The top tank in the world of tanks. The most powerful tanks in the world

Despite constant balance changes, World of tanks still has tanks that are more interesting to play on, and which allow you to greater influence the outcome of the battle or even fight for victory, remaining alone against several enemies.

The best tanks in world of tanks by level in 2018

Today's article provides examples of the best tanks in World of Tanks, according to the author, at different levels. You may notice that your favorite tank has been undeservedly forgotten; you can write about it in the comments.

Review of the best tanks in WoT

  1. Good weapon
  • With high precision
  • With huge damage
  • Reliable protection
    • Durable all-round armor
    • Thick frontal armor
    • Ricochet silhouette
  • Good mobility
    • High top speed
    • Fast acceleration
    • Excellent maneuverability
  • Low visibility
    • Good disguise
    • Great review

    Of course, fulfilling all the conditions at the same time is impossible; there may be a tank, but it will have too weak weapons, which will not allow it to become the best. However, the presence of several positive qualities will testify that before us is a worthy fighting machine.

    So, let's begin our review of the best tanks in WoT.

    The best first tier tanks in World of tanks

    Among tanks of the first level it is difficult to select favorites, but at high ranks you can distinguish excellent vehicles such as the IS-3, T-54, T-29 and others, but first things first.

    Among the players in the battles of the first levels, players on vehicles with pumped-up crews who have been playing on tanks of the first level for a long time can stand out; for example, there are quite a few such players on a Soviet tank MS-1.

    The best second tier tanks in World of tanks

    At the second level, anti-tank and artillery self-propelled guns, and among them there are cars that differ from others for the better. This American tank destroyer T-18 with a well-protected forehead, which most second-tier tanks cannot penetrate; in addition, the T-18 has good mobility and a good top-end gun.

    Self-propelled gun T-18

    • ✔ High precision weapon
    • ✔ Thick frontal armor

    The best tanks of the third level in Wot

    Among the tanks of the third level, it is worth noting the Soviet premium T-127. This tank is well protected from the front by sloping armor, has a good gun, and good mobility. Excellent armor allows you to fight alone against several enemies.

    American Tank destroyer T82- an excellent third-tier combat vehicle, it boasts high one-time damage, good dynamics and maneuverability, and excellent visibility.

    The best tanks of the fourth level in World of tanks

    At the fourth level there are several cars that you will always be glad to see in your team.

    British Matilda tank

    This combat vehicle is protected better than heavy tanks of the fourth level. Being at the top Matilda capable of deciding the outcome of a battle, even remaining against several enemies. Of course, you have to pay for good armor with poor mobility. When getting into battles with opponents of the fifth and sixth levels, Matilda is not so good, but can still be useful due to a good top weapon.

    Hetzer anti-tank self-propelled gun

    The German tank destroyer is a nightmare for many fourth-tier tanks, because they cannot penetrate this vehicle head-on, while the Hetzer easily destroys them with one or two shots. Playing against senior level opponents for armor Self-propelled gun Hetzer you can’t count on it, but this machine will still be able to hit enemies from ambushes.

    The best tanks of the fifth level in World of tanks

    Among the cars of the fifth level we can distinguish Soviet heavy tank KV-1. Which, with proper play, remains impenetrable for many same-level opponents. The poor mobility of the KV-1 tank requires careful selection of the direction of attack, because returning across half the map in order to break the capture will not work. Among the advantages of the KV-1 tank, one can note the availability of several good guns - the rapid-fire Project 413, the universal F-30 85mm, and the high-explosive U-11 122mm.

    American tank destroyer T49

    Anti-tank self-propelled gun with a turret that allows this vehicle to be used, including as a medium or light tank. The T49 self-propelled gun is equipped with an excellent top-end weapon. Good mobility of this T49 tank destroyer sometimes used incorrectly by players, you should not go alone to the enemy base, where the T49 will quickly be destroyed.

    M-24 Chaffee

    American Chaffee tank- an excellent firefly, which can also attack enemies with a good, fast-firing weapon. After the introduction of new light tanks, Chaffee’s top gun was taken away, now this one is not so good, but it doesn’t even reach the tenth levels now.

    The best tanks of the sixth level in World of tanks

    At the sixth level, the KV-1S tank with an excellent D2-5T gun stood out, but it was divided into two combat vehicles - the KV-1 of the fifth level, and the KV-85 of the sixth level, which have not so impressive characteristics. .

    Hellcat in World of tanks

    American Hellcat tank destroyer has excellent dynamics and speed. Its top gun is capable of inflicting 240 units of damage, penetrating 160mm. There is practically no armor on the Helket; it is worth noting only the well-protected gun mantlet, which, together with good vertical aiming angles and a movable turret, allows you to shoot from behind hills and shelters without fear of a retaliatory hit.

