How to play armor tiger 2. Tiger II - German King of Beasts

Heavy German tank ( Royal tiger), one of the most “pleasant” tanks in the game World of Tanks. For those who like to play heavy tanks, this is one of the best options.

Historical background onTiger II.

A little historical information about our “character”. , or Royal Tiger (KT), as he was also called, was one of the most powerful tanks times of the Second World War. It began to be produced in the spring of 1944, and before the end of the war, 489 units of this equipment were produced. Official name of the tank Panzerkampfwagen VI Ausf.B, and already in the armies fighting against Germany it was called Tiger II or Royal Tiger (KT).

This was the first model in the history of tank building that was developed for a cannon; as a rule, a cannon is developed for a tank, but here it was the other way around. The engineers were tasked with developing a vehicle on which one of the most powerful and successful guns of that time could be installed - the 88-mm KwK 43 L/71, since it was impossible to install it on existing tanks due to the size of the gun. So, the main advantage of the tank was its cannon, which allowed it to destroy any enemy armored vehicles, but the disadvantage was its large mass and weak engine power, which ultimately affected the low driving performance and overall reliability of the tank.

Technical characteristics of the tankTiger IIin Game.

Let's move on directly to the gaming characteristics Tiger. In my opinion, the KT is one of the most beautiful tanks in the game, like the E-75 and E-50, which appeared later. The Tiger II looks the way a tank should look; when you see such a vehicle, you immediately begin to respect tank troops.

When we play on a heavy tank, there is no need to talk about speed and maneuverability, and in the case of a CT, even more so, our strength is in the thickness of the armor and the damage that a powerful gun inflicts. So remember that the cannon is our main trump card, it is powerful and accurate in this tank.

Let's compare the characteristics of tanks that are in the same class as Tiger II


AMX50 100


Engine power (hp)

Maximum speed(km/h)

Turning speed (deg/sec)

Hull armor (front/sides/stern in mm)

Turret armor (front/sides/rear in mm)

Basic projectile damage

Armor penetration with basic projectile (mm)

Gun rate (rounds/min)

Turret rotation speed (deg/sec)

Communication range (m)

As you can see, even when compared with tanks that can only be purchased for “real” money, our Tiger has one of the best indicators in terms of armor, weight and gun power. The IS-3 has a more powerful gun, but our rate of fire and accuracy are higher, and in long- and medium-range battles, accuracy plays a big role. The gun is really very accurate, I had the opportunity to ride on the IS, it’s like heaven and earth. It's very difficult to miss on the Tiger II.

Guide to playing a tankTiger II.

As I wrote above, the main trump card is the accuracy and power of the gun. Therefore, on CT, you can shoot from a fairly safe distance. Only when I reached this tank did I feel the full power of the heavies, this tank can cause trouble for any tank, even one level higher.

As soon as I switched to the “second” Tiger, I noticed that it was quite easy to set it on fire, most often with a shot in the forehead in the lower part, the problem decreased after leveling up the crew and upgrading the tank.

How to fight on CT? It’s all very simple, we always stand with our forehead facing the enemy and at a slight angle, increasing the likelihood of the enemy’s shot ricocheting. Ahead of the most weak points we have the lower part of the armor, just above the bottom and the hatch on the turret, but this is for point-blank fire. So, ideally, stand so that the lower part is not visible, in some kind of recess or behind an obstacle. If you maneuver successfully, don’t stand still and don’t let them shoot at a right angle, you can even defeat a tank of a higher level. Several times it was possible to “overwhelm” the E-75 this way, perhaps due to the enemy’s inexperience or underestimation. The most difficult thing for me was and remains the IS-4, on any vehicle, I noticed that it is very difficult to penetrate it even in the rear, no other tank has such a percentage of ricochets.

The tactics of behavior on the map depend on whether you are at the top of the team or below. If you are top, then you have certain obligations to the team, you must hold some kind of flank, a standard task for top heavyweights. If you're somewhere in the middle, then the choice of game depends more on you and your playstyle preferences. You can stick behind stronger allies, causing trouble for the enemy with your cannon, or you can simply “camp” somewhere behind a pebble or bush. Choose only the correct position so that it is difficult to get around you from the rear, if suddenly some CT wants your “blood”.

Of course, it’s better not to get involved with tanks two levels higher; only the side and rear parts are suitable for penetration there, so it’s better not to climb in yourself. Wait until he starts a fight with an enemy of the same class, and then go to the side or behind.

