Proverbs about the winter months. Folk signs of February No matter how February, be as angry as you are

The last winter month, the shortest in days, but probably the longest in the sense of time. I already want spring, but February drags on and on. But you won’t have to be sad for long, the holidays will begin towards the end of the month - February 23rd, and Maslenitsa often takes over part of this month.

Riddles about February

After Brother January
It will be my turn.
Two friends rush to help me:
Blizzard and blizzard.
Fluffy snow on the ground
The wind is blowing...

Leap long year
The day will bring a gift.
But he won’t give it to me,
Not June-September.
And not March, not April.
And he will give...

The sun illuminated the earth,
The winter was given a vacation.
But we're not sorry at all
What has become shorter...

Snow is falling in sheaves from the sky,
There are snowdrifts along the roads.
Evil blizzards and blizzards
They attacked the village.
They swooped in, pecked
The roofs were covered with snow.
And the guys look into the distance -
Will it end soon...?

We all know he has
Twenty-eight days in total!
Leap year is coming -
An extra day brings him!

The frost creaks at night,
During the day my nose stings a little.
The day has grown noticeably
Well, what month is this?

Proverbs and sayings about February

February has two friends - a snowstorm and a blizzard.
February is changeable: sometimes it will be January, sometimes it will be March.
He strokes his nose with one hand and flicks it with the other.
The month of February is fierce: he asks as if he’s wearing shoes.
February is heavy with snowstorms, and March is dripping.

Signs about February

If the beginning of February is nice, expect an early, beautiful spring.
If a cat stands on its hind legs and starts scratching the wall, there will be a blizzard.
If February is rainy, then spring and summer can be expected to be the same, and if it is weathery, then expect drought.
If there is a lot of frost on the trees in February, it means there will be a lot of honey in the summer.
February is rich in snow - April will be rich in water.
If February doesn't get frosty, it will sweep away all the roads.
February is cold and dry - expect a hot August.

Poems about February

(Lana Lukanova)

February came at the end of winter,
He's cold, but we're happy
After all, the snow will melt away very soon,
The delicate snowdrop will bloom.

(Tatiana Kersten)

White-winged blizzards
They howl in February.
The animals have lost a lot of weight
In a cramped hole and in a hollow.
We will help them a little:
We'll bring some bread to the feeder.
Along snowy paths
We'll come to the dozing forest.

(Alexander Fukalov)

In February the frost is bitter,
Pinches ears and nose.
And piles of snowdrifts
The guy brought us February.

Bullfinches fly north
The wind blows more cheerfully
The sun shines longer, shines brighter,
Bokogrey is running out.
The snow hardens, freezes,
Sticks to the branches in the sun,
And the frost is already weaker
Stings ears, nose and cheeks.
May February be strong with a blizzard,
May his roads be crooked
But you can hear the trills of oatmeal,
That spring is already on the doorstep.

(S. Domnin)

Wow! Snowdrifts in February.
You are a sorceress, Winter.
Quietly dozing in crystal
And trees and houses.

(N. Zubareva)

I am February, I am the youngest son,
I am the master of blizzards.
I'll chill you all with the wind,
I'll spin in a snowy whirlwind,
I'll cover my faces with snow
And I’ll drown in the snowdrifts,
I'll pour snow indiscriminately
And in your pockets and behind your collar!
The kids are not afraid!
Doesn't leave the yard!
Baba rolls the snow
And he plays with all his might in the snow!

The winds blow in February
The pipes howl loudly.
Like a snake rushes along the ground
Light drifting snow.
Rising, they rush into the distance
Aircraft flights.
It celebrates February
The birth of the army.

(M. Gergaulova)

There are snowstorms in February,
It's still winter in February
But spring drops
I dreamed about it yesterday.
I dreamed of the sun in the sky,
I dreamed of the first grass.
I dreamed of birds from the south,
Wind and green foliage.
In the morning I run to the window -
Winter miracle, everywhere
Snow and blizzard are circling, circling
White waltz on the ground.
But winter will give way soon
All rights will be given to spring.
In the meantime, snow and blizzard
Let them dance in silence.

