Read a New Year's tale about aliens for children. Aliens from fairy tales

In one ordinary gray town there lived a man named Bob. The man was as simple, straight and symmetrical as his name. He was content with his simple life, not shaken by any sharp ups and downs, cataclysms and collapses, until the Great Invasion suddenly happened.
Nobody remembers how it started. Everyone just woke up at one fine moment, and they were already everywhere.
The invaders were a highly developed species of aliens from the planet Viyobeya and used their unknown invincible weapons against earthlings. Approaching Earth, they turned on some kind of switch on their ship and time stopped on Earth. The presidents froze with outstretched hands, they, of course, reached for their red buttons after receiving a report of an impending attack, flying birds froze in the sky, an athlete who jumped from a springboard stretched out in the air before reaching the water, voices froze in telephone receivers, men in women, Well, those who slept in their cribs continued to sleep. Only the aliens themselves did not freeze, because earthly time did not affect them. As I already mentioned, they were a highly developed race and all the laws of the universe were already revealed to them, including the one that each universe has its own time and it only affects those born in this universe.
So, when everything finally came to life and began to move, power had already been seized and resistance was impossible.
It must be said that during the Great Invasion no one was killed or injured, not even a single animal, let alone a person, was harmed. The aliens announced their goals as soon as they were able to reach the media. They said that they had a great mission - to improve the universe, and came here to cleanse the planet of worthless people, whom they would most likely eat or dispose of in some other way, and leave only the best. They have compiled a dossier for each inhabitant of the earth, which lists all his characteristics and actions. After analyzing these dossiers, they will call each inhabitant for a face-to-face conversation to give him the opportunity to prove that he is the best. After this, his fate will be determined. The final verdict will be made when all the dossiers have been analyzed and all conversations have been conducted, this will happen simultaneously for everyone and everyone will know their fate at hour X.
People did not know what “the best” meant in the understanding of the aliens, but everyone wanted to stay alive, so everyone decided to be guided by their own idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe best and began to prepare for the final conversation, accumulating arguments. Someone panicked, someone sat at home in tense anticipation, and someone felt completely calm, confident that he was the best and the aliens would not touch him. Some, like Bob, continued to do some of their own things that needed to be completed to the end. They had no doubt about their imminent end, because after thinking a little they did not find anything that they could present at the conversation as indisputable proof that they were better than others.
Every day now passed in conversations and discussions about who had already gone to the conversation and what they said there. Everyone looked for the slightest signs of affection on the faces of the aliens, but never found them leaving the conversation in complete uncertainty about their fate. Bob was repairing his car in the yard, hoping that someone from his family would stay and the car might come in handy, when a neighbor approached him. He said with a smug chuckle<что ремонтируешь свою колымагу, зачем? она тебе все равно не пригодится. >Bob knew that the neighbor had a conversation today and asked what he said there. The neighbor believed that he had made an undeniable argument - he owns the most expensive Buick in the city, if he was able to earn money for it, then he is definitely the best. Bob didn't mind.
The only plastic surgery clinic in the town withstood an unprecedented siege from clients eager to make themselves the best. They considered that they definitely had a few months left before the conversation (they called by last name in alphabetical order), but those who were unlucky with last names were desperately jealous of the happier ones and desperately bought push-ups, slimming corsets, camouflage pencils and shine products hair.
On TV, the topics were the same, different guests came to all the talk shows, but the question of the day was the same - your evidence that you are the best. The invited celebrities tirelessly listed their regalia and merits, carefully remembering everything, even if it was many years ago, even if it was their only achievements, to which they owe their fame, believing that they have nothing to fear - if you are famous, you are definitely the best. And once on TV they showed an interview with a maniac murderer who was serving a sentence in prison, the maniac talked about his record - he had more than anyone else in the country in the last 10 years. Well, yes, he also believed that he was the best, simply because he was outstanding. Nobody said that you have to be superior to others with something good...
Finally it was Bob's turn to be interviewed.< Вокруг меня разные люди, добрые и злые, умные и глупые. Я не лучше и не хуже, я просто живу среди них>- he said something similar to the aliens. After listening, he was sent home, saying that the X-hour would be announced in all media. He just had to wait.
The announcement came six months later: How will you know whether you are the best or not? It’s very simple: exactly at 05.00 in the morning - on July 15 of this year, they will come for you if you are not recognized as the best. Well, if at 05.05 in the morning no one appears on your doorstep, move on with your life in peace.
On July 15, Bob woke up around five, in fact, he wanted to meet them awake and set the alarm clock. There was not a single person sleeping in each house. But nothing happened, neither at 05.00 nor at 05.05, at least for Bob. And after another 10 minutes, a long string of lights appeared in the sky - this was a caravan of alien ships leaving the Earth, taking with them to Vyobey everyone who most vehemently proved that they were the best. It was beginning to get light. Bob looked out the window and for some reason thought -<вот оно первое утро тысячелетнего царства>.

