Human levitation training. How to learn the levitation of objects? How to levitate small objects

Levitation is the ability to soar in the air, overcoming the force of gravity of the Earth, without using any devices for this and not repelling from the air, like a bird or an insect. The ability to levitate without forces compensating for gravity is completely and categorically denied by modern science. But it should be noted that scientists are still unable to explain many phenomena. For example, the phenomenon is still considered a version that it is rather a hallucination than real a natural phenomenon. But this is also levitation.

It is difficult to admit the idea of ​​the possibility of flights

It is hard for representatives of science to admit that there are things that they still do not understand. It is easier to assume that numerous witnesses of levitation were subjected to hypnosis, and did not see it with their own eyes. How to learn levitation? This question torments many mediums, magicians and parapsychologists. This ability serves as proof of the supernatural. The phenomenon itself has a magical or divine nature. Both in Christianity and in many Eastern religions, levitation is referred to as a sign of God, his appearance on earth. If a mere mortal, not distinguished by holiness, hovers, then the church believes that this is a sign of demonic possession.

First flights

The first human levitation was recorded in Europe in 1565. Then a Carmelite nun, canonized as a saint, flew. This was seen by another 230 monks. The flight did not surprise them at all, since Teresa was a saint. The famous Italian Joseph Deza also soared. He succeeded in levitation only in a state of religious ecstasy. So that flights would not confuse the minds of believers, he was exiled to a monastery, where he died.

Among the Russian levitants, the most famous is Seraphim of Sarov, Archbishop of Novgorod and Pskov. In the 60s of the 19th century, the famous medium Home demonstrated the miracle of levitation. He was excommunicated because he was not a saint, so he had no right to practice levitation. Home took students who wanted to learn how to learn levitation. Unlike many predecessors and followers, he could not be caught by the hand and convicted of using some kind of hidden mechanisms for soaring in the air. To this day, records have survived only of those soaring who were blessed by the church (not counting Home). And how many sorcerers there were, it is impossible to count.

The question of flights affects a variety of practices

Deals with issues of yoga levitation, a set of ancient mental and physical practices. The Indian Vedas contain instructions on how to learn levitation. The problem is that no one can translate this instruction from Sanskrit. No one really knows this language. And in such practices, the distortion of the original meaning is unacceptable. Moreover, for the ancient Indian sages, the state of levitation is not a trick for the audience, but simply a convenient position for self-contemplation. Just as a matter of course.

In Tibet, the founders of the practice of levitation were the monks of the Shaolin monastery. They have mastered the art of controlling the energy of the body. What can we say about the Buddha. He hung in the air for hours. In India and Tibet, this skill has come down to our days. Buddhists believe that the knowledge of how to learn levitation is available only to very highly developed spiritual people. This is the level of monks, for whom time, distance, no longer matter. They don't even need to eat or drink. How many years it takes to master the skill, the Tibetan sages do not answer, because, according to their worldview, a person lives forever, one life ends and another begins. Life is such a small thing compared to comprehension great Mystery about the structure of the world.

Illusionists love to surprise people with their flights.

Human levitation is a favorite topic of all known to the world magicians. In 2010, Chile celebrated the 200th anniversary of the country. Chilean illusionists, the twins Nicolas Luisetti and John Paul Alberry, hovered above the ground for almost 7 hours, or rather 200 minutes. Traffic on the streets of the capital was paralyzed. Thousands of people watched this magnificent show, but no one was able to solve the trick.

In 2011, the British magician walked along the Thames right in front of the House of Commons. With his trick, he reproduced a famous episode from the Bible. A very dubious act from the point of view of the feelings of believers. In 2009, a graduate of the local school of fine arts, Claudia Pacheco, or, as she calls herself, Princess Inca, hung over the central square of the capital of Peru - Lima. Quite often, the Zambian magician Kalas Sviba demonstrates a trick with levitation. Moreover, he already knows how to hover well, but so far he is not very good at flying. That's why he's a regular customer. medical clinics. Often goes there with fractures or bruises.

Why can flights be dreamed of?

Our distant ancestors believed that if a person dreams of floating in the air, it means that he is growing. Such a dream is often seen by children. If an adult dreams of flying, then spiritual, creative, inner enlightenment awaits him. According to another version, such a dream means a desire to escape from pressing problems. If the flight is a dream healthy person, then he will live happily ever after, and if he is sick, he will soon leave this world. Soaring up predicts career success, down - vice versa. A flight paired with a representative of the opposite sex is a new bright love relationship.