    FV304 - new generation self-propelled guns

    On the sixth level, the favorite of many players is also located self-propelled art. FV304 installation With high mobility and a fast-firing gun, this vehicle shows good results.

    T 34-85 in WoT

    According to our readers, the T 34-85 should be included in the list of the best tanks in World of tanks in 2016. Indeed, we undeservedly ignored this combat vehicle. T 34-85 is a universal fighter, without pronounced weak characteristics and when used skillfully, it can change the outcome of a battle.

    The best tanks of the seventh level in Wot

    There are quite a few good combat vehicles located on the seventh level, but the American T-29 and german fighter E-25 tanks.

    T-29 - play from the tower

    Tank T-29 at correct use can be considered the best heavy tank of its level. A powerful top-end gun, good vertical aiming angles and a thick turret forehead - these are best sides American TT that need to be used.

    American heavy tank T-29

    • ✔ Good weapon
    • ✔ Thick frontal armor

    The main thing when playing a T-29 is to hide the weakly protected hull, showing only the turret to the enemy. The T-29 performs well on hilly terrain, when firing from cover, and can compete with Soviet cars(which are good in cities) in battles in urban areas. .

    Unavailable E-25

    Premium tank destroyer E-25 has a bonus when balancing teams - it does not fall on level nine tanks. This makes playing on it more comfortable, but it cannot be said that it is unbalanced. The only problem is that the E-25 was removed from sale.

    The best tanks of the eighth level in World of tanks

    At the eighth level one of the most dangerous opponents is German tank destroyer Rheinmetall-Borsig Waffenträger. The low silhouette and excellent top and stock guns make this vehicle one of the best in the game. It is worth noting that for a good game on Rhm. Borsig, it is advisable to place her under the control of an experienced crew with good review and camouflage, in addition, you need to choose the right position, because weak armor will not leave you a chance if detected. If you think that the main thing in a combat vehicle is the weapon, then Rhm. Borsig for you.

    Armored KV-4 World of tanks

    Our readers consider the KV-4 to be one of the best tier eight tanks. Good armor and a penetrating top gun are excellent qualities for entering the top of the best tanks in WoT.

    Pike nose - IS-3

    Soviet IS-3 may not have any outstanding data, but based on the totality of characteristics it deserves to be noted on this list. Good armor, powerful weapon, good mobility. What else is needed for a good tank? The IS-3 has it all.

    Heavy tank IS-3

    • ✔ Good weapon
    • ✔ Durable armor
    • ✔ Ricochet silhouette

    The best tanks of the ninth level in World of tanks

    Among the machines of the ninth level we can highlight Soviet medium tank T-54, characterized by a low ricochet silhouette, good mobility and a good weapon. T-54 tanks are especially dangerous in a group, so find yourself an assistant in a random battle or play a T-54 in a platoon.

    Medium tank T-54

    • ✔ Good weapon
    • ✔ Ricochet silhouette
    • ✔ Good mobility

    Object 704 - BL-10 carrier

    In addition, I would highlight the Soviet PT-SAU Object 704, equipped with the famous BL-10 gun in the game (several years ago this gun was the most powerful among its analogues on tank destroyers and tanks). Also, Object 704 is well protected from the front; its armor plates are located at rational angles, which gives hope for a ricochet or non-penetration. The combination of these characteristics makes it possible to act on the second line of attack, being in the thick of things.

    Tank ST-1 at the ninth level

    In 2016, our readers consider the Soviet ST-1 to be one of the best at the ninth level. This tank can be equipped with a weapon that is used in WoT on the IS-4. At the ninth level it is very strong, and allows ST-1 to break into the rank of the best.

    There are quite a few good Tier 10 vehicles, these are the American T57 Heavy and T110E5, the Soviet T-62A and Object 263, the German JagdPanzer E100 and Waffentrager E-100, the French Bat Chatillon 25t, and the British FV215B. The style of play on these tanks is different and best car difficult to single out.

    The best tanks in WoT in 2017 - players' opinions

    Many WoT fans named their favorites in the comments. Let's see which tanks we underestimated. Among the best tanks in 2017, players most often named: medium T-34-85 and T-34, heavy ST1, KV2, KV4.

    The mentioned tanks are really very good, the T-34 and T-34-85 are universal fighters that have good mobility and a lethal weapon for the ST. They are capable of providing worthy resistance to any enemy, and in skillful hands they become machines for destruction. These Soviet STs have long been valued by players, but in 2017 the situation has not changed.

    The Soviet KV-2 has a 152 mm caliber gun, unique for a Tier 6 TT, which makes it a very strong opponent, but only with skillful shooting from a large-caliber gun.

    The KV-4 and ST-1 are distinguished by good armor and good armament, which allows them to be included among the best.

