Cool spring statuses: I'm waiting for spring. When will Spring come? Signs and signs of spring Pre-spring

The weather can be extremely changeable, but nowadays it is extremely useful to know when and what kind of weather to expect. After all, some of our plans depend on it.

Winter this year is unique, not as cold as usual, but quite prolonged. It began, not as always, in December, but in January. Based on this, we can assume that she plans to stay for another month. Now it is becoming unclear when to expect warmth and the onset of spring.

When the frosts end and spring 2018 comes: long-term forecast

Long-term weather forecasting is a fairly variable business. After all, the forecasting procedure itself involves fairly accurate calculations and forecasting for just a couple of days.

The problem is that when forecasting the weather, forecasters analyze not only some weather and atmospheric factors, such as pressure, humidity or temperature. But also winds, which is one of the main and determining factors in forecasting.

The weather also greatly depends on the direction of the wind and its power; for example, if the wind blows from the south, then most often you can expect warm and humid weather. If from the north, then most likely the weather will be dry and cold.

The problem is that not all winds have constant directions and they are extremely changeable. And if we take into account the fact that the weather depends quite heavily on them, it turns out that long-term forecasts can be extremely unstable.

When the frosts end and spring comes 2018: weather forecast for March

Most sites say that March this year will be more like February. The weather is expected to be changeable, temperatures will vary from -20 to +3 degrees Celsius.

Precipitation is expected quite often, in the form of snow and less often rain. Due to such strong changes in temperature and precipitation, air humidity is expected to be increased, on average about 70%.

The wind during this period is expected to be quite weak, from 1 m/s. up to 5 m/s. Of course, it may be stronger, but this is only on some days, and on average in the first month of spring, it will not rage much.

The sun will rarely appear in the sky. Only occasionally delighting us with the first warm rays. For the most part, the sky will be overcast and cloudy.

When the frost ends and spring comes 2018: the arrival of warmth

According to weather forecasters, the onset of spring this year can be expected no earlier than March 20, Wordyou has learned. But this period is also extremely controversial. Because according to official statements, weather forecasters do not yet have sufficient information on this topic. Therefore, I cannot say exactly when spring will come.

According to them, now there is only accumulation of information, and only after its completion will it be possible to say anything. Namely, a long-term weather forecast is expected from April to November.

Previously, March 23 was considered the day of the onset of spring. It's World Meteorology Day. And it was on this occasion that the arrival of spring was celebrated.

To summarize, March is expected to be cold and wet. The weather will be quite cloudy, but windless. By the end of March, forecasters can expect more accurate forecast for the future. And until these dates, winter continues to rule in the vastness of Russia.

Cool statuses about spring

Every day I have less and less hope that spring will deign to appear this year.

I'm tired of winter... That's enough! Enough snow, cold wind, warm sweaters, sad thoughts. Enough! Now there is spring in my soul! Now the sun, budding buds, warm breeze, short skirts, hope and anticipation of something new, exciting, passionate... Now everything is different! And most importantly–Spring is in my eyes!

A good cat won't wait until March...

Spring - How New Year, everyone is waiting for her.

Let's wait and see Spring-Red!

Everyone was waiting for spring, but they were sitting online, apparently, everyone had a computer on the street.

It’s still February, still frost, still false drops, but we are full of spring dreams, eagerly awaiting the nightingale’s trills...

Spring, we are waiting for you!:*

I'm waiting, not for spring, but for the moment when the snow finally melts.

And again my favorite spring. She is already so close that sometimes, when I go out onto the balcony, I smell a fleeting smell of happiness. Spring. Finally, these damn snowy roads will turn into my favorite asphalt. I'm waiting for you, spring!

Everyone is waiting for spring. They count the days, as if when spring comes, the snow will instantly melt, everything will bloom, the grass will turn green. We'll be walking through puddles for another half of spring.

Spring! I'm waiting for you the most! Honestly!

Waiting for spring helps to endure winter.

It’s almost spring, I want to walk around in my amazing high-heeled shoes!)))

We have been waiting for real winter. Well, I must say, we waited - the winter this year turned out to be surprisingly real, with snowdrifts and frosts. If only spring would finally come just as right now. We wait!

