can last for 10 or more years. “I played first in the school club, then in the university club, and only recently I was accepted into the television team,” says Skipsky. - Ten years - training three times a week. On the way to Neskuchny Garden, you can flash on a television screen - although not ours - playing, for example, Brain Ring. This program was once broadcast on Channel One, but then people stopped buying it. Too expensive. But there are such television projects in Azerbaijan and Belarus: the games are held in Russian, and Russian teams willingly take part in them.”

Faster methods are for those who are especially lucky. So, in 2007, the MTS team was recruited from players who sent the correct answers by SMS to a special short number. Two years ago, the Rosatom concern became the general sponsor of the program - and the Rosatom team appeared in the club. And a year ago, presenter Boris Kryuk announced the recruitment of working teams - so theoretically, any team assembled from employees of any Russian enterprise can join the club. But getting there is not enough, you still have to hold on.

The level of experts that must be met can be found out by attending a training session at any of the clubs. I have been to the Kolomna club several times. There is not a minute, but 30 seconds for discussion. In addition, for playing in the television “What? Where? When?" You need a broad outlook, but not beyond the limits. According to Mikhail Skipsky, sports “ChGK” differs from television, like football from mini-football. In sports, questions are similar to equations, where you need to sequentially find answers to several complex questions, and if all the answers are correct, a certain logical ring will be closed. The database of questions for the sports “ChGK” is available on the website As for the 30 seconds for discussion, this was done because: a) everything should be more difficult in training than in the game; b) adrenaline doesn’t interfere with training, but it bubbles up in front of a TV camera. While this invigorates ordinary athletes, it hinders intellectual ones: subcortical reflexes are activated, and logic fades into the background.

How to get into “Custom Game”

In “Own Game” they played for money all the time, but in the 90s only those who took first place had the right to receive payments. The record of the winner (Alexander Druz) - 120 thousand rubles per game - has stood for 12 years.

Now, as the editor of the TV show Sergei Pekhletsky told us, the rules have been relaxed: all players receive money, including those who take 2nd and 3rd places. For those who have gone into the red, the balance is equal to zero. Participants receive the money they win immediately after the program airs, subject to a 13 percent tax. 13 percent - because it is processed as a fee, and not as gambling winnings (the latter is subject to a 33 percent tax).

Filming takes place three times a year and is preceded by first telephone and then in-person selection of participants. When it comes to the game, trios of players are formed only with an eye to appearance. The main condition is that the players do not look alike, so they usually play tall with short, young with old. But the player’s experience, profession and hometown are not taken into account.

Once upon a time, the pass to “Your Game” was a block of questions: the writers didn’t have enough of them, and questions were accepted from the audience. Now everything is done by the editorial staff. Potential players are required to: send an application and wait for a phone call.

It happened to me like this: they called two months after my letter. The telephone tour consisted of 12 questions, I had to answer 8. The questions were selected in such a way that strong Internet search skills were useless - however, I did not try to use them.

Out of 12 questions, I was able to answer only 5, so my telephone interlocutor politely said goodbye and advised me to try my luck next year. But something apparently didn’t work out with the set, because two weeks later he called and said: let’s try again. In “Own Game” there is an overabundance of men with higher technical education and from large cities. Therefore, for women, humanitarians and residents of the provinces, the requirements are lower. Let's say, for candidates from the first category, the entrance qualification is at least 8-9 questions out of 12, and for others - at least 6. But again, nothing worked out for me.

For those who have successfully completed the telephone round, the road to Moscow for filming is open - although sometimes there are preliminary rounds there too (you have to play two rounds, with the same button, but without spectators and other surroundings). True, on this tour you don’t even have to show off your knowledge - it’s enough to demonstrate good playing qualities: wit, confidence, or at least gambling. Well, the ability to press a button. Inexperienced participants, when they get to “Custom Game” for the first time, often lose because they do not have time to quickly press the button (in fact, there are two buttons, and they must be pressed synchronously). Therefore, they are able to answer only the most difficult questions that competitors have not coped with.

How to get into “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”

While watching the game, everyone can take part in an SMS quiz with the opportunity to win 5,000 rubles. By the way, on the Channel One website you can read a lot of indignant cries that the questions were written incorrectly. For those who are only interested in participating in the television version, there is a questionnaire on the website. This is now the only true path. Let’s add that on numerous sites that are duplicates of Channel One, a telephone number has been published that you supposedly need to call in order to take part in a preliminary telephone tour: but when you call, you end up in the “Bureau of Telephone Jokes”, and 100 rubles are charged for the call.

"Who want to be a millionaire?" now 90 percent is occupied by VIP players, and mere mortals can try their luck by filling out a very detailed questionnaire (you will have to answer about your negative qualities, your dreams, theatrical preferences, etc.). This is the first step. Secondly, you need to record a video and demonstrate your exclusive talents in it. It’s not really an intellectual quiz, but a “Weak” competition.

