Windows 7 BIOS won't start. Reasons why the BIOS does not start

Unfortunately, sometimes you can encounter quite serious problems with turning on computers and starting operating systems, although until a certain point there were no signs of trouble. It happens that most often the computer turns on, but the operating system does not start. It is these situations that will be discussed further. Let's look at questions related to why the computer won't boot and what to do in such situations. There are several universal solutions here.

The computer turns on, but the operating system does not start: reasons

Among all the possible situations when failures occur at the loading stage, several typical cases can be identified.

There are three options:

  • a black screen appears;
  • Blue screen BSoD occurs;
  • The operating system starts, but cannot fully boot.

In the first case, when the computer does not start (the boot does not turn on), messages may appear on a black screen indicating physical or software problems. In the simplest case, when nothing serious happens, the system may report that, for example, the keyboard is missing (for desktop PCs). The simplest solution is to connect it and reboot.

If the computer turns on, but the boot does not start, and instead warnings about software failures or missing files appear on a black screen, there can be many reasons for this system behavior. Among them, first of all, we can highlight problems with the hard drive, damage to the operating system (accidental or intentional deletion of system components or registry entries), exposure to viruses, incorrect boot sector entries, RAM conflicts, etc. By the way, if a blue screen pops up, this mostly applies to the RAM or recently installed device drivers, which cause conflicts not at the software level, but at the physical level.

What to do if the computer does not boot and the operating system does not start for the above reasons? Depending on the situation, there are several solutions. To an uninitiated user, they may seem quite complicated, but in certain situations only they can be used to resuscitate the system. Therefore, you will have to spend both time and effort.

The computer turns on but does not boot: what to do first?

So, let's start with the simplest thing. Let's assume that a short-term technical failure has occurred in the system, for example due to incorrect shutdown or power surges.

As a rule, almost all Windows modifications used today usually automatically activate startup upon restart. If this does not happen, before starting the system you will have to use the F8 key to call up the additional boot menu (Windows 10 uses a different method).

The computer turns on, but the operating system does not start? There's no need to get upset. Here, in the simplest version, you can select the line to load the last working configuration. If everything is in order with the system components, the system will boot without problems. If this does not help, you will have to use the troubleshooting section, and sometimes even trying to boot into safe mode may be successful.

Possible viral infection

Unfortunately, viruses can also cause such situations. What to do if the computer does not turn on? Ways to solve this particular problem boil down to using a powerful one that could check for threats even before the OS itself starts.

Among the variety of anti-virus software, it is worth noting specially disk utilities that start directly from an optical media or USB device, have their own boot records and even a graphical interface like Windows. One of the most powerful tools is Kaspersky Rescue Disk. Its use can guarantee almost one hundred percent detection of viruses, even those hiding in RAM.

RAM conflicts

Now let's see what to do if the computer does not boot and instead a blue screen appears. As already mentioned, most often this indicates problems with drivers and RAM. We’re not touching the drivers yet, but let’s look at the RAM.

The proposed solution to the issue of if the computer does not boot is mainly designed for stationary PCs. In this situation, you should remove all memory sticks, and then insert them one by one and check the load. Perhaps one of them is the link that causes failures. This may occur when trims from different manufacturers are added.

If the system can somehow be loaded using the same safe mode, the RAM should immediately be checked using the Memtest86+ utility, which will help identify the true cause of the problem.

The system does not see the hard drive

Now the worst situation is when the computer does not boot. The causes and solutions may be related to the hard drive.

A hard drive can have both software and physical problems, although sometimes that’s not even the issue. The problem may be completely trivial: the user in the BIOS settings has set the priority for booting from a removable device, for example, from an optical disk, which is currently in the drive, but is not a system one. You just need to remove it and download again.

On the other hand, another problem that the computer does not start (the system does not start) may be due to the fact that the bootloader and the records of the corresponding sector are damaged. The solution to this situation will be discussed a little later. But in the simplest case, you can try to restore disk data using Recovery utilities.

Sometimes changing the settings of the primary BIOS input/output system also helps. Here you need to find the section related to setting up the hard drive, and in the SATA configuration parameters, deactivate the use of AHCI mode.

Finally, the hard drive may also have purely physical damage, and this cannot be done without outside intervention.

