There are sharks on the Black Sea coast. Sharks that constantly live in the Black Sea

Today, in light of recent events in the world, this is a fairly relevant article.

Are there sharks in the Black Sea?

IN Lately Readers of this blog, and users of the World Wide Web in general, often ask: are there sharks in the black sea? After all, the Black Sea is Crimea, Turkey, and the Caucasus.

Let's answer this question honestly: Sharks in the black sea found.

However, these are not creatures dangerous to people. At least for those who do not rush at them themselves. :)

So, predators of the Black Sea:

The main shark of the Black Sea is the Katran (or Spiny Shark), also called the Sea Dog.

  • This is a shark that is not dangerous to humans, although it is worth noting that for fish it is a nightmare! A sea dog is a predator that attacks fish, even if it is full. Its size is about a meter, this shark lives in the Black Sea, where it is colder and deeper, it almost does not come to the shore. It’s just dangerous to pick it up - there are poisonous spines on its fins, which is why it was called Spiny. But we don’t think that anyone other than fishermen will want to touch it with their hands. :)

The following shark species have appeared in the Black Sea several times:

  • Cat - small spotted shark. It was reported that she once swam into the Black Sea, but even if she had not been caught, this shark would not have been able to live here. One of the reasons is the high concentration of salt in the water.
  • Hammerhead shark - it is not known for certain whether it actually swam.
  • Swordfish is the same as the previous one.

So rest assured - sharks in the Black Sea will not overtake you, although they live in it.

Of course, but they do not pose a danger to humans. Hiding in the depths during the day, they do not interfere with visitors’ rest. Even when meeting fishermen, sharks do not attack, but, on the contrary, go to the bottom.

Soft and warm climate The Black Sea welcomes visiting tourists seven months a year. Sometimes the desire to soak up the warm pebbles and dive into clean water the thought of sharks that live in the sea overshadows me. Yes indeed, local residents and oceanologists will be able to confirm the presence of these creatures in the Black Sea zone, but they do not pose a particular danger to vacationers.

In history, there is not a single confirmed fact of a shark attack on a person. Rather, on the contrary, during the approach Vehicle, they try to immediately hide into the depths. During the day, sharks remain at the bottom of the sea and only after sunset swim to the surface.

Several species of sharks have been recorded in the Black Sea:

  1. Katran (Sea Dog). The size of this fish reaches one meter. Almost never comes to the shore, preferring colder habitats. Poisonous spines on its fins protect it from attacks by larger representatives. It attacks other fish even in a well-fed state. Not dangerous for humans.
  2. Cat shark, hammerhead shark, swordfish. Met several times by researchers depths of the sea However, they are not able to reproduce in the waters of the Black Sea due to the low salt content. The sharks are believed to enter through the Bosphorus Strait. Lightly salted water is not suitable for fish born elsewhere. If they periodically swim into the Black Sea, they die without leaving offspring. Eggs and larvae die already during initial development.

More major representatives sharks are not able to exist here due to the meager food supply. Therefore, gray bull or tiger sharks cannot meet their nutritional needs.

So we can say with confidence that the diet of Black Sea sharks does not include vacationers, you can safely go on vacation.

Sharks in the coastal waters of Anapa

Compatriots and guests from near and far, arriving in our resort city for rest and treatment, sometimes look with great amazement at the shark heads in the food aisles of the Central Market and the delicious fish soup offered to buyers by sellers. “What are these really parts of the bodies of the insidious and evil masters of the seas and oceans?! But why are they so small? Are they sharks or something?” “No,” the sellers categorically object, “This is from our local katran shark...”

And then, out of nowhere, an experienced fisherman turned up. He told the curious how once, in the area of ​​​​the Bank of Mary Magdalene, which is located in the sea not far from the village of Blagoveshchenskaya, I pulled out into the light of day an almost meter-long fish with an ordinary spinning rod, well, clearly looking like a miniature shark, and as I wanted, I wanted to throw it over the side of the yacht, but its owners advised against it, saying that this fish is delicious - it makes excellent cutlets and an awesome fish soup. I listened. He took the loot ashore. Butchered her. My wife added a little pork lard to the minced meat - the cutlets really turned out quite appetizing, and the fish soup - everyone ate it with great pleasure, and also licked the spoons.

Our Black Sea is actually located at a great distance from the great seas and oceans. In practice, it is like an inland reservoir of the huge European-Asian continent. But they still exist in nature well known to the world Dardanelles, a strait connecting the Marmara and Aegean seas. And paired with the Bosphorus (Turkey), the straits connect the named seas with our Black Sea. So there is a way out, although small, into the world’s oceans. But it is so noisy that not a single self-respecting shark would dare to poke its nose into it. And the Black Sea itself is too restless for sharks - how much different countries located in its coastal strip?! If any real shark gets caught in it, it may be a stupid creature, but still, afraid of the hellish noise and unimaginable pandemonium in the local waters, it will go crazy and easily throw itself ashore to escape.

But this is of course in our fantasies. In fact, oddly enough, there are still sharks in the Black Sea, and they are also found off the Anapa coast. Only for bipedal individuals, that is, for us they are completely harmless underwater creatures and although they have several rows of sharp teeth in their mouths, they do not attack people, on the contrary, they avoid them, scurrying away into the depths out of harm’s way.
We have only two types of these sharks. The first - Katran - its chopped parts and are offered to buy at the Central Market or, for example, at Bolshoi Utrish, wherever seafood delicacies and from all kinds of seas it is imported - the same Magadan crabs, scallops and the like.
By the way, for your information, you can actually meet a katran or cat shark by joining our resort

This question is now of interest to many people who are planning to relax on the Black Sea. Especially after the latest tragic events that occurred both at foreign resorts and in our country in Far East. Sharks are attacking vacationers more and more often, maiming and killing people. So are there these terrible predators in our Black Sea? Should we be wary of them on vacation? To answer this question, you must first turn to the history of the emergence of the sea.

