How to know if a girl likes you. Let's figure out what to do if a girl is shy? If your girlfriend is shy

Well, what can I say... I had a very similar situation.
1) Remember, basically everything depends on you. (after all, if she could cope with this problem herself, she would have done it a long time ago)
2) If her attempts to make your sex life more varied seem funny to you, if you are embarrassed by her, then this leaves its mark, which will only aggravate the situation.
3) Think, maybe this is your fault. For example, she may not be happy with your appearance (although she is unlikely to tell you this herself). I had a guy whom I was madly in love with and wanted physically, but as soon as he got close to me, I instantly cooled down, but it was a matter of the smell of his cologne (it could also be: dirt under the nails, stubble, stale underwear, dirty or torn clothes, excessive hairiness.... anything!) analyze your appearance, maybe this is the problem. RULE: a person should always be neatly dressed and smell fresh, in general - a pleasant smell and aesthetic appearance!


Of course, first of all there must be trust between you.
It’s a matter of time, but if you’ve been together for a long time and he’s not there, then there’s nothing to talk about.
Never insist on your own in bed, don’t shout, don’t express yourself rudely, this will scare her off!!! Remember, her desire is the law! If she said NO, then NO!!! If she said I WANT, then do everything in your power! (That is, you should be ready to get out of bed and rush for chocolate milk at a moment’s notice)
It would be nice to read stories together about other people’s sexual adventures, or watch a film about it (when choosing a film, be careful, this should happen in three stages: 1- just a novel, at the end of which the characters just kiss, 2- show that the matter does not end there , and they (people, heroes) can also have sex, that is, light porn, and 3- here it’s already worse and you can show a film about very uninhibited people, even if there is a gangbang, and in all the holes......
Put her at the computer for a couple of days, let her surf on women’s forums, read, understand that earthly people do this too, are not shy and even enjoy it! (I must say this helps a lot)
What does she wear to bed? You know that a girl’s mood largely depends on her appearance! Save up some money and go shopping with her, choose TOGETHER for her a pair of nighties, robes, panties, etc. (just don't be greedy!!!)
What is the mood of the lady of your heart? If you pester her when she wants to eat, sleep, or is cooking, then you irritate her, which gradually accumulates (day after day) and one day explodes.

In short, remember - everything is in your hands! Use your imagination to the fullest, and don’t forget to always be soft and loyal!

Shy girls are a rarity these days, just like shy guys. However, both of them still occur. Many people think that starting a relationship with such people is very difficult, and sometimes almost impossible. This is a fundamentally wrong approach. Shy people simply perceive others a little differently, but winning their trust means winning them yourself.

But first things first.

What to do if a girl is shy?

Shyness is not a bad trait for a girl. On the contrary, if you want a quiet and modest nature as your chosen one, then a shy girl would be a good option. The main thing is not to put pressure on her, do not rush, give her time to get used to you - and then the reward in the form of her attention will not keep you waiting long.

So the main points when communicating with a shy girl:

  1. Accept her for who she is. Shy people tend to be very quiet and modest. They are focused on their inner world and are less concerned about what happens outside. But remember that there are exceptions to all rules, and as they say: “There are devils in still waters.” As a rule, this expression always works, and if a girl is quiet and modest in society, this does not mean at all that she will be like that in family life; rather, on the contrary, a surprise awaits you.
  2. Patience, patience and more patience. As a rule, shy girls are very reluctant to allow strangers into their environment. After all, bringing someone closer means opening up your entire inner world to him, and this is oh, how difficult it is for this type of person.
  3. Make a date in quiet, cozy places where there won't be a lot of people, and where you can talk calmly and get to know each other better.
  4. Try to find out about her hobbies and interests and share them with her. Perhaps she likes long bike rides or does some kind of creative work. Show interest in her activities, and you will feel the shyness go away. She will feel comfortable being at ease.
  5. Try not to immediately dump all your relatives and friends on her. Get to know everyone gradually. After all, for a shy person, just the thought of meeting them can cause terrible fear and panic.


