Working ways to speed up indexing using free services. IndexGator service for indexing pages and links Service for fast indexing of pages

Anyone who has been at least a little worried about their TIC, and is now called, understands how valuable link indexing is. It doesn’t even matter whether you buy links to your site or make them yourself, but the fact remains that the link begins its work and begins to transfer weight only when it is noticed by the subsystems, which is called indexing links. This way the links are indexed, which is why the pages on your site are promoted higher in the rankings. search queries PS.

And how can you make sure that search engines see this link faster, because this is especially important when the link has a large TCI, and if there are several of them, then you will definitely get another increase in precious TCI units, but only after indexing the PS. But I want it to go faster somehow.

So, seasoned SEO specialists have long curbed the process of speeding up the indexing of links. If you have written an article and want it to be quickly indexed, then use Yasha and Google in the webmaster, but what if the links are not on your site? Then you will have to use third-party services or programs.

Accelerating link indexing using programs and services?

Indexing of links can be done independently, this is when after some time the links themselves appear in the PS, such a process can of course last for months, but this process can be accelerated and done in two directions, when links are indexed by search engines faster and appear within a month . In such cases, we simply help with third-party programs and services for indexing links:

    Pingator programs

    Indexing acceleration web services

1. Using ping programs to index external links and sites

There are probably many such programs: Ping studio, InstantBacklinkMonster, Massive URL Pinger, BlogPinger, but I use pingxpert.
Their functionality is simple, in one window you insert a list of your links (urls), but the other window contains a list of URLs, which are called update tracking services. Their job is to notify popular update services about changes to the site(s). These services process changes and record them in their proprietary indexes. And as a result of such awareness, search engines also see these changes and update data about these changes in their databases. Thus, new links or new articles become known in a shorter time than in a natural way (without such pinging).

If we fill this window with a list of update tracking services (one file), then simply click on the “Perform ping” button and the program will do everything itself. That is, it will simply ping your links to these update services. As we can see, this process is completely simple, but the complexity is in the program itself; it can throw errors that it is advisable to close immediately so that the program does not freeze. Unfortunately, this is a flaw of the developer, but he doesn’t seem to intend to update it, so we’re content with what we have.

From practice: if you don’t ping, then the links are found by search engines after passing them through the sites, but they must stumble upon the link and mark it in their database. For some reason this process is so protracted and long that it sometimes takes several months, but why are they looking for so long? — remains a mystery.

Update services file

WordPress has a built-in accelerator for indexing new materials, which is located in the Settings->Writing section. The window lists the update services. Once you have published new article, then WordPress starts the pinging process and you’re done, BUT this list seems to be outdated, so you can update or supplement it so that pinging is effective. I also want to warn you that this list in WordPress should not be large, because it will slow down a lot and this will affect .

2. Online ping services to speed up indexing

In addition to programs, you can also use web services speed up link indexing, which do similar work, although the principle is slightly changed. Let's look at the list of ping services.— Let’s consider one of these services. They are essentially almost similar to each other, the difference may be in the indexing methods, that is, RSS ping is usually used, but advanced ones can also use Twitter and LiveJournal, which is also effective. They also differ in prices and tariffs, but the effectiveness may be different for everyone, and often does not depend on the price.

Looking at the prices, you can't be sure what it is. decisive factor for the result. After all, many have used such services, but few were satisfied, since the result after running in such services needs to wait not a day or two, but on average a month. But if you don’t do such a run, then of course the links can be indexed for several months.

Everyone who does a run hopes that in about a month all the links will be indexed and it’s done, but often this did not happen. And why? probably because everything was much simpler before and those old techniques are no longer relevant today and do not bring the desired result. The fact is already obvious that you are giving money for the run, but the situation does not change.

There are also other similar services:,,,,, but in fact, of all the services mentioned, only can more or less show results, the others, of course, also do something and seem to have an effect, just relatively less. In essence, you pay money and want to get the maximum, but it turns out as usual.

In addition to paid services, there are also free ones, although they are simpler, they also have at least some benefit. You need to understand that if you use them occasionally, then this will be the solution for you, but for those who put it on stream, then you need to use more serious and probably paid options.

There are a bunch of similar link indexing services:,,, - which work on a similar principle to the previous services. Only here you can select by service name. Behind the name lies the same link that you use in pingexpert. Thus, convenience is only visual.

