What is Vigyan Bhairava Tantra: philosophy or science? In love, in its highest manifestations, the inner moves, merges with the other and a feeling of unity appears.

Shri Rajneesh Osho - Vigyan Bhairav ​​Tantra - read book online for free



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The reader is offered a new, complete translation of the book by Osho (Bhagavan Sri Rajneesh), made according to the latest revised two-volume edition, undertaken after the author left this Earth. The entire book contains 80 conversations (chapters) dedicated to 112 techniques-sutras set forth in the ancient tantric treatise Vigyan Bhairava Tantra.

In this book, Rajneesh speaks about God as a certain potential inherent in man himself, as a certain state that he must realize, about the state of cognition of the TRUTH as a vision of the WORLD in its integrity and interconnection, about the state of love as the existence in harmony with the WORLD, about the state of knowledge of the source of life from which the WORLD came, and of being this source itself - the source of “pure vitality” through which we are connected with and are all being.

Bhagavan does not call for worship or “devotional service” to any deity, but calls for cognizing the Divine that surrounds us and is contained in us, to join it, to realize it in ourselves. He calls for the discovery of those hidden depths of our nature that unite us with the Divine, through which it feeds and waters us, through which the Divine gives us life and which we are not even aware of in our everyday existence.

To accomplish this, he says, we must realize all our conditioning, which makes robots out of us, out of the Divine. A robot is not one who lives, feels, understands, but one who is programmed for a certain behavior, who functions according to pre-established programs, rules, and regulations. The programs embedded in the robot are not its programs; the robot is their slave. A person striving to be free, striving to be a Human, striving to realize the Divine in himself, needs to realize this and free himself from it. Then his nature will flow easily and freely, like a stream from which the stone that blocked his path has been removed.

This is what the 112 techniques outlined by Shiva to his wife Devi more than five thousand years ago are aimed at. The enlightened master is trying to revive these techniques in their original form and adapt them for people of the 21st century. Rajneesh claims that these techniques are comprehensive and that the meditation practices of all existing religions and esoteric teachings are built on them. He strives to convey to people all his deep understanding of these techniques, claiming that it was for this purpose that Shiva, Krishna, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Mahavira, Patanjali, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad came into the world of people... He says that everything depends on us, on how deep and sincere our need to know the TRUTH turned out to be.

The reader is offered a new, complete translation of the book by Osho (Bhagavan Shri Rajneesh), made according to the latest revised two-volume edition, undertaken after the author left this Earth. The entire book contains 80 conversations (chapters) devoted to 112 techniques-sutras set forth in the ancient tantric treatise. In this book, Rajneesh speaks of God as a certain potential inherent in man himself, as a certain state that he must realize, a state knowledge of the TRUTH as a vision of the WORLD in its integrity and interconnection, about the state of love as being in harmony with the WORLD, about the state of knowledge of the source of life from which the WORLD came, and the very existence of this source - the source of “pure vitality” through which we are connected with everything being and being it. Bhagavan does not call for worship or “devotional service” to any deity, but calls for cognizing the Divine that surrounds us and is contained in us, to join it, to realize it in ourselves. He calls for the discovery of those hidden depths of our nature that unite us with the Divine, through which it feeds and waters us, through which the Divine gives us life and which we are not even aware of in our everyday existence. To achieve this, he says, we we must realize all our conditioning, which makes robots out of us, out of the Divine. A robot is not one who lives, feels, understands, but one who is programmed for a certain behavior, who functions according to pre-established programs, rules, and regulations. The programs embedded in a robot are not its programs; the robot is their slave. A person striving to be free, striving to be a Human, striving to realize the Divine in himself, needs to realize this and free himself from it. Then his nature will flow easily and freely, like a stream from which the stone that blocked his way has been removed. This is the purpose of the 112 techniques outlined by Shiva to his wife Devi more than five thousand years ago. The enlightened master is trying to revive these techniques in their original form and adapt them for people of the 21st century. Rajneesh claims that these techniques are comprehensive and that the meditation practices of all existing religions and esoteric teachings are built on them. He strives to convey to people all his deep understanding of these techniques, arguing that it was for this purpose that Shiva, Krishna, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Mahavira, Patanjali, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad came into the world of people... He says that everything depends from us, from how deep and sincere our need to know the TRUTH turned out to be. Shortly before leaving us, Rajneesh renounced his title “Bhagavan,” literally meaning “God, Lord, Master,” because he feared that he would be deified by fanatical fans and followers, as was the case with many other enlightened ones. Therefore, he took the name Osho, which means “oceanic, dissolved in the ocean.” He later learned that the word "Osho" was also used in Far East in the sense of “Blessed One, the one whom the sky showers with flowers”... The first volume of this edition includes the first 16 chapters and, accordingly, the first 24 meditation techniques, corresponding to the first volume of the first original edition, consisting of five volumes.