If you encounter a PT starting from level 8, it is better not to go head-on, otherwise it will be very “painful”. If possible, the standard scheme is to get used to it; if you see that it won’t work, shoot at the penetration points.

If a ST plays at you competently, he will try to come in from the side, from behind, and spin you around, and since our turret does not turn quickly, this can be a problem. Try to help turn the turret with your body, exposing the CT's forehead, he most often shoots on the move and he doesn't have much time to aim, he just tries to shoot at your side, exposing his forehead, you do not allow him to accurately shoot at the lower part of the armor. If several ST different classes, turn your back on the weaker one.

Tank profitabilityTiger II.

You only get profit if you win or have a well-run round. If there is an unlucky streak of only defeats, then you begin to “get into the red.” An BB shot costs 1030 silver, a landmine costs 650. The cost of repairs is about 13,000 thousand silver.

Penetration zones and weak points of Tiger II.

Kolizhen model of the Tiger II tank.

You've had quite a ride on the wonderful "Tiger" and discovered the next combat vehicle in the development branch of German heavy tanks - PzKpfw VIB Tiger II. Among players he has several nicknames - “Kote”, “KT”, “Dvoechka” or “Tiger-2”. We’ll start the tank guide, as usual, by looking at the module upgrade branches.

“Downloading” the insides

If you have accumulated a lot of free experience (we strongly recommend doing this), then use it to bring the tank to the top state. Otherwise, you will have to taste all the charm of a stock vehicle - however, this is one of the few tanks in the game from Wargaming, which even in its basic configuration feels quite confident, without causing overtly negative feelings.

First of all, we open chassis. This will allow you to forget about weight restrictions and install any subsequent modules and will also increase the turning speed and overall dynamics of the tank.

The next module to open is the tower. It will add 100 strength points to the tank (sometimes this is quite critical) plus it will get rid of stray penetrations to the forehead coming from tanks at a lower level. The most important acquisition when installing this module is an increase in visibility and rate of fire.

Let's move on to the guns. It must be said that both guns that can be unlocked on the tank have their undoubted pros and cons. To taste the delights of playing on this wonderful device, the author advises opening both. The “pre-top” gun will delight you with a high rate of fire, good penetration, accuracy and high DPM (damage per minute). The top one loses in this indicator, however, it is much more “penetrating” and accurate, and also has a much higher one-time damage rate. So the final choice is up to the player. The main thing is to remember the features of the weapon and use it wisely depending on the game situation.

"Tiger-2". Guide: crew

The tank in question is at a fully grown level, the eighth level in the upgrade branch, quite often gets into battles with the “tens” and is very demanding of the crew. We recommend using crews with three full “perks” on any tank, starting from level eight.

So, what does our “cat” need so that he can fully show his teeth and claws?

  • Commander - « the Brotherhood of War"(increases all indicators by 5%), "repair" (TT is in the thick of battle, and the speed of repair of modules is critical), "jack of all trades" (in order to neutralize frequent concussions of crew members).
  • Gunner- “combat brotherhood”, “smooth rotation of the turret” (improving shooting accuracy in the thick of battle), “repair”.
  • Driver mechanic- “combat brotherhood”, “smooth running” (we improve shooting accuracy while moving), “cleanliness and order” (we reduce the likelihood of engine fire).
  • Radio operator- “combat brotherhood”, “repair”, “radio interception”.
  • Charging- “combat brotherhood”, “non-contact ammunition rack” (we reduce the chance of an explosion of this module), “repair”.

Optional equipment

A description of the Tiger-2 tank (guide) cannot do without talking about the elements of additional equipment absolutely necessary for installation. Considering that you have to fight in the first line and everything happens quite dynamically, you need to approach his choice from a practical point of view - strengthen the advantages and try to level out the disadvantages.

The following set will be optimal:

  • Improved ventilation- by installing it we increase all the parameters of the tank. In combination with the pumped-up “combat brotherhood” of the crew, this will give a total of 10% increase in absolutely all characteristics. This is a lot, so it is difficult to overestimate the importance of the module.
  • Large caliber rammer- speed up gun reloading by 10%. In a dynamic battle, and even more so a duel in an open area, this will more than once allow you to “shoot” the enemy and save you from destruction.
  • Accelerated aiming drives- the classic accuracy of the gun, further emphasized by this element, will allow you to quickly and effectively aim at the most vulnerable spots in the enemy’s armor, both at short distances and at long distances.

