How Capricorn shows his care. Capricorn man, attitude towards women and sexual preferences

Blushing? Worried? Doesn't look away? Women love to look for and find signs of falling in love in guys in order to decide how to behave, what to talk about, so as not to frighten off the emerging feeling. The companions of Capricorns ask themselves similar questions. During the period of falling in love, representatives of this sign change significantly. Previously balanced guys begin to commit rash acts. However, you can accurately determine whether Cupid’s arrow hit your chosen one only by finding out how a Capricorn man loves.

A few nice words about Capricorns

The behavior of the Capricorn man is not particularly refined. He is sometimes rude, hot-tempered and demanding. You will probably even start thinking about another life partner, but you still shouldn’t rush.

  • First you need to find out best qualities representative of this zodiac constellation.
  • Honesty. Male Capricorns do not like to dodge, play a double game and embellish their biography. If your boyfriend told you something, you can rest assured that this is a true story. You won’t expect mind-blowing confessions from a Capricorn man; he will start talking about love when he decides on your feelings.
  • Reliability. You will be upset by his inattention to your broken nail or quarrel with his girlfriend. He doesn’t like to pay attention to such little things, but he won’t refuse when you really need serious help. For the sake of his beloved girl, he is ready to do anything.
  • Success. Many Capricorn men boldly face difficulties, overcome obstacles on the way to their goals and strive to conquer all peaks, which sooner or later leads to success. He will not deny you truly important expenses, but he will limit useless monetary expenses.
  • Responsibility. It is curious that due to a highly developed sense of duty, Capricorns feel responsible for the women they like. Even if you quarrel, a man will still overcome his irritation and come to your aid. After all, he is responsible for you.

Agree, such qualities are very suitable for marriage and serious relationships. But first you need to understand what kind of Capricorn man he is in love.

How do Capricorns in love behave?

The actions of Capricorn, who fell in love and lost his head, change dramatically. Suddenly the usual coldness and phlegmatic nature evaporates, and unpredictability appears in their place. A Capricorn in love turns into a romantic and somewhat mysterious person. If a representative of this sign falls in love, then you definitely will not fight off his advances. He will make every effort to achieve your love. At first, such behavior seems overly persistent (and even intrusive), but this is his nature: once you fall in love, then follow this path to the end.

A Capricorn man has appeared in your life: how do you understand that he is in love? It won't be difficult. The fact is that his love is extremely difficult not to notice.

  • Here are the main signs of a Capricorn guy who loves and strives to conquer a girl.
  • He is looking for a meeting with you, but before he preferred to be alone with his thoughts. Now the man wants to get to know you better, so he makes regular dates. It’s good that he invites you to where you like to be.
  • Capricorn definitely likes you if he becomes jealous. As soon as a representative of this zodiac constellation falls in love, he tries to isolate his chosen one from any encroachments. Your decision to have coffee with a male colleague can be regarded as betrayal.
  • When a Capricorn man writes poetry, showers him with stunningly beautiful words, leaves touching inscriptions on gifts - that’s it, he fell in love! Capricorns are usually distinguished by their eloquence, so you definitely won’t be threatened with monotonous compliments.
  • This guy liked you if he suddenly started taking pictures of you. Moreover, he likes even not the most successful pictures, because for him you are the most beautiful of all.
  • If a male Capricorn likes you, he will try to please you in every possible way. This will manifest itself in constant phone calls, although it seems that you have already talked about everything. On dates, he will shine with his wit, debunking the image of such a brutal guy.

If you start to hesitate, choosing between a Capricorn man and another admirer, these signs of falling in love will begin to appear even more clearly.

How not to push away a Capricorn in love?

So, you are convinced that a Capricorn man likes you. The next question immediately arises: how to behave with a representative of this sign in order to take the relationship to a more serious level (ideally, to win his hand and heart).

Don't tell Capricorn about your previous sexual relationships. Such actions do not in any way correspond to his image of an ideal woman.