Bhagavan Shri Rajneesh (Osho).



48. Don’t look for relief in sexual intercourse

49. Concussion in sex

50. Make love without a partner

51. When joy rises, become it.

52. Eat and drink mindfully



53. Remembering yourself

54. Experience satisfaction

55. Be aware of the gap between wakefulness and sleep



57. Be unperturbed by desires

58. See the world as a performance

59. Stand in the middle between two polarities

60. Acceptance



61. See existence as a rough sea

62. Use the mind as a door to meditation

63. Become aware of the feeler



64. At the beginning of a strong sensation, realize

65. Don't judge



66. Realize what never changes in you

67. Remember that everything changes


Chapter 13 (45). BEING WITH THE REAL

68. Give up hope

69. Rise above slavery and freedom



70. Visualize rays of light rising along your spine

71. Visualize a flash of light jumping from one chakra to another.

72. Feel the presence of eternal existence


Bhagavan Shri Rajneesh (Osho).

Vijnana Bhairava Tantra.

Book of Secrets.

New comment. Volume 3


The reader is offered a new, complete translation of the book by Osho (Bhagavan Shri Rajneesh), made according to the latest revised two-volume edition, undertaken after the author left this Earth. The entire book contains 80 conversations (chapters) dedicated to 112 sutra techniques set forth in the ancient tantric treatise Vigyan Bhairava Tantra.

In this book, Rajneesh speaks about God as a certain potential inherent in man himself, as a certain state that he must realize, about the state of knowledge of the Truth, as a vision of the World, in its integrity and interconnection, about the state of love as being in harmony with the World, about the state of knowledge of the source of life from which the World came, and of being this source itself - the source of “pure vitality”, through which we are connected with and are all being.

Bhagavan does not call for worship or “devotional service” to any deity, but calls for cognizing the Divine that surrounds us and is contained in us, to join it, to realize it in ourselves. He calls for the discovery of those hidden depths of our nature that unite us with the Divine, through which it feeds and waters us, through which the Divine gives us life and which we are not even aware of in our everyday existence.

To accomplish this, he says, we must realize all our conditioning, which makes robots out of us, out of the Divine. A robot is not one who lives, feels, understands, but one who is programmed for a certain behavior, who functions according to pre-established programs, rules, and regulations. The programs embedded in a robot are not its programs; the robot is their slave. A person striving to be free, striving to be a Human, striving to realize the Divine in himself, needs to realize this and free himself from it. Then his nature will flow easily and freely, like a stream from which the stone that blocked his path has been removed.

This is what the 112 techniques outlined by Shiva to his wife Devi more than five thousand years ago are aimed at. The enlightened master is trying to revive these techniques in their original form and adapt them for people of the 21st century. Rajneesh claims that these techniques are comprehensive and that the meditation practices of all existing religions and esoteric teachings are built on them. He strives to convey to people all his deep understanding of these techniques, arguing that it was for this purpose that Shiva, Krishna, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Mahavira, Patanjali, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad came into the world of people... He says that everything depends from us, from how deep and sincere our need to know the Truth turned out to be.

Shortly before leaving us, Rajneesh renounced his title “Bhagavan,” literally meaning “God, Lord, Master,” because he feared that he would be deified by fanatical fans and followers, as was the case with many other enlightened ones. Therefore, he took the name Osho, which means “oceanic, dissolved in the ocean.” Later he learned that the word "Osho" was also used in the Far East in the sense of "Blessed One, the one whom the sky showers with flowers"...