Magicians, elves, princes and vampires somehow overshadowed traditional fantasy. The one that popularized science, talked about ethical, philosophical and social issues, was ironic, made you enjoy the flight of ideas and simply entertained without resorting to tricks with magic. I wanted to remind you of some science fiction books, mainly from our childhood, the main characters of which are teenagers. There are recognized classics and simply “middle-class” fiction, some works are already outdated in some ways, many may seem naive, but, I think, they are not hopeless and diverse enough to find a book among them to suit your taste.

The age division is very approximate.

For primary and secondary school age:

Broshkevich E."Three and a tenth of a thousand"- 862 of the First Space Age. People have mastered the solar system, live and work on hundreds of artificial planets, heated by artificial suns, and are preparing an expedition to the Centaurus constellation, where they hope to discover habitable planets. Against this background, the extraordinary adventures of three children and a guardian robot, Robik, who looks like an ordinary boy, unfold on an artificial planet - a reconnaissance planet called Raper. A serious accident occurs in space, threatening the entire planet with disaster. Accidentally finding themselves without adults, the children behave heroically and, as the highest reward for courage, endurance and resourcefulness, are enlisted in the upcoming expedition to Centauri. A somewhat outdated, but quite fascinating science fiction story. (Wed)

Bulychev K. series about Alisa Selezneva- in 1965, the first stories by Kir Bulychev about the girl Alice, who became a favorite heroine for several generations of readers, appeared in the anthology “World of Adventures.” Alice was the most ordinary - restless, curious, resourceful, in general, a normal girl who could be found in any yard, but she had to fight space pirates, make scientific discoveries, travel in space, underground and through centuries. A significant contribution to Alice's popularity was made by the television film "Guest from the Future" and the cartoon "The Secret of the Third Planet". The collections “Girl from Earth”, “One Hundred Years Ago”, “A Million Adventures”, “Girl from the Future” are the best in the series. Bibliography of the series. All about "Alice". (Ml-Wed)

Veltistov E."Gum-Gum"- about the friendship of the schoolboy Maxim with a boy alien from outer space named Gum-Gum, who gave him a flying ladder, a travel stone for moving in space and “lunad” - magic chocolate with which you can make the game a reality... Review. Movie . (Ml)

Wolf S."Tomorrow morning, over tea"- Is it easy to suddenly discover that you are a brilliant teenager? What should the parents of a brilliant teenager do? What to do if it turns out that your father has ceased to be an unshakable authority, if he is embarrassed by his ordinariness and does not know how to raise his child now? Dad himself took sixth-grader Mitya Ryzhkin to a special school for children who think outside the box, who are able to offer an unexpected solution to a problem and make a breakthrough in science. Without wanting it, Mitya becomes the brightest talent among his classmates and his father’s boss in an important space project. Landscapes of the XXI century. and the intricate, scientific passages uttered by the characters would now probably cause a smile, but the psychological collisions are well written. Continuation of the story about father and son Ryzhkin - the story “Where are you, little Ptil?” (Wed).

Gnedina T. - about the author .

  • "The Last Day of the Tugotrons"- old-fashioned and naive, but kind and intelligent children's fiction with an anti-totalitarian overtone. Schoolboy Seryozha Raskat finds himself in a state of intelligent robots and helps little people - mini-taks - to free themselves from their oppression. (Ml-Wed)
  • "Islands on Imagination Crystals"- scientific popularization in a slightly fictionalized form: schoolchildren, traveling on a raft, end up in a cave and discover an island where the path of development of physics has largely diverged from science on the surface of the earth. (Wed)
    • "Journey to the Morning Star"- three friends with the names of epic heroes Ilya, Nikita and Alyosha and the girl Zabava go into space on a thought plane - a device for instant movement in space. They will have to meet good and bad (in the context of time) aliens and help restore justice. (Ml)
    • "Clock of the Ages"- the watchmaker Velikanov has watches, the numbers on which show centuries and even entire millennia. If you open the glass door of this clock, behind the pendulum you will find a second, rear door, made of mahogany, which leads to past centuries. The heroine of the story, a girl nicknamed Fly, goes to the prehistoric era - first to mammoths and saber-toothed tigers, and then to primitive people... (Ml) Dilov L."The Star Adventures of Numi and Niki"- a romantic story about the space travel of an earthly boy Nika and an alien girl Numi in the womb of a living, intelligent spaceship Malohalothalothim, or Life Saver (and in appearance - a pumpkin with a pumpkin). Cute characters and gentle irony. About the author . (Ml-Wed) .

      Dombrovsky K."The Island of Inexperienced Physicists"- a science fiction story with an emphasis on the word "scientific": four boys have the opportunity to change some physical laws at their discretion, which leads to unexpected adventures. What happens if friction disappears, the density of water or the speed of light changes? A good attempt at teaching an introductory physics lesson in a visual and fun way. (Wed)

      Etoev A."Left Foot Rule"- an ironic urban fairy tale. Sixth-grader Andryusha Pryanikov loved science fiction, computer shooting games, summer trips to the lake, dad, especially when dad had a paycheck, holiday Olivier salad and mom’s pies with cabbage. Andryusha also loved to fish in the Fontanka River and once fished out a bag with a telescope that an alien had dropped many years ago. This pipe, as soon as it was pointed at the sky, could show the surface of any planet that your eye came upon. And at the same time - regardless of the weather. It is clear that such a treasure immediately found cunning and selfish hunters. Review. (Ml-Wed)

