What animals are there in the fall? Lesson - fairy tale “Autumn phenomena in the lives of animals? Animals in autumn

Direct educational


Cognitive development.

Formation of ideas

about peace and nature

in the pre-school group.

Topic: “Life of animals in autumn”

The date of the:

Integration educational areas: social-communicative, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic.

Goal: development of cognitive interest in the surrounding world, formation of ideas about wild animals, development of interest in objects of nature, expanding children's horizons and ideas about changes in the lives of animals in the fall, developing speech, enriching children's vocabulary.


Educational:teach children to distinguish by appearance and name the most common wild animals. Form an idea of ​​the animal appearance and living conditions.

Educational: develop understanding of speech, thinking, memory, attention, observation.

Speech: promote the development of interactive speech, enrich the vocabulary of children.

Educational: cultivate a love for wild animals, their importance in human life, and curiosity.

Demo material:use of a SMART board, presentation in the form of a visual aid “Wild Animals”, use of a visual electronic aid “The Life Chain of Animals in the Forest”.

Methodical techniques:game and problem situations, “live pictures”, conversation-dialogue, individual work, didactic game“Wild Animals”, physical education session, summing up.

Preliminary work:

  1. Examination of illustrations from a series of children's books and encyclopedias depicting wild animals and their young.
  2. Reading Russians folk tales about animals.


S.A. Vasilyeva, V.I. Miryasova “Thematic Dictionary in Pictures” Moscow, “School Press”, 2005.

L.G. Gorkov “Scenarios for classes in environmental education preschoolers." Preschoolers. We teach. We are developing. We educate.

GCD move.

The lesson takes the form of a chain (live pictures) of fragments of children’s performances, who represent one or another animal of the forest and talk about all the changes in the life of this animal in the fall.

In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves are falling like rain,

They rustle underfoot

And they fly, fly, fly...

This is how the city welcomes autumn. Leaf fall. The rustle of leaves underfoot. What do you think happens in the forest in the fall? Children talk, and pictures appear on the screen (golden birch, red maple, brown oak, green Christmas tree.

Why has the forest changed? (children's answers) on the screen the sun is not high above the forest, clouds, clouds)

Imagine that we are in the forest.

(The music of P.I. Tchaikovsky “Seasons” - “November” sounds.)

And who is missing in our forest? (Animals) Let's think and imagine what animals we can meet in the autumn forest?

Presentation slides appear after “live pictures” (guys in animal costumes and masks) tell on behalf of the animals what has changed in their lives with the arrival of autumn and how they are preparing for winter. (The entrance of children in animal costumes and masks is accompanied by a musical background; children must guess by the sound which animal is entering the forest clearing.)



Huge, dressed in a warm fur coat, clumsy in appearance. A bear appears very carefully in the clearing. He places his paws with his toes inward, which is why he is called clubfoot, and he steps so quietly that not a single twig under his paws will crunch.

Child in a bear mask:

Life is good for us bears in the summer. The forest treats us with mushrooms and berries. In the hollow you can find honey from wild bees and collect plant roots. We manage to accumulate fat over the summer, and we have enough of it for the whole winter. In the fall we look for a den for ourselves. The place must be safe to sleep peacefully until spring. And in winter it will cover the top of the den with a blanket of snow, and it will be warm and quiet for me.


A riddle poem sounds in the background music:

Behind the trees and bushes

Like a flame flashed by

It flashed, ran...

Is there any smoke? No fire?

What do you?! This is the cheat Red Head,

The tail is fluffy - what a beauty!

And her name is... (fox).

Girl in a fox costume:

And we, foxes, change our fur coat for winter for a warm and fluffy one. Thick fur grows on my paws, like warm felt boots. And how fluffy the tail becomes! My hole is in a deep forest, on a slope of a stream or river overgrown with bushes. In the summer I have plenty of food. And frogs, and lizards, and chicks, and voles, in the forest I’ll feast on berries. In winter, only mice save us from hunger.



D. Zuev spoke interestingly about preparing a hedgehog for winter: “The hedgehog prepares bedding in its own way. It rolls head over heels on the grass and pricks leaves on its needles. The hedgehog will stand up in an armful and carry the sheet mattress to the nest. An incredible monster is coming, it’s impossible to recognize: a haystack of haystacks!”

Hedgehog boy:

I don't stock up for the winter. When the cold comes, I climb into my warm, cozy house and sleep until the spring sun warms me and the snow melts. I sleep and dream about wandering through the forest in the summer, catching mice and frogs, bugs and worms...


