Characteristics of the main characters of the story "Anna on the Neck". Chekhov - Anna on the neck

“After the wedding there wasn’t even a light snack.” An 18-year-old girl, Anya, married a 52-year-old official, Modest Alekseich. After the wedding, they go to the monastery for a pilgrimage.

On the train, Modest Alekseich, smiling, recalls one incident: “When Kosorotov received the Order of St. Anna of the second degree and came to thank, His Excellency put it this way: “So, you now have three Annas: one in your buttonhole, two on your neck.” At that time, his wife had just returned to Kosorotov, a grumpy and frivolous person named Anna. I hope that when I receive Anna of the second degree, His Excellency will not have a reason to tell me the same thing.” And Anya thinks that even though she married a rich man, “she still didn’t have any money, and when her father and brothers saw her off today, she saw from their faces that they didn’t have a penny.” After the death of her mother, her father (teacher of calligraphy and drawing at the gymnasium) Pyotr Leontyich started drinking, Petya and Andryusha (younger brothers-school students) did not even have boots. “But the ladies I knew began to fuss and began looking for Anya good man. Soon this same Modest Alekseich was found, not young and not handsome, but with money.”

The couple began to live in a government apartment. Anya played the piano all day long, or cried from boredom, or read novels and fashion magazines. Modest Alekseich at dinner talked about politics, about appointments and awards, about the fact that family life there is not pleasure, but duty. In society, Modest Alekseich forced Anya to bow obsequiously to people of high rank. He was greedy when Anya asked him to buy her something. When Anya came to visit her father and brothers, she felt that they were embarrassed and did not know how to behave. The weak and kind father Pyotr Leontyich played the old harmonium on holidays and still drank. And the brothers “Petya and Andryusha, thin, pale boys with big eyes, took the decanter from him and said in confusion: “Don’t, daddy... That’s enough, daddy...”

Anya’s money situation got even worse after marriage. Only once did Pyotr Leontyich ask Anya’s husband for 50 rubles. Modest Alekseich gave money, but threatened that last time, because Pyotr Leontyich drinks, and this is shameful. And the brothers who came to visit Anya also had to listen to the instructions of Anya’s husband: “Every person must have his own responsibilities!” De-

Modest Alekseich did not give negation, but he gave Anya jewelry, saying that these things are good to have for a rainy day. And he often checked whether all things were intact.

Long before Christmas, Modest Alekseich began preparing Anya for the traditional winter ball and even gave her 100 rubles for a dress.

It's time for the ball. Anya shone and charmed even the most indifferent men. Even His Excellency himself noticed Anya and invited her to host a charity bazaar. Things from Anya's hands were selling like hot cakes. “Artynov, a rich man, came up. Without taking his eyes off Anya, he drank a glass of champagne and paid a hundred rubles, then drank tea and gave another hundred.” Anya “realized that she was created exclusively for this noisy, brilliant, laughing life with music, dancing, fans.” She began to feel ashamed of her father: “she was already ashamed that she had such a poor, such an ordinary father.”

The next day Artynov came to visit Anya, and then His Excellency. When her husband, Modest Alekseich, arrived, “he also now stood in front of her with the same servile-respectful expression that she was used to seeing from him in the presence of the powerful and noble. And with delight, already sure that nothing would happen to her for this, she said, pronouncing every word clearly: “Go away, you idiot!”

After that, Anya did not have a single free day, as she took part either in a picnic, or in a walk, or in a play. She returned home every day in the morning. She needed a lot of money, but she only sent bills or notes to her husband: “pay 100 rubles immediately.”

At Easter, Modest Alekseich received Anna of the second degree. His Excellency said to this: “So you now have three Annas: one in your buttonhole, two on your neck.” Modest Alekseich replied: “Now all that remains is to wait for the birth of little Vladimir. I dare to ask your Excellency to be my successor.” He hinted at Vladimir IV degree and was already imagining how he would talk about this pun of his everywhere.

And Anya rode troikas, went hunting with Artynov, and visited her father and brothers less and less. Pyotr Leontyich was drinking harder than ever, there was no money, and the harmonium had long been sold for debt. And when, during walks, they met Anya in a troika with Artynov, “Peter Leontyich took off his top hat and was about to shout something, and Petya and Andryusha took him by the arms and said pleadingly: “Don’t, daddy... It will be, daddy...””

“After the wedding there wasn’t even a light snack.” An 18-year-old girl, Anya, married a 52-year-old official, Modest Alekseich. After the wedding, they go to the monastery for a pilgrimage.