      Knorre F."Lali's Paper Books"- a dystopia about the near future. Lali lives in a world facing the threat of destruction if she does not use the help of powerful but soulless aliens. AND is reading books, despite the strict prohibition of parents - books have long become an atavism, they were supplanted by films. Lali is probably the last girl on Earth who reads paper books, and until the very last moment she does not know that by doing so she will save the world. (Ml-Wed)

      Malov V. cycle "Natural History Test"- simple, but quite funny stories about the amazing story of the acquaintance of schoolchildren from the 20th century Kostya and Peter and their peers from the 23rd century Brenka and Zlatko, as well as the adventures that they had to experience together in a variety of times.
      The extreme simplicity of the plots is compensated by the ironic intonation. An easy, unpretentious read. The cycle includes seven stories, the first five were published in two separate books - “Royal Books” and “A Very Mysterious Island”. The last two - “The Cook under the Hood” and “The Knight of the Gray Cat” - were published in periodicals. (Ml-Wed)

      Melentyev V. - pioneer fiction. Naive, imperfect, but kind and humorous books, quite adventurous in nature. About the author .

      All four stories were republished in 1999-2000. in two volumes of the series "Classical Library of Fairy-Tale Adventures", published by Tsentrpoligraf.

      Moshkovsky A. - somewhat straightforward and quite moralizing, but entertaining stories for younger schoolchildren about mysterious events and extraordinary adventures, about how to value friendship and kindness, not to get lost in critical situations, how important it is to be inquisitive, generous, courageous and noble in life.

      • "Seven Days of Miracles"- the hero of the story found a mysterious device with 7 buttons and, of course, decided to press them, which caused a series of very strange and incomprehensible events. (Ml-Wed)
      • "Five in a Starship" ("The Lost Starship")- space opera. Schoolchildren from Earth, who secretly went on an independent space journey, found themselves on a planet inhabited by robots. They didn't even suspect it at first; on the contrary, they were delighted with the extraordinary organization, efficiency, energy of the aliens, the cleanliness of their streets and the straightness of their roads, their smartness and the constant cheerful smiles that never left their faces. (Ml-Wed)

      Popov V."A dark room"- maybe nothing happened. Maybe this is just the imagination of two boys living in an old house. Or maybe there really is a passage from the secret room to another time, and dreams are not dreams at all. About the author . (Wed)

      Svirin A., Lyashenko M. - a wonderful five-volume series "Book of Knowledge". Three school friends, Lenka, Genka and Vitka, get together at Lenka’s place and, with the participation of Lenka’s grandfather, a professor, come up with a “role-playing game” in which they become aliens with the names NkaLe, KaGen and TkaVi, who arrived on the Luch starship on Earth for the purpose of its comprehensive study. The young “aliens” are very similar to humans, but they have tails and dragonfly wings - just to make it more interesting. Each book consists of descriptions of their adventures and so-called “scientific notebooks” - inserted popular science essays. An exemplary artistic and scientific series, fascinating, funny, with a lot of interesting facts, from these books children acquired knowledge of astronomy, biology, zoology, geography, and history in an entertaining way. Alas, books are almost impossible to buy even from second-hand booksellers. Review . (Ml-Wed)

The “First Steps of Creativity” section is gaining momentum. Today I want to present to your attention a fairy tale that I invented and designed Dima Kondakov.
Guys, don’t be shy, come up with poems, riddles, fairy tales and stories. This is a very useful activity for developing thinking and speech. If you have a talent for drawing, singing or dancing, send your material.
I would like to remind you that we still have a section for you. If your holidays are so interesting that you have something to tell and show, then feel free to send me material.

Fairy tale "Diman-Gulyan and the aliens."

A long time ago there lived a boy of six years old. His name was Diman-gulyan, he loved to visit his grandmother in the village. One day he came to the village and late in the evening went into the forest to pick mushrooms. While collecting mushrooms, he walked further and further from his grandmother’s house and eventually came out into a huge clearing. Suddenly he saw something huge round with glowing lights and eerie sounds coming down from the sky. It was a flying saucer. The boy approached her and saw aliens with ray guns in the window. Unexpectedly for the child, the plate opened
Author Dima Kondakov
a secret door, and six aliens emerged from there. They grabbed the boy and dragged him to the plate.

The boy found himself inside the lair of alien creatures. It was very beautiful there, somewhat reminiscent of an airport: many shops, restaurants, separate rooms, and aliens snooping here and there. The boy looked around carefully and noticed that some blue men were placed in special blue capsules. These were Life capsules. When the aliens went to bed there, they could sleep for an eternity and not grow old. Diman-Gulyan learned about this from an alien who was walking next to him.

They walked for a long time and came to a strange room. It was scary and dark, and at the end of the room sat a very old alien. Diman-Gulyan was brought to the elder. The boy asked, “Why am I here?” The old alien replied: “You are here because you have wandered too far from home many times. That's why we flew in and took you prisoner, if you pass our test and promise not to walk out late alone,

Author Dima Kondakov
we'll let you go. If you fail, you will remain with us forever.”

