Aries: a talisman for women. Aries mascot stone by date of birth

What is an Aries woman like? Ladies born under this sign are very bright and impulsive, as well as active and enterprising. They are used to taking their own, no matter what.

Their desire to be the first everywhere, their unprecedented courage and thirst for risk irritate someone, and someone admires their originality. Which stone is suitable for Aries women? Only one that will emphasize the passion of their nature, love of life and striving for excellence, without harming the representatives of the fire element.

How to choose a stone according to a horoscope?

Mars endows women born under the Aries zodiac sign with a powerful energy that gives them purposefulness and a thirst for life. Hot temperament, selfishness, stubbornness and irascibility often make them uncontrollable, so it is important to choose a mineral that will direct this irrepressible energy in the right direction, extinguishing some negative qualities character Aries ladies.

There are many minerals that suit Aries women according to the horoscope. Here are the most basic ones:


A stone of wisdom and generosity. The Aries girl who wears this gem will get rid of depression, gain calmness and self-confidence, and also return the lost interest in life. The mineral gives rise to an attraction to the great, leads Aries to victory, gives happiness in.


Suitable for those women who have a craving for self-education. It concentrates attention and develops intuition. Aries always have a lot of ideas in their heads that remain unclaimed. The stone will help bring any business started to its logical conclusion, as well as achieve flexibility and diplomacy in relations with others.

Moon rock

Ideal for Aries, striving for spiritual self-improvement. It will help open clairvoyance and strengthen intuition.


It will bring good luck, awaken a thirst for creativity, help meet your love. This stone gives Aries strength and power.


Great for impulsive and hot Aries, calming and relieving nervous tension. He especially feels the effect of the semi-precious mineral Aries-Tiger, which helps to pacify his ardor and control raging emotions.


It will perfectly cope with the impulsiveness and selfishness of the sign, with its help its representatives will be able to find mutual understanding with others, becoming more tolerant and compassionate.


Helps Aries women find a way out of hopeless situations, prevents outbursts of anger and helps to control themselves. Only yellow is suitable for this zodiac sign.


It is extremely useful for the Aries-rooster, which, being in a "fever", becomes completely uncontrollable. This gem will teach quick-tempered ladies tact and restraint.


Also is suitable stone for Aries according to the horoscope, however, you need to be very careful with him. If the purity of thoughts and spiritual qualities of the representatives of the sign do not correspond to the absolute purity of the diamond, then its powerful energy can cause them irreparable harm. Ideal for Aries dogs, which are characterized by honesty, openness, sincerity, straightforwardness along with great compassion for the people around them.

Choosing a gem by date of birth

The date of birth of Aries women directly affects the choice of stone. Born in different periods, they radically differ in their character traits and life goals:

Women born with 21 to 31 March, the most stubborn, selfish and loving. This is especially true of the Aries-horse, which, in order to achieve any goal, without hesitation, will go over the heads. Such representatives of the zodiac sign are best suited for carnelian, agate, rock crystal, jasper,.


Ladies born between 1 to 11 April, which are characterized by nobility and love for the family, natural light minerals, such as pearls, and sardonyx, are most suitable.

Cat's eyes

Those representatives of the sign who were born with 12 to 20 April, are distinguished by passion and romanticism, thanks to the influence of Venus. For them, the most suitable are gems - diamond, sapphire, and.


Stones of bright color - orange, yellow, red, greatly enhance the character traits of Aries, and calmer colors, such as blue, green, blue, smooth out the negative qualities of the sign.

Talismans and amulets for Aries

As a talisman for women of this zodiac sign, a diamond is ideal. It will work if it is acquired honestly or presented as a gift.

First of all, a diamond will bring good luck and help you overcome all difficulties, as well as achieve success and protect yourself from any negativity. The red diamond will protect from damage and, the blue one will direct you on the true path, and the green one will help you find the happiness of motherhood.

It is not recommended for unmarried girls to wear diamonds as an amulet or a talisman. The most suitable place for a diamond talisman is the neck or ring finger of the left hand.

Ruby has incredible power. A talisman from this stone will nourish Aries physical strength, restore natural energy, fill with determination. It must be remembered that the ruby ​​​​loves only sincere and pure people. Such a talisman is able to warn its owner of the danger - it will darken with an impending threat. It is a powerful spiritual amulet.

