When is the season in indonesia for a beach holiday. When to go to Indonesia? Best time to travel

In Indonesia, equatorial and subequatorial maritime climates are distinguished. On the southern and eastern islands, in a subequatorial climate, there are two seasons: rainy (from November to February) and dry (from March to October). However, in many places it is difficult to distinguish seasons, dry and wet weather alternate spontaneously . In general, for most of the country, from November-December to March-April, the wet season lasts (the monsoon blows from the northwest), from May-June to September-October it is dry (the monsoon comes from the south and east, i.e. from side of Australia). However, for North Sumatra and for the northern and central parts of the Moluccas (Seram, Ambon, Buru), the picture is directly opposite. The picture is even more complicated if we take into account the many local microclimates that are characteristic of a particular area in Indonesia.

It is worth noting that Indonesia is quite humid: during the rainy season, relative humidity reaches 90%, and the rest of the year - 80%. In general, about 3000 mm of precipitation falls here annually, and most of all - in the foothills. In the south of the island of Sulawesi, more than 700 mm of precipitation is recorded in January, while in August - only 15 mm. For more northern islands Precipitation is evenly distributed throughout the year, with about 200-300 mm falling monthly. In the flat regions of these islands all year round in the daytime, the air warms up to +28..+30 degrees, in the mountains it is a little cooler - about +20 degrees, and at night there are sometimes frosts. Coastal waters in all areas have a temperature of at least +26 degrees. The least amount of precipitation falls on the islands of the Nusa Tenggara group, located between Australia and Java. The air in Indonesia is humid, with relative humidity fluctuating between 70 and 90%. Typhoons and severe storms are not typical for the Indonesian seas.

The height above sea level has a great influence on the distribution of temperatures. In general, the temperature drops by about 1 deg. for every 100 m of ascent. The highest peaks in Indonesia are subject to night frosts, and some mountains of Irian Jai are permanently covered with snow.

The length of daylight hours in Indonesia is almost the same throughout the year. The difference between the shortest and longest day is 48 minutes.

Climate Bali The climate in Bali is equatorial-monsoon, instead of the usual division into 4 seasons, only two are distinguished here: dry (June-October) and wet (November-March), the largest number precipitation falls in January-February. In some areas of Bali, the difference between them is almost imperceptible. During the wet season, precipitation falls locally, usually at night in the form of short-term (1-2 hours) thunderstorms.

Average annual temperatures fluctuate slightly around 26°. In the lowlands and resort areas it is warm day and night; the nights are rather cool in the mountains, and generally fresher than in the rest of the territory. The water temperature in the ocean is 26-28°.

Best time to visit:

Best time for holidays in Bali - May, June, July, August. These months have the least rainfall, the least amount of rainy days, and are not very hot. There is an influx of tourists to Bali twice a year. In December - January, Australians come to Bali to rest. And the Indonesians themselves prefer this time of year. July and August are the traditional holiday season for Europeans in Bali. Prices shoot up sharply. On the other hand, it is July and August - the time of entertainment, holidays and lack of rain. The best time to visit Bali is during the dry season, which starts in May and lasts until October. Those who prefer to take their holidays in July-August are in for dry and "cool" weather. There are also disadvantages - hotels are filled to capacity and their cost rises sharply. In our opinion, the best time to visit Bali is May and June. And there are at least two reasons for this. Firstly, with some luck, the complete absence of rain, and secondly, quite reasonable prices.

The average air temperature during the day in Bali (in Denpasar)

Water temperature in Bali (in Denpasar)

The largest island state in the world, the birthplace of nutmeg and ancient monitor lizards. Here they speak 580 languages ​​and dialects. A tropical paradise with a warm ocean, along with the formidable force of the elements. Indonesia is a country of thousands of islands, as well as thousands of contrasts. But it is one of the most visited by tourists. Warm climate, rich nature, diverse flora and fauna, relatively cheap holidays attract up to 12 million tourists a year to the islands of Indonesia. It's true that you can visit Indonesia all year round, but what's the best way to plan your trip? Take into account all the nuances of the climate!

This is interesting! Of the more than 17 thousand islands that the Indonesian state unites, more than half do not even have names yet! But the most popular among tourists Bali , Java and Sumatra - chosen by tourists from all over the world - are considered a true paradise on earth.

Climate zones of Indonesia

Nature generously strewn the Indian and Pacific Oceans thousands of islands. Indonesia, as a state, has gathered under its wing 17,5 thousand small and large paradise places of the Sunda and Malay archipelagos. Almost each of these islands, covering an area of ​​more than a million square kilometers, has its own microclimate. Nature here often surprises tourists.