The boy was brought to the testing rooms. Diman-Gulyan was scared, but pulled himself together and boldly walked forward. First he went through a furry labyrinth, there were furry spiders in it, and the walls were covered with foul-smelling fur. He was walking in the maze in complete darkness and suddenly tripped over something, it turned out to be a spoon, he took it with him.

Author Dima Kondakov
In the last room he saw a plate of semolina porridge, which he hated. The old alien appeared nearby again. The elder said: “Eat every last drop or stay!” All in your hands. The key to the exit is at the bottom of the plate.” Diman-Gulyan decided to use a trick and stuck his hand into the plate to pull out the key - there was twice as much porridge! Then he closed his eyes, took out a spoon he found in the maze and began to eat. He ate and ate and ate and ate and finally ate all the porridge. Grabbing the key from the bottom, he opened the hatch and ran out of the alien plate, slipped on the grass and fell painfully, hitting the back of his head...

Diman-Gulyan opened his eyes; he was lying in the middle of a large clearing. Frightened, he rushed home to his grandmother. Having come running, he told everything to the old woman and promised never to go far into the forest again, especially late at night. The grandmother affectionately kissed her grandson and put him to bed. Since then, Dima has grown a lot and is still wondering: was it a dream or reality!?


Kolesnikova Anastasia, 8 years old, 2 “B” class, gymnasium No. 196

Tale of a UFO

In an American kingdom there lived Mulder. It was a tall, dark-haired man. Every morning he fed his fish, ran around his house, and then went to work. His partner was waiting for him at work every day. Her name was Scully. She had red hair and green eyes. Together they searched for UFOs, chupacabras, ghouls and similar creatures.

And then one day the agents went to the Russian kingdom, because people there had seen UFOs many times. They flew for a long time on a large iron kite, rode in a car and finally arrived at the mysterious shore of the Gulf of Finland...

At the same time, my mother and I were quietly walking there. The spring sun was shining, the breeze was blowing and the waves were splashing. There was no one on the shore except us. An hour later we met Mulder and Scully. They told us about the search for UFOs. Their story was long and fascinating. And we didn’t notice how evening came. So we lit a fire. In the distance, a strip of dam lights sparkled.

Soon the fairy tale will be told, but not soon the deed will be done...

And suddenly a sick glowing ball appeared in the dark sky. He was approaching us. The ball glowed with multi-colored rays. We were scared, but we couldn't help but look at him.

Up close, the ball turned out to be a flying saucer. A real flying saucer!!! It hung above the water and continued to glow brightly. A minute later we saw something like a door that began to open... Then a long green man appeared from it.

I closed my eyes!!! And when I opened my eyes, I saw my soft blanket and pillows around me, my room. And on the bed next to him lay the book “The X-Files.”

Onoprienko Maxim, 10 years old, Tsarskoe Selo Gymnasium of Arts named after A.A. Akhmatova

From the UFO they waved to me

One day I was watching a cartoon about aliens and thought: “If only this were real!” I asked my dad: “Do UFOs fly here?” “Don’t talk nonsense,” he replied.

One evening we looked out the window for a long, long time, waiting for my mother, and suddenly we saw a luminous object. We were surprised: “What is this?” The object is getting closer and closer... and already at our window.

A strange green man looked out from there. He abruptly opened the window and asked dad to let me go on a trip. “He hasn’t done his homework yet,” said dad. I closed my eyes in resentment. Dad saw this, thought and thought and let go.

We rushed through deep space to the planet Mars, and when we arrived, I saw strange little people. They had very long ears and spoke an incomprehensible language, but after a while I began to understand them and began to communicate with them. Time flew by.

And then I remembered that I had to go to my dad. I asked my alien friend to take me home to Earth. We arrived quickly. My new friend waved goodbye to me. I went to bed, and now I remember this trip every day.

Shirobokov Ilya, 9 years old, 3 “A” class, gymnasium No. 196

From the UFO they waved to me

One day, when everyone at home was already asleep, I couldn’t sleep at all. And I went to the window and began to look at the starry sky. Suddenly I noticed that one star began to grow in size and glow with all the colors of the rainbow. She was approaching me. I felt scared, but terribly curious. I couldn't take my eyes off this glowing object. I realized that this was an unidentified flying object - a UFO.

I couldn't believe my eyes. The spaceship flew up to my window and hovered in the air. I began to examine him carefully. It was a transparent capsule. At the top of the ship there were two antennas, at the bottom - two supports on which the ship should land, and two unusual ladders, in front - the entrance to the spaceship. Multi-colored fire burst out from below the ship. On the sides of the ship were two metal arms that constantly moved and then began to wave at me. And I realized that the aliens were friendly and wanted to make friends with me. One hand dropped down and stopped in front of the entrance to the spaceship, and I realized that I was being invited to go there. I opened the window. An iron hand appeared right in front of me, and I jumped onto it with ease. The hand lifted me to the stairs, the door was already open, and I quickly went inside the ship. Everything inside was very unusual, everything radiated multi-colored rays.