On the train, Modest Alekseich, smiling, recalls one incident: “When Kosorotov received the Order of St. Anna of the second degree and came to thank, His Excellency put it this way: “So, you now have three Annas: one in your buttonhole, two on your neck.” At that time, his wife had just returned to Kosorotov, a grumpy and frivolous person named Anna. I hope that when I receive Anna of the second degree, His Excellency will not have a reason to tell me the same thing.” And Anya thinks that even though she married a rich man, “she still didn’t have any money, and when her father and brothers saw her off today, she saw from their faces that they didn’t have a penny.” After the death of her mother, her father (teacher of calligraphy and drawing at the gymnasium) Pyotr Leontyich started drinking, Petya and Andryusha (younger brothers-school students) did not even have boots. “But the ladies I knew began to fuss and began looking for a good man for Anya. Soon this same Modest Alekseich was found, not young and not handsome, but with money.”

The couple began to live in a government apartment. Anya played the piano all day long, or cried from boredom, or read novels and fashion magazines. Modest Alekseich at dinner talked about politics, about appointments and awards, and about how family life is not pleasure, but duty. In society, Modest Alekseich forced Anya to bow obsequiously to people of high rank. He was greedy when Anya asked him to buy her something. When Anya came to visit her father and brothers, she felt that they were embarrassed and did not know how to behave. The weak and kind father Pyotr Leontyich played the old harmonium on holidays and still drank. And the brothers “Petya and Andryusha, thin, pale boys with big eyes, took the decanter from him and said in confusion: “Don’t, daddy... That’s enough, daddy...””

Anya’s money situation got even worse after marriage. Only once did Pyotr Leontyich ask Anya’s husband for 50 rubles. Modest Alekseich gave money, but threatened that it would be the last time, because Pyotr Leontyich drinks, and this is shameful. And the brothers who came to visit Anya also had to listen to the instructions of Anya’s husband: “Every person must have his own responsibilities!” Modest Alekseich did not give money, but he gave Anya jewelry, saying that these things are good to have for a rainy day. And he often checked whether all things were intact.

Long before Christmas, Modest Alekseich began preparing Anya for the traditional winter ball and even gave her 100 rubles for a dress.

It's time for the ball. Anya shone and charmed even the most indifferent men. Even His Excellency himself noticed Anya and invited her to host a charity bazaar. Things from Anya's hands were selling like hot cakes. “Artynov, a rich man, came up. Without taking his eyes off Anya, he drank a glass of champagne and paid a hundred rubles, then drank tea and gave another hundred.” Anya “realized that she was created exclusively for this noisy, brilliant, laughing life with music, dancing, fans.” She began to feel ashamed of her father: “she was already ashamed that she had such a poor, such an ordinary father.”

The next day Artynov came to visit Anya, and then His Excellency. When her husband, Modest Alekseich, arrived, “he also now stood in front of her with the same servile-respectful expression that she was used to seeing from him in the presence of the powerful and noble. And with delight, already sure that nothing would happen to her for this, she said, clearly pronouncing every word: “Go away, you idiot!”

After that, Anya did not have a single free day, as she took part either in a picnic, or in a walk, or in a play. She returned home every day in the morning. She needed a lot of money, but she only sent bills or notes to her husband: “pay 100 rubles immediately.”

At Easter, Modest Alekseich received Anna of the second degree. His Excellency said to this: “So you now have three Annas: one in your buttonhole, two on your neck.” Modest Alekseich replied: “Now all that remains is to wait for the birth of little Vladimir. I dare to ask your Excellency to be my successor.” He hinted at Vladimir IV degree and was already imagining how he would talk about this pun of his everywhere.

And Anya rode troikas, went hunting with Artynov, and visited her father and brothers less and less. Pyotr Leontyich was drinking harder than ever, there was no money, and the harmonium had long been sold for debt. And when, during walks, they met Anya in a troika with Artynov, “Pyotr Leontyich took off his top hat and was about to shout something, and Petya and Andryusha took him by the arms and said pleadingly: “Don’t, daddy... It will, daddy...” .“”