Is levitation possible?

Learning to soar is gaining great popularity in modern conditions. In our country, like mushrooms after rain, the so-called schools of magic appear. They promise, among other things, to teach levitation. Maybe they will teach. In any case, they won't do much harm. It has also become fashionable to go to Tibet or travel around India for Knowledge. They live in Indian ashrams for months, learn to meditate, improve themselves spiritually and physically, comprehend

Flight training

Levitation will need to be carried out with the help of conscious control of the energies that are in the body. In order to learn levitation, you need to completely relax, while closing your eyes. You have to concentrate, stand up straight. All attention should be directed to the legs. You should feel the weight of the body as strongly as possible and only after that try to lighten it.

At that moment, when you already begin to feel completely light, you need to create a feeling as if they are laying under your feet, which gradually begins to rise up with you. In order to move in different directions, you just need to imagine the pressure. For example, to fly forward, you need to feel that someone or something is pushing you in the back. A similar levitation technique, if it does not teach you to soar for enough short period time, it will definitely allow you to fully relax after a hard day's work.

All tests can be started on the scales to see with your own eyes how the body weight decreases.


Man has always been attracted to the sky. And he is trying to understand the secret of levitation, to learn how to walk on water. No one will ever know what is the trick and what is really. Unless scientists find an explanation for the phenomenon called levitation.

Levitation of objects is one of the most exciting and interesting views tricks. Nowadays, many illusionists can demonstrate such tricks to the public.

The principle of levitation of objects is to find or move them in the air without visible support. This is an optical illusion that viewers experience.

How to learn the levitation of objects - the main secret

Before showing such tricks, they should be carefully rehearsed. It is recommended to do this in front of a mirror or shoot everything on video in order to see what is happening from the side and correct the shortcomings.

Spectators must watch the process, being a few meters from the stage.

Do not start your program with too complex numbers. The audience should be allowed to feel the spirit of magic and sorcery. Success largely depends on how beautiful and mysterious the actions will look.

How to levitate small objects?

Consider, for example, the paper clip levitation trick. For this you need:

  • clip;
  • thread;
  • salt;
  • water.

First you need to dilute the saline solution in a glass in a ratio of two to one. Then you need to take an ordinary thread about 40 cm long and leave it in this solution for a day.

After the thread has been sufficiently soaked, it must be hung by the tip so that it hangs in a level position. After waiting for complete drying, you can begin to demonstrate the wonders of levitation.

To do this, you need to tie one end of the thread to a paper clip, and the other to your finger. Instead of a paper clip, you can take another non-combustible object, but the main thing is to calculate its weight. Show the audience that you are using regular thread and a paperclip. After the thread has stopped swinging, you need to set it on fire. After combustion, invisible salt crystals remain, which help to keep the object in weight.

In order to understand how to learn the levitation of objects, it is not necessary have some supernatural powers. It is enough to have desire, patience and willpower.

Levitation in a dream

Each of us has experienced a wonderful feeling when he levitates in a dream - a feeling of lightness, hovering above the ground or taking off after a run. To see such dreams is a great joy. After all, after them, a person easily awakens, feels inspired and upbeat.

The main interpretation of levitation in a dream is that the person who sees this dream is growing. This means not only physical growth, but also spiritual growth.

It is generally accepted that the phenomenon of levitation came to us from Tibet. In the East, concepts such as telepathy, clairvoyance or levitation are very common and generally recognized. Real miracles are demonstrated by Tibetan monks who are able to walk on hot coals and not feel pain. There are many cases when people with the wisdom of the East could run without practically touching the ground with their feet. Can this be called levitation?

What is levitation

According to conventional wisdom, levitation is the ability of a person to fly. You can also designate this phenomenon as the ability to influence the forces of gravity and attraction by willpower. Very often, the phenomenon of levitation is associated with the ultra-lightness of a person. For example, there is such a case when, in order to learn how to fly, Tibetan monks walled up a wishing person in a wall for three days, where, according to legend, he had to comprehend the secret knowledge of levitation.