An alien came out to meet me. He was about as tall as me, green with yellow spots. He had three antennae on his head, only three fingers on his hands, and suction cups on his legs instead of feet. And, like everything around, it emitted a multi-colored glow. He said something to me in his language, but I didn’t understand anything and looked at him in confusion. Then the alien looked at me intently, adjusted the antennas on his head and greeted me. And I realized with amazement that I understood his speech. He said that his name is Isor and he is nine thousand light years old, which in our age means nine years. I said that my name is Ilya and I am also nine years old. We were very happy that we were the same age, which meant we would have a lot in common. Isor said that he had come from the planet Rainbow and even showed it to me on his screen. He told a lot about his planet, that it is very beautiful. Everything there is multi-colored: animals, plants, and even air and water, and everything emits a rainbow glow, that on their planet they protect nature and take care of the world around them. Isor studies at school, in a science class. He invented the flying ship himself, and his dad helped him with it. Isor went to our planet to find a friend and learn a lot of interesting things about it, since he heard that our planet Earth is also very beautiful. I gladly told him about my planet, my city and my family. We became very good friends with Isor, and we were very sorry to leave. Isor said that it was time for him to return home, and that he would try to fly again. We said goodbye to him, I went down the stairs, and an iron hand carried me to my window. I looked at the rapidly receding spaceship for a long time, until it turned into a luminous point, and then was completely lost in the starry sky.

I went to my bed, and as I fell asleep, I kept thinking about my nightly adventure. I had a dream to create my own spaceship and go to the planet Rainbow to visit Isor, and generally see the cosmic galaxy. I realized that for this you need to study very well and have great knowledge.

Dankovich Sergey, 9 years old, 3 “A” class, gymnasium No. 196

From the UFO they waved to me

One time, when I went to bed, I saw a bright light in the sky. At first I was scared, and then I realized that it was a UFO. They were unusual and amazing. I saw that they were waving at me. I decided to wave to them too. Then they came imperceptibly closer in a flying saucer.

I wanted to look at them, but the light was too bright. I managed to look at them. These were strange little men with antenna wires on their large heads. They were dressed in silver suits and had funny shoes on their feet. I wanted to meet them, but they got scared and quickly flew away.

I would like them to fly to me one more time. I hope this happens very soon.

Nikitin Pavel, 10 years old, Tsarskoe Selo Gymnasium of Arts named after A.A. Akhmatova

From the UFO they waved to me

There are many people on our planet Earth. And who saw the UFO? I saw it once and told my friends, but they didn’t believe it. I wanted to prove it to them and started filming the night sky. But he didn’t film anything surprising.

A few years later I graduated from school, then college and became an astronomer.

And then one day I saw a similar plate through a telescope and followed it. It seemed to me that someone waved at me from the porthole.

Alina Tskhovrebova, 2nd “B” grade, gymnasium 330

One day my friends and I went to the park. When we were playing ball, it suddenly became dark and a large flying saucer landed in front of us. Green aliens came out of it, and their faces were covered in warts. Suddenly people around started to panic and ran in different directions. Only I stayed in place out of surprise, and one alien waved his hand at me and came up to me. We became friends with him, his name was Campi. But when it was time for them to fly away, Campi gave me a rare stone from their planet as a souvenir.

Anastasia Kasyanova , 4 "B" class, gymnasium 330

There lived a boy named Fedya. I went to school and got grades. Once upon a time, a misfortune befell him. Fedya received three bad marks: in Russian, mathematics and English. He went home from school sad, looking at the sky. Suddenly he sees a flying saucer. He looks, and a green little man with horns, like a giraffe, waves and waves birr-birr-birr. Fedya shook his head and went home. At home, Fedya, of course, was not praised, but he was not too scolded either, because he promised to fix everything.

The next day a new student appeared in their class, but Fedya thought she was strange because her pigtails stuck out like horns. And besides, her name was unusual! Her name was Tariana! She spoke clearly, but somehow pronounced her words strangely.

After lessons, Fedya went home. He was in a good mood, he raised his eyes and looked at the sky. And there hangs this same UFO and through the porthole the girl Tariana waves her hand at him!

Fedya reached home. He put his briefcase on the floor, took off his coat, washed his hands and sat down to eat soup.

And when they started drinking tea, he told his mother about everything. Mom thought for a moment, and then said: “You probably imagined it.” Fedya, angry, went to do his homework. And when he was getting ready to go to bed in the evening, he told everything to his little sister. The sister did not laugh, but said: “I also saw a flying saucer last week! A little man got out of it and started waving his hand at me!”

So they exist?

Bogdana Tatarenko, 2nd “b” grade, gymnasium 330

The children were walking in the yard. They started playing and did not notice how evening came. Suddenly a bright light appeared in the sky, it was very small, like a twinkling star. The light quickly increased in size. The children could not understand what it was. When this light flew closer, the guys guessed that it was an alien spaceship. Smiling green men looked at them through the small windows and waved their arms. This is how they greeted the guys and called them onto their ship. But the guys know that you can’t board an alien ship!