Amethyst will purify energy, help its owner find peace of mind and harmony with the outside world and with himself. Being a stone of the third eye, it promotes spiritual growth and self-improvement. Amethyst is a magnificent talisman, a symbol of purity, wisdom and peacefulness.

A pomegranate ring will be an excellent talisman for a business woman, opening the way for her to achieve goals and prosperity. This is a stone of decisive and strong-willed people. If a woman is indecisive, then the ruby ​​will not only not become a talisman for her, but will also turn her into an angry, spiteful and envious person.

For love and harmonization of relationships

red diamond

Diamond able not only to protect against negativity - it will help the lady Aries find true love and know the joy of motherhood. A woman wearing a diamond will become softer, more feminine, wiser, as a result, she will be more attractive and desirable for men.

Ruby also able to attract love, only violent and passionate.

The representative of the sign, wearing ruby ​​jewelry, will have a special attraction for the male half due to the increase in sexuality and determination.

Amethyst- a stone of fidelity, will help married Aries protect the family hearth from adversity and harmonize relationships.

Cornelian, which is a symbol of love and fidelity, will retain the ardor of feelings for many centuries.

Gems that will help achieve prosperity


Such a stone for Aries is pomegranate, which directs them to the path of wealth and prosperity, but only if the representative of the sign has strong-willed qualities, determination and determination.

Symbol of victory diamond- will also bring Aries closer to achieving goals, whether it be career growth or financial well-being.

Cornelian is an excellent talisman against poverty. The woman who constantly wears gemstone jewelry will never need money.

Health enhancing stones


Hematite, which in Greek means "blood", fully corresponding to its name, will take care of the health of Aries, relieving chronic stress, fatigue and overexertion. It increases endurance during physical exertion.

Moon rock relieve insomnia and mental disorders.

Ruby improves brain activity and increases efficiency.

Diamond stimulates labor activity and protects against miscarriages, as well as relieves infertility and other female diseases.

yellow zircon heals migraines and headaches. This mineral prevents women from falling into apathy and melancholy.

Minerals contraindicated for Aries

Representatives of Aries should not wear gems such as malachite and lapis lazuli. Also, jewelry from, and is contraindicated for them. It is highly undesirable to wear jewelry made of stones of cold shades, which are more suitable for the signs of the water element.

Products with such stones will cause an internal conflict in Aries, thereby violating its harmony.

For bright and cheerful Aries, minerals of black and dark colors are also not suitable. They will negatively affect the energy of the representatives of the sign and even be able to worsen their well-being, leading them into depression.

For the female half of the Aries sign, jewelry made of pebbles in the shape of a rhombus, square or rectangle is perfect. All stones for beautiful Aries should be set in gold (rubies, diamonds) or silver (amethysts).

For Fire minerals, dodecahedral, step or facet cuts are suitable. To preserve magical power, it should not be cut at all. Cabochons are best worn raw.

The choice of a stone must be taken very responsibly, especially if you choose it not for yourself, but as a gift. close person- beloved woman.

At the same time, it is worth considering her preferences, character traits, advantages and disadvantages, and knowing how this stone will affect this person. Aries ladies really appreciate the attention to their person, so choosing a gift for a representative of the sign is more than careful - if she doesn’t like something, she will not fail to declare it, and can make a statement in a rather sharp form.

Good luck and prosperity!

Metals are often used in the manufacture of jewelry, talismans and souvenirs. But how to choose the most suitable and bringing good luck? In this article, I will talk about which metals suit your zodiac sign.

Choosing a metal by date of birth is easy. Here is a list of recommendations for representatives of various signs.

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Aries and Scorpio

The metals for the zodiac signs Aries and Scorpio are iron and steel. You can say that it is boring and out of fashion. However, do not rush to conclusions. In the fashion world today you can hear the phrase: “steel is the new gold!”

Wearing steel jewelry is also very practical. It does not darken and does not oxidize. She's hard to scratch. Not afraid of exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Steel is often combined with other materials: leather, nubuck, semi-precious and artificial stones, which makes it possible to obtain beautiful products.

