How to post products in a VKontakte group. Setting up the “Shop” application for VKontakte

VKontakte recently launched a new service - Products VKontakte. Now you can create a product showcase in any group or public. Previously, store owners used photo albums to display their products, with a description and price given under each photo. Now the same can be done using a specialized service designed specifically for these needs. All information about the product will be presented in one place, plus it is now possible to add several accompanying photos for the products, a link to contact the administrator or group manager has also appeared, and, finally, information about the terms of payment and delivery of the product is also located in the buyer’s visibility area. In general, there are obvious advantages and conveniences. Therefore, let's see how this service is configured.

Step 1
In order to set up a storefront on VKontakte, first click on the Community Management link, which is located immediately below the avatar on the right.

Step 2
We get to the Information tab, where at the very bottom we look for the Products item. By default they are disabled. Click on the word Disabled and change it to Enabled.

Step 3
After this, a block of information will appear on the items. We fill in each item accordingly: delivery region, city, comments on products, store currency, then select a contact for communication from the proposed list and click on Edit in the Store Description item.

Step 4
In the dialog box, enter information regarding the Description of goods, payment and delivery.

Step 5
After we entered the Terms of Payment and Delivery, this item was reflected in the corresponding Enabled entry.

Step 6
Now on the main page, below the main information and pinned post, a Products block has appeared. You can immediately click on the Add product link and start adding products. Or you can click on the Products link, after which we will find ourselves on a page with the Products and Collections tabs. Click on the Products link.

Step 7
Here we go to the Collections tab. Collections are created to allow you to group products into blocks, for example, Products for women, Products for men, Products for children, etc. Or for smaller groups - Outerwear, Shoes, Accessories, etc. You determine the classification of goods and the details of the selections yourself. Click Create collection.

Step 8
Fill in the section Name of the collection. Then we upload a photo or image that will be the splash cover of our selection. The dimensions of the cover image must be at least 580x320. Click the checkbox if this will be the main selection of a group or page.

Step 9
By clicking on the Create button, we find ourselves on the tab of the collection we created. Now we can fill it with goods. Click Add product.

Step 10
Next, enter the Name, Description and upload a photo of the product. The photo must have a minimum of 400 pixels and a maximum of 7000 pixels on one side.

Step 11
Select the visible area for the photo thumbnail. Click Save changes.

Step 12
VKontakte provides the opportunity to upload 4 more photos for the product. If there is such a need, then we download them. We also select the Product Category. By the way, there is a Services item there. Then we determine which selection the product will belong to and then set the price of the product.

Step 13
Similarly, we load a couple more products and now in our selection there are three products in this case. The selection looks like this.

Step 14
Accordingly, our three products also appeared on the main page in the Products block. The first item on the left is always the last loaded product and then in descending order.

Step 15
If you click on any product, we go to the product card, which looks like this: the name of the product, its description, uploaded photos of the product, price. If you click on the Payment and Delivery Terms link, a dialog box will open with the information from Step 4.

Step 16
If you click on the Contact seller button, a dialog box will open for you to write a personal message to the contact we selected for communication in Step 3. The message will contain the following text and an attached product that interested the buyer.

Step 17
Also on the product card you can immediately go to editing the product or delete the product altogether. This is a feature for administrators.

Step 19
Items can be sorted by price or date added.

Step 20
In the Collections tab, you can delete any collection, but the products from this collection will not be deleted. Each product must be deleted individually by clicking on the Edit button and then Delete. Or as described in Step 17.

Step 21
At any time, the operation of the store can be stopped by clicking the Turn off link in the block from Step 2. Then you can turn it back on. In this case, all settings are saved.

Step 22
In my group

Well, we’ve finished telling you about how you can find the purchases or services you need in social network In contact with. It turned out to be quite easy to do with the help of personal pages, which are stores, communities, and, of course, public pages.

But so far we don’t know how to receive, buy, or pay for this product. That is, most important detail On the one side.

After all, as we have already discussed with you, you cannot pay for anything on the VKontakte social network. Since the only domestic currency is not subject to sale. It cannot be transferred, it cannot be used to buy goods, and most importantly, a simple user cannot withdraw it. So it is clear that other ways are needed to pay for the goods, and accordingly receive the goods for your use. They will be discussed below; we would like to say right away that such options are possible both when purchasing through personal pages, and when purchasing through communities and public pages. Choose for yourself what is more convenient for you.