Which of them is best to say is quite difficult, because they contain a different number of links, and therefore the results are different, but I know that has always been successful and has always been well-known by SEOs, so I trust it more, and that’s why it has results more.


So indexing of external links you still need to carry it out so as not to waste precious time, but you need to understand that if you do it rarely enough, then this is one level, but if this process is often periodic, then you run into the price of this pleasure, but I will say one thing for sure: indexing it is still necessary, because there is a very strong time difference between indexed links and without them. And you also need to choose a convenient and working ping service that will satisfy your requirements. You can rely on my advice, or you can use your personal experience.

In this article you will find out the answer to the question that worries, perhaps, any webmaster - “How to speed up the indexing of a site in order to quickly bring it to a leading position in search engines, attract a huge number of visitors and, as a result, make a profit from the resource?”

In this article, we bring to your attention all the most effective and proven methods that help your site get into the search engine index more quickly. They include not only internal, but also external optimization. However, before that, let’s figure out why this is necessary at all.

Why speed up indexing?

Slow indexing of website pages is fraught negative consequences, namely:

  1. Some pages end up in the “distant archive”. If a resource is quickly filled with new materials, then search engines will not have time to read the information, and some of the pages may remain forever unnoticed by bots.
  2. The article may lose its uniqueness. There is an abundance of projects on the World Wide Web, the owners of which fill them with non-unique content copied from other resources. They use special programs - for example, which automatically copy other people's articles to their website. Imagine that you have just posted your article on the site and it has not yet entered the index, but the program has already copied it to another portal. And now there is a risk that the owner of this site will index the article faster than yours, as a result of which you will turn out to be a plagiarist, not an author. Of course, today there are methods to protect against such cases, but they cannot protect you one hundred percent.
  3. Loss of relevance of the post. Let's say that before the New Year itself you wrote an article about how to make an original New Year's gift with my own hands, but it was included in the index after the holidays. Of course, you won’t get the same traffic as before the holidays.
  4. Loss of profit. Some advertisers or optimizers carefully study the number of indexed resource pages with advertising materials. Of course, they will not want to cooperate with you if you have to wait several months for results from the advertisement or link you place. People want to get the effect within a few days or even hours. It’s much worse if the advertising page is not indexed at all. Naturally, this will lead to the loss of customers and, as a result, income.

Ways to speed up site indexing in Google and Yandex

Today there are many free and paid methods to speed up the process of indexing a web resource. To get the desired result, you need to approach the issue comprehensively, using, if possible, all the recommendations listed below.

1. Ensure the correct site structure

A carefully thought out and well-built structure of the resource will allow search robots to easily access all its pages. Apply the three-click rule, which means that from the main page you can access any other page in no more than three clicks.

2. Do internal linking

Bots follow links within a resource, and the more links it has leading to other pages, the faster they will be included in the index. Properly organized linking, in addition to speeding up indexing, will also bring the site to high positions in searches for certain queries.

Link to other materials within your articles. Create link blocks in appropriate places (on the side of the site or under posts) that lead to similar, most viewed, and recent posts. In all new materials, mentioning what you wrote about earlier, post links to relevant old articles. Also download a plugin that will provide links to the previous and next posts in each article.

Speed ​​up indexing of a large website! You can use a plugin that will display a random list of unindexed articles on your website pages.

3. Create a sitemap

Sitemap is a required element for any Internet resource. A site map is a list of all the pages posted on it. It is needed to facilitate the work of search robots so that they can access all the materials of your resource in one file, and not spend a long time crawling through the pages of your resource.

To create a map, use the special Google XML Sitemaps plugin for WordPress or the online service The sitemap should be in xml format - for search engines (place it in the root of the resource), or in html form - as a separate page with a list of milestones of your articles.

So that robots quickly learn about the appearance of a Sitemap resource, notify the webmaster of Google and Yandex about it. Register in Yandex.Webmaster and Search Console, then in the appropriate menu (sitemap) specify the link to the xml map (site_name/sitemap_xml). Don't forget to also specify the path to the map in your robots.txt file.