Tactics in battle

A guide to the Tiger-2 tank would be incomplete if it did not contain tips on how to effectively use the vehicle in battle.

So, when we go into battle, don’t forget that we are on a heavy tank. Our trump cards are a large supply of health points, solid frontal armor and a deadly cannon. Based on this, the first thing we need when starting the countdown is to analyze the composition of the teams.

If we are not below the middle of the list (or at the top)

We boldly go to “tank” the direction. We take into account that we are not given very much speed and we will not be able to quickly change the flank, so the choice of our attack vector must be unmistakable.

We arrive, take a position, and begin a firefight (if there are several opponents). In the case when our team is in a clear numerical majority, we need to lead the attack, leading our indecisive allies behind us. With the cry: “For the Motherland!” We rush at the enemy, trying to inflict maximum damage. If you are lucky with your teammates and they support the attacking impulse, then everything ends quickly and pitifully for the enemy.

If we find ourselves at the bottom of the table (battle with levels 9-10)

This is not a reason to despair. Our gun perfectly “sewing” almost anyone, we have a lot of health - we take advantage of it! We go with the top “heavies” to the battlefield and work as a support tank: when one of them rolls back to reload, we move forward and scare the enemy; If possible, we shoot, causing damage. As a last resort, you can cover your ally by taking a couple of projectiles on yourself. We keep our “top”, but we ourselves are still alive.

Don't forget about the peculiarities inherent in everyone German tanks, - a certain “squareness” of the device. This means that standing towards the enemy in a “straight on” position is strictly not recommended. The ideal “pose” would be a small diamond of 20-30 degrees. Movement towards the enemy is also recommended not in a straight line, but with a slight tack within the same degrees, thereby we save the huge NLD (lower frontal part) from breaking through. The diamond, by the way, is very effective in firefights (if you have a stone/wall/rock nearby): the combination of “going out in a reverse diamond shape - shooting - driving into cover” will save you more than once, because the tank “eats” damage very effectively caterpillars.

Conclusions on the Tiger-2 tank

In turn, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with “Dvoechka” (if you are interested in the video format) based on the creation of another, more professional performer, who gives quite practical recommendations for playing the Tiger-2 tank. The guide from Amway921 will teach you not only how to properly operate a combat vehicle, but also show you advantageous positions, will talk about the tactics and nuances of combat. It’s easy to find it on well-known channels on the World Wide Web.

In any case, we hope that the article was useful to readers in terms of obtaining the necessary information.

Good luck to you!

I talk about my actions, a little reasoning.

The idea for this article was born unexpectedly, as often happens on my In this case, I simply add a new topic to the feed of the articles I write. So in this case, I decided to describe a small game event related to Tiger 2.

I recently completed E 50, but decided to leave this one medium tank in my hangar. I really liked it. The original idea was to hire a new crew there, but I didn’t want to lose the thrill of the game. So I decided to leave my original crew on this tier 9 tank.

Accordingly, for the tenth level tank E 50 M you need to save up not only in-game silver, but also need to resolve the issue with the crew. I somehow didn’t even consider the option of riding a ten with 75% tankers, it’s very harsh. I had to think a little, and suddenly I noticed an interesting thing in my hangar.

It turned out that on Tiger 2 I had developed the second perk by 98%, and then the promotion for accelerated crew leveling was just coming up. A simple solution has matured, ride the second tiger, fully unlock the second perk and part of the third. At the same time, he decided not to distribute the third perk, and then retrain the tankers for silver at E 50 M.

In this case, the undistributed experience would be used to make up for the penalty to the main specialty. In short, I decided to save gold. Yes, I partially succeeded, but I had to retrain four tankers for gold, albeit at a discounted price.

A check with the radio operator showed that even 35% of the third perk does not compensate for the losses in 20% of the main specialty, since the tank class was changed. The crew switched from TT to ST. In total, the radio operator’s plus sign disappeared and 92% of his main specialty appeared, instead of 80%. I didn’t lose experience on the other tankers.

So, in the end, I realized for myself that such a trick works well only when tankers are retrained for a tank of the same class. If the class of equipment changes, then it makes sense to fork out gold. But the speech in this article on www..

In fact, I had no desire to ride this tank for fun for a long time, so I decided to remove the crew from this particular vehicle. And then Murazor just released a video on the royal tiger, where I disagree with him in many ways.

