The most accurate love horoscope on.

In the love sphere, astrologers declare it to be bright, full of emotions and temptations, encouraging rash actions and risks. Many people will want to “get involved in entertainment”, “become more interesting”, and allow themselves what they have refused for a long time: restaurant food, expensive shops, travel, etc. In fact, this can be said about any year: people who want to communicate with the opposite sex and start new relationships will do this without looking at predictions and horoscopes.

The peculiarity of the Year of the Rooster is that for lovers it can truly be the most wonderful time, as well as for those who have already learned from experience all the “delights of married life.” The year is favorable for weddings - the Rooster is always happy about marriages, and there will also be many opportunities to strengthen family relationships. And to begin with, astrologers advise not to leave your partners unattended: even if there is a catastrophic lack of time to be together, our loved ones should know that we are always there.

In the year of the Rooster, not only happy meetings and strong alliances are possible, but also outbursts of passion. And a stormy love passion can bring both pleasure and cruel suffering: for example, jealousy and thirst for revenge can hardly be called beautiful and romantic feelings. Do not succumb to dark emotions, and do not try to play on the feelings of others: the Fire Rooster will not be able to burn partners who are intolerant and disloyal to each other for long.

Photo: Love horoscope 2017

Love horoscope 2017 according to Zodiac Signs

Aries it is promised that they will find themselves in a “whirlpool of passions” right from the beginning of the year. Hobbies can be strong and vibrant, but it is better to maintain self-control. No one is calling for giving up romances and flirting, but you shouldn’t give hope to several applicants at the same time, although this is exactly what Aries may want. Decide on your choice of partner before the start of summer, and you can create a strong and happy marriage - of course, if you strive for this. If you don’t have such a desire yet, be at least honest with the applicants: this way you will preserve both your own well-being and the respect of others. In any case, if Aries wants to get joy and happiness from a relationship, and not problems and suffering, it is better for them to restrain their stubbornness and stormy temper. In general, the Year of the Rooster is considered an excellent time to start a family, and family Aries are encouraged not to delay with a happy addition.

U Taurus, always serious and strict, romantic inclinations may awaken. Even those who are married or have been married for more than a year will feel the “heat of the heart,” and this is wonderful if it is “directed” towards their soul mate. Beware of “seditious” thoughts and desires: having felt that they are “nowhere else to go,” many family Taurus can dream (and not only!) about love adventures. There is no need to “go to the left”, or even look there: this will not bring happiness, and the consequences can be fatal. Free Taurus will also have an excellent chance, but they will not necessarily get married, although the relationship, in any case, will not bring disappointment and pain. Most likely, Taurus will be able to understand what they really want: a bright and beautiful, but short-lived relationship that is not obligatory to anything, or “together forever” - intuition will help.

Gemini in the first three months there is “no time for love” - they will “get busy” with work and career. Even married couples will pay virtually no attention to their significant other, and this is unacceptable - unless, of course, you want to fall into the category of “free” again. Only in the second half of the year will Gemini wake up and remember that love and family are the most serious things in life. It is in the year of the Rooster that many Geminis will be able to become more attentive to their partners, learn to respect and appreciate them - this will greatly help them in the future. For those who are planning to “build a nest,” you don’t have to rush to “register according to the law” if your life together has not yet been established. Test the strength of your feelings and those of your partner: true love will not be afraid of difficulties, and even more so of everyday problems. Geminis who are “in search” are advised to take a closer look at their immediate surroundings: dreaming of “fairy-tale princes” and “real queens”, we often do not notice real happiness “under our noses”.

Available Cancers in the year of the Rooster, they will also actively look for partners, but they will do this in a somewhat unique way, going through options at a speed that is not at all typical for this sign. The demands and requirements for potential partners will be quite high, and this approach will become a serious obstacle in building relationships. Cancers should as soon as possible begin to learn to “separate the wheat from the chaff,” distinguishing fleeting interest from serious intentions, and use all their experience in this, no matter how bitter it may seem. Family Cancers and those with a couple will feel better: everything in the relationship is peaceful and harmonious - their partners will make them happy. But there is a danger here too, and it lies in the Cancers themselves - or rather, in their tendency to selfishness and suspicion. Give up jealousy and nagging - they will not bring anything good - stop blaming your partner for your troubles and bad mood, and start thinking not only about yourself. Those who can do this will be pleasantly surprised by the results. And family Cancers are also promised the protection of the Rooster in the conception and birth of healthy children - this opportunity should not be missed.

Lions, as usual, will not suffer from lack of attention from the opposite sex. Wherever they go, interesting options for dating and romantic adventures will lie in wait for them, but it’s better not to get carried away with promiscuous relationships. By allowing themselves to “go wild”, Leos can not only “tarnish their reputation”, but also acquire health problems. At the very least, by the end of summer it’s worth slowing down and looking around. It is possible that at this time a person will appear who will make the “kings and queens” forget about their irresistibility and insatiability: many Leos will want to give up casual relationships for the sake of serious relationships. “Paired” Leos, who have been trying for a long time to revive their faded relationships, will be able to free themselves from unnecessary burdens in the year of the Rooster. Don’t try to “glue back a broken cup” over and over again, but let go of your partner, and it will become easier for everyone. If you do this sincerely, with the best wishes, you will soon be able to meet someone whom you will not want to let go for many, many years. Married Leos should think about their spouses: a joint vacation, as well as solving everyday problems together, will allow them to see that they can admire and admire not only themselves, but also others - this will benefit Leos.

Virgos the stars promise a favorable year: beautiful romances and wedding bells. Of course, it is not necessary to get married, but romantic relationships that bring joy and pleasure are promised to everyone - with the condition: get out of your comfort zone and not indulge in sad thoughts. May and the subsequent summer months will become especially bright, and pleasant chores may begin in the spring: many Virgos who have had a partner for a long time will decide to prepare for the wedding, and family relationships will become brighter and more interesting. By the way, many family Virgos will have improved living conditions, and this will have a beneficial effect on the composition of the family: the addition of the Rooster in the year is quite possible. Free Virgos are promised a wide choice of partners, and it is predicted that they will change them almost every day - such predictions are hardly worth following. Romance and light flirting are one thing, but twisted intrigues and love “polygons” are quite another. Virgos can find a couple by going on vacation to another part of the country or the world: either a long-term romance will begin, or a serious relationship will develop into a marriage.