Using the installation disc

Many users clearly underestimate the help that the installation or system image can provide in solving problems associated with situations when the computer turns on, but the operating system does not load.

Firstly, almost any kit includes a so-called recovery console, with which you can eliminate many software failures, and secondly, you can use the command line here. This, by the way, is the most effective method. Next it will be clear how this works.

Problems with the BOOTMGR bootloader

It is believed that the most common problem when the computer turns on, but the operating system does not start, is damage to the Windows boot manager (Boot Manager). In this case, the system just writes that there is no system partition (it simply does not see the hard drive).

You can fix this problem by starting from the boot disk and going to the command line in the recovery console, to open which you press the “R” key. Next, you need to first use the check disk command and then fix (restore) boot records.

The whole sequence looks like this:

  • chkdsk c: /f /r;
  • Bootrec.exe /FixMbr;
  • Bootrec.exe /FixBoot.

After entering commands, punctuation marks are not placed, but the enter key is pressed. If for some reason executing these commands does not have a positive effect, you can alternatively use a complete rewrite of the boot sector, which is performed by the Bootrec.exe / RebuildBcd command. If the hard drive is not physically damaged, this should work, as they say, one hundred percent.

You can also use some third-party utilities. The most suitable program seems to be a tool called MbrFix, which is included in the Hiren’s Boot CD. After calling it, for example, for Windows 7, provided that this particular system is installed, and only on one disk (there is no partitioning), the following should be written:

  • MbrFix.exe /drive 0 fixmbr /win7.

This will save the user from having to make changes to boot records, and the boot will be restored.

Problems accessing the NTLDR file

When a message appears that a given component is missing from the system, a boot commit is first applied, as in the previous case.

However, if the result is not achieved, you will need to copy the original file to the root of the system partition. For example, if the drive is "C" and the drive is "E", the command would look like this:

  • E:\i386> copy ntldr C:\ (after copying, the system will boot without problems).

Damaged or missing HAL.dll file

If the computer turns on, but the operating system does not load in normal mode, the reason may be a damaged component HAL.dll (a corresponding notification may be displayed on the screen).

In this situation, you need to boot the system in safe mode, call the command console and write the following line in it:

  • C:\windows\system32\restore\rstrui.exe (then press the Enter key and restart).

Instead of a total

Here is a brief summary of everything that concerns solving the problem of the inability to start the operating system. Naturally, the issues that the cause could be low power, CMOS battery failure, loose cable connections, dust inside the system unit, or other malfunctions were not addressed here. But in software terms, the above methods work flawlessly.

BIOS is the basic input and output system that stores special algorithms necessary for the proper functioning of the entire computer. The user can make certain changes to it in order to improve the performance of the PC, but if the BIOS does not start, this may indicate serious problems with the computer.

There is no universal way to solve this problem, since, depending on the cause, you need to look for a solution. For example, in some cases, in order to “revive” the BIOS, you will have to disassemble the computer and carry out some manipulations with the hardware, while in others, it will be enough to simply try to enter it using the capabilities of the operating system.

Reason 1: Problems with components

If, when you turn on the PC, the machine either does not show any signs of life at all, or only the indicators on the case are lit, but there are no sounds and/or messages on the screen, then in most cases this means that the problem lies in the components. Inspect these components:

Physical damage to important computer components occurs, but the main reason for the inability to start a PC normally is severe dust contamination of its insides. Dust can become lodged in fans and contacts, disrupting the flow of voltage from one component to another.

When disassembling the system unit or laptop case, pay attention to the amount of dust. If there is too much of it, then do “cleaning”. Large volumes can be removed with a vacuum cleaner operating at low power. If you use a vacuum cleaner while cleaning, be careful as you may accidentally damage the inside of your PC.

When the main layer of dust has been removed, arm yourself with a brush and dry wipes to remove the remaining dirt. It is possible that contamination has entered the power supply. In this case, it will have to be disassembled and cleaned from the inside. Also check the contacts and connectors for dust.

Reason 2: Compatibility issues

In rare cases, the computer and BIOS may stop working due to incompatibility of any component that is connected to the motherboard. Usually, identifying the problem object is quite simple, for example, if you recently added/changed a RAM stick, then most likely the new stick is incompatible with the rest of the PC components. In this case, try starting the computer with old RAM.