E. Yaryshevskaya

Winter collected its luggage in February:
Blizzards, snowdrifts, blizzards packed.
The last one shoved in the dank fog,
And by March a large suitcase was packed!
The old woman rode north without haste:
She yawned and cracked ice-nuts,
I read a little, took a little nap,
For some reason I then looked into the suitcase:
- Wait! I forgot! Terrible sclerosis!
Left its best frost in March!
It's obviously time to see a doctor.
It's a shame! We'll have to go back now!

Farewell feral!
(Yu. Kamysheva)

And in the cold air
There is no more frost.
And they know melted puddles
One big secret.
That the sun is bright
The ice will melt in the morning,
Why do we need coats for jackets?
It's high time to change.
That the rays are magical
Dispel the winter darkness.
And fly through the streets
Spring chaos,
Will merge with the bird
Chirp and fly away into the distance.
And with him they will leave us
Bad weather and February.

(N. Knushevitskaya)

They flew after each other,
Started your own round dance
In February there is a blizzard behind the blizzard,
The sky disappeared into the clouds.
Birds are huddling on the branches,
Forgetting my song,
And the chilled titmouse
Housing flies towards the warm.
But the sun is shining
Following the snow dance
And sends it to earth
Hello next spring!

(Z. Pisman)

There's a snowstorm in February
And the snowfall dances,
In February the frost plays,
IN the forest is coming, I'm glad for the snowdrifts.
In a snow-white robe,
The forest stands like a giant
And for the brides on a date,
The frost itself wove the outfit.
The forest was decorated with pearls,
Threw the snow clouds,
Silvering under the ice,
A river like a thin thread.
Bullfinches are pecking, frolicking,
They are circling over the rowan trees,
The squirrel jumps down from the tree,
The tail hung on a branch.
The hare looped skillfully,
Apparently the hare has something to do,
Our forest is waking up
There are many, many miracles in it.

(L. Samoilenko)

February is not cruel, I don’t believe it.
He's just cool in the beginning.
And by spring the doors will open
And he will fly away to rest.
And today it's so cold...
I'll take my skis with me.
Be careful behind the lane
I’ll put them on - so be it...
And to the birch grove I
I'll run quickly.
The backpack on my back is not skinny:
It contains both a bun and a stew.
I will treat the forest brothers,
I will give them a feast on the mountain.
I am very happy
To be their elder sister.

In February it goes like this:
I looked out the window, and there -
Here's a snowflake flying by
And another one flies after her,
Third, fifth, sixth,
Outside the window they fly fluttering,
In a snowy blizzard round dance,
Winter is passing us by.

February is the most short month in the year, the finale of winter. The last cold weather. An icy wind blows through the open field, rushes between bare birches and aspens, and fills the spruce paws with snow. And when there is no wind, everything is covered with frost. The silky cotton wool of the snow gently blushes in the light of the sunset.

Severe frosts in February occur only at night. During the calm day the sun begins to warm up. It’s not for nothing that February folk calendar, two-faced month: both LUTEN and BOKOGREY.

It gets brighter day by day. The day increases by almost two hours in February. There is a pre-spring ahead. But it's still winter, winter...

Signs of February for children

In February, winter meets spring for the first time.

In February there are severe frosts - a short winter.

Long February icicles promise a long winter.

The beginning of February is fine - and expect an early and pleasant spring.

Warm February brings cold spring.

What January missed, February will pick up.

February snow smells like spring.

February will add three hours to the day.

Although February is angry, it senses spring.

January - frosts, February - snowstorms.

February is rich in snow, April - in water.

February-bokogray - crooked roads.

February will let in the water, and March will pick it up.

The crows staged round dances in the sky - for snowfall.

The bullfinch sings in winter - in the snow, in the blizzard.

Leap February is the hardest month.

Proverbs and sayings about February for children

February has two friends: a snowstorm and a blizzard.

There were blizzards and blizzards in February.

Whiter winter - greener summer.

Thank you, frost, for bringing snow.

February is a fierce month, he asks how the shoes are.

February warms the bear's side in the den.

Riddles about February for children

Snow is falling in bags from the sky, there are snowdrifts as big as houses.

Then snowstorms and blizzards hit the village.

The frost is severe at night, and the sound of drops can be heard during the day.

