Why Queen Elizabeth doesn't like Kate Middleton. How good is the relationship between the Queen and Kate Middleton? Children were involved in her sister's marriage

The queen took a dislike to Diana immediately after her engagement to Charles, considering her a commoner and a cunning hypocrite. Queen Elizabeth could not come to terms with Diana even when she became a princess. The queen disliked Dee for her spontaneity and her unwillingness to put up with her position in the palace when Diana filed for divorce because of Charles's infidelity and indifference.

Refused to declare mourning for Diana

The queen remained cold even to the fact of Diana's death in a car accident. Elizabeth was against the declaration of national mourning, insisting that Lady Diana no longer belonged to the royal family at the time of her death. Ignoring Diana's death sparked popular anger. A crowd of people wishing to say goodbye to their favorite for several days kept the defense near Buckingham Palace, and the refusal to lower the flags at Buckingham Palace (as they do in mourning for royal persons) temporarily undermined the authority of the queen among her subjects.


Refuses to return the title of the deceased

Princes Harry and William insist that Elizabeth restore royal title their mothers, because before the divorce from Charles, it was customary for a woman to be called Her Highness. But Elizabeth's dislike for the deceased daughter-in-law is still so strong that she refuses her grandchildren.

Scolded Harry for his beard

Parties, dubious connections, alcoholic sprees - the bully Harry often provoked the fire of the royal house. But even having corrected himself, the red-haired prince continues to incur the wrath of his stiff relatives. Strip billiards and rivers of champagne were in Harry's past, but the strict queen still found something to complain about. Two years ago, she scolded her grandson ... for his beard! Elizabeth II believes that facial hair men are appropriate only when traveling around the world or during army service. While in the palace, all male members of the royal family must be clean-shaven.

Reprimanded William for the songs

Unlike his younger brother, Prince William was not involved in any scandals, so it’s hard to imagine what claims the queen might have against the heir to the throne, the father of two children. Nevertheless, there was a reason: three years ago, Elizabeth II summoned William to her and expressed dissatisfaction with his behavior.

The fact is that during a charity evening at Kensington Palace, hosted by William, he, along with musicians Jon Bon Jovi and Taylor Swift, performed the song Livin "on a Prayer in front of the guests. This is exactly what the queen did not like, who said that this was inappropriate behavior for the future king, and expressed the hope that he would no longer arrange such "performances." In response, the prince objected to Elizabeth II and said that he wanted to be in the eyes of people not only a member of the royal family, but also a real person.

Was against the marriage of Prince William with the commoner Kate Middleton

Kate cannot be called a girl from the people: after all, her parents are wealthy entrepreneurs, and she studied at the private Marlborough College and at the prestigious St. Andrews University, where she met William, the eldest son of Charles, Prince of Wales. However, Katherine's pedigree only lists people from the working class.

Despite the protests of Queen Elizabeth II, William's grandmother, who did not want to put up with the origin of Middleton, the prince married his beloved after 9 years of romance.

Makes remarks to Kate Middleton about inexpensive outfits and jewelry

Relations between the Queen and the Duchess are many times warmer than between Elizabeth and Diana, however, Kat is regularly called “on the carpet” to her mother-in-law. Kate has repeatedly admitted that she saves on shopping and allows herself to repeat herself in outfits or buy a dress for little money. According to the ruling queen, this is unacceptable for the wife of the future king. Elizabeth is unhappy that Kate neglects jewelry and often looks too simple. The queen is especially annoyed by the duchess's skirts that are too short, in her opinion, and ... wedge shoes! Elizabeth considers this model ridiculous and urges (and in the case of the queen this wording does not imply objections) to abandon such shoes.

Forbade the duchess from dancing at the pole

Prince William's wife began taking pole dancing lessons 10 years ago and continued training until 2007. The future duchess even attracted her friends to the classes. When Kate Middleton began to be recognized on the street, she came to class in a headscarf for the purpose of conspiracy.

Prince William was not against pole dancing, but Elizabeth, having heard about her daughter-in-law's hobby, immediately forbade Kate to approach the dance studio!

Something is rotten again in the kingdom, according to the British media. Over the past month, more and more materials began to appear on the network informing about the discord in the royal family: in July, the publications talked about between the wife of Prince Charles and Elizabeth II, and the other day about the quarrel between the queen and the wife of Prince William and himself. According to the press, feuds can affect the fate of the crown, namely, the order of succession to the throne.

It is alleged that both royal daughters-in-law, Camilla Parker-Bowles and Kate Middleton, fell into disgrace. This is a worrying sign, readers who follow the life of the royal family say and see parallels in the three-way conflict with the fate of Princess Diana. In addition, now it becomes completely unclear who Elizabeth will consider a worthy successor - the younger William or Charles, who has been waiting for his turn for so long?

