Animals of the Far East. What animals live in the Far East? Broad-leaved forests of the Far East Wild animals in the nature of the Far East

Matrenochkina Victoria Petrovna
Job title: additional education teacher
Educational institution: MBU DO "House of children's creativity"
Locality: Primorsky Krai, Krasnoarmeisky district, Vostok township.
Material name: Presentation
Subject:"Rare and endangered species of animals and plants Far East".
Publication date: 20.11.2016
Chapter: additional education

Municipal state-financed organization additional education "House of children's creativity" with. Novopokrovka, Krasnoarmeisky district, Primorsky Krai. Presentation on the topic: "Rare and endangered species of animals and plants of the Far East." (for children elementary school students in the House of Creativity). Developed by:
Matrenochkina Victoria Petrovna
Teacher of additional education, Head of the creative association "Craftsmen". 2015
Presentation for the lesson "Day of Reserves and National Parks of Russia".
: "Rare and endangered species of animals and plants of the Far East". Presentation for the lesson "Day of Reserves and National Parks of Russia".
: "Rare and endangered species of animals and plants of the Far East".
The lure is high. The high lure got its name for the sharp spikes with which it strives to catch on the clothes of a passing traveler. And she attracts with her bright red berries. About the lure, people made up legends.
Rhododendron Schlippenbach. Rhododendron Schlippenbach. Literally translated from Greek, "rhododendron" is "rose tree". Some translate it as "alpine rose". The rhododendron was named by the famous researcher of the Far Eastern flora K. I. Maksimovich in honor of the naval officer, plant collector, A. E. Schlippenbach, who collected and assembled the herbarium, making voyages on the Vostok schooner along the Amur.
The slipper is large-flowered. According to legend, the goddess of love Venus had very peculiar shoes. The capricious goddess wore shoes exclusively from flower petals. Whether this is true or not, flowers have been growing all over the world for a long time in shape really resembling fancy shoes. Such flowers can be found even in the forests of Primorye in May - June and marvel at their "style" and grace.
Ginseng. “You will get the root of life at the cost of life,” says the Udege proverb. In the taiga, in the most remote places, a healing plant grows whose name is Ginseng. In translation, this means a person - the root.
Lotus Komarov. Lotus Komarov. Lotus is a sacred plant among representatives of various religions in the countries of Central and Southeast Asia. For many centuries, the lotus was worshiped in the East; it occupied an honorable place in religious rites, traditions and legends. Lotus is a sacred plant among representatives of various religions in the countries of Central and Southeast Asia. For many centuries, the lotus was worshiped in the East; it occupied an honorable place in religious rites, traditions and legends.
Radiola pink. IN medical practice rhizomes and roots of radiola rosea are used for increased fatigue, neurasthenic conditions, etc. In folk medicine, the golden root is used for gastrointestinal diseases, anemia and disorders of the nervous system.
Kamchatka hazel grouse. The serrated scales of the bulbs consist of small scales - onions, similar to grains of rice. The flowers have an unpleasant smell. Ornamental, food and medicinal plant. Indian tribes used small onions for food.
Yew. Yew is a coniferous tree or shrub with slow growth and dense branching. All parts of the yew coniferous tree are poisonous.
Ussuri (Amur) tiger. Ussuri (Amur) tiger. In 1947, the tiger was taken under protection - hunting for it was completely prohibited in Russia. This amazing animal is listed in the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and the Red Book Russian Federation as an endangered species. The body length of the Amur tiger without a tail is 160 - 200 cm, the tail length is about 100 cm. The weight of an adult animal can reach 300 kg. The largest recorded weight of a tiger is 384 kg. In 1947, the tiger was taken under protection - hunting for it was completely prohibited in Russia. This amazing animal is listed in the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and the Red Book of the Russian Federation as a species endangered. The body length of the Amur tiger without a tail is 160 - 200 cm, the tail length is about 100 cm. The weight of an adult animal can reach 300 kg. The largest recorded weight of a tiger is 384 kg.
Dahurian crane. Dahurian crane. Large long-legged and long-necked bird. Lives in pairs, on migration - in flocks.
White-backed albatross. Easily distinguished by their large size. It flies and swims well, but does not dive. Be careful of other types of albatrosses, it rarely approaches ships.
Steller's or Pacific Eagle. The Steller's sea eagle is the largest of the sea eagles, larger than a goose. Lives alone or in pairs. Adult birds are well distinguished from other eagles by their white shoulders.
Far Eastern leopard. Far Eastern leopard. The total world population of the leopard is about 40-50 individuals, with less than 10 individuals in China. In the Red Book of the Russian Federation, the Far Eastern leopard belongs to category I, as the rarest, endangered subspecies, is included in the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature.
Far Eastern stork. IN South Korea there is the last and only inhabited nest of the Far Eastern stork, which has been known for 26 years. The number of storks is steadily declining. The reason is pesticide poisoning.
Sea lion or sea lion. Sea lion or sea lion. The sea lion or sea lion is the largest member of the eared seal family. The length of adult males can be 350 cm, females - 250-280 cm. All large males up to 1 ton, females - 250-300 kg. Newborn cubs at the age of one month weigh 30-35 kg. The sea lion or sea lion is the largest member of the eared seal family. The length of adult males can be 350 cm, females - 250-280 cm. All large males up to 1 ton, females - 250-300 kg. Newborn cubs at the age of one month weigh 30-35 kg.
Ussuri clawed newt. Chinese perch. Fish owl. Gray whale. Black vulture.
Thank you for your attention!