I'm waiting for spring, because you once told me that spring is our season...

I look forward to spring with such impatience, as if something is bound to happen! And certainly very, very good!

I'm really looking forward to spring... it will come soon... I know it will bring changes for the better... Spring, I'm really looking forward to you!

I suggest you stop waiting and invite Spring! She apparently liked it last year. Everyone is waiting for her, but she breaks down... That's it, ignore Spring! Now let her run after us!

There are 37 days left until spring, soon everything will bloom, the birds will sing... Hurry up already! Look forward to!)))

I'm not just waiting for spring, I'm waiting for its happiest day, our wedding day!

Women are waiting not so much for spring as for spring men.

I don’t know what I’m looking forward to more, spring or you... still you!

Winter has not yet set in, and many are already wondering: what kind of spring awaits us in 2020? As you know, the weather is a very capricious and unpredictable lady, and neither experienced weather forecasters nor experts in folk superstitions can say for sure what it will be like in a week. However, there are still some assumptions.

Signs global warming on the planet and climate change we are already observing.

What kind of spring awaits us in 2020 according to weather forecasters?

According to the deputy head of the Hydrometeorological Center, spring in 2020 will enter into its legal rights without delay, that is, according to the calendar. As for some anomalous phenomena, then they are unlikely. At least, there are no prerequisites for them yet. Spring will be warm, but in March, somewhere in the middle of the month, frosts are possible.

According to the forecasts of some forecasters, spring in 2020 will please us with positive dynamics of temperature growth compared to last spring and even compared to the long-term norm. However, this will only be observed in North Caucasus District, Southern and southern Ural districts. As for the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, on the contrary, in the spring there will be significant drops in temperature indicators observed by meteorologists for many years.

Despite the fact that spring in 2020 will be early, it will be protracted, according to meteorologists. There is a fairly high probability of a repeat of last spring, when warm, sunny weather established in most of our country at the beginning of March, which persisted throughout the spring, until the beginning of summer. However, there are suggestions that May 2020 will not be as warm as in 2019. This is due to the seismic activity that has been observed in the Sea of ​​Japan over the past few years. It is this phenomenon that will greatly affect the deterioration of the climate in Russia and the world as a whole.

What kind of spring awaits us in 2020 according to signs?

Some folk weather forecasters, which give a forecast based on folk signs, portend a slightly different picture. Although they, as well as professional meteorologists, claim that spring will come in early March, still, in their opinion, the weather in the first month of spring will be very dank and unpleasant.

Active melting of snow and ice, according to experts in folk wisdom, will occur only in early April. Then the cold will return to the central and northern zones of our country, although not for long. However, already in the first ten days of May 2020, the weather will change dramatically - real summer weather will set in, the air will warm up from 25 to 28 degrees during the day.

Of course, these are only speculative forecasts. Which one is more accurate - only time will tell. Do not forget that the weather in the spring of 2020 will depend on many factors and, above all, on the upcoming winter, its temperature and the amount of precipitation that will fall during this time of year.

The more snow falls in winter and the longer the frosts last, the later the blooming time will come. It is worth noting that the regions of our country, due to different geographical location and climate, will feel the arrival of spring differently. In some places the snow will melt away in March, and in others the grass will turn green only by the beginning of summer.

When will Spring come?
Signs and signs of spring

SPRING, the season that lasts in the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth from the moment of the vernal equinox (March 20 or 21) to the summer solstice (June 21 or 22).

Great Soviet Encyclopedia.

SPRING is a transitional season, when there is a noticeable increase in daylight hours, the ambient temperature rises and the natural activity of living beings and plants intensifies.

"Wikipedia." Ed. from 03/20/2012

SPRING is when you can launch boats in the stream!

"Memories from childhood..."

Here: in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, Spring comes 7 times!

Calendar spring- begins March 1st according to the current Gregorian calendar and lasts three spring months March, April and May. - This Once.

Calendar spring according to the old style- begins on March 14 according to the current calendar and ends on June 14. - This Two.