"Normal life away from the royal court"

32-year-old William, second in line for british throne, and his wife, 31-year-old Kate Middleton, longed for a "normal life". This, according to the British media, is exactly what Middleton recently said to the 88-year-old queen. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are tired of pompous housing, strict protocols and want to live like an ordinary young family: move out of town with their one-year-old son George, communicate with other parents, wear ordinary clothes. The couple decided to move out of Kensington Palace, their dream is a more modest estate in Norfolk County. The press claims that the initiative to move came from Middleton, but William supported it.

Kate had had small skirmishes with her husband's grandmother before: for example, last year the queen urged the girl to cut down on huge expenses on fashionable clothes and maintaining beauty, as well as changing the wardrobe in the direction of more conservatism. The old woman even offered to personally style her granddaughter-in-law. It’s easy to imagine Kate’s reaction, but William then withdrew from the conflict, deciding that the ladies would somehow figure it out themselves.

However, the queen continued to educate her grandson and his wife, giving advice and expressing her own opinion on the smallest details of the life of a young family. William had to decide which side he was on. When the young man made up his mind, the grandmother's anger fell on him.

The head of the family is furious

The life of the royal court is deeply private, and the press writing about the life of the monarchs has to be content with news from "anonymous sources" and their own informants surrounded by the Windsors. The latter told the weekly Life & Style that after a quarrel with Kate, the elderly crowned lady is furious and is already hatching some plans for revenge. The courtiers, according to the "sources" cited by the media, are confident that the confrontation risks "turning into something grandiose." "War with the Queen - Kate packed up and leaves," writes the magazine, luring readers: "How will Elizabeth punish her?".

The crown will go to the one who behaved well?

In fact, you don't have to buy a tabloid to guess what the Queen will do if the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge really decide to confront each other. Earlier, Elizabeth II thought about making William her heir - bypassing Charles, who had been patiently waiting for his rightful turn for a long time. Latest events may well force the offended royal person to abandon this idea.

However, here's the misfortune, shortly before the quarrel with Kate and William, the queen had a conflict with another daughter-in-law. In July, The Globe reported that everything was very bad between Camilla and Charles and the couple was thinking of getting a divorce. Journalists then wrote that, after informing Elizabeth of her plans to part with her husband, Camilla demanded 200 million pounds of “compensation” from the queen.

It turns out that the queen no longer has a pet - except to entrust the throne to the merry Harry, younger brother William, or wait until little George grows up. By the way, the latter is not so unrealistic: Elizabeth is distinguished by good Saxon health, and she has a wonderful heredity - Queen Mother Elizabeth died in 2002 at the age of 102 years.

And those who misbehaved...

Reading materials on discord in a noble family, the audience jokes gloomily that it makes sense for Camille and Kate to be more polite with the queen and, just in case, not to drive through the tunnels at high speeds.

In the last century, Elizabeth disliked Princess Diana in the same way. Not that the stories were very similar, but who knows, this British grandmother? ..

Kate Middleton, 36, and 37, are both duchesses of Great Britain. Former actress became the Duchess of Sussex, and the "simple" - the Duchess of Cambridge. Both are related to their grandmother Queen Elizabeth II, but are they really close?

Relations of Elizabeth II with daughters-in-law

An insider close to the royal family told InTouc that the Queen is "trying not to pick her favorites." However, if we compare how both girls entered the royal family, then it becomes clear that Megan was made, and not alone.

Catherine Middleton had to wait almost ten years to marry the prince and sit at the same table with Her Majesty at Christmas. It took the American actress only six months. In early 2017, she started a relationship with Harry, and in December she was invited to Sandringham, where the Queen celebrates New Year's holidays every year.

It is interesting that Katherine did not want to see in the ranks of royal persons because of her relatives, and in the case of Megan, her eyes were closed to many things - she is an American, a divorcee, dark-skinned, and even older than Prince Harry for three years.

In any case, apparently, the queen has a good relationship with the beauty. When the couple made their first public appearance together, they "talked about everything from how Meghan is adapting to royal life to charitable plans.

Just a month after the wedding, Elizabeth II and Meghan went to an event in Cheshire. Kate, on the other hand, took a whole year to go out with the queen for the first time.

As soon as the star moved into Kensington Palace, many were worried about the question of how they add up. A body language expert answered this question, noting that there was an absolute understanding between the monarch and the Force Majeure star. The actress shows love for the queen, who she likes a lot.

Rumor has it that the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, quarreled with her husband William's grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II.

As you know, quarrels are not endured from the hut, and therefore it is foolish to expect any explanations from the members of the royal family in this regard. Well, then a journalistic investigation will be launched, which will shed light on what happened.