“After the wedding there wasn’t even a light snack.” An 18-year-old girl, Anya, married a 52-year-old official, Modest Alekseich. After the wedding, they go to the monastery for a pilgrimage.
On the train, Modest Alekseich, smiling, recalls one incident: “When Kosorotov received the Order of St. Anna of the second degree and came to thank, His Excellency put it this way: “So, you now have three Annas: one in your buttonhole, two on your neck.” At that time, his wife had just returned to Kosorotov, a grumpy and frivolous person named Anna. I hope that when I receive Anna of the second degree, His Excellency will not have a reason to tell me the same thing.” And Anya thinks that even though she married a rich man, “she still didn’t have any money, and when her father and brothers saw her off today, she saw from their faces that they didn’t have a penny.” After the death of her mother, her father (teacher of calligraphy and drawing at the gymnasium) Pyotr Leontyich started drinking, Petya and Andryusha (younger brothers-school students) did not even have boots. “But the ladies I knew began to fuss and began looking for a good man for Anya. Soon this same Modest Alekseich was found, not young and not handsome, but with money.” The couple began to live in a government apartment. Anya played the piano all day long, or cried from boredom, or read novels and fashion magazines. Modest Alekseich at dinner talked about politics, about appointments and awards, and about how family life is not pleasure, but duty. In society, Modest Alekseich forced Anya to bow obsequiously to people of high rank. He was greedy when Anya asked him to buy her something. When Anya came to visit her father and brothers, she felt that they were embarrassed and did not know how to behave. The weak and kind father Pyotr Leontyich played the old harmonium on holidays and still drank. And the brothers “Petya and Andryusha, thin, pale boys with big eyes, took the decanter from him and said in confusion: “Don’t, daddy... That’s enough, daddy...” Anya’s money got even worse after marriage. Only once did Pyotr Leontyich ask Anya’s husband for 50 rubles. Modest Alekseich gave money, but threatened that it would be the last time, because Pyotr Leontyich drinks, and this is shameful. And the brothers who came to visit Anya also had to listen to the instructions of Anya’s husband: “Every person must have his own responsibilities!” Modest Alekseich did not give money, but he gave Anya jewelry, saying that these things were good to have for a rainy day. And he often checked whether all things were intact. Long before Christmas, Modest Alekseich began preparing Anya for the traditional winter ball and even gave her 100 rubles for a dress. It's time for the ball. Anya shone and charmed even the most indifferent men. Even His Excellency himself noticed Anya and invited her to host a charity bazaar. Things from Anya's hands were selling like hot cakes. “Artynov, a rich man, came up. Without taking his eyes off Anya, he drank a glass of champagne and paid a hundred rubles, then drank tea and gave another hundred.” Anya “realized that she was created exclusively for this noisy, brilliant, laughing life with music, dancing, fans.” She began to feel ashamed of her father: “she was already ashamed that she had such a poor, such an ordinary father.” The next day Artynov came to visit Anya, and then His Excellency. When her husband, Modest Alekseich, arrived, “he also now stood in front of her with the same servile-respectful expression that she was used to seeing from him in the presence of the powerful and noble. And with delight, already sure that nothing would happen to her for this, she said, clearly pronouncing every word: “Go away, you idiot!” After that, Anya did not have a single free day, since she took part in a picnic, sometimes on a walk, sometimes in a performance. She returned home every day in the morning. She needed a lot of money, but she only sent bills or notes to her husband: “pay 100 rubles immediately.” At Easter, Modest Alekseich received Anna of the second degree. His Excellency said to this: “So you now have three Annas: one in your buttonhole, two on your neck.” Modest Alekseich replied: “Now all that remains is to wait for the birth of little Vladimir. I dare to ask your Excellency to be my successor.” He hinted at Vladimir IV degree and was already imagining how he would talk about this pun of his everywhere. And Anya rode troikas, went hunting with Artynov, and visited her father and brothers less and less. Pyotr Leontyich was drinking harder than ever, there was no money, and the harmonium had long been sold for debt. And when, during walks, they met Anya in a troika with Artynov, “Peter Leontyich took off his top hat and was about to shout something, and Petya and Andryusha took him by the arms and said pleadingly: “Don’t, daddy... It will be, daddy...”

Among the later works of A. Chekhov is the story “Anna on the Neck,” published in 1895. A summary of the chapters allows the reader to follow the process of the moral decline of the heroine, captured by a new life.

Wedding and trip to the monastery

Immediately after the wedding, Modest Alekseevich and his young wife went to the monastery. But the point was not that the newlyweds wanted to be alone as quickly as possible, or that they were very pious. With such a decision, the husband, a 52-year-old man who had ranks, showed eighteen-year-old Anna that for him the main thing in marriage was morality and religion.