Libra, although this sign is not particularly frivolous, it is suggested not to flirt with the opposite sex, not to make hints and not to make frivolous promises. Especially in the first half of the year, it is recommended to be correct and restrained: those who seek the attention of Libra may take the game at face value. Conflicts and quarrels between partners can arise precisely because of the essence of Libra: representatives of this sign are fickle, and even prone to whims - in the year of the Rooster, these character traits can seriously hinder them. Meanwhile, who else but Libra, the stars destined to maintain balance and harmony in everything, including in their personal lives, and these wonderful natural qualities will help to “bloodlessly” resolve emerging problems and maintain “high” relationships with partners . A calm period is promised in the second half of the year. You can go on vacation with your partner, spend time together in the company of friends, and visit family and friends. And those who do not yet know their partner’s parents can decide to meet them without hesitation: everything will work out as well as possible. Free Libras are advised to behave as prudently and “decently” as possible: hasty conclusions and gossip that appear “like mushrooms after rain” can ruin not only their reputation, but - what is much more serious - their mood and well-being.

Scorpios, like Leos, will bask in the attention of the opposite sex. Their charm will “blow away” many, but this should not be used for manipulation and entertainment. On the contrary, existing relationships should be strengthened, and new applicants should be seriously considered. There are legends about the “off-scale” sexuality of Scorpios: use it “to the maximum” in the year of the Rooster, do something you haven’t dared to do before - it will delight your partner. The year is also good for joint travel, travel, and recreation: all this will serve to strengthen and improve relationships. Scorpios who have been in a relationship for a long time, but do not want to “lose their independence,” should remember: no one can take away our freedom except ourselves. “Singles in life” are advised to stop wasting time searching for an ideal partner: by demanding perfection from others (and unreasonably), you risk forever remaining a “disappointed wanderer.” By the way, in the middle of the year, Scorpios are promised an unexpected meeting that can change all their ideas about love and relationships between the sexes. The Year of the Rooster is a wonderful period for an official marriage: couples who entered into a union at this time will have enough strength, time, and money to quickly and comfortably arrange a “family nest.”

Sagittarius It is proposed to be more decisive, and, if such an opportunity arises, also not to delay in getting married. It is too early? Okay, but it’s worth practicing how to live together: for those who have not yet decided to live together, now is the time to try. Constancy and loyalty to your partner will “play into the hands” of Sagittarius: these qualities will help your betrothed to take the decisive step, and will allow both of you to find family happiness. Indecision also hinders free Sagittarius: when you meet a possible match, do not be afraid to make a mistake, but find out whether this is really your match. Courage and romance will help attract attention and “make your partner fall in love with you.” Family Sagittarius is promised shocks in the form of betrayal of their spouses, and they are recommended to prevent possible cataclysms by fulfilling a long-standing desire of their spouse or making a valuable (not necessarily expensive) gift.

U Capricorn Unexpected talents may appear, including in the domestic sphere. Partners will definitely notice this and will be pleasantly surprised, but beware of the envy of others: if anything can ruin a relationship, then this is “it.” The advice is generally the same as for other signs. In the first place are wishes to Capricorns who are in a long-term relationship: do not delay entering into an official marriage. True, obstacles are promised here: Capricorns’ relatives may not like their choice, and some relatives for some reason will decide that they have the right to interfere in the lives of other people. Do not give in to provocations: be calm and confident in yourself - every person has the right to free choice. Free Capricorns should stay away from negative personalities, and “not fall into paranoia” themselves: failures and grievances that haunted you in the past can take away love and happiness - don’t let this happen. The Year of the Rooster is the best time to start a new life, bright, interesting and joyful.

Aquarius they are sociable and charming as never before, and the choice of partners for them will be very wide and rich. But only a few will be able to choose, and the rest will be hindered by too pronounced egoism. Depression can also overtake many Aquarians, and astrologers call serious relationships the cure for it. But don’t think that for the sake of this you can rush into the arms of any “suitable” candidate: casual connections, like the desire to create a happy family from “two solitudes,” will bring nothing but disappointment and emptiness. Fortunately, Aquarius has time to work on their character: the ability to hear and see not only themselves will help them consider their true soul mate, and then find a common language. Married people are advised to think more about their spouses than about work; those who do not listen to this may be left alone. Then there will certainly be enough time to build a career, but it is unlikely to bring joy.

Pisces in love, work and affairs will also interfere: quarrels and even scandals may begin with partners and in families. And here almost radical measures are proposed: turn off the phone on weekends, go on vacation with your loved ones and relatives. Another obstacle to the happiness of Pisces can be their pickiness and desire to find faults in other people. There is no need to direct such energy towards your partners: you will not be able to change the other person, and you may lose peace and understanding for a long time. For free Pisces, the Rooster has many new and interesting meetings in store, and they need to be more careful: taking all acquaintances as just another opportunity for flirting, and nothing more, you risk losing the chance for a happy marriage, and then you will regret it for a long time. It is interesting that Pisces is almost the only sign that is not invited to marry in the year of the Rooster. Of course, if nothing can shake your determination, you are welcome, but in general Pisces are advised to wait until next year: astrologers think that representatives of this sign should undergo a small “strength test” and also strengthen their financial situation.

The fiery energy of the coming 2017 will also have an impact on the sex life of representatives of different zodiac signs. The stars will definitely not let those who are still looking for their soulmate or those who are already in a relationship get bored.