4. Set up the robots.txt file

Here you can write commands for search engines, that is, which pages should be indexed and which should not. This file also contains the path to the site map and much more. Correctly written robots.txt, which does not contain unnecessary garbage for bots, will significantly speed up the indexing of your project. After all, as you will find out, the search engine allocates each site, based on its reputation, a certain amount of time to crawl. And if this time is used irrationally, on junk pages, then some good pages may not get into the search engine index.

5. Add the resource to the webmaster panel

Yandex.Webmaster and Google Search Console allow webmasters to monitor various website parameters. Create an account on these sites and open Personal Area. In the appropriate sections “Google Index” and “Add a site”, enter the address of the resource so that robots visit it more often and read the information faster.

Then you will need to confirm that you are the owner of the site - upload a special file specified by the system to the root folder of the resource, or write a meta tag in the source code of a certain page.

6. Use search engine tricks

You can add not only a new site, but also a new article. Immediately after publishing the post, copy its URL and enter it into Adurl using the link (in the case of Yandex) Don't forget to do the same procedure with old news stories that you have edited.

7. Place links in well-known rankings

Register on the reputable services LiveInternet, Rambler TOP100 and Rating@Mail, and add a link to your resource there. Bots visit these ratings with enviable regularity, so they are likely to visit you too.

8. Write quality content

Search engines and users need interesting materials, queries, with high uniqueness. Under no circumstances copy information from other people’s resources that are already in the index, otherwise you will not only not achieve the desired results, but you may even submit your site to filters.

Also, do not forget to support in your content feedback with visitors, ask them questions and ask them to share their experiences, motivate them to comment on articles, and, if possible, hold competitions and promotions. Search engines add sites with such content to the index with great pleasure.

9. Regularly fill the resource with new posts

To increase the speed at which pages get into the index, constantly update your content - this way robots will visit your resource more often. For example, Yandex adds new pages to its database and changes search results, so-called updates, several times a week. You can learn everything about monitoring Yandex updates at the link

By updating your site daily, after a certain period of time a bot will appear on it, indexing the next new page, so to speak, you teach search engines to constantly visit your site for new content.

The situation with Google is completely different. New pages here are included in the index almost every day, and it is impossible to find out any specific information on updates, since they happen almost in real time.

10. Run the site and its materials through catalogs

Doing this manually will take a very long time, since you will need to register in an abundance of low-ranking directories. Therefore, it is better to use special services, such as 1PS or Autoreg. They will help you quickly place links to your resource, as well as articles.

Attention! You should not use this method if you are not sure of the directories where your site will be hosted. Because such a run in the wrong hands can harm the site.

11. Post announcements for new posts on social media. bookmarks

This method is only effective for Google. Do short review post in the bookmarks Memori, Myscoop and Bobrdobr, Webice, etc. To avoid having to do this yourself, you can use the Zhukladochnik service. This run is good because in addition to the main pages, you can also place internal pages in bookmarks. Make unique announcements - do not use fragments of the announced post.

12. Comment in Q&A services

Not only users, but also search robots themselves love such services. So, on the same you can leave a comment with a link to the resource. It is worth noting that on many services moderators remove links from users with low reputation. In this case, you can find a performer with a high reputation, for example, on the exchange.

13. Comments in thematic blogs

To find frequently visited and regularly updated blogs with a moderate amount of advertising, type into a search engine the query “blog rating” on the desired topic, after which you can visit them and leave interesting comments. Don't spam and leave links in the appropriate field to your site, not in the comment itself.

14. Create an RSS feed

This can be done through services for registering RSS feeds in specialized directories such as Rssreader, Newsread, LiveRSS, etc. Announcements of new articles posted on your portal will be displayed there, which will attract the attention of robots.

15. Post links to famous forums

Another effective method To make site indexing faster, register and place links in your profile and signatures on popular forums dedicated to the same topic as your portal. Robots often visit forums with huge daily traffic. All you have to do is participate in discussions so that your link in the signature does not go unnoticed.

16. Enable pinging

Such a popular site management engine as has a ping function, that is, it automatically sends a signal to search engines about a new post on a web resource. If you use another CMS, ask your developers to build in this functionality.

17. Use mailing lists

It also allows you to quickly index the site if users visit the site through links in the mail. To do this, we recommend using any mailing service. Register, then insert a link to your resource in the mailing settings and send it to your subscribers.

