Copper ore is a natural raw material for copper mining. Where to find copper ore Where to farm tin ore 3.3 5

In the bowels of the earth there is quite a large number of various minerals that can be used to release various materials. Enough widespread has copper ore - it is used for processing and producing various substances that are used in industry. It is worth considering that such ore, which contains copper, may also contain other minerals. It is recommended to use earthen rock that contains at least 0.5-1% metal.


A huge amount of a wide variety of copper ores are being mined. The classification is carried out according to their origin. The following groups of copper ores are distinguished:

  1. Pyrite has become quite widespread. The rock is a compound of iron and copper and has a large number of various inclusions and veins of other impurities.
  2. Stratiform is represented by a combination of copper shales and sandstones. This kind of breed has also become widespread, as it is represented large deposit. The main characteristics include a simple sheet shape, as well as a uniform distribution of all useful components. Due to this, copper rock of this type is most in demand, as it allows for productivity at the same level.
  3. Copper-nickel. This ore is characterized by massive texture inclusions of cobalt and gold, as well as platinum group metals. The deposits are in vein and sheet form.
  4. Porphyry copper or hydrothermal. Copper ore deposits of this kind contain a large concentration of silver and gold, selenium and other chemical substances. In addition, all useful substances are in higher concentration, due to which the breed is in demand. It is extremely rare.
  5. Carbonate. This group includes iron-copper and carbonatite ore. It is worth considering that this breed was found only in South Africa. The mine being developed is classified as massive alkaline rock.
  6. Skarn is a group that is characterized by a local location in a wide variety of rocks. Characteristic properties can be called small sizes and complex morphology. It is worth considering that in this case the ore containing copper has a high concentration. However, the metal is unevenly distributed. The rocks being mined have a copper concentration of about three percent.

Copper practically does not occur, for example, like gold, in the form of massive nuggets. The largest similar education can be called a deposit in North America, whose mass is 420 tons. With 250 types of copper, only 20 of them are widely used in their pure form, others are used only as alloying elements.

Copper ore deposits

Copper is considered the most common metal, which is used in a wide variety of industries. Deposits of copper ore are found in almost all countries. An example is the discovery of deposits in Arizona and Nevada. Copper ore is also mined in Cuba, where oxide deposits are common. In Peru, chloride formations are being mined.

The use of the mined copper mixture is associated with the production of various metals. There are two main copper production technologies:

  1. hydrometallurgical;
  2. pyrometallurgical.

The second method involves fire refining of metal. Due to this, ore can be processed in almost any volume. In addition, exposure to fire allows almost all useful substances to be extracted from the rock. Pyrometallurgical technology is used to isolate copper from rocks that have a low degree of metal enrichment. The hydrometallurgical method is used exclusively for processing oxidized and native rock, which also have low copper concentrations.

In conclusion, we note that copper today is included in almost all alloys. Its addition as an alloying element allows you to change the basic performance properties.

Question: where to find copper ore, worries many geologists, but few people know that archaeologists can also tell a lot of interesting things about this and their finds are sometimes more interesting than geological surveys. This is how Chelyabinsk summed up the results of archaeological research that was carried out in the Chelyabinsk region - Varensky district. A joint group of archaeologists took part in the research, which included representatives from Sheffield (Great Britain) and Pittsburgh (USA), as well as specialists - archaeological students from Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University. These young archaeologists were conducting research on one of the most famous settlements in this area, dating back to the Bronze Age. This settlement is called “Ustye”. Other cultural monuments that belong to the Nizhny Toguzak river valley were also explored. Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University I have been interested in this archaeological monument for quite some time.