In my opinion, nothing has changed since my review of this tank. Yes, the vehicle’s weapon is comfortable, it can cause damage. But there is no declared mobility here. Most likely, this is due to the fact that Murazor rode on a press account, and all the perks of the crew were developed there. This added great mobility to Tiger 2, in the usual form he doesn't skate as quickly.

But the tank has armor only in the frontal top plate and the commander’s turret. The sides are weak, the NLD is weak, and even with an engine in the forehead. The tower is also very sad; already many tanks of the eighth level, even without silver gold, are able to break through the tower of the royal tiger head-on. Those who are smarter understand that the sides of the tower are easily broken through, even if the CT is looking directly at you.

Well, the statement about a tolerable confrontation with dozens simply made me laugh. With PT 10 and other imbecies, the other tens feel uncomfortable, Tiger 2 simply suffers there. And here the problems lie precisely in not very good mobility and large sizes. So I’ll describe a little my feelings from the recent game.

Fighting with dozens did not bring anything new. There are one-shots from big art, and bullying from FV on gold. Although tanks like IS-7 also burst nearby, so Tiger 2 had absolutely nothing to do with it. I simply took it for granted; it was sad that the royal tiger was not able to leave and change the direction of the attack.

I liked the battles with eights and nines more, it’s quite possible to play there. Due to good weapon the king tiger is able to cause damage. By the way, thanks to this series of games on CT, which was aimed solely at training the crew, I received a tank master.

But again, it does not have the versatility of a heavy tank, frequent hits in dozens, where it is difficult to do anything in a head-on collision. And there are few alternatives to an insufficiently fast TT. The tank itself is not so bad, but in the reality of world of tanks there is no particular point in leaving it for free play.

So there is a possibility that I will still sell this tank. It's not even a matter of needing silver; you can always earn it. The main idea is that now there is no crew for this tank, and I want to play on CT without repairs, and in general without 100%, even less. True, you don’t want to lose money on a sale either, but this is already a manifestation of greed.

Switching to wot tiger 2 is a real holiday. And no wonder: after all, compared to the first version of the tiger, the royal tiger is truly strong heavy tank.

In world of tanks tiger 2 is a powerful, accurate weapon and strong frontal armor. A level 7 tiger lacks much of this. Especially strong armor. But before the holiday in the form of the top tiger 2 you need to sweat, because tiger 2 world of tanks stock is not a holiday at all, but a rather sad sight. In order to make it easier for you to upgrade this tank, I suggest you pay attention to a certain order of upgrades.

How to upgrade wot tiger 2

In the game world of tanks, TT tactics require great responsibility from players. It can be said that most of Responsibility for victory or defeat in random battles lies with heavy tanks. That is why for Tiger 2 World of Tanks stock it is especially painful to upgrade to the top-end configuration. Therefore, for optimal pumping speed you need to know a couple of points:

  • Learn everything you can while still on the tiger tank. Engines, radio, gun. In general, make the tank elite.
  • Before selling a level 7 tiger, remove the top engine and top radio from it. They can be installed on wot tiger ii.

If you have completed these points, then you can safely proceed to wot leveling tiger 2. First of all, you need to pump the chassis. The cost of studying is 16,940 experience units. The chassis will add carrying capacity to the tank and improve agility by 3 degrees. Thus, the king tiger will have a turning speed of 26 degrees per second. After researching the chassis, you need to accumulate 22,260 experience to research the top tower. It will add 100 HP and 85mm armor to the tank, but will turn slower.

After examining the turret on the tiger ii wot, you should examine the 10.5 cm KwK 45 L/52 gun. The cost of studying is 16,800 experience units. This is an intermediate weapon between the stock Tiger 2 World of Tanks and the top-end one. It has 200mm penetration, 320 damage, a fire rate of 5.92 rounds per minute, a dispersion of 0.37m, and an aiming speed of 2.3 seconds. You will have to play with this weapon for quite a long time, because before the top gun you need to accumulate as much as 46,000 experience points. But even with this gun, Tiger 2 can already fully implement TT tactics in the world of tanks - this gun has enough penetration, and the top gun will differ from it only in accuracy, rate of fire and penetration.