The Black Sea is millions of years old, during which time it was connected with other seas - the Caspian and Aral Seas. Geophysicists claim that once upon a time there was a huge ocean called Tethys, in the depths of which there were many different species. sea ​​creatures both single-celled and huge sea monsters. Twenty million years ago a large lake formed, this was the Black Sea. The water in it was very fresh, since it was in no way connected with the ocean. But later a strong earthquake occurred, as a result of which it connected with the Bosphorus Strait and the strait with interesting name Dardanelles. The water in this lake suddenly became very salty and all its inhabitants, who were not adapted to such conditions, died. So, it is believed that it was at this very time that hydrogen sulfide appeared in the Black Sea, and organic deposits from the remains of animals and flora who died during this period.

This very sea - the lake has become completely dead, unsuitable for the existence of any life. But still, one type of bacteria was able to survive in it - anaerobic sulfur bacteria. This is how our Black Sea appeared, the area of ​​which at that time was more than 400 thousand square kilometers, and its depth was more than 2 thousand meters. The water in this sea was several times fresher than in the Mediterranean, since the narrow straits connecting them could not provide it with enough salt water from the ocean. And it is so essential for the life of marine life.

Now we can, based on the above, answer this question. The most important condition due to which sharks cannot spread in the Black Sea is slightly salted water. Of course, theoretically they can swim from Mediterranean Sea, but it’s so far away that they’re unlikely to want to swim here, and the water isn’t too tasty for these toothy monsters. Since they are always in search of food, and they eat a lot, and they need a solid food base, our sea is not suitable for them, there is too little to profit from. After all, the Black Sea flora and fauna is poor enough to satisfy their appetite. Therefore, we can say with confidence that the appearance of a shark in our sea is more of a fantasy.

Although two sharks still live in the Black Sea. Katran shark and cat shark. You have already realized that these are absolutely not the predators that we are so afraid of. The first species of shark is native to the Black Sea, and the second species is native to the Mediterranean. Naturally, they are not so dangerous for humans, although they have teeth, they do not rush at people. However, for example, katran poses a threat to human health. The fact is that the katran shark has a spike with a strong jagged fin, with which it can seriously injure a person, and an inflammatory process quickly develops at the site of the injection of this fin. But the bite itself occurs if the katran is greatly disturbed. It is necessary to consult a doctor immediately after a bite to provide effective assistance.

Well, now you and I know that there are no sharks in the Black Sea, but about others dangerous inhabitants we will tell you in one of our next articles. Thank you for your attention!

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- August, 3rd 2014

As you know, sharks are one of the most dangerous predators on our planet. Sharks belong to the subclass of elasmobranchs and are one of the most ancient representatives of the animal world (the most ancient shark-like ones lived 420-450 million years ago).
Today there are more than 450 species, the smallest representatives are 17 cm in size, and the largest (for example, tiger sharks) can reach 20 m in length. However, not all representatives of this species are considered dangerous.
The greatest danger to humans is the great White shark, it is she who most often attacks people. Several more species fall into the category of “most dangerous aquatic predators”: tiger shark, bull shark, sandbar shark, greattip shark, nurse shark, sharpnose mako shark, gray reef shark, hammerhead shark, blue (or light blue) and lemon ( or yellow) shark. The habitat of the listed species, which in itself is good, does not include the waters of the Black Sea.
Black Sea sharks do not pose a danger to people. There are only two species found in these waters - the dogfish shark (or long-spined spiny shark) and the common catshark (or dogfish).

If you have vacationed on the Crimean coast at least once, you are unlikely to have met them. But fishermen sometimes encounter them in deep water. The fact is that near the shore the water is quite warm, so it is not attractive to these sharks.
Most often in the depths of the Black Sea you can find a katran shark, which is much more afraid of people than they are of it. Katran lives in cold deep waters and rarely approaches the shore (most often in autumn and spring, when the water temperature drops). The maximum katran grows up to 160cm, but in the Black Sea they reach a maximum of 100cm. The weight of an adult varies from 7 to 9 kg. They live a short lifespan, only 12 years. The very peculiar color of this shark makes it easy to recognize (streamlined shape, the back is brown-gray, the sides are spotted, the ventral side is white).
The long-spined spiny shark has a high speed of movement. For humans, it can pose a certain danger, but only for fishermen who carelessly pick it up with their hands (after all, katrans are of particular interest for commercial fishing). It has spines on its dorsal fins (one on each fin) that can cause serious health damage.
The cat shark (sea dog) is extremely rarely found in the waters of the Black Sea. This is a rather small representative of the most dangerous predators on the planet - it reaches a maximum length of 70 cm, sometimes there are individuals up to 100 cm. The weight of an adult is about two kilograms. External characteristics: The sides and back are sandy brown with dark spots, the ventral side is light gray. Just like the katran, the catshark is of interest for fishing.
You may notice that Black Sea sharks are quite small among all representatives of their kind. They are completely safe for people, but people, on the contrary, may well harm them if they continue to catch them in large quantities.
Thus, if you are planning to relax on the Black Sea coast, you can safely enjoy your vacation without fear of dangerous predators appearing in the sea - they are not there!
