The best agricultural universities in Ukraine. Ukrainian Agricultural Academy University of Bioresources

general information

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National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine (NUBPU) - additional information about the higher educational institution

general information

The National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine, in accordance with the status of higher educational institutions, has the IV level of accreditation, is a research type institution that carries out educational, research, scientific and innovative, training and production, information and consulting activities aimed at developing contemporary problems life and environmental sciences, use, reproduction and balanced development of bioresources of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, introduction of the latest environmental agro- and biotechnologies, technologies for the revival of soil safety and fertility, energy-saving agricultural technologies, environmental and legal management in rural areas, monitoring and control over compliance with standards, quality and safety of agricultural products, products of their processing and environment.

The National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine is one of the leading institutions of education, science and culture in Ukraine. More than 39 thousand students and more than 600 graduate students, doctoral students and applicants study at 20 faculties of its base institution of the university (Kyiv), in the Southern branch of NUBiP of Ukraine "Crimean Agrotechnological University" and in 12 regional universities of I-III levels of accreditation.

Ensuring the educational process of the National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine

The educational process and scientific research of the National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine is provided by over 3,000 scientific, pedagogical and pedagogical workers, including 350 professors and doctors of science, over 1,380 associate professors and candidates of science.

According to the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated December 14, 2000 N 1338 "Issues of the National Agrarian University" the University is a self-governing (autonomous) state institution of higher education.

Divisions of the National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine:

Educational and scientific institutes: Veterinary medicine and quality and safety of livestock products Land resources and jurisprudence Natural and humanitarian Forestry and horticulture Animal husbandry and aquatic bioresources Postgraduate education Plant growing and soil science Technical Nature protection and biotechnology Business Energy and automation Quality of bioresources and life safety Information and telecommunications support for the agro-industrial and environmental areas of the economy Regional educational institutions (13)

Research institutes

Research Institute of Economics and Management of Agro-Industrial Production Research Institute of Ecobiotechnologies and Bioenergy Research Institute of Forestry and Ornamental Horticulture Research Institute of Engineering and Technology Research Institute of Natural and Human Sciences Research Institute of Animal Health Research Institute of Technology and Quality of Livestock and Fisheries Products Research Research Institute of Agricultural Technologies and Quality of Crop Products Research Research Institute of Land Use and Legal Regulation of Property and Land Relations Research and Design Institute for Standardization and Technologies of Ecologically Safe and Organic Products Research Institute for Electric Power Systems

Other divisions

Department of Physical Education Service of the Vice-Rector for Educational and Industrial Activities Military Department Department of Engineering and Technical Support KVP "Conference Service" Scientific Library Southern Branch Crimean Agrotechnological University

Training of specialists at the university is carried out according to the educational institutions "Bachelor", "Specialist" and "Master" on a full-time, part-time, part-time basis with elements of distance learning and external forms of education.

April 4, 2014 by order of the Minister Agriculture Russian Federation Moscow State Agroengineering University named after V.P. Goryachkina is attached to the Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev as the Institute of Mechanics and Energy named after V.P. Goryachkin.

As a result of the association, scientific schools have been preserved and strengthened, the material and technical base has been expanded, and educational and production practices have been strengthened.

Currently, personnel training is carried out in 7 areas, 10 profiles and 9 specialties. This list is constantly changing and supplementing taking into account the needs of agricultural production, the labor market and the interests of students.

The institute includes 3 faculties, 14 departments and 4 scientific laboratories, which employ an academician, 2 corresponding members Russian Academy sciences, 10 honored workers of science and higher education, more than 80 doctors of sciences and professors. More than 1600 students and postgraduates study at the Institute.

The oldest faculty is "Processes and Machines in Agribusiness", which trains engineers in the field of operation of agricultural and automotive equipment, quality management, and technosphere safety.

The Faculty of Power Engineering graduates bachelors and masters in electrical equipment and electrotechnologies, power supply and power supply of enterprises, heat power engineering and heat engineering.

In connection with the transition to market relations, the training of service engineers has become especially relevant. Such specialists are trained by the faculty "Technical service in the agro-industrial complex".

Students of the institute have the opportunity to study at the military department of the university and receive an officer's rank.