Less commonly, it happens when one of the computer components fails and is no longer supported by the system. It is quite difficult to identify the problem in this case, since the computer does not start. Various sound signals or special messages on the screen that the BIOS gives can be very helpful. For example, by looking at the error code or beep, you can find out which component is having a problem.

In the case of incompatibility of certain components on the motherboard, the computer often shows signs of life. The user can hear the operation of hard drives, coolers, and the startup of other components, but nothing appears on the screen. Most often, in addition to the startup sounds of computer components, you can hear some extraneous signals produced by the BIOS or some important PC component, thus reporting a problem.

If there is no signal/message or they are illegible, then you will have to use this instruction to find out what the problem is:

If you completely assembled the computer (without finding a problematic element), connected all the devices to it and it began to turn on normally, then there can be two explanations for this behavior:

  • Perhaps due to vibration and/or other physical impact on the PC, the contact from some important component has come out of the connector. In the actual disassembly and reassembly, you simply reconnected an important component;
  • A system failure occurred due to which the computer had problems reading a component. Reconnecting each element to the motherboard again or resetting the BIOS solves this problem.

Reason 3: System failure

In this case, the OS loads without any complications, work in it also proceeds normally, but when you need to enter the BIOS, you are unable to do anything. This scenario is extremely rare, but it does happen.

The method for solving the problem that has arisen is effective only if your operating system boots normally, but you cannot enter the BIOS. Here we can also recommend trying all the login keys - F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12, Delete, Esc. Another option is to use each of these keys in combination with Shift or fn(the latter is only relevant for laptops).

This method will only be applicable for Windows 8 and higher, since this system allows you to restart the PC and then enable the BIOS. Use this instruction to perform a reboot and then start the basic input and output system:

If you have an operating system Windows 7 or older, and also if you have not found the item "Firmware and UEFI Settings" V "Advanced options", you can use "Command line". Open it using the cmd command in the line "Run"(called by key combination Win+R).

You need to enter the following value in it:

shutdown.exe /r /o

After clicking on Enter the computer will reboot and enter the BIOS or offer boot options with entering the BIOS.

Typically, after such an entry, the basic I/O system will boot without any problems in the future if you are already using key combinations. If it is not possible to re-enter the BIOS using the keys, it means that a serious failure has occurred in the settings.

Reason 4: Incorrect settings

Due to a failure in the settings, the hot keys for entering may change, so if such a failure occurs, it would be wise to reset all settings to factory settings. In most cases, everything returns to normal. This method is recommended to be used only in cases where the computer boots without problems, but you cannot enter the BIOS.

Imagine this situation: one day you turn on your computer or laptop and see that it won’t start; Moreover, you discover that the BIOS does not load. Surely those readers who have encountered a situation where a computer or laptop does not boot or even start are unlikely to find it pleasant. In addition, it may happen that the computer or laptop turns on by itself and loads the BIOS and operating system, but you cannot enter the BIOS, that is, the BIOS Setup computer settings program does not start. In this article we will try to give advice on what to do when a computer or laptop turns on, but does not load the BIOS, and the system does not boot beyond the hardware check procedure and the operating system does not start or the BIOS Setup does not load, and how you can solve these problems .

Description of the situation

When a computer or laptop does not boot, as a rule, instead of the familiar BIOS messages, the user sees only a black monitor screen in front of him. Sometimes a black screen on a computer or laptop is not a constant companion to this problem. For example, you turn on a computer or laptop, and you see that the system initially boots, some BIOS messages are displayed, but the boot process does not go beyond this stage, and the operating system does not start. What to do next in this case? First of all, you should not immediately panic and take your computer or laptop for repair, since you can try to solve this problem yourself.

The reasons that a computer or laptop does not start or the BIOS does not load can be due to various malfunctions, both related to the computer’s BIOS and those related to the PC hardware. And the solution to the problem “the computer does not load the BIOS” in this case largely depends on its cause.

Types of situation:

  • 1. Black screen

The first and most unpleasant situation is that you press the power button on your computer or laptop, but the computer does not boot, the BIOS does not load, and you see a black screen in front of you. You wait further, but in vain, because nothing else happens. In this case, to determine the reason why the computer or laptop does not boot, you need to listen to the sounds that the BIOS produces when booting. One short beep usually means that the BIOS has successfully checked the hardware.