Sexual horoscope for 2017 according to the signs of the Zodiac:

Sexual horoscope for Aries for 2017

In the coming year, those Aries who are in search of their soul mate will sharply increase their activity and radiate extraordinary attractiveness to the opposite sex. The secret to success in relationships is simple - the more confidence you show, the more people will be attracted to you. Those who are already in a relationship may be tempted to experiment, just be careful in February and the first half of spring - at this time it is better not to make your partner jealous. The end of the year will be rich in pleasant surprises in relationships, but it is possible that for almost the entire year you will have to show more initiative and activity.

Sexual horoscope for Taurus for 2017

A measured and generally predictable start to the year, a desire to radically diversify their sex life in the middle of the year and a desire to return to more romance in relationships at the end of the year - this is the general direction of Taurus’ sex life in 2017. However, it is also worth considering that your partner may not be so radically inclined to change, so in the middle of the year it is worth taking into account his desires too. But this is also a great time to discuss your needs - frankly and without false shyness. The beginning of autumn is a time of sensual experimentation, but do not forget about the importance of how you look and present yourself in close relationships.

Sexual horoscope for Gemini for 2017

The energy of 2017 will not let those who are actively searching and those who are already building relationships get bored. Willingness to experiment, to update and the ability to hear your partner - all this will bring a considerable amount of variety to your sex life in the coming year. The external side, the attributes - all this is important in the spring months, although it is better to do without bold experiments, the time for which will come in the second half of the year. It is possible that in the summer many representatives of Gemini in close relationships will value more the romance and beautiful words and actions of their partner. For those who are in search of their soulmate, advice from the stars: use the favorable influence of the planets in the second half of February and mid-August to build an image of the desired partner and start looking for him in real life.

Sexual horoscope for Cancer for 2017

In 2017, many representatives of your sign will be determined to deal with problems in relationships and intimate life. Some people would prefer to talk to their partner and discuss what worries them. And some Cancers will simply decide to break off ballast relationships and will also be right. The coming year will require you to honestly answer the question of how satisfied you are with the person who is next to you. Some relationships can still be saved, but some are worth giving up and moving on. The second half of the year will be marked by a softer influence of the planets and this will directly affect your intimate life - more romance will appear, beautiful declarations of love will sound, tenderness will return. But if you take the initiative and confess your secret desires to your partner, this will only improve your relationship with your loved one.

Sexual horoscope for Leo for 2017

Free representatives of this sign will want bright impressions and exciting relationships from the very beginning of the year. Be careful if you are not ready to start long-term romances, because the influence of the planets at this time increases the likelihood of meeting an unsuitable partner. However, for those who are simply in the mood to get distracted in a new relationship, the stars promise a bright feeling. Throughout the year, you will be noticeable and easily play off your charm. By the way, it is possible that you will be the one who will be active in the relationship and take the first step towards the one who has attracted your attention. Married Leos and those in relationships should slightly moderate their ardor and direct maximum energy to preserving those courtship rituals that are accepted in your couple. The time to experiment in intimate life will come in October, and until then it is better to stick to what you are both guaranteed to like.

Sexual horoscope for Virgo for 2017

Many representatives of your sign are internally inclined to change, but at the same time they understand perfectly well that they should not “cut in the heat of the moment” and change generally stable relationships. Yes, if you are interested in continuing an existing relationship, you will have to think about changes. At the same time, there is no need to play roles that are unusual for you and try to pretend to be relaxed in situations where you feel embarrassed. But it’s better to try to find out what your partner would like and make his desire come true. Knowing in advance what your loved one expects from you, you will feel much more confident. Those who are looking for a partner can safely think about a brighter and more expressive image - this way you will attract more attention to yourself and increase the likelihood of starting a new relationship.

Sexual horoscope for Libra for 2017

Casual dating and short romances are not your path in the coming year, even if you are looking for your soulmate. Most likely, you will be attracted primarily to those who share the same hobbies and interests with you. First, communication and an attempt to get to know each other better, and then it is possible to continue the relationship. Such a thorough approach will bear fruit - the very person with whom the relationship will continue in the future may appear in your life. For those who are already in a couple, the stars advise them to think about diversifying their intimate life, including changing their external environment. Even short trips and solitude in an unusual environment will help you make your personal life more vibrant.

Sexual horoscope for Scorpio for 2017

Throughout almost the entire year, most representatives of your sign will wonder what you want in love and sex, what you lack, and what you would like to give up altogether. While you are determined to think, analyze and make the necessary decisions, but from October you will be full of desire to bring your planned changes to life. For some, this will mean completely new acquaintances, vibrant relationships, and a rich personal life. And representatives of this sign, born in the last ten days of October, can give a second chance to meaningful relationships. Throughout the fall, you should avoid provoking your partner to jealousy, as this can lead to completely different consequences than you would like to have. The end of the year is the time to make a truce with those you care about and show romantic attention to your soulmate.

Sexual horoscope for Sagittarius for 2017

Spontaneity and impulsiveness are character traits that can complicate an existing relationship with a partner. Even if you feel that a routine is creeping into your relationship, do not rush to fix everything in one fell swoop. As always, a conversation will come to the rescue - open, sincere and trusting. You can safely tell your partner that you are not satisfied with your relationship and sex life, but here you should avoid accusations and reproaches. Be prepared to listen to the one you care about - he also has something to tell you. Unmarried and lonely Sagittarius will be torn throughout the year between the desire to build strong relationships and uncertainty about their own readiness for them. However, it is better to try than to worry about what did not happen. If your partner invites you to move to a more stable level of relationship, you should agree.

Sexual horoscope for Capricorn for 2017

Stable and predictable relationships will become a thing of the past for some Capricorns in 2017. You may suddenly be drawn to love adventures and exploits, and lonely representatives of the sign will be aimed at numerous acquaintances with the desire to choose the best from their environment. December Capricorns may feel a desire to cast aside previous restrictions in love and sex, while January Capricorns, on the contrary, will feel a desire for greater stability in close relationships. For those who are already in a relationship, the stars advise listening more to the needs of their partner and, in some cases, anticipating their desires. This way you can not only maintain your relationship in the coming year, but also make it brighter.