Stable ties have been established by the institute with more than 20 foreign universities and enterprises. This allows us to improve the quality of student training, to familiarize teachers and future specialists with modern technology and technologies of Western countries and enrich their cultural level.

Scientists of the institute continue to work in the direction of: development of the system of technological support for agricultural production; creation of agricultural machines of a new generation; formation of effective engineering and technical support in a market economy; formation of optimal reliability of agricultural machinery; increasing the resource and reliability of agricultural machinery; development of modular energy technology facilities; development of alternative fuels; development of highly effective means and technologies for anti-corrosion protection of equipment in agricultural environments. Postgraduate and doctoral students are successfully working in these areas.

The institute trains bachelors and masters in the following areas:

35.03.06 Agricultural engineering
  • Technical systems in agribusiness;
  • Electrical equipment and electrical technologies;
  • Technical service in the agro-industrial complex.
23.03.03 Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes
  • Cars and automotive industry
27.03.02 Quality management
  • Quality management in production and technological systems
27.03.01 Standardization and metrology


  • Standardization and certification
20.03.01 Technosphere safety


  • Safety of technological processes and production
13.03.01 Thermal power engineering and heat engineering


  • Energy supply of enterprises
13.03.02 Power industry and electrical engineering


  • Electric drive and automation;
  • Power supply.

Institute of Mechanics and Energy named after V.P. Goryachkina (IME) is a division of the Russian State Agrarian University named after K.A. Timiryazev for the training of engineering personnel for the agro-industrial complex.

The beginning of the training of specialists in engineering professions for agriculture was laid by the opening in 1894 of an agricultural engineering department at the Moscow Agricultural Institute, created on the basis of the Petrovsky Agricultural and Forestry Academy.

By order of the People's Commissariat of Agriculture of the USSR on July 10, 1930, the Moscow Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture (MIMESH) was organized. It was formed on the basis of the Faculty of Mechanization and Electrification of the Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev and the Faculty of Electrification of the Moscow Mechanical and Electrotechnical Institute named after M.V. Lomonosov.

Among the founders of the institute and its scientific schools were the world famous scientists Vasily Prokhorovich Goryachkin, Vasily Robertovich Vilms, Nikolai Ivanovich Mertsalov, Mikhail Grigoryevich Evreinov, Evgeny Dmitrievich Lvov, Bronislav Stanislavovich Svirshchevsky and others.

The development of science and the educational foundations of the higher engineering school was largely determined by scientific agricultural mechanics, and its creator and generator of ideas was the outstanding scientist and teacher Vasily Prokhorovich Goryachkin.

The formation of the Institute took place during a period of turbulent economic development states. Tractor and combine plants were built in the country, machine and tractor stations were created.

From the first days of the organization of the institute, the staff of MIMESH actively participated in the development of the theoretical foundations for the creation of agricultural machines. The developers of the first domestic grain harvesters worked fruitfully at the Institute. Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the State Prize of the USSR Academician I.F. Vasilenko, laureate of the USSR State Prize, Associate Professor I.F. Popov. Hero of Socialist Labor, twice laureate of the State Prize of the USSR Academician V.N. Boltinsky worked for many years fundamental research problems of increasing the operating speeds of machine-tractor units.

A worthy contribution to the development of agricultural machinery was made by graduates of the institute, laureates of the State Prize - developers of a family of domestic self-propelled combines: E.V. Gorbachev, S.I. Ivanov, M.A. Pustygin.

Scientific school of academician Budzko I.A. the problem of reliability of power supply of agricultural enterprises is solved.

In 1941, hundreds of students, graduate students, teachers and employees of the Institute in the early days of the Great Patriotic War, conscripted and voluntarily went to the front.

The exploits of the participants in the war are marked by military awards. Among the awarded Heroes of the Soviet Union: tank company commander Nikolai Fedorovich Kretov, who fell in battle, and Academician Boris Alexandrovich Runov, who is actively working today.

During the war, the Institute provided assistance to the front. Tractors, cars, artillery tractors were repaired in laboratories and workshops, parts of rockets of the Katyusha complex were made.

In the 1950s, the institute participated in the development of virgin lands. More than 300 teachers and students were awarded medals "For the development of virgin lands." Thousands of hectares of farmland have been cultivated and harvested by student groups of the institute, hundreds of kilometers of power lines have been built.