Among the mourners were colleagues and relatives. The drunken father kept baptizing his daughter and whispering something in her ear, while two high school-student brothers tugged at his sleeve, persuading him to calm down.

The story “Anna on the Neck,” a summary of which you are reading, continues with a description of the trip. In the carriage, Modest Alekseevich, short, very plump, freshly shaved, began to tell his wife about a certain Kosorotov. He had a frivolous wife, Anna. She left her husband and later returned. In this regard, His Excellency, presenting the order to Kosorotov, said the phrase: “Now you have three Annas: one in your buttonhole, and two on your neck.” Modest Alekseevich expressed the conviction that when his turn comes to receive the award, there will be no reason for such a statement.

And at that time the young wife was thinking about it for the sake of money. In fact, her husband turned out to be stingy, and she felt deceived. In addition, her family was left without a penny, and she could do nothing to help them. Then the girl remembered that after the death of her mother, her father began to drink, and she constantly felt shame for him and her poor life. Then Modest Alekseevich turned up - not young, but with money.

Music interrupted the thoughts of the heroine of the story “Anna on the Neck.” A brief summary of the scene at the station where the train stopped can be summarized as follows. The girl saw summer residents walking, among whom was the owner of these places, Artynov. She immediately wiped away her tears and left the carriage, wanting to show her new outfit to her friends. Soon Anna was looking coquettishly at Artynov, assuring herself that she would certainly be happy.

Married life

We returned home on the third day, and everything went according to schedule. Modest Alekseevich went to work, during lunch taught his wife that she needed to be thrifty, then went to bed. Anna didn't go anywhere. She often cried because she felt unhappy. She got up from the table hungry - she was afraid of Modest Aldekseevich - and went to her people. She had lunch there, and it seemed to her that her father and brothers were condemning her for marrying for money. This is how the days of the heroine of the story “Anna on the Neck” passed.

The summary can be supplemented by the fact that in the evenings Modest Alekseevich played with his colleagues, and the girl had to communicate with their wives, who were rude and ugly. Sometimes he took Anna to the theater, always making her bow to some noble lady and sparing money even for a pear in the buffet. The heroine was tormented by the fact that now she had less money than before the wedding. The young wife was afraid to ask her husband for money, and he himself spent only on jewelry, since they could be useful on a rainy day.

At the ball

Before Christmas, Modest Alekseevich told Anna that she had to sew a dress for the ball. The girl inherited good taste from her mother, so in this matter she relied only on herself. And when the husband saw his wife before the ball, he was stunned. Then he said that today she could make him happy. This is how the story “Anna on the Neck” continues.

Summary - Chekhov, as usual, pays a lot of attention to detail - the ball scene shows how the heroine's life changed overnight. The girl, seeing herself in the mirror, felt proud and confident. She danced all evening, forgetting about her husband. His Excellency, enchanted by the beauty, introduced Anna to his wife, who organized a charity trade in the noble assembly. The heroine, located in a hut, took money for tea, convinced that her smile brought pleasure to those around her. By the end of the evening, she already realized that she was created for just such a life: with dancing, fun, fans. And when her father, who was already quite drunk, approached, Anna even blushed, afraid that he might do something wrong.

Then, at Artynov’s invitation, the girl went to dinner, where there were no more than twenty people. She returned home in the morning, happy and tired.

New life

After the ball, everything changed for the heroine of the story “Anna on the Neck.” The summary of the ending is as follows.

The girl was awakened by Artynov’s visit. Then His Excellency arrived: he kissed his hand and thanked him for participating in the evening. Modest Alekseevich was beside himself with happiness. Now he looked at his wife with an ingratiating gaze, which he usually addressed to the powerful and noble. And she felt only undisguised contempt for him.

Chekhov ends the story about the heroine with the fact that her whole life has now turned into a constant holiday and a big waste of money. She visited her father less and less, whose financial situation had completely deteriorated, and he began to drink more than before. The boys were afraid to let him out alone. And if he tried to call out to his daughter passing along the street, his sons pleadingly asked: “Don’t.”

Meaning of the name

In conclusion, it must be added that the heroine’s husband nevertheless received the Order of St. Anne. And His Excellency, congratulating the official, said the same words that he once said to Kosorotov. And Modest Alekseevich, wanting to smooth out the situation and show his wit, replied that now he could only wait for little Vladimir to appear, hinting at the next reward.

This is how the author shows the degradation of the human soul under the complete power of money.