To behave decently, in his understanding, means not smoking, not indulging in alcoholic beverages, and not mentioning other male representatives in his presence.

Fabulous appearance- this is the demand of a Capricorn man to his beloved. In addition to neatness, you should radiate sexuality, but excessive “nudity” and, especially, vulgarity are categorically not encouraged.

Capricorn guys value sincerity and the ability to trust their man in their chosen ones. You must show every day that you are interested in his advice. In this case, Capricorn will feel necessary, and your relationship will become even stronger.

You need to come to terms with a certain coldness and detachment of your lover. These are not signs of indifference, Capricorn guys just don’t like to flaunt their emotions. They want the same from girls. If you are used to screaming, slow down and be softer.

Since Capricorns value sincerity, don't be a hypocrite with him. Act natural and don't pretend to be a hot girl or a big shy girl if you're not. Otherwise, he will be disappointed and disappear forever.

In order not to disappoint the Capricorn guy, support his philosophical reasoning. Representatives of this sign love to tell their life partner everything that has accumulated in their souls during the previous “silent” time. However, simply listening is not an option; understand his philosophies and believe that he will never leave such an understanding partner.

Become a good housewife, show that your home will be cozy, functional and very clean. Capricorns are picky about food and the choice of food products, so you need to pamper your obstinate man by diversifying the menu with interesting and tasty dishes.

If you want to tell someone about small problems, try not to burden your Capricorn guy with such trifles. He will be happy to help you solve global difficulties, but with complaints it is better to turn to your girlfriend or friend.

Try to fit into your boyfriend's close family circle. He is very respectful of older members of the household and relatives, so your goal is to establish contact with his loved ones and demonstrate a sincere attitude towards your lover.

You don’t need to think long about how to understand a Capricorn man and his feelings for you, just carefully observe his behavior. The former outwardly cold and reserved representative of this zodiac constellation suddenly becomes talkative, begins to give compliments and delight you with numerous gifts.

Surprise him with a balanced character, practicality and intelligence, and then you won’t have to think about how to stay close to Capricorn in love.

Love is perhaps the most pleasant thing in our life. Of course there is also back side medals, when misunderstandings and quarrels with a beloved man can bring incomparable pain and suffering. This can be easily avoided by learning the secret of happy love with a man who is a representative of any of the Zodiac Signs.

Today we are talking about Capricorn. This Zodiac Sign is famous for its hard work and desire to complete things it has started. That is why such men are distinguished by special, innate fidelity. Contrary to erroneous popular belief, Capricorns are very sensitive and sometimes even vulnerable.

5 secrets of happy love with Capricorn

Secret one: All Capricorns' fears are aimed at loneliness. They react extremely strongly to negative emotions, so it’s better not to offend these people. Yes, many may be indignant that men react so painfully to their pain points, but this is the essence of this Sign. Just try not to touch them, then they won’t withdraw into themselves.

Secret two: these men are reserved, which is often perceived extremely negatively by women. This is caused by the same feeling of fear of the unknown. Capricorn needs to show as early as possible that you are a friend, comrade and a person close to them. There is no shame in trying to win their trust and love - they are not selfish, but simply afraid of disappointment.

Secret three: Capricorns can be completely relied upon in everything. If your feelings are mutual, then life with this Zodiac Sign will be very pleasant and calm. They not only wait to be able to trust you, but they themselves want to see in a woman a person who can tell them any secret.

Secret four: these men really value stability in everything, so they choose successful women. This is not a marriage of convenience, but simply the nature of their thoughts, their necessity. They want to have guarantees of a stable life. Capricorn men do not tolerate problems. It is easier for them to protect themselves by any means so that they do not have to experience worries in the future.

Secret five: Capricorns are the world's biggest realists - they are not dreamy or romantic. They want to be happy and calm, so they don't pay much attention beautiful stars and sunsets. Contrary to this, among them there are people of art who can be called exceptions. Such Capricorns are mysteries not only for ordinary women, but also for astrologers.