The third volume of this edition includes the next sixteen chapters and, accordingly, meditation techniques from 48 to 72, corresponding to the third volume of the first original edition, consisting of five volumes. This volume contains two cycles of Osho's talks on various meditation techniques. The material in the volume is quite autonomous - any of the techniques may be sufficient to achieve the Truth; the esoteric practices of most religious traditions are built on one or two techniques of Vigyan and Bhairava Tantra.



48. At the beginning of sexual intercourse, keep your attention on the fire at the beginning and, continuing so, avoid the last smoldering embers at the end.

49. When in an embrace your feelings shake like leaves, enter into this shaking.

50. Even the memory of intercourse, without hugs, is a transformation.

51. When you joyfully meet a long-absent friend, soak in this joy.

52. When eating or drinking, become the taste of the food or drink and be filled with it.

Sigmund Freud said somewhere that a person is born neurotic. This is half the truth. A person is not born neurotic, but he belongs to neurotic humanity, and the society around him sooner or later makes everyone neurotic. A person is born natural, real, normal, but by the time the newborn becomes part of society, neuroses begin. Such as we are, we are neurotics, and the cause of neuroses is splitting - deep splitting. You are not alone - there are two of you or even many. This must be understood very deeply; only then can we advance into tantra.

Your sensations and thoughts have become two different processes - this is the basis of all neuroses. Your thinking part and your feeling part are divided, and you identify with the thinking part and not with the feeling part. But feelings are more real than reasoning; they are more natural. You are born with a feeling heart, but reasoning abilities are cultivated in you - they are brought up in you by society. And your feelings are suppressed. Even when you say what you feel, you only think what you feel. Your feelings have died, and there are certain reasons for this.

When a child is born, he is a sentient being: he feels everything around him. He is not yet a thinking being. He is natural, like everything natural in nature - like trees and like animals. But we are beginning to melt it down and cultivate it. He must suppress his feelings because without suppressing them he will always be in trouble. When he wants to cry, he can't cry because his parents won't approve. He will be judged. He will not be appreciated, he will not be loved. As he is, he cannot be accepted. He must behave well, he must behave in accordance with a specific ideology, with certain ideals. Only then will he be loved.

Love is not meant for who he is. He can be loved only if he follows certain rules. These rules are imposed on him; they are not natural. The natural being begins to be suppressed; the unnatural, the unreal is superimposed on top of it. This unreal thing eats...

Kiriamir/ 03/16/2019 This book exudes love, light and the endless wisdom of millennia. Fantastic!!! Thank you!!!

Eageniy/ 10/25/2016 I love old Hooligan. Techniques without commentary are like a box of grenades for monkeys. After Osho's words, the pomegranate turns into safe chocolate. Monkeys don't turn into anything. But maybe this is not necessary.

Traveler/ 05/22/2015 Bzhzh, I question the very existence of Shiva, which, however, does not detract from the effectiveness of the practices.

Guest/ 06/25/2013 thank you! I was really looking for these books!

Bzhzh/ 06/04/2013 Those who are for initiation, that is, for the traditional approach as well. Without comments, OSHO is Vigyan-Bhairava Tantra, told by Shiva himself. Those who are for the traditional approach cannot deny this. You question the greatness and effectiveness words of Shiva?))))

Sofia/ 11/15/2012 My beloved Osho!
every word he says is worth its weight in gold!

neosannyasin/ 06/13/2012 Dangerous literature, all mystical abilities, how to develop, etc. - HERE! For unprepared people, this book is dangerous. Everything you knew before will seem like just baby talk! Real possibilities that can be realized. Conscious evolution leading to the truth and methods of comprehending reality contains this source. This is not philosophy, this is practice A practicing person can delve into their essence. Hypnosis, faith, deprogramming (anti-hypnosis-awakening), love, happiness, compassion, awareness, imagination, intuition, this explains everything and gives real methods of comprehension. These methods are 10 thousand years old. They are always led people to their true realization.

Sannyasin/ 03/23/2011 These techniques... cover all possibilities, all ways of purifying the mind, going beyond the limits of the mind. The book - Vigyan Bhairav ​​Tantra - is five thousand years old. Nothing can be added to it. It is exhaustive, complete. This is the oldest and, at the same time, the most A new book.