    We looked at a lot of tanks, many candidates for the list of the best were suggested by our readers, but not all vehicles in WoT are good, there are others that we identified in.

    Good day, we would like to present to you the TOP 10 Best Tanks in the World 2019

    10 M1A2 Abrams

    The M1A2 Abrams universal combat vehicle has been in US service since 1994. It differs from other models in its reinforced armor, heavy weight (67.6 tons), width of 3.6 meters, body length of 9.82 meters, laser rangefinder and integrated combat video surveillance system with 8 periscopes. Equipped with a 120 caliber anti-aircraft machine gun and two additional machine guns. The tank's turret body is capable of rotating 360 degrees. Abrams is the most high-tech combat vehicle in the world of military equipment.

    9 K2 Black Panther

    The armor capacity of the Black Panther is the same as that of the M1A2 Abrams, but the mass of the vehicle is only 55 tons with a 10-meter muzzle and a height of 2.2 meters, the hull length is 7.5 meters, and the width of the tank is 3.1 meters.
    They have a standard projectile that hits the enemy from above. Black Panther was released by South Korea in 2009.

    8 Type 99

    The most reliable tank in Asia, the Type 99, weighing 54 tons, has a 125 mm smoothbore machine gun, which is more powerful. The Type 99 has reactive armor and a modern laser surveillance system, which, when an enemy is detected, autonomously opens fire to kill. Perhaps the Chinese tank is the most expensive in the world. According to experts, its cost is 2.5 million dollars.

    7 T-90

    The Russian T-90 tank is equipped not only with standard dynamic protection and armor, but also with active protection: a smoke screen system and laser homing. A chrome-plated 125 mm smoothbore machine gun, a 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun and a 12.7 mm anti-aircraft machine gun. Combat weight tank 46.5 tons with a hull length of 6.8 meters. The T-90 meets all the requirements of modern combat.

    6 RT-91

    Polish battle tank RT-91 is a modernized version of the Russian tank T-72. It has a fairly powerful engine of 850 hp and a fast speed of 60 km/h. The weight of the tank is 47.3 tons. The main weapon is a modernized 125 mm cannon, which is equipped with an automatic loader. Additional armament includes a 7.62 mm machine gun and a 12.7 mm anti-aircraft gun.

    5 Challenger

    The British Army Challenger tank has been in service since 2008. Weapons are a 120 mm armor-piercing sabot projectile and two 7.62 mm machine guns. Ammunition capacity of 4000 rounds. Diesel power of the tank is 1200 hp. The chassis is reinforced with hydropneumatic suspension. Challenger is the most reliable tank in the world.

    4 K1a1

    The Korean battle tank was released with improved armor weighing 55 tons. Optimized for mountain warfare. The tank is armed with powerful rapid-fire cannon 120 mm, an automated control system for hitting the enemy from the air.
    Produced since 2001. Can pass through water obstacles.

    3 Al-Khalid

    The tank has been in service with Pakistan since 2000. The main weapon is a 125 mm smoothbore cannon, an additional set of the tank includes a 12.7 mm anti-aircraft gun and a 7.62 mm machine gun, and there are also 12 installations for launching smoke grenades. Al-Khalid adapted to high temperatures, equipped with dynamic protection for the frontal projection of the hull. The mass of the combat vehicle is 45 tons.

    2 Leclerc

    Fast french tank Leclerc has the most complex and technologically advanced design. Despite the fact that the Leclerc consists of a standard 120 mm cannon with an additional 12.7 mm co-axial machine gun, which holds up to 11,000 rounds of ammunition and an ammunition load of 3,000 rounds of an additional 7.62 mm machine gun. Grenade launchers are installed on the sides of the turret.
    The tank's electronic systems make it possible to obtain data on fuel consumption, distance traveled and the location of the tank.

    For many decades there has been continuous debate about which tank is the best in the world. Countries invest tens of millions of dollars annually in the development of new models of equipment and the modernization of existing tanks. Meet the ten best modern tanks adopted for service.

    10. Zulfiqar (Iran)

    A miracle of Iranian engineering, Zulfiqar is nothing more than a seriously modified soviet tank T-72, for which parts were borrowed from American tank M48 (Patton 48) and M60. A 125 mm 2A46 smoothbore gun paired with a 7.62 mm machine gun and 12.7 mm machine guns for firing at air targets is installed here. The tank allows you to fire targeted 23-kilogram shells on the move with initial speed flight 850 m/s.

    9. T-84 (Ukraine)

    The Ukrainian T-84 received the nickname “flying tank” for its excellent ratio of engine power to vehicle weight, where there are 24 horsepower, which allows the tank to accelerate to 75 kilometers per hour. A 125-mm smoothbore gun is installed here, coaxial with a 7.62-mm PKT machine gun, and a 12.7-mm NSVT anti-aircraft machine gun is mounted on the turret. As an option, a 120-mm smoothbore gun can be installed to fire NATO shells. The tank is a further and, it must be said, very successful development of the Soviet T-80.