It is quite difficult to win the affection of a shy girl, but it is possible. Build only a trusting relationship with her, help her get to know you better and then she will reward you in full with love and care. Only you will become the center of her small universe.

What to do if a guy is shy?

Of course, shyness is considered to be a purely feminine character trait. However, this is not the case. In the modern world, you can increasingly meet guys with this feature. What a girl should do in this case is a difficult question. Let's sort things out in order. There are several different situations in which this can happen. The first and perhaps most common is that the guy will be embarrassed to communicate with you. And second, the guy is embarrassed to show you to his friends and acquaintances.

Let's start with the second situation. Everything is fine and perfect with you. relationships develop as well as possible, but only until relatives and friends appear in them. In such situations, the guy begins to become fussy, nervous, excited, tries to quickly leave the uncomfortable situation, and may even pretend that you are not his girlfriend at all. The reason for this behavior is as follows. The young man is simply catastrophically dependent on the opinions of the people around him. And perhaps you are just a little different from the canons and standards that are accepted in his company. There are several options for developing the further situation:

  1. You are simply trying to improve relations with his friends and relatives behind his back.
  2. You tolerate his behavior and wait for everything to work out on its own (consider this a hopeless situation).
  3. You are simply posing the question bluntly. If he really considers himself a man, and a man is, first of all, the protector of his woman, and if he truly loves her, then he will not allow anyone to ridicule her or say any unpleasant things about her.

And the first situation is when a guy is ashamed of himself. Moreover, in both the first and second cases, the so-called inferiority complex is to blame. Before approaching the girl he likes, the guy evaluates himself and his strengths. A shy guy immediately begins to feel afraid that she will refuse him, or put him in some awkward position.

If you see that the young man you like is just like that, then there is only one relationship option - to take the first step yourself.

Go up and talk to him first. Of course, in our country it is customary that a man should take the first step, but wake up, this is the 21st century and if you are the first, no disaster will happen. Such a guy will subsequently carry you in his arms, and you will help him become more confident and cope with this unnecessary shyness. Everything is in your hands, go for it!

Girls are such girls! We can come up with so many things that make life difficult for us. But men, by the way, are just, on the contrary, delighted. The guys told what so-called bad habits of women they simply adore!

There's nothing wrong with a girl standing up for herself

Andrey, 31 years old, journalist:

“My beloved is an educated, well-mannered girl. She works with children, reads a lot, attends various creative events, and is always up to date with cultural events. But as soon as she gets behind the wheel... Everything disappears somewhere! And sitting next to me is a truck driver who simply cannot put up with injustice on the road. Each violator receives such a dose of foul language that he ponders the meaning of his own existence for a long time. Then my girlfriend apologizes for a long time, blushes, and promises that she will never allow herself such liberties again. But I, on the contrary, chuckle and think that my girl will definitely not allow herself to be offended. But where such words came from is a mystery to me.”

Dmitry, 25 years old, sales consultant:

“My girlfriend and I love playing computer games. At first, she hid her hobby from me, because she considered it absolutely not a woman’s hobby, but a boy’s hobby. And I think it’s just great - after all, it’s a joint, almost family hobby. It's not great that she plays better than me. I’m ashamed, I’m losing to a girl!”

Photo by Getty Images

Don't be afraid to show yourself as natural, don't try to be different

Leonid, 35 years old, athlete:

“My wife is embarrassed because she hates heels. Considers herself unfashionable and unfeminine. Even if she has to wear high-heeled shoes, it’s a real pain for her. I don't understand these victims. Why suffer if you are beautiful even in sneakers! Down with heels!

Alexey, 37 years old, doctor:

“My wife rarely wears makeup. In my opinion, she doesn’t need it. She is beautiful without makeup. But the wife is very worried, reads all sorts of beauty blogs, is going to make-up courses and threatens to buy tons of cosmetics. Wants to draw smokey eyes and cat eyes! People, what is this?! I need my old wife without any smokes and ice! I am an adult man, not a 15-year-old teenager, I understand that all the glossy models on the covers are the result of high-quality Photoshop. And as a doctor, I can say that there are definitely no ideal people. And we don’t love for ideal proportions and makeup!”

