Who is Oksana Fedorova's husband and how old are they? Oksana Fedorova's husband Andrei Borodin: how he conquered the famous beauty

Oksana Fedorova is a Russian beauty who earned the title “Miss Universe” in 2002, TV presenter, actress and singer. Oksana has participated in many competitions throughout her life, and everywhere she took the highest title. This girl always achieves what she wants, not only thanks to her beauty, but also thanks to her confidence and determination.

During her career, Oksana had many affairs with the most famous men, including Russia’s first blond pop singer, Nikolaev Baskov. The man even proposed to Oksana, but the star said that they were too different and ended up choosing someone else.

Oksana Fedorova - Miss Universe 2002, as well as the winner of other beauty contests.

The girl became popular thanks to the fact that she began acting in films and also working on television, so today Fedorova has many fans who want to know everything about the beauty: how she maintains her figure and appearance, what her hobbies are, and girls who also dream of becoming models and conquer the world of beauty, they also wonder what the winner’s height, weight, and age are. It’s not difficult to find out how old Oksana Fedorova is; today the actress is 40 years old, and she just looks great! Fedorova's height is 178 cm and her weight is about 50 kg.

Biography of Oksana Fedorova

The biography of Oksana Fedorova began in 1977 in the city of Pskov. This is surprising, but the girl never dreamed of the life of a public person, a career in the world of show business and the profession of an actress. As a child, Oksana loved to read detective stories, and immediately after school she entered the police lyceum, and then the Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in St. Petersburg. After completing her education, the girl began working as an investigator and has the rank of senior lieutenant. Oksana worked for the police for three years, and then got a job as an investigator at the airport.

In parallel with the hard work of protecting the law, Oksana went in for sports (went to shaping), and participated in various beauty contests, this was her hobby. In 1999, she won the city competition “Miss St. Petersburg” for the first time, and then, already a confident girl, she signed up as a contestant for the “Miss Russia” and then “Miss Universe” competitions in 2002.

Victory in international competition turned the girl's life upside down. Now she is no longer an ordinary airport worker, but a star who must participate in castings, shows, and advertising. In addition to the victory, Oksana receives a huge fee, many gifts from jewelry companies, certificates, clothes and a place at the New York School of Television. Oksana refuses to film and leaves for Russia to defend her dissertation, after which a few years later the title is taken away from her because she did not fulfill her duties as the winner under the contract. Already in Russia, Fedorova begins to act in films and becomes a TV presenter.

Personal life of Oksana Fedorova

The personal life of Oksana Fedorova is very eventful. Such a beautiful girl like Oksana, of course, had just a ton of fans throughout her life! And not only when she won the competition. And before that, men had their eyes on the beauty; she was one of the most beautiful female investigators in the police, and then airport employees also courted her.

Rumor has it that the TV presenter even refused the Miss Universe crown because of her lover, who saw the girl at a city competition and they began an affair. The girl’s chosen one was almost 20 years older than her, they lived together for a long time, and then separated, and Oksana got married. Today Fedorova is already in her second marriage, in which she is happy. You can often find pictures online of Oksana Fedorova with her children and husband. Photos from 2016, when the girl went out with her family for the first time in a long time, became a reason for discussion among fans.

Family of Oksana Fedorova

Oksana Fedorova’s family is, first of all, her mother, who raised the girl alone. When Oksana gave birth, her parents immediately divorced, so she grew up without a father. The beauty often admits in her interviews that she lacked her father's word and attention, perhaps that is why her first man was much older than the girl, and became her common-law spouse, father, friend, and assistant. Oksana always wanted to create a strong family, and her second dream was to work as a police officer to help people.

Today we can say with confidence that everything the actress dreamed of has come true. She brings up two children, is loved, and loves. Several years ago, information appeared on the Internet that Oksana Fedorova was expecting her third child. January 2015 stunned fans with this information, but it was not confirmed, and journalists drew this conclusion from the fact that Fedorova appeared in public in a wide dress.

Children of Oksana Fedorova

Oksana Fedorova's children were born from her last spouse, Andrey Borodin. The beauty was always involved in education and career, traveled to different countries, built a career, participated in competitions, and was engaged in creativity. Despite the fact that Oksana began relationships with men quite early, the girl did not think about having children for a long time, since she believes that first she needs to realize herself, and then continue her family line.