Rings, bracelets, chains and other jewelry are made from this metal. They are inexpensive but have excellent appearance. Such products will emphasize the strong character and unbending will of the representatives of the signs Aries and Scorpio.

Taurus and Virgo

Before us are the signs of the zodiac, especially appreciating beauty and practicality. advises Taurus and Virgo to wear copper. They need stylish jewelry that has any useful properties. Copper has long been used to make beauty products. She was especially appreciated in Ancient Egypt. Also loved copper products in Ancient Rome and Medieval Europe.

Nowadays, copper is gaining popularity among fashionistas and fashionistas. Copper bracelets not only look great, but also have healing properties.

There is a so-called medetherapy, in which this metal is used to treat various diseases.

It is also believed that the wearing of copper products helps to smooth out conflicts, brings good luck, and has a positive effect on nervous system and allows you to normalize sleep. For men - increase potency.

Gemini and Leo

Gemini is a very versatile representative of the zodiac. Various metals are suitable for him, but especially gold. As for Leo, he needs to wear gold, look carefully at other metals.

Gold symbolizes creativity and inner strength. It is suitable for constant wear only to generous and open people.

The jewelry market offers a huge range of gold jewelry. Gemini and Leo will always find something to choose from.

Wearing jewelry and talismans made of gold has a beneficial effect on the body. Helps to overcome stress and gives strength, relieves melancholy and depression. If you feel a lack of energy, seek help from this amazing metal. Gold warms and nourishes a person, like the Sun.

Cancer and Pisces

The metal of the zodiac signs Cancer and Pisces is silver. Products from it resemble the lunar surface, just as attractive and cool. This is the metal of the water element, to which both signs of the zodiac belong.

Silver suits many according to the horoscope, but it is especially favorable for Cancers and Pisces. They should give preference to silver, not gold, in order to attract good luck, health and prosperity.

The properties of this metal have long been known. The first silver jewelry appeared more than six thousand years ago. They were especially valued by government officials and other wealthy people. It is believed that wearing silver rejuvenates and protects from the evil eye. Returns peace of mind.


Birth metal for Libra is bronze. This strong yet flexible metal has been used for thousands of years to make a variety of products, including jewelry. Such jewelry is expressive and refined, while they are unusual and charming.

Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin. It looks great and has many useful properties, like pure copper. Pendants, pendants and even handmade earrings are made of bronze.

Bronze jewelry helps with colds, relieves headaches and restores harmony to life. This metal helps to strengthen the body and helps in creativity.

Sagittarius and Aquarius

The metal of the signs Sagittarius and Aquarius is tin. It is a silvery gray metal with a noble luster. It has been known to people since prehistoric times. By its qualities, it is hypoallergenic and harmless to the body. And tin is very practical, with it you can swim in sea water.

Tin was valued in Ancient Greece and Rome. Only rich people could afford it. Tin was used to make figurines, carved decorative elements and, of course, jewelry.

Pewter pendants, earrings, bracelets and more can be found on sale today. They look elegant and aristocratic. These products are classified as elite jewelry. It is believed that tin should be worn only by people who have reached a certain position in society. Then it will strengthen their status.


In the classics, Capricorn corresponds to lead, but it is a metal that is hazardous to health. Therefore, a replacement is proposed for Capricorns - cupronickel is considered a suitable metal. It is an alloy of nickel and copper.

Wearing cupronickel products gives a person concentration, strengthens the spirit and self-confidence, and also helps to find harmony and balance.

This alloy was popular in the Soviet Union, and today it is losing its position. Which is very sad, because it not only looks presentable and original, but also gives peace of mind to its owner.

Products made from this metal are strong and durable, which Capricorn appreciates - one of. Rings, earrings, and pendants are made from cupronickel. Cupronickel ornaments in ethnic style are especially beautiful; they look like ancient artifacts.

These are the metals for the signs of the zodiac. You can find in books or on the Internet and other recommendations on dates of birth. All options are allowed. Choose only for you.

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Optimistic Aries ( March 21 — April 19) has enough strength to achieve good luck in any area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. Often amulets can come in handy for a woman or a man of the zodiac sign in order to protect them from the consequences of a hasty decisions taken. Usually the talisman of the hot Aries is associated with the fiery element, which directs most of the actions of this person, or the warlike Mars, the ruling planet.