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Dedicated to those with a healthy appetite...

Oleg, 33 years old, head of sales department:

“I laugh when I remember my first dates with my girlfriend. Every time she went to a cafe, she ordered light salads, black coffee and no desserts. I kept wondering how she could get enough of this! He persuaded me to eat something tasty, took me to Italian restaurants - it’s very difficult to find a low-calorie dish there. But she managed to find it there too. The girl claimed that this was enough for her and in general she watches her figure and eats like a bird. Yeah, bird! One day I decided to give her a surprise and showed up at her house with a huge bouquet of flowers. But her behavior surprised me. She, on the contrary, was not happy, but was very nervous. This is where I got nervous! Well, I keep thinking, so there is a third wheel. And here I am at the wrong time. And suddenly the girl began to persuade her - let’s go for a walk. Well, no, I say, I don’t want to. And I sit and imagine the bloody end of the evening - there will be a fight. I'm waiting for the third, the girl is nervous and drinks black coffee. Sugarless. The doorbell rings, a man is on the threshold. I'm on edge with clenched fists towards him. And he... handed me three boxes of pizza. Huge! In general, the girl embarrassedly admitted to me that she really loves to eat, but is embarrassed to show her good appetite. Like, maybe I’ll scare the guy. I laughed, honestly. Eat, I say, to your health! So we ate these pizzas for our health! I was even glad that my beloved had a normal appetite! But women’s logic remained beyond my understanding for me.”

Stanislav, 27 years old, photographer:

“If my girlfriend goes on a diet, everyone will soon know about it! She will tell and punish everyone not to eat tasty treats in front of her and not to remind her about food at all. I suffer a lot from this! Because I have to hide around the apartment and eat in secluded places. All the persuasion that she has a wonderful figure and I don’t see any excess fat doesn’t work at all. All unhealthy foods in the refrigerator go to the lowest shelf. I eat them, and everything that is at eye level - all kinds of yoghurts, spinach salads, kefir, apples - is for her. But somehow I began to notice the disappearance of harmful treats or a decrease in their quantity. Either the smoked sausage will shrink by a quarter, or the ice cream will disappear from the freezer, or suddenly there will be no bread at home. I definitely didn't eat. Just some kind of poltergeist! As it turns out, this is a very attractive poltergeist with slender legs who goes on a diet and eats treats at night. I know, but I'm silent. But since then I’ve been buying more sausages, sweets and cookies. Enough for two!”

Photo by Getty Images

There is nothing wrong if a girl is more pragmatic than romantic...

Sergey, 28 years old, entrepreneur:

“My girlfriend is worried that, as it seems to her, she is deprived of maternal instinct or simply the desire to show care. She gets irritated when she sees her girlfriends running after their husbands - washing, cleaning, packing lunches for them. She says she will never succeed. And then he adds: “Are you a fool?!” Put on a hat, it’s minus 10. You’ll suffer from snot and cough later!” Here! Girls, don’t treat us men like children and look after us like little kids!”

Konstantin, 29 years old, manager:

“I’m lucky - I have the most understanding girl in the world! True, she herself did not immediately realize this. I was nervous, still trying to fit myself and our relationship into some standards. Well, for example, the situation with gifts. To be honest, I don’t know how to choose gifts. It’s not that I don’t like it, I just don’t know how. It’s better for me to tell you exactly what you need, I’ll buy it and present it. But all these surprises... and not always successful, judging by the lean expressions on the faces of those receiving. And I was so happy when my girlfriend asked me frankly: “What do you want for your birthday?” She embarrassedly admitted that she had gone through dozens of stores and was simply desperate to choose the right gift. Its cool! You need to speak openly about your desires. After all, receiving a desired gift, even knowing about it in advance, is much cooler than receiving something unexpected, but absolutely unnecessary.”