The second reason why the winner did not have children was most likely the fact that Oksana was not confident in her men. The actress became a mother for the first time at the age of 34, and she gave birth to her second child just a year later.

Son of Oksana Fedorova - Fedor Borodin

The son of Oksana Fedorova, Fedor Borodin, was born in 2012. Today the boy is already 6 years old, next year he will go to private school in Moscow, but for now Oksana wants to give the children at least a little more childhood. Unlike others famous mothers, the actress does not often post photos of children online. She surrounds them with love, and doesn’t want the kids to understand early what publicity is, because journalists are trying to get pictures in the most unacceptable ways, lying in wait for Oksana near the house, or snapping her with the children right in the store.

Fedya loves dogs very much, so Oksana several years ago gave the child a Yorkshire terrier, whose name is Zephyrchik.

Daughter of Oksana Fedorova - Elizaveta Borodina

Oksana Fedorova’s daughter, Elizaveta Borodina, was born in 2013, immediately a year after Fedya’s birth. Oksana always wanted two children: a boy and a girl, so she did not put off her second pregnancy and decided to give birth to a second child. At that time, the star was already 36 years old, and she really wanted to give birth before she was 40.

Lisa is very similar to her mother, and we are sure that the girl will grow up to be just as beautiful. Today Oksana’s daughter is 5 years old, and it is too early to talk about what the beauty’s children will become in the future, but her mother is already saying that she will support the children in any case, no matter what profession they choose in the future.

Oksana Fedorova's ex-husband - Philip Toft

Oksana Fedorova’s ex-husband, Philip Toft, is a German citizen. In 2007, the couple met on the project “Dancing with the Stars,” and the young people immediately fell in love, an affair began between them, which lasted a couple of months, and then they immediately got married.

The guy was not financially secure and journalists said that Oksana’s marriage was just a step in order to leave the tutelage of an adult common-law husband, and not at all love. The girl did not even wear a ring, and also promised her husband to help with money in business if he took her abroad. While her husband was in Germany, Oksana often appeared in the company of Nikolai Baskov, and then the couple divorced.

Oksana Fedorova's husband - Andrey Borodin

Oksana Fedorova’s husband is Andrei Borodin, an official, serving under the President of Russia, vice-president of the boxing federation in Russia. They met in 2010 and got married a year later. Oksana says that with her husband she feels like she is behind a stone wall; she is finally truly happy. The woman is raising two children from Andrei, and today she does not often appear in public.

After her marriage, Oksana announced that she took her husband’s last name, and now officially she is Oksana Borodina, but in the media, the famous beauty is still habitually called Fedorova. Andrei and Oksana want their son Fedor to have a military career in the future.

Naked Oksana Fedorova

During her modeling career, photographs often appeared on the Internet showing naked Oksana Fedorova. The girl appeared in various publications, advertised swimsuits and underwear, and is also the face of jewelry company“The Magic of Gold”, where posters often showed beautiful Jewelry on a naked body.

In 2016, the star attracted the attention of fans when Oksana Fedorova staged a hot photo shoot in the pool. At that time the star was resting on ski resort and the girl published photos of herself splashing in a hot pool in a transparent white blouse against the backdrop of snowy landscapes.

Despite her natural beauty, today many stars resort to plastic surgery in order to preserve their youth, Oksana herself is no exception. Photos of Oksana Fedorova before and after plastic surgery are often published in the media. When the girl turned 35, fans first noticed that Oksana was resorting to beauty injections. In addition, viewers are also inclined to believe that the actress had silicone breasts, since Oksana Fedorova’s photos in a swimsuit clearly indicate that the girl had implants inserted.

Oksana herself does not see anything reprehensible in plastic surgery, and believes that if a girl needs surgery for self-confidence, she can have it done and correct flaws in her appearance.

Instagram and Wikipedia Oksana Fedorova

Oksana questions the sexist saying that a girl can be either beautiful or smart, being not only a multiple winner of various beauty contests, but also a former teacher at a school of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Oksana managed to prove herself in many fields of art: television, cinema, music, singing. The girl also wrote a book for women, “Formula of Style,” which was published in 2008 by the Eksmo publishing house.