Dmitry Uzakov, 2nd “B” grade, gymnasium 330

It was summer. I was relaxing in the village and spent the whole day in the yard, playing with dogs and a kitten. He was so funny and funny. As soon as it began to get dark, we gathered on the veranda to drink tea and talk. And suddenly it became somehow bright outside, and the sky turned green, pink, or purple. At first we were scared, and then we wondered what it was. I went to the window and saw something large, round with multi-colored lanterns, like a huge plate. Multi-colored rays fell in all directions and illuminated everything around. I tried to make out the window and doors in this huge plate and it seemed to me that I even saw them - aliens, they, just like me, were watching us. It only lasted about two minutes. I waved my hand at them, when suddenly the door next to this plate opened. Aliens stood in the doorway and also looked at us, and then they also waved to me. I saw how their door suddenly closed, and the plate began to move away from our house, and then completely disappeared. It immediately became dark. On the one hand, it was sad that they flew away, but on the other hand, it was nice that the UFO waved to me.

Dmitry Pavlov, 2nd “B” grade, gymnasium 330

One day I was sitting on a bench in the yard and waiting for my mother. Suddenly I noticed a black dot in the sky. The dot was approaching and growing very quickly. Soon the dot began to look like a hat. When the hat flew towards me, I saw that it was metal. I was a little scared. The hat silently circled over the bench and flew into the sky. I followed the hat for a long time until it turned into a dot again, and then the dot disappeared behind the clouds.

Then my mother called me. I got up from the bench and took my briefcase. Suddenly I noticed a small package lying next to the briefcase. When I unfolded it, I saw the following: “Greetings, Earthling. We send you cosmic greetings. Space travelers from the planet Uli."

I didn't say anything to anyone.

Two days later we left for the dacha. One day my mother asked me to go to the grocery store. I decided to take the path rather than the road. The path was surrounded by bushes and trees. On one of the trees I noticed a small hat. I moved closer. The hat landed on the ground next to me. A tiny ladder emerged from the hat, and two creatures in spacesuits descended along it. They looked like humans, but with four arms. The aliens spoke Russian well. And they invited me onto their ship. I was shrunk with a special device, and I became the size of the aliens.

We entered the ship. The hat flew up. We flew around the Earth. I saw how beautiful our planet is from space. I was also amazed by the amount of garbage flying around the Earth.

After the flight, the aliens dropped me off next to my bicycle. As a parting gift, they gave him a pebble from their planet. The stone shimmers in different colors and glows in the dark. It reminds me of the alien encounter.

Nikita Dovgyallo, 2 “B” grade, gymnasium 330

One evening, returning home, I saw a flickering light in the sky that was moving in my direction. It reminded me of a glowing ball. I was very surprised and could not understand what it was.

Then this ball hovered motionless in the air above the house.

What kind of joke is this? Is this really a flying saucer? – I thought.

I began to observe what was happening. The plate slowly sank onto the roof of the house, and strange creatures began to emerge from there. I was scared, suddenly I was in danger. But then I calmed down, because these aliens were happy and smiled at me.

The aliens looked like people, only they were short and had a large head. I smiled back at them and waved.

They looked around and returned to the UFO. Then the plate rose up, and from it they waved at me.

I was very pleased to meet unusual creatures!

Satanina Sofia, 3rd grade, GUVK "Comprehensive school No. 53 - multidisciplinary lyceum" (Ukraine)

From the UFO they waved to me

I hung out with my friends until late. And then I saw a flying saucer in the sky. She was incredibly large. The plate glowed so that its light illuminated the entire field. An alien came out of the plate. He was short, had four legs and three eyes. He smiled and waved at me. After this, the alien flew away. I was the first person to meet an alien.

Kipot Danil, 3rd grade, GUVK "Comprehensive school No. 53 - multidisciplinary lyceum" (Ukraine )

From the UFO they waved to me

One day I was returning from school. Our lessons ended late. I saw some light in the sky, it was getting closer and closer and suddenly stopped. I noticed that it was a spaceship. It was long, black with square and triangular windows. In one window I saw a cheerful and funny little man who looked at me in surprise, smiled and waved his hand at me. I also waved back. The next day I told the guys everything. They didn't believe me, of course.

Yurginis Grisha, 4th grade, GBOU school No. 530 with in-depth study of subjects of the natural and mathematical cycle

From the UFO they waved to me

One day I was walking home after school. The weather was sunny and warm, there was no wind at all. And then it all began.

There was a strange and unknown sound, a strong wind blew, and red, green, and yellow lights flashed in the sky. I couldn't understand what it was. It looked like a plate with tips in the center. They waved to me from there. I got scared and ran around the corner of the house. The plate flew up behind me, so I didn’t notice it. I turned around. A creature looked out the window and beckoned me with its hand. I went, I don’t know why, because it was scary.

There was the latest technology there, which was not yet known to anyone. Strange creatures deftly handled her. This was a time machine. On the screen, I saw myself as an adult in a car that flies over the city, and does not drive along the roads.

This is how I met aliens!

Surina Daria, 4th grade, GBOU school No. 530 with in-depth study of subjects of the natural and mathematical cycle

From the UFO they waved to me

One day I was walking home from school. The weather was wonderful. The sun was shining, there was no wind. And so it all began. The wind began to blow strongly, the sun hid behind the clouds. Then I saw an unusual star in the sky. This star began to approach and landed in the park. I saw this object closer, and it seemed to me that it looked like a flying saucer. There I saw strange creatures. These strange creatures waved at me. I closed my eyes, when I opened them, there was no one and nothing in front of me, but there were running stars in my palms. That's probably how they greeted me.