In 1960, MIMESH was merged with the Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev, and in 1964 it was separated into an independent university called the Moscow Institute of Agricultural Engineers (MIISP). After that, the structure and volumes of admission to the institute expanded, the number of departments and laboratories increased, the program of scientific research expanded, and the links between departments and production were strengthened.

For merits in the training of highly qualified personnel and the development of agricultural science in 1980, the institute was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

In October 1980, a memorial museum named after V.P. Goryachkin.

The university was the base university of the Educational and Methodological Association, which coordinated the training of engineers for the agro-industrial complex, organized advanced training for teachers of the profile departments of universities, generalized and disseminated the experience of using new information technologies in the educational process. By the decision of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Higher Education in 1993, MIISP received the status of a university and was renamed the Moscow State Agroengineering University named after V.P. Goryachkin.

University scientists made a significant contribution to science and production. Scientific schools for improving technological processes in agriculture, developing electrical technologies, new machines and equipment, organizing technical services, creating microprocessor and information systems, etc., gained wide popularity. The university received about 40 patents annually.

Based on the scientific developments of the university, energy facilities and working machines have been created in the country that perform technological processes at high speeds, fundamentally new combine harvesters, technical equipment for tillage, dielectric separators, new ways to restore machine performance, and much more have been developed. The most interesting scientific developments were: a frontal plow for smooth plowing; the use of hydrogen as an alternative fuel for tractor diesel; development of polymers for car repair; on-board computer for agricultural units; modernization of a milking plant for dairy farms; a threshing device for a combine harvester (the development was awarded a silver medal at an exhibition in Paris).

Three scientific discoveries:

  • "The phenomenon of endogenous electrical activity of the soil";
  • "The property of a number of organic intracomplex compounds to cause the phenomenon of active crystallization of clouds and fogs";
  • "The phenomenon of endogenous periodic activity of plant fruits".

For 84 years the university has graduated more than 40 thousand engineers who work in Russia and in 50 countries of the world. Among the graduates there are many well-known people - these are the heads of large farms, agro-industrial enterprises, prominent scientists, deputies, employees of state and government institutions.

Information taken from open sources. If you want to become a page moderator

bachelor, specialist, master

Skill level:

part-time, remote, daytime

Form of study:

State Diploma

Completion document:

MONU Series AV No. 482317 dated 02.07.2009


From 7500 to 14500 UAH per year

Cost of education:

University characteristics

general information

Mission of the University. Create, systematize, store and disseminate modern scientific knowledge to improve the quality of people's lives; training of world-class specialists of intellectual and personal development.

The National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine, regarding the status of higher educational institutions, has the IV level of accreditation, is an institution of a research type that carries out educational, research, scientific and innovative, educational and production and information and consulting activities aimed at studying modern problems of life science and the environment, the use, reproduction and balanced development of bioresources of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, the introduction of the latest environmental agro- and biotechnologies, technologies for the revival of soil safety and fertility, energy-saving agricultural technologies, environmental and legal management in rural areas, monitoring and control over compliance with standards, quality and safety of agricultural products, products of its processing and the environment.

The National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine is one of the leading educational institutions, science and culture in Ukraine. More than 40 thousand students and more than 600 graduate students, doctoral students and applicants study at 19 faculties of its base institution of the university (Kyiv), in the Southern branch of NUBiP of Ukraine "Crimean Agrotechnological University" and in 12 regional higher educational institutions of I-III levels of accreditation.

The educational process and scientific research of NUBiP of Ukraine is provided by over 3000 scientific and pedagogical workers, including 335 professors and doctors of science, more than 1294 associate professors and candidates of science.

The main tasks, according to the Charter of the University, are:

1) educational and cultural - educational activities:

Training of personnel with incomplete higher education, basic higher education, complete higher education, as well as working professions for the agro-industrial and environmental sectors;

Ensuring further improvement of the system of higher agricultural and environmental education and science in Ukraine in accordance with the requirements of the Bologna process and international standards sustainable development agrosphere, bioresources and rural areas;

Advanced training and retraining of specialists for agriculture, forestry, fisheries, veterinary medicine and the environmental sector;

Training, retraining and certification of scientific - pedagogical and scientific workers of the highest qualification for the University, other educational institutions and scientific institutions;

Formation of high culture and national civic consciousness among students;