    8. K1A1 (South Korea)

    In eighth place we had the Korean tank K1A1 received composite armor, reliably protecting the crew. The tank is equipped with a 120 mm smoothbore gun, which is complemented by two 7.62 mm machine guns and one 12.7 mm machine gun. By the way, the tank is a modernized version of the M1A1 Abrams, adapted for use in Southeast Asia.

    7. Type 99 (China)

    Type 99 is the most modern tank in service today Chinese army, which is a heavily modernized Soviet T-72 that has received active protection, providing excellent protection against missiles. The tank boasts an active countermeasures system against enemy rangefinders, target designators and missiles, blinding them with a laser. A 125-mm smoothbore gun is installed here, allowing it to fire depleted uranium shells and guided missiles. The tank is also armed with a 7.62 mm machine gun coaxial with a cannon and a 12.7 mm W-85 anti-aircraft machine gun coaxial with a cannon; grenade launcher units with smoke grenades are mounted on the sides of the turret.

    6. AMX-56 Leclerc (France)

    For a long time, the Leclerc was considered the best tank in the world, capable of accelerating to 75 km/h, having exceptional maneuverability, and multi-layer armor consisting of titanium tungsten and ceramics. The tank has a 120-mm smoothbore gun CN-120-2 with an automatic loader for 22 rounds and an ammunition rack for 18 rounds, from where they can be manually moved to the automatic loader. The Leclerc also has a 12.7 mm machine gun coaxial with the gun and a 7.62 mm machine gun mounted near the commander's hatch to engage air targets. The French managed to make the most expensive tank in the world in service today, which costs about six million euros.

    5. Challenger 2 (UK)

    This is the second generation British tanks Challenger, whose production began in 1994, despite its rather advanced age, provides excellent protection for the crew. A 120-mm L30A1 rifled gun is installed here; by the way, this is the only rifled gun that is used on a tank adopted by NATO countries, providing high accuracy of fire over long distances. The tank is also armed with a 7.62 mm L94A1 machine gun coaxial with a cannon, a 7.62 mm L37A2 machine gun mounted on the commander's turret allowing it to fire at air targets, and a 40 mm mortar.

    4. Merkava IV (Israel)

    Israeli war chariot Merkava IV provides better protection to its crew and more closely resembles a pillbox on tracks, for which reason the engine was moved forward. The tank is equipped with a 120 mm MG253 smoothbore gun, which allows it to fire LAHAT missiles. In addition to the gun, the tank is equipped with a coaxial 7.62 mm MAG machine gun, a pair of 7.62 mm MAG machine guns near the commander and loader hatches, a coaxial 12.7 mm machine gun, a 60 mm mortar and 12 pieces of 78.5 mm millimeter grenades. However, due to the specific design of the Merkava IV, it can only be used on terrain with solid ground with minimal rainfall.

    3. T-90 (Russia)

    The newest one was able to take third place Russian tank The T-90 received a 125-mm 2A46M-5 smoothbore gun, which allows it to fire armor-piercing sub-caliber, cumulative, high-explosive fragmentation shells and anti-tank missiles. A 12.7-mm machine gun is installed on the roof of the turret, the rate of fire of which is 700-800 rounds/min, which allows firing at air targets, and a 7.62-mm machine gun PKT 3000 is paired with the cannon, the rate of fire of which is 250 rounds/min, allowing fire at a distance of up to two kilometers.

    2. Leopard 2 (Germany)

    The creation of the gloomy German genius, put into service in 1979 (the oldest in our rating), has received numerous improvements and modifications, has composite three-layer armor consisting of steel and tungsten, where the cavity is filled with a material that is a mixture of plastic and ceramics. The tank received one of the best guns to date, the 120 mm Rhl 120/L55. There are two MG3 machine guns, one coaxial with a cannon installed in the turret, and the second on the loader's hatch with an ammunition capacity of 4,750 bullets, allowing you to fire at air targets. Today, Leopard 2 is in service in 18 countries around the world.

    1. M1A1 Abrams (USA)

    In first place we have the most famous tank of our time, the American Abrams, which took part in three wars and has undergone several major modernizations. The tank can be equipped with a British 105 mm M68A1 rifled gun or a German 120 mm M256 smoothbore gun paired with a 7.62 mm M240 machine gun. Also installed near the loader’s hatch is a 7.62 mm machine gun and a 12.7 mm M2 machine gun on the commander’s turret, and two six-barreled 66 mm grenade launchers with smoke grenades are mounted on the sides of the turret.