Color and shape

A square amulet will help Aries achieve material goals. Such a talisman will add to his indomitable character of solidity, increase perseverance and teach the impatient owner to bring things to completion.

The shape of a circle and a ball contributes to self-improvement, gaining integrity, harmony, and smooths out irreconcilability.

The color of fiery Mars is red. It gives strength, health, optimism, sexuality. It is indispensable in solving difficult tasks, achieving goals that require courage and activity.

For successful communication, Aries can wear a green talisman, and in situations where calm and serenity are needed, blue.

Metal and elements

The most suitable metal from which amulets can be made according to the horoscope is gold. In many nations, it was revered as a symbol of knowledge and improvement. This metal is filled with the vibrations of the Sun, the planet of creativity and celebration. An impatient Aries, wearing a talisman of gold, will be able to better concentrate on the task at hand. Such amulets help representatives of this zodiac sign to gain the respect of others, to find a way out of the most confusing situation.

The golden talisman will determine the direction of the indomitable energy of Aries, will help to successfully use a strong character. Small amulets in the form of a coin or a small nugget can be carried everywhere with you, and an ingot can be made a desk decoration.

The element of Fire permeates the character of the people of the zodiac sign. A wonderful amulet can be made from an ordinary lighter. To relieve apathy, fatigue, eliminate doubts, Aries can simply watch the flame of a red candle, but it is better not to do such sessions often. This will greatly enhance the irrepressible aggression, irascibility, nervousness characteristic of the zodiac sign. But in difficult situations that require determination, courage, the energy of Fire can be indispensable.

Aries Trees

Trees can become real protectors for Aries. These powerful living talismans generously share their natural powers. On a walk in a park or forest, you can find a tree suitable for the zodiac sign in order to mentally ask him for patronage.

Oak, a symbol of power, might, life force. An impatient Aries can gain his calm confidence. A strong tree will protect from misfortune, help in business. All oak talismans should be decorated with the image of Aries or its astrological symbol.

Hazel is a tree thanks to which Aries can calm thoughts, moderate aggression, gain patience. Talismans made of walnut are best placed near the bed to make sleep truly healing.

Rowan will pacify some pride, the willfulness of Aries. This tree will make the mood more peaceful, eliminate excessive irritability. Hot-tempered women of the Aries sign will find harmony with themselves if they use mountain ash talismans.

Maple will charge you with a wonderful mood when moments of sadness visit a person of the zodiac sign. A good amulet against the blues can be made from dried branches and leaves collected in the fall.


A strong Aries can use edged weapons as an amulet, both real and symbolic. Such a talisman can make him invincible. All hand forged products, hardened in a living flame, help to achieve more in business. Sharp daggers, spears, knives are filled with the fiery power of Mars.

A wonderful talisman is a high-quality blade, preferably an old one, made of shiny steel.

Small pendants symbolizing weapons are also great.

The Hammer of Thor in astrology is the main talisman of the militant Aries. For a man, he will provide love victories, and also help eliminate competitors or enemies. A small pendant made of silver, copper, shiny metal is an excellent amulet for a real warrior, it was even used in combat magic. Thor's hammer is filled with aggressive power, it perfectly suits the nature of the active Aries, it can make him really invulnerable. For greater effect, such talismans must be ordered from a good jeweler.

Aries animal

In addition to the ram, the patron of the zodiac sign is a proud and graceful deer. Figurines, pendants, rings, which depict an animal, become excellent talismans for Aries. Such amulets enhance activity, dignity, give the will to win.

A faithful amulet will protect in the danger that a representative of a strong zodiac sign sometimes creates for himself. It is possible to decide which talisman is more suitable for Aries only individually. In order for the amulet to gain strength, it is necessary to seriously approach its manufacture. The more energy is directed to its creation, the higher the effect will be.

Aries is the first sign zodiacal circle, whose talisman stones (Aries sign) are so numerous that one could safely choose jewelry at random in a jewelry store ... If not for one "but". Those born from March 21 to April 20 are straightforward and immodest personalities who, if they don’t please them, will reward you with claims and remember your oversight for life. Aries look a gift horse in the mouth, so don't even think about letting the choice of a gift take its course.