Respect for the question:

In general, there are visible signs that a girl likes you

  • she raises her voice a little (not the volume, but the tone, i.e. makes it higher/squeaky),
  • laughs more often in response to jokes, even mediocre ones, as if looking for a reason to show you his affection
  • tries to keep track of where her hands are (this is also often noticeable)
  • takes three-quarter poses (Google it), as the most beautiful
  • tries to keep his back and shoulders
  • during a conversation, you can notice that her eyes look into yours from time to time and her pupils are slightly dilated (again, compared to the usual position in this lighting!)
  • uses classic hidden sexual signals (google pickup forums)

HOWEVER, there is a specificity for shy/uptight/complexed/shy/embarrassed girls. The words speak for themselves:

    shy - both the word wall and the word shadow can be perceived as a semantic root, for one way or another the first comes from the second, i.e. a girl is a wall in her environment, a background for other girls who stand out against this background, hiding in the shadow of other girls or, in principle, the immediate environment, i.e. they overshadow her (again in her opinion)

    squeezed- does not feel relaxed, in other words, she chained herself in front of you, so that you would not see something that she does not accept in herself or is trying to avoid. It manifests itself in the form of covering the solar plexus area with one or both hands (except for the posture of arms crossed on the chest), slight stooping, avoidance of direct eye contact (peripheral vision is enough for her to look at you), shifting gaze (when you look around sharply you can notice that she I looked at you furtively, but the chance is minimal :))

  • complex- there are emotional and sensual energy-information complexes of problems in the field, there are many studied complexes such as the excellent student complex, the daughter complex and the like (Google psychology). It is expressed in the body as some obvious blocks, for example, a crunch in the back and neck, walking “on tiptoes” (God help me remember school Russian :)), fat deposition in more local areas (Google psychosomatics), and also if a girl suddenly withdraws into herself with even a slight touch on some issue

(Life hack: I advise you, first of all, when identifying an obvious complex in a girl you like, ask yourself the question why this trait of hers seems cute to you and answer honestly, it will help you identify the complex (for example) of a dad in yourself and greatly reduce the waste of time on short relationships with the mutual evolutionary goal of debunking the complex father-daughter)

  • shy- psychological attitudes and superstructures, instilled by parents and loved ones, as well as other surroundings and circumstances, not forced life lessons, pushed into the far corner of the closet and stinking from there, which constrain, fetter and narrow the full range of possibilities (including actions) that are available to a girl
  • embarrassed- confuse - stir up - the rise of silt from the bottom of the subconscious, (like a coral reef partially crumbled into dust on a beautiful sandy bottom) manifested in a clouding of the surface of consciousness for the observer. For example, if you greatly embarrass a person with a vulgar joke, he may blush - in other words, through an energy block on the sexual chakra (the “talking about sex is taboo” setting), an external force pushes a “sip” of energy to where it is lacking, which is reflected on the physical body in the form dilation of facial vessels. This destruction can also manifest itself in the form of a strong uncontrolled laugh (sometimes of particular volume) or even uncontrolled laughter, which, if not suppressed, can lead to hysteria to the point of colic in the stomach (similar to an iron tube with a paste under pressure - you just need to pierce it and for a long time without external influence, a trail of paste will come out, like pus from a pimple)

One way or another, the most effective option is to stop the internal dialogue, calm your feelings and mentally connect with her, trying to feel her feelings when thinking about you (an option with a pumped-up heart, for empaths). For the die-hards, an option is rapprochement, unobtrusive communication, everything is more obvious there, the main thing is not to push, don’t push, the girl may get scared. In this case, it is better for consistent, time-stretched communication to untie some of her shackles to the extent that she herself begins to show attention. If you have serious plans for a girl, I advise you to savor what is happening between you, and here you can weave anonymous notes into your purse, all sorts of romantic crap, meetings on the roof, a walk at sunset, etc., because the memories received will warm you all your life , even if you break up after a few months. The main thing is not to be afraid to play big. If you were wrong and it seemed to you that she liked you, you have nothing to lose, but if you understood everything correctly...)))

Many people admire shy girls. It seems to them that such creatures are incredibly feminine and are the very embodiment of tenderness. Is this really so? How does a girl feel who cannot overcome her shyness? Find all the details below.