The day has lengthened noticeably. Well, what month is this? (February.)

I will paint the branches with white paint,

I will throw silver on your roof.

Warm winds will come in spring

And they will drive me out of the yard. (Winter.)

Walking in the field, but not a horse.

It flies freely, but is not a bird. (Snowstorm.)

White, patterned little star,

You fly into my hand, sit for a minute.

The star spun in the air a little,

She sat down and melted on my palm. (Snowflake.)

Not a beast, but howling. (Snowstorm.)

I spin, I growl, I don’t want to know anyone. (Blizzard.)

The bridge is like blue glass: slippery, fun, light. (Ice.)

There is a white nail hanging under our roof,

The sun will rise, the nail will fall. (Icicle.)

The stream was in a hurry to jump down,

He got caught on a twig and hung. (Icicle.)

What grows upside down? (Icicle.)

One color in winter and summer. (Spruce.)

White carrots grow in winter. (Icicle.)

I live right under the roof, it’s scary to even look down.

I could live higher if there were roofs there. (Icicle.)

The kids sat on the ledge and grew all the time downwards. (Icicles.)

All summer she was bored under the window,

I was waiting for autumn to knock on the window.

The cold came and she became warmer

And you and I warmed our palms. (Battery.)

Sits on the top of the head, ears tied. (Hat with ear flaps.)

Poems about February for children


In white and blue February

A blizzard rushes on a broom,

But sadness will take her,

And sides in the sun

This blizzard is warming,

And February is getting better.

Our February isn't so bad

He's been knocking off his horn since winter.

Me with a slingshot in the meadow

I'll go knock off her horns.

M. Sukhorukova


The winds blow in February and the chimneys howl loudly.

Light drifting snow rushes along the ground like a snake.

Rising, the flights of aircraft rush into the distance,

Glory to the dear army, on its birthday.

S. Marshak

Black ice

It doesn’t go and doesn’t go,

Because it's icy.

But it falls perfectly,

Why is no one happy?

Winter sings and echoes...

Winter sings and echoes,

The shaggy forest lulls

The ringing sound of a pine forest.

All around with deep melancholy

Sailing to a distant land

Gray clouds.

And there's a snowstorm in the yard

Spreads a silk carpet,

But it's painfully cold.

Sparrows are playful,

Like lonely children,

Huddled by the window.

The little birds are cold,

Hungry, tired,

And they huddle tighter.

And the blizzard roars madly

Knocks on the hanging shutters

And he gets angrier.

And the tender birds are dozing

Under these snowy whirlwinds

At the frozen window.

And they dream of a beautiful

In the smiles of the sun is clear

Beautiful spring.

S. Yesenin

frosty wind

Leap - sideways, Leap - sideways

A jackdaw walks past the windows.

All tousled by the wind,

Covered with snow.

Heavy, hairy wire ropes.

Every call is like a string -

The whole country was buzzing.

The thermometer immediately noted -

A frosty wind has arrived:

Between dashes and dots

The blue bar has become shorter.

E. Trutneva

Winter evening

The storm covers the sky with darkness,

Whirling snow whirlwinds.

Then, like a beast, she will howl,

She will cry like a child.

Then on the dilapidated roof

Suddenly the straw will rustle,

The way a belated traveler

There will be a knock on our window...

A. Pushkin

Feed the birds in winter

Feed the birds in winter

Let it come from all over

They will flock to you like home,

Flocks on the porch.

Their food is not rich:

All you need is a handful of grain

Let alone and not be scary

It will be winter for them.

It’s impossible to count how many of them die.

It's hard to see

But in our heart there is

And it's warm for the birds.

How can we forget:

They could fly away

And we stayed together

Winter with people.

Train your birds in winter

To your window

So that you don’t have to go without songs

Welcome spring.


Run out quickly

Look at bullfinches.

We've arrived, we've arrived!

The flock was met by blizzards,

And Frost the Red Nose

I brought them a rowan,

Well treated

Well sweetened

Late winter evening

Bright scarlet clusters.

A. Prokofiev

What are the little sparrows singing about?

What are the little sparrows singing about?

On the last day of winter?

We survived!

We survived!

We are alive!

We are alive!