Fedorova is actively involved in charity work, helping children and pensioners, donating large sums to foundations. Instagram and Wikipedia of Oksana Fedorova will be of interest to all of her fans, regardless of age.

About the existence of Andrei Borodin, who is an employee of the presidential administration Russian Federation, the Russian public learned relatively recently, after famous actress and TV presenter Oksana Fedorova admitted to reporters in an interview that she got married again. And her husband was a former officer of the Federal Security Service.

It should not be surprising that information about this person is extremely scarce, because special forces officers try not to advertise their past and present. But still, something is known about Andrei Borodin.

When in 2011 the Russian public became aware of the appearance of a new husband of TV presenter Oksana Fedorova, fans of her work rushed to look for information about his height, weight, and age. It is difficult to find out how old Andrei Borodin is now. Since no one knows about his date of birth. But if we look at Andrei Borodin: photos in his youth and now, we can conclude that he is either the same age as his wife, or somewhat older than her. As for height, it is also worth judging by joint photographs of the happy couple.

Andrei Borodin is slightly taller than Oksana Fedorova, which means that his height is approximately 180-185 cm. You cannot find information on the Internet about the weight of the main character of the story, but you should understand that, like any other special forces officer, Andrei Borodin tries to watch his figure.

Biography and personal life of Andrei Borodin

It can be said with certainty that the biography and personal life of Andrei Borodin is a sealed secret. Almost nothing is known about him, even despite the fact that he became the husband of a famous media figure in Russian show business. Journalists know very little about Oksana Fedorova’s beloved man. Facilities mass media found out that before Andrei Borodin was transferred to work in the Russian Presidential Administration, he was a high-ranking FSB officer. The man tries to avoid the attention of the press, and he is too far from social events and receptions. The officer impressed his beloved with one phrase that he uttered in the restaurant: “I am the right man.”

Unfortunately, additional information it is almost impossible to find information about a person so closed to the press, even if you enter in various search engines the phrase: “Andrei Borodin presidential administration biography.”

Family and children of Andrei Borodin

As the wife of a former FSB officer admits, Andrei Borodin’s family and children are sacred concepts for a man. For a long time he dreamed of a family home, but for a long time he could not find a suitable candidate for the role of his beloved woman. An employee of the Russian Presidential Administration met Oksana Fedorova at one of the charity evenings. And although the meeting was fleeting, the former law enforcement officer was able to quickly find a common language with his future wife, because Oksana, like Andrey, has a military education. As the former officer admitted in his few short interviews, he was almost immediately captivated by the famous Russian TV presenter with her seriousness and beauty.

For some time, the couple in love spent their evenings together in inexpensive restaurants and cafes so as not to attract attention to themselves. The future spouses were very busy with work, and such dates were more like meetings between two tired spouses. Soon Andrei Borodin proposed to Oksana Fedorova to marry him. And she, without much hesitation, agreed.

It was decided not to talk about the upcoming wedding celebration, and among the invited guests there were only the closest people. The Russian public learned that Oksana Fedorova had an official husband only 6 months after the wedding.

In March 2012, TV presenter Oksana Fedorova delighted her husband with the news that she was expecting her first child, a son, whom they decided to name Fedor. And a year later, the married couple again rejoiced at the addition to the family. This time a daughter was born, named Elizabeth.

After the wedding ceremony, the former FSB officer still tries to avoid camera flashes. Only a few times did journalists manage to take joint photos of the Borodins couple at social functions.

Son of Andrei Borodin - Fyodor Borodin

The son of Andrei Borodin, Fyodor Borodin, was born in March 2012 and became the first-born in the Borodin family. As Oksana Fedorova reported about her son, she prefers to raise him in the traditions of the Orthodox faith, and would like to see him in the future as part of Armed Forces Russian Federation.

Thus, we can come to the conclusion that the Borodin couple adheres to conservative views on the family and raises their first-born strictly, preparing him for all the hardships future life military But whether Fedor, after he grows up, will agree with such a fate, only time will tell.

Daughter of Andrei Borodin - Elizaveta Borodina

The daughter of Andrei Borodin, Elizaveta Borodina, was born in July 2013 and became the second child in the Borodin family. About how a girl grows up happy parents do not apply. But judging by the words that were said about her son, we can confidently say that the girl is being raised according to strict and conservative rules that have always been inherent in military and Orthodox families.