An 18-year-old girl, Anya, married an official, Modest Alekseich, who was already 52 years old. She did it only for money, but not for self-interest, but unwillingly. Anna's father, Pyotr Leontyich, a penmanship and drawing teacher at the gymnasium, began drinking after his wife's death. The family was in need, a bailiff came and described the furniture. Anya had to look after her drunken father, darn her brothers' stockings, and wear the cheapest, patched clothes. They threatened to fire Pyotr Leontyich from the gymnasium. The ladies they knew found Anna an elderly husband, a man with money and in good standing with his superiors, who could save the bride’s father from being fired...

There was no wedding celebration. Immediately after the wedding, Anna and her husband, at his request, went to the monastery on a pilgrimage. Modest Alekseich made it clear to his young wife that in marriage he gives first place to religion and morality.

"Anna on the neck." Film based on the story by A.P. Chekhov. 1954

Family life turned out to be very difficult for Anya. The husband talked almost only about appointments, transfers and awards, instilling in her that a penny saves a ruble. Once he told how “his Excellency,” while awarding the Order of Anna of the second degree to the official Kosorotov, whose grumpy wife was also called Anna, put it this way: “So you now have three Annas: one in your buttonhole, two on your neck.” Modest Alekseich wished that when he himself received the same order, His Excellency would not have a reason to say the same thing to him.

Anna married only for money, and yet she now had less money than when she was a girl. Previously, the father gave at least two kopecks, but the stingy, boring husband did not allocate a penny. Modest Alekseich saved on everything. Visiting the theater with Anna, he was greedy to buy her even a pear, but he demanded that she bow to strangers, old ladies - the wives of his high-ranking colleagues. The father and brothers now treated Anya aloof: her new adult, ladylike appearance embarrassed them, and the reason for the marriage was well known to them. Modest Alekseich did not spoil his wife's relatives. Seeing his wife’s brothers at home, he read instructions to them, and Pyotr Leontyich, who once asked his son-in-law for a loan of 50 rubles, had to listen to a long lesson that the passion for wine had ruined many capable people...

Chekhov “Anna on the Neck”, chapter 2 – summary

Before the New Year, a winter ball was to be held in the noble assembly with the participation of “His Excellency.” Excited Modest Alekseich gave Anna 100 rubles to sew a good dress. The reason for such generosity was simple: Modest Alekseich wanted his boss’s wife to like him, and thanks to this he would get the position of senior speaker.

From her late mother, Anna inherited the art of dressing tastefully, taking beautiful poses, being delighted when necessary, and looking sad and mysterious. She chose the style of the dress herself. Seeing his wife in him, Modest Alekseich was shocked and fascinated.

At the ball, the entire male audience looked with delight at the young beauty, who was so different from other bureaucratic wives. The gentlemen vied with each other to invite Anna. She danced with such grace that she attracted even more attention. In the middle of the ball, “His Excellency” suddenly approached her and, smiling sweetly, uttered several flat compliments. A charity bazaar was held at the ball. The boss's wife asked Anna to collect donations from him. The symbolic product she “sold” was cups of tea. The men flocked after them, paying large sums. The rich man Artynov, a famous womanizer, paid one hundred rubles for a cup twice. Anna felt dizzy. Joyful, drunk with new impressions, she realized that she was created for this noisy, brilliant life with music, dancing, fans...

The next day, His Excellency and Artynov personally came to her home to thank her for participating in the charity bazaar. Anna's husband now stood before her with the same ingratiating, servile-respectful expression that he always had in the presence of the powerful and noble. Anna told him: “Go away, you idiot!” - and from then on she spent Modest Alekseich’s money as if it were her own, only sending him notes indicating the amounts to be paid. She didn’t have a single free day: they were all busy with picnics, walks, performances, troika rides, and hunting trips with Artynov.

At Easter, her husband received the Order of Anna of the second degree, so desired by him. His Excellency, accepting gratitude, noted to Modest Alekseich that “now he has three Annas: one in his buttonhole, two on his neck.” Modest Alekseich chuckled roguishly.

Anna visited her father less and less with her brothers, who were in dire poverty. Pyotr Leontyich drank harder than before. They saw Anna only in a luxurious harness with Artynov. The father usually tried to shout something to her, but the sons begged: daddy, don’t!

On our website you can read the full text of the story “Anna on the Neck”. Summary other works by A.P. Chekhov - see below in the block “More on the topic...”