B. Berestov

Snow was falling on the threshold

Snow was falling on the threshold,

The cat baked himself a pie.

In the meantime, I sculpted and baked -

The pie flowed away like a stream.

Bake your own pies

Not from snow, but from flour.

P. Voronko


When I was eating an icicle,

It was delicious.

And when I got sick -

It became very sad...

M. Druzhinina

Moose letter

Winter night on the window

Moose left me a letter.

On a white window frame

He imprinted with horns -

Branches, paths and foliage...

Everything is clear: he’s waiting in the forest.

“Grab,” he writes, “a sled,

I’ll ride in the clearing.”

V. Stepanov


Oh, blizzard, blizzard, blizzard,

Where were you last night, okay?

I drove around all the yards,

I sewed fur coats for trees,

She dressed them in furs.

And frost is nonsense to them!

Oh, blizzard, blizzard, blizzard,

What were you doing this morning, come on?

I wandered along the streets,

All the fences were whitewashed.

Oh, blizzard, blizzard, blizzard,

Where were you circling during the day, come on?

I tore people's hats off during the day,

She threw snow down her collar...

So that everything around you becomes beautiful,

I mixed the sky with the earth!

Oh, blizzard, blizzard, blizzard,

Where will you be this evening, okay?

What an evening I'll be around,

I'll tell you tomorrow morning!

G. Gerasimov

They broke the ice

We broke it.

Shreds were flying

E. Blaginina

Winter's last darkness,

February is the successor of January.

The river flows, the drifting snow floats,

They flow into snowy seas.

And to me from the rainbow shine

Can't hold back my happy tears.

On the southern slope of the coppice -

Funnels at the roots of birch trees.

And, listening to the birds' melodies of spring,

Parting the withered grass,

The snowdrop will sprout

Through last year's leaves...

The last month of winter is known for its blizzards and generous snow, but it is already warm. February adds 3 hours of daylight. In folk proverbs this month is characterized as follows: February is fierce, short, wind blowing, blizzard, bokogray, liar, month of winds, grandfather of April, wedding day for birds and four-legged animals.

Proverbs about February tell us about the signs of the last winter month:

Long February icicles promise a long winter.
There is a lot of frost in February - in summer there will be a lot of dew and a lot of honey.

The inconstancy of February weather is aptly expressed in the proverb: February is angry, but senses spring. Strong February snowstorms seem to want to clear up for the last time in anticipation of the coming spring. Proverbs about February often mention spring months. Such sayings are based on opposition: February is strong with blizzards, and March with drops, February is rich with snow, April with water.


February is rich in snow, April - in water.

February is a fierce month, he asks: how are you wearing shoes?
February will add three hours in the afternoon.
In February, winter meets spring for the first time.
The February sun shines, but does not warm.
February - crooked roads.
February is angry, but senses spring.
February is heavy with blizzards, and March is dripping.
February-father knocks off the horn of winter.
In February, day to day is different: today it’s warm, and tomorrow it’s frosty.
In February there are two friends - frost and blizzard.
February builds spring.
February will let in the water, and March will pick it up.
February is chilling the earth.
February blows away the winter, and March breaks it.
Short February is angry that he hasn’t been given enough days.
February, don’t be fierce, but don’t frown your eyebrows for spring.
February brings the end of winter.
February warmed the side of the forest boyar (bear) in his den.
February draws, paints - she senses the red spring.
February builds a bridge, and March breaks it.
No matter how angry you are in February, no matter how angry you are in March, it still smells like spring.
February will come, cut the winter in half, and “it will warm the bear’s side,” and not just one bear, but also “a cow, and a horse, and a gray-haired old man.”
Father February has arrived, and the man has outgrown winter.
February the sun turns to summer.
February rosemary is worth nothing.