The Far East is the most remote region of Russia, which has a rather harsh climate. The Ussuri taiga is a unique natural heritage; more than 400 species of trees grow on its territory (among them the Korean oak). Many endemic, that is, not found anywhere else in the world, representatives of the fauna also live here. Animals are interesting and unique, many of their species are listed in the Red Book.

Amur leopard

Amur is recognized as the rarest wild cat in the world. The species, which is on the verge of extinction, is unusually beautiful. There are currently about 30 individuals in the wild. Amur leopard, and in zoos - about a hundred (and all from one male). On the territory of Korea, these wonderful leopards are completely exterminated, in China they are found in isolated cases. Most likely, these are coming from Russian territory individuals. Many animals of the Far East are on the verge of extinction, as well as the threat for them is not only poachers, but also Forest fires, reducing the amount of food.

Ussurian tiger

The tiger is the largest cat in the world. The male in the prime of life has a weight of up to 300 kg. This is a strong and powerful beast. The weight of the tiger does not prevent him from being an excellent hunter and move through the reeds without making the slightest rustle. He hunts for moose, wild boars, deer, hares, he can even attack a medium-sized bear.

Animals of the Far East tremble at night, having heard its formidable and mighty roar. The female tiger gives birth to two or three cubs, which stay with her for up to three years, learning the basics of the art of hunting. At the same time, tiger cubs feed on mother's milk only up to six months.

Animals of the Far East: Himalayan bear

This predator is much smaller than his close relative - Brown bear. That is why the first tries not to meet on narrow paths with the second. But Himalayan bear very beautiful, his black coat glistens and shimmers in the sun, and his chest is decorated with a white spot. Like many animals of the Far East, the bear loves to feast on acorns, nuts and roots. Having worked up an impressive fat reserve over the summer, the animal goes into hibernation in a cozy large hollow of cedar, pine or oak. Hibernation continues for five months. In February, the she-bear gives birth to cubs, which stay with her until the next autumn.

The nature of the Far East is beautiful and unique. We must make every effort to preserve it for our descendants!

Prevents the formation of a good soil layer permafrost. The soil cover even in the forest belt is about 40-50 cm. The slopes of high mountains, as a rule, do not have any vegetation, they are often covered with stones. Soddy-meadow soils are observed only in the valleys big rivers. But they are not particularly fertile.

In the northeast of the Far East, one can meet two natural areas: and tundra. They are quite unusually combined with each other. At the bottom of the mountains, birch-larch and larch forests. Slightly higher there is a section of cedar elfin. Mountain lichen tundra grows even higher.

The highest border of the forest on the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk passes at an altitude of 400-600 m. Higher forest thickets can be found in the upper reaches of the Kolyma. The vegetation here rises to a level of up to 1200 m.

On Kuril Islands and southern Sakhalin, there are certain undergrowths, which consist mainly of birch and spruce forests in combination with. On the Kuril Islands, you can find, which are more characteristic of meadows, stone birch, as well as larch and elfin cedar. In Primorye, coniferous-deciduous and coniferous forests grow more.

