Summer life hacks for girls that will make life much easier. “Creativity Box”: life hacks for all occasions Strange life hacks that will simplify your life

Human brain remembers 7 things on average, so if your daily to-do list is too long, things may just slip out of your head. That's why reminders are very useful, no matter what it is: booking a vacation, visiting a doctor or taking medication. It’s better to remember your friends’ birthdays a few days in advance so that you can buy a good gift, rather than something that comes to hand. A smartphone or paper diary is suitable for setting reminders - as long as you don’t forget to look at it!

2. Admire nature

It sounds strange, but remember how refreshing a short walk in the park or watching the sunset can be. Take a break from your smartphone, look around, think about what you would like to change in your life, and about what you have already achieved.

3. Determine your skin and hair type

Surprisingly, many people prefer to buy anything, as long as it is available (or sold at a discount). But it’s enough to go to a cosmetologist and trichologist once to understand what features of your body you should pay attention to. And then the face cream will start working, and your hair will look much better.

4. Buy comfortable clothes

For example, one that not only fits well, but also does not need ironing (or requires minimal care). Things made from natural linen or silk wrinkle easily, so it’s worth looking at the composition and buying if, for example, polyester, wool, elastane or cashmere are added to them.

5. Spend money on things that make life easier.

Sometimes people want to hire a cleaner or buy expensive boots that won’t fall apart in six months. But they spare money for this. Think about it, will this make your life better? If yes, stop thinking of it as a luxury and turn it into an urgent necessity. The same goes for vacations: if a connecting flight is inconvenient, spend a little more on a direct flight.

6. Learn to say no

If you have to meet with friends every day, but you don’t have the energy for it, stop agreeing to everything. The ability to refuse is useful in almost any situation.

7. Set up automatic payments

Every month you have to pay for an apartment, telephone, television and other useful things. To avoid remembering this too late, connect to online banking and set up automatic payments. If you forget to take your wallet with you, and your smartphone has NFC, enable the ability to pay with your phone - you probably won’t leave it at home!

If you want your hamburger or sandwich to not fall apart, turn it upside down. Usually, the “bottom” is narrower than the “lid” and therefore the filling constantly falls out of it. And if you turn it upside down, you can enjoy the taste and not worry about all the good stuff falling out of the hamburger.

By the way, this works even with simple sandwiches, especially if vegetables are added to them;)

Lifehack No. 2.

To prevent your straw from constantly floating in the soda can, bend the ring that opens it and thread the straw through the hole.

Lifehack No. 3.

This life hack has already appeared on the pages of Lifehacker more than once, but let’s go through it again. If you decide to treat yourself to a mango, it is better to do it this way: cut off the sides on both sides of the seed, use a knife to make a “mesh” in the pulp and simply turn it out.

Lifehack #4.

If ants are in the habit of visiting your country kitchen, take a small amount of popcorn kernels, make cornmeal out of them in a blender and pour a couple of spoonfuls near their main paths. In a few days your problem will disappear.

Lifehack #5.

If you're having a party that includes bagged snacks, instead of looking for clean options for them, consider making their packaging more sustainable and convenient. To do this, after opening the package, just fold the top edges slightly inward and tuck the bottom inward, pushing the chips closer to the surface. You will end up with sustainable snack “boxes.”

Lifehack #6.

Summer is the time for fruits and pesky fruit flies. As soon as you leave the fruit on the table, they immediately show up for a visit. It turns out that getting rid of them is quite simple. Take a small one Plastic container, cut the fruit into small pieces and put it in it. And cover the top of the container with cling film, making one small hole in it slightly larger than the fly itself. They will never miss such a party. True, you will have to constantly update these containers, but your fruit will be safe and sound.

Lifehack #7.

To prevent melted ice cream from running down your hands, you can use either paper cups or paper muffin tins. With cups, however, it will not be so convenient, since when you finish eating your ice cream, it will be very difficult to get it out of there. But with paper muffin tins, everything really becomes more convenient.

Lifehack #8.

If you're having a hot dog party, you'll need a lot of extra space and utensils to put extra toppings everywhere. The situation can be corrected using the most ordinary Teflon muffin tin. It usually holds 12 cupcakes, so you can fit 12 different toppings in it. There’s also almost no need to wash dishes.

Lifehack #9.

Beach thieves sometimes amaze with their virtuosity - you won’t even realize that you’ve been robbed. If you don’t want to get into this unpleasant situation, a rather unique disguise may be the way out. I don't know why they decided to make a tube for storing money, keys and a phone out of a shampoo bottle (shampoo on the beach?!), but in any case, few will guess what's really inside. I think a tube of after-sun lotion would be a better option - you don't have to open it like a tube of sunblock, and it looks more natural than shampoo. At least on our beaches;)

Lifehack #10.