February Timothys are springtime: no matter how the snowstorm blows, everything feels like spring!
February warms the side of the bee leader (bear) in the den.
February is the grandfather of April.
February is the month of winds.
There were blizzards and blizzards in February.
Blizzards and blizzards flew away in February.
February is changeable: sometimes it will be January, sometimes March will appear.
February will caress you with warmth and beat you with frost.
February warms the bear's side in the den.
What January missed, February will pick up.
February has two friends - a blizzard and a blizzard.
The touchy February is gone - the seeds are closer to the threshold.
January - frosts, February - snowstorms.
Bokogreyushka - February, he is usually a liar with warmth.
If February doesn't get frosty, it will cover all the roads.
February strokes her nose with one hand and flicks it with the other.
February is a liar: one side is warm, the other is cold.
February is a two-faced month: both fierce and sideways.
February is a wedding day for birds and four-legged animals.
February - wind blower, blizzard, bokogray and section.
In February, the sparrow makes the wall wet (splashes in the first puddle).
February will pass - the end of winter: then it will no longer be winter, but winter.
Father January - frosts, February - snowstorms.

A blizzard runs through the snow, but there is no trace.
Thank you, frost, for bringing snow.
Don't worry, it's winter, spring will come.


In February there are severe frosts - a short winter.

Long February icicles promise a long winter.
The beginning of February is fine - and expect an early and pleasant spring.
Warm February brings cold spring.
What January missed, February will pick up.
February snow smells like spring.
Although February is angry, it senses spring.
The crows danced in the sky - for snowfall.
The bullfinch sings in winter - in the snow, in the blizzard.
Leap February is the hardest month.
In early February it is warm and the snow is melting - a mediocre harvest.
If February is cold, it means a favorable summer.
February is cold and dry - August is hot.
February is warm - to cold spring, and frosty - for a favorable summer.
There is a lot of frost in February - in summer there will be a lot of dew and a lot of honey.
Bright stars in February indicate frost, dim stars indicate thaw.
If February turns out to be rainy, then spring and summer can be expected to be the same. A fine February foreshadows drought in the summer.
Severe frosts mean a short winter.
At the end of February there are a lot of long icicles - for a long spring.
Snowless February threatens summer drought.
The colder the last week of February, the warmer it will be in March.
Thunder in February means strong winds.
Signs about nature in February
If you see a live mosquito in February, expect ruin in your family.
In February there is a lot of frost on the trees - there will be a lot of honey.
If a cat stands on its hind legs and starts scratching the wall, there will be a blizzard.
If February is rainy, then the same can be expected for spring and summer, and if it is weathery, it foreshadows drought.
The beginning of February is fine - expect an early, pleasant spring.
Snow sticks to trees - to warmth.
In the morning tits scream - it means frost.

For more February signs, see the Folk Calendar.

Folk calendar (months)

February 1, old style, February 14, new style.
The mice are talking to Tryphon.
It's starry on Tryphon - late spring.

February 2, old style, February 15, new style.
At Candlemas, winter met summer.
Sun for summer, winter for frost (turned).
Sretensky frosts. Sretensky thaws.
What is the weather at Candlemas, such will be the spring.
On Candlemas, a blizzard sweeps the road and sweeps up food (towards a crop failure).
On Candlemas morning, snow is the harvest of early grain; if at noon - medium; if in the evening - late (south).
There's snow at Candlemas - there's rain in spring.
At Candlemas of drops - the wheat harvest.
At Candlemas the wall is already wet from the sparrow.
At Candlemas, breeding birds are fed (fed).
On Candlemas Day the ice will stain (archang.; the beast lies down on the ice floes).

At Candlemas, winter welcomes spring, wants to freeze the red one, but she herself, a feverish woman, only sweats from her desire!

February 3, old style, February 16, new style.
On Simeon - salamata to the yard. Start the repairs (they are repairing the summer harness).
They tie a whip, mittens, and onuchi (from the brownie) to the horse.

February 5, old style, February 18, new style.
Cow death is coming to Agathia (Nizhny Novgorod).

February 6, old style, February 19, new style.
On St. Vukola calf zhukola (cows that have left the pasture; Kostroma).

Prokhorov day. Winter and winter groan at Prokhor.

Vlasyev's day follows Prokhor. Vlasiy will spill oil on the road - put your feet away in winter

February 3 and 11, old style, February 16 and 24, new style.
Seven cool matinees: three before Vlasya, one for three after Vlasya.
St. Blaise, knock off the horn of winter. Vlasievo frosts.
Vlasya also has a beard in oil (protector of livestock).