Also, another case is known, according to which, in order to learn how to fly, Tibetan monks conducted the following experiment. Two chairs were placed opposite each other at a distance of about one meter. On them lay a long sheet of the thinnest papyrus paper. Then two monks sat on the chairs, who, with their weight, had to hold the sheet in a taut state between the chairs. A person who expressed a desire to comprehend levitation had to pass over this paper bridge without damaging it.

How can a person learn to fly

Scientists are of the opinion that levitation can be explained with scientific point vision. According to the opinion of enlightened minds, it is quite possible to learn to fly if you change the human energy field. To do this, you need to increase your own energy background, which will allow you to create an additional aura around you, which will be in interaction with the planet, not obeying the law of gravity. According to this opinion, the stronger the second biofield of a person, the easier it will be for him to learn to fly. There are many cases when sorcerers and psychics resorted to the help of special rituals and chants, introducing themselves into a state of trance, which allowed them to levitate.

But astrologers think differently about the phenomenon of levitation. In their opinion, it will be possible for a person to learn to fly only if he allows his spirituality. Very important fact is what the person believes. Astrologers believe that any person includes two opposite principles: spiritual and material. If he allows the material side to dominate in his own life, then the concept of levitation will remain incomprehensible to him.

Why is levitation dangerous?

It is difficult to argue with the fact that levitation by its nature is a very, very mysterious phenomenon. Many believe that a person can only levitate while in a state of altered consciousness. In order to learn how to fly, you first need to enter a state of deep trance and master new breathing techniques and concentration of strength and attention.

In addition, it is impossible not to notice that levitation is also very dangerous. Many scientists talk about such a phenomenon as spontaneous combustion, when a person concentrates too much a large number of current, as a result of which the body may simply not withstand such a load. We wish you good health and do not forget to press the buttons and

28.03.2014 10:07

We are all different. We have a different worldview personal qualities and lifestyle. Besides, ...

If you want to master the basics of telepathy and learn how to read a person's thoughts even at a distance, then...

You have probably heard stories more than once where people can, without any aircraft take to the air? These stories are true. It's really possible. And anyone can do it. You just need to know how.
Those. there are certain techniques by which you learn to get out of the influence of the force that scientists call "gravity". At the same time, if you study the scientific works on gravity, you will find that scientists still do not know the answer to the question of what it is. Those. there is a certain theory that is adhered to. But this is just a theory. Therefore, when people appear who simply take and rise above the ground, even if only by a few centimeters, then this is called anything, but not a fact.

Indeed, it is easier to call it a trick or, at worst, a hallucination than to admit the fact that scientists still do not know the fundamental laws. Or even worse - stubbornly adhere to false ones.
People can fly. It is a fact. There are many practices for this in closed Schools ( And knowledge about gravity, about "scientific" gravity requires the deepest revision and rethinking.
In the meantime, I can say that our body is far from what we used to think about it. If you want - our body is a perfect space "ship" where we are as pilots. I want to emphasize - perfect. His abilities are incredible. Of course, the word "ship" is in quotation marks, because. it is far more functional device.
Usually people think of flight always as something that has some kind of propellers, engines, etc. Those. imagine technologies of multi-million evolution, where someone can fly using completely different methods, ordinary people difficult. But our body is exactly like that - it can fly using such incredible (already invested in it) technologies.
One of the mysteries lies in the brain. Usually Yogis repeat a certain mantra to turn off the center of gravity in the cerebral cortex. The mantra is repeated many times with a certain concentration.
But the mantra is just a helper. This is achieved without it.
In other words, our brain is a control panel. Now we use it in the same way as monkeys use the most complex computer.
I hope to tell you more about this in the future. And I will also give a technique that anyone can use to make sure from their own experience that they can fly.

© Sergey Veretennikov (your yoga site)

Every person at least once in his life dreamed of learning to fly like a bird, or soar in the air above the ground, this term was called "levitation". It is believed that only selected people have this talent; in ancient times they were called saints or sorcerers. Modern researchers believe that learning this technique is real, but requires a lot of patience.

What is levitation?

Scientists give an exact formulation of what levitation is. This is the ability to stay in the air, overcoming gravity, without any devices. Several meanings of the word have been formulated, levitation is:

  1. Antigravity.
  2. The phenomenon when a body hangs in the air without support.
  3. The ability of a person to become weightless.
  4. The excess of the human energy field over the field of the planet.