Drinking cold water in hot weather is not very recommended, but this life hack will suit you if you want to take water with you when hot weather and at the same time you want it to remain cool for a long time. To do this, you need to put a little water into the bottle (so that when the bottle is laid on its side, the water does not spill out), and put it in the same position (that is, on its side) in the freezer.

Are you planning to go for a walk? Take the bottle out of the freezer and add cool water - the ice will melt gradually and the water will remain cool for quite a long time. The same can be done with juice, lemonade or compote.

Life is a complicated thing. Every person daily faces many problems that have to be solved. However, you can always find a way to make life much easier. The useful life hacks described below will help make it easier, more comfortable and more enjoyable.

Life hacks for summer

At it's peak. The heat and scorching sun hardly brings pleasure to anyone. But you can make your summer more comfortable and enjoyable thanks to a few life hacks.

Mosquito bites

It is not always possible to predict where and when a mosquito will bite. If ointments or sprays did not help or they were simply not used, and an insect bites, the usual toothpaste. It should be applied to the bite site. The itching will go away very quickly.

Small things

This useful life hack will help you avoid losing small things such as your phone, keys, money, etc. All these little things need to be put into a homemade safe, which is easy to make yourself from an ordinary plastic bottle. This container will not attract the attention of robbers, and will also help you collect everything small items in one pile.

Solar tattoo

To make one, you need to buy a special glue that is harmless to the skin and is easily washed off. After applying it in the form of a pattern, you can safely go sunbathing, and then simply wash off the glue and enjoy the resulting effect.

Eating watermelon

There is also a useful life hack for watermelon lovers. To stay clean after eating it, you need to cut the watermelon into small slices, leaving a little rind at the base.

Bottles in the refrigerator

To prevent plastic bottles from rolling down the shelves, you can attach paper clips between them. This barrier will keep them in one place.

Ice cooling

Installing air conditioners is not accessible to everyone. But many people buy fans. To quickly cool the room, you should freeze it in plastic bottles water and place in front of the fan. Thus, cold air will spread evenly throughout the room.

Pet shoes

Pets suffer from heat no less than people. But if the latter wear shoes, then the animals have to step on hot asphalt or sand without any protection. For those who care about their little friends, it is recommended to buy them small socks that are designed for children. They will reliably protect the delicate skin on your pets' feet.

Ice water

To keep the water cold for a long time during your walk, you need to prepare in advance. Or rather, freeze half a bottle of water, and just top it up before leaving. The ice will keep the water cold for a long time.

Lifehacks for girls

Each representative of the fair sex has her own little secrets that help to properly care for her body, hair or clothes. They help you look better, save time and brighten up the difficult everyday life of many fashionistas. Below are life hacks that women have been using for many years.

Lifehacks for home

In every area of ​​life, you can find life hacks that will help make your life much easier. Such secrets regarding household chores are especially relevant.

  • To cool wine without diluting it cold water from melted ice, it is better to freeze some grapes and add them to the drink if necessary.
  • Limescale is the enemy of many housewives. To get rid of it, you don't have to buy special means. You just need to add vinegar to a regular bag and tie it to the shower head. In an hour the result will be brilliant.

  • If there is no place to store shoes, you should nail a corner to the wall and hang shoes on it.
  • The microwave requires frequent disinfection. A cloth soaked in water mixed with dishwashing detergent will help remove grease and dirt. It must be placed in the microwave and turned on for 4 minutes, making sure that the rag does not dry out and does not catch fire. After opening, the steam should come out and the equipment should cool down. And all that remains is to lightly wipe the entire surface and remove dirt.
  • To make storing cosmetics in the bathroom easier, you can hang an additional rod and hang containers on the rings. It will be convenient to store everything you need in them.
  • If you don't have a cup for toothbrushes, clothespins will come to the rescue. You can easily take them with you if you have an overnight stay at a hotel.
  • If you need to move, you can put dusty shoes in a shower cap.
  • To prevent eggs from cracking during cooking, their blunt end should be pierced with a needle.

  • Tired of holding nails in your mouth while working? You need to glue a magnet to the handle and hang nails on it.
  • It is convenient to store wires on a clothes hanger.
  • If the screw head has already been torn off, it can be unscrewed by placing a rubber band on top.
  • To clean the drain hole, just put lemon slices on it and turn on hot water.

Useful lifehacks

Lifehacks that will make your life easier

Boring household chores get boring over time. But, knowing some tricks, you can make life more fun and not pay more attention. everyday problems, and rest.

