Why does a camel drink too much water? How long can a camel go without water? Camel: photos and general information

How long can a camel go without water? Camels (Latin: Camelus) are a genus of mammals of the suborder Callus. These are large animals adapted for life in the desert. How many days can a camel go without water? The moisture released from the nostrils during breathing is collected in a special fold and enters the mouth. A camel can go without water for a long time, losing up to 40% of its body weight. Having reached the water, a camel can immediately drink up to 57 liters to compensate for the loss of fluid. One of the specific adaptations of a camel for life in the desert is humps. These are fatty deposits that, in extreme cases, can serve as sources of water. Camels can survive without water for up to two weeks, and without food for up to a month. Before the invention of cars and airplanes, there was only one way to cross the deserts of Asia and Africa: by camel. That is why the camel was nicknamed the “ship of the desert.” Of all the adaptations that give a camel the opportunity to live and travel through deserts, the most important is the hump on its back. When the hump is empty, it loses its shape and begins to hang from the camel's back in flabby folds. The hump does not have any bones, it consists of fat and muscle. The purpose of the hump is to serve as a kind of food storage. Many days before the start of the journey, the camel's owner forces him to eat and drink as much as possible. The camel is eating up, and its fatty hump, weighing about forty-five kilograms, sticks upright on its back. This reserve of fat can support a camel for several days if it cannot find any food for itself along the way. On the road, a camel can also make do with its internal water supply. Before starting the journey, the driver makes him drink about fifty liters of water. He achieves this by giving the camel salt and making it very thirsty. A camel has three stomachs. In the first, it accumulates food while grazing to form cud. The second stomach contains digestive juices, and in the third this chewing gum is already digested. In the walls of the first two stomachs there are pockets for storing water. Muscles keep these pockets closed when they are full. As soon as the camel needs water, these muscles open the pocket, releasing as much water as needed, and close again. There are two types of camels: Bactrian or Bactrian camel (C. bactrianus) Dromedary, less commonly - dromedary or Bactrian camel (C. dromedarius) Both types of camels were domesticated more than 5000 years ago. Wild populations of camels survived in the Gobi Desert and were discovered by N. M. Przhevalsky. Nowadays, the issue of acclimatization of wild Bactrian camels in a Pleistocene park in Yakutia is being considered. Domestic camels are used primarily as pack and draft animals. In some dry areas North America and Australia, these animals were released into the wild, where they took root well and bred. The number of wild camels in Australia exceeded 1,000,000 in 2008 and is growing at a rate of 11% per year. This is the world's largest population of wild camels, consisting mainly of dromedaries. The weight of an adult camel is 500-800 kg, reproductive age begins at 2-3 years. Camels can live up to 20 years. These mammals are well adapted to life in harsh, waterless environments. Thick fur is designed to protect against the heat of the day and the cold of the night. Wide two-toed feet - for walking on loose sand or small stones. Camels do not sweat and lose small amounts of fluid through feces. What is also surprising is the ability of camels to swim quite well, although most of them have never seen a single body of water. The camelid family also includes alpaca, llama, guanaco and vicuna. Alpacas and llamas are domestic animals bred for their wool.

The vast majority of representatives of the animal world, including you and me, must eat several times a day to maintain energy. We are designed in such a way that we can last no more than three to four weeks without food. But there are animals for which a forced long-term diet causes almost no harm.


Proteas are amphibious creatures; they live in the waters of underground caves, where, as a rule, it is always dark and hungry. There is nothing special to profit from; nature has rewarded them with a unique opportunity - they are the real record holders for long-term fasting.

Proteas can survive without food for ten years.


Camels are able to go without food and water without harm to their health for 40 days.

How do they do it? “A camel has two humps, because life is a struggle,” have you heard this saying? She's completely fair. The fact is that the camel’s hump is the secret thanks to which it can wander through the desert for such a long time without liquid or food.

Nature has endowed the camel with amazing adipose tissue - the hump consists of fat, and this reserve is used by the animal during long walks through the lifeless desert.


Everyone knows that bears are big eaters, and they are omnivores. However, in the cold season, as is known, bears hibernate, and not at all because they like to sleep. The trouble is that in winter it is very difficult to get food for yourself.

There is a great threat that the bear will use up all its energy potential before it finds food. That’s why they learned to slow down the processes associated with metabolism in the body, in other words, sleep for a long time.

Sometimes bears remain in this state for up to a hundred days a year. Can you imagine such a diet - 100 days?