Aries sign stone:
how to choose the only one among 10 mascot stones
Gift ideas for loved ones for all occasions

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac circle, the stones-talismans (sign Aries) of which are so numerous that one could safely choose a piece of jewelry at random in a jewelry store ... If not for one "but". born from March 21 to April 20- straightforward and immodest personalities who, if you don’t please them, will reward you with claims and remember your oversight for life. Aries look a gift horse in the mouth, so don't even think about letting the choice of a gift take its course.

Aries have their own opinion regarding any area, including their own position in fashion. They are capricious, like children, and love not only attention, but also the ingenuity of loved ones.

Energetic, fearless, desperate on the way to the goal - they are not averse to flaunting in bright jewelry with a ruby ​​or carnelian, but they appreciate the modest charm of diamonds, cubic zirconias, transparent quartz ... By the way, a stone-amulet for Aries should be decorated in such a way that a person wants to wear it . Therefore, when choosing, you need to take into account his personal preferences.

How to cope with the character of Aries and still give a piece of jewelry that suits him and brings unequivocal benefits - in the article.

A dazzling accessory - for inner balance
Which stone in Aries delights?

Aries are people with an ebullient disposition, who easily rush into adventures, and then just as easily switch to new hobbies. They give the impression of sociable personalities, but they let units close, becoming disappointed in others and quickly getting tired of people. stones, suitable for Aries, stabilize their life impulses. Neutral White color , ideal transparency, lung shine- a diamond, cubic zirconia or transparent quartz in gold should be advised to wear Aries as a permanent amulet.

Which stone is suitable for Aries? Diamond and quartz- stones of the Aries sign, which deprive him of excessive anxiety, allow him to clarify his thoughts, stop and sort out the situation. Diamond is best for Aries middle age- for both men and women. artificial diamond ( cubic zirconia) are given to children in order to develop in them the habit of caring for a precious thing. Quartz is suitable for everyday wear. Aries is a sign of the zodiac, the stone-talisman of which depends on the date of birth. "Early" Aries love luxury, "late" - semi-precious restraint.

However, Aries can choose a talisman stone by date of birth on his own - if you invite a person to view the catalog together, it will take him only a few minutes to choose between a diamond, quartz and cubic zirkonia of different shades.

Precious Talismans for Character Education
Which Aries stone will save his health and career?

It is difficult to choose stones for Aries by date of birth, since even representatives of the sign born on the same day have different characters and outlooks on life. But Aries are united by impatience, restlessness and the desire to make a decision without thinking about the consequences. Such a temper leads to injury if a person plays sports, loss of contact with a loved one if Aries is in a relationship, and business mistakes. Luckily, Aries gemstones by date of birth - emerald, ruby And sapphire in silver - they will protect him when you are not around to keep Aries from another mistake.

Aries, who will always have stones according to the sign of the zodiac (emeralds), will develop a sense of self-preservation in himself, show attention to health, and will not put himself in danger of getting sick or not getting enough sleep.

What stones are suitable according to the horoscope (Aries) if a person is faced with misunderstanding in the family and conflicts with friends? Give him a ruby ​​in the form of a pendant in silver - this is a symbol of love, understanding, family well-being, and for Aries - also stability in relationships.

Precious sapphire is the amulet of Aries, who dream of a dizzying career. This stone helps to concentrate, make decisions, learn, develop. In silver, sapphire is suitable for both children and adults.

Gift for wrestlers and winners
Which stone of the Aries zodiac sign restores strength?

Aries do not take faith in themselves. Often they are not only sure that they know the subject better than others, but also make every effort to achieve incredible results. Aries do not prevaricate and rarely lie: they really see themselves as leaders of the situation, and are ready to endlessly invest in self-improvement. Hence the constant fatigue. Aries, like their neighbor signs, are prone to professional burnout. What stones of the sign Aries will save from this, you ask. Answer: semi-precious minerals topaz and amethyst.

The sign Aries, which stone (amethyst or topaz) suits him best, often cannot decide for himself: there are so many shades of minerals.

Blue topaz calms Aries, energizes, and allows you to normalize sleep. Yellow topaz helps Aries to prioritize and avoid overload. Children like scarlet topaz and amethyst - it is a stone of life balance, good mood, good health and patience.