And the hedgehog ran to his cozy house, where he will spend the winter hibernating.

Game "Who's the odd one out?" (bear, fox, hedgehog)


And I propose to guess the riddle:

Small, white

Jump-jump along the forest,

One snowball at a time.


Bunny boy:

Animals are hiding where from their enemies. Some are in hollows, others in burrows. But I can’t do any of this. And I have a lot of enemies. My nose, sensitive ears, fast legs and inconspicuous fur coat save me. In summer it is gray, and in winter it is white. It is no coincidence that my eyes are slanted; with them I see not only what is in front, but also to the sides and even a little behind. A sensitive nose and ears have helped me out more than once. Now I'm shedding: instead of gray fur, white fur is growing. I feed at night - it’s safer. I like to eat twigs, bark of young trees and shrubs.


Listen to the next riddle

Who? Does he stock up on berries, mushrooms, and nuts?

To eat them in winter and listen to mother’s fairy tales.


Squirrel girls:

  1. I've been jumping around all day,

There's a lot to do in autumn:

Choose a hollow for the winter,

Cover it with carpet -

Warm down, soft moss.

Day after day I gallop through the forest

I collect soft moss

And if I see a nut,

I'll jump into the pantry with him!

Well, what if in a clearing

I'll find a mushroom

Then come in winter -

I'll definitely treat you,

  1. Autumn leaf flies around

Leaves are falling from the branches

Look, look

I change my outfit.

I was a redhead, now

The fur coat is thicker and lighter,

Silver tail -

Gray, fluffy.



A wolf also needs a big fluffy tail. When a wolf goes to sleep in the snow in winter, he covers his nose and paws with his fluffy tail. The wolf does not change the color of his fur coat. It remains gray, but the coat becomes thicker and more luxuriant.

Boy in a wolf costume:

We wolves do not make provisions for the winter. Help you get through difficult times winter time We have strong legs and sharp teeth. We have to run a lot before we find prey, which is why people say about us that the legs feed the wolf.

The game "Who's the odd one out?" (hare, squirrel, wolf)


And so our walk comes to an end and it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. But first, tell me for what purpose we took a walk to autumn forest? (To learn about the life of animals in autumn. How animals prepare for winter.)

Physical education break “Bear cubs”

The cubs lived in the thicket,

They turned their heads:

Like this and like this

More like this, more like this.

The cubs were looking for honey,

They rocked the tree together.

Like this and like this

They rocked the tree together.

We waddled

And they drank water from the river.

Like this and like this

The cubs drank water.

And then they danced

Together we raised our paws,

Like this and like this

Together they raised their paws.


What helps a hare escape from enemies? (Nose, sensitive ears, fast legs and fur coat.)

What do people say about the legs of a wolf? (The wolf's legs feed)

D/game “Find the house”.



  • summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about autumn;
  • developing interest in natural objects, expanding children’s horizons and ideas about changes in the life of animals in the fall;
  • develop generalized ideas about birds;
  • speech development;
  • enriching children's vocabulary.

Vocabulary work: migratory, wintering, nomadic

Equipment: bird illustrations, autumn pictures, animal hats, pencils

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizing time

Educator: In what mood did you come to class today?

Children: With a cheerful, good

Q: Show me your good mood. I remind you that during class you should not shout, not make noise, listen to the teacher carefully, and raise your hand.

IN: Listen to the poem.

Lingonberries are ripening
The days have become colder
And from the bird's cry
My heart is only sadder
Flocks of birds fly away - away
For the blue sea.
All the trees are shining
In a multi-colored dress!

Q: What time of year is the poem talking about?

Q: By what signs did you guess that it was autumn?

D: Birds are flying away, the trees are “colorful”, the days are getting colder, etc.

Q: What other signs of autumn do you know? ( called)

Q: Why does nature change its color in autumn?

D: Little light, little heat

Q: What are the words that we most often use when talking about autumn?

D: Falling leaves, slush, rainy weather, cloudy, etc.

Q: Guys! Is all autumn the same?

Q: What is autumn like?

D: Early and late?

Q: What happens in early autumn?

D: The leaves begin to change color, cold rain falls, birds fly away, etc.

Q: What happens in late autumn?

D: The trees are bare, snow is falling, the birds have flown away, etc.