Polina Stolbunova, 4th grade, GBOU school No. 530, with in-depth study of natural and mathematical subjects

From the UFO they waved to me

One morning I was walking along the boulevard. The day was wonderful! But suddenly the clouds began to thicken, the sky darkened, and I saw a UFO. It landed in a clearing. When the UFO landed, little green men came out. It was aliens! I was scared, but they smiled and tried to tell me something, but I didn’t understand them. Then one of them took something out of his pocket. It was a camera. We took a photo together and they gave me the photo as a souvenir. Time flew by, and everyone had to return home. The little men got back into the UFO and flew away. I looked after them for a long time, and they waved at me, I put the photo in the frame. Now when I look at the photo, I hope they come back!

Rokhina Ekaterina, 4th grade, GBOU school No. 530 with in-depth study of subjects of the natural and mathematical cycle

From the UFO they waved to me

One day I was walking with my friends through a clearing. The day was clear and sunny. But suddenly clouds appeared. They began to thicken and turned into one big black cloud. A cold wind blew sharply. The sky began to cry with large drops of rain, and a clear, sunny day turned into a cold night.

Suddenly a light appeared above us, and something very large and round hovered above our heads. We were very scared because we realized that it was a real spaceship that had arrived from another galaxy.

What is he doing on earth?!

At that same moment, the ship's door opened and strange green creatures came out.

Are these aliens? – I thought.

They went down to the clearing and our eyes met. We stood motionless, afraid to move an arm or a leg. What will be next? One of them sat down on the grass, picked a flower, brought it to him and looked at it for a long time, touched it, twirled it in his hand, and even smelled it, and suddenly shouted something in his incomprehensible star language to his cosmic friends. They ran up to him together, said something to each other and quickly began collecting flowers into bouquets. We stood with our mouths open in surprise, as they ran around us and were happy about something, and even smiled, looking at us motionless.

Having collected their bouquets, they came up to us, and each of them took something out of his pocket and put it in our hands. They smiled at us and waved, got into their ship and flew away. And we opened our palms and saw small, shiny stars, each of which depicted a green, smiling man.

For some reason, we all felt very sad because we never had a chance to talk to them or even wave to them. But we all really believe that they will come to us again. We will definitely meet them in this very clearing and we will definitely wave our hand to them and say in unison: “Goodbye, little green men!”

Alicia Presnyakova, 3 “B” grade, gymnasium 330

Hello! My name is Alisa, I'm 9 years old. I'll tell you a fabulous story.

One cold winter evening I sat by the window and drew. Suddenly someone knocked on the window, and it was strange, since I live on the fifth floor. I looked at the birch tree growing nearby and saw a small flying saucer, almost like the one I played with in the summer at the dacha. It’s amazing how she ended up so high on a tree, and even in winter? I opened the window and began to carefully examine the find, when suddenly she also spoke. I was asked permission to land on my windowsill. Of course I didn't mind.

The plate hummed quietly and smoothly landed next to me. A few seconds later, little people dressed in red came out of it. They said that they had flown from Jupiter and their names were Fom and Vom. The aliens turned out to be brave explorers of the galaxy, a little lost in interplanetary space. It so happened that when they were looking for a way home, they ran out of fuel, and they decided to get it on Earth. I gladly agreed to help them. I asked my grandfather to pour me some gasoline and took it to my new friends. It turned out that such fuel was not suitable for them, but they needed red and sweet fuel. Then I turned to my grandmother with a request to give me strawberry jam, of course, I immediately got what I wanted and took the jar to Thomas and Vom. Yes, that was what was needed. The time has come to say goodbye, in memory of our meeting, my guests gave me a red pen, with the help of which and some magic words, I could be their guest. The little people got into the UFO and waved to me.

I was left alone and I couldn’t believe that all this was real, only the red pen that I clutched in my palm reminded me of what had happened.

Svistunova Daria 3 “B” class, gymnasium 330


Hello! My name is Dasha. And now I will tell you a fairy tale. Like, well, what am I telling you? You'll find out when you read it.

Chapter 1. The appearance of a UFO

My name, as you know, is Dasha. One day I was walking in the park. Night fell, but I still didn’t go home. Suddenly a light lit up in the sky. Then the second, then the third and they started blinking. At first I thought it was an airplane. But then I saw some flying object in the sky. Gradually it began to descend, and I saw a real UFO. Exactly. Then he landed next to me.

Chapter 2. Introduction

Two green men came out of the UFO. I met them. It turns out their names were Brick and Brock. And they are from the planet Mars. We talked to them for a long time, but only a minute passed. Soon I returned home. Mom, of course, was very angry and asked what I had in my hands and where it came from. I replied that I met Vova, my friend, in the park, and he gave me his toys. At the word “toys,” Brick and Brock cringed and froze. I took out the toy-like Brick and Brock from my pocket.