It has been studied since 1984, and this process is constantly led by university professor Nikolai Vinogradov. During the excavations, a large settlement with powerful fortifications was discovered, in which a large number of objects made of metal could be found. As a survey of the settlement showed, approximately thirty metallurgical furnaces were located in 26 rooms found by researchers. This could only mean one thing, for local residents metal products were an integral part of their life. But until today it was not clear where the ore deposit was located, which was used for smelting. Also, no places were discovered where the primary melting of this metal took place. Main Medicine portal

To help their colleagues find the missing “puzzle pieces,” colleagues from Sheffield and Pittsburgh arrived at the excavation site, armed with the most modern tools that allow them to carry out the necessary research in geochemistry and geophysics. It was necessary to check chemical composition soils that make up the cultural layer in such a way as not to damage them, without subjecting them to destruction. Thanks to these modern devices, the expedition members still managed to discover copper mines, which were located at a short distance from the settlement - at a distance of 1-5 kilometers from the fortifications. According to researchers, these may be the remains of the very same mines where ore was mined. But there is no further evidence that these assumptions are true, so it cannot be assumed for sure that this is true, which means additional research will be required. This is what students and their leaders will do next year. There are already preliminary agreements to continue working together.

The most common copper ore on our planet is bornite. But besides it, copper is also mined from other ores, which we will talk about in this article.


This ore refers to accumulations of minerals in which copper is present in such quantities that are considered suitable for processing for industrial purposes. A generally accepted indicator of the reasonableness of developing a deposit is considered to be a situation when copper accumulations in it are at least 0.5–1%.

Moreover, about 90% of the reserves of this metal on earth are found in ores containing not only copper, but also other metals (for example, nickel).

Large-scale copper mining in Russia is carried out in Eastern Siberia, in the Urals and the Kola Peninsula. The largest deposits of this metal are present in Chile (according to experts, about 190 million tons). Other countries engaged in the development of such ores include the USA, Zambia, Kazakhstan, Poland, Canada, Zaire, Armenia, Congo, Peru, and Uzbekistan. In total, the planet's total reserves of copper in explored deposits are approximately 680 million tons.

All copper deposits are usually divided into six genetic groups and nine industrial geological types:

  • stratiform group (copper shales and sandstones);
  • pyrite (native copper, vein and copper-pyrite type);
  • hydrothermal (porphyry copper ores);
  • igneous (copper-nickel ore);
  • skarn;
  • carbonate (iron-copper and carbonatite type).

In our country, the main extraction of copper is carried out on cuprous shales and sandstones, from copper pyrites, copper-nickel and porphyry copper ores.


In nature, copper is quite rare in its native form. Most often, it “hides” in various connections. The most famous of them are the following:


Other copper minerals are much less common, among which are the following:


This metal, whose characteristics (for example, high ) have led to its wide demand) is obtained from the minerals and ores described by us in three ways - hydrometallurgical, pyrometallurgical and electrolysis. The most common is pyrometallurgical technology, which uses the mineral chalcopyrite as a feedstock. General scheme The pyrometallurgical process includes several operations. The first of them is the enrichment of copper ore by oxidative roasting or flotation.

The flotation method is based on the difference in wettable gangue and copper-containing particles. Due to this, some mineral elements adhere (selectively) to the air bubbles and are transported to the surface by them. This simple technology makes it possible to obtain a powdered concentrate, in which the copper content varies from 10 to 35 percent.

Oxidative roasting (not to be confused with) is more often used when the initial raw material contains sulfur in large quantities. In this case, the ore is heated to a temperature of 700–800 degrees, which leads to the oxidation of sulfides and a halving of the sulfur content. After this, smelting is performed for matte (an alloy with iron and copper sulfides, produced in reverberatory or shaft furnaces) at a temperature of 1450 degrees.

The copper matte, which is obtained after all these operations, is blown in horizontal converters without supplying additional fuel ( chemical reactions provide the heat necessary for the process) with side blast for the oxidation of iron and sulfides. The resulting sulfur is converted into SO2, and the oxides into slag.

As a result, what comes out of the converter is so-called black copper, in which the metal content is approximately 91%. Subsequently, it is purified using fire refining (removing unnecessary impurities) and an acidified solution of vitriol (copper). This cleaning is called electrolytic, after which the copper content reaches 99.9%.