Capricorn men need love - they accept it, but do not give it. They simply do not know how to be sensual and romantic. The stars created them, on the one hand, stingy with expressions of feelings, and on the other, fearful, vulnerable and seeking support. That is why they get married either in extreme at a young age, or, conversely, after 30-40 years. In any case, a Capricorn in love will give you stability and become a wonderful, responsible father, as well as a faithful spouse. Love yourself and your man and don't forget to push the buttons and

12.01.2016 00:50

Each person is unique in terms of character, however, having information about your man's Zodiac Sign, you...

It can be difficult to achieve harmony with any Zodiac Sign. family life. But if your man...

Do you like to constantly change outfits and jewelry? Would you like to meet and date a man who will provide you with such an opportunity? Take a closer look at Capricorn, maybe he is the one you need.

General characteristics of men born under the sign of Capricorn

A calculating, cold mind and practicality distinguish men of this zodiac sign. Confident in his rightness, stubborn and prone to pessimism, he also has an excellent sense of humor, natural charm, and skill in group communication. He spends almost all his energy on earning a living, so he quickly becomes financially and socially wealthy. Work is a kind of fetish and the meaning of life for him; a non-working Capricorn is nonsense.

Attitude towards women

The Capricorn man loves female attention, and will always find a way to get it from the girl he likes. Intelligence, insight and charm, as well as a mysterious attraction make him interesting to many women. He himself prefers to choose a lot and carefully before settling on someone. And most often he makes his choice according to the calculations of the mind, and not at the behest of the soul. Therefore, a Capricorn man often chooses a partner from the same social class or marries a woman whom he has known for a long time.

Sexual addictions

For a Capricorn man, sex is, first of all, physiology. Therefore, he is needed regularly, at a time convenient for him and with a partner who satisfies all his important needs. In sex, Capricorn is proactive, but puts his pleasure and technical performance at the forefront, so you shouldn’t expect deeply sensual foreplay. So what kind of partner suitable for a woman, for which romance is much less important than the fact of intercourse itself.

Compatibility of Capricorn with other signs

One of the most successful options for creating a family for a Capricorn man is an Aquarius woman; her ability to calm her husband’s pessimism and delight him with her endless imagination will be perfectly complemented by his ability to work and earn money. For creating strong relationships with Taurus, Capricorn will have to learn to compromise, if this works out, they will get along great. Next to a Leo woman, Capricorn will feel comfortable, she will warm you with her warmth. But her egocentrism will be a little annoying. From the ability of both to smooth sharp corners happiness in a couple depends. At first, you will have an ideal relationship with Aries, but then more and more contradictions will accumulate. It may turn out that only the material sphere will keep the couple from collapse. Several factors can help here: if the couple has common interests in the spiritual sphere, or if they have a child, he will be able to hold the family together. With Gemini, Capricorn has too different mental foundations; their habit of being in constant change will irritate and lead to a breakup. The Pisces woman is perfect for the role of a colleague in religion or hobby, but romantic relationship will be extremely doubtful.

If you want to keep a Capricorn man by your side, remember a few points. First, your man is a representative of the Earth signs, which means everything related to the body is very important for him. Therefore, keep yourself in excellent physical shape, feed your chosen one deliciously, and most importantly, regularly, and if he gets sick, don’t bother him with any requests. A sick Earth sign is a very difficult conversationalist. The second point is a sense of ownership. Any flirting or any sign of attention from another man will be perceived as a reason for jealousy and debriefing. So it’s better to immediately exclude all dubious acquaintances. The third point is financial. It is very important for Capricorns to be on good level social and financial life. Therefore, if a question arises with money, always take his side, since he will perceive complaisance in this matter most positively. In general, in family life many issues can be resolved with the help of finances. If your dear one has committed a fine, there is no point in causing a scandal; it is better to ask to buy a ring or chain. This approach is much closer for Capricorn.