February 15, old style, February 28, new style.
On Onesimus, the shepherds call out to the stars so that the sheep lamb (Tula).
On Onesimus they will throw yarn (they put out a skein for the matinee, and all the yarn will be white from this; Ryazan, Tula).

February 20, old style, March 4, new style.
Don't look at falling stars for Lev Katansky.
Whoever gets sick on this day will die.

February 24, old style, March 8, new style.
On the day of finding its head, the bird makes its nest, and the migratory bird flies from the warm places; south).
When a bird finds a nest, it finds it.
If Dmitriev’s day is snowy, then it’s holy because of snow, and Dmitriyev’s day is bare, and holy because of that.

February 25, old style, March 9, new style.
They don’t sleep with Tarasiya during the day: the kumokha will attack.

February 28, old style, March 12, new style.
Vasily the dropper - drips from the roofs.

February 29, old style, March 13, new style.
Kasyan the envious. K. vindictive, ill-wisher, unmerciful, stingy.
Kasyan looks at the cattle - the cattle are falling; on the tree - the tree dries.
Zinul Kasyan on the peasants. Kasyan looks at everything - everything withers.
Kasyan on the people - it’s hard for the people; Kasyan on the grass - the grass dries; Kasyan for livestock - the livestock dies.
Leap year is difficult for people and livestock.
Thursday on Trinity week for Kasyan, so as not to skew (raven).
St. Kasyan is celebrated on three Thursdays: on Weekend, on Shrovetide and on Holy Day (Kursk).

February in the Roman calendar was the last month of the year, it was named after the ancient Italian god Februs or the Roman goddess Febris (febris in Latin “fever”).

February (lat. Februarius) - literally means “month of purification, propitiation.”

Slavic names of the month are transparent. Snowfall - from the abundance of snow, blizzards and blizzards, especially characteristic of February. Sever - because it “cuts” winter in half or “cuts off” winter from spring. Bokogray - because average temperature this month is higher compared to December and January. Wide or crooked roads are a typical sign of February, primarily in the south and center of Russia, when the snow begins to melt in the sun and freeze again in the evening, making the roads slippery and uneven; places where the road has turned into impassable viscous mud require a detour, the sides are moved apart, so that the roads actually become wider and wider.

February has long been called wedding day or simply wedding. This time was devoted to weddings. In the Pskov Chronicle, under the year 1402, it says: “A tailed star appeared on the western side, and rose with other stars from weddings to Palm Saturday.” Strictly speaking, the period of time designated by the ancient Russian chronicler (“weddings”) did not completely coincide with February, like the wedding celebrations themselves; it began in January (after Epiphany) and continued until Maslenitsa, which, as is known, belongs to to moving holidays and usually falls on different weeks of February.

In the sequence of twelve months of the year, February takes its place. Once upon a time, in Ancient Rus', As in Ancient Rome, he completed the year (at the March New Year), before the reform of Peter I he was listed as sixth, and since 1700 he became second.

For the farmer, it was not so important what kind of month this month was; he attached much more importance to the fact that February is the last winter month, that signs of spring are already visible, albeit subtle, in it: the day is getting longer, the sun is getting a little warmer, thaws are observed more often and southern winds blow, causing even, calm snowfall to be replaced by blizzards, blizzards, blizzards, and blizzards. Naturally, windy weather with the same blizzards and blizzards also happens in other months, but in terms of the number of “blizzard” days, February remains an unattainable leader. The vector of February, directed towards spring, introduces into the characteristics of this month the theme of tension, the struggle between cold and heat, a clash in which winter is still winning, especially at the beginning of the month.

Let us remind you that in February one of the most respected church holidays, relating to the twelfths, is the Presentation of the Lord (February 15/2), understood by the people as the meeting of winter with spring.

All February features, of course, were reflected in proverbs, sayings and signs.

Signs and sayings of February

February—cutting the winter in half.

February the sun will turn to summer.

February adds three hours of the day.

In February, winter and spring will meet for the first time.

February - knock off the horns of winter.

February broke the cow's horn.

February will warm the side of a cow and a bear in their den.

February rosemary is worth nothing.

Severe frosts in February occur only at night.

The month of February is fierce: he asks who is wearing shoes.