This is interesting! Most a large number of Thunderstorms in Indonesia occur on the island of Java. In Bogor, lightning strikes are recorded 322 days a year!

Geographically, Indonesia is located on both sides of the equator, so the climate here is predominantly humid equatorial. The equator crosses the Moluccas, Sulawesi, Borneo and Sumatra.

It would be strange if such a vast territory had the same weather. Therefore, in Indonesia, a subequatorial maritime climate is still distinguished.

The northwest monsoon determines the wet season from November to March. The southeast monsoon forms the dry season from April-May to October. This pattern is typical for most of Indonesia, except for North Sumatra and the central part of the Moluccas.

The average annual temperature is kept at +25+26°C in the flat areas of most of the islands. On the hills - about + 20 ° C, high in the mountains there are even frosts.

Tourist seasons in Indonesia

In the conditions of the subequatorial climate, two seasons can be distinguished - relatively dry and excessively humid. This weather is typical for the southern and eastern islands.

From November to February - heavy rains at night or in the morning. From March to October, only high humidity (up to 80%) is observed.

The best time to visit the pearl of Indonesia, the islands Bali, - May-August. The largest influx of tourists to the island is observed in the pre-New Year's rush, when the Australians come, at the same time the Indonesians themselves prefer to relax. Another influx occurs in July-August. During this period, Europeans like to relax in Bali.

Fact! The island of Bali, as the most popular holiday destination in Indonesia, can "accommodate" (without harm to the environment) up to 4 million tourists. In practice, the island receives annually up to 8.3 million tourists from all over the world! Most of all, Indonesia is loved by the citizens of Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, Korea, China, Thailand, Saudi Arabia and Australia. Among Europeans, the French, Germans and British come to Indonesia. Indonesian islands are also popular among citizens of post-Soviet countries, especially Russians.

What clothes to take with you

Each of the islands of Indonesia is a separate tropical paradise. You can swim in 26-degree water all year round, therefore, beach attributes should take most places in a suitcase.

If your plans include excursions to the mountains and volcanoes, then you should know a few things. Such excursions almost always begin at night in order to reach the final point of the route by dawn. In the mountains, the temperature is much lower than on the coast, therefore, in such a case it is worth stocking up. warm jacket, hat and comfortable shoes. It is worth taking note that the temperature in the mountains decreases by about 1 degree every 100 meters of ascent.

Surfers to travel to Indonesia in summer period you will need a wetsuit.

Monthly weather in Indonesia


The rainy season is ending. Up to 5-7 days in March can be rainy. In Bali at this time, it can be unbearably hot during the day due to the high air temperature, reaching 34 degrees, and the high humidity inherent in the tropics. Water temperature +28°С.

Fact! In 2017 Indonesian New Year, Nyepi, falls on March 28. It is better not to plan your trip for this period. The fact is that, according to tradition, this holiday is also called the Day of Silence, when no one, neither locals nor tourists, can make noise. Airports, entertainment venues, restaurants and shops are closed.


It is still hot in Bali in April - up to + 34 ° C, and a little stuffy due to high humidity. Water temperature +28°С. The rainy season is over, dry sunny weather is gradually settling in.


Fog often falls in the mountains. Sunny comfortable weather is already setting in Bali with a water temperature of +28°C. There are not so many tourists yet, hotels are still inexpensive, it's time for an economical vacation.

For your information! The Pacific belt of fire - the islands of Indonesia are located at the junction of two tectonic plates, therefore ¼ of all volcanoes are active here. Violent seismic activity also causes a number of earthquakes, often generating tsunamis.


Lack of rain, stable temperature at around +31°C cause a significant influx of tourists. The high season is starting. However, in the Moluccas, summer is a period of strong winds. Therefore, it is better to go there in winter.


In July, on the main island of the country, Bali, the average air temperature is +30°C. The period is dry and warm. It's time to visit the resort.


On the island of Sulawesi, during this period, there is practically a drought - only 15 mm of precipitation per month. In Bali at this time + 30 ° С. In the evenings it can be cool, jeans will be needed for boat trips. Surfers - wetsuit.

Fact! Indonesia has a rich undersea world- more than 20% of all coral reefs are located on the territory of this island nation.


stable warm temperature air, together with warm oceans and lack of rainfall, continue to create good conditions for relax.

On a note! Thanks to his geographical location, Indonesia boasts a rather long period of daylight hours - day and night here last almost the same number of hours.


There is practically no rain. The weather is clear. But there are also surprises in the form of short-term precipitation.

On a note! A feature is considered to be a local accumulation of clouds, when in one part of the island (during the rainy season) it can rain heavily, and on the other side of the island it will be sunny and dry.


There is no rain, and bright sun. Most of the month in Bali is overcast, as November is the border month between the two seasons. average temperature in Bali + 28 ° C, as well as the water temperature.