In the hydrometallurgical method of copper production, it is obtained by leaching the metal with sulfuric acid (a very weak solution) and isolating copper and other copper from the resulting solution. precious metals. This technique is recommended for working with low-grade ores.

Arathi Highlands, Thousand Needles;

  • From 175 to 245 - Hinterlands, Tanaris;
  • From 245 to 300 - Wintersprings, Eastern Plaguelands;
  • From 300 to 325 - Hellfire Peninsula;
  • From 325 to 350 - Nagrand;
  • From 350 to 400 - Borean tundra;
  • From 400 to 450 - Sholazar Lowland.
  • From 1 to 65

    This is a very, very tedious stage in leveling up Mining, because there are extremely few Tin veins.

    Upon reaching skill level 75, smelt all ore into ingots, and then all [Tin Ingots] And [Copper Ingots] V [Bronze Ingots]. Your skill should increase to level 90-95.

    At skill level 75 you will learn how to smelt [Silver Ore] into ingots - this will help you reach skill level 125: buy Silver Ore at the auction, smelt it and sell it in ingots. If the ore on your server is too expensive, then keep mining [Tin Ore] and create [Bronze Ingots] up to skill level 125. If you find Silver Ore, then it is advisable to smelt the mined ore immediately, since it is better to do this before the skill of smelting silver ore into an ingot turns green (at skill level 122).

    [Tin], [Silver] And [Copper] You can mine ores in these locations:

    From 125 to 175

    At skill level 155 you will be able to smelt Gold Ore into bars. At the auction, buy 30 ore and smelt it - in the end, you should get about 175 skill level. [Gold bars] can be sold at auction. If the gold ore on the server is cheap, then there is a good chance to earn a little extra money.

    Collect [Iron Ore], [Tin Ore] And [Gold Ore] in the following locations:

    Arathi Highlands Thousand Needles

    From 175 to 245

    Once you reach skill level 200, visit a trainer and learn to become a Craftsman.

    At skill level 230 you will learn how to turn truesilver ore into ingots - a true ability that will help you reach skill level 245.

    [Mithril Ore] And [True Silver Ore] convenient to collect in these areas:

    From 245 to 300

    This stage is the most difficult - thorium veins are quite rare, and there are quite a lot of miners on them.

    Gain 5 skill levels by mining ore from Small Thorium Veins, then visit a trainer and learn how to smelt thorium ore into ingots. The fastest way to level up your skill level to 270 is by smelting - buy about 50 ore and smelt it into ingots (ingots can be sold at auction at a price that is often comparable to ore prices). If you haven't already [Enchant Gloves - Mining II], then now is the time to do this, because the ability to work with rich thorium veins is just 5 skill levels away.

    For characters above level 65, it is recommended to pretend to be miners in Wintersprings, otherwise the best place to level up will be the Eastern Plaguelands. Silithus is, by and large, a backup option. If Winterspring and the Eastern Plaguelands are all dug up or ganked, then welcome to Silithus.

    fight for [Thorium Ore] Here:

    Eastern Plaguelands

    This Mining guide provides general advice on how to quickly level up your profession to the maximum. It is worth considering that the guide only indicates what kind of ore to dig and where it is most often found. You will have to choose routes around locations yourself - it is not difficult, plus it can help you complete the Explorer achievement.

    Mining 1 - 65
    Collect: Copper Ore (Copper Vein)
    In the beginning, as usual, everything is simple. We upgrade the profession to about 50 in gathering, after which we smelt the ore into Copper Ingots. Copper veins are found everywhere in the starting locations.