Purchasing using the VKontakte website

This is perhaps the most common method. So if you subsequently become a regular customer of purchases through the social network VKontakte. This is the method you will most often encounter. In general, there is nothing complicated. All sales are made on a third-party resource. Why do we need a group then? It’s simple, you can find what you need, but the purchase itself will not take place on Vkontakte. And in a normal online store. With a decent reputation, which serves as a guarantee of purchase. How does all this happen, let's look at the situation step by step.

1 . You have entered a community where they sell the themed products you need.

2 . You have determined which product you need. For example, products here are located in albums. Under each photo there are the descriptions and product name you need. And just below there will be a link. If you click on it, you will be automatically redirected to the resource. But not to the main page. Namely, to the purchase page of the product under the photo of which you found it. That is, all you have to do is click on consent when purchasing and determine the payment method, that’s all. It turns out very convenient, right? In addition, do not forget that VKontakte will definitely warn you that you are leaving the resource. So don't worry about it, this is standard procedure, the resource will always be kept. Only if you are not allowed in should you worry. After all, sometimes, the site simply does not allow you to go, telling you that the site is malicious, and you need to enter the address directly into the browser. Then we don’t advise you to do this, it’s not in vain that you were warned.

Direct purchase of goods on a social network in contact

This is a more risky and therefore less common method. The point is this: to purchase, you definitely need to contact the seller. That is, you cannot make a purchase automatically. There are two ways to establish a connection. In the first case, you directly write to the owner of the group or page about your desire to purchase this or that product. And in the second, you leave a request in the comment form under the page. This cannot be said to be a fraudulent method, since with online purchasing everything is more secure. How many people don’t have their own website, or don’t have a payment system certificate for accepting payments? This also costs a lot of money and not all sellers can afford it. So you shouldn’t mistrust direct sales in absentia.

Next, after you have expressed a desire to buy the product, wait for a response. They will answer you quickly, after all, this is their job, so you, of course, are not the first client and everything is put on stream. In most cases, you will then be asked for your contact information. That is, this is the postal code, email address and so on. And you will simply receive your goods by mail or courier delivery. But we will tell you in another article about how you pay for your goods, in all cases, in the first case, where you purchased through the site, and in the second. You and I have too little time left to open such a massive topic as methods of paying for purchases on the VKontakte social network.

By the way, food delivery services have recently appeared that work on the same principle that we just described to you. So on this moment, if you find the right community, you can order pizza and sushi just like anything else. True, the community should be based in your city, you understand that from Moscow to St. Petersburg, obviously no one will bring you pizza.

Since last year, the social network VK has provided its users with the opportunity to trade on their pages. There are two ways to start trading. The first involves trading through your personal page, and the second means trading on the pages of a group or community. The second method can be called almost. Let's consider both options.

How to start selling VKontakte through your page

This feature was introduced in September 2016. It is ideal, for example, for selling clothes, for those who manufacture any household products, for example, as well as for people providing any services and the like. The advantage here is that you don’t need to open any groups or online stores on VKontakte and spend extra time on them.

  1. In the left menu of your VK page, go to the item "Goods".

  1. In the page that opens, click on the button “Add your product” or similar text below. There is no difference, it's the same thing.

  1. And we fill out the so-called product card. Select a category, upload a photo, set a price and set up a city for sale. If there is a metro in your city, then the settings for stations will also open for you and click “Create a product”.

That's it, the card has been created, after which it appeared on your VKontakte page and was sent as a notification to your friends. It will also become available to other VK users and they will be able to find your items through search.

How to create a VKontakte store in groups

It’s difficult to call it a full-fledged online store; rather, it’s a showcase for sales. Its advantage is that it is community/group based. The previous method has one drawback - a personal page can have no more than 10,000 friends. VKontakte communities have an unlimited number of participants.

Let us now consider the instructions on how to open an online store in VK:

  1. Creating a community (if you already have one, then start from point 4). On your personal page in the menu, select the item “Groups”.

  1. Click the button “Create a community” or a similar VKontakte inscription below.

  1. In the window that appears, provide basic information about the future group and click the button. You can correct all the data later.

  1. Go to the community page and on the right under the photo, click on the link in the form of three dots and select the item.