Anton/ 09.17.2009 Idle talk...

lan31/ 09/12/2009 Meditation is available to absolutely everyone, without any mentors or leaders. Even one book can open the door to meditation. There is absolutely no need for a mentor to understand these books.
Who wants to see the world without the mediator of the mind, this book will allow you to do this, absolutely without any mentors, Osho himself talks about this.

Stepan / 23.08.2009 A simple wish to see the world without the mediator of the mind is not enough, it is necessary to have the aspiration and guidance of an Enlightened Master, and most importantly, dedication. One book will not help to do this, it can help to find the Path. The very desire to see the world without the mediator of the mind will be an obstacle. Do not forget, the mind is cunning and resourceful. The need for a mentor is mandatory, Osho himself mentions this.

lan31/ 08/21/2009 Who wants to see the world without the intermediary of the mind, this book will allow you to do this.

Stepan/ 07/6/2009 Well, for TooRkov (or the Turks) I would like to add that this is not a book of philosophers, but living comments from an Enlightened Master on the practical application of meditation practice. Vigyan Bhairava Tantra is indeed a Great book, since it is already more than 5000 years old years. The Bible cannot be compared with it. Absorb the words of the Enlightened masters of all traditions and nationalities, like a sponge absorbs water. There is Life in their words, because they all come from the same source.

Stepan/ 07/05/2009 Yes, it really is a wonderful book. When you read it, it’s very inspiring, especially when you compare what you read with personal experience practices in the tradition. Without practice in the tradition (under the guidance of an experienced mentor), the knowledge presented in this book will remain only at the level of mental understanding. Well, the mentor must be Enlightened. Thank you for your attention.

Vasyanya/ 04/9/2009 The most outstanding book of all times and peoples, it contains all human wisdom. I advise everyone to read it at least once.

Vijnana Bhairava Tantra. These meditation techniques cover all possibilities, all ways of purifying the mind, going beyond the mind. The book - Vigyan Bhairav ​​Tantra - is five thousand years old. Nothing can be added to it. It is exhaustive, complete. This is the oldest and, at the same time, the newest book.

Read the book Vijnana Bhairava Tantra online

Davy said:

Oh Shiva, what is this reality?

What is this universe full of wonders?

What makes up a seed?

What centers the wheel of the universe?

What is life outside the body, filling all bodies?

How to enter it entirely, outside of space

And time, outside of genders and names?

May my doubts be dispelled!

Shiva replied:

Oh, Radiant One, this is an experience

Between two breaths one can awaken.

After coming down breath and straight

Before returning upward it is a WELCOME.

When the breath turns from below

Up again and again when

It changes back from top to bottom -

You through both of these turns - BE AWARE.

Or whenever together

Inhalation and exhalation merged - in this moment

Touch not the energy, but

Energy filled CENTER.

Or when everything is exhaled upward, and

Breathing stopped on its own, or

When you've breathed everything down and more

You can’t breathe - in such a universal pause

Your untrue “I” WILL DISAPPEAR.

Only the defiled have this difficulty.

Represent your essence as a ray of light,

What goes up in the spine, rising

From the center of one to the other, and the same

VITALITY rises in you.

Or in the spaces between them

You will feel it like lightning.

In these nectar-filled centers of consciousness

Just imagine, Devi, Sanskrit letters -

Like letters at first, and then refined, like sounds.

And then it’s like the most subtle sensation.

And then, leaving them, become FREE.

Keep your attention between your eyebrows, and let

Your mind will come before your thoughts.

And let the body be in external form

The breath will be filled with the essence to the very

The top of the head, and there it WILL SHOW LIGHT.

Or imagine the five-color circles of a peacock's tail

With your five senses in boundless space.

And now let their beauty fade away gradually.

Also, at any point in space or a wall -

Until the point DISSOLVES COMPLETELY. That's when

And your wish for something else will come true.

Close your eyes and look in detail

You are your innermost being.

So SEE your nature.

Focus your attention on the nerve,

Like the thinnest lotus thread that

Passes through the spinal column.

