The most terrible unknown creatures. Scary photos of mutants and strange creatures

Mythical and strange creatures

The search for unknown species of animals is carried out by a special science - cryptozoology. Despite the negative attitude of many academic biologists towards cryptozoology, real discoveries of new animal species sometimes refute the arguments of skeptics. So in 1992, in a remote mountainous region of Vietnam, it was opened the new kind bulls - Saola, the weight of which reaches 100 kilograms. Most biologist experts at that time believed that the chances of discovering a new species on Earth large mammals close to zero. What about animals - some ethnologists seriously say that in the Amazon jungle and mountainous regions of Papua New Guinea several unknown primitive peoples who have not previously had contact with modern developed civilization may still be hiding.

However, some scary creatures were clearly generated by the imagination of primitive peoples living in extreme environment habitats and those afraid of the dark. Even on the very small reef islands of Oceania, where the locals know literally every rock and where unknown species of animals simply have nowhere to hide, the natives often tell stories of terrible creatures appearing on the night sea ​​coast and killing people who decided to come there in the dark. Some mythical creatures probably appeared due to distortion of information coming from distant countries and regions. Thus, one of the most likely prototypes of the mythical unicorn from European legends are African and Asian rhinoceroses.

Some animals, the existence of which is not recognized by official science, most often attract the attention of journalists and the public. Chupacabra, sucking blood from livestock and killing them, was first seen in Puerto Rico (1950s). Subsequently, reports of her attacks came from many countries South America, and then from other countries of the world (Philippines, Russia, Belarus). According to one version, this creature appeared as a result of secret genetic experiments and was able to escape from the laboratory. There are videos of the Chupacabra.

Loch Ness monster, living in Scotland's Loch Ness, may be a small population of relict plesiosaurs or its highly modified descendants. There are supposed photographs and videos of this creature, including a satellite image (2009). A sonar study of Loch Ness confirmed the presence of large objects moving at high speed.

Big Foot(aka Yeti), most likely, is a relict hominid (humanoid creature) and such a close relative person that their union may produce offspring. In the last quarter of the 19th century, residents of the foothill Abkhaz village of Tkhina managed to catch a female in the mountains and then tame Bigfoot , who was given the name Zana. In the 60s and 70s of the 20th century, Russian biologists Alexander Mashkovtsev and Boris Porshnev talked with old-timers of the village of Tkhina and... studied Zana’s descendants (grandchildren and great-grandchildren) there. Their verdict, based on the shape of the skull of Zana’s descendants, was unequivocal - they were not exactly people, but hybrids of a human and a relict hominid unknown to science, possessing superhuman strength and endurance.

Evolution is a mystery, an incredible mystery! However, from time to time, she presents us with some very strange surprises, something like these strange creatures of unusual appearance, which are presented below. Not only do they look strange, but they are also creepy in themselves.

water bear

There are more than 900 species of aquatic bears - or tardigrades - around the world, living from the highest mountains to the depths of the oceans.

Membranous predators

These hermaphroditic creatures live anchored on sea canyon walls or to the seabed, waiting for tiny animals that might have the misfortune of getting caught in their flycatcher-like hood. These creatures produce both eggs and sperm within the same body, so they can easily reproduce themselves.

Ay-ay - local Madagascar, which has many unusual features, such as a long, bony middle finger, like a witch, which it uses to pluck insects and grubs from tree trunks. Perhaps because of their appearance, these creatures are harbingers of death. There is a local superstition. People used to believe that if an aye-aye points its middle finger at you, it is an omen of death. But all this, of course, is not true. In fact, the aye-aye is a harmless and very cute animal.

Batfish - fish with red lips

The pipistrelle bat, found near the Galapagos Islands, is quite unusual fish, especially thanks to her lips, which look like they're wearing red lipstick. In addition, these fish have a modified set of fins that allow them to “walk” across the ocean floor instead of swimming. Residents deep sea, these fish are predatory carnivores whose diet mainly consists of small fish and crustaceans such as crabs and shrimp.

Giant Japanese spider crab

This spider crab has the potential to not only grow to gigantic size- about 15 feet - but also live for more than a hundred years. The giant Japanese spider crab is largest representative crabs In Japan, these crabs are considered a delicacy.

Chimera - ghost shark

The ghost shark or Chimera is a distant relative of sharks and rays. Found in oceans around the world. It is edible and can be bought at the market. And the fat of this shark was once used to lubricate weapons.

Brazilian humpback

These are small insects distinctive feature which are outgrowths of the incredible shape located on the back. They can be in the form of horns, ridges, balls, spikes, horns, etc. These “structures” sometimes exceed the size of the humpback itself. Actually, because of them, this insect got its name.