Creation of proper conditions for study, work, healthcare, recreation and health improvement of students, graduate students, doctoral students and employees of the University;

Preparation, publication and sale of educational, scientific, educational and methodical literature and other publishing products;

Vocational and technical training, including training, retraining and advanced training of motor vehicle drivers,

Tractor drivers, combine operators, masters of production processes for the agro-industrial and environmental sectors;

2) scientific, research and publishing activities:

Organization and conduct of research and development, taking into account the experience of leading foreign universities of the research type;

Organization and holding of conferences, symposiums, congresses, including international ones;

Development of scientific and methodological recommendations for the examination of the quality of seed and planting material, agricultural raw materials and food, their examination and standardization in accordance with international requirements, training of specialists in examination and standardization;

Issue of scientific works of pedagogical, scientific and scientific - pedagogical workers of the University, materials of conferences, symposiums, meetings, thematic collections, scientific reports and other publications on the development of the agricultural sector, economics, environmental protection, social development of the village;

3) innovative activity:

Development and implementation, in compliance with the principles of intellectual property protection, of modern technologies and biotechnologies, quality systems and environmental safety standards, biodiversity conservation, energy saving, alternative energy supply in agriculture, forestry, gardening and fisheries and in the field of storage, transportation and processing of agricultural, food and biotech products;

Development, testing, standardization and implementation of the latest equipment, machinery and agricultural technologies, obtaining biologically complete and environmentally friendly products, raw materials and food in the production sectors of agro-, forestry, water management and natural complexes;

Implementation of international standards and adherence to bioethics in the diagnosis, prevention, treatment and health of animals and plants;

Determination of quality, safety and compliance with international requirements for standardization, certification and licensing of agro-production, food and bioresources of agro-industrial and environmental complexes;

Monitoring, forecasting and modeling of sustainable development of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems using modern technologies for environmental management and restoration of rural areas;

Information and consulting meeting the needs of agricultural producers and the population in the process of introducing modern mechanisms, management systems in the development of socio-economic, land, legal relations and the formation public policy in agro-industrial and environmental areas;

4) the activities of the University as a research institution:

Ensuring the integration of educational, research and scientific and innovative activities as a way to improve the level of training of specialists and accelerate the introduction of the achievements of scientific and technological progress in the agro-industrial and environmental sectors by participating in the development of state fundamental and applied programs and cooperation with business entities;

Formation of university research and innovation centers (research institutes, educational and scientific, educational and scientific production and scientific and innovation centers, etc.), whose activities are aimed at promptly solving fundamental problems and applied scientific and scientific production tasks. Expansion of cooperation with the National Academy of Sciences, the Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences and other branch academies of sciences of Ukraine, as well as with foreign scientific institutions;

Development of pilot projects and formation of pilot enterprises for the production of competitive products, development of the latest technologies, materials and machines, their introduction in the fields of agriculture, forestry and water management and in the processing industry in accordance with national and international standards;

Integration of the research activities of the University with the leading universities of the world (implementation of joint research projects, holding conferences, symposiums, exhibitions, scientific student competitions, obtaining patents, publishing joint scientific and educational and methodological works (textbooks, monographs, manuals, recommendations, etc.) .p.), creation of an educational, scientific and methodological electronic database, the use of modern information and telecommunication systems in the agro-industrial and environmental sectors);

Development and introduction into the production sector of the latest technologies for obtaining high-quality, safe for life and competitive agricultural, forestry, fish and food products. Ensuring the conduct of state and arbitration independent examination of the quality and safety of agricultural and food products and the environment in accordance with international and national standards;

Preparation of masters in programs that provide for their specialization in the most relevant production, research, pedagogical and scientific and innovative areas, based on the latest achievements of science and technology and international standards for environmental management technologies, as well as on indicators of quality and safety of products and the environment, which will contribute to providing them with jobs and improving activities related to advanced training of personnel.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated December 14, 2000 N 1338 "Issues of the National Agrarian University" the University is a self-governing (autonomous) state institution of higher education.