Astronomical spring(according to the Sun): - occurs on the Day of the Spring Equinox on March 20 or 21.- This Three.

Meteorological spring- occurs when the actual average daily temperature exceeds 0°C.- This Four.

Climate spring - From time to time, climatologists themselves reassign the day of the arrival of spring: the day when the climatic norm of the average daily temperature rises above 0°C. In Moscow, climate spring begins on March 27 - This Five.

Since ancient times in Rus', people believed that spring comes when the rooks arrive(folk sign) - This Six.

Phenological spring- a rather vague concept, in the sense that to count its beginning, various annually recurring natural phenomena, for example: the appearance of icicles on the roofs of unheated premises (barn, gazebo, etc.), the appearance of the first spring (non-freezing at night) streams, etc. Everyone can choose a sign of the beginning of Spring to their liking. - This Seven.

Spring is usually divided into three periods: pre-spring, real spring, pre-flight (flight).

Pre-spring. The beginning of spring

Spring begins with the arrival of rooks. They arrive when the snow is already melting intensively. This period, called pre-spring, lasts until the snow melts. At this time, concessions to winter are still possible - the average daily temperature may drop below zero.

Real spring

Real spring comes when all the snow melts. Nature awakens, the grass begins to fill with an emerald shine, the buds swell and bloom on the trees, delighting us with the first soft green leaves... This period usually ends with the last return of cold weather, which comes during the flowering of bird cherry, after which the preflight (flight) begins.


The pre-year period begins immediately after the “Cheremukhovy colds”, but I can’t say how it ends, when they tried to convey this simple wisdom, everything was already clear: “We study in the spring, and summer is when the holidays begin.” And now, alas, there is no one to ask...
Now the children themselves are starting to ask...
Maybe one of the readers can tell me?


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What is spring like?

After dividing spring into periods, we can talk in detail about what spring is like. Most often they talk about early or late spring, then about protracted or friendly, gloomy or sunny, but very rarely, especially in Lately, O cold spring. All subsequent climatic examples will be given for central Russia.

Early spring(here we mean not a poetic synonym for pre-spring, but a climatic definition) - this is spring, in which pre-spring occurs earlier than usual; in Moscow and the Moscow region, spring is considered early if intensive snow melting began before the first half of March.

Late spring- this, accordingly, is spring, in which the pre-spring occurs later than usual; in the Moscow region, spring is considered late if the pre-spring began in April.

I will also say about friendly spring - the remaining definitions, I believe, are intuitively clear without additional clarification.

Friendly Spring is considered to be the period in which the pre-spring period lasts no more than 10 days.

Seosnews 9

Spring. 2020 Moscow.

15.01.2020 According to the signs of Spiridonov's day, it turns out thatThis spring should come in normal climatic terms.
Unfortunately, there will be very few sunny, and later hot, clear days this spring, like the previous one.
Appreciate sunny days!
As soon as the sun is shining, be sure to get some fresh air.

What will this spring 2020 be like?
(preliminary forecast, compiled 01/15/2020)

March 27, 2020 Spring

... March 2020- the day when everything in Moscow will melt winter snow - real spring will come (step 6).

... April 2020- the day when all the ice on the pond melts (step 7).

Spring. 2019 Moscow

15.01.2019 According to the signs of Anna and Pokrov, it turns out thatthis spring, despite the late Easter, will not be late.

What will this spring 2019 be like?
(preliminary forecast, compiled on January 15, 2019)

But it turns out that this year Spring, having shown its signs at the very beginning of March, will delay its final arrival almost until the last days of the month. Real spring can only come in early April (the snow will finally melt). March will be an early spring, but gloomy month, will begin with thaws, but in the second decade the thaws may abruptly give way to frosts. The end of March and the beginning of April will not please us very much with the spring sun. April will be noticeably warmer than normal at the beginning of the first decade, and then in the middle of the second. The May Day holidays will be relatively warm and sunny. Unfortunately, this year in the Moscow region, return May frosts are very likely; this could happen on the eve of Victory Day or immediately after it; almost summer warmth can be expected only by the end of the month; in the third ten days of May, warm but rather humid weather will set in.