3. Q: Guys, what animals can be found in the forest in the fall? ( called) And now we will find out what they do in the forest in the fall. ( children in masks talk about themselves)

Hedgehog: The trees are getting ready for winter, and I’m getting ready too. I've been accumulating fat all summer because I have to... long hibernation. I will sleep in a secluded place, in dry leaves and grass. I collect leaves to make a warm bed for the winter.

Bear: The leaves are falling in the forest, it’s time for me to find a place for a den. The place must be reliable in order to sleep peacefully until spring. The den should be covered with leaves, fragrant pine needles and dry moss to keep it warm. It's about to start snowing. A blanket of snow will cover the den on top, and it will keep me warm and quiet.

Fox: And we, foxes, change our fur coat for winter for a warm and fluffy one. Thick fur grows on my paws, like warm felt boots. And how fluffy the tail becomes! My hole is in a deep forest. In winter, mice save you from hunger.

Hare: Now I’m shedding: instead of gray fur, white fur is growing. I feed at night - it’s safer. I love to eat twigs, bark of young trees and shrubs. It is no coincidence that my eyes are slanted; with them I see not only what is in front, but also to the sides and even a little behind.

Wolf: We wolves do not make provisions for the winter. Strong legs and sharp teeth help us survive the difficult winter times. We have to run a lot before we find prey, which is why people say about us that the legs feed the wolf.

I've been jumping around all day,
There's a lot to do in autumn:
Choose a hollow for the winter,
To keep it warm,
Cover it with carpet -
Warm fluff, soft moss.
Day after day I gallop through the forest
I collect soft moss
And if I see a nut,
I'll jump into the pantry with him!
Well, what if in a clearing
I'll find a mushroom
Then come in winter -
I'll definitely treat you.
The autumn leaf flies around,
Leaves are falling from the branches.
Look, look
I change my outfit.
Was a redhead, now
The fur coat is thicker and lighter,
Silver tail -
Gray, fluffy.

4. Q: Now let’s rest.

5. Q: Guys, why can’t you hear the cheerful bird voices?

D: We flew to warmer climes

Q: Why did they fly away from us?

D: It became cold and hungry

Q: What are the names of birds that have flown away?

D: Migratory

Q: Name these birds?

D: Cuckoo, starling, rook, swan, cranes, ducks, etc.

Q: What are the names of the birds that winter with us?

D: Wintering

Q: Name the wintering birds?

D: Magpie, crow, bullfinch, sparrow, crossbill, etc.

Q: I want to tell you that with the onset of cold weather, siskins, waxwings, tap dancers, and bullfinches migrate to us from the north - these are nomadic birds. Why do you think they were called nomads? ( answer)

Q: Nomadic, because they fly short distances. We are used to living in the cold.

6. Game "Place the bird in your house."

Q: Guys, where do birds live?

D: In birdhouses, nests, on the roofs of houses, etc.

Connect with lines which bird lives where, place it in your house.

7. Summary of the lesson

Did you enjoy the activity?

What do you remember?

What interesting things did you remember?

Evgenia Solod
Lesson summary for the preparatory group “The Life of Animals in Autumn”

Goals: developing interest in natural objects, expanding children’s horizons and ideas about changes in animal life in autumn, speech development, enrichment of children's vocabulary.

Progress of the lesson:

Class takes place in the form of a chain of fragments of speeches by children who represent one or another animal of the forest and talk about all the changes in life of this animal in autumn.

In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves are falling like rain,

They rustle underfoot

And they fly, fly, fly...

So meets autumn city. Leaf fall. The rustle of leaves underfoot. What's going on autumn with forest? (The children tell the story, and as the story progresses, the teacher attaches a golden birch tree, a red maple tree, a brown oak tree, and a green Christmas tree to the magnetic board.)

Why has the forest changed? (Children’s answers. The sun appears on the board, low above the forest, clouds and clouds.)

Imagine that we are in the forest. (Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky sounds "Seasons"-"November".)

And who is missing in our forest? ( "Animals".) Let's put in our picture animals that may be in autumn forest.

The pictures are exhibited after the guys in costumes and animal masks tell on behalf of the animals what has changed in them life with the arrival of autumn and how they prepare for winter. (The entrance of children in costumes and animal masks is accompanied by a musical background; children must guess by the sound which animal is entering the forest clearing.)


Educator: Huge, dressed in a warm fur coat, clumsy in appearance. A bear appears very carefully in the clearing. He puts his paws with his toes inward, which is why he is called clubfoot, and he steps so quietly that not a single twig under his paws will crunch.