The Capricorn man attracts a woman with his seriousness and practicality. As a rule, he is well versed in practical life and possesses thriftiness. Likes to keep things in order. He makes a good owner, with whom life will be devoid of many practical problems, since he knows how to solve them.

In addition, he is not one of those men who throw around words and promises. He does not like to be late for a meeting, takes relationships seriously and prefers to find benefit in everything. At times he can be calculating in relationships. But on the other hand, this is how his desire is manifested for everything to bring benefits, and best of all material ones.

It is not typical for a Capricorn man to flirt in love; he is not captivated by female coquetry and eloquence. He is not a fan of carefree pastime. Sometimes he feels sorry for wasting time. He will not prove that he is right, arrange a showdown, he is not attracted to passions and rash actions.

He takes relationships seriously and thoroughly. Initially, it is important for him how realistically justified this relationship will be, whether it will be of any use. He is more attracted to work, achievement social status, where he can show his best qualities. He is indifferent to romantic emotions and feelings, at least if they also have no real basis.

He is a realist to the core. Everything that does not relate to reality is of little interest to him. Life, in his understanding, should be filled not with holidays and entertainment, but with serious work for material gain. In addition, to achieve material wealth and social status he is ready to sacrifice a lot, be content with little and not pay attention to emotions and feelings. He does not tend to believe in luck, luck, he relies solely on his own strengths and is guided only by his logic, even if it concerns relationships

Positive qualities of a Capricorn man in love

  • Seriousness
  • Realism
  • Thoughtfulness
  • Thoroughness
  • Responsibility
  • Performance
  • Punctuality
  • Practicality
  • Perseverance
  • Attentiveness
  • Caution
  • Hard work
  • Endurance
  • Durability
  • Perseverance
  • Equanimity
  • Stability
  • Traditionality
  • Loyalty
  • Devotion
  • Call of Duty
  • Ambition
  • Self-control
  • Purposefulness

Negative qualities of Capricorn men in love

  • Restraint
  • Reticence
  • Strictness
  • Excessive conservatism
  • Emotionality
  • Pedantry
  • Prudence
  • Materialism
  • Inertia
  • Monotony
  • Pessimism
  • Dryness
  • Cold

Capricorn man - how to understand that he is in love

Understanding that a Capricorn man is in love can be quite difficult. Because he is not used to openly demonstrating his feelings and emotions. Sometimes he is stingy with words and compliments and is not a fan of eloquent declarations of love.

In addition, he is also not too generous when it comes to gifts, he is frugal with money, prefers to spend less, but it is better to save and increase what he has earned. He considers large expenses inappropriate.

Romance, sublime feelings and images are also often uninteresting to him. It is difficult for him to imagine something that does not exist. Therefore, it is difficult and not interesting for him to fantasize, dream, and think about abstract images.

But if a Capricorn man is truly in love, then he will naturally express love. Only he will have an earthly one, where everyday worries and worries, solving practical problems and working to provide for his family come to the fore.

A Capricorn in love is caring and attentive to his chosen one. He may be stingy with words, but he can work hard so that his chosen one does not need anything.

Capricorn man in bed

Sex life for a Capricorn man does not come first. He prefers to direct his energy to work in order to get concrete results and improve his financial situation. But surrendering completely to the power of feelings and pleasures is not for him.

Sex for a Capricorn man is an ordinary satisfaction of needs, where there is no special sensuality, tenderness and affection. Therefore, he can do without sex for a long time. In other cases, it happens that it is difficult for him to liberate himself, to get rid of internal pressures and stereotypes.

Capricorns are often adherents of stereotypes and traditions, and therefore tend to absorb many prejudices, which also negatively affects their intimate life.