For 46,000 experience, we will research the top gun 10.5 cm KwK 46 L/68. Congratulations, your wot account upgrade is complete, and now you are the owner of the top tiger 2 wot! This Royal Tiger weapon has the following characteristics:

  • Level: IX
  • Name: 10.5 cm KwK 46 L/68
  • Armor penetration: 225/285/60mm
  • Average damage: 320/320/420 hp
  • Rate of fire: 5.26 rounds per minute
  • Spread at 100m: 0.34
  • Mixing time: 2.3 sec

As you can see, this gun is very similar to the pre-top gun in terms of damage and aiming time. But significant improvements are also noticeable: 225mm penetration is already a serious argument when fighting high-level targets, and increased accuracy allows wot tiger 2 to fight much more effectively at long distances.

Among other things, the tactics of the world of tanks with the appearance of a top gun on the royal tiger changes noticeably. Despite the strong frontal armor, CT is not recommended to engage in close combat unless necessary, since from close range it is easy for the enemy to fire at the weak points of the tank: the commander’s turret, the machine gun in the VLD and the thin NLD. In addition, Tiger 2 is not a very fast vehicle, and therefore medium and long distances will eliminate the risk of being overwhelmed by medium tanks. For the same reason, it is better not to take single positions. However, the last tip is suitable for any tank, and it is best to have a reliable comrade as cover. Play in platoons and you will get great leveling.

Tiger II World of Tanks video guide review

PzKpfw VIB Tiger II World of Tanks aka Royal Tiger - level 8 heavy.

Performance characteristics of PzKpfw VIB Tiger II

Durability: 1600 HP

Maximum tank weight: 72.97 t

Power: 870 hp

Maximum speed: 28 km/h

Turret rotation speed: 25 deg/sec

Body rotation speed: 26 deg/sec

Hull armor: 150/80/80

Tower armor: 185/80/80

Gun: 10.5cm KwK 46L/68

Penetration: 225/285/60

Damage: 320/320/420

Rate of fire: 5.26 rounds/min

Spread: 0.34m/100m

Mixing: 2.3 sec

Walkie-talkie: 710 m

Overview: 400 m

PzKpfw VIB Tiger II video guide


  • Accurate gun with good penetration
  • Great review
  • A large amount of HP
  • Rotating in place


  • "Weak" NLD
  • Low dynamics
  • Large tank sizes
  • Insufficient UVN

Crew and additional skills

The tank is an excellent vehicle for pushing through enemy defenses, and also performs excellently in the game from the second line, thanks to its accurate and penetrable weapon. As with any heavy ship, everyone should be the first to pump out the repairs, except the commander. I recommend leveling up the “Sixth Sense” for the commander. This will help you avoid “suitcases” from art when playing on the second line. Our KoTe loves to burn, so we upgrade the driver’s second skill to “Cleanliness and Order.” It is best for the commander to level up his second skill, “repair”. Although we have excellent aiming, upgrading the gunner’s “Smooth Turret Rotation” perk will give us an additional advantage over the enemy. To increase our already excellent visibility, we are pumping up radio interception. Like most, we will often be left with 10% strength, which means the “Desperate” skill of the loader will be useful to us.

Additional modules

Yes, the PzKpfw VIB Tiger II World of Tanks is a heavy tank, but in close combat we have weak points, these are straight sides and an unprotected NLD, so many choose to play as a support tank, fortunately the gun allows us to do this. Rammer, Vertical Stabilizer and Fan set for the sniper style of play. If you like to push through the enemy’s defenses, support Rush, and stay in front all the time, then the fan should be replaced with Optics, this will give you a chance to detect the enemy earlier and fire the first shot.


Playing on tank PzKpfw VIB Tiger II, we can excel as a sniper. The top weapon has excellent penetration, aiming speed and alpha damage. When playing from the second line, try to use cover from the artillery. Constantly cover your NLD using terrain folds. If you want to support the attack and play on the front line, then do not forget to place the tank at an angle (“diamond”). We try to constantly expose our foreheads to the enemy’s shot. If a firefly or is trying to round you, we try to move to any wall or edge of the map so that the enemy cannot spin around you. Remember that retreat is as much an element of combat as advance. Sometimes it is more profitable to drive back and pull the enemy under the attack of your allies than to die without causing significant damage to the enemy.


Some say that the PzKpfw VIB Tiger II is a through tank on the way to . For me, Tiger II World of Tanks is an excellent car for its level. The weapon allows you to perfectly disassemble level 9-10 tanks. The top turret holds up well. When playing in a team, KoTe can cause significant damage to the enemy.