  • 1.1. Black screen and one beep

In this case, the cause of the problem is most often the monitor (of course, if we are talking about a desktop computer). Therefore, it is best in such a situation to check the connection between the monitor and the computer or the power cable of the monitor. If the computer does not start even after this, and the black screen remains, then the problem is not in the monitor.

  • 1.2. Black screen and several beeps

The presence of several signals at the moment when the computer turns on and the system boots usually means some kind of malfunction. As a rule, the meaning of these signals is different for different BIOS models. But most likely, if you don’t see anything on the screen, then the problem is again related to the video system, but this time, most likely, with the video card. However, in order to be completely confident in this matter, it is best to refer to the list of conditioned sound signals for the BIOS version that is installed on your computer or laptop.

  • 1.3. Black screen and no beeps

If the computer turns on, but the “black screen” is not accompanied by any sound signals, then it can be assumed that something is wrong with the power system. For example, the power supply has failed and for this reason does not supply the required voltage to the motherboard. Or there is simply no contact between the motherboard and the power cable. The cause of the problem may also be a malfunction of the BIOS itself, the motherboard, processor, memory, or even the hard drive. In addition, sometimes the reason that the computer does not boot may be insufficient cooling of the electronic components of the motherboard.

  • 2. There is no black screen, the computer displays boot messages, but the user cannot enter the BIOS

It is worth mentioning separately about the situation when the computer turns on, but there is no “black screen” and the system boots normally, but does not enter the BIOS program for setting up computer parameters - BIOS Setup.

  • 2.1. The BIOS entry key is pressed incorrectly

True, there is one nuance here. Some users may immediately panic “I can’t get into the BIOS,” although they simply do not know how to correctly enter the BIOS. To enter the BIOS, you simply need to press the appropriate key after the computer turns on. But many users press the wrong key or do it at the wrong time and that is why they cannot enter the BIOS. We wrote about what needs to be done to enter the BIOS setup program after the computer turns on in the corresponding article.

  • 2.2. The BIOS entry key is pressed correctly, but still cannot enter the BIOS

But it may also happen that BIOS Setup does not start, and you cannot enter it even though the correct key seems to be pressed. Most often, if you press the desired key and cannot enter the BIOS, the keyboard is the culprit of the problem. For example, if you are using a USB keyboard and the BIOS does not support USB devices, you will not be able to enter BIOS Setup. In addition, it is worth checking the functionality of the keyboard on another computer. If the BIOS does not open even after eliminating the keyboard factor, then the problem is in another component of the computer.

  • 3. Stop due to BIOS information messages

It is also not uncommon to encounter a situation where the computer starts, but does not load the operating system, but displays a text message about a certain error on the screen when loading the BIOS. Continuing the download depends on the nature of the error. For example, a BIOS checksum error message may indicate that the CMOS battery is low, and in this case the user can usually continue working after pressing a certain key.

Ways to solve problems

First of all, in order to solve the problem and eliminate the reason why the black screen appears and the computer does not load the BIOS and operating system, you should remember what you were doing before the problem occurred? Did you install new devices on your computer just before the black screen appeared? Have you made any changes to the BIOS settings?

If you did make changes to the hardware, it is recommended to return the system to its previous state by removing the recently installed hardware. If after this the computer works normally and loads into the BIOS, then this means that the problem was with the remote hardware.

If you made your own BIOS settings, you can return the BIOS to safe factory settings. To do this, as a rule, it is enough to install a special CMOS memory reset jumper on the motherboard or remove the CMOS battery. As a rule, this operation often helps when the computer does not load the BIOS.

If you know for sure that you did not perform any actions with the BIOS or equipment, but the computer or laptop still gives you a black screen and does not load the BIOS, then you will have to check all the equipment yourself.

Sometimes the cause of a malfunction may be dust in the “insides” of the computer. Therefore, the very first procedure for any user trying to revive a computer is to clean the internal space of the system unit. Only after this will it be possible to move on and check the functionality of all systems.

Temporary system failure is also possible due to overheating of the processor or motherboard. Therefore, it is worth checking the coolers of the system unit and processor. Then, one by one, you should check the main components of the computer - processor, RAM, motherboard, video card, power supply. A failed hard drive will rarely result in the BIOS not booting, but this is not an option to be ruled out either.