1. Kate wears wedges.

What doesn't the queen like? That's right, wedge shoes. “When did members of the royal family wear sandals with such disgusting soles?” Elizabeth II probably thought when she first saw the duchess in such a modern outfit. You have to give credit to Kate. She definitely knows that Her Majesty does not like this, but still repeatedly appears in public in such shoes.

2. Nude photos of the duchess, published in the French magazine Closer.

It is no secret that in 2012, a photo of Her Highness appeared in a popular French gloss, who was vacationing topless in the south of France. Undoubtedly, it is right that the royal couple sued the unfortunate paparazzi, who like to stick their nose where they don’t get. But the queen is clearly not happy that Kate even dared to undress on vacation.

By the way, it is not out of place to note that this fall, the French court ordered Closer magazine to pay 100,000 euros to the royal family as compensation for moral damage.

3. Kate doesn't take care of her hair.

Rumor has it that one day the queen asked the wife of her grandson to cut her curls. Why? It turns out that she was not happy with the fact that Kate rarely collects them in neat bunches and, as a result, with long hair the duchess is often played by the wind. Although now Kate Middleton, who does not like to experiment with her appearance (or is forbidden to do so), came out with a long bob haircut. By the way, this is one of the top hairstyles among Hollywood beauties.

4. She doesn't have a job.

Insiders claim that the queen often showed her dissatisfaction with the fact that Kate had not bothered to build a career before her marriage. Hmmmm .. I wonder which duchess managed to do this at all?

5. The Queen is furious with the length of the Duchess's skirts and dresses.

Although any modern fashionista will say that this is not yet a mini length, and in such bows Kate looks even more stylish and feminine, but no, after all, Elizabeth II has a huge influence on the royal family. Now all dresses, skirts Kate only middle length, which either touches the knees, or completely covers them.

6. Kate spends a lot of money.

Here, of course, not only Elizabeth II is outraged, but also the conservative British. For example, not so long ago, Kate called herself a helicopter, in which the flight alone cost her $4,100. And the queen always travels in second-class carriages, the ticket in which costs no more than $74. When information about the Duchess's antics was leaked to the press, the indignation of the taxpayers knew no bounds. The press service of the royal house immediately provided an explanation: “According to the protocol, a member of the ruling family has the opportunity to use such VIP transport, but in the event that he has an important protocol event planned, which requires the royal person to arrive at the place in a matter of minutes.”

7. The Duchess got her sister a job.

The royal family suspects that Kate Middleton's sister, Pippa, was hired as a correspondent for a local newspaper in 2013 thanks to the recommendations of the Duchess.

8. Kate Middleton shirks her royal duties.

Elizabeth II believes that the girl devotes a lot of time to her family, but not to work. Even if she does not feel well, in the opinion of Her Majesty, the Duchess in without fail should attend all social receptions, charity events, and at the same time do not forget to smile.

9. She doesn't know how to raise children.

Probably, all grandmothers think that these young people can't do anything. So, the queen terribly did not like that Kate neglects many rules. For example, the Duchess of Cambridge sent her son, Prince George, to a regular school, and did not choose traditional home schooling for him.

10. She visited the Downton Abbey set!

Turns out it's one of Kate's favorite shows. In addition, the girl decided not only to look at the process of filming the cult British series from the inside, but also to congratulate the actors on the presentation of prestigious awards: Emmy and Golden Globe. True, the queen did not approve of the act of the duchess.

11. And in general, she took her grandson from her!

Well, what grandmother will not be angry at her grandson's wife, realizing that he has long grown up and most spends time with his family.

12. Kate and her husband attended the Wimbledon final.

In addition, the game was attended by such celebrities as: Irina Shayk, Bradley Cooper, Benedict Cumberbatch with his wife Sophie Hunter, Pippa and James Middleton, Jude Law, Heidi Klum with fiance Vito Schnabel. And the queen did not like that the duchess decided to go to such a not entirely noble event.

13. She took the children to her sister Pippa's wedding.

As you know, George and Charlotte were the most charming guests at the wedding ceremony of Pippa Middleton and businessman James Matthews. However, the Queen insisted that her great-grandchildren not attend the event. Firstly, Her Majesty did not like that her heirs would “light up” at such a bright event, and, secondly, she did not want future king(baby George) was captured on the same frame with Pippa's fiancé, whose family Elizabeth II can't stand.

14. Her mother drank in public.

Well, who doesn't? True, the queen was pissed off. So, at one rugby match, which was visited not only by William and his wife, Harry, but also by Kate's parents, Carol and Michael Middleton, the Duchess's mother decided to drink wine during the game. In England there is a strict ban on drinking alcohol in in public places. In the middle of the game, when the guards caught Kate's mother drinking alcohol, Carol was forced to leave the stadium.

15. The Queen doesn't like Kate's interests.

More than 10 years ago, the future duchess was fond of pole dance, continuing her classes until 2007. After some time, the girl said that she wanted to resume her training again, having specially equipped a room in the palace for this. The desire of the duchess again angered the queen and once again spoiled the relationship between the monarchs.

There is an opinion that the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, quarreled with a relative of her husband William, Queen Elizabeth II.

As many people know, it is not accepted family problems put on display, because of this you should not count on any statements from the British crown. Journalists will have to get down to business.

Middleton walks in wedge shoes

This is exactly what Elizabeth II does not welcome. Surely she already thought for sure that representatives of the famous family had never worn such shoes. Nevertheless, I would like to note - Kate is doing well, because she knows about the contempt on the part of the Queen. She constantly appears at public events in such fashionable shoes.

Nearly naked duchess on the cover of a magazine

Just five years ago, pictures appeared in a French print publication that showed a naked duchess with her husband. The photos were taken during a joint vacation in a neighboring state. Of course, it is reasonable that the heirs to the throne went to court with a statement from the photographer. As it became known, Elizabeth II is outraged by the exposure of Kate during the holidays.

In the fall of 2017, the court ruled that the French publishing house is obliged to pay the Royal Family 100,000 euros. Agree, the amount is very solid.

Middleton hairstyle

It is believed that the queen turned to her grandson with a request to cut her wife's hair. Why did it happen? It turned out that Elizabeth II was against the fact that the girl's hair looked disheveled and not neat. Because of this, gusts of wind can dispel the styling in all directions. More recently, Kate, who is conservative in this matter, appeared with an elongated bob hairstyle. IN this moment worn by many Hollywood superstars.

Kate is not working

According to available information, the queen is indignant because of not successful career the chosen one of his grandson. The most interesting thing is that not a single duchess could boast of this.

Elizabeth II does not approve of the Duchess's wardrobe

Some fashion lovers may say that this length of the skirt is quite acceptable. Yes, and you must admit, Kate's clothing style is very suitable, at least she looks feminine. But here it was not without the participation of the Queen of Great Britain, who persuaded Middleton to more modest outfits. To date, she does not appear in dresses that leave her knees open.

The duchess is a real spender

Many residents of the UK do not like the big waste of Kate, not to mention Elizabeth II. Most recently, Middleton ordered a helicopter for herself, with a pilot costing around $4,000. Elizabeth constantly travels with the help of trains that cost her no more than $ 100. As soon as the media found out about the helicopter, the inhabitants of the kingdom were outraged. Kate's press service immediately published an explanation: "A representative of the royal family can use VIP transport, but only when he has a serious event that obliges a person to quickly appear at a certain place."

Kate abuses her position for profit

Elizabeth II suggests that Pippa Middleton began working at the British Printing House exactly four years ago thanks to her own sister. It is believed that the nominal Kate helped her with employment.

She does not fulfill her royal obligations

Elizabeth II does not like that the wife of her grandson spends her personal time on her own family. According to the queen, she does not work properly. Kate should be at all social events, exhibitions, charity events.

Children are not Kate's element

Most likely, some grandmothers believe that the young are not capable of anything. So, Elizabeth II wildly did not like that Middleton ignores family foundations. Recently, she sent her child George to a regular school. According to royal tradition, all heirs studied individually in their own home.

She was on the set of her favorite series

As it became known, Kate is simply crazy about Downton Abbey. As soon as the creators of the series received several prestigious awards in the field of cinema, the Duchess decided to personally congratulate them on this event. She came to the shooting of the series and expressed her opinion. The Queen did not like this incident.

Grandson spends more time with Kate

It is unlikely that the grandmother will like the fact that her own beloved grandson began to pay less attention to her. Prince William is constantly with his soulmate.

She was with her husband at the final of the world tennis tournament

Also present at the tournament were: model Irina Shayk, actor Benedict Cumberbatch with his wife, actor Jude Law, Middleton's relatives and many others. The Queen is outraged that Kate went to a not too serious event.

Children were involved in her sister's marriage

Many people know that William's son and daughter were considered the sweetest guests at the wedding of Pippa Middleton and James Matthews. Elizabeth II wanted her relatives not to attend this wedding. As it turned out, two reasons contributed to this. The Queen did not want the public to see her great-grandchildren at the ceremony. She was also afraid that there would be photographs of little George with Matthews, whom Elizabeth II greatly despises.

Middleton's mother drank alcohol in public

Well, like, what's wrong with that? But Elizabeth II does not think so. Once in the UK there was a rugby match where the Middleton family gathered with Prince William. Kate's mom decided to pour and drink some wine. The country has a law that implies a ban on drinking hard liquor on the mast. As soon as the security service noticed this, she was asked to leave the stadium.

Queen Elizabeth II thinks Kate has bad taste

It became known that earlier the Duchess was seriously engaged in Pole Dance. Ten years