Self-government (autonomy) of the University in accordance with its Charter provides for:

1) the right of the University to make independent decisions and take appropriate actions within its competence for educational, educational and scientific, research and production - economic activity;

2) financing at the expense of funds provided for by a separate line in the State Budget of Ukraine, according to individual standards established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Individual standards for financing and remuneration do not apply to the production area of ​​activity of the structural units that are part of the University with the right of a legal entity, as well as to higher educational institutions of I - III levels of accreditation (technical schools, colleges, institutes);

3) independent determination of the forms of organization and volumes of remuneration of employees, the procedure for using funds received from extrabudgetary sources, including the share allocated for wages and material incentives;

4) independent use of property transferred to the University for operational management, including for the implementation of economic activities, the provision of this property for rent and use without the right to redeem;

5) unlimited and gratuitous use of land plots allocated by the University with the right to provide them for temporary use, including on a lease basis;

6) implementation of other types of activities on the basis of direct contractual relations, agreements and contracts;

7) the right to act (with the use of the special fund of the state budget) as the founder legal entities with any form of ownership;

8) create and terminate the activities of structural units that are part of it, including separate ones, and, in the prescribed manner, accept the property of other legal entities;

9) carry out joint activities and cooperate on the basis of agreements with other higher educational institutions, enterprises, institutions and organizations in the manner prescribed by law.

1 of

Directions of study

  • Biology and ecology
  • Medicine and Veterinary
  • Philology and foreign languages
  • Economics, management, marketing

Faculties and specialties


  • veterinary medicine,
  • plant protection,
  • Ecology, environmental protection and balanced nature management,
  • Biotechnology,
  • Management
  • finance and credit,
  • Accounting and audit
  • Philology (translation)

The training of specialists at the university is carried out according to the educational institutions "Bachelor", "Specialist" and "Master" on a full-time, part-time, part-time basis with elements of distance learning and external forms of education.

Directions for the preparation of ROC "Bachelor":
- Automation and computer-integrated technologies;
- Agronomy;
- Biotechnology;
- Construction;
- Veterinary medicine;
- Aquatic bioresources and aquaculture;
- Geodesy, cartography and land management;
- Woodworking technologies;
- Ecology, environmental protection and balanced nature management;
- Enterprise economy;
- Economic cybernetics;
- Electrical engineering and electrotechnologies;
- Energy and electrical systems in the agro-industrial complex;
- Protection of plants;
- Computer science;
- Forest and garden - park management;
- Marketing;
- Mechanical engineering;
- Management;
- Accounting and Auditing;
- Jurisprudence;
- Processes, machines and equipment of agro-industrial production;
- Social Pedagogy;
- Technology of production and processing of livestock products;
- Transport technologies(by type of transport) ;
- Philology (translation);
- Finance and credit;
- Food technologies and engineering.

In the direction of training "Agronomy", "Plant protection", "Biotechnology", "Ecology, environmental protection and balanced nature management", "Forestry and gardening and park management", "Enterprise economics", "Accounting and audit", "Finance and credit", "Management", "Veterinary medicine", "Jurisprudence" training of specialists in separate groups is carried out with the teaching of a number of disciplines in English.

The training of specialists of the educational and qualification level "Master" in NUBiP of Ukraine is carried out in specialties in the context of specializations: production, research (the latter only at the departments where postgraduate students are trained) and in the field of knowledge "Specific categories", which provide for managerial master's programs, pedagogical and those that provide training for quality specialists.

Specialties of OCU "Master":
- Automated control of technological processes;
- Agronomy;
- Agrochemistry and soil science;
- Veterinary medicine (by types);
- Water biological resources;
- Ecological biotechnology and bioenergy;
- Ecology and environmental protection (including the international version of "Master of Environmental Sciences");
- Economics of the enterprise (by type economic activity) ;
- Economic cybernetics;
- Electrification and automation of agriculture;
- Electrical systems of power consumption (by types);
- Energy of agricultural production;
- Protection of plants;
- Land management and cadastre;
- Information management systems and technologies (by industry);
- Forestry;
- Marketing;
- Machinery and equipment for agricultural production;
- Management of foreign economic activity;
- Management of organizations and administration (by type of economic activity);
- Agricultural mechanization;
- Hunting economy;
- Equipment of the forest complex;
- Accounting and Auditing;
- Taxation;
- Organization and regulation of traffic;
- Organization of transportation and transport management (by type of transport);
- Translation;
- Horticulture and viticulture;
- Jurisprudence (ROC "Master" and "Specialist");
- Industrial and civil construction;
- Vocational education (ROC "Specialist");
- Gardening and park management;
- Selection and genetics of agricultural crops;
- Social Pedagogy;
- Technologies of production and processing of livestock products;
- Woodworking technologies;
- Technologies for storage and processing of aquatic biological resources;
- Technologies of storage, preservation and processing of meat;
- Finance and credit (according to specialized programs);
- Administrative management (international version of "Master of Business Administration in Agriculture");
- Pedagogy of higher education;
- Management of an educational institution (by type);
- Quality, standardization and certification.