    * at skill level 50 go to the trainer and learn Mining (Journeyman)

    Mining 66 - 125
    Collect: Tin Ore (Tin Vein), Silver Ore (Silver Vein), Ognevit Ore (Aromatite Vein), Low-grade Bloody Ore (Small Bloodstone Deposit)
    This part is probably because the initial one was simple, on the contrary, complex, necessary ore is found less often. Regardless of the faction, the most simple option looks like a trip to the Bolotina region, there, in Telgen's Cave (next to the entrance to Dun Algaz) there are huge deposits of Ognevit ore. The ore is a quest item, but it allows you to raise the skill without any problems. In addition, the time for the appearance of veins is quite short.
    An alternative option would be Poor Blood Ore, which is mined in the Arathi Highlands. A small deposit of bloodstone is found only in a cave with kobolds, not far from the Horde settlement of Hammerfall.

    * at skill level 125 go to the trainer and learn Mining (Craftsman)

    Mining 126 - 175
    We collect: Iron ore(Iron Deposits) and Gold Ore (Gold Mine)
    Both of these minerals are common in the Arathi Highlands, especially if you drive around the edges of the map. In addition to this location, you can turn your attention to Thousand Needles, the north of Stranglethorn Vale and the Badlands. We recommend Arathi Highlands, but to each his own.

    Mining 176 - 250

    Collect: Mithril Ore (Mithril Deposits) and True Silver Ore (True Silver Deposits)
    The ideal option for collecting these ores is the Inner Earths. Since ancient times, Tanaris has been considered the rich Mithril region, where, by the way, there are Deposits of true silver. Mithril is found in large quantities in the Badlands, but it is far away. The choice, as always, is yours.

    * at skill level 200 go to the trainer and learn Mining (Artisanship)

    Mining 251 - 300
    Collect: Thorium Ore (Small Thorium Vein, Rich Thorium Vein)
    First, you should visit the Un'Goro Crater and rummage there until the skill level reaches 275, after which you can safely go to Winter Springs and finish the profession up to 300 there. However, you can start right away in Winter Springs, but drive past Rich Thorium Veins without the possibility of them It will be very difficult to dig out.

    * at skill level 275 go to the trainer and learn Mining (Master)

    Mining 300 - 325
    Collect: Fel Iron (Fel Iron Deposit)
    It is found throughout Outland, but it is easier to dig it in Hellfire Peninsula, Zangarmarsh or Terrorcare Forest. There are no specific routes, especially for people with land mounts - where we see, we dig.

    Mining 325-375
    Collect: Adamantite Ore (Adamantite Deposits, Rich Adamantite Deposits), Fel Iron (Fel Iron Deposit), Khorium Ore (Khorium Vein)
    Many people think that the best place to dig for Adamantite Ore is Nagrand. I won’t argue, that’s the way it is. However, before raising your skill level to 350, I would advise going to the Netherstorm (Fel Iron and Adamantite are often found), and after 350 to Nagrand, although you can stay in the Netherstorm. The choice is yours - in terms of the total number of deposits that appear, Nagrand is the leader; on the other hand, there are fewer competitors in the Netherstorm, so if you're lucky, you'll save about thirty minutes.

    * at skill level 350 go to the trainer and learn Mining (Grand Master)

    Mining 375-400
    Collect: Cobalt Ore (Cobalt Deposits, Rich Cobalt Deposits)
    We collect ore starting from the WotLK starting zones - Borean Tundra and Howling Fjord and ending with Zul'Drak (the richest location in the Cobalt Deposits in the game). As you level up your character, you can easily level up your profession to 400. If you are level 80 and are leveling up from scratch - your choice: 260% mount and Zul'Drak.

    Mining 400-450
    Collect: Saronite Ore (Saronite Deposit, Rich Saronite Deposit)
    I won’t reveal a secret if I say - the best place for searching for Saronite deposits - Sholozar Lowland. A bunch of competitors, fights for the right to dig up the next portion of ore and running around from the cemetery in this location is a familiar and everyday thing. However, there is so much ore that there is still enough for everyone. An hour's work at most, regardless of whether you have a flying mount or not.