Which stones are worn by Aries in a silver frame, and which in gold? Silver extinguishes the influence of a stone on a person, and gold enhances it - so if you have already determined which stone to buy for the zodiac sign Aries, decide whether you need a strong effect on the body from the talisman, or a gift is just a thing that a person is guaranteed to like. After all, talismans always evoke warmth in the soul of “their” people.

Recommend accessories: amethyst in a large accessory on the chest (, necklace), topaz is worn in or; for a greater impact on immunity, astrologers advise Aries to wear stones on the body (there must be contact with the skin).

Amulet for artists parents
Which stone in Aries according to the horoscope reveals creativity?

Pomegranate and agate - two dissimilar precious stone, can only be found in talismans for Aries - people who do not accept defeat, strong idealists who want "all or nothing" from life.

Even if you know your Aries friend as a serious business person, this does not mean that he does not have a secret creative hobby that he loves like a child. Moreover, the creative nature of Aries helps him to solve business issues in an unconventional way, deftly bypass competitors and bring up geniuses in children.

Which stone suits the sign Aries at the age of 25-30 years, they ask in our store on the eve of the zodiac period. Women are helped to develop fantasy by passionate pomegranate, and for men agate with bright streaks of unpredictable trajectory.

When determining which stones are suitable for Aries by date of birth - garnets or agates, look at the structure of the stone. Polished gems with a lot of outstanding details are suitable for children, more oval, smooth - for adults. Stones enhance the creative impulses of a person, suggest new ideas (for this you need to crush a stone while thinking).

Mysterious gift for mothers and grandmothers
What stones should Aries wear in adulthood?

Aries prefer to look perfect, but they do not consider clothes and shoes to be an important expense item, and indeed, things that you can spend a lot of money on. Therefore, they are happy to accept luxurious and large jewelry as a gift: they themselves have never bought this for themselves, although they wanted to. Mysterious and distinctive opaque gems - cornelian, Tiger's Eye , Moonstone- a great opportunity to surprise a person.

Whatever stone appears at the zodiac sign Aries (carnelian, tiger's eye, moonstone), it will become an amulet and enhance the natural abilities of a person. Carnelian allows you to become softer and kinder, teaches you to accept people. The tiger's eye teaches to predict the situation, develops far-sighted skills. Moonstone brings up the will, instills a thirst for knowledge, develops perseverance.

P.S. Want to pick up a few mascots for Aries that would be combined with each other? Great, the team will help you find the perfect set within your budget, which will include fashion jewelry with amulets. Tell us more about the future birthday boy by phone on the website or in the comments to the article.

Sincerely, Svetlana Starova,
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The Aries woman is a businesslike and active person with a great mind and inflated conceit, a desire for independence. Very initiative and always tries to be the first. In general, an Aries woman is a very extraordinary person, requiring complete independence and respect from other people for herself.

The Best Stones for an Aries Woman

Stones suitable for an Aries woman should emphasize her character traits - purposefulness and assertiveness, as well as help reveal her femininity.

Therefore, the most important stone for an adult woman is a pure diamond, preferably green, which symbolizes harmony with her beloved man and the desire to be happy in marriage and family.

But a young girl is more suitable:

  • transparent zircons, which symbolize love and salvation from women's problems, zircons yellow color- give salvation and cure depression;
  • grenades- perform a similar function;
  • purple amethyst(rauchtopaz) - helps to maintain love and fidelity in a love union;
  • amethysts of other colors- give a woman self-confidence and protect from bad energy, help to find good friends and bring peace to family relationships;
  • red jasper- helps in planning forces and daily affairs;
  • corals, rubies, agates, obsidians- also fit this sign.

Aries should be proud of their stones, among which there are many really beautiful and valuable ones.