It is hardly to be expected that Elizabeth will suffer the same fate as her father and will wear shoulder straps. I would like to believe that the girl, like her mother, will find her happiness and calling in the world Russian show business, or fashion.

Andrei Borodin's wife - Oksana Fedorova

Andrei Borodin's wife, Oksana Fedorova, was born on the ancient land of Pskov on December 17, 1977. Since her father left the family early, her mother raised the future star alone. Already in her school years, the girl was attracted to shoulder straps and everything related to legal topics. It is for this reason that the girl decides to get an education at the police lyceum and at a special police school.

Despite her work in law enforcement agencies, Oksana Fedorova did not forget about self-development. Tall growth and attractive appearance opened the door for her to the world of Russian high fashion. In 1999, the model and part-time investigator was able to win the beauty contest of the Culture of the Russian capital. But the successes did not end there. Two years later, Oksana Fedorova, unexpectedly for everyone, tried on the crown of the most beautiful woman in Russia. And in 2002, the girl accepted the Miss Universe crown from the hands of the future US President, Donald Trump.

In 2011, the TV presenter accepted a marriage proposal from Andrei Borodin. As the Russian show business star stated, she did this despite the fact that Andrei Borodin, Oksana Fedorova’s husband, was married. Children from their first marriage also did not interfere with the family happiness of the young spouses. And the beloved woman of the former FSB officer gets along well with them.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Andrey Borodin

No matter how hard fans of Oksana Fedorova’s work try to find pages on Instagram and Wikipedia of Andrei Borodin, they will not succeed. He avoids media fame in every possible way and social networks. Only on Instagram and Wikipedia Oksana Fedorova can be found brief information about an employee of the Russian Presidential Administration.

It is possible that such a high-ranking official will one day realize that he is not obliged to hide from anyone, and moreover, he must have a means of communication and communication with ordinary citizens who want to convey their problems to the head of state.

The life of the first beauties is both dangerous and difficult - especially if they have the rank of police major. The most beautiful woman I have been searching for my happiness in the universe for a long time. And it looks like I finally found it.

Oksana Fedorova

Pskov woman

The future Miss Universe was born in Pskov. When Oksana was very young, her father left the family. As an adult, she tried to find him - but, alas, by that time he was already gone. “I always missed my dad being around. Therefore, the dream of a real one, strong family“where people truly love each other and are truly happy has never left me,” she would later say in one of her many interviews.

Oksana remembers her very first love with a smile: “I wasn’t very popular with boys at school. I was too tall. My very first boy is not a classmate. And this love was, unfortunately, unrequited. I remember he told me about the girl he was in love with, and I listened and then secretly cried.”

She graduated from school with a gold medal. She also graduated from the Pskov Police and Legal Lyceum with honors. It was not difficult to find a partner at the lyceum, where, according to statistics, there were 23 girls for every 300 boys. However, Oksana was in no hurry to arrange her personal life, but instead went to St. Petersburg to enter the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The girl connected her future career only with the police - but then chance intervened.

One day, a man approached her right on the subway and immediately offered her a job in a modeling agency. Oksana agreed - out of curiosity. And then I very quickly realized that betting on my own appearance would be a win-win situation. She lost 10 kilograms, learned to walk gracefully and pose at ease. Very quickly, a trail of wealthy admirers formed around the beautiful girl, offering her every conceivable benefit. But she gave her heart to a man who was twenty years older than her. Vladimir Golubev, a very wealthy St. Petersburg businessman, was particularly attracted to her for some reason. Perhaps the fact was that subconsciously Oksana was always looking for someone who would be like her father, whom she always missed so much. Vladimir was a reliable, caring, mature person. The cloudless relationship was overshadowed by only one thing: he was not free and raising a small son.

Model with Vladimir Golubev

And Oksana was literally torn between castings and competitions and studies, managing to win victories one after another. While still a student, Oksana won the Miss St. Petersburg competition in 1999. A few months after graduating from the university, she successfully passed the candidate minimum and entered graduate school. Then there was the Miss Russia 2001 competition, in which she won, and finally the Miss Universe 2002 competition, where she also took first place. However, after only four months, Oksana refused the title of first beauty and returned home to Vladimir. The next three years were like a dream: the lovers lived in a country house surrounded by forest. It was during this period that she was offered to become the host of the program “ Good night, kids! - and this was a great start for her television career. However, the relationship with Golubev gradually faded away - Vladimir was not going to lead Oksana down the aisle, and the couple broke up.