    Military technology has always interested people, even if they are not involved in this area. A variety of weapons are studied in terms of rate of fire, ease of use, penetrating power and other parameters. Almost every year people choose the most powerful tank in the world.

    It is not surprising that such military equipment attracts attention. Such a multifunctional vehicle combines defensive properties and the ability to use artillery. Once inside, a person feels completely safe, although at the same time he is in one of the most effective types of weapons.


    The Merkava, which means “chariot” in Hebrew, is an Israeli tank, the first version of which was created in 1979. Later, several modifications were released, the last of which was the Merkava Mk.4. The tank owes its appearance to the fact that Great Britain refused to sell the Chieftain, which was in service in the sixties and seventies, to Israel.

    A special feature of the Merkava is the location of the engine and transmission compartment. It is located in the front of the case. Thanks to this design element, crew protection has been enhanced. However, the tank has one more feature that is considered almost unique. The vehicle has a compartment for transporting wounded or landing troops, although it is also used for additional ammunition.

    As a result of a number of design solutions, the Merkava is capable of performing various tasks. Depending on the situation, the tank can play the role of an infantry fighting vehicle, an armored personnel carrier or a tactical element. The main weapon is the M68 rifled cannon, and the secondary weapon is a coaxial MAG machine gun.

    This main battle tank was put into service South Korea in 2014. It was intended to replace the US M14 medium tanks, which had been in use since the fifties. The Korean armed forces initially intended to purchase just under 700 tanks, but due to a shortage of funds, only 297 Black Panthers were purchased. Moreover, the cost of each of them was more than eight million dollars, which made them the most expensive in the whole world.

    All electronic systems of the vehicle are integrated using the tank information and control system, abbreviated as TIUS. Automated control is provided by a special combat information and control system. A tank gun is installed, the barrel length of which is 55 calibers. An active protection complex with a thermal imager and three-dimensional radar is used.

    The Polish tank called RT-91 was created on the basis of the most popular second-generation battle tank of the USSR, the T-72 Ural. The first options appeared in the early nineties, but serial production started in 1995. Later, a number of modifications with upgrade packages were released, as well as armored vehicles and a prototype anti-aircraft installation based on RT-91.

    Installed on the tank smoothbore weapon with 125 mm caliber and active armor, significantly reducing the amount of damage from the first enemy shot. The design includes three machine guns, thanks to which the RT-91 works well at close and medium distances. It is used to destroy anti-aircraft guns.


    The Russian tank, known as the Vladimir, appeared in the late eighties, but was put into service later, in 1992. The chief designer was Vladimir Ivanovich Potkin, who died in 1999. After this, the Russian government assigned a verbal name to this tank.

    For about ten years, the vehicle was considered the best-selling main battle tank. However, supply costs subsequently began to increase. If in 2010 they amounted to seventy million rubles, then in 2011 the figure rose to 118 million, which led to the cessation of purchases.

    The tank is capable of hitting targets on the move at a distance of up to five kilometers, even if the battle is fought by an inexperienced person. Master Gunners perform significantly better in both speed and distance. Guidance is carried out using the 1A43 complex, which includes automatic sensors for firing conditions, a ballistic computer and a guidance device.

    The Type-99 is a modern battle tank developed by China based on a series of third-generation prototypes called the Type 98. It is considered a development of the T-72 concept, the most produced second-generation battle tank created by the Soviet Union. Despite this, for China such a design is considered a breakthrough. In particular, in the Type-99 the weakened area near the hatch was reduced.

    The designers strengthened the frontal protection by placing dynamic protection on top of the armor. Other parts were also improved, such as the rear turret niche. Besides the first serial modification, China subsequently created a number of combat systems. For example, the Type 99A2 received a new information and control system, dynamic and active protection, as well as an integrated motion control system.

    One Type-99 costs more than twenty-two million dollars. For all its lightness, the tank is armed with three machine guns (two against infantry and one against anti-aircraft guns), as well as a 125 mm smoothbore gun. The Type-99 is inferior to many vehicles in terms of target engagement range, but it does an excellent job of destroying anti-tank missiles.

    Another reason why the Type-99 is included in the list of the most powerful tanks is its laser protection system. This unique technology, which is used only on Chinese vehicles, allows you to suppress signals from anti-tank missiles, as well as interfere with the targeting of other tanks.

    BM Oplot, which was called Oplot-M before being put into service, is a battle tank created on the territory of Ukraine. The placement of weapons, protection, chassis, crew and other elements is done in a classical manner. Thanks to the presence of an automatic loader, three people can be inside - the commander, the gunner and the driver. Each crew member has his own hatch for disembarkation and landing.