Black dragon fish

The black dragon fish is a bioluminescent creature that has light-emitting organs throughout its body to fool predators by changing its silhouette. And she also has long teeth, which resemble fangs. The ghost-like fish also has bioluminescent "lights" next to each ear, which it can use to attract prey or signal to find a mate.

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The unknown has always captivated our minds. Some people believe that most of the creatures discussed below are just fiction, while others are actually sure of their existence. One way or another, these creatures are capable of inspiring fear. Many cultures mention them in their legends, many stories have been written about them and films have been filmed. Now it’s our turn to think about whether these creatures are really real or just a figment of someone’s wild imagination. Our list did not include the Yeti and the Loch Ness Monster for the simple reason that there are not at least some plausible photos of them. All of the creatures listed below have either been discovered or photographed by humans.

10. Jersey Devil

Stories about the New Jersey Devil have been passed down by word of mouth since the 19th century, so this creature can be classified more as a myth. Evidence of its appearance peaked in the 2000s, when police received a huge number of complaints about a creature with hooves, a horse's head and wings like bat. In addition, strange tracks and sounds that appeared in the area were attributed to this creature.

9. Black Panthers

Yes, yes, the panther we all know is not at all mysterious creature. They exist just like jaguars, leopards and pumas. But there is one catch, they are not all found in Illinois. According to numerous testimonies, a huge black cat, presumably a panther, is walking in the vastness of Illinois. To date, she has not yet been caught, but this does not mean that she does not exist.

8. Monster from Farmer City (Salt Creek)

Again Illinois, again secrets. Rumor has it that in the vicinity of the town of Farmer City in Illinois, there is a strange monster that is hiding in the local forests. State police received so many reports of strange glowing eyes that they were forced to launch an investigation. The latest evidence dates back to 1970, when a truck driver saw it run across the road in front of his headlights.

7. Monster Cohomo

This creature is covered in white fur and has only three fingers. Between 1970 and 2000, the police received so much evidence of the existence of this monster that they were again forced to begin an investigation. Despite numerous witnesses, the police never found anything like him.

6. Pope Lick Monster

This monster is considered a mixture of a human and a goat. He has a lot of eyewitness accounts, and he is also credited with killing missing people. On this moment there is no further evidence of its existence.

5. Creature from the Flatwoods

This creature was discovered in West Virginia in 1952. His height was 3 meters, his head was strangely shaped, decorated bulging eyes, the body was green, and the arms ended in very long claws. Some even considered him an alien, but his origins remain a mystery to this day.

4. Lake Michigan Monster

If the Loch Ness Monster scares you, then this is definitely the monster for you. The Lake Michigan monster reaches more than 15 meters in length, has long neck, gray scales and a small head. According to numerous accounts, it makes a loud roaring sound. The most popular story was that of one fisherman who said that the monster swam only 6 meters from his boat. The man described the monster in incredible detail and made a sketch that completely matched the other descriptions.

3. Lizard Man

Evidence of the existence of a lizard-like creature has appeared since the 1980s. It was described as being 2 meters tall, with green skin and three fingers. Everyone who happened to encounter him claims that the lizard man broke their cars and then fled the scene. In addition, one family even noticed it in their yard. This creature should not be discounted, since there were too many witnesses, and, importantly, a pile of broken cars.

2. The Monster from Canvey Island

The Canvey Island Monster is a corpse that washed up on the coast of England in late 1954. A year later, people discovered another similar corpse on the coast. Both carcasses were about 60 centimeters long, had thick skin, gills and bulging eyes, and were missing forelimbs. The hind legs resembled those of a horse, only they had 5 toes. The creatures weighed 11 kilograms each.

Unfortunately, both carcasses were burned before they fell into the hands of scientists. One photograph was taken, but nothing could be clearly seen in it.

1. Montauk Monster

The body of the Montauk Monster washed up on the shores of New York in July 2008. This incident gave rise to many disputes and attempts to identify the creature. The monster was found by four surfers on a local beach. Initially, most scientists believed that the body belonged to a raccoon, but the hind legs were too disproportionate to the body. Another theory was that the carcass belonged to some mutated specimen from the nearby Plum Island Animal Disease Center. Two more similar carcasses washed up on the shores of New York in 2011-2012. At the moment it is unknown what it was further fate these remains.

News about the latest discovery of some strange creature periodically appears on the Internet, the press and on television, giving rise to a sea of ​​rumors and speculation. Unusual view Such creatures amaze our imagination, causing complete misunderstanding and fear. Indeed, how, where and how could these ugly creatures be born? Falsification and staging - this is, perhaps, the only explanation that most people accept when trying to protect their logical and cozy little worlds from the new, incomprehensible and scary. Protect them from everything that they are not yet ready to perceive. Let's go through this list of perhaps the greatest frauds.