  1. From the menu on the right, select “Sections” and then enable the section "Goods".

  1. Perform the basic setup of the section. In the contact section, indicate the person to whom notifications will be sent about the desire to purchase products by the buyer of your online store.

  1. Go to the community page and in the new section click on the link “Add product”.

  1. Fill out the card. Look at competitors and large online stores in your niche for example descriptions. There is no need to write “Blah blah blah” text. This should be clear information about the product.

After this, an online store position will appear on your VKontakte community page.

If you click on it, a window will open with the information you filled out.

To order, the buyer contacts you by clicking on the button “Write to the seller”, after which a notification is sent to the person you indicated in the contacts of your online store for communication in the 6th point.

How to pay for goods to the buyer

Unfortunately, the product card does not have a button to buy and then pay online, which is why we called the online store a storefront above. Accepting payments on VKontakte can be done in three roundabout ways:

  1. Internal transfer to VK. To do this, in the dialogue about purchasing a product, you need to select the item in the attachments menu "Money" and enter the amount, after which payment is made via card and the money is sent to the seller. If this is a community-based online store, then the money is sent to the manager.
  2. Accept payment on site. That is, after delivery.
  3. Issuing invoices through payment acceptance services. You create an invoice, after which you receive a payment link, which you need to send to your buyer, and he pays in any way that is convenient for him from those offered by the payment system. Method for individuals : go to the page and simply fill out the form. Method for legal: this is done either through Yandex.Checkout, or, for example, through Robokassa.

An example of how to issue an invoice through Robokassa:

In our opinion, the first method is absolutely stupid, since you will have to explain to the buyer of the online store how to do what.

Hello, dear readers. Remember I wrote an article about? So this article will be an addition to the previous one. Now I will tell you about the innovations of the VKontakte social network, which will allow you to sell products even easier, more convenient and more efficiently. So, let's begin.

Section "Products" VKontakte

It’s no secret that the social network VKontakte has a new section in groups and public pages, called “Products”. Now each person in his VKontakte group can create a full-fledged catalog of products by category, with prices and descriptions. Let me remind you that previously products could only be posted in a photo album and this was not convenient. Now the section looks like this:

How to add products and make a catalog

In order to take advantage of the innovation, you just need to create a VKontakte group or public page if you don’t already have one. Next, go to the “Page Management” section and check the “Products” box at the very bottom. After which you need to indicate the region of work, etc.

Here we enter the name, description, insert the main and additional photos, set the category and price. Then click “Create product” and it is added to the catalog.

Everything in the catalog looks like this:

And the open product (product card) is like this:

As you can see, you can add several to show your product from all sides and a voluminous description. There is no shopping cart or “Buy” button, but there is a “Contact the seller” button. After contact, you can already discuss the terms of payment and delivery.

How to sell goods through VKontakte

There is no need to reinvent the wheel here, because I and many others have written articles about this.

  1. Write a description of your group/public;
  2. Make a beautiful avatar;
  3. Fill the catalog with products;
  4. Advertise your group in other groups and in (before advertising, you need to have at least 100 people in your group for the sake of appearance. To do this, you can invite your friends);
  5. You communicate with people and collect orders.

Here is such a simple scheme.

If you sell things, equipment or something else, then previously, in order to become known about you on the Internet, you had to open your own online store. Naturally, this entails costs, but if you do it yourself, it will take a lot of time.

Now, an excellent alternative to an online store would be to create a VKontakte group in which you will display products for sale. Well, if you just need to sell a couple of personal items, maybe flowers or, for example, a kitten, then you don’t have to create a group, just post the items for sale on your VK profile.

The advantages of such trading: You do not spend money on creating a website, your friends will know about you, you can always find out when someone is interested in what you are selling. Considering how many people are registered in this social network, we can say with confidence that there will definitely be those who want to buy your things.

Now let's figure out how to add new product to your profile or VKontakte group, and what to do if you need to remove some items from the list.

Adding products to your VKontakte page

If you want to add items for sale directly to your profile, then go to your page and select “Products” in the menu on the left.

If there is no such item, move the mouse cursor over any other menu item and click on the gear on the left.

In the “Item Settings” window, on the “Basic” tab, check the box next to “Products” and click “Save”.

The page will immediately open a list of what your friends are selling. We need to place your item, so click on the “Submit an ad” button.