Often in intimate relationships he can be cold, harsh, and strict, but he is ready to make concessions in order to preserve the family. But on the other hand, if he manages to meet a woman whom he can completely trust, he will become more open and sensual with her, even in bed.

Compatibility with a Capricorn man will be good if:

  • Be comfortable with loneliness
  • Do not strive for excessive frankness and sociability
  • Quite satisfied with the originality
  • I want peace and stability in life
  • Talkative and fickle men are repulsed
  • Attracted to responsible men who know how to restrain emotions

Compatibility with a Capricorn Man will be difficult if:

  • I want romance, compliments and beautiful words about love
  • It's hard to live without communication
  • Life according to a strict schedule evokes boredom and disgust
  • Sex life doesn't come last
  • I want tenderness, affection, sensual pleasures
  • It is difficult to tolerate monotony in life
  • Materials and money are not priorities
  • Living without new experiences and joy is difficult

Capricorn man in a relationship with a woman


How to make a Capricorn man fall in love with you

Making a Capricorn man fall in love with you can be very difficult. He does not give in to flirtation and coquetry, he is not attracted by the grace and beauty of words, he is not a fan of noisy pastime and fun. It can be difficult to even joke with him. Because he takes life so seriously that he even takes jokes seriously. And constant jokes for no reason at all will seem like a stupid quality of behavior.

It can also be difficult to get him to talk. He is not a fan of talking about everything in the world. It is better if the conversation is about something significant, specific, serious. He is more interested in talking about business. He often gives the impression of a serious and precocious adult, for whom the main thing is work, not fun.

He does not give in to momentary moods, emotional impulses, passions. It is difficult to seduce him, captivate him, not to mention fall in love. Most often it is set to serious relationship. And he can consider the woman he likes as a candidate for wife.

Only he needs time to get closer to her, to trust her more. He is not used to taking hasty actions. He prefers to study everything in detail, to find out, in order to dare to take the first step. He can calculate a lot in advance down to the smallest detail. After all, he needs a stable and permanent relationship. And he doesn't want to make a mistake.

Especially if you already have negative relationship experiences. He is very careful in his decisions. And he gets along with people slowly, without haste.

How to marry a Capricorn man

As already mentioned, he is careful in his decisions and needs time to think, analyze and decide on the next step. But on the other hand, he himself is often in the mood for a serious relationship. And if he notices that a woman has all the qualities that, in his opinion, a wife should have, then he will quickly decide to get married.

But the main thing here is not to destroy his hopes and ideals.

You can't be with him:

  • frivolous
  • Obsessive
  • Fickle
  • Irresponsible
  • Unpunctual
  • Too emotional
  • Overly talkative
  • Frivolous
  • mismanagement

He needs a serious lady who is not put off by practical life. Fickle women and passionate relationships are unnecessary to him. There is no place for passions and excessive emotions in his marriage. But there is stability, responsibility and an organized family life. Some people are quite happy with this, while others can’t stand it for long.

Therefore, it is also important to discuss this, to learn more about his ideas about family life, his ideals, habits, ideas. Do not forget that the Capricorn man often remains faithful to traditions, can be conservative in actions and reasoning, and retain many prejudices that prevent him from liberating himself.

Capricorn man in marriage

In marriage, a Capricorn man is usually ascetic and can be content with the simplest and most proven things. Often he remains true to his traditions in which he grew up and was brought up. Therefore, he will choose everything traditional, proven, that everyone uses.

As a rule, he does not have inflated demands on the interior, clothing, or food. The main thing is to maintain order in the house and avoid chaos. It’s best when every thing is in its place and everything looks strict, neat and traditional. He has no special craving for everything chic and expensive. He likes to save more in order to buy a really high-quality item that will last for many years.

In clothes he prefers strictness, so that everything is neat. Strict style and business suits suit him very well, and anything that can emphasize his status. He is not picky when it comes to food, although he can also pay attention to various details. Especially if he has developed pedantry.