  • Stickers will help remove dirt between the buttons on your computer keyboard.
  • Cleaning Velcro on shoes or clothes is easy if you use a toothbrush. Velcro ceases to perform its functions due to the fact that debris gets into it. If you move the brush several times along parallel lines, the Velcro will be as good as new.
  • People often forget to take out pieces of paper from their pockets. After washing, pellets form that are difficult to remove. In this case, aspirin will help. By soaking clothes in a solution with aspirin and then rinsing, you can achieve the perfect result.
  • A vacuum cleaner and nylon tights will help you find small items. By placing them on the vacuum cleaner nozzle, you can quickly find broken glass, contact lenses, etc.
  • You can sharpen scissors with glass. You just need to cut the glass jar a little and the effect will be obvious.
  • Dry soda will help remove excess odors from your bag. But it’s better to first place it in a sock or rag.

  • To clean shoes, especially suede ones, it is recommended to use nylon tights. The difference is obvious!

The useful life hacks described above make life easier for many people. They are effective, proven and suitable for anyone who wants to use their time as productively as possible.

In the summer, every girl wants to make her life easier, because in solar time I want to forget about business and enjoy a vacation at the seaside or in the country. Wherever you go, you always need to know little tricks that will help you have an unforgettable time and remember this summer for a long time!

Lifehack No. 1. In summer, nails grow faster than at other times of the year. Sea salt promotes rapid growth and shine of nails. Nobody wants to constantly update their manicure, so you shouldn't choose a color that's too bright. But the gentle one French manicureperfect solution! It is practically invisible and does not catch the eye when the nails grow a little.

Lifehack No. 2. For those who love wavy hair. Recently it has become fashionable to do your hair like a surfer's girlfriend. Making playful waves is not difficult. Braid two braids on damp hair (not wet!) and go to bed. In the morning, your fashionable hairstyle is ready! Secure the result with hairspray or styling gel.


Lifehack No. 3. Many people have an old long jacket that is constantly collecting dust on the shelf. In the summer it can be used to make a cool short top. Tie a small knot on your stomach, stretch it a little on the sides. The original item is ready!

Lifehack No. 4. A magical remedy for summer is natural coconut oil. It has healing moisturizing properties. In summer, hair experiences serious stress due to the sun and chlorinated water. Coconut oil masks intensively care for your hair, making it silky and incredibly shiny. Dry hair can be lubricated with oil along the entire length, and for oily hair, a mask applied to the ends is suitable.


Lifehack No. 5. Sometimes we forget about the sensitive skin of our lips. She needs special care in winter and summer. Before going to the beach or solarium, be sure to apply hygienic lipstick to your lips; it will save you from peeling and cracking.


Lifehack No. 6. Instead of alcohol deodorant, use baby powder, it is more natural. Sometimes powder can relieve irritation or discomfort after shaving.


Lifehack No. 7. Surprisingly, men's shaving foam is quite capable of replacing moisturizer. She nourishes

Good weather, relaxation, an abundance of fruits and vegetables - this is what makes us happy in summer. But even so best time The year can be made more enjoyable for many by using these 15 summer tricks. There is something for everyone: ideas for cooling drinks, repelling insects, camping, beauty and so on.

Tricks for summer

  1. Natural insect repellent
    Half a lemon or lime with cloves will repel insects.
  2. Temporary tattoo
    Young girls often come to the seaside and get temporary tattoos from artists. But you can do it yourself, and the drawing will last longer. Take water-soluble glue with a neutral pH and make a design on the skin. It can also be done using sunscreen with a high degree of protection.
  3. Light a fire with chips
    If you can't light a fire, then potato chips will come to your rescue. They burn great.
  4. How to protect yourself from beach thieves
    When you're on vacation, beach thieves are busy. To protect your belongings, hide them in an empty sunscreen tube like the one in the photo.
  5. How to eat popsicles without getting dirty
    Do you love ice cream but don't want your hands to get sticky? Use a cake pan.
  6. To prevent sand from sticking to your feet
    If you are planning to go to the beach to sunbathe, use baby powder. Then the sand will not stick to your feet.
  7. Cold drinks
    Fill the bottle about a third full with water and place it in the freezer overnight. The next day you can fill it with water or another drink of your choice. The ice will melt gradually, and the drink will remain cool.
  8. Ice cubes for beauty, against overheating and sunburn
    Mix aloe extract with a little water and freeze. These cubes can be used to moisturize dry skin and for minor burns.
  9. Protect your phone from sand and water
    To protect your phone from sand and water, you can store it in a ziplock bag.
  10. Cold drink in a few seconds
    Wrap the drink bottle in damp baking paper. Put it in the refrigerator. You will be surprised, but after 10 minutes the drink will become cool.
  11. Another tip to help
    To prevent insects from interfering with your summer vacation, mix warm water with chopped basil leaves. Pour the product into a spray bottle and use as a spray.
  12. This is the kind of thing that will most likely come in handy in your garden!
    An excellent solution for the summer heat.
  13. Light in the tent
    If you're camping this summer, then you'll need a powerful tent light. If you don't have one, take a regular flashlight and attach it to a plastic container.
  14. Cool the champagne or wine
    To cool champagne and wine, use pre-frozen grapes.