A shy girl is a person who feels awkward in the presence of people she doesn’t know well. The girl cannot quickly answer the questions asked of her, she will not look at the interlocutor, her gaze is most often fixed on the floor. Some people confuse shyness with coquetry. Nice girls display these character traits in the same way. For this reason, people find shy people charming. But in fact, life is very difficult for a person with low self-esteem. The girl cannot talk to a person she is interested in; sometimes it is even difficult for her to ask for directions from passers-by or ask for help in a store. A secretive character does not allow a smart and pretty girl to make decent friends, since she cannot make the first acquaintance, and subsequently it is inconvenient for her to continue the acquaintance she has begun.


How can you spot a shy girl in a group? It's very simple. If you observe a shy person, you will notice that during a conversation her face turns red, sweating increases, and the girl tries to wipe her palms in some way. Trembling in the voice and knees betrays a lack of confidence in oneself and one’s words. A quiet voice shows not only external constraint, but also demonstrates internal pressures. The girl will take closed poses. She will psychologically put a barrier between herself and her interlocutor. Shy people may not answer the question posed to them, as they will be unsure of the reaction to the answer of others. But what people think is very important for girls with a similar character.


Why do some girls grow up to be lively dreamers or coquettes, while others become shy? Girls are formed under the influence of the environment and the people who raise them and are their idols. Shyness is not an innate quality, but an acquired one. What are the reasons for its appearance?

  • Diffidence. A person who has low self-esteem will be afraid to express his opinion and go against society. Sometimes girls who are too shy cannot realize themselves because they are afraid of the sidelong glances that their parents will throw at them.
  • Fear. Every person is afraid of something. To overcome fear, you need to take action. But shy people cannot find the strength to go somewhere. Therefore, they get used to going with the flow and become boring individuals.
  • Fear of being misunderstood. A person always wants to know that they believe in him and love him. When there is no such confidence, inferiority complexes may begin to arise.


Shy girls are always secretive. Their inner world is deep, but even the closest people cannot penetrate there. The girl protects her soul and does not let strangers in. A modest person behaves quietly and inconspicuously. She doesn't take part in noisy games and doesn't get into trouble. At school, girls of this type study well, and at home they always help their parents. Such persons have few close friends, since the process of meeting each other and subsequent communication causes an unpleasant feeling. The comfort zone of shy people is too narrow. Girls do not risk marrying her, since it is too difficult for them to do so.

How to understand that a shy girl likes you? There is no need to wait for a miracle. A girl will never be the first to talk to someone she likes. But if she really likes the person, she will not resist contact. The girl will support the conversation, although she will appear cold. If a shy person pays attention to you, it means she definitely likes you. And if a girl communicates with you every day, it means that she has let you into the circle of selected people, and this is a direct sign that you are not indifferent.


How can you tell if a girl is shy or not? Look at her behavior and self-esteem. The more reserved a person is, the more shy he will be. What are the advantages of this quality? For the person himself - none. But for those around us - a lot. It is for this reason that shy people are loved. They are easy to control and manipulate. It is easier to go out into secular society with a shy child, and it is easier to manage him in the classroom. It is easier to manage a shy adult. Such a person will never express his opinion and will always obey.



What fate is in store for shy girls? The meaning of this question is important for every person who wants to achieve something. Shy people will not be able to realize their potential. Why? Because if you always obey others and do what others ask, you can lose yourself. You need to be able to defend your opinion and fight for your interests. Otherwise, there is a chance to live a boring life, marry an unloved person, go to an uninteresting job and raise unloved children. Does this prospect seem too bleak? Then you need to fight what the environment and the teacher have built into your character.

How to change your character

What should a shy girl do to overcome herself and become more confident and decisive? It is necessary to step out of your comfort zone from time to time. At first you need to do this once a week. How? You need to do those things that cause fear. A girl can approach her peer and get to know him, or she can, in the company of classmates, express her opinion and try to argue for it. At home, a shy person must show her parents that she is a living person, and not a machine for carrying out household errands. Any creative expression helps a lot to overcome shyness. A girl can go to a music or art studio, sign up for dancing or a handicrafts group. In such sections, a shy person will be able to find like-minded people and begin to express herself without fear.