    Among its peers, Oplot stands out:

    • A system for accounting for the bending of the barrel bore;
    • Modified fire control system;
    • A panoramic sight that has night and day channels, as well as a laser range meter.

    From a protection point of view, the tank boasts new form welded tower, electro-optical active protection "Gate", as well as large side screens, thanks to which chassis and the hull are better protected from hand-held anti-tank grenade launchers. Latest models Oplot BMs are in many ways comparable to the T-90. This tank is capable of reaching speeds of up to seventy kilometers per hour.

    The AMX-56 Leclerc is a French tank that was created in the late eighties as a replacement for the main battle tank France AMX-30. Leclerc was in serial production from 1992 to 2010. These machines are still in use, not only by France, but also by the United Arab Emirates.

    For a long time, the Leclerc was recognized as the most expensive battle tank. He lost this title relatively recently, when they adopted modern cars like Type 10 and K2 Black Panther. As in the case of the Oplot, a classic layout and a crew of three are used. Interestingly, the maximum height of a person to be in Leclerc is 182 cm, and the driver cannot be taller than 176 cm.

    The cost of the AMX-56 is eight million dollars. At the same time, the tank is equipped with two machine guns with a magazine for four thousand rounds, as well as a 120-mm muzzle, the ammunition capacity of which is forty rounds. Leclerc is one or two kilometers higher than the speed developed by the Bulwark, and therefore is actively used against moving targets.

    The tank, better known as Al-Khalid, was developed jointly by China and Pakistan. This is a second generation combat vehicle, which was put into service in 1997. Designs used during development were Type-96 and Type 90-II. The name Al-Khalid was given to the modification in honor of one of the companions of Muhammad named Khalid ibn al-Walid al-Makhzumi.

    Installed on the machine modern system fire control, which is practically no different from the similar one on Leclerc. Al-Khalid also boasts a 125 mm smoothbore gun and French thermal imagers. Initially, it was planned to install French engines on the MBT-2000, but due to pressure from India and the United States, it was necessary to use Ukrainian 6TD-2.

    Al-Khalid works equally effectively at any time of the day. The weapon is effective against almost all types of equipment, but its presence causes the refusal of one machine gun. In general, the tank combines elements of vehicles from different countries. For example, its chassis corresponds to the Soviet T-72M.

    Challenger 2 is a British battle tank that is also in service ground forces Oman. The year of operation is considered to be 1995, and since then more than 400 Challenger 2 have been produced. According to expectations, the vehicles will be in use until at least 2035.

    The tank is equipped with a 120-mm rifled gun, which is the successor to the Challenger and Chieftain guns. It is covered with a thermal insulating casing, chrome-plated, and cast L30A1 using the electroslag remelting method. The destruction range is eight kilometers.

    Challenger 2 is included in the list of the best tanks in the world due to its reliability and effectiveness against foot soldiers. The main disadvantage of the car is considered to be poor mobility. The tank reaches a speed of no more than 56 kilometers per hour. But the armor can easily withstand about sixty direct hits from an RPG.

    T-14 - the most powerful tank in the world

    The Russian development based on the universal Armata platform is recognized as the most powerful tank in the world. This tank first saw the light of day in mid-2015, when about twenty vehicles were produced. Full mass production started in 2017. This process was accompanied by the elimination of identified deficiencies.

    Artama was the first tank of its kind, which was created with an eye to the concept of Network-centric warfare. This means that the main task of the T-14 is reconnaissance, artillery fire correction and anti-aircraft systems, target designation. For this purpose, the vehicle is equipped with a Doppler AFAR radar, as well as special ultraviolet HD cameras.

    Suitability for reconnaissance is due to such design features as low visibility on radars. Moreover, the T-14 is difficult to distinguish even with visual contact. Another feature of Artama is the location of the crew in an armored capsule, and not in a turret. This allows people to survive even in conditions of tank detonation.

    At the same time, the probability of detonation of the ammunition is very low, because the designers moved it to another location with excellent protection indicators. In addition, the T-14 is able to withstand hits from anti-tank shells thanks to the active protection of the Afghanit. Malachite armor resists fire from hand grenade launchers. To top it all off, the Armata develops enormous speed and is armed with a 125 mm gun and two machine guns.

    Like most multiplayer games computer games, in World of Tanks a lot depends on your individual skill. If you know how to drive your vehicle, know its pros and cons, and know how to use and hide them, then you will be able to defeat a more powerful tank, and even several opponents at the same time. It is also worth noting that team actions usually decide a lot, since in this game there are usually two teams fighting for different sides of the participants in the Second World War. Accordingly, if you go on the attack alone, you can be eliminated very quickly, and you will not be able to benefit your team, but will only harm it, leaving your partners in the minority. However, with all this, it is worth noting that there are still cars in the game that cause awe in all gamers, because in certain characteristics, as well as in average indicators, they are superior to their own kind. And if such a tank is in the right hands, it can achieve a lot. In this article you will learn not only what the most best tank in World of Tanks, but also the top ten from which you can choose your dream car.