The blizzards and blizzards started flying in February.

February has two friends: a snowstorm and a blizzard.

It is clear that the intermediate position of February between winter and spring forces us to compare it with other months, to find those signs that provide grounds for determining the nature of subsequent periods of the calendar year, especially spring and the prospects for the harvest.

Father January - frosts, February - snowstorms.

February is heavy with snowstorms, and March is dripping.

February will let you in, and March will pick you up.

February blows away the winter, and March breaks it.

February builds bridges, and March breaks them.

February is rich in snow, April - in water.

February with snow, March with water, and May with flowers.

If February is rainy, then spring and summer can be expected to be the same, and if it is weathery, it foreshadows drought.

Warm February brings cold spring.

February is cold and dry - August is hot.

Just as it comes back to haunt you in February, it will respond in the fall (or in August).

In February there is a lot of frost on the trees - there will be a lot of honey.

In February, snow sticks to the trees - a sign of warming.

Horses' hooves sweat - a sign of warmth.

The wind is blowing, but there is no frost - there will be a snowstorm.

The moon seemed to turn red at night - expect wind, heat and snow tomorrow.

If a cat stands on its hind legs on February days and starts scratching the walls with its claws, it will be warm (Ural).

« Like, February, don’t be angry like you, March, don’t

frown, but it smells like spring"

Russian folk proverb

Be that as it may, day after day we are getting closer to spring. Already thoughts in the minds of some gardeners are wandering about the next summer, about their summer cottages, about seedlings... The most responsible of them have already sown pepper, celery, and salvia in bowls, since these plants require a long seedling period. Vegetable growing and floriculture have become a massive hobby for our summer residents and owners of their own country houses. If recently in Russian villages mainly potatoes, cucumbers, beets, carrots and dill were cultivated, now the assortment has become much wider and more varied. Greenhouses appeared on almost every site. And there are apparently and invisibly varieties for each crop. And it’s not so easy to guess which one is most suitable for you.

At the end of last year, I had the opportunity to participate in a semi-serious tasting of potato varieties bred last year in our beloved Belogorka, which annually finds something to please potato growers. It was attended by very respected and experienced experts on this culture: gray-haired, mature scientists, production managers. The most authoritative of them was Natalya Obolonik, who at one time devoted her entire, one might say, conscious life in the profession to the breeding of varieties of this wonderful crop. It is worth remembering her unusual potato variety “Pushkinets”. It was she who led, as if gradually, this process. And then, judging by the extremely serious and thoughtful protocol attitude of the participants to this event, I realized how important this culture is for us. Taste, color, consistency, aroma and other characteristics were assessed. Surely all the presented samples had their merits, but greatest number The variety “Lilac Fog” received points. So I think that now I’ll have to break into pieces and get myself some tubers of this wonderful variety by spring.

The reporting session of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, held in Moscow on February 13-14 of this year, has just ended. Everything is as usual in the Resolution of the General Meeting of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences: received, created, developed... Behind all this there is work large quantity competent and obsessed with ideas for improvement flora scientists, most interesting and mysterious people, literally nerds. “In total, in 2012, 315 varieties and hybrids of agricultural crops were created, combining increased productivity potential and high quality products with resistance to adverse environmental factors, which ensures an increase in their yield by 20-30%. 344 donors were identified, 3.5 thousand genetic sources of valuable plant properties, 93 adaptive technologies for cultivating crops have been developed and improved, 490 patents and copyright certificates have been received,” says the Resolution regarding the Plant Growing Department. In a more detailed report “Main results of the work Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences for 2012" (M.: Rosselkhozakademiya, 2013, 341 p.) about potatoes it is said that at VIR (All-Russian Institute of Plant Growing) a clonal collection of 57 samples of wild and cultural species potatoes. Considering that a variety is derived from a species, and multiplying this figure by the number of varieties, we get a rather impressive amount of planting material offered for production.

In general, the concept of “variety” is a subtle thing. At first, the crop really meets the declared set of properties, and for a year or two we are satisfied with both the harvest and its quality. But then, little by little, the varietal characteristics fade: the variety is cross-pollinated, its genetic characteristics are veiled by environmental influences, and after 3-4 years, if we value the culture, the variety needs to be either replaced or renewed, that is, purchased from seed-growing institutions Super Elite, Elite, etc. d.