For your information! Near the coast of Indonesia, almost everywhere - a raging ocean. Big waves are not uncommon here. But in some areas, breakwaters are equipped, for example, in Nusa Dua. Another problem is the tides. To avoid the period of "low" water, you can go to the north of Bali, to the black sand beaches. But the low tides on the Bali Sea in Lovina are weak.


The most demanded period among domestic tourists. New Year's tours to Indonesia are sold as grilled sweet-and-salty corn in small bazaars in Bali.

Fact! In Bali, only changes throughout the year daily temperature, nighttime remains at around 23°C. The water temperature never drops below +26°C throughout the year. But during the rainy season, the beaches of Kuta can be dirty - showers bring a lot of garbage.


The period of precipitation begins - up to 700 mm per month can fall on Sulawesi! Off the coast of Bali, the maximum water temperature is +28°С, while the air temperature is +33°С. In Jakarta +30°С. Feels stuffy and hot, like in a sauna. It can rain every day, the moisture evaporates quickly, and even more precipitation immediately falls. When planning a vacation for this period, you should set aside at least two weeks for Indonesia to catch the most comfortable weather.


The rainiest period continues. Thunderstorms are a common occurrence in February. True, experienced tourists know that in Indonesia it rains mainly at night, and in the morning everything has time to dry. And if the weather at the main resort has deteriorated badly, you can go to the neighboring Gili Islands - it is usually sunny there at this time.

Weather in cities and resorts by months


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 29 29 29 30 31 30 30 31 31 31 31 29
Average minimum, °C 23 23 23 24 24 23 23 23 23 23 23 23
Weather in Jakarta by months


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 28 27
Average minimum, °C 19 19 19 19 19 18 17 17 18 18 19 19
Monthly Bandung weather


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 33 33 34 34 33 31 30 30 31 34 33 33
Average minimum, °C 24 24 24 25 24 24 23 23 23 24 24 24
Monthly Denpasar weather


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 30 30 30 31 31 31 30 31 31 31 31 30
Average minimum, °C 23 23 23 23 23 22 21 21 22 23 23 23

We talk about the seasons in Bali: when is the season beach holiday, the rainy season, and when is the best time to surf? We also find out what the weather is like in Bali in each of the months and how prices change depending on the season.

There are two seasons in Bali - the dry season and the rainy season. The island reigns tropical climate, which is characterized by high air humidity of 70-80% most of the time. The coast is warmer than the mountains, and there is more rainfall. The water in the ocean is always warm + 28 ° C, and average monthly temperatures air temperature is approximately the same from month to month and is +30°С during the day and +23°С at night. Let's figure out when is the best time to go to Bali for a beach holiday.

Film by Anton Ptushkin about Bali

A well-known blogger and presenter understands what is the phenomenon of Bali's popularity, talks about surfing, beaches and hotels. Look!

Rainy season in Bali

The rainy season in Bali lasts five months. (November - March), of which only three can be distinguished as the rainiest in terms of the amount of precipitation - December, January and February. Rains of varying intensity last from a couple of hours to several days in a row. Largest number precipitation falls in the south and west of the island.

Sometimes clear "windows" pop up when installed good weather with occasional intermittent rain. The most unusual thing about the weather in Bali is that if it rains on one part of the island, then it can be dry at a distance of 20-30 km from this place.

During the rainy season it is difficult to plan any excursions. You can spend time on the beach, but the unrest on the ocean causes storms, due to which the water becomes cloudy, a lot of garbage and algae are washed ashore. But there are almost no tourists, and the prices for holidays during this period are loyal, the cost of tours is also attractive. Some tourists believe that it is better to relax in Bali during the low season, and they specially go to soak up the local spa centers.

According to tourists, the main drawback low season- this is high humidity (85% and above). Against the background of the heat, it is difficult to endure it out of habit, the stuffiness at night is especially debilitating, and it is simply impossible to do without an air conditioner indoors.

(Photo © Chugy / flickr.com / Licensed CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

When is beach season in Bali?

Tourists in the reviews clearly write that it is best to relax in Bali during the dry season in order to spend as much time as possible on the beach. Dry season starts at April, but the high tourist season in Bali begins in May and continues until until the end of October. At that time ideal conditions for excursions, sports and beach holidays - there is no excess humidity, it almost never rains. Before traveling, we recommend choosing a resort on the island that suits you.

The surfing season in Bali, in principle, lasts all year round, just each of the months has its own characteristics. In general, it coincides with the tourist season. Surfers love July and August most of all - the monsoons operate on the island, carrying dry cool air, due to which the correct waves are formed.