Animals of the Far East

Animals that live in or in the tundra freely change their location. In the tundra you can often meet reindeer, polar bears, arctic foxes. In the taiga, bears, wolverines, lynxes and squirrels are more common.

In the warm season, they often fly to the tundra migratory birds: partridges, geese, ducks and swans. In the taiga one can meet thrushes, nuthatches, nutcrackers, woodpeckers, wood grouses and hazel grouses. It should be noted that in the mountains there are a large number of animals. First of all, these are musk deer and leopards living in the mountain tundra and areas that are devoid of woody vegetation.

River and marine fauna is diverse in the Far East. In the rivers in some periods there are sockeye salmon, coho salmon and pink salmon. Grayling occurs in small streams and rivers. On sea ​​coasts and in the seas live seals, walruses, fur seals and canals. Often in the northern part of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bOkhotsk you can meet "herring sharks". They enter these waters following their prey - fish shoals.

It should be noted that there are severe restrictions on hunting and fishing. On the territory of Wrangel Island is located protected area. Arctic fox and polar bears live here. Often, "bird markets" are formed here. From marine life bearded seals and seals are found on Wrangel Island. These representatives of the animal world are very strictly protected.

In the 1960s, it almost died out, but state and public environmental organizations were able to restore its number to 500 individuals. Most of them (310−330 individuals) live in Primorsky Krai, about 110 in Khabarovsk Krai, four in the Jewish Autonomous Oblast, and two in Amur. The owner of the Ussuri taiga has no enemies equal in strength, but he is too sensitive to disturbance factors and the quality of the habitat. Despite all the strength, size and speed of the tiger (capable of reaching up to 80 km / h in the snow), it takes a long time to hunt, and only one out of ten attempts is successful. Also, the Amur tiger has a small heart, and therefore, after a jerk that reaches 20 m / s, you have to rest for a long time, otherwise it may die. The predator hunts at night, at this time of day he sees five times better than a man. It crawls up to the victim, arching its back and resting its hind legs on the ground. He needs 9-10 kg of meat per day. Having killed, for example, a horse, a tiger is able to drag it along the ground for more than half a kilometer. Touching each other with their muzzles, predators express friendliness, and they greet with snorting sounds.

Far Eastern leopardDespite the fact that the leopard is a predator, it is extremely peaceful and will never attack a person, except when the animal is cornered. Far Eastern leopards are born blind with spotted coloration. Each has its own unique pattern, thanks to which scientists distinguish between individuals. The Far East is the only subspecies of the leopard that has learned to live and hunt in the snow: the rest of the species live in tropical forests. The leopard usually goes hunting in the evening, a few hours before sunset. Produces deer and roe deer, wild boars, dogs, badgers, raccoons and hares. This blue-eyed predator has a tail almost the same length as its body - 82-90 cm. There are only about 80 individuals of the Far Eastern leopard left in the world, and man is again to blame for this: he cuts down and burns forests, pollutes air and water, hunts. Experts now World Fund WWF and specialists from other environmental organizations not only protect leopards from external factors, but also conduct educational work with the population. In the summer of 2015, the Greenpeace fire brigade arrived in Primorsky Krai to help inspectors national park"Land of the Leopard" protect animals from fire.

Polar Bears Polar bears are not actually white at all. Their skin is black, but they look white, since each hollow hair reflects sunlight, which helps them keep warm and allows them to live in the Arctic. Sometimes the fur becomes yellow or green in color - in the first case, this may be due to age or dirt, and the reason for the “greening” is algae that can grow in the fur in warm and humid conditions atypical for a polar bear. They spend most of their time in the water and are excellent swimmers (they can even swim continuously for several days in a row). Newborn cubs look smaller than human babies, they are the size of a rat, but in a year, if they eat normally, they grow from a person. Hunt seals, seals, bearded seals and walruses polar bears accustomed to drifting ice floes or camouflaging themselves in the snow. They have an incredible sense of smell, sight and hearing - they can see their prey for several kilometers and smell it for 800 meters. Polar bears don't need an annual hibernation, but pregnant and nursing females fall into sleep for 50-80 days. The number of polar bears in the Russian Arctic is estimated at 5-6 thousand individuals. Due to the fact that the glaciers are melting, scientists predict that by 2050 two-thirds of the current bear population may disappear.