Now you need to select a photo that will be displayed in the catalog (as in the screenshot above) - this is the cover. To do this, click “Select Image”.

Through Explorer, find the photo you need, select it and click “Open”.

If the image is the right size, then use the markers to select the area of ​​the thumbnail that will be used in the list and click “Save Changes.”

If the dimensions of the uploaded image are not suitable, a warning message will appear telling you what the minimum photo size should be. Also, one side should not be much larger than the other. Rework your photo, for example in Photoshop, and upload again.

In addition to the cover, you can add 4 more product images. To do this, click on the button with the image of the camera and the inscription “Add”.

To view the list of advertisements added to your page, go to the corresponding menu item on the left, and on the right go to the “My Products” tab. What we just added will appear in the list.

When another user is viewing a catalog of things for sale and clicks on yours, it will open in a separate window. Here, in addition to the cover, you can see other photos that you added; a description will be displayed below. If a person is interested in your ad, he can add it to his favorites, or “Write to the seller,” that is, to you.

By selecting “Write to seller”, the user will see a window with a message in which standard text will be written, which can be changed. He sends it to you, and then you can negotiate the sale.

This is the letter you will receive when someone is interested in your item. Here the text is standard, I just clicked “Write to seller” and sent the suggested message.

How to make products in a VK group

If you want to create your own VKontakte online store, then you need to open your own group, gain subscribers to it and add products.

I have already written about that. So let's learn how to add sales ads to it.

Open your page and select “Groups” in the left menu. Find your group and join it. Next you need to make sure that the products are displayed on the group page. To do this, under the avatar or cover, click on the three horizontal dots and select “Community Management” from the drop-down list.

In the menu on the right, go to the “Sections” tab and opposite the “Products” field, click on the word “Disabled”. Then select Enabled.

When you turn on the goods, fields will appear in which you need to indicate the following information: the country and city where you can deliver the items; the ability to comment; currency for payment; a person with whom you can contact, it is he who will receive messages if the buyer clicks “Write to seller”. You can also write in detail about the store.

We return to the main page of the group. Now under the area with photos there is a button “Add product”. Click on it.

On the page for adding an ad, indicate its name and come up with a description that might be of interest to a potential buyer. Next, click on the “Select Image” button to select a photo that will be the main one.

Using File Explorer, find the photo on your computer, select it, and click “Send.”

Then you need to indicate, using markers in the corners, which part of the photo will be displayed in the thumbnail. Click "Save Changes".

In addition to the main photo, you can add 4 additional ones. They will be visible when the user opens the lot for viewing. To do this, click “Add Photo” in the appropriate section and select the desired image on your computer.

All products added to the group will be displayed on the main page of the group.

By clicking on the desired lot, the user will be able to view it in a separate window. Enlarge it, view additional images, read the description. The “Write to the seller” button is needed so that the person who wants to buy clicks on it and sends a message to the person you specified in the settings as “Contact for communication”.

If you click on the “More” button, an additional menu will open. If you added a product, or are the owner or administrator of a group, then you can “Edit” or “Delete” from the list. For other people, only the “Complain” option will be displayed.

In order to add more new items to the group, click on the word “Products” on the main page of the group.

The last three items you added will be displayed in the group on the main page. To view them all, you need to click either on the word “Products” at the top of the block, or on the “Show all products” button.

Removing products

If you want to remove unnecessary products from the list on your page, then go to the corresponding menu item and go to the “My Products” tab on the right. They can be displayed either as tiles or as a list. I'll show you using tiles as an example, so make sure the button with the four squares at the top is selected.

To remove an unnecessary product from your VKontakte page, move your mouse cursor over it and click on the cross in the upper right corner. There will be a pencil next to the cross; by clicking on it, you can edit it.

The item will disappear from the list.

If you decide to stop selling and are wondering how to remove all products, then you can do the following. Go to “Community Management” and go to the “Sections” tab on the right. Then, next to the “Products” field, select “Disabled” and click “Save”.

The block in which advertisements were displayed on the group's main page will disappear.

But keep in mind that if you plan to delete all items and add new ones to the group, but, for example, belonging to a different category, then this will not work. After you include products, everything that you added earlier will appear again on the group page in the corresponding block. Therefore, in this case, you will have to delete everything one by one.

We have learned how to add products to VKontakte, so happy trading: successful sales and more grateful customers.