Contacts of the admission committee

Admission conditions

The list of documents that may be needed when applying to a university

  • an application addressed to the rector, which indicates the chosen direction of training or specialty and form of study;
  • certificate and annex to it (or copies certified by a notary);
  • certificate(s) of the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Evaluation (VNO);
  • copy of the passport;
  • a copy of the certificate of assignment of an identification code;
  • 6 identical color photographs 3x4 cm;
  • for boys: military ID (registration certificate);
  • medical certificate in the form 086 / y;
  • documents that give the right to benefits (if any).

The university has postgraduate and doctoral courses.

  • Sport
  • Medicine
  • Creation
  • Extra

Sport and health

Sport sections
  • volleyball
  • football
  • basketball
  • chess and checkers
  • weight-lifting
  • table tennis
  • sports tourism
  • Weightlifting
  • freestyle wrestling
  • track and field cross
  • orienteering
  • mini football


The university has a medical center.


Culture and education

All-round harmonious development of the personality is impossible without the formation of a high aesthetic and ethical culture of a person.
20th century was full of social upheavals - revolutions, wars, famine, terror, technical disasters, economic cataclysms, so the question of the spiritual beauty of a person was somewhat abandoned and was subject to the main bias political force countries. The current intentions to build a free democratic society will be real only with the moral and spiritual perfection of the individual, when the main place will be occupied by his moral, ethical and aesthetic education. The unity of aesthetic and moral education, as well as the education of civil and political education is one of the principles of cultural and educational activities of NUBiP of Ukraine, the main organizer of which is the Department of Cultural Studies.
The department considers the words of V.A. Sukhomlinsky as its motto: “Beauty is a powerful means of educating the sensitivity of the soul. This is the peak from which you can see what you will never see without understanding and feeling beautiful, without delight and inspiration. Beauty is a bright light that illuminates the world. In the light, truth, goodness is revealed to you; illuminated by this light, you become devoted and irreconcilable. Beauty teaches us to recognize evil and fight it. I would call beauty the gymnastics of the soul - it corrects our spirit, our conscience, our feelings and beliefs. Beauty is a mirror in which you see yourself and thanks to it you relate to yourself in one way or another.
It is this kind of "gymnastics" with a deepening in the field of art, literature, spiritual values, comprehension of national culture as a single complex, where painting, poetry, music, choreography and other areas of creativity of our people are organically combined, teachers and students are engaged in lectures, practical classes and in the course of the work of circles, interest clubs, studios, when visiting theaters, exhibitions, museums, meetings with figures of literature and art.
The talented youth of the university are nurtured and developed by such outstanding and famous personalities as the poet-songwriter, Honored Art Worker, People's Artist of Ukraine Professor Vadim Krishchenko, Honored Artists of Ukraine Natalia Shelepnitskaya, Roman Ryzhiy, Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine Stanislav Semenovsky.
Under the leadership of such famous people and their less talented colleagues, the Kolos folk song and dance ensemble, the folk brass band, the Berezil folk theater, the academic singing studio, the Oktava girl vocal ensemble, the Amero male vocal ensemble, the academic choir, the ballroom ensemble dance "Charm", choreographic ensemble "Maiden Constellation", vocal and instrumental ensemble "Otava". Throughout its history, the folk song and dance ensemble "Kolos" has presented Ukrainian national art in Belgium, Belarus, Bulgaria, Georgia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Germany, Russia, and together with the group "Otava" - in the USA (states of Nebraska and North Dakota).
Students of the NAU of Ukraine can participate in the beautiful and musical lounge "Golden Lyra", art studio "Goloseevskaya palette", circles "Melpomene", "Decorative floristry", "Charismatic speaker", "The art of serving", press studio "Ideal", Cultural studies club "Our Regions".
Every academic year the university opens with a large-scale solemn dedication of first-year students to students - the Knowledge Day holiday, which, in addition to scientific and pedagogical workers, students and their parents, university graduates of past years, was attended by guests of honor, outstanding personalities of the present, famous scientists, successful businessmen - farmers, representatives of the Administration of the President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine, the Kiev City State Administration. On this day, foreign guests come to the university, the number of which increases every year, which indicates the growth of the international image of NUBiP of Ukraine.
With the first rays of the spring sun, year after year, for more than a quarter of a century, the festival of artistic creativity "Goloseevskaya Spring" comes to the university. On it, talented young people demonstrate their performing skills in various genres.
Highly rated and popular is the all-Ukrainian amateur art competition among agricultural educational institutions "Sofiev Stars", in which the teams of NUBiP of Ukraine annually become prize-winners and diploma winners in various nominations.
Captured students and the holiday of beauty and courage "The beauty of NUBiP of Ukraine", and the lecture hall "Just about the difficult", and the premieres of theatrical performances of the folk theater "Berezil", as well as in the evenings of sports glory, the celebration of Women's Day, Student's Day, New Year, anniversaries outstanding historical figures, writers, graduation days of young professionals.
The Day of Victory in the Great Patriotic War is also celebrated annually. The memorial complex for students and teachers of the university who died during the Great Patriotic War is a kind of altar where every year young people and scientific and pedagogical workers of NUBiP of Ukraine make a tribute to the memory of the fallen soldiers. During the rally-requiem at the memorial complex, gratitude is expressed to war veterans for their patriotism and heroism in the struggle for the freedom of Ukraine.
The form of self-organization of women, which unites all divisions of NAU Ukraine, was the business woman's club "Harmony" (chairman - T.F. Melnichuk). He has been working at the Department of Cultural Studies since 2004. Its members - scientific and pedagogical workers, employees and students - meet with prominent people of Ukraine, visited various presentations, carried out a number of cultural studies in the cities of Ukraine.
So, giving bit by bit to the students, teachers fill their souls with light so that young people remember that beautiful beauty is spiritual, and the most important respect is spiritual...