The negative point of the beach holiday season in Bali is the financial side of the issue. At this time, many tourists come from different parts light, and prices for services are rising, including for tours. The best time in terms of weather conditions and the adequacy of prices is the beginning of the season - May or June. Therefore, if you are going to the island, it is better to buy a tour in advance.

(Photo © Mayer 8 / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

Weather in Bali by months


April is the transition to the dry season. It rains mostly at night, during the day it is clear and sunny. Humidity reaches comfortable values ​​of 65%, and the water becomes the warmest of the year.


In May, Bali sees the beginning tourist season. Rest on the island at this time is preferred by many because of the still not too high prices. The weather is good: during the day +32°С, at night +22°С, water temperature +28°С. Rains are short-term, most often fall at night, air humidity drops to a comfortable 60%. This is the time of active beach activities and surfing. lovers nightlife prefer rest in Seminyak, surfers - the beaches of Kuta and Uluwatu.

June - September

The sun becomes very active, so without sunscreen It's best not to go outside. It rains very rarely, the humidity is 60%, the feeling of stuffiness at night disappears. The least amount of precipitation in August is 15 mm.

When is the best time to visit Bali? Right at this time! Weather excellent: in the daytime + 31 ° С, the sea - fresh milk. These months are great for trips around the island, beach and nightlife. You can watch dolphins and others marine life, surfing, diving and fishing, water skiing and jet skiing.


October completes the tropical winter - the dry period on the island. This month is still good to rest in Bali. Most high temperatures air in the south and on the Bukit peninsula. A little cooler in Ubud, in the mountains and on the north coast.

In October, several public holidays are celebrated, and surfing competitions are held in Kuta. Good waves form on the beaches of Uluwatu and Kuta. The water temperature in the ocean is +27°С, clean and transparent, ideal for diving.

(Photo © TheTimeTraveler! / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)


November is the transitional month in Bali from the dry season to the rainy season. The nature of the weather changes, it rains half the time, often lingering, the nights become hot and stuffy. You should not go for a walk without a raincoat. Usually it rains for an hour or two, after which the sun appears, and you can again go to the beach or go on an excursion.

December - February

In Bali, the weather in December is damp and warm: 2/3 of the time it is cloudy, there are very few sunny days. The amount of precipitation reaches its maximum, the air humidity rises to 80%.

In January it is hot during the day, the air can warm up to +34°С, at night +24°С, water +29°С. Relative Humidity air rises to 85%, as it rains most of the time.

In February, the conditions are similar, there are more rainy days than clear ones. The ocean is often rough, which makes swimming in the ocean impossible, and professional surfers prefer the eastern part of the island, where the correct waves form.

Nevertheless, the vagaries of the weather do not weaken the tourist demand, at Christmas and many holidaymakers from Europe, where during this period it is much colder. The resorts of Nusa Dua, Sanur and the Gili Islands are very popular, in new year's eve the most lively place are the beaches of Kuta. Ubud is suitable for those who are looking for a spa and want to do yoga.


According to tourists, it is better to go to Bali in March if you want to catch the celebration of the local New Year. As for the weather, precipitation in March falls mainly at night, the number of sunny days increases. Overall March 17 cloudy days, humidity drops to 75%, but against the backdrop of a 33-degree heat, it is still hot and stuffy. Strong winter winds subside, and at the end of the month, surfer spots begin their work. For lovers of a relaxing holiday, the beaches of Nusa Dua are preferable.

(Photo © Aaron Toth / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0)

Intro image source: © kjd / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

Tell me what season better fit for holidays in Bali. After all, if you get into the rainy season, it will not seem enough. Read before your trip.

Indonesia is a country filled with untouched nature reserves and architectural landmarks. But one Indonesian destination is especially popular among tourists. This is Bali, where you can experience exotic culture, spend time on sandy beaches, surf or explore the jungle.

Although the island can be called the land of eternal summer, there are low and high seasons. Which weather features Islands need to be considered and when is the best time to come?

Comfortable season

The hot and dry season in Bali starts on and ends on . During these months, the island experiences an influx of tourists. Although you can relax here all year round, it is in May-October that the weather will definitely not bring unpleasant surprises.


In May, Bali subsides strong winds and dry weather sets in - for the whole month, about 7 days of precipitation fall. More rain occurs on the northern coast. The average temperature is +27 °C during the day and +22 °C at night, the water is warmed up to +28 °C. The southern part of Bali is noticeably hotter. During the day, the air here is warmed up to +33 °C.

In May, Bali is good for a beach holiday - this is one of best months for swimming and mastering various types of water sports. Comfortable weather allows you to get acquainted with and National parks and also attend traditional holidays. May is Vesak Day, a sacred day for all followers of the Buddha.

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