18. Start a blog on special free hosting

LiveJournal, Liveinternet, Blogger and other services are also popular with search engine robots. Register on these blog hosting sites and leave a link to your site - the new resource will quickly be noticed by bots. It is not necessary to insert a link into blogs every time - a special plugin for WP - LiveJournal Crossposter - will help you with this.

19. Create public pages on social networks

Posts from the resource published on Twitter, Vkontakte, Facebook, Google+ and other social networks are almost instantly indexed by search engines, since they have high ratings and trust. Also don't forget to install the buttons social networks under each post for reposting by users.

20. Buy links from other sites

It is not recommended to resort to this procedure intensively if you still have a completely new site, because search engines may react negatively to this. But if your web resource has not been included in the search index for quite some time, you can, and even need to buy one or two links from the main page of a portal with a good reputation (trusted by search engines), high traffic and regular content updates.

Similar services are provided a large number of sites where bots literally live, so they will soon reach you via the posted link.

There are also cases when a resource has been indexed for a long time, but there are still pages that have not been included in the index for a long time. To fix this problem, it is enough to buy 2-3 links for them on any link exchange. The main thing is to carefully select a site that is regularly updated with new materials.

By the way, if you run any other sites that are already indexed, be sure to place on them an end-to-end link to an unindexed resource.

21. Download the Social Lock plugin

This is a cool tool that motivates visitors to like. Write a detailed article for the site, and leave the most interesting for a snack. Hide this part of the text with a plugin. Users will be able to reveal it only after they repost it on one of the social networks.

22. Take advantage of the auto promotion program

Using automated promotion services, such as Seopult, you can quickly purchase links to the home page, resource map or section pages. This will help attract robots to the site in the shortest possible time.

23. Increase your link mass constantly

When you reach 1000 or more links to your resource, its materials will be included in the index within a few hours.

24. Changing the site design

This method is not suitable for everyone. Try to radically change the design of the site, for example, the header and footer in places, after which the search robot will try to index your entire site.

25. Buy website traffic

Search engines are good at determining traffic to your site. If they see that an article is receiving a large amount of traffic with more than 2,000 visitors, then they will immediately want to index it.

For example, traffic can be bought in teaser networks.


Fast site indexing is an indicator that everything is in order with your project and it is interesting to users, advertisers, and search robots. We have provided you with the most effective free and paid methods for speeding up a resource’s entry into the index. Of course, free methods will take more time and effort, while paid methods will require significant expenses, but this is a faster way to get your site noticed by search engines.

Simple tips, such as adding to Twitter, social networks, making a sitemap - they, of course, still work, but not as well as you want and not in all situations.

I have a large portal from 2003, where I have been selling perpetual links on exchanges for several years.

Both Gogetlinks and Miralinks have a very subtle indexing system. Not only do you need to quickly post articles, you also need to make sure that new ones are quickly indexed by Yandex, and old ones do not fall out of the Yandex index. Otherwise, the indicators drop and there are dramatically few applications.

I could always boast of 100% indexing (i.e., saving all posted articles in the index for many years), but then suddenly, about a year ago, Yandex started doing weird things and I was already thinking that I would have to give up making money from links altogether.

Here, of course, the quality of the articles themselves, the level of their location on the site, and various other things also influences. I worked on this too - I increased the number of characters in articles, hired a copywriter who writes normal text specifically for the application, made sure to add pictures to each one, place links to all articles on the main page of the portal, and so on. It helped, but it's not enough. Sometimes there were cases when 200 pages suddenly fell out of the index.

And what’s the stupidest thing is that Yandex very very very slowly again eats the articles it spits back. Sometimes I couldn’t get them back into the index for six months. For new pages in principle big problems does not exist, especially if you place them on the main portal.

For those who are not in the know: in this case I use the term “the page is in the index” with the meaning “it participates in the search”, etc. it can be found in Yandex or Google.

In general, there are different nuances - the page may be in Yandex, it may be in a non-main Google index, etc. But in this case, I'm talking about simply placing your page in the main search engine searches.

Indexing acceleration is used in 3 cases:

— when you need to quickly add new pages to the index
— when you need to force the search robot to re-index pages (after the changes you have made)
— when you need to put pages that have fallen out of it into the index.