However, candidates had to fill out the same questionnaire (but without the video) before: after they had successfully completed the telephone round. As I remember from my own experience, the telephone tour was - compared to “Your Game” - extremely easy, if only because choosing one of four answers is easier than coming up with one, but your own. In 2005, I answered a dozen questions in a row: the presenter at the other end of the line later admitted that 7-8 would have been enough, but he was still waiting for at least one wrong answer. But in front of the television cameras, the damned adrenaline did its job.

Now there is no need for a telephone tour: apparently, the program organizers are afraid that the candidates will not play honestly, but with the help of Internet search engines. However, what does it matter if they no longer allow ordinary players into the game, but prefer even home-grown stars. Even selection is now called casting.

How to get to the “Field of Miracles”

The situation is similar here: it is no longer necessary to create a crossword puzzle, but you need to present a detailed story about yourself, tell several interesting incidents from your life - preferably with the participation of some historical, famous people. Those who really have talent - performing magic tricks, performing acrobatic acts or singing - have a significantly higher chance than the compiler of a giant crossword puzzle. Unlike KHSM, Field of Miracles is still widely open to citizens who do not use the Internet. Residents of remote provinces are especially welcome, but it is not so easy for them to shell out 20-40 thousand rubles for a plane ticket. We have to look for a sponsor with a promise to thank him on air. And it's not a joke.

I have a friend from Barnaul who played in “Field of Miracles” several years ago, as a student at Altai Technical University. She compiled a crossword dedicated to Vasily Shukshin. The student did not have money for the flight, so her home university helped her, but provided her with a souvenir album about the university with a promise to donate it to the Fields of Miracles museum. And of course, tell us at the same time what a good establishment it is. But at the game the student simply didn’t get the chance

    In order to take part in the program Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? you need to: call 8-809-505-99-99 and try to answer the question correctly.

    To become a participant in the program Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? a few years ago you had to make a phone call and leave your details. Then the computer made a selection of future players for the game. And these lucky ones were already called by the editor, asked questions, if someone answered the largest number, he was invited to the studio of the television program Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?.

    Now everything is easier to get on the program Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? you need to fill out a form on the First TV Channel website and try to fill out all the fields. Tell as much as possible about yourself, your interests and hobbies. The questionnaire asks you to answer the question: What will you spend three million rubles on?

    You must attach photographs and preferably a video file to the application form. And all you have to do is wait and hope that after some time you will become a participant in the program Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?.

    In order to get to the game Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, you need to fill out a form. Which you can find on the game website. The questionnaire is quite extensive. After filling out the form, you just have to wait for the editors or administrators of the game to pay attention to you. Therefore, you can embellish your hobbies or achievements a little in the questionnaire to arouse interest.

  • Who Wants to Become a Millionaire - How to Get on the Program

    As far as I understand, during the program itself the presenter asks questions that can be answered via SMS. There you can also try to win something on your phone. But they are silent about how much the SMS will cost... Well, or I haven’t heard of downtime.

    There, during the program, he says which number you can use to apply for participation in the program. But you can find out more about this at program website There at the very bottom there is this phone number and rules for selecting participants.

    As far as I understand, over the phone you give your details - First Name, Last Name, Patronymic, date of birth - then the system randomly selects participants, and then, if the system selects you, the program editor calls you. In general, everything is written there.

  • It is very difficult to get on the program Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, because there are too many people interested. And very often famous and popular people become participants.

    But, if you consider yourself a lucky person, you can try filling out a form on the website.

    Fill in the fields for full name, date of birth and other information about yourself. It is important to write about yourself in as much detail and as interesting as possible, so that you are invited to the casting.

    To do this, you need to fill out a form on the Channel One website.

    Here is a skin of the questionnaire for selecting participants:

    As you can see, they ask not only the name. It's better to answer all questions. They hire interesting people on the show, because the point is not only in answering questions, but also in dialogue with the host.

    To get to the game Who want to be a millionaire you need to call the phone number first 8-809-505-99-99 or at least send an SMS to number 7007, where instead of text from letters, type 1000000 .

    At the other end of the line, the computer will ask you a question, and you will try to answer it correctly. After the correct answer, the person is already a candidate for participation in the game.

    Then this applicant, if his computer chooses from a million of the same ones, must still undergo testing with the program editor over the phone. He will be asked questions that must be answered correctly.

    This determines whether a given person can be a participant in the Millionaire game.

    My friend has repeatedly tried to get on this program and now I understand where these prizes that the winners receive come from. You call this program at 8-809-505-99-99 and they monotonously tell you what and how to do to get on the program. All this time, you are being charged money for every minute. Then you are asked a question to which you need to give the correct answer. Then they again begin to speak approximately the same text that was already heard earlier and ask the question again. As a result, my friend was never able to answer all the questions and give the correct answers to all the questions, but he talked about a lot of money.

    Becoming a player in an intellectual game (and maybe even winning) is quite simple, but you will have to fill out the fields of the questionnaire. Go to the game’s website and fill out the fields, which contain simple questions about you and your interests. You will have to come up with a worthy answer to some questions in order to interest them in your personality. Don't forget to describe your dream and the reason why you want to become a player.