There are Capricorns, with the behavior of a tyrant, who establish complete control over the life of their chosen one, noticing her tardiness and mismanagement. But there are also calm and patient Capricorns; they are lenient towards a woman’s weaknesses, giving them full right to manage the arrangement of the home, while they themselves will be engaged in social fulfillment.

As for friends, there are not many of them. He is not a fan of noisy pastimes, and sometimes he likes to relax alone. Or where there is least fuss and noise.

Breaking up a relationship with a Capricorn man

For a Capricorn man, breaking up a relationship can be a real tragedy. After all, all his plans, all his work are ruined. And he doesn’t really want to lose something into which he has invested so much time, effort, and energy. He initially strives for a serious and permanent relationship. And I am ready to endure a lot, just not to break off the relationship.

He will become more dry, callous, taciturn and withdrawn; he will not allow anyone to penetrate his feelings, but he himself will no longer show them to anyone. Alternatively, he can treat women prudently and use it for his own benefit.

But on the other hand, he may begin to love loneliness and work more, believing that it is better to achieve something serious in life than to waste time on a non-existent love in which he was disappointed. Often the Capricorn man highly values ​​such concepts as loyalty, decency and morality. And if this was violated in marriage, then it is quite difficult to return the Capricorn man.

See also How to get a Capricorn man back How to break up with a Capricorn man

For a Capricorn man to love, you have to be

  • Faithful
  • Constant
  • Serious
  • Natural
  • Practical
  • Responsible
  • Condescending

You cannot show the following to a Capricorn man:

  • Obsessiveness
  • frivolity
  • Impermanence
  • frivolity
  • Cunning
  • Authority
  • Manipulation

It is worth noting that this article contains only a description of the zodiac sign, that is, only the position of the sun in the zodiac sign is described. When, as there are many other planets and aspects involved in the formation of character, behavior, habits, a person. If you need the help of an astrologer or want to know more detailed information about yourself or about a person you are interested in, use astrological services on our website.

Astrological services are developed by professional astrologers. And they will help you find out more specific and interesting information, taking into account the position of all planets, aspects based on your individual horoscope. Before ordering, you can see an example of a horoscope.

Many aspects of a person’s character depend on his zodiac sign. Men under the same signs often have similar traits in behavior and thinking, especially if they are directed towards the female sex. So, how to understand a Capricorn man, his relationship with women and what feelings and emotions he experiences? First of all, you need to pay attention to the distinctive aspects of his earth sign and complex character.

At first glance, Capricorns seem to be closed personalities; this is true, but only partly. Such men are restrained in expressing their emotions, but are quite persistent and sociable in a comfortable environment and with close people. This zodiac sign is distinguished by measuredness and deliberation, so they are in no hurry to rush into adventures and adventures.

We can talk about the character of the male half of this zodiac for a long time, but there are a number of striking features of his character.

  1. reticence and restraint

  2. straightforwardness and lack of hypocrisy

  3. romance

  4. seriousness in words and actions

  5. subtle humor

  6. determination

  7. modesty

  8. loyalty to family and traditions

Men of this sign are good listeners and students. They often listen to the advice of parents and friends and follow their lead. But such a character trait can also lead to unpleasant consequences. Representatives of this sign tend to succumb to bad influence in companies and can easily become addicted to alcohol or drugs.

  1. easily fall under the influence of others

  2. slow-witted

  3. homebodies

  4. addictive tendencies

  5. lack initiative

  6. pessimists

  7. melancholics

Capricorn guys tend to change their character with age. A Capricorn man's feelings become brighter over the years. The older generation opens up in communication with the female sex, becoming skilled seducers, romantic and dreamy natures. They try to please their women, giving them much more love and tenderness than in their younger years. Every guy should know how to behave on a date with a girl.

Capricorns like well-groomed girls with a strong-willed character. Young guys will pay attention to the slender activist at the university with optimistic thoughts and mystery. Lonely young people appreciate the initiative of girls and rarely refuse communication. You can understand that a Capricorn guy likes you by catching his gaze on you and noticing that he is always where you are.