There are many varieties of crops we cultivate, which we have been using, one might say, for a long time. In Moscow there is a wonderful institute, VNIISSOK (All-Russian Research Institute for Selection and Seed Production of Vegetable Crops), which is the flagship in our country for the development of new varieties of vegetables. It just so happened that every year the famous scientist, director of this research institute, academician of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences V.F. Pivovarov gives his fellow academicians a small gift at the winter session: a bag of the most valuable and necessary, in his opinion, varieties of vegetable crops bred at their institute. So, this year this set included: the universally long-registered variety of cucumber “Graceful” and a new hybrid of this crop “Krepysh”, tomatoes “Sorcerer” and “Charovnitsa”, beets “Tenderness” and “Bordeaux 237”, carrots “Nantes” -4" and "Moscow Winter A-515", sweet pepper hybrids "Ekaterina" and "Knyazhich", white cabbage "Aurora", lettuce "Kolobok", dill "Lesnogorodsky". Some of these varieties have been diligently cultivated by us for a long time, but, obviously, VNIISSOK does not have to blush for these varieties.

This year marks 20 years since the creation of the Lenplodovosch association, uniting 30 enterprises of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region and headed by the tireless enthusiast of his work, veteran V.N. Pashinsky. It includes such well-known enterprises as SPK PZ "Detskoselsky", ZAO PZ im. Telman, SEC "Shushary" and others. In the early nineties, vegetable bases were captured by dashing entrepreneurs, products from abroad poured into our markets, the vegetable growing industry, which was weakly mechanized at that time, came under a powerful attack of various kinds of lovers of other people's goods, and vegetable growers had to somehow survive. Taking care of seeds, storing and protecting them, mechanizing the hard work of a vegetable grower, introducing everything new and advanced - it’s better to do all this together. Everyone has to do it themselves, without receiving any support from the state. This absurd situation still persists, and the industry somehow survives despite government inaction.

Currently, on many farms there are so-called “agronomist fields”, where specialists develop new technologies or varieties, since many variety testing stations have ceased to exist. Everything new, which has proven itself positively, is immediately adopted by interested colleagues without trade secrets, corruption or speculation. Seminars for the exchange of experience are regularly held, scientists are involved, and specialists constantly visit each other.

Thanks to such painstaking and focused work, the yield on the association’s farms is at the world level and averages about 620 c/ha. Lenplodovoshch has been leading the country in this indicator for seven years. The association produces 90% of vegetables in the Leningrad region and 40% of potatoes. However, despite high labor productivity and low production costs, profitability has decreased eight times compared to 1993 and continues to fall. About 80% of the vegetables on our shelves are imported, so the problem of selling grown products is very acute. When you buy radishes and carrots from Israel or China in a store, you shouldn’t scold the domestic producer for allegedly not being able to grow such a trifle. This is not the case at all. The state does not pursue an effective policy to support domestic producers. In the absence of storage facilities in the city, our vegetable grower is doomed to give away his freshest produce to the trade for next to nothing.

Producers, of course, are looking for ways out of the impasse by organizing trade in vegetables and processing, but in the fight for the buyer, he is still losing to the networker, who is experienced in the market business.

Along with working directly with varieties and technologies, the association pays great attention to production culture, saving fertilizers and plant protection products. Fertilizers have become an expensive pleasure, and now organic matter is applied to the association's farms in crop rotation for only one crop - cabbage, and to a depth of no more than 10 cm without plowing the field. Organic fertilizers in this case work better, optimizing in this case the thermal and nutrient regimes of the soil. Vegetable growers now use expensive mineral fertilizers mainly only for fertilizing.

So, dear fellow countrymen, of course, there is nothing tastier than your own grown potatoes and cucumbers. Let's prepare for spring, be attentive to the foreign roots purchased in the store and hope that neither the weather, nor health, nor the quality of seed material will interfere with the joy of cultivating vegetables in our own garden. As they said in Rus', vegetables are the glory of doctors and the pride of chefs.

L. Yakusheva, Ph.D. Agricultural Sciences