The situation when the computer does not start and does not load the BIOS and OS, and the user sees only a black screen in front of them, of course, cannot be called pleasant. Since in this case the computer cannot be used for its intended purpose, as a business or entertainment tool, this is a great inconvenience for the user. However, the situation when the computer BIOS does not start is not always as fatal as it seems at first glance. Since it is extremely rare that the computer freezes and the inability to load the BIOS or the inability to enter BIOS Setup is a symptom of a hard drive failure, the user does not lose important information recorded on it. In addition, there are a number of methods that allow you to identify a faulty element and revive your computer. Of course, in some cases it may be impossible to identify a malfunction by the user, and then it is best to use the services of computer specialists from a service center.

Computers have long been a part of our lives. But our PC is a complex tool, with a bunch of different components. Sometimes we may encounter a problem when Our PC stops starting, but we cannot enter the BIOS . Now we will look at the main problems with the BIOS. So: you turn on your computer, it starts to “buzz”, but no loading occurs, and we see a black screen. There is no need to immediately take your PC for repairs in a panic, because it is quite possible to solve our problem yourself.

If you have a black screen, your PC starts to make noise, but the BIOS does not load and the OS does not start, then you need to listen to the signals that our PC emits.

1. If after switching on there is 1 signal- this means that all PC components are normal and the boot will be successful, but the problem should be looked for in the monitor. Make sure it is fully connected and working.

2. If you hear 2 beeps when loading- the problem is in the video card. The signals in the BIOS are easy to work with, but the signals may differ for different BIOS versions. See the list of signals for your version.

3. There are no signals when starting. This problem can be caused by the power supply, RAM, problems with the motherboard, or problems with cooling the system. All components need to be checked.

It is also a common case that the user cannot enter his BIOS. A typical error why you cannot start the BIOS is the most common reason - you simply press the wrong button at the wrong time. There are often situations in which the user simply presses the wrong button and the OS loads instead of the BIOS. In this case, there is definitely no need to worry. To enter the BIOS, just press the F8 button immediately when booting the PC.

Another reason may be the lack of installed support for USB devices in your BIOS. In this case, if you are using a USB keyboard, you simply will not be able to enter the BIOS.

It is also possible that the problem is a non-working keyboard. Test it on another PC.

To solve all problems with starting the BIOS, first of all you need to remember whether you installed new components on your PC? Perhaps they are the ones that conflict with the BIOS and it is because of them that it does not start. If you changed something, try returning the old component and see how the BIOS reacts to it. Also, if you installed new equipment, remove it.

If the problem is not with the hardware, then remember if you did any operations with the BIOS yourself. Perhaps you changed the settings, after which it stopped loading. To fix this, try returning your BIOS to default settings. Do it with CMOS memory reset jumper on your motherboard.

If you haven’t changed anything in your PC and haven’t messed around with the BIOS settings, then the reason why you see a black screen and the BIOS and OS won’t load may be that some component of your PC has failed. First of all, try cleaning your computer from dust. Perhaps it is due to contamination of your computer that the download does not occur. If cleaning does not help, check the RAM, video card, processor, power supply and motherboard. If you don’t know how to do this, then it’s best to turn to a specialist.

What to do if nothing helps?

You need to do some work on your system. We suggest doing this using two useful programs.

1. Update drivers with Driver Booster. This is really cool software that often helps. Updating old drivers to new ones is one of the key requirements for the normal functioning of games and programs on a computer.

You might think that Windows always alerts users when new updates are available. That's right, it shows alerts, but only for updates for Windows and the video card. But besides this, there are many more drivers that need to be updated regularly.

2. PC repair with Reimage Repair. Run this program to analyze your system for errors (and there will be 100% of them). You will then be asked to cure them, either individually or all at once.

BIOS is the most important component of a computer, the activity of which is aimed at setting up the operation of the equipment, checking its functionality, launching the operating system, and more. One of the most unpleasant situations that a user may encounter is when the BIOS refuses to start.
Let's imagine a situation: suppose you decide to reinstall Windows on your computer, but in order to run the installation program, you need to enter the BIOS. You have made more than one attempt to enter the BIOS, and all of them were unsuccessful.

Another situation: when the computer starts, the user first sees the BIOS interface, after which the computer proceeds to load the operating system. In some cases, the user may not see any image at all, that is, neither the BIOS window nor anything else.