Emperor penguin

These funny birds are forced to survive in extremely harsh Antarctic frost conditions. But they handle it well. Male penguins incubate eggs and keep their chicks warm for several months at a time. All this time they remain hungry, and they manage to survive due to the accumulated fat.

Males emperor penguin can remain without food for a long 120 days. At this time, females feed and also search for food for their chicks.


A snake, just like many other cold-blooded animals, can go without food for a very long time. It's all about the ambient temperature; the lower the temperature, the less active the snake is. All processes occurring in the reptile’s body slow down, to the point that the snake’s metabolic process slows down by up to 70%.

In such conditions, the snake can remain in shelter all winter without food, and sometimes this process can drag on for up to one year. A year without food!


Like snakes, frogs can go without food for up to a year and a half. Sometimes this is associated with cold weather, and in some cases it is associated quite the opposite, with the onset of heat, when drought occurs and the reservoir dries up.

At this time, the frogs enter an energy conservation mode and remain without movement for 16 months, respectively, without food.

Some types of spiders

Many spiders are directly dependent on their victims. No sacrifice - no food. A tarantula can survive without food for several months. The spider Steatoda bipunctata feels great after a year's diet.


The crocodile is one of the oldest creatures on Earth. Over the years, crocodiles have learned to survive in the most difficult conditions. The crocodile is a champion in the art of energy conservation.

You've probably noticed when visiting zoos and terrariums that the crocodile is almost always motionless, completely motionless. This is done in order not to waste energy. If there is no victim, why unnecessary body movements?

A crocodile is able to survive 3 years without food. Incredible, isn't it?

Galapagos tortoise

In addition to their enormous size and long life (turtles of this species live over a hundred years), they are also famous for their unpretentiousness in food.

The Galapagos tortoise can go without “lunch” for up to one year.


Some cattails, for example the mudskipper fish, in addition to the fact that they can get out of the water and stay on land for a long time, poking around in the mud, they also have another distinctive feature.

In extreme cases, if the reservoir dries up completely, they “go to bed” together. And they sleep, then sleep again, and so on until the “right” cloud arrives and fills their swamp with water.

Sometimes jumpers sleep for four years; of course, all this time they are on a forced diet.

How long can a camel live without water? and got the best answer

Answer from Baskarma.[guru]
Camels are famous for their ability to survive without water. However, this is not explained by the water supply in the humps, but by three adaptive features at once. Firstly, in conditions of water shortage, the camel secretes very concentrated urine, retaining moisture in the tissues. The second adaptation concerns the regulation of body temperature. In most mammals, it is normally approximately 38°C and is maintained by two cooling processes: sweating and evaporation of water from the lungs. In both cases, moisture loss occurs. Camels normal temperature fluctuates widely, and only when it reaches 41°C does profuse sweating begin. As a result, the body loses less water. Finally, in most mammals, dehydration causes the blood to thicken. In camels, it is diluted due to the intake of water from other tissues. As a result, normal blood volume is maintained for a longer period, so the cooling processes necessary to maintain performance can continue to operate. It is known that in extreme conditions camels can go without water for up to 34 days. But when it is available, they drink between 19 and 27 liters per day.

The camel is one of the most unique animals. Some people selflessly admire him, mostly Arabs, but Europeans do not find him very attractive. We offer story about a camel and some noteworthy facts about this animal, something that not everyone knows. We will answer the most popular questions about “ships of the desert”. Perhaps these details will change your idea of ​​camels for the better.

  1. Where did the word “camel” come from?

This is translated from Arabic, no less than “beauty”! To be honest, I didn't expect it. It seems that the Arabs really consider the camel to be the standard of beauty. Europeans will have to accept this.

  1. What's in a camel's humps?

Camel humps accumulate fat, not water! Fat is not only a strategic reserve of energy, but also performs another important function - heat exchange, helping to reduce high temperature animal body in strong sunshine.

  1. How can a camel survive without water? for such a long time?

The secret is in the red blood cells, or rather in the structure of these cells - they have an oval shape. The ergonomic configuration of the cage, during the period of dehydration of the body, gives the blood fluidity and allows it to move through the vessels of the camel. It must be said that camels are the only mammals on earth that have an oval structure of red blood cells.

  1. How much does a camel drink??

This question interests many; incredible legends are told about this, that a caravan of camels drinks up entire wells. It is reliably known that one camel can drink 200 liters at a time. Can't fit anymore, water accumulates in the stomach cells. Another feature is that a camel can drink salt water. A camel can live without water for 14 days, without food for a whole month. In addition, a camel may not drink at all if it eats succulent food. Even natural camel defecation is extremely water-saving - the excrement is very dry, it is used as fuel, and the urine is thick, like syrup.