In the rhythm of a waltz

The television show “Dancing with the Stars” gave her a meeting with the handsome handsome Alexander Litvinenko. It quickly became clear that this was not just dancing. Alexander did not take his burning eyes off Oksana, and she reciprocated his feelings. Litvinenko, a very open and bright person by nature, was ready to do anything for Fedorova.

Oksana and Alexander Litvinenko

“I introduced Oksana to my 8-year-old son. It was very important for me to find out his opinion about Oksana. Fortunately, they liked each other. I am happy because after breaking up with my former wife I dreamed of meeting true love and I did! I want Oksana to become my wife!” - Alexander was full of the brightest hopes, but Oksana was in no hurry.

“Sasha is a wonderful person. With him, I feel like a little girl who is very, very loved and pampered,” she said. Perhaps such restraint was caused by the fact that even then she had a very serious admirer.

Husband number one

Fedorova met the true Aryan Philip Toft at a ski resort in the Alps. As Oksana herself says, it was love at first sight. The “scorching” blond won her heart with his spontaneity, lightness and love of life. He was not only ready to love and be loved, but without hesitation, he did what Oksana never expected from Golubev - he offered her his hand and heart. The wedding took place in 2007. However, it soon became clear that this relationship was doomed. The difference in mentality turned out to be too big. Philip. Living in Germany turned out to be beyond Oksana’s strength - melancholy and blues quickly set in, and the marriage turned from traditional into a guest one.

Fedorova, unfortunately, was not happy for long with Philip Toft

After a couple of years of endless flights and visits, Oksana finally lost faith in the possibility of becoming happy in this marriage. And in 2010, she officially became a free woman.

Another blonde whom Fedorova met is Nikolai Baskov

Nikolai willingly appeared in public with the beauty, participated in numerous photo shoots, gave endless interviews to magazines and tabloids and became a nightingale when describing his feelings. It’s hard to say how serious all this was. However, Basque publicly renounced Fedorova - right from the stage of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses, having barely returned from a joint romantic trip to the Maldives.

Andrey Borodin

When exactly did he appear in Fedorova’s circle? former boss organizational and inspection department of the Department of Administration and Personnel of the Ministry natural resources, and now an employee of the Presidential Administration Andrei Borodin, is unknown. And there is a version that Nikolai had to give up his love because he was simply forced to do it - the weight and status categories turned out to be too incommensurable people's artist and a Very Serious Official.

The famous public diva Oksana Fedorova is undoubtedly a gorgeous woman and famous TV presenter, in 2002, she received the crown that every Miss Universe girl would dream of. Secular news They are buzzing about her personal life, the paparazzi do not miss the opportunity to take photos for the yellow press, commenting on all the little things that are happening. No matter how popular she was, no one knew for a long time who Oksana Fedorova’s husband was; even her name was carefully hidden.

Today, her husband is no less a mysterious person; there is very little information on the Internet, and nothing special can be learned from search engines. Photos of Oksana Fedorova’s husband are very scarce; thus, it is impossible to find out about his type of activity. Only from Oksana’s interview can you find out some informative facts and create an image of Andrey for yourself. Fedorova describes him as a loving and sincere husband who is ideal as a father to his children and in relation to his and her work.

Oksana Fedorova's husband Andrey Borodin

Fedorova’s husband was born in the Oryol region in the small town of Livny. After graduating from school, he entered the capital at the Institute of Chemical Engineering, where he completed his full training. Later he studied at the Academy of Civil Service under the President and received a candidate's degree in political science. In 2005 he defended his degree in public administration and municipal management.

Labor activity of Andrey Borodin:
- Assistant to the head of the Balashikha administration (2002-2004);
— head of the inspection department of the Ministry of Natural Resources, head of the supervisory service (2004-2005);
— Assistant Minister of Natural Resources (2006-2010);
— Head of Human Resources in the Presidential Administration (2010-2-12);
- President of the Boxing Federation;
- Today he is an adviser to the Presidential Administration.