1. Creepy monster filmed accidentally at night in the woods by an anonymous hunter in Berwick, Louisiana. Tellingly, the hunter himself did not see anything like this in the forest, and he discovered this creature in the frame only when he returned to his camp in Berwick and began looking through the photos he had taken. This photo was first shown on television on December 10, 2010 on NBC 33.

Here is an example of the videos that began to appear on television one after another and were dedicated to this inexplicable event in that forest:

Some people began to draw parallels with a very strange creature previously filmed on video, which they even called Fallen Angel. Moreover, the video was also filmed in the forest and also at night. These two are actually a bit similar. And in both cases, these strange creatures remained an unsolved mystery.

2. Monster washed up on the beach in NYC. Local youth took a photo of this monster and then sold the strange photo to the press. There have been many versions of what kind of creature this could be. But they are all unverifiable. Some experts claim that this is a prehistoric mammal that somehow miraculously managed to survive to this day. Another version claims that this is an ordinary turtle without a shell. A certain Larry Penny, East Hampton Natural Resources Director, along with other experts, claim that it was the decomposing corpse of an ordinary raccoon. Although many more adequate people claim that Larry Penny and his colleagues smoke very unusual grass, since this incomprehensible creature has as many similarities with a raccoon as it is observed, for example, in a butterfly with rattlesnake. Those. and this mystery remains unsolved.

3. Alien Child, caught by a farmer in Metepez, Mexico. Farmer Mario Moreno Lopez discovered this ugly creature on May 11, 2007. It was caught in the grip of a trap, which was intended for catching rats. When Mario Moreno Lopez discovered this creature in his barn, it was still alive and the farmer had to throw it into a barrel of water to drown this freak. On the third attempt he managed to do it.

The creature is very tiny in size, its total length including its tail is no more than 20 centimeters. It had a large, elongated head, which probably indicated intelligence, and its skin had no hair at all. There have been several attempts to explain where such a creature could have come from; one version is that it is a squirrel or a monkey that was skinned. Another version is that it was an alien’s child who fell into the farmer’s trap. By the way, shortly after this amazing discovery, farmer Lopez was burned alive in his car. This fact gave rise to fans of the UFO version to claim that this was the farmer taking revenge for his relative. In any case, the appearance of the creature remained a mystery, since scientists who analyzed the skin tissue of this creature found that they were unique in nature and were not a fake.

4. Terror of the Blue Hills (The Blue Hill Horror). September 17, 2009, four teenagers playing near famous blue hills volcano Cerro Azul on Isabela Island (Panama, Galapagos Islands) discovered a very strange creature that crawled out of one of the caves and began to chase them. Therefore, the guys decided to throw stones at the creature in defense, and thus killed it, and pushed the body into the water.

As a result, the experts who examined this body came to the conclusion that the boys lied a little, and that this creature could not have chased them, since it had already been in a state of natural decomposition of the corpse for several days. Most likely, this strange creature is nothing more than a sloth that died a few days ago, from which in some incomprehensible way all the fur fell out and only a naked body remained.

5. Alien corpse and Thai ceremony. I don’t quite understand how this could be attributed to aliens, if hooves are clearly visible on all its limbs, which means that the creature is 100% terrestrial. The image of this creature quickly spread across blogs on the Internet after its corpse took part in a local ceremony in a Thai village in 2007. to his appearance it resembles a Satyr - he has the same head, short legs with hooves, and the same tail. Some say that the ceremony was performed to drive away the evil that this creature embodied from the village. Others claim that this creature was a kind of deity for the villagers, which is why it was buried with such honors. More reasonable people argue that this unprecedented beast is just a deformed calf of an ordinary cow, which could have been injured by falling from a great height. And they bury him with honors, since in these parts cows are sacred animals. There is also a hypothesis that this strange creature is the result of unsuccessful gene experiments. Therefore, due to the abundance of possible versions, we will consider this mystery unsolved.

Our world is fraught with many unsolved secrets. And somewhere in the dark, in impenetrable thickets of forests isolated from prying eyes, in the depths of seas and oceans, or in the intricate labyrinths of city sewers, they live mysterious creatures. They appear in front of stunned witnesses for a few seconds and also suddenly and instantly disappear, leaving virtually no evidence of their existence, except for the testimony of eyewitnesses, rare photos or video frames. Of course, it is human nature to exaggerate and human imagination in most cases has nothing to do with reality, and just a few centuries ago the usual natural phenomena, seemed like something incredible and fabulous. But “there is no smoke without fire.” Indeed, in different parts of our planet, eyewitnesses saw almost identical representatives of the “otherworldly” or “fairy-tale” world. And perhaps mysterious creatures live next to us, considered fictitious by skeptics. In this section we will provide information about the most interesting and mysterious representatives of the ocean abysses and “urban legends”. And it’s up to you to decide whether they really exist.

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