And in it - be TRANSFORMED.

Close all seven holes of the head with your hands and

Feel how the space between your eyes ACCESSES EVERYTHING.

Eyeballs lightly, like a feather

Touching, from the middle between them -

Lightness and light REVEAL IN THE HEART,

And the harmony of the cosmos enters into it.

Bathe in the middle of the sound

As in the foam of a continuous waterfall.

Or, with your fingers in your ears, hear the SOUND OF SOUNDS.

Sing long: A - U - M,

The sound will flow into full sound.

So follow him, YOU ENTER too.

At the beginning of the sound of any letter

And in the gradual refinement of sound - WAKE UP.

Listening to the sounds of string instruments,

Hear their middle sound, in it is omnipresence.

Sing the sound out loud, then quieter and quieter, feeling

Immerse yourself in the HARMONY of SILENCE.

Inside, around you, at the same time imagine the spirit,

Until the entire universe is SPIRITUALized.

Dear Devi, enter this unearthly PRESENCE,

That everything fills around, both above and below you.

The substance of the mind is clothed in inexpressible subtlety:

And above, and below, and IN YOUR HEART.

Any area of ​​your current body -


Feel how your substance -

All flesh and blood and bones - all through


Imagine your motionless body

An empty space, fenced off by skin - EMPTY.

Blessed when all your feelings

The heart will absorb - reach the lotus in the MIDDLE.

Depriving the mind of worries, remain in the middle - THEN.

Among the bustle of the world, keeping attention between two

Breathing, acting like this for several days in a row -


Focus on the fire moving up your body

From your toes until your whole body burns - BUT NOT YOU.

Meditate on the illusory world,

As if burning to the ground,

And turn into the essence that is ABOVE HUMAN.

Feel how the subtlest ability of creation

Your chest overflows - taking EXQUISITE FORMS.

Breath barely perceptible in the center of the forehead, when

At the moment of falling asleep it will reach the heart,

Become a ruler over dreams and OVER DEATH.

How dependently letters form words, and words form sentences;

How spheres independently compose worlds, and worlds are the first principle,

So finally find their convergence IN OUR EXISTENCE.

Play, divine one, have fun!

The universe is an empty shell

Where your mind frolics UNLIMITED.

Look at the cup, but don't notice

Neither its substance, nor its walls.

In moments - BECOME AWARE.

Live in conditions of IMMENSE SPACE -

Where there are no inhabitants, trees and hills.

The constraint of the mind stops here.

Think, think, darling,

About knowledge and ignorance, existing and non-existent,

And then drop everything at once so that you can BE.

Look with love at some object,

Don't get distracted, move on to something else.

Here, in the middle of it, is BLESSING.


Concentrating reverently on two

In the transitions of breathing, recognize the AWARENESS.

Contemplate, delve into the filling - so

Your BODY OF BLISS is overflowing.

When they caress you, dear princess -

ENTER THIS CARE as into eternal life.

Close the doors of the senses, feeling

How an ant crawls. AND THEN.

At the beginning of sexual union

Keep your attention on the fire AT THE SOURCE.

This is continuing, avoid

Some smoldering coals at the end.

When your feelings are in such an embrace

As the leaves begin to tremble - ENTER THIS TREMBLING.

And even remembering togetherness, without hugs - TRANSFORMATION.

When you joyfully meet

A long-gone friend -

Let this joy PERMEATE YOU ALL.

When you eat or drink, become the taste

Food or drink and BE FILLED with them.

Lotus-eyed One, whose touch is sweet!

When you sing, look or taste -

Realizing yourself, open IMMORTALITY.

Where and in whatever place is found

Satisfaction - REALIZE IT.

On the verge of falling asleep

It wasn’t sleep that fell, but vigor

The external one goes away - THE ESSENCE IS OPEN.

When in summer you see the whole sky clear


Lie like dead. And enraged with anger, such

Stay. Or, without blinking, look closely.

Or, when you suck something, then - BECOME THE SUCKING IT.

Sit only on your buttocks, without support

For hands and feet. Suddenly - EQUILIBRIUM.

In a comfortable position, gradually, you area

Fill between the armpits with the GREAT PEACE.