The University includes the following structural divisions:

Educational - scientific and scientific - research institutes;
- Faculties;
- Departments, educational-scientific, educational-scientific-industrial and educational-industrial centers;
- Problematic, scientific and educational laboratories; technological enterprises, workshops, farms, workshops;
- Branches, higher educational institutions of I - III levels of accreditation, educational and experimental farms and experimental stations, including:
- Southern branch "Crimean Agrotechnological University",
- Berezhany Agrotechnical Institute (Ternopil region),
- Nezhin Agrotechnical Institute (Chernihiv region),
- Zalishchik Agrarian College named after Khraplivy (Ternopil region),
- Irpin College of Economics (Kiev region),
- Nemishaevsky Agrotechnical College (Kyiv region),
- Boyar College of Ecology and natural resources(Kyiv region) ,
- Bobrovitsky College of Economics and Management named after A. Property (Chernihiv region),
- Mukachevo Agrarian College (Transcarpathian region),
- Crimean Agro-Industrial College (AR Crimea),
- Pribrezhnensky Agrarian College (AR Crimea),
- Crimean Technical School of Hydroreclamation and Mechanization of Agriculture (AR Crimea),
- Bakhchisarai Construction College (AR Crimea),
- Velikosnitinsk educational and experimental farm named after A. Muzychenko (Kyiv region),
- Agronomic experimental station (Kyiv region),
- Boyar forest experimental station (Kiev region),
- Educational and experimental farm "Vorzel" (Kyiv region),
- SE "Educational - experimental breeding poultry plant named after. Frunze NAU "(AR Crimea),
- Educational and Scientific Center for Biology and Ecology of Subtropical Plants and Landscape Science (AR Crimea),
- Ukrainian Research Institute of Agricultural Radiology (Kiev region)
- Ukrainian laboratory of quality and safety of agricultural products (Kyiv region),
- Ukrainian educational - scientific - innovative center of the latest agricultural machinery and technologies (Kyiv region),
- Scientific - research and design institute for standardization and technologies of eco-friendly and organic products (Odessa),
- Educational and research station of mountain forestry and horticulture (Crimea),
- Sports and recreation camp "Academic" (Odessa region),
- Educational - information - consulting points and other divisions.