Kamchatka bear One of the most large predators in the world. Few people can dare to resist the power of the brown bear, especially since its Kamchatka subspecies is distinguished by its impressive size: Far Eastern males usually weigh 100 kg more than European ones. Only sometimes a pack of wolves successfully hunts a young or weak bear. Despite the large mass, he runs fast, up to 60 km / h, swims well and can even climb a tree.

The brown bear lives on almost the entire Kamchatka Peninsula (on 95% of the territory, most often on the floodplains of rivers and lakes during a mass run and spawning salmon fish, as well as in birch forests during the season of cones and berries), with the exception of heavily wetlands and highlands.

WhalesWhales are believed to be descended from land animals that returned to aquatic environment about 55 million years ago, even before the appearance of the first man. They have poor eyesight, no sense of smell and hear the whales throat. It is hearing that helps them navigate underwater and get food. They communicate using sounds of very low frequency, but high intensity and can hear each other for one and a half kilometers. Whales are divided into baleen, which feed on plankton, and toothed, which prey on fish and squid. Large individuals eat about a million calories a day, in summer - up to three tons of food per day. The rest of the year they can eat almost nothing and feed on stored fat. Of the toothed ones, the white whale, the bottlenose whale and the killer whale live in the waters of the Russian Far East. The latter eats, among other things, other whales, and in Spanish "killer whale" ("asesina ballenas") sounds like "whale killer". Gray and bowhead whales (baleen) make the longest seasonal migrations among mammals: in a year they swim up to 19 thousand km. The Bering-Chukotian population of bowhead whales winters in the northern and eastern parts of the Bering Sea off the coast of Alaska. Bowhead whales are the only baleen whales that spend their entire lives in polar waters. But in fact, they do not like to be among the ice: in spring, whales migrate to the north, and in autumn, retreating from the ice, to the south. whales breathe atmospheric air, so they are forced to float to the surface. But scientists still don't know why whales jump out of the water. Perhaps this is how they demonstrate their power and endurance in front of other whales. According to experts, about 250,000 whales used to live in Antarctica alone, but as a result of intensive fishing, the total number of these mammals is now less than 1% of this figure. Most countries have banned the production of whales, but their destruction continues to this day. So, because of the national traditions, the Chukchi in Chukotka are allowed to catch up to 126 whales per year.

Musk deer The musk deer is called differently - both a deer with fangs, and a hare deer, and a musk ram. But unlike deer, this artiodactyl has no horns, and it is compared with a hare because of its ability to confuse tracks, running away from a predator. In addition, like a hare, the musk deer moves in jumps due to its short front legs and, without slowing down, can change direction by 90 °. The main value of musk deer is musk. This is a substance secreted by males, which is used in perfumery (can be found, for example, in Chanel, Givenchy or Guerlain). Such perfumery products are ten times more expensive than fragrances based on synthetic bases. Despite the frightening fangs, the musk deer is a completely non-aggressive herbivore that feeds exclusively on plant foods. She lives in remote, hard-to-reach places, because of her caution, it is extremely difficult to photograph musk deer.

Amur goral The eastern goral looks like a goat. He is known for the fact that, despite his slowness and leisurely movements, in case of danger he can jump long distances on the rocks. In addition, in a desperate situation, the goral can jump from a height of 10 meters and land safely. Now the Amur goral is listed in the Red Book, but earlier Chinese folk healers considered its flesh and blood to be healing. The exact number of gorals is not determined, but in the eastern part of Russia there are from 600 to 750 individuals, and almost all are located in specially protected areas in the Lazovsky and Sikhote-Alinsky reserves.

Mandarin Duck In the Far Eastern peoples, the mandarin duck symbolizes love. Once having chosen a partner for herself, she remains faithful to him until the end of her life: mandarin ducks are so devoted that they even always fly in pairs. At Chinese weddings, the premises are often decorated with images of "tangerines". Males stand out for their incredibly beautiful bright color and tuft on their heads. Another feature of "tangerines" is the sound they make. If ducks usually quack, then "tangerines" squeak thinly or whistle softly. Somewhere in the middle of autumn, "mandarin ducks" nesting in Russia (Amur and Sakhalin regions, Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories) fly to China and Japan for the winter. Despite the fact that these are aquatic birds, they settle in the hollows of trees, often high - up to 6 meters in height.