Child wearing a bear mask: Life is good for us bears in the summer. The forest generously offers mushrooms and berries. There are small ones little animals and ants. In the hollow you can find honey from wild bees and collect succulent plant roots. We have time to accumulate fat over the summer. How could it be otherwise, because winter is ahead, and the fat reserves will last for the whole winter.

The leaves are falling in the forest, it’s time to find a place for a den. The place must be safe to sleep peacefully until spring. The den should be covered with leaves, fragrant pine needles and dry moss to keep it warm. It's about to start snowing. A blanket of snow will cover the den on top, and it will keep me warm and quiet.


A poem sounds on a musical background - mystery:

Behind the trees and bushes

The flame flashed quickly;

It flashed, ran...

No smoke? no fire?

What do you! This is a cheat

red head,

The tail is fluffy - what a beauty!

And her name is (fox)

Girl in a fox costume: And we, foxes, change our fur coat for winter for a warm and fluffy one. Thick fur grows on my paws, like warm felt boots. And how fluffy the tail becomes! In the most severe frosts, I can lie down straight on a snowy bed, only covering my nose and paws with my fluffy tail!

My hole is in a deep forest, on a sandy slope of a stream or river overgrown with bushes. In the summer I have plenty of food. And frogs, and lizards, and chicks, and field mice, otherwise I’ll catch a young duck by the stream, and eat berries in the forest. In winter, only mice save us from hunger.


Educator: Interesting about preparation hedgehog for winter told D. Zuev: “The hedgehog prepares bedding in its own way. It rolls head over heels on the grass and pricks leaves on its needles. The hedgehog will stand up in an armful and carry the sheet mattress to the nest. An incredible monster is coming, find out impossible: heap-heap!”

The boy is a hedgehog: I don’t stock up for the winter. When the cold comes, I climb into my warm, cozy house and sleep until the spring sun warms me and the snow melts. I sleep and dream about wandering through the forest in the summer, catching mice and frogs, nimble lizards, bugs and worms...


Boy - hare: Animals from enemies who are hiding where. Some are in hollows, others in burrows. But I can’t do any of this. And I have a lot of enemies. My nose, sensitive ears, fast legs and inconspicuous fur coat save me. In summer it is gray and in winter it is white. It is no coincidence that my eyes are slanted; with them I see not only what is in front, but also to the sides and even a little behind. A sensitive nose and ears have helped me out more than once. Now I I shed: instead of gray fur, white fur grows. I feed at night - it’s safer this way. I like to eat twigs, bark of young trees and shrubs.


Squirrel girl:

I've been jumping around all day,

There's a lot to do in autumn:

Choose a hollow for the winter,

To keep it warm,

Cover it with carpet -

Warm down, soft moss.

Day after day I gallop through the forest

I collect soft moss

And if I see a nut,

I'll jump into the pantry with him!

Well, what if in a clearing

I'll find a mushroom

Then come in winter -

I'll definitely treat you.

Sheet autumn flies around,

Leaves are falling from the branches.

Look, look

I change my outfit.

Was a redhead, now

The fur coat is thicker and lighter,

Silver tail -

Gray, fluffy.


Educator: A wolf also needs a big fluffy tail. When a wolf goes to sleep right in the snow in winter, he will cover his nose and paws with his fluffy tail. The wolf does not change the color of his fur coat. It remains gray, but the fur becomes even thicker and more luxuriant.

Boy in a wolf costume: We wolves do not make provisions for the winter. Strong legs and sharp teeth help you survive difficult winter times. We have to run a lot before we find prey, that’s why people say about us that the wolf’s legs feed him.

A game "Good bad"

Suggested situation: "Clear sunny day autumn - good or bad? Is it raining - good or bad? Fungus growing in a clearing - good or bad? Early frosts - good or bad? A fluffy Christmas tree stands at the edge of the forest - good or bad? Etc." Children must explain which animal is good, which is bad, and why.

Publications on the topic:

"Animal life in autumn." Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the senior group Topic: “Animal Life in Autumn” Educational area: “Cognition” Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Socialization”, “Health”.

Summary of an individual lesson in a preparatory school group for children with mental retardation “Trees in autumn” Goal: to consolidate vocabulary on the topic “Trees”, develop thinking, hand-eye coordination, counting from a given number, and the ability to compare.

Goal: to cultivate in children a sense of beauty, love for native nature, celebrate characteristic features animals, systematize knowledge.