Life associated with boxing

First of all, this is not even the profession of Fedorova’s husband, but a passion to which he pays a lot of attention and tries to constantly keep himself in shape, Oksana is proud of this, since the first common law husband I wasn't like that. He made a real ring near his house where you can practice boxing, and also installed many exercise machines. He spends his time not only training, but also visiting the fitness center. For Oksana Fedorova, her husband is an excellent coach, as he oversees Russian women's boxing.

Win a woman

Strong-willed and courageous, Andrei Borodin simply won over the charming Oksana Fedorova, because at that moment she did not leave the television screen and was constantly surrounded by rich and noble men. The romance with Nikolai Baskov was so graceful that it was discussed throughout the country, he was a good companion, but the family did not work out later. At first, the girl didn’t even understand what caused their breakup.

The man quickly won Oksana’s heart; they met at a charity event. Beautiful and smart, she simply turned Andrei’s head, and there was nowhere to retreat. The first meetings were infrequent, but he knew how to look after beautifully and rapprochement gradually occurred. In Andrey, Oksana saw a confident, reliable and correct person, her future husband, with whom she could connect her personal life.

When the man proposed, there was no long thought. The wedding was modest so that there were no unnecessary discussions in 2011, and only six months later the closest ones were invited to a mini-celebration. The biography of Oksana’s husband was no less impressive, but he asked the girl to leave her last name, which is a kind of label for her, but she simply made her husband happy by taking his last name.

Family and Children

Oksana Fedorova with her children and husband often takes photos in the 2018 album, because this memory will last a lifetime. From her first marriage, Fedorova’s husband has three sons, new family They are guests of honor, and the boys easily found a common language with Oksana. Fedorova gave her husband two children, Fedor and Lisa, and it is to them that the main attention is directed.

Borodin helps his wife in everything, they bathe and put the children to bed, and harmony, love, happiness and prosperity reign in the family.

Oksana Fedorova is the first Russian woman in the world to win the Miss Universe competition and the first Miss Universe to refuse this honorary title. Today, the queen without a crown is famous for working as a TV presenter, being involved in the fashion industry, and having found family happiness with an FSB officer.

Oksana Fedorova was born into an intelligent family, where her mother was a nurse and her father a design engineer. True, dad left the family early, and Oksana was raised by her stepfather. The parents had no difficulties raising the girl: Oksana was always obedient and diligent, so her biography is, in fact, a progressive path upward from achievement to achievement, in each of which a lot of effort and work was invested. It is enough to list her school achievements, which speak for themselves. From the first grades, Oksana played volleyball and became the champion of city competitions. She played in KVN and became the captain of the team. She always studied well - and graduated from the lyceum with a gold medal. Well, since the lyceum that the girl graduated from was not a simple one, but a police legal one, her fate seemed to be predetermined. Oksana didn’t argue with her, but began to pursue a police career. After graduation, she successfully entered the Pskov Law Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service, from which she graduated in 1997, naturally, with honors. Well, after receiving the rank of lieutenant, she peacefully began working as an investigator in one of the district police departments of Pskov, gradually continuing her career growth. By 2002, Fedorova had risen to the rank of senior lieutenant, studied in graduate school, taught at the university and worked as an interrogator. And here…

The year 2002, one might say, turned her life upside down. No, the girl already understood perfectly well that she was exceptionally beautiful. As a hobby, she attended a modeling school, and in parallel with career success managed to become the pride of the entire Russian police, first winning the beauty contest “Miss St. Petersburg-1999”, then “Miss Russia-2001”. However, no one expected that Oksana would end up in Puerto Rico at the 51st Miss Universe pageant, and even win... At that time, this seemed simply fantastic. Moreover, Russian women have never won such large-scale competitions before!

After my first pregnancy, wanting to quickly get in shape, I almost pushed myself on the treadmill. Now I understand that the secret to quickly getting back into shape for nursing mothers is not in special diets and excessive stress, but in the absence of laziness. The main thing is not to get used to maternity leave, when you don’t have to work due to your privileged position, they say, I feed you and I don’t need anything else. No need to get used to the “sofa” state!

It was certainly a triumph. And not only for an individual Russian woman, but for all of Russia. Oksana Fedorova was literally bombarded with a flurry of recognition, praise and gifts, including gold Crown Costing $200,000, Miss Universe, adorned with five hundred diamonds and one hundred and twenty pearls, was a grain of sand in the sea. Contracts, business proposals, compliments - before yesterday, all the doors were opened to a little-known Russian. And certainly no one would have imagined what happened next.