KharzaDespite its diminutiveness, the largest (body length 55-80 cm) and colorfully colored marten harza is a real predator that climbs trees perfectly and jumps from tree to tree up to 9 meters in length. It may seem that its size allows you to hunt only grasshoppers, squirrels, mice and hares, but the harza is not limited to such small prey: it often attacks musk deer, red deer and roe deer. True, she does not hunt alone, but in a group of several more individuals. The claws of this little predator can bend up to 180 ºC, which allows it to climb a vertical wall upside down, and run 20 km a day in search of food - not a test for a mart. Kharza lives in the Amur region, on the Sikhote-Alin in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, in the Jewish and Amur Regions, but it is rare: one individual per 50-100 km².

CranesIn the Far East live 5 out of 7 Russian cranes - black, grey, Dahurian, Japanese and Siberian Cranes (white). These birds are the size of a man - their height can reach 175 cm. In captivity, cranes can live up to 80 years, but in wild nature- usually up to 20 years. By adhering to a monogamous relationship, they build a family for life. But if a male or female dies, then the bird finds a new pair. In Yakutia, there is a belief that ruining a nest or killing a crane, even by negligence, brings bad luck. In China and Japan, the crane is a symbol of wisdom, honor, beauty, longevity and vigilance, and in Armenia it is considered a national symbol.

Far Eastern stork At first glance, the Far Eastern stork looks like a white stork, but it is one and a half times larger than its European relative, and its beak is not orange, but black. The stork avoids people, prefers to nest away from settlements, choosing wet places near water bodies. The nests of storks look impressive, the size of which varies from 1 to 2.5 meters in diameter. They are usually located on trees or power line pylons. Since 2004, the "Keepers of Stork Nests" movement, created at the initiative of WWF, has taken stork nests under its protection, carried out fire-fighting treatments for nesting trees, and aerated reservoirs to maintain and preserve forage base and other environmental actions. In early April, Far Eastern storks begin to lay their eggs, and a month later the first chicks appear. storks - caring parents: during adverse weather, they protect the chicks from rain and wind, in the heat - water them cold water from the beak, cover with their shadow from the sun, water and care for plumage. Newborns make creaking sounds, and then lose their voice and communicate by cracking their beaks. After two months, they leave the nest and begin their independent life.

Fish owlThese birds are monogamous and live in pairs, settle in valleys mountain rivers that do not freeze even in severe frost. When they go hunting, the male is in charge, despite the fact that females are usually larger. Together they can wait for hours for their prey, sitting on a stone or on the branches of a tree that has fallen into the water, but the female often does not fish on principle, since the male must show his strength and ability to feed her when she hatches eggs and cannot hunt. But when the ever-hungry chick hatches, they take turns hunting together. Little is known about the lifestyle of fish owls, since they nest far from humans and come out only at night. Only about 300-400 pairs of these birds nest in Primorye, the Khabarovsk Territory, in the Magadan Region and in the Southern Kuriles.

Sea lion Sea lion, northern sea lion, is the largest eared seal on the ground. On the territory of Russia, it lives on the Commander Islands, Kamchatka and in Sakhalin region. Sea lions were included in the Red Book in 1990. By 2012, the population was restored, and despite the fact that the northern sea lion is no longer on the verge of extinction, it is still protected. The rookery of sea lions is located on the shallows and sheer cliffs. Sea lions swim remarkably and jump into the water from a height of up to 25 meters. They avoid ice and spend the winter in the non-freezing areas of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Sea lions usually feed on fish and shellfish, but they can also attack fur seals. Northern sea lions are polygamous: they can fertilize several females and do not require to be constantly together, so the females occupy the rookery that they prefer.

The nature of the south of the Far East is rich and peculiar. The Amur basin is huge, carrying its waters to the Pacific Ocean.

The northern boundary of this zone runs along 50°N. sh. and is separated by the Stanovoy Range from Siberia. Mainly Mountain country, occupied by the spurs of the Sikhote-Alin ranges. The mountains here are low and do not have a pronounced zonality. The upper belt of mountains is characterized by sparse forests with thickets of cedar pine and mountain tundra, on the loaches of which snow spots are visible.

In the north of the Amur region, larch taiga prevails, and in the Khabarovsk Territory mountain dark coniferous forests of spruce and fir alternate with taiga. To the south of the Amur (in Primorye), mixed cedar-broad-leaved forests predominate, which include: Korean cedar, Mongolian oak, Manchurian walnut, Amur velvet and a number of other species. Huge trees are entwined with lianas and wild Amur grapes. The relic nature of this vegetation is due to the mild monsoon climate Primorye.