To understand a Capricorn man in a relationship, just watch him carefully. He prefers a wait-and-see tactic, unlike those men who are incredibly active in looking for their soul mate.

With age, men become more decisive and show their affection a little more openly. But almost all of them, at the first stage of meeting a woman, build an invisible wall around themselves, not letting anyone near their heart.

Such men must be 100% convinced of your sincerity. and also that you are suitable for him. Despite this, it is not at all difficult to understand that a Capricorn man likes you.

Capricorns do not strive for beautiful courtship and serenades under the balcony, but they will undoubtedly be interested in the life of the lady of their heart. If a guy likes you, then he, like a true gentleman, will accompany you home, write pleasant messages at night and find out how you feel.

All these pleasantries will continue without continuation until the woman takes everything into her own hands. This is exactly the kind of woman the indecisive man needs. earth sign. To be sure whether a Capricorn man likes you, it is better after some time, when your relationship is trusting, to ask him about it directly.

Capricorn men in love open up to their other halves in a completely new way; this is no longer wary sympathy, now it is a great bright feeling that he will protect for many years. But love will only be born if you conquer this man and break the wall he has erected.

  • Smart and bold in her opinions (They adore erudite women with the ability to defend their point of view and win in arguments);

  • Responsible and purposeful (They will respect and appreciate a woman who has achieved something in life and is not afraid of difficulties);

  • Without unnecessary pathos (You should be as natural as possible, without arrogant phrases and inflated requests);

  • Easy to talk to, love his family and friends;

  • A friend and assistant in all matters. and not just a sexual partner;

  • Generous with praise and compliments addressed to him.

How can you tell if a Capricorn man is in love with you? Simple enough. Here are some signs that he has fallen in love:

  • Evening walks began to drag on until late at night (This behavior means that it is difficult for him to part with you);

  • He often comes to visit, and not yet empty-handed (Capricorns are homebodies, and only a bright feeling can make him constantly come to visit you);

  • Gives flowers and gifts (They give flowers and gifts only to the closest people);

  • Does not let go of your hand and does not skimp on hugs;

  • I began to look noticeably better and bought new perfume;

  • Trusts you with family secrets.

So, if your meetings with a Capricorn have developed into a serious relationship, then you are lucky, because they are very loyal and caring companions. A Capricorn man in love is distinguished by his generosity and complete dedication to his loved one. A loving representative of this sign will carry you in his arms and expect your gratitude and praise in return. How to understand that a man is cheating on you?

If you are expecting a Capricorn guy to propose marriage to you soon, then you are mistaken. If you want to get married, you will have to act on your own and as decisively as possible. It will not be surprising if you tell me what ring and where to buy you, as well as how best to propose. If a man loves you, he will do everything as you ask without unnecessary resistance and unnecessary questions.

Of course, this sign will be submissive and pliable as long as you continue to reciprocate his feelings, look after him properly and do not forget to shower him with compliments.

  • will show his tough character and again build an invisible wall of mistrust between you

  • will hide his trips to the bar with friends

  • stops being soft and gentle

  • will become silent and closed to your questions and moralizing.

Sometimes a crisis in a relationship can drag on for a long time if you do not ask for forgiveness from your chosen one. But to understand that a Capricorn man still loves you, you need to know that loving Capricorn will never:

In love, all means are good, but this does not apply to relationships with a Capricorn man. If you want to live your whole life with him in love and harmony, you must follow several rules.

  • Never do anything evil. otherwise you will lose self-respect.

  • Don't make scenes of jealousy.

  • Be more tolerant of his mistakes.

  • Be attentive to his person.

  • Give him personal space and time when he can be alone with himself.

  • Be decisive, take the initiative always and in everything.

  • Exalt your man. and then he will move mountains for you.

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