FACTS about the weather in spring 2019:

January 24, 2019. Fedosy Vesnyak Day: “It’s warm in Fedosia - it’s like early spring.”
On January 24, 2019, frosty weather set in Moscow, the temperature in one day reached -18°C - it’s cold in Fedosia. On the previous day, January 23, the minus record for the month was reached.
Summary: Ranspring in Moscow most likely will not happen.

February 06, 2019. Saint Xenia's Day
On St. Xenia's Day in Moscow, alas, it is cloudy, despite the fact that the air temperature was above normal -1.5°C, cloudy weather on this day means a long spring.

February 15, 2019.Candlemas
At Candlemas in Moscow there was not just snow, but sleet... But, admittedly, very light - to a moderately wet spring . The cloud cover on this day, although continuous, was high; in the evening the sky was visible through the clouds. The average daily temperature turned out to be noticeably higher than the climatic norm - this may mean that The upcoming spring will be gloomy in its parameters, but noticeably warmer than the climate norm.

At the moment, it looks like spring will come in normal climatic terms - at the very end of March, beginning of April.

We are waiting and preparing to clarify the forecast based on other later signs:

March 09, 2019. Midsummer Day (Obretenye)
- It didn’t snow when we found it!

Steps of spring. Moscow. 2019

March 21 - March 21, 2019 00:58 Moscow time comes astronomical Spring(- step 4).

March 27, 2019- the day when climate change came to Moscow Spring(long-term average daily temperature exceeds 0°C degrees - step 5)

April 1, 2019- the day when all the winter snow melted in Moscow - real spring has come (step 6).

Spring. 2018 Moscow

FACTS about the weather in spring 2018:

January 24. Fedosy Vesnyak Day. “It’s warm in Fedosia - it’s like early spring.”
On January 24, 2018, Moscow experienced weather that could not be called warm this winter: T cp = -7.8°C. On the previous day, January 23, the minus record for the month was reached.
Summary: Opportunity early spring in Moscow is a big question.

06 February. Saint Xenia's Day(Aksinya Vesnoukaznitsa) - this is one of the few days that “firmly” indicate what spring will be like: “Aksinya is clear and spring is red. As Aksinya is, so is spring.”
On Saint Xenia's Day in Moscow: "Frost and sun; a wonderful day!". Clouds began to roll in only in the evening...
- To a friendly spring! And yet, at first (late March - early April) spring will be sunny!

February, 15.Candlemas- “There is snow on Candlemas - there will be rain in the spring”, “What is the weather on Candlemas, such will be the spring.”
But there was still snow on Candlemas in Moscow... But, really, it was very weak - to a moderately wet spring . The cloud cover on this day, although continuous, was high, and sometimes the sun shone through. The average daily temperature turned out to be very close to the climatic norm, but it turned out to be less than a degree lower - this may mean that the coming spring, in terms of its parameters, will be close to the climate norm, but still a little warmer (principle of inversion).

- “If there is snow on Obretenye, then trample it until April” (until mid-April according to the Gregorian calendar). On Obretenye The weather in Moscow was clear and sunny, which means that all the snow will melt in early April.

March 15th. Fedot Vetronos."Fedot is evil - Don't be in April with grass!
Fedot turned out to be almost the same in Moscow! The wind speed during the day did not exceed 2 m/s, daytime temperature close to normal, although there were periods of gusty winds of 6 m/s in the early morning and late evening, but overall Fedot in Moscow turned out to be not evil- means soon to be with grass!

Steps of spring. Moscow. 2018

(step 1) - It’s snowing outside, frosty and sunny, air temperature at night -18°C during the day -8°C

(step 2) - Cloudy, 0°C during the day, -4°C at night

18th of March: Sunny, snow blinds your eyes. In the snow: Crow? - Not a crow. Bah! Rook!
And there’s a whole flock hiding in the trees...
The rooks have arrived - Spring has come! (the pre-spring has arrived- step 3).

March 20 - 03/20/18 19:15 Moscow time has arrived astronomical Spring(moment of passage of the orbital point of the vernal equinox of the Earth- step 4).