    Tenth place - FV215b (183)

    It’s worth noting right away that the game features not only tanks - anti-tank ones are also extremely popular in WoT self-propelled units, which are used mainly as self-propelled artillery pieces, although there are also models that cope much better with the enemy in close combat. Naturally, if we are talking about what is the best tank in World of Tanks, then we cannot do without anti-tank installations. One of them opens the hit parade, ending up in tenth place. This is FV215b (183), British tank destroyer, which has won the respect of many players. Its most important advantage is the incredible damage it can inflict on the enemy. An accurate hit with maximum luck can destroy almost any tank model and cause very impressive damage even to ten-level vehicle models. However, it's worth noting that the problem with this art is its low accuracy and slow reload time, so you'll have to work hard to get the most out of it. Naturally, this is not the best tank in World of Tanks, but it’s still definitely worth paying attention to.

    Ninth place - Bat Chatillon 155

    In ninth place is another artillery - as you can see, this class of military equipment is very popular in this game. Naturally, the best tank in World of Tanks is unlikely to be an SPG, but these models are well represented in the top ten. This time the art belongs to the French line and has many impressive qualities, the first place among which is speed. This combat vehicle can drive very quickly around the map, running away from dangerous opponents and moving to a convenient distance from which it can fire. Here it also has advantages, such as a drum with four charges to make several shots in a row, fast aiming speed and fairly fast reloading. However, the only drawback is that the damage is not the highest, so you will have to choose victims who do not have the thickest armor. With the right skill, you can easily defeat even the most best easy tank in World of Tanks.

    Eighth place - T-62A

    The best light tank in World of Tanks will not be revealed to you yet - on the eighth line is a medium tank belonging to Soviet branch. The T-62A is a rather difficult model to master, as it has very thin armor on the hull. It would seem, why is this tank in the top ten then? It's all about skill, which was already mentioned earlier. If the owner has steady hands and a sharp mind, he can easily find a way to use this model one hundred percent. For example, you need to choose advantageous positions, in which the enemy can only normally aim at your tower. Various ditches, ditches and similar depressions are ideal for such a task, so you can use the features of the landscape to turn your disadvantage into an advantage. The thing is that this tank has very thick armor on the turret, so you don’t have to worry about it being penetrated, so you can carry out your maneuvers without problems. With the right skill, you can spin even the best heavy tank in World of Tanks, but you will still need support to destroy it.

    Seventh place - KV-1

    Another Soviet tank that is definitely worth checking out is the KV-1. If you are asked what is the best tank in World of Tanks at level 6, level 5 or lower, then you can safely point to this vehicle. Among the lower levels, the first Klim Voroshilov simply has no equal. You don’t have to hide, don’t stick to your partners, but just go forward and shoot your opponents who get in your way. Naturally, such tactics should be followed only if the enemy squad has no tanks of more than high level. The fact is that the thick armor of the KV-1 is beyond the capabilities of only its classmates - at most one level higher. But if the tank meets a high-level enemy, an unpleasant situation may arise. Therefore, it is better not to break away from your partners, but to act together with them. In a team, the KV-1 is an ideal tank that can inflict quite a lot of damage and collect shots that will not cause much damage to it. A squad with a KV-1 can easily defeat an enemy who has, for example, the best Tier 7 tank in World of Tanks.

    Sixth place - Object 268

    After a short break, PTs are returning to the hit parade, without which it is difficult to imagine a full-fledged squad in the World of Tanks. You can endlessly answer questions about which light tank is the best in World of Tanks, but still artillery will play a key role in any battle, while light tanks are extremely highly specialized. That's why Object 268 is a very dangerous machine - it can destroy opponents different levels and with different armor thicknesses. Powerful damage from the cannon and excellent camouflage, which leaves no chance for the enemy to be detected, make this tank extremely dangerous. You can hide in the bushes and shoot at illuminated enemies, causing chaos and destruction. If you are nevertheless noticed, then you can use other advantages of the Object - the thickness of its armor and quite good speed. You can either take the damage or try to get away from the battle in order to continue shelling from other bushes. And if you are asked which Tier 10 tank is the best in World of Tanks, then you can calmly answer that whatever it is, Object 268 will cope with it without problems - especially if it has competent partners who do not let opponents get too close to him.