Sexual horoscope for Aquarius for 2017

Friends become lovers, and yesterday's lovers become friends or just buddies - such fluctuations are possible in the personal life of Aquarius, who are not yet in a serious relationship with a partner. Don’t try to keep someone who leaves your life; another person will take his place - someone who will bring you a brighter and more lasting relationship. But most likely, similar changes will occur in the life of Aquarius in the second half of the year. Those who are already in a relationship or marriage should think about how they can diversify their intimate life. And everything will come in handy here - the ability to create a conducive environment, a bright foreplay, and a willingness to experiment. Take the initiative yourself and act in accordance with your desires and the aspirations of your partner.

Sexual horoscope for Pisces for 2017

The coming year will give many Pisces representatives a bright and eventful personal life. Both those who are in search of their soulmate and those who are already in a relationship can equally count on changes - unexpected, but favorable. Family representatives of the sign can expect more warmth and attention from their partner. It is possible that in your relationship lately routine has taken precedence over spontaneity, but your significant other is ready to fix everything herself. All that is required of you is to make it clear what you like and what you would prefer to abstain from for now. Lonely Pisces will also receive pleasant news on the personal front - throughout the year, especially in the second half, there remains a high probability of a fateful acquaintance, which can quickly develop into a bright, mutual and passionate relationship.

2017 will bring a lot of bright emotions, sometimes forcing you to do stupid things, take unexpected, rash actions and take risky steps. Be prepared for the fact that during this period you will want to enjoy life, to enjoy almost everything - from shopping, entertainment, food, travel and communication with the opposite sex. The stars will contribute to this, offering you a lot of temptations and opportunities to make new acquaintances.

If you are currently single, then take advantage of this time to find your soulmate. If you already have a loved one, then try not to play with fate and don’t leave your soulmate alone again in the coming year.

The period from July to October 2017 will be especially favorable for lovers and married couples. This is when you will have the opportunity to strengthen your relationship with your loved one or take it to the next level. The love horoscope for 2017 suggests that this is the most opportune moment to propose marriage, get married or have a child. Marriages concluded during this period will be marked with stars.

However, 2017 will not be such a cloudless year in terms of love. It promises serious passions, and as you know, passion is fire. It can easily burn in a family hearth, or it can burn down the whole house. That is why in 2017 the love horoscope advises not to play with feelings – neither your own nor those of others. You cannot succumb to such destructive feelings as suspicion and jealousy, and resort to deception and betrayal yourself. Otherwise, you risk getting severely burned.

In addition, in 2017, the love horoscope will incline you to display such human personality traits as selfishness and even egocentrism. And in love, such manifestations can lead you to a large number of clashes and quarrels with your partner. If your feelings are not yet strong, they may not withstand such a test. Therefore, the main advice that can be given to lovers for 2017 is this: “Do not pull the blanket over yourself, it may tear.”

Try to behave diplomatically and with restraint, and in 2017 you can only achieve a break with conflicts, quarrels and claims. Show wise restraint, and this will not only preserve your relationship with your partner, but will also take it to new heights.

Horoscopes for 2017 for Zodiac Signs

The bird is lively and energetic. For many signs it promises happy changes, bright love victories and unforgettable sensations. Unfortunately, the Rooster can be overly straightforward and self-confident - this may not have the best effect on your relationship with your significant other. In 2017, it is important to listen to the opinion of your loved one and take care of his feelings, and not think only about yourself. Check out our forecast and find out what awaits you on the love front in the Year of the Rooster!

Find out the forecast for 2017 for yourself and your significant other!

Forecast for OVNA

The Year of the Fire Rooster promises to be truly hot. Representatives of this sign can simply be drawn into a whirlpool of passionate feelings, deep emotions and romantic passion. The 2017 totem guarantees Aries the absence of boredom in relationships with the opposite sex: you haven’t won such victories for a long time!

The stars warn people born under this sign about the danger of thoughtlessly plunging into the maelstrom of love madness - not every acquaintance made in 2017 will bring you happiness and harmony, so take a close look at the contenders for your heart. Active and passionate Aries may decide that the best option is to have several romantic relationships at once. However, by the middle of the year it is necessary to make a clear choice. Otherwise, instead of a love idyll, you will get quarrels, conflicts and endless showdowns. The result is disappointing: Aries, who cannot decide on the choice of a partner, will be left with nothing.

In general, the year promises to be extremely successful for creating strong and lasting alliances. Couples who meet in 2017 will enjoy the sensuality and depth of their relationship. The only danger is the increased emotionality of Aries. Remember that sudden impulses are bad advisers in solving problems. You too often try to insist on your own simply out of sheepish stubbornness. The Fire Rooster will force you to moderate this trait for your own good.

It's time to pay attention to your partners! Show tolerance for your significant other’s shortcomings more often - this will help smooth out the rough edges in the relationship. Freedom-loving Aries may decide to get married in the year of the Fire Rooster. Do not be afraid of losing your personal freedom - the totem of the year promises its protection to your family hearth. Take a close look at old acquaintances - perhaps your soulmate will be found among friends and acquaintances. The Rooster will help you take a new look at this person.

Forecast for TAURUS

The Year of the Fire Rooster will immerse you in vivid and sensual experiences in the romantic field. Even those representatives of this sign who have been in a relationship for a long time will feel a new surge. It's like you'll be back on your honeymoon and be able to see your partner as he seemed on the first dates. Only the last quarter of the Year of the Rooster promises danger: the emotional upsurge you experience and confidence in your irresistibility can push you to new achievements in the field of love. Even the laziest Taurus, who “domesticated” a long time ago, may have a urge to “go to the left.” The stars warn you against temptations - you will not see happiness, but conflicts and disappointments are guaranteed.

The stars predict a successful year for lonely Taurus. Literally at the beginning of spring you can meet the person who is destined for you. Any novels begun under the auspices of the Fire Rooster will be memorable and full of mind-blowing events for you. However, Taurus is not inclined to be scattered over trifles, separating fleeting romantic experiences from serious feelings. But single Taurus will be happy to receive their portion of “veal tenderness” - you are guaranteed indescribable pleasure from joint walks and romantic dinners.