March 27- The day when climate change comes to Moscow Spring(long-term average daily temperature exceeds 0°C degrees - step 5)

April 8. All the winter snow has melted in Moscow - real spring has come (step 6).

Spring. 2017 Moscow. (forecast based on weather signs)

24.01.17 the coming spring will not be late; rather, the spring will even be early, but protracted, warm weather It will take a long time to install, and, unfortunately, there will be very few sunny, and later hot, days this spring. Appreciate sunny days: as soon as the sun is shining, be sure to get some fresh air.

Facts about the weather in spring:

January 24. Fedosy Vesnyak Day. “It’s warm in Fedosia - it’s like early spring.” It’s warm in Moscow on this day: the air has warmed up to +1°C. This weather portends early spring...

06 February. Saint Xenia's Day(Aksinya Vesnoukaznitsa) - this is one of the few days that “firmly” indicate what spring will be like: “Aksinya is clear and spring is red. As Aksinya is, so is spring.” It's frosty and sunny in Moscow this morning! Wonderful day!
Aksinya - clear! Well, perhaps spring will not be gloomy at all? - Good weather it won't hurt anyone!

February, 15.Candlemas- “There is snow on Candlemas - there will be rain in the spring”, “What is the weather on Candlemas, such will be the spring.” On Candlemas in Moscow it snowed only in the early morning, then the sun began to peek through the clouds more and more often... - Toward a dry and sunny spring!

March 09. Midsummer Day (Obretenye)- “If there is snow on Obretenye, then trample it until April.”
- There was no snow when we got there...

March 15th. Fedot Vetronos."Fedot is evil - Don't be in April with grass!"
And Fedot turned out to be the one! - Not angry, sunny, +9°C!

Steps of spring. Moscow. 2017

March 20 - 03/20/17 13:28 Moscow time has arrived astronomical Spring(moment of passage of the orbital point of the vernal equinox of the Earth- step 3).

March 27- the day when climate control comes to Moscow Spring(long-term average daily temperature exceeds 0°C degrees - step 4)

April, 4- The day when all the winter snow melted in Moscow - real spring will come (step 5).

Spring. 2016 Moscow. (forecast based on weather signs)

11.01.16 According to the signs of Anna the Winter Guide and the Intercession, it turns out thatthe coming spring will be late, warm weather will take a long time to set in, But after the warmth sets in, this spring may end with unusually hot days.

Facts about the weather in spring.

January 24. Fedosy Vesnyak Day. “It’s warm in Fedosia - it’s like early spring.” It was not warm at all in Moscow that day: during the day the air warmed up only to -12.5°C. This weather confirms the preliminary forecast - there will be no early spring...

06 February. Saint Xenia's Day(Aksinya Vesnoukaznitsa) - this is one of the few days that “firmly” indicate what spring will be like: “Aksinya is clear and spring is red. As Aksinya is, so is spring.”
On February 6 in Moscow it was cloudy, there was light snow at times, the air temperature in the morning was -1°C, in the afternoon it reached 0°C and began to drop again, went wet snow with the rain. This weather indicates that spring in Moscow will be mostly cloudy and protracted: “Spring will not be red.”

February, 15.Candlemas- “There is snow on Candlemas - there will be rain in the spring”, “What is the weather on Candlemas, such will be the spring.”
On Candlemas in Moscow the weather turned out to be completely gloomy and cloudy +3°C, with light snow in the morning and then rain. I don’t even want to write about what kind of spring we should expect... But everyone already understands.

March 09. Midsummer Day (Obretenye)- “If there is snow on Obretenye, then trample it until April.” There was no precipitation on Obretenye in Moscow; in the evening the sun even appeared - which means that even if snow falls again, it still won’t last long.

March 15th. Fedot Vetronos It was a clear, windless day on Fedot. Fedot in Moscow turned out to be not evil - be in April with grass!

Steps of spring. Moscow. 2016

March 01 - calendar Spring. In Moscow on the first day of spring, cloudy, no precipitation, relatively mild winter weather: -8 to -1 degrees. (step 1)

March 14 - the arrival of Spring according to the old calendar (March 1 according to the old calendar) On this day in Moscow it is partly cloudy, relatively cold - the temperature is from -2 to +2 degrees. (step 2)

March 20 - March 20, 2016 at 07:30 Moscow time has arrived astronomical Spring( - step 3).

March 27- the day when climate control comes to Moscow Spring average daily temperature exceeds 0 degrees - step 4)

April 04. On the night of April 3-4, all the winter snow melted in Moscow - real spring has come (step 5).

11 April. In the evening of 11 there was not a single piece of ice left on the pond, although just yesterday floating ice occupied a third of the pond (step 6).

Meteorological spring came quite early this year - on March 27 (simultaneously with climatic spring, despite the late Easter). Unfortunately, this year it was not possible to reliably determine the time of arrival of the rooks - even on the way to the dacha they closed the farm and now they do not appear - there is nothing to profit from...

Spring. 2015 Moscow. (forecast based on weather signs)

01/09/15 The thunderstorm that occurred on Anna Zimoukaznitsa most likely indicates that the spring of 2015 will begin early with a strong thaw, but the arrival of real warmth (real spring) will be delayed until April, i.e. It looks like the coming spring will be early but protracted.

Facts about the weather in spring.

January 24 V Fedosy Vesnyak Day in Moscow it was warm, the maximum temperature was 0°C, the average daily temperature was -1.5°C, with the norm being 9.7°C. It turns out that the possibility of an early onset of spring is still confirmed(see Signs about the weather)

06 February. Saint Xenia's Day(Aksinya Vesnoukaznitsa) - this is one of the few days that “firmly” indicate what spring will be like: “Aksinya is clear and spring is red. Like Aksinya, so is spring.” In Moscow, the morning of this day turned out to be cloudy, but by noon the clouds began to clear, the sun came out. During the day the clouds became less and less and by night it cleared up completely. Precipitation on this day was only indicated by light snow. This weather suggests that although spring in Moscow may begin early, the period of cloudy and slushy weather will last almost until mid-spring, but then it will get down to business and for the most part its second half will be warm and dry.

February, 15.Candlemas- “There is snow on Candlemas - there will be rain in the spring”, “What is the weather on Candlemas, such will be the spring.” On this day in Moscow in the morning it was relatively warm and cloudy, the air temperature was from -2 to -1°C, a weak westerly wind, at times snow, in the afternoon it began to clear up, while the temperature dropped to -4°C, the wind was north-west, then northerly with gusts up to 12 m/s, in the evening the temperature continues to drop from -4 to -8°C, clear, northerly wind gusts up to 15 m/s.
Such weather may mean that in the spring we will have a rather warm and not very sunny March and April, rich in precipitation, and May as a whole will be noticeably warmer than normal, but the weather will be unstable and windy at first, and hot, dry weather will set in at the end of May.

March 09. Midsummer Day (Obretenye)- When you are waiting for spring, the main thing is that it doesn’t snow that day: “If there is snow on Obretenye, then trample it until April.” On Obretenye in Moscow in 2015 there was no snow...

March 15 - Fedot Vetronos. Fedot turned out to be not evil this year - be in April with grass!

Steps of spring. Moscow. 2015

March 01 - calendar Spring. In Moscow on the first day of spring it is relatively warm - as much as +2 degrees! It’s true that it’s cloudy and sometimes it’s drizzling, but the mood is Spring! (step 1)

March 14 - the arrival of Spring according to the old calendar (March 1 according to the old calendar) On this day in Moscow it is warm and sunny - 9 degrees! In the next 4 days, absolute temperature records of all time were set! (step 2)

March 21 - 03/21/15 at 01:45 Moscow time has arrived astronomical Spring(the orbital point of the Earth's vernal equinox has passed- step 3).

08 April. By evening all the winter snow had melted - real spring has come (step 5).

April 21 - The day before (04/20/15) the temperature dropped sharply to -2.2°C and snow fell; the average daily temperature was -0.2°C and only rose the next day - (step 7)

Spring. year 2014. Moscow. (forecast by signs)

12/07/13 So far there are no direct signs about what the spring of 2014 will be like, but indirect ones (it seems that the signs that the winter will be “classical”, i.e. close to the climate norm, are beginning to be justified) we can assume that the coming spring will not be late.

The first sign about the weather in spring will be received in Fedosy Vesnyak Day (24.01.14).

Facts about the weather. Spring 2014.

January 24 V Fedosy Vesnyak Day The thermometer could only rise to -11.6°C - the average daily temperature was -15.5°C, while the norm was 9.7°C. It turns out that (see Signs about the weather)

06 February. Saint Xenia's Day(Aksinya Vesnoukaznitsa) - this is one of the few days that “firmly” indicate what spring will be like: “Aksinya is clear and spring is red. Like Aksinya, so is spring.” In Moscow, “Aksinya was clear!”- Early in the morning, the clouds that had covered the sky all night cleared and the weather remained clear all day, only in the late evening the sky became hazy. This weather suggests that spring in Moscow, although it will come with a slight delay, will be friendly, warm and dry.

February, 15.Candlemas- “At Candlemas the starry sky means late spring,” “What is the weather at Candlemas, such will be the spring.” There was no starry sky at Candlemas. On this day in Moscow from morning to evening it was warm and cloudy, air temperature +2 - +3°C, weak southwest wind, calm at times, in the evening it began to drizzle, ending with light rain and snow.
These data can be interpreted as follows: in the spring we will have quite warm and not very sunny March and April, but not rich in precipitation, and May as a whole will be slightly warmer than normal, but the precipitation will correspond to the entire spring.

March 09. Midsummer Day (Obretenye)- “If there is snow on Obretenye, then trample it until April.” There was no precipitation on Obretenye in Moscow, which means that even if there is still snow, it will not last long.

March 15th. Fedot Vetronos- On this day, Fedot, indeed, brought a gusty wind (11-12 m.s.) to Moscow. According to the saying: “Fedot is evil - do not be (in March according to the old style) with grass.” - it seems that nature has in store for this There will be a few unpleasant surprises this spring.

Steps of spring. Moscow. year 2014.

March 01 - calendar Spring. Beautiful clear day! Temperature at night -5°C; during the day +2°C; a weak south, south-east wind, and only 1 cm of snow remained, and even then, mostly not snow, but ice.

March 20, 2014 at 15:02 Moscow time has arrived astronomical Spring(the orbital point of the Earth's vernal equinox has passed).

March 22 - The rooks have arrived! Spring came! By evening all the winter snow had melted - real spring has come .

April 05 - meteorological spring has arrived (average daily temperature finally exceeded zero). The snow that fell in April has melted.

07 April- water from melted snow simply soaked into the ground - no streams .

Spring. year 2013. Moscow. (forecast by signs)

01/12/2013 By folk signs it turns out that this spring will be similar to the springs of the 70s and 80s - March will be almost winter month. Real spring will begin in the second ten days of April. In March and the first half of April, cloudy weather with precipitation will prevail. But May will be warm and dry, but in the first half it can also “please” with returning cold weather (this forecast will still be clarified based on later signs).

Facts about the weather. Spring 2013

The 25th of January. According to weather signs in Fedosy Vesnyak Day(January 24 - average daily temperature -10.2°C) it turns out that there will be no early spring in Moscow(see Signs about the weather)

February 06. Saint Xenia's Day(Aksinya Vesnoukaznitsa) - this is one of the few days that “firmly” indicate what spring will be like: “Aksinya is clear and spring is red. As Aksinya is, so is spring” - on this day in Moscow there was heavy snow in the morning, and then until At the end of the day the weather was cloudy and slushy - +1. This suggests that the first half of spring will be dominated by cloudy weather with precipitation.

February, 15. Candlemas- “What is the weather on Candlemas, such is the spring.” On this day in Moscow in the morning it was cold and cloudy, the temperature gradually increased from -8 to -5°C, variable northeast, weak north wind, clears in the afternoon for several hours of cloudless sky, maximum temperature -2.3°C, weak north wind, then calm, in the evening - partly cloudy, calm, getting colder.
These data can be interpreted as follows: in the spring we will have a rather cold March and the beginning of April with mostly cloudy weather, in the second half of April it will be warm and sunny until the beginning of May, and May as a whole will be cool, but not very rainy - will prevail partly cloudy.

March 09. Midsummer Day (Obretenye)- “If snow (falls) on Obretenye, then trample it until April (spring will drag on).” There was no precipitation in Moscow on Obretenye, which means that by April 14 (01.04 old style) almost all the snow will have melted - this means that there will be at least Spring and late, but friendly.

March 13. Vasily Teply (Kapelnik)- On Vasily, from the thawed patches around the trees, they determine: “Steep edges - spring is friendly.” - It turned out to be not easy to find trees with undisturbed snow in Moscow. Found. An interesting detail: the circle of a white birch is small, almost close to the trunk, while the circle of a thick old linden is half a meter away from the trunk, but the edges of all of them are steep, going vertically down. Spring will be friendly.

March 15th. Fedot Vetronos:"Fedot is evil - not to be (in March according to old style) with grass." (If there is bad weather or wind, then spring will be delayed, and the first fresh grass will appear only in April - by April 14 according to our modern calendar). In the old days they said about the weather that happened in Moscow on March 15: “Fedot came, but not the same one!” - gusty winds and 25 mm of precipitation per day. But in the end - nothing new, it’s already clear that spring will be late...

April 1 Over the weekend I found the following weather data for April: In the old days, the most recent annual frosts were Blagoveshchensk and they fell at the end of March according to the Julian calendar - according to the modern calendar their peak falls on April 7. Nowadays they almost never happen, otherwise everyone would know about them (everyone knows the Epiphany frosts), but this spring is such that anything can happen... I’ll make an amendment to the temperature chart for the Annunciation frosts (light green line), we’ll see. What will happen...
By the way, despite the fact that we are all tired of waiting for spring, these cold weather are needed to stop the melting of snow, otherwise, given how much snow has accumulated, spring flood could become an "all-Russian flood"

Steps of spring. Moscow. year 2013

March 20 at 15:02 Moscow time has arrived astronomical Spring(The earth has passed the point of the vernal equinox, from this moment on the day longer than the night ). But the weather so far is such that it doesn’t even smell like spring: the temperature at night is -10°C; during the day -5°C; North wind; snowdrifts 60 cm high!

26 March - the rooks have arrived: a large flock of rooks sat down to rest on a huge old poplar right in front of our windows - Spring came! (the pre-spring has arrived).

March 27 the date set by meteorologists has arrived climatic Spring(The average daily temperature on this day, alas, is -8°C).

March 31 meteorological winter has ended and has come meteorological spring(the average daily temperature on that day exceeded 0°C and never fell below this level again).

April 05 streams stopped freezing at night. But my “test stream” appeared only today - the mass of snow accumulated over the winter, at first, held back melt water in itself. I took a video of the stream that just appeared from my phone, last year’s video was also preserved there - the comparison was simply amazing... I invite you to take a look at the video:

Video. Spring impromptu from the phone. 04/05/2013. Moscow, pond on Vyazemskaya, test stream. Sounds of Spring.

07.04.2013. I planned to re-shoot the episode from April 5 in higher quality, and so that everything would be the same as last year’s recording.
Alas, in the morning it was snowing and raining, and the stream was barely flowing, but still flowing! And this despite the sub-zero temperature at night! In general, if the picture has changed, then in the sense of the mood for spring, only for the worse - I decided to leave everything as it is... (According to official weather data, the height of the snow cover decreased during this time from 48 to 45 cm).

April 17 at the meteorological site of the All-Russian Exhibition Center the snow has completely melted - the real spring.

Steps of spring. Moscow. year 2012

March 28- rooks arrived (they definitely saw them), in an arc version on March 25 (it is possible that they were rooks - from afar, unreliable) - spring has come ( pre-spring).

April 28 +26.3°C(in fact, there is an element of deceit in our calculation of time, because this is leap year and, in theory, the date corresponding to ordinary years is April 29).

April 29- temperature record (maximum) for this date for the entire observation period - +28.9°C(nothing to complain about here, it really is a temperature record!)