  1. How camels cope with desert heat, when the air temperature rises above +50 Celsius, and all living things in the area hide?

Nature has thought out their heat exchange. The normal body temperature of camels ranges from 34 to 41 degrees. Overheating is considered to be a body temperature above +41, then camels begin to sweat slightly until heat exchange normalizes again. Thick fur also helps against heat; during the day it protects from heat and at night from cold. Fur has another interesting property: it is capable of reflecting Sun rays. This is how they are saved.

  1. Are camels stubborn?

Camel drivers know one important thing - if you want this animal to complete a task, you should never allow it to lie down. If a camel wants to sleep or decides to lie down to rest, it is impossible to force it to get up! Until the camel gets enough sleep or rest. If force is used, he may become angry and bite or spit. From which it follows that camels are stubborn, like donkeys.

  1. Why do camels have such lips?

Lips are also individual features of a camel, they have unusual shape and structure, which makes it easier for them to graze. Thanks to such lips, these ruminants can eat the roughest food, including thorns and saxaul, without harm to the oral cavity. In addition, camels have 38 teeth that help grind hard vegetation.

  1. How camels carry heavy loads over long distances on shifting sand?

They have special structure legs and joints. Camels can kick with each leg in all four directions - their joints are very mobile. The toes of this mammal are interconnected into a common sole. It is convenient for them to move on the sand on wide two-toed feet. So, they manage to reach speeds of up to 16 km/h. With luggage, a camel can cover up to 40 km a day; without it, it can cover a hundred. It can carry approximately 50% of its own weight, that is, 300-400 kg.

  1. How do camels escape in a sandstorm?

This is facilitated by the special structure of the nostrils. The nostrils can be completely closed with special membranes; sand and dust will not get there. At the same time, all the water released by the camel when breathing remains in the nostrils - nothing evaporates out.

  1. How much weight can a camel lose? without food and food?

This is again a rare feature in the animal kingdom. Typically, mammals can lose only 15% of their body weight without harm to the body. Camels lose 25% of fluid, and do not suffer at all. There are known cases when a camel lost 100 kg of weight in a week, and then regained it in 10 minutes by drinking water.

  1. Why does a camel spit and how does he do it?

Indeed, not a single mammal in the world spits. In camels, spitting is a defensive ability. This happens in the following way: the internal muscles draw liquid from the stomach - a dirty, bad-smelling substance - and spit it out deliciously at the offender. But this happens only at the moment of provocation, when the animal becomes angry. The feeling, according to eyewitnesses, is very unpleasant. Those who have experienced the situation themselves no longer have the desire to anger the camel.

  1. What are the sense organs of a camel?

Camels have surprisingly excellent vision: they are able to see a person a kilometer away, and even a moving car - 5 kilometers away. They have a wonderful sense of smell; animals can smell moisture and edible vegetation from 40 kilometers away, and fresh water from 60 kilometers away! And then, they intuitively go to where it might rain.

  1. What are the dimensions of a camel?

These are large animals, it’s not for nothing that they are called “ships of the desert” - the weight of an adult male camel reaches 800 kilograms. The height at the withers is more than two meters. Females are slightly smaller.

  1. How long do camels live??

The lifespan of a camel is about 40 years, it all depends on living conditions. In captivity, these animals live longer. IN Lately wild camels began to suffer greatly from the lack of watering places; the places of possible water in the deserts were greatly reduced. The reproductive age of camels begins at two years. Pregnancy lasts 13-14 months.

  1. How many types of camels?

There are still two main ones. These are two-humped camels - Bactrians, living in China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan. Dromedary camels- dromedaries, found in Australia. There is another species - artificially bred, a hybrid of the first and second - called Nary, these individuals are viable only in the first generation. There are about 19 million camels in the world - wild and domestic.

  1. When was the camel domesticated?

This is a very ancient animal, dating back to the mammoth era. The domestication of the camel happened around 2000 BC. They were used as draft power, as a source of nourishing meat, milk and warm wool, and also as a means of transportation for the horseman in war. So for many peoples, the camel was a universal living creature - for all occasions.

In conclusion, I will add that in Africa the camel is considered a sacred animal, camel beauty contests are also held there, and many nationalities have it depicted on their coats of arms.