A few months later, the queen renounced her crown and left empty-handed for Moscow. The crown was immediately officially handed over to one of the runners-up, and a flurry of now dirt fell on Fedorova...

It is unlikely that anyone will ever tell mere mortals what the true reason for such an act was. The organizer of the competition, Donald Trump, explained the incident by saying that Oksana refused to fulfill her duties as Miss Universe and left for Moscow without permission. Oksana herself said that she supposedly had no time for responsibilities when there was an unfinished master’s thesis at home on the topic “Civil regulation of private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation.” The following strange explanation appeared on the beauty’s personal website: “One of the main motives for refusing the title of the first beauty in the world was a strong love for one person. Oksana did not want to be better than him. She wanted to be a woman with the right to love." Well, a video immediately appeared on the network from a show by the popular American host and provocateur Howard Stern, during which the newly announced Miss Universe answers questions like “Does she shave her bottom?” and “Has she had sex with a woman?” It’s painful to watch, like the question “Did she have to wipe herself with a newspaper?” the most beautiful woman in the Universe answers with a sweet smile: “Yes, but that’s my secret.” Some people said that the title was taken away from the Russian woman precisely after this interview.

However, be that as it may, the queen was left without a crown.

However, we must give the stubborn girl her due. After such a blow, she did not give up. A. returned to Moscow and continued her police career, successive stages which became the ranks of police captain and candidate of legal sciences. And soon beautiful girl planets offered a job on the Russia channel as a presenter in the program “Good night, kids!” Several more were soon added to this proposal, and Oksana decided to leave her police career for a career as a TV presenter. In 2007, she retired to the reserve.

Oksana Fedorova remains a media personality to this day. In addition to working on television, he also works social activities: Today Oksana is a partner of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in Russia, and since 2007 she has been a national UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador. In addition, in 2010, Fedorova established her own charitable foundation“Hurry to do good!”

Oksana is also the face of the famous jewelry company “Magic of Gold”. And sometimes she pleases the audience with the fruits of her creativity: in 2008 she wrote a book dedicated to fashion and style, and in 2010 she released an album with songs. The beauty also appears in films and video clips.

But most importantly, Oksana is completely happy in her personal life. Oksana's first official husband in 2007 was German student Philip Toft, whom she quickly divorced. In 2010, rumors about a romance between the presenter and singer Nikolai Baskov were actively circulated in the media. But Oksana married Andrei Borodin, head of the personnel reserve department of the Russian Presidential Administration, vice-president of the Russian Boxing Federation. In 2012, Oksana gave birth to a son, Fyodor, and in 2013, a daughter, Elizaveta. She seems to have succeeded in the impossible: to forever refute the proverb “Don’t be born beautiful, but be born happy.” It turns out that it is still possible to combine this. Of course, if you have the mind.


  • Oksana collects decorative ethnographic dolls
  • Oksana's favorite writers are Paulo Coelho, Richard Bach, Milan Kundera.
  • Can play the saxophone
  • Oksana is a member of the Supreme Council of the Russian Club of Orthodox Patrons and is one of the initiators and active participant in the revival of the tradition of dimensional icons
  • Oksana has a parrot at home
  • Once at the shooting range, while still working in the police, Oksana almost shot herself.

1999 — “Miss St. Petersburg”

2001 — “Miss Russia”

2002 — “Miss Universe 2002”

Candidate of Legal Sciences (2007)

2007 — Prize in the “Debut” category of the Second International Festival of Orthodox Media “Faith and Word” - for main role in the film "Sophie"

2012 - Fashion TV channel award - “Fashion Summer Awards 2012” in the “Fashion Mom” category

2012 - Peace Prize at the Beirut International Award Festival

Oksana Fedorova also has the Golden Gramophone award for her duet with Nikolai Baskov “The Rights of Love”

2005—2006 - Don’t be born beautiful

2006 - Christmas tree

2007 - Sophie

2008 - New Year's musical "Goldfish"

2010 - Toy Story. Great Escape


"Fort Boyard"

"GOOG night kids!"


"Saturday evening"

"Dancing with the Stars" (2007)


2008 - Style formula

2010 - On the edge of love