Chapter 3. Loss

The next day I went to the park. Mom made me promise to return Vova’s gift. But I didn’t listen and didn’t take Brick and Brock with me. Mom was cleaning the room and looked at my bed, she saw my new toys there. She wanted to throw them away. When I entered the apartment, my mother was standing by the trash can and throwing something away. I came closer and saw my friends Brick and Brock. When my mother’s hand was already approaching the trash can, I snatched the aliens from my mother’s hands. But the UFO plate was not with them.

Chapter 4 Promise

My friends Brick and Brock reluctantly began to communicate with me. And I promised them that I would go to an aircraft modeling class and make a rocket for them. And soon I went to the circle. In three lessons I made a great UFO for them. They put their engine on it and started the ship.

Chapter 5. Parting

At parting, they told me that they would be returning. And they instantly fled from the room. Just don't worry, they'll be back...

Skrementova Natasha 1st “B” grade, gymnasium 330

From the UFO they waved to me

They waved at me from the UFO. I quickly climbed in and saw my friends. UFO - a model made of plywood on the playground. We ran, played, everyone had fun!

Shcherbakov Oleg, 5-A grade, GUVK "Comprehensive school No. 53 - multidisciplinary lyceum" (Ukraine)

From the UFO they waved to me

An incredible thing happened to me this summer. On a hot July evening, a flying saucer sparkling with many lights appeared in the sky. The Martians waved to me from the UFO and invited me to visit their planet. I happily agreed.

The journey on the spaceship took us a few minutes. And so we landed on Mars. The imagination was struck by the many robots, cars, ships and the absence of any vegetation. The Martians were tall, with large heads and tentacles instead of arms and legs. They could hardly move and became helpless away from their cars. The inhabitants of this planet have long lost the habit of working with their hands and feet, since machines do everything for them. And only their brains continued to work, coming up with more and more new techniques. The Martians watched me with interest and friendly showed me a planet with unprecedented mechanisms. It’s a pity that due to the multitude of servicing equipment, they have forgotten about simple human joys, about family, and almost do not communicate with each other.

A few hours later my journey ended. And on Earth, I realized that the fate of the inhabitants of Mars, fortunately, does not threaten us. No matter how technology develops, a person will always need a family, friends, a healthy body, strong legs, dexterous hands, a kind heart, otherwise he will become not a master, but a slave of his machines.

Belokon Lev, grade 5-A, GUVK "Comprehensive school No. 53 - multidisciplinary lyceum" (Ukraine)

From the UFO they waved to me

It was during the summer holidays at my grandmother's. In the evening I was returning from fishing in the field. Suddenly the entire field was illuminated with a bright light. A flying saucer landed on the field. I walked closer to her. Aliens came out of it. They looked like little green men. We met. And then they talked until the morning. They talked about their planet, and I talked about mine. They invited me to fly with them to their planet. But I refused: “Next time, when I grow up.”

As they flew away, they waved to me. And now I'm looking forward to their return.

Nowadays it no longer surprises anyone that they periodically appear stories about aliens. Many of them are fiction, but there are cases that are real. Let's consider them.

Encountering a UFO in a train carriage

Time in the carriage passes slowly, the Vorkuta night is cold, it’s dark outside the windows. There is only an hour left until the station called Chum. Suddenly the train collides with something, it becomes dark, the windows rattle. Something is dragging the train at incredible speed. The sky becomes as bright as day.

A number of passengers say that this has already happened, people are slowly calming down and still get to Chum station. After they get out of the carriage, they see a huge glowing ball. Someone says: “A UFO again.” Alien Encounter Featured not the first in this area.

UFO in the North

For the most part, they do not contain horrific facts. But in fact, aliens are far from harmless. Meetings with them can be very dangerous.

In one of the villages in the North, an incident occurred that shows how encounters with UFOs end. The weather was bad, the wife was at home, the children were sick, and the husband was at work. In the evening there was a snowstorm so strong that we had to pave the road to the house with a tractor. A huge snowdrift grew in the middle of the village, and in the middle of it there was a spring from which everyone in the village took water.

My husband came home from work. The children went to play outside, the wife went to the source for water. And just as she was about to get water, a strange buzzing sound was heard. The woman tried to run, but couldn't. Then she raised her head and saw a UFO with multi-colored windows. At the same time, the dogs howled, and the woman saw her children running towards her. At this time, a large bright beam was directed from the plate towards the people. The skin of the earthlings was burned.

A couple of seconds later, 2 helicopters appeared and began firing at the plate. After that UFO, like the helicopters, disappeared. The children were in the hospital for a week. The family left the North and never appeared in these places again.

Meeting with aliens in the Saratov region

In the Saratov region in 1990 there was another meeting with aliens. One woman suffered from heart disease and could not be cured. She even started going to church and singing in the church choir. Her husband did not support such an initiative and said that it would be better if she were cured by aliens, since flying saucers were often seen in their city.

The woman continued to go to church, but one day she came home tired and fell exhausted on her bed. Was there a crashing sound after that? and she woke up already in a UFO. There she saw another woman sitting and waiting for something on the couch. After this, an alien appeared and took the woman to the operating room. Then she began to pray to God for salvation, after which the aliens became very aggressive and threw her out of the plate.

Like these ones stories about aliens meet periodically in Russia. It turns out that aliens are not always friendly towards people and should be feared.