    Fifth place - M18 Hellcat

    The M18 Hellcat model is another proof that tank destroyers are a class that decides a lot in World of Tanks. However, this particular model requires a very clear ability to control it, an understanding of the principles of its operation, as well as a sharp mind that will tell you solutions in difficult situations. It’s worth saying right away that the “Hell Cat” finds itself in difficult situations very often, but from almost every one of them, with quality management, it can emerge victorious, or at least alive. This is an extremely small PT that has one of the highest speeds in the game. In addition, it features a very high-quality cannon, large enough for such a baby, as well as correspondingly poor armor. Naturally, if you understand what you are doing, you can find the balance necessary for survival. The best heavy tank in World of Tanks, level 10, of course, in a one-on-one battle, can destroy this tank, grind it into dust, but to do this, you first need to catch it in your sights. And this is not easy to do - the M18 Hellcat can spin any heavy tank no worse than an LT, so it has enough advantages to get into the top five. If a tank destroyer can spin up close and shoot from afar the best tank in World of Tanks, level 10, then there is nothing to talk about - it deserves the highest marks.

    Fourth place - Waffenträger auf E 100

    It's time to pay attention to German branch, although it is still the PT that receives attention. If the best tank in World of Tanks at level 5 is the KV-1, then the Waffenträger auf E 100 can easily defeat it without even letting it get close to it. The fact is that this anti-tank installation is a full-fledged fortress on tracks. Of course, she won't be able to become a ninja tank like the previous model, but she doesn't need that. You can safely engage your opponents, since they are unlikely to be able to penetrate your armor, but much better is the fact that you yourself can destroy almost any tank with a direct hit. Few people can boast that even a level ten tank can be blown up with one salvo. Naturally, even the best heavy tank in World of Tanks, level 8 or higher, can fall in battle with the Waffenträger auf E 100. Please note that with all these characteristics, this tank can reach a fairly high speed. In general, this is a full-fledged death machine, which you should definitely be wary of if you meet it in open battle.

    Third place - T57 Heavy Tank

    The top three are opened by a rather interesting model - the T57 Heavy Tank, a heavy tank that does not have particularly thick armor. It would seem that such a tank was forgotten in the top three if the thickness of its armor is just over 120 millimeters? This is simply unacceptable for a heavy tank, but this particular model may well compensate for all the shortcomings of thin armor with its advantages. First of all, it is worth noting that this “cardboard” armor has one pleasant feature - shells very often ricochet off it due to its pleasant angle of inclination. This way you can avoid direct hit for a very long time - enough time to use your powerful weapon to destroy the enemy. Separately, it is worth talking about the weapon, which has a drum for four projectiles, each of which can inflict up to 400 units of damage. Imagine a heavy tank, from which all your shells fly off, although you thought that you would destroy it with one or two shots, and which, in response, pumps four charges into you at once in turn, causing a total damage of more than 1500 points - this is really frightening. As you can see, the best can be not only the one with the thickest armor and the most powerful gun.

    Second place - AMX 50 Foch (155)

    Another tank destroyer, but this time we will talk about exactly the type that was mentioned at the very beginning of the article - artillery that practically does not engage in artillery shelling. But first things first. First, it's worth mentioning the armor of this tank. The armor at the front is simply impenetrable, so you can safely go forward with this tank, but do not forget that the quality of the armor is limited by the frontal part. You will have to constantly make sure that no one gets to your flank or rear, as you will be demolished in one shot. Also keep an eye on your tower because it is the most vulnerable point. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do here - it all depends on the enemy’s accuracy. Time to move on to the gun, which is no less terrifying than the previous tank. With a three-shot drum, you can deal about two thousand damage, even if you just drive towards enemy tanks and fire all three charges at once, playing kamikaze. If you use the advantages of this tank wisely, you will be able to earn enough frags and deal a lot of damage - the main thing is not to engage in battles at close range and not to let anyone in from other sides except the front.

    First place - KV-1S

    Few doubted that the sample would come first domestic technology. This heavy tank is called “Kvass” by many in the game because of the way its name is spelled. However, it is worth noting that it is simply magnificent in absolutely all respects. Start with the armor - it is strong on all sides, and not just on one side, like most top tanks. You can do any type of combat without worrying about the fact that on some side you have a hole that a clever enemy can target. What can we say about the gun, which is simply excellent for this model; it has high accuracy, good damage and fast aiming. You just need to jump out from around the corner, aim at the enemy and watch how his armor gives a hole, and the tank, if not killed, then becomes seriously crippled. Pleasant speed, good maneuverability of the tank and mobility of the turret - all this deservedly puts this model on the first line of the hit parade. It is unlikely that any other tank deserves first place like the Kvass. Naturally, if we consider specific classes separately, the results will be completely different - it is very difficult to choose the best from all the models, since they all have their own tasks that they need to cope with. For example, light tanks did not make it to the top because they cannot deal high damage, do not have heavy armor, but they perform very important role scouts, revealing enemy tanks for their heavier partners and artillery fire.