    Attach a file with your best photo and send. If they pay attention to you, it is possible that you will be admitted to the casting of participants in the program. The website of the television game with the questionnaire is located here.

    I have experience participating in this program. Getting there was not entirely easy. First, you send an SMS with the correct answer to the selection question. True, this was a long time ago, then the computer selected one hundred people who answered the question correctly. The editors called everyone and asked five more questions that had to be answered correctly. My result was four out of five, but the editor said that this was a normal result and not everyone even answers four questions - the average result was three correct answers out of five.

    I had the chance to participate in the final ten (again, I repeat that this was when they first selected the ten participating in the game out of a hundred, then only another selection took place in the hall - Galkin was the presenter).

    Now it has become easier - you fill out a participant form on the website, but not everyone will get a call, you must somehow interest those creating this program, because this is to some extent a show and it should interest many, the rating of the program for the channel is the most important thing.

    Please note that after participating in this project, you will be asked not to appear in other equally popular shows for a certain number of years.

    They called me again, I think because my goal was to try to win a second time, but this time with Dibrov. True, this time participation did not take place, but not to my regret :).

    There is a form on the channel's website that needs to be filled out. To do this, go to this page and start filling out all the fields. The questions are very simple, you need to indicate your personal data, interests, hobbies and your thoughts on where you will spend your winnings. At the end, you need to attach your photo and submit the application form.

    To get into the TV game who wants to become a millionaire, you need to submit an application on the game website, there you will fill out a participant form and if you are lucky you will be invited to Moscow for the program.

    But on the show itself, you will need to go through the qualifying round and be the first to answer the quiz questions, then you will sit in the player’s chair.

    Also, to get on the program, you can call the number 8-809-505-99-99 where the robot will ask several questions and if you answer them correctly, you will be included in the lists of potential players.

In the popular project “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” Now ordinary people will not be able to participate

The management of the program decided to invite only stars to the program and introduce new rules of the game, after which it became almost impossible to “take” the main prize.

In general, the transmission budget, where previously money was spent at a rate of one hundred thousand rubles per minute, has clearly decreased. Even from year to year, the juice poured into the glasses of the presenter and players has disappeared somewhere - now there is only water there.

The sponsor of our program is Moscow Waterworks! - host Maxim Galkin joked on this topic.

But the most unpleasant surprise is that now none of the TV viewers, having “tested themselves” at the TV, will be able to pass the casting and actually get into the player’s chair. This shop has closed. To increase ratings, they decided to invite only stars to the program.


Indeed, only stars will now take part in “Millionaire,” Maxim Galkin confirmed the information. - But I have nothing to do with this decision. Although personally, I find it more interesting to play with stars.

Whether ordinary people are interested in watching others win money is a moot point. However, there is one consolation: the new rules of the game practically exclude the possibility of reaching the highest mark and winning three million rubles.


According to the new rules, there is only one fireproof amount of 5 thousand rubles (previously there were three). That is, no matter what amount the player reaches by answering incorrectly, he will still receive 5 thousand, unless, of course, he guesses to withdraw the money in time.

It's not fair! - Almost every star who appeared on the program was indignant. - Why were such rules introduced?

Because people began to win large sums of money too easily,” Galkin answered calmly.

Indeed, after the introduction of the new rules, the maximum winnings averaged 200 thousand rubles, but most often even less. And since the money was necessarily donated to charity, some stars, realizing that giving 5 thousand rubles to children was somehow inconvenient, added their own! So, Dima Malikov donated 200 thousand rubles from his own pocket.

First, players must go through a short qualifying round, in which they must place the answer options in the correct sequence in the shortest possible time. The one who does it faster than others wins. Next, the winner of the qualifying round takes a place opposite the presenter, the rules are explained to him, and the intellectual duel begins.

  • Questions. To earn the main prize - 3 million rubles, you need to correctly answer 15 questions from various fields of knowledge, each of which has 4 answer options and only one is correct. All questions have a specific cost. The first five are humorous and quite easy to answer. From 6th to 10th - general topics, and therefore more complex, and from 11th to 15th - the most complex, requiring knowledge in certain areas.
  • Amounts. There are 2 amounts called “non-combustible” - this is 5,000 rubles. (for the answer to the 5th question) and 100,000 rubles. (for the answer to the 10th). These amounts will remain even if the answer is incorrect in subsequent stages. If the wrong option is chosen, the winnings are reduced to the nearest “non-burnable” amount achieved, and the participant stops participating in the program. The player at any time has the opportunity to refuse to continue the game and withdraw the money earned.
  • Hints. The player is offered the following hints: “50:50” - the computer removes two incorrect options, “Call a friend” - within 30 seconds the player can consult with one of the previously declared friends. “Audience Help” - the audience in the studio votes for the correct answer, in their opinion, and the results are provided to the participant. As of October 21, 2006, a new clue, "The Three Wise Men," was added to the game show.