Levitation - is it a myth or reality?

For more than a decade, the ability to soar above the ground was considered a quackery or trick, because people who had a true gift did not advertise themselves. The reason for this is weighty: if such an individual was not canonized, then they were declared possessed evil spirit. In search of an answer to the question of whether levitation is possible, modern scientists have gone experimentally. They managed to determine that the essence is in the Meissner effect, which is based on superconductivity.

The human biofield is constantly in contact with energy fields Earth, moreover, the force of gravity prevails. It has been experimentally proved that the point where the force of gravity is compared with the pushing force is half a meter from the ground, and yogis and fakirs hang at such a distance. A person can stay in the air if:

  • redirect the energy charge of the body so as to overcome the attraction.
  • neutralizes its own weight;
  • goes into the anti-weight state.

Levitation in a dream

Each person flew in a dream, more often it happens in childhood, but when scientists began to investigate this phenomenon, very interesting facts turned out:

  1. The feeling of flying is extremely real.
  2. Pictures seen in flight are easily remembered in reality.

This gave reason to assume that the gift of flying is inherent in a person with a gene code. The skill turns on when falling asleep, during the transition the body goes into weightlessness. The levitation technique is complex, they have been trained for years, but you can make sure that the sensation of soaring is familiar to the body in a simple way:

  1. Become even, concentrate, feel the weight of the body.
  2. Try to reduce this weight mentally.
  3. When the body becomes light, imagine under your feet a layer of elastic air that lifts you up.

Yogi Levitation

The most famous masters of levitation are yogis, on the streets of India you can often see a fakir hanging in the air. Many consider it tricks, but in vain. In the ancient Indian Vedas, scientists managed to find instructions on how to learn levitation, but so far no one has been able to translate it from Sanskrit. In Hinduism, it is believed that a person who has achieved top level consciousness and became a siddha, able to levitate through "siddhu laghima" - lightness.

Levitation - how to learn?

How to learn to levitate? This question is asked by many esotericists and. Special techniques have been developed, but it takes a long time to master them. It is advised to start by bringing parts of your body into weightlessness, you need to do this exercise in turn, starting with the arms and legs:

  1. Choose a comfortable room, turn on relaxing music.
  2. Sit at the table, put your hand on the lid. Relax, don't think about anything. Breathe slowly and deeply.
  3. Concentrate on the hand. See the flow of heat that passes through it.
  4. Tighten the body and mentally feel the skin, muscles, feel how blood flows through the veins.
  5. When the arm becomes heavy, imagine that it begins to lose weight. Do this until the hand is no longer felt.
  6. Mentally put an air cushion under your arm, which will lift it up.
  7. Return to the previous state.

Levitation - exercises

The second stage of the practice was called "Road to Heaven". But main secret levitation is that faith in one's capabilities is boundless. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Choose an unpopulated road. Walk calmly, without rushing. Mentally step back from reality, focus only on movement.
  2. Imagine walking in an ocean of energy, it is identical to taking waist-deep steps in water.
  3. Feel the energy rising up, around and within the body.
  4. Imagine that the road goes to infinity. At the same time, it is raised by 15-20 degrees from the surface of the earth.
  5. Feel the lift as you move up this road using energy.
  6. Concentrate on the sensations, remember them.
  7. Walk in this way for at least an hour.
  8. After the walk, meditate by applying the methods mentally.

How to make light objects levitate?

For experienced fakirs, the levitation of small objects is a common thing. And it is extremely difficult for an ordinary person to learn this, unless he has supernatural abilities. But there is one little trick that will surprise and entertain friends. For this you will need:

  • clip;
  • thread;
  • salt;
  • water.

The focus is very easy to perform, you just need to strictly follow all the recommendations:

  1. Dilute a very strong saline solution, pour salt until it ceases to dissolve.
  2. Cut a piece of thread up to 40 centimeters long. Soak in the solution for a day.
  3. Dry in expanded form, the thread should be perfectly even and straight.
  4. Wrap the thread around a paper clip or other light object. Holding it on weight, set fire to the thread. The bottom line is that invisible salt crystals will hold the paper clip in the air, and it will seem that it is hanging in the air. The main thing is not to pull hard on the thread after it has burned out.