The easiest way to see if it is in the Yandex index is to enter the URL of the article in quotes into the search.
If it appears in the very first line (not to be confused with advertising), then it means it is in the index.

For example, we enter into Yandex search in quotation marks the URL of my most recent article, which was published the day before yesterday - https://siteseo-xitrosti-ot-sergeya-koksharova.html

Despite the fact that it has already received several good tweets and was posted on other social networks, it has not yet appeared in the index in 2 days. And this, of course, is normal for a blog that is not even three weeks old.

In general, in the end, in order to ensure indexing of the missing articles, I had to try a huge bunch of methods.

What did I do:

bought tweets on a variety of services. At one time, Rotapost worked very well, where you can buy placement on a well-developed and even quite live Twitter for 5-10 rubles. But, as it seems to me based on my subjective feelings, it worked better before. But I still sometimes buy such tweets for different purposes.

bought my own Twitter farm— several promoted accounts located in the Yandex index. But there is still such a problem - that you have to constantly post something else without links. When there is a mass placement of only links, accounts fall out of the index and generally go dark. For mass simultaneous sending to several Twitter accounts, I used the convenient service

used online services like Forumok, Socialtools to buy posts on FB, VKontakte, Google +. But this turns out to be expensive and was also not particularly effective.

gave me the task to add my articles to bookmarks in Yandex Browser. To do this, I created a page on the portal where I posted non-indexed articles, gave a task on the service so that people would install Yandex Browser, go to this page, view articles in the browser and add them to favorites. It seems to me that when I introduced this remedy, the situation improved, but I still wanted a better result.

Then I also tried services for entering the index. In particular, . But then it was difficult for me to feel the result from the services, because... the whole range of measures was carried out simultaneously.

What ultimately works best to speed up page indexing

At the moment, 2 things have radically and significantly solved the situation:

1. Running with Xrumer. Links were placed only on 2nd level pages, several links to each, with unique texts, photographs, keys, etc. — there was quite a lot of work done to ensure the uniqueness and diversity of links. I left about a third of the placement volume offered to me by the planner. Although the portal is huge, it is often quoted and such a run is definitely not able to harm it, but rather help it. If you have a small website, you need to work very carefully with runs using Hrumer. As a result, somewhere on the 4th update of Yandex, about 80% of old articles flew into the index (before that, I really struggled with them for more than six months). The indicators on both exchanges became 100% and orders poured in 5-10 times more than before.

But it was quite expensive - 1000 rubles per run. I haven’t learned how to use it myself yet, I’ll learn later.

2. The indexing acceleration service is currently performing well. This is the option I like the most today. First of all, for Yandex (but that’s what I need).

Is it true I buy there not just a “Maxi” package, but “Maxi” in triple volume for one link. Those. I duplicate the link three times. As a result, today’s update includes both a lot of old ones in the index and 90% of new ones, the result is very good. Considering that this is the only new thing I have used in the last week, I think this is his merit and there are many others good reviews about this service.

They use Twitter and Livejournal. As they write, “A high percentage of entry into the Yandex index, average in Google.”

MAXI - 1 post on Twitter, 1 post on LiveJournal, 2 direct links from the Yandex fastbot. Cost of execution - 1 ruble per 1 URL. Discounts for the volume of balance replenishment.

Their interface is really very simple and intuitive. We replenish the balance, create new project with any name, choose a tariff and simply set a list of page addresses (I copy it three times in one project).

What do you think?) What do you use to speed up page indexing search engines and what works best for you?

All my projects except this SEO blog:

TOP Base- a high-quality base for semi-automatic registration with Allsubmitter or for completely manual placement - for independent free promotion of any site, attracting targeted visitors to the site, increasing sales, natural dilution of the link profile. I have been collecting and updating the database for 10 years. There are all types of sites, all topics and regions.

SEO-Topshop- SEO software with DISCOUNTS, on favorable terms, news of SEO services, databases, manuals. Including Xrumer on the most favorable terms and with free training, Zennoposter, Zebroid and various others.

My free comprehensive SEO courses- 20 detailed lessons in PDF format.
- catalogs of sites, articles, press release sites, bulletin boards, company directories, forums, social networks, blog systems, etc.

"Approaching.."- my blog on the topic of self-development, psychology, relationships, personal effectiveness