Reason 1: Wrong key (combination)

First of all, you should question the correct hotkey you are using to enter the BIOS. Unfortunately, you can only find out which key in your case is by experience, that is, it was not possible to enter the BIOS using one button, next time you should try another.

The process of entering the BIOS is as follows: you reboot the computer or simply turn it on and at the very first stage of turning it on, you begin to repeatedly and quickly press the BIOS hotkey.

There are a huge number of options for entering the BIOS (this is especially true for laptops), but in most cases you will find one of the following keys: F1, F2 and Del. If not a single key helps you enter the BIOS, try Googling the model of your motherboard (for a desktop PC) or laptop model on the Internet to find out how to enter the BIOS for your device.

Reason 2: Non-working or unsupported keyboard

And although in rare cases the user has the opportunity to enter the BIOS without a keyboard, in 95% of cases it is impossible to do without it.

Needless to say, a computer keyboard must be in good working order? Be sure to test the keyboard's functionality by logging into Windows or connecting it to another computer.

If everything is fine with the keyboard, then perhaps the problem is that the keyboard is not supported by the BIOS. As a rule, a similar problem is observed among users of old computers (laptops), and if you use a wired or USB keyboard, then this may well be the case.

If you have a wireless keyboard, then we will need to use a wired one to eliminate the possibility of such a problem. Especially older BIOS versions may not support the USB keyboard interface, but to check this, you will either need to connect an old keyboard with a PS/2 connector or purchase a PS/2 adapter for a USB keyboard.

Reason 3: USB port not working

The port to which the keyboard is connected must be working. Try connecting the keyboard to a different port and try entering the BIOS again.

Reason 4: conflicting devices

One of the computer devices may have malfunctioned, resulting in a conflict, which is why you cannot enter the BIOS.
Try disconnecting everything you can from the computer: drives, hard drives or solid-state drives, all USB devices connected to the motherboard, PCI cards. If there is a built-in video card, then disable the discrete one, and then try to enter the BIOS again. If the attempt is successful, connect one device to the computer at a time to find out what is conflicting. Having identified a problematic device, it is this device that you will need to deal with (it is better to take it to a service center for diagnostics).

Reason 5: Computer malfunction

If, when you turn on the computer, the BIOS starts making sounds, but does not want to start, you should listen to the signals and record them. Often the BIOS uses such signals to make it clear what went wrong. There are a lot of tables on the Internet that decipher sound signals for different BIOS versions, using which you can quickly understand the cause of the problem and begin to fix it.

Reason 6: Problematic BIOS settings

As a rule, a similar cause of the problem occurs when the user makes changes to the BIOS. In this case, you should try returning the BIOS to factory settings. As a rule, in most cases you will need to look under the system unit case, where on the motherboard you can find a special switch (CMOS jumper), which is set to position 1-2. To perform a reset, just move the switch to position 3-4 for 15-30 seconds, after which you can return it to its previous position.

Reason 7: Problems with the motherboard

The most unfortunate cause of this problem is that the motherboard is practically the entire computer. If you suspect a problem with its operation, you can carry out a short diagnostic procedure.

First of all, you will need to inspect the motherboard itself: is there any oxidation, are the capacitors swollen. Any external changes indicate its malfunction, which means that all this must be eliminated. If there is oxidation, it must be carefully erased with an eraser. If the capacitors are swollen, they should be soldered with new ones.

If visually everything is fine with the motherboard, you should try the following:

  1. Disconnect your computer from the network, and also remove all unnecessary devices: mouse, speakers, keyboard, any additional devices and cables. As a result, only a network cable and a monitor need to be connected to the system unit.
  2. Reset CMOS. To do this, you should remove the battery from the motherboard for a few seconds and then install it back.
  3. Remove all cards from all motherboard slots, leaving only the processor and speaker connected.
  4. Start the computer and pay attention to the sound: if there is any sound, this tells you that the motherboard is working. If not, then everything is much sadder - she does not respond.

If you have confirmed your guess that the problem is in the operation of the motherboard, you should try to take it to a service center - it is quite possible that a specialist will be able to restore its functionality.

These are the main reasons that affect the BIOS not starting. If you have comments on the article, leave them in the comments.