The stars indicate the likelihood that your new partner will be older and wealthier than you. Many Taurus will be determined to tie the knot. Your perseverance and determination will contribute to achieving this goal - it is impossible to refuse a Taurus who has made a decision and intends to implement it. Don’t forget to give in to your other half more often, and you will create a truly harmonious couple. The Rooster advises not to delay the birth of children and promises its protection to those conceived this year.

Forecast for GEMINI

The first half of 2017 will be relatively calm. Representatives of this sign, who have already found a soul mate, will immerse themselves in an atmosphere of calm and tranquility. In the year of the Fire Rooster, Gemini will not be prone to flirting, which is not at all typical for this sign. The 2017 totem promises to teach them greater seriousness and responsibility in relationships, which will benefit the flirtatious and flighty Gemini.

If you have been a couple for a long time, 2017 will be a good year to take your relationship to a new stage. You may not plan a wedding yet, but the decision to live together will be absolutely correct. You should learn how to live together in order to avoid disappointment when getting married. Be attentive and patient with your partner and pay more attention to the little things that usually escape your attention.

In general, the year promises to be successful for single Geminis - a serious and long-term hobby will enter your life, which may end in a wedding. Your destiny will depend on your efforts and romantic achievements. Take a closer look at your recent acquaintances - at one of the parties you will have a chance to meet your soulmate.

Astrologers warn you against office romances - in 2017, there is a risk of falling into love networks placed right in the workplace. If you are able to separate the personal from the public, it is quite possible that your relationship will be successful. However, for a long time you will become a subject of discussion for the company's employees. Not all couples can get out of this situation with honor. The stars talk about the high risk of ending the romance in the second half of the year, as well as about damaged working relationships.

Prognosis for CANCER

In 2017, representatives of this sign will frivolously switch their attention from one object of passion to another. At the same time, they themselves will only accept signs of attention - exceptional demands on partners will not allow them to make the final choice. Astrologers warn emotional Cancers that already in the middle of the year the Rooster can bring you down to earth: if you get carried away by flirting and coquetry, you may miss a truly significant person. Cancers who can approach the issue of relationships more seriously will most likely be able to create a happy couple with their chosen one.

Representatives of this sign, who have already found their soul mate, will enjoy harmonious relationships. The only danger is your jealousy. Sudden mood swings can scare away even the most patient and loving partner, so you should stop bursting into tears over and over again. Remember that your partner also needs care and attention to his problems. Honesty and openness can take your relationship to the next level. The year is favorable for expanding the family - caring Cancers will be happy when they become parents. The Fire Rooster promises its protection in this matter.

In general, the year helps to strengthen existing relationships. The main thing is to be able to differentiate between sincere feelings and fleeting hobbies in time, and to pay attention to working on past mistakes. The Year of the Fire Rooster will teach secretive Cancers honesty and the ability to sacrifice personal desires in favor of a loved one. Cancers who can overcome all the difficulties presented by fate will be rewarded at the end of the year: your romantic story may well end with a fun wedding.

Horoscope for LEO

The Fire Rooster will bring many romantic temptations into the life of the royals. The attention that representatives of this sign will receive will raise their self-esteem to the skies. The opportunities that open up can captivate you so much that you forget about the need to be careful. Astrologers recommend that Leos remember the dangers of one-night stands, otherwise you risk not only your reputation, but also your health.

Leos who are in a relationship must remember to devote their precious attention to their partner. You are too inclined to defend your own interests and often forget about the importance of compromise in matters of everyday life and recreation. The 2017 totem will force you to yield to your lover. If you don't learn, you will feel a painful blow from a sharp rooster's beak.

The year will be significant for those who have been in doubt until now. The Fire Rooster will put all the dots in a relationship: true love can overcome any difficulties. If you still weren’t sure of your sincere affection for your partner, then you would rather break up than continue to drag on the burden of a hopeless relationship. Lonely Lions will go hunting in 2017. Their determination, perseverance and charm will help them take any bastion - no one will be able to resist a Leo in love for long. But don’t relax - the inability to listen and feel your partner’s needs can play a cruel joke on you.

The Fire Rooster promises special protection to Leos who are divorced. It is quite possible that the person whom you have long considered only a good friend will become your chosen one. New happiness is already looming on the horizon - don’t be afraid to plunge into the whirlpool of feelings and romantic experiences again. Even the most self-sufficient Leos will be happy to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of warm family evenings. But keep in mind that your personal happiness is in your hands - the Rooster will require decisive action from you.

Forecast for VIRGO

The Year of the Fire Rooster promises to bring into life a clear awareness of her aspirations in the romantic sphere. Representatives of this sign will not sit idly by and plunge into love torment. The 2017 totem will give indecisive Virgos perseverance, which will help them achieve their goals. Not a single heart can resist the pressure of a Virgo in love, so feel free to begin the assault. Spring and summer will be a particularly favorable period for achieving personal happiness. The Fire Rooster will allow you to bring matters not only to a whirlwind romance, but also to wedding bells.

In the spring, the Rooster promises to infect you with love fever - single Virgos will change partners like gloves, lovers will be in the mood for wedding troubles, and married ones will experience a second honeymoon. The symbol of 2017 guarantees that even the most pragmatic Virgo will want to go for a walk under the moon - with this you will not only surprise your partner, but also refresh the memories of your happiest days. Learn to listen to your soulmate and don’t brush off her whims in order to maintain a refreshing wave of romantic emotions for a long time.

Do not forget about solving pressing household problems; in particular, the year will be very favorable for expanding your living space. During the period of autumn depression, you may have doubts about the correctness of your choice - brush aside any of them. Plan a trip together for the fall, wander through the ancient streets of Europe and feel the spirit of the Middle Ages.

In general, the year promises many romantic acquaintances for the sociable and easy-going Virgos. The most promising of them will take place abroad. Feel free to go on vacation to distant countries - there is a high probability that you will begin a long-term romance with a happy ending. The stars recommend that you turn off your rationality for a while - do not be afraid that long-distance relationships will be difficult, because the Rooster, like no other, patronizes bold undertakings and rewards the most persistent and patient.

Forecast for LIBRA

The Fire Rooster will closely monitor. It's time to learn to be more careful about the feelings of others. Your imbalance will not add happiness to your personal life. Your significant other will get tired of tolerating your whims and frivolity, and the risk of quarrels and conflicts will increase. Don’t give up and don’t expect that difficulties will resolve themselves - the symbol of 2017 insists on a quick and diplomatic resolution of any conflict situations. Libras who can achieve balance will overcome love problems with honor. In the second half of the year, the stars will allow you to immerse yourself in an atmosphere of peace. Take advantage of the calm period - go on a joint trip or visit distant relatives.

Lonely Libras will be overly inclined to flirt without commitment from the very beginning of the year. Remember that frivolous behavior can lead to negative consequences - gossip, speculation and scandals will bring many unpleasant moments into your life. If you fail to pull yourself together in time, you will remain alone until the end of the year. Any romance started in the spring will fade away on its own over time. Some of these amorous adventures will lead to great friendships, but most will end in quarrels and showdowns. Think about it, is it worth wasting time and spoiling your nerves?

The second half of 2017 will shift Libra’s mood to the other extreme - they will withdraw into themselves and engage in self-criticism, regretting the lack of home comfort and warmth. Take a closer look at your surroundings - you have long been attracted to a person whom you have never noticed. In an effort to get their piece of happiness, Libra may try to bring back those with whom they broke up several years ago. It will seem to you that this is a great idea, but alas, the revived relationship will not bring the desired peace into your life.

Forecast for SCORPIO

Spoiled by fate, even in the year of the Fire Rooster, he will not experience a shortage of attention from representatives of the opposite sex. No one can resist the charm and attractiveness of representatives of this sign. Take advantage of the stars' favor to improve your relationship with your regular partner or create a new harmonious couple. However, astrologers warn family representatives of this sign. Scorpios must remember that sometimes a bird in the hand is much better than an ephemeral pie in the sky. Excessive enthusiasm for flirting can lead not just to quarrels, but to separation. Cast aside doubts and torment - your significant other will not be able to forgive cheating, and you will spend the rest of the year biting your elbows.

Direct your potential to bring newness to a stable and calm relationship. Voice your intimate desires and be the initiator of love games more often. Don’t forget about the benefits of spending time together, start a common hobby and try to travel more in the new year. Well, lonely Scorpios can expect a fateful acquaintance closer to the middle of the year. Look around carefully - your ideal may appear on the horizon quite unexpectedly. Astrologers say that you will have to make an effort to achieve your goal, but the result will exceed your wildest expectations.

Scorpios who have been in a couple for a long time, but are afraid of losing their independence, should cast aside any doubts. The Year of the Fire Rooster favors the formalization of relationships. Even the most freedom-loving representatives of this sign will feel ready to build a cozy family nest. The 2017 totem will help you find financial resources to realize this desire. Extravagant Scorpio will enjoy talking about the luxury of his wedding celebration for a long time.

Forecast for SAGITTARIUS

In the year of the Fire Rooster, people will be endowed with extremely high romantic potential. All the worries and anxieties of past years will fade away, allowing you to immerse yourself in an atmosphere of sensual pleasures. You will have only one desire - to be close to your soulmate every minute of time. Well, this is very commendable - the Rooster will support you in every possible way and fill the relationship with only positive emotions.

Even the most flighty and careless representatives of this sign can become truly responsible. With this you will definitely surprise your partner, who is already desperate to take the relationship to a new stage of development. The depth of feelings will make Sagittarius think about changing their marital status. Don’t be afraid of this - the Rooster will support the desire to create a family home and bless your couple. Try living together - and you will be surprised how pleasant it is to spend your evenings having long, heartfelt conversations.

Free Sagittarians are likely to meet their soulmate. The indecision and hesitation inherent in Sagittarius can delay the fateful meeting. You need to become bolder and stop weighing your every move. The Rooster wants you to be a little more romantic and even more reckless. If you don’t listen to the recommendations of the heavenly bodies, the object of your adoration will be taken away from right under your nose. Remember that winning your happiness in a hurry is easier than trying to get it back through a long siege.

Astrologers warn married Sagittarians about the risk of your significant other cheating. Do not rush to blame your partner - you yourself have forgotten about the need to fan the fire of passion from time to time. Consider preventive measures - for example, take your partner to the place of your first meeting, pay attention to organizing a romantic evening on Valentine's Day, and be attentive to any requests and wishes of your loved one. If you can bring back your old emotions, the stars will negate any possibility that your significant other will look to the left. The second half of the year will relieve you of worries - your home will again burn with the bright flame of love.

Forecast for CAPRICORN

The Fire Rooster promises to reveal completely unusual talents. You will be able to completely immerse yourself in household chores, becoming a truly ideal host or hostess. You will easily solve any household issues, surrounding your family with attention and care. Your partner may perceive these changes with some wariness, suspecting that this is how you cover up traces of past mistakes. But over time, the worries will subside and your family will arouse the envy of those around you - you’ll have to look for such a cozy family nest! However, the stars warn that your desire for order in the house can lead to completely unnecessary nagging and conflicts.

The Year of the Fire Rooster will open up the opportunity for Capricorns to take relationships to a higher level. A period of grace is coming for you - problems at home will be solved by themselves. On the wave of success, you may well decide to start life together in an official marriage. Well, if you are confident in your feelings, then why not take this responsible step? The symbol of 2017 promises you its support. However, there is a risk that relatives will start to put a spoke in your wheels. Do not enter into destructive conflicts - calmly and balancedly defend your right to privacy. With this position, your choice will be perceived more calmly, and by the end of the year, passions will subside completely.

Lonely Capricorns should put aside excessive suspicion. Of course, your past experience and negative emotions, which were sufficient in previous years, speak to you. The Fire Rooster advises you to start life with a clean slate and not suspect everyone of insincere intentions. Try to cultivate the ability to trust in yourself - and then your soulmate will meet you in mid-2017. This person will melt the hardened heart of Capricorn and relieve him of the acute feeling of loneliness.

Forecast for AQUARIUS

If by the beginning of 2017 he has not yet made a choice in favor of one of the possible partners, then he is unlikely to settle down in the year of the Fire Rooster. The sociability and charm of this sign will provide him with so many choices that he will not be able to make a final decision. In addition, free Aquarians will be too prone to selfishness. The stars say that if you don’t learn to put your partner’s desires and feelings at least on the same level as your own, you will continue to rush from one spark of love to another throughout 2017.

Aquarians will be able to settle down only by the autumn period - rains and gray skies will put them in a lyrical mood. You will be able to rethink your behavior, but there is a risk that the feeling of loneliness will force you to start another fleeting romance. Because of him, you will not see the person you really need. If representatives of the Aquarius sign can become more serious and responsible, then the Rooster will provide them with true love. Feel free to move in together a few months after meeting each other - freshness of feelings and emotional uplift will help you overcome the difficulties of the first days of mutual adjustment.

Family Aquarians need to moderate their career aspirations. Your partner is already tired of being in the background - he has endured frequent absences and constant busyness for a long time, but everything comes to an end. Astrologers recommend that Aquarians withdraw from the professional race for a while and pay attention to strengthening the family bastion. Learn to make your partner's dreams come true. A new life will help cement the union - the year of the Fire Rooster is very favorable for replenishing the family. If you don't change anything, the heavenly bodies predict an increased risk of divorce by the end of 2017. The choice of priorities is yours, but remember that a broken cup cannot be mended.

Forecast for PISCES

During 2017, people will strive to spend as much time as possible with their family. However, life will make its own adjustments - you will be constantly distracted by work problems and troubles. Astrologers talk about the risk of conflicts and quarrels with a partner in the first half of 2017. Try to distract yourself from social problems at least on weekends, otherwise you won’t be able to sort out the heap of troubles that befell you on the love front. On Saturday and Sunday, turn off your work number and go to the cinema, shopping or for a walk in the park. This is the only way you can preserve everything that has been achieved through such efforts.

Do not rush to defend your views with a banner in your hands. The Rooster does not welcome dogmatism and indulgence in personal interests. The ability to compromise will come to the aid of Pisces. If you do not heed the warning of the stars, you risk getting a deep crack in your relationship. Try to pay less attention to your partner’s shortcomings, because you yourself are not without sin. Remember that constant nagging and dissatisfaction will not strengthen your relationship, but will only bring discord into a completely harmonious life.

The Year of the Fire Rooster is preparing to come into its own and give lovers and those looking for their love new, unforgettable experiences. The love horoscope for 2017 according to the zodiac signs will reveal all the secrets and nuances of the approaching year. Anyone who is ready to accept the gift of the proud and wise Rooster will find many tips and discoveries for himself.

Aries have always been distinguished by their ability to think through any situation and make the right decisions. Now several horizons are opening up for them, which will amaze with their brightness and importance. One of them is love, which they look forward to.

Relationship-free signs will meet many interesting people who are ready to stay with them, but such a huge choice will force you to take a closer look at everyone. Do not give hope to people whose advances you will accept, for fear of offending - thereby you will give hope. Learn to tell the truth, even the tough one - this will solve many problems in your life. Choose with your heart, only under this condition will you be happy.

Married Aries will want an explosion of emotions, a surge of feelings and “butterflies in the stomach.” Your significant other will support your emotional rainbow, but don't expect the same enchanting feeling from her. Your intensity of passion is quite enough for two. Sensuality and the desire to give love will begin to weaken by autumn. Flirting with strangers will not lead to anything good - your spouse deserves attention.

Taurus are full of expectations from loved ones and those around them. They ask in surprise: why don’t they notice me? It's time to take the initiative yourself. The calmness and external tranquility of Taurus actually hides an internal hurricane. Let it come out and be done. You may well show your best side. Free representatives of the signs can easily establish serious, fruitful relationships with the opposite sex, but only if they themselves take the first step. Don't be afraid, the Rooster has a surprise for you.

Taurus, whose marriage lasts more than five years, do not be picky, see in your half self-love and care. Make compromises, give your warmth, and by summer you can experience a new honeymoon. There will be no boundaries to joy and sensuality.

For Geminis, who have plunged into work headlong, it will only be in the fall that they will “get ready for love.” They themselves will understand that in fact they lack this feeling, that the colors have become faded, and fees and salaries are not what they dream of. In the year of the Rooster, autumn for the sign will shine with all the colors of feelings. An easy relationship can easily develop into something more. Trust your intuition. New people come into life to become your destiny, and if they turn out to be not your soul mate, then at least a good friend.

Twins, sealed by marriage, are immersed in worries and work. Only if they look back and pay attention to their spouse will they understand that they need their attention and warmth. Do not lose the thread that connects you, do not fall for adultery - they are nothing compared to what you have already had for many years. The novelty of the relationship will be accepted with gratitude by your half.

Cancers are waiting for the moment when the most important Cancer whistles on the mountain. They choose meticulously, scrupulously search for the best, they are afraid to make a mistake by choosing the one who is now nearby and ready to be with them. Cancers are waiting for the “best.” The rooster will look at their arrogance until the summer and begin to “peck”. This will be understandable when loved ones begin to pay less and less attention, call less often, and do not invite you to visit. Finding a soulmate for Cancer is a special event, which they approach with excessive scrupulousness. Only when he begins to lose the right person will he realize that he cannot see life without him and take an important step.

Family signs will set out in search of a better life. If the relationship has reached a dead end for a long time, you will not stay together in any case. If love is alive in the family, even if it is not noticeable, Cancers will understand this, and harmony in the relationship will be established. Don't rush things, listen to yourself.

Leos bask in the attention of the opposite sex, but do not forget that interest in your person can also be caused by mercantile reasons. Learn to see what is important, check relationships, trust only trusted people. Short-term romances or one-time meetings can not only disappoint, but also undermine your health. Already in the spring, free signs can meet the very person on whom you can completely rely.

Family Leos should moderate their egocentrism somewhat, because their significant other needs attention no less than they do. Peace in the family depends on you this year. You will be haunted by temptations, but you will certainly make the right choice.

To achieve happiness, Virgos must finally turn off their rationality. By allowing the situation to develop independently, without analyzing what is happening, they will see that life itself, in a stormy stream, will bring to their feet so many gifts that they never dreamed of. Trust new people, don't be afraid of mistakes. The love horoscope for 2017 is a great opportunity to read the future from sight. Are you strong and healthy, do you have successful relationships at work, but the long-awaited relationship is not coming? After the New Year holidays, you will be able to see that your choice is near you. Let your loved one mature.

Married Virgos are surrounded by the love and care of their other half; they accept and give their love. Tender relationships will awaken in you on an unprecedented scale. Allow yourself to be more relaxed, offer new things and accept your spouse's suggestions.

Libra in the year of the Fire Rooster will have to balance their inner state before starting a relationship and looking for love. Your insecurity has a destructive effect on others - they cannot form a general impression of you, and therefore they are afraid of a relationship with you. The Rooster gives you the opportunity to look within yourself and see what you really need. The summer of 2017 will be a landmark time for you, and autumn will sound not only with the rustling of leaves, but also with a Mendelssohn waltz, but only if you know exactly what you want, when and how much.

Married Libras are moving into a wonderful phase of the relationship where trust between them is at its maximum, thanks to the fact that you appreciate everything that is given to you. You gratefully accept your partner’s advances and respond with warmth and affection. Look for inspiration in this harmony, share it. Traveling together can become another honeymoon and give a lot of impressions.

Scorpios will be too carried away by attention to themselves, and this can hurt the pride of their loved ones or loved ones. Calmness and moderation in everything is the Scorpio slogan for 2017. Only by becoming more modest, by learning to analyze and calculate moves, will you become interesting to the people you need. Frivolous relationships, light flirting and short-term romances are not what you really need now, don’t deceive yourself. Become a person you can trust, with whom you can share your destiny, and your person, your half, will not be delayed in making a decision. She will definitely choose you.

Family Scorpios are now prone to adultery; they need attention, which is not enough from their husband or wife. They are confident and believe that they are in control of the situation. In fact, you are closer than ever to failure. Your family is not strong now, and your home is not a fortress. The marriage may fall apart “thanks” to your infidelities. Do not assert yourself at the expense of easy relationships, establish a family hearth, do not spare wood for the fire of your feelings, awaken the former romanticism in your heart.

Sagittarians “skim the skin” in relationships with the opposite sex. Their patience, listening skills and sincere interest will produce results. Already in the spring they will be the most desirable brides and grooms. Thanks to their easy-going nature, they are loved by others. The most important thing for Sagittarius is not to follow the lead of those to whom they are not inclined, just so as not to offend them. Choose with your heart, and only what is dear to you.

Family Sagittarians are not selfish by nature, but in the year of the Rooster their emotionality and warmth will play the role of an exploded reactor and awaken new feelings in the family. Unexpected dates with your husband or wife, walks, holidays together. You attract looks like a magnet. It's a wonderful time for your family. Be sure that everything is going as it should, and do not leave the chosen distance.

Capricorns have decided to be independent - they will want to engage in soul-searching, searching for reasons and even truths. You spend too much time on relationship theory, afraid of making mistakes and choosing the wrong person. It's time to start practicing, because if you've locked yourself at home from everyone, the postman won't knock on your door with an invitation to a date. Mistakes are a ladder to experience, and the next step will be successful. Don’t be afraid to open up to new people, try to talk about positive things, don’t complain – after all, people want to see people happy and smiling. Your happiness is just around the corner - in the fall you will consider the right person in your company.

Family Capricorns bury their heads in business, bills, and searching for opportunities for new investments. They forgot about simple human joys. Therefore, you should not be surprised that your significant other is constantly sad and makes constant claims to you. Get out of the circle of worries and spend time with your family.

Aquarius is overwhelmed by the possibilities and cannot make a choice. He is on the Olympus of his sensuality and his self-confidence is off the charts. This, of course, attracts one-day butterflies, who, having looked closely at him, understand that he is not able to examine every specimen right now. The attention to his person is enormous. People come and go, and only closer to autumn, having tuned into a lyrical mood, he will remember several whom he lost “thanks” to his blindness by success. It’s not too late to catch up, the main thing is don’t lose that one, right person.

Family Aquarians do not want to take steps towards a meeting, they want something new and fresh. They are not ready to repair, build, they are surprised by their state of confidence in their own rightness, but they cannot do anything about it. The evidence and common sense of those around them is nothing to them. Autumn will put everything in its place. The main thing is not to break wood that will not be collected in the future. Appreciate your loved ones, otherwise elbow biting courses are where you will be a frequent client in the coming months.


Pisces seek refuge in family and close circle. They were inspired by the desire to be involved in the family hearth. Free signs turn a blind eye to choice - they are ready to marry the first person they meet. Don’t rush things - yours will not leave you. Take a closer look at your immediate surroundings - people you have known for a long time will be the only right group to consider for marriage. Don’t rush around, don’t look for love by the packaging, take a closer look at the spiritual qualities of the person with whom you plan to spend your whole life.

Family Pisces idealize their relationships, and often do not see that in reality not everything in the family is as smooth as it seems. Take off your rose-colored glasses, look at the situation without emotions, and objectively assess the situation. If you notice that they are “riding on” you, and they have been riding on you for a long time, it’s not your imagination. Excessive diplomacy sometimes goes beyond the limits, and sometimes you need to be told: yes, you are right. Stand up for your point of view, be a voice, not an echo.