Stones by decade

Depending on the date of birth, each Aries woman has her own stone:

  1. First decade (April 21st to 31st)- agate, tiger's eye and rock crystal and jasper. These pebbles will help in all endeavors and save you from stupid and senseless stubbornness. People of this period were born under the rule of Mars and therefore the most purposeful and loving personalities who care only about their problems, and not those around them.
  2. The second decade is "sunny" (from May 1st to May 11th)- suitable pearls, amber, cat eye. They will provide support for loved ones in difficult times, increase the manifestations of the most best qualities. Such people are called solar rams. They are honest and noble, fair leaders, like no one else, appreciate loved ones and family.
  3. Third decade (from 12th to 20th April)- garnet, diamond, sapphire and ruby. They will help to reveal the complex, but at the same time very complex human nature. If the pebble is blue - it will pacify the violent character, red - will strengthen the positive and strengths which will lead to success in many cases. Aries of this decade are very romantic and passionate natures, whose patron is the Greek goddess Venus.

Gems for Aries

Azmaz- the most expensive stone with a strong magical influence, but only when it is presented as a gift or inherited. When buying a diamond on his own, he will be able to make friends with the owner only after 7 years. But in a situation where the diamond is stolen or not obtained in a very honest way, then it can bring death to the owner.

- "a stone of power and strong energy" (in Indian astrology) - acts on the strong and bright personalities, increases their strength, protects from evil intent, drives away depression and dreary thoughts. An important mystical property is the ability to influence great aspirations, which helps a noble person achieve victories, happiness and love. At the same time, the ruby ​​can warn against danger when it begins to change its shade. However, he is able to deliver trouble to his owner, who is more hypertensive, blood diseases.

It has a regenerating effect on the body, adds strength. In Roman mythology, sapphire is the "stone of Jupiter" - the heavenly god who owns the world, gives victories and recovery, and increases fertility. It always symbolized power, for which he was loved and worn by priests and representatives of the religious clergy.

In many languages ​​it is translated as "radiant and unique", was considered the most perfect stone in the world, is considered a symbol of family happiness, has healing properties, tones up vitality.

This is a mineral that has many shades: transparent or yellow, it gives a person confidence and is able to expose deceit, affects the improvement mental ability, memory, ingenuity, helps to know the truth. Blue zircon provides assistance to travelers.

Semiprecious stones

(has many colors and patterns) - an amulet that protects against snake bites and other poisonous creatures. As a talisman, it helps the owner to do the right things, affects the insight and mind, helps artists in their work.

Maintains balance and peace, drives away bad thoughts and moods. Amethyst helps to gain wealth and fame to its owner. Lilac amethyst will save you from bad influences, help you better understand people. Another plus is that it will save you from excessive rudeness.

Pomegranate- brings success to those who make every effort to achieve the set goal, provides assistance to those who work with diligence and passion.

(crystal quartz) - an excellent amulet for removing damage, the evil eye, protects against enemies and wild animals, protects property and gives invincibility.

Protects from deceit, adds energy, brings harmony and family comfort to the house, will help the fairer sex to strengthen abstract thinking.

Stones-talismans and amulets for Aries

  1. - gives Aries fearlessness, helps against poisons and snake bites, soothes pain and gives confidence.
  2. - a mineral that balances forces, normalizes mental activity and intellect, helps to focus on the right aspiration.
  3. Jasper- a talisman that protects from the evil eye and curses - is able to sharpen intuitive abilities, has a positive effect on the cleansing processes in the body.
  4. - has the ability to attract peace and prosperity, and also protects from swindlers and thieves.
  5. Diamond- has a powerful healing effect on the entire body and the immune system, enhances the positive effect of other stones, rejuvenates the body.
  6. - endows its owner with generosity and nobility, strengthens the heart, relieves fatigue.
  7. - a talisman that brings love and happiness, strengthens faith and gives hope, can also help get rid of bad habits.
  8. Pomegranate- stimulates sexual energy, volitional aspirations, a sense of self-confidence, symbolizes passionate love. Dark garnets are able to increase the attractiveness and mystery of their owner.

Aries woman can choose amulets stones according to the color of her eyes, her preference, or to certain clothes. Rubies and sapphires will additionally emphasize her individuality, add charm and attention of the opposite sex.

What stones are contraindicated for Aries

  • stones of the water element, having blue and blue hues, - they will disrupt the harmonious development of Aries;
  • black and dark green stones- suppress the fiery nature of Aries, but, on the other hand, such stones can help neutralize the negative character traits of a woman that are inherent in her fiery nature.

Stones that cannot even be brought home by an Aries woman: multi-colored minerals, crystal, topazes and tourmalines.