Plains occupy a limited area and adjoin valleys major rivers. Plots of forest-steppe and meadow landscape are most developed in the Amur region and in the Khanka lowland. Currently, these steppe and forest-steppe areas are mainly occupied by agricultural land.

The main fauna of the south of the Far East is represented by Amur species of South Asian origin. broadleaf forests Far East are distinguished by antiquity. The main core of the local fauna has been preserved here since the beginning of the Tertiary period. This faunistic complex is typical for Primorye and only partially penetrates into adjacent to the Amur region and Khabarovsk Territory zones. This boundary almost coincides with 50°N. sh. and is called the "Arseniev line". The fauna north of this border belongs to the widespread fauna of taiga Siberia, certain types which penetrate far to the south.

When zoogeographically zoning the south of the Far East, three regions are distinguished:

1. The Middle Amur Region (the lower reaches of the Zeya and Bureya rivers) covers a vast area with the cities of Blagoveshchensk, Khabarovsk and Komsomolsk-on-Amur. A characteristic feature of this region is the mixture of northern Siberian and southern Manchurian species of fauna. The last two groups have found the limits of their distribution here and give a peculiar character to the named zone. The Mongolian-Daurian steppe fauna is represented here only by individual species.

2. The basin of the Ussuri itself with its tributaries, the Middle Sikhote-Alin, as well as the coast Sea of ​​Japan from Terney Bay to the Samarga River. This zone is dominated by the Amur fauna, there is a mixture of its various species, and its more southern forms no longer penetrate here.

3. Southern Primorye covers the sea coast from the city of Vladivostok to Terney Bay, the sources of the Ussuri River and the lake basin. Khanka. This region is characterized by species of fauna that are found only within this border zone (sika deer, goral, leopard, moger, zokor and a number of others).

Thus, animal world the south of the Far East has a mixed character, heterogeneous in different parts of the region.

The north is dominated Siberian species - reindeer, wolverine, sable, hare, in the south (Primorye) - the above-mentioned species of the Amur (Manchurian) fauna.

The zoogeographic zoning and the origin of the fauna were influenced by glacial period. Its impact on the native fauna of the Far East was relatively small. However, under his influence, the previously existing homogeneous fauna was largely rebuilt by changing forms, retreating to the south, forming zonal belts, and partially introducing new alien elements. The antiquity and abundance of relic forms did not rule out the penetration of Siberian (taiga) and partly Mongolian (steppe) elements into this area at certain stages of its development. The local fauna was pushed aside in the Amur and Primorye.

IN modern period Anthropogenic factors strongly influence the fauna - economic activity human, agriculture, forestry and hunting. The construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline has a particularly large impact. In this regard, the problem of protection and rational use fauna of the Far East has become even more important.

The fauna of the Far Eastern Territory has a rich and diverse species composition. By origin, it has a very complex nature. Along with the usual widespread species of the fauna of Siberia, the main and most pronounced core belongs to the Amur group of rare forms of southern origin. The latter are of particular scientific interest, they are characterized by a limited range and the smallest number.

An analysis of the theriofauna of the Amur-Ussuri Territory makes it possible to distinguish several complexes in its composition. The endemic species of Primorye and adjacent areas of the Amur region include a number of species distributed in the southeastern part of Asia. This group includes: Far Eastern sika deer, Amur goral, Amur tiger, oriental leopard, black bear, Amur forest cat, raccoon dog, harza marten, Manchurian hare, rat-like hamster, Ussuri tube-billed whale, mole moher, giant shrew and a number of other species.

Widespread species of the northern fauna of the Poearctic in the south of the Far East are represented by special subspecies - geographic races (elk, red deer, roe deer, musk deer, wild boar, brown bear, sable, Siberian weasel, squirrel, flying squirrel, chipmunk, ground squirrel, a number of mouse-like rodents, bats and insectivores). At present, acclimatization of new animal species has been carried out in the Far East - the American mink, the striped raccoon, the European and Canadian beavers, the European hare, and the muskrat.

In this regard, the fauna of the south of the Far East has a very complex and at the same time unique character. Next, we will talk about the main species of fauna, indicating their places of distribution and the nature of their habitat.

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