What is calm on the Beaufort scale? How to determine storm scores? The main winds of different strengths that you need to know (5 photos) What does calm wind mean.

The difference in pressure between two different air regions results in wind. The speed and direction of its movement can vary depending on pressure indicators in time and space. In most areas of the planet, certain wind directions dominate. Thus, at the poles they prevail easterly winds, in temperate latitudes - western. Along with such areas, there are also calm zones and anomalous areas where the wind blows constantly.

Strong winds can also occur due to local changes such as the opposition of a cyclone and an anticyclone. Based on the effect of wind on land objects and waves at sea, wind strength is assessed in points on the Beaufort scale. Depending on how fast the wind blows, each wind force has its own verbal definition.

Wind speed: 1-5 km/h

From 0 to 1 point

Calm is windless or almost windless weather, in which maximum speed wind is no more than 0.5 m/s. When a calm wind blows, light ripples appear on the sea. On land, with such a wind, the smoke deviates from the vertical direction.
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Light, weak, moderate, fresh

Wind speed: 12-38 km/h

From 2 to 5 points

Wind from force 2 is classified as light. It can sway the leaves of trees, its breath can be felt on the skin. At 3 points, weak wind, branches and flags begin to sway, and short but pronounced waves appear on the sea. Moderate winds, which are estimated at 4 points, raise dust, blur the outlines of smoke and create whitecaps on the water. A fresh force 5 wind is capable of shaking thin trunks, causing a whistle in the ears and forming waves up to 2 meters high.

Strong, tough and very tough

Wind speed: from 39 to 61 km/h

From 6 to 8 points

A strong wind of force 6 usually prevents you from opening an umbrella. He can easily bend thin trees and swing thick branches. The height of the waves reaches 3 meters. It is difficult to go against a strong wind, which is estimated at 7 points. It will be even more difficult to do this if there is a very strong wind outside the window. It is also very difficult to speak in such a wind.


Wind speed: 75 to 88 km/h

From 9 to 11 points

The storm can be ordinary, strong and cruel. If an ordinary person just rips tiles from roofs and bends big trees, then its older “brothers” can destroy buildings, uproot trees and raise a wave 11 meters high.


Wind speed: more than 117 km/h

The hurricane literally destroys everything that gets in its path. Wind gusts can reach 50-60 m/sec. The wind can easily lift heavy objects into the air and carry them over considerable distances, sink ships and destroy monumental buildings.


The strongest gust of wind in history was recorded in 1934 at Mount Washington in New Hampshire, USA. For several minutes the wind blew at a speed of 123 m/s. Commonwealth Bay in Antarctica is considered the windiest place on the planet. There the wind blows constantly, and its speed reaches 240 km/h.

The section is very easy to use. Just enter the desired word in the field provided, and we will give you a list of its meanings. I would like to note that our site provides data from various sources - encyclopedic, explanatory, word-formation dictionaries. Here you can also see examples of the use of the word you entered.

The meaning of the word calm

calm in the crossword dictionary


Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Dal Vladimir


m. Morsk. quiet on the sea, calm, complete calm, when there is no movement. Before reaching the wind strip, we were overcome by calms. Calm time, time, streak. Calm, about the wind, calm down, go into complete calm;

about the ship, bol. talk to be becalmed, to be captured and detained at sea by a calm. To be calm is almost the same thing: to stand in a calm place, without moving, waiting for the wind, to be calm. Calm, -levan, state according to the verb.


M. German style talk about the arts, arts: school, style, gender, manner.

Calculation according to the new or old calendar. Old and new calm, Julian and Gregorian.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


calm, m. (gol. stil). Complete calm, calm (on the Sea, river, lake). - It was completely calm. The sea stretched out all around like a motionless lead-colored tablecloth. Turgenev.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


I, m. Complete calm at sea.

adj. calm, oh, oh.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


m. Lack of wind; calm (at sea, lake, etc.).

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


CALM (Dutch stil) calm or very weak wind (at a speed of up to 0.5 m/s).


(Gol. stil), calm, calm. According to the Beaufort scale at W, wind speed is 0≈0.2 m/sec. Usually Sh. are observed in internal parts stable anticyclones, in the so-called. baric saddles, in the intertropical convergence zone. Shocks occur more often in valleys and depressions than in open areas with free air circulation. Turbulence during Sh. is low, therefore, during Sh., harmful atmospheric aerosols (smoke and gases) can accumulate in the ground layer of air.


Calm (album)

Calm - a compilation album of the group Aria in 2002, released before the announcement of the new lineup, and after the official collapse of the old one.

Calm (disambiguation)

Calm- ambiguous word:

  • Calm - calm or calm weather with very little wind.


  • Stihl, Heinrich (1829-?) - organist and composer.
  • Shtil, Georgy Antonovich (born 1932) - Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema.
  • Stihl, Jörg (born 1968) - Swiss footballer.


  • Calm - in musical notation, a vertical stick of a musical notation indicating the duration of the notes.
  • "Calm" is an album by the rock group "Aria", released in 2002.
  • “Calm” is a song by the rock group “Aria” from the album “Chimera”.


Shtil (anti-aircraft missile system)

SAM "Shtil-1"(GRAU index - 3S90E.1 - multi-channel ship-based anti-aircraft missile system with vertical launch. Designed to carry out all-round defense of the ship from all means of air attack, including to repel massive missile and air attacks; as well as to strike ground and surface goals.

It is assumed that Shtil-1 will replace the Uragan, Yozh complexes and their export variants called Shtil, and will also be exported.

The complex was first presented at the EURONAVAL-2004 salon. Developed by the Altair Marine Research Institute of Radio Electronics.

The proposed name of the complex for the Russian Navy is the "Tornado" or " Hurricane-Tornado"(GRAU index - 3S90M, according to Jane's - Smerch air defense system - synonyms) intersects with the name of the promising one of the same name jet system volley fire, as well as the Uragan MLRS and the Uragan air defense missile system.


Calm(from - silence) - calm, windless or quiet weather with a weak wind, the speed of which on the Beaufort scale is no more than 0.5 m/s. Calms are usually observed in equatorial zone calm, in the region of the Asian anticyclone in winter, more often in hollows than in open areas.

Shtil (booster)

"Calm"- Russian launch vehicle created on the basis ballistic missile submarines R-29RM (RSM-54).

The rocket has three stages and runs on high-boiling propellant components (UDMH + AT). Start of operation missile complex- 1998. Status: in development, the project is active. General designer - I. I. Velichko, chief designer - Yu. A. Kaverin. The complex is being created on the basis of the RSM-54 naval ballistic missile as part of the conversion work, while, unlike the Shtil-2 missile, a deeper modernization with a new last stage is provided.

3 modifications have been developed:

"Calm-1"- is a serial R-29RM (RSM-54) missile with additionally installed telemetry equipment. A payload with a volume of up to 0.183 m³ is placed in the standard compartment of the rocket. The launch is carried out from the submarine's shaft from an underwater position. Shtil-1 makes it possible to launch a payload weighing 70 kg into a circular orbit with an altitude of 400 km and an inclination of 79°. The world's first satellite launch from a submarine took place on July 7, 1998. The Shtil-1 rocket, launched from the K-407 Novomoskovsk nuclear submarine, launched two German satellites into low-Earth orbit -

"Calm-2"- the second stage of rocket modernization. To accommodate the payload, a special compartment with a volume of 1.87 m³ was designed, covered by an aerodynamic fairing. The rocket is launched from a ground-based launch complex or from a submarine silo on the surface. Launch cost: $4..5 million.

In 2009, based on the results all-Russian competition“100 Best Products of Russia” The Shtil launch vehicle was awarded the honorary status “Pride of the Fatherland”.

"Shtil-3A" - the third stage of missile modernization. The missile is deployed on the launch platform in the cargo compartment of the An-124ARKK or Il-76MD transport aircraft in horizontal position. The rocket is dropped from the carrier at an altitude of 10-12 km at an aircraft speed of 760-800 km/h. At launch, the rocket with the launch platform is pulled out of the aircraft by a special parachute system, after which at a given height it is separated from the platform and the 1st stage engine is started. For the carrier aircraft to take off, a first-class or non-class airfield is required. The launch vehicle can be carried out at a distance of about 4000 km from the launch airfield.1

Calm (song)

See also Calm

"Calm"- a song by the Russian heavy metal band "Aria", released in 2001 on the album "Chimera" and in 2002 published on the album "Calm" (together with Udo Dirkschneider). The composer is Vitaly Dubinin, the author of the text is Margarita Pushkina. The song is based on the Jack London short story "Francis Speight".

Calm (film)

"Calm" ("Sea at Dawn",) - war drama directed by Volker Schlöndorff.

Examples of the use of the word calm in literature.

The sea was full calm, Anchutka was in a good mood, and in a bad voice, aggravating the complete lack of hearing, she sang: And my mother-in-law, you are my mother-in-law, And you are a damn perishnaya!

The angel was very sensitive to falsehood, could not tolerate it, lowered all the soaring and soaring of those prone to high calm Ilyina.

IN calm here, in the crystal temple of energy, the mystery of converting liquid hydrogen accumulated during the operation of the Wind Station into water with the supply of electric current to the network took place.

When the Coast Guard patrol plane was out of sight and the hum of its engines died down in the cold salty air, the towering iceberg continued its drift in complete calm, which has happened more than once since it broke away from the glacier about a year ago and was carried out to sea near west coast Greenland.

I really don’t want to drown the canoes in the White Sea in calm, and even folded!

IN calm Oars will come to our aid: if eight people row with four pairs of oars, this will provide the boat with considerable speed even in calm weather.

Dreaming of war, of strife, of discord, The sea tried to sow discord between them more than once, Tried to scatter ships around the world, When they fearlessly followed their course, - They, united, sailed under a proud flag, Disdaining both the anger of the winds and the painful calm, And they brought death to the mad enemy when they met pirate ships on the way.

Now calm“, Your Excellency,” Butakov cautiously reminded, standing nearby and also looking at the squadron through his pipe.

Long business - in full calm turn around the clumsy double-decker ship.

Mikhail Dmitrich, lived in a vacant lot, far from the city, during the surf she listened to the sea rhythmically splashing onto the shore, during calm I never tired of being amazed at its stunning blueness and on the mountains to the right I could see - it became so familiar - every path, every blue or red rock, every dogwood thicket.

Let the mists hang weightily, Let the wary reign calm--- I will leave people and home A hundred thousand untraveled miles.

Of course, separate jets and frequent calm in a narrow strip called the Equatorial Countercurrent, in certain areas it makes it easier to move east compared to sailing against the fast westerly currents south and north of this strip, and with some effort the Polynesians undoubtedly could have passed these latitudes to South America.

According to the conditions, the bots had to reach the finish line before evening calm.

“Well, Vagin, goodbye,” Katya said quietly, and nausea rose in her throat, as if not completely calm The ships diverged, and the transport was tossed about on the steep wave.

One of them, with a crew of three men and one woman, led by the Peruvian composer of Czech origin Ingris, first landed on the island of Isabela in the Galapagos archipelago, and then got into the strip calm, where he was picked up.

How are you?
- Complete calm, complete calm.

Such an answer to a fairly standard question from a friend meeting after some separation may indicate both calm and the fact that there are problems, and considerable ones. So what is calm, and why is this maritime term used to describe often completely land-based situations?

Sea calm

This word came to us, most likely, from Holland. It was there that Peter the Great studied naval rules and terms. In German it sounds the same and means the same thing, that is, the complete absence of wind.

For seafarers or bad? Now, in the age of powerful engines, it may seem to someone that such a state of the ocean, sea, river or lake is conducive to a good trip. But it is impossible to sail when there is no wind. Moreover, calm usually foreshadows a storm. Therefore, a sailor likes it best when the wind blows lightly, lightly, moderately or freshly. You can learn about the details of gradation by familiarizing yourself with the Beaufort scale.

What is calm

There is a way to determine the class of waves of the water surface, which allows you to most objectively assess the degree of its danger. Of course, it can be difficult for an inexperienced sailor to do this “by eye,” but visible signs provide some help in this matter. There are also quite tangible physical parameters that can be measured by instruments. For example, if there is no wind at all.

Calm. What it is?

This is a state of the atmosphere in which air moves at speeds of up to twenty centimeters per second. An almost perfectly smooth surface of the water is observed, and the smoke from the fire does not deviate from the vertical. Calm weather (zero Beaufort) should not be confused with calm weather (1 Beaufort), when small ripples occur. The wind is up to one and a half meters per second, there is no foam on the crests of small waves. A weak storm of magnitude two is characterized by the glassiness of short waves and there are several of them greater height. Objectively measured speed air masses near sea level reaches 3.3 m/s.

In total, a dozen species are distinguished; for example, the appearance of visible “lambs” indicates a storm of three magnitude. It is also called light (it should not be confused with weak, it is a little, but stronger). Point nine is simply called a storm, by default.

And only a sailor who has seen a real wave, not only in a picture, can correctly determine the storm score at first glance. But complete (also called dead) calm can be recognized by any beginner.