Summary of educational activities for physical education in the preparatory group “King of Beasts” Goal: strengthening the health of children, instilling in children the need for physical education. Objectives: improve physical skills.

Summary of a joint speech therapy lesson in senior and preparatory groups “Animal life in winter” Lesson-travel: “The life of animals in the middle zone in winter” Goals: 1. Correctional and educational: To form vocabulary in children.

Hello, our dear moms and dads! Let's continue autumn theme and today we will tell the children about the life of animals in the fall.

In autumn, animals prepare for the harshest time of the year - winter. The life of furry, feathered and other inhabitants of forests, fields, city parks, and squares depends on how this preparation goes.

Insects are among the first to react to weather changes.

Most of them are looking for cozy shelters in which they can sleep all winter. They find these shelters under fallen leaves, under bark that has fallen away from a tree trunk, in the cracks of houses.

But butterflies turn into pupae and thus wait out the cold winter.

Lizards, snakes, frogs, and toads are also in a hurry to leave for the winter. Brown grass frogs and green frogs in the fall stay close to bodies of water, at the bottom of which they overwinter. Toads seek shelter on land: under the roots of trees, in the burrows of small rodents.

In the fall, lizards climb deeper into their burrows, under moss, into fallen leaves, under tree roots, into rotten stumps.

When the cold comes and the insects disappear, migratory birds- swallows, swifts, flycatchers - begin to prepare for travel to warm countries.

Forest animals also begin to prepare for winter. Some of them begin to eat a lot so that fat will form under their skin, which will warm the animal well in the winter cold. For example, bears and badgers. Many forest inhabitants make provisions for the winter (squirrels, mice, moles) and prepare winter housing.

In the fall, many animals begin to shed - they grow a warm undercoat, and the fur changes its color.

The white hare's entire fur coat becomes white, and only the tips of the ears are black, while the brown hare's fur coat becomes lighter only on the sides.

By winter, the squirrel turns gray, exchanging its bright fiery red coat for a more inconspicuous one in winter.

When snow appears and the weather gets colder, some animals hibernate. Such animals include hedgehogs and bears, which cannot feed themselves in the winter.

That's all for today. Soon a presentation on the topic “Animal Life in Autumn” will appear at Yasny Solnyshok.

Also, you can get mine free book.

Elena Medvedeva.

Most animals grow thick and fluffy fur by winter. So they get warmer. Animals take care of the insulation of their homes. So, a squirrel lines its nest in a hollow tree with moss, dry grass and wool. The hedgehog lines the nest with dry leaves and moss, buries himself in them, curls up in a ball, and falls asleep for the whole winter, because frogs, mice, lizards, various insects, the worms on which it feeds also hide in secluded places with the onset of cold weather. During the summer and autumn, hedgehogs store a lot of fat under their skin, so in winter they can rest. Badgers also hibernate. They live in forests and bushes, feeding on various roots, fruits, worms, insect larvae, and mice.

Brown bear diligently prepares a den for itself under the roots of trees or in dry forest. The brown bear is an omnivore. It feeds on roots, berries, small animals, ant eggs, and wild bee honey. In winter, he cannot find such food: animals hide, snow covers the plants. By winter, bears accumulate a lot of fat under their skin, and they also hibernate.

The squirrel eats seeds, which it always finds in the forest.

The fox and the wolf are constantly on the prowl in search of prey. They do not store food and do not hibernate. These are beasts of prey. They feed on various animals. The fox hunts mice, hares and other small animals. Wolves also attack large animals: moose, deer, wild boars.

Hares do not build houses. Every bush can be a home for them. They don't store food. Although there is hunger in winter, when the fields are covered with snow, young branches of bushes and tree bark can always be gnawed in the forest or forest belt. After all, hares are herbivores. In late autumn, they feast on cabbage leaves, carrots, and beets in the fields.

Small animals - weasels for the winter change the color of their fur from red to snow-white. They feed mainly on mice and voles similar to them and benefit from this agriculture. It is illegal to destroy weasels.

On a summer evening you can see flying animals - bats. Their front legs turned into wings. In autumn, some bats fly to warmer regions, while the rest spend the winter in caves and buildings. There they sleep, hanging upside down and folding their wings. The bats- useful animals, they eat many harmful insects. They need to be protected. There are species of bats listed in the Red Book.

The Red Book is not an ordinary book. It contains the names of animals and plants that are few in number or are already disappearing altogether. Red color is a warning, an alarm signal: save animals and plants, do not allow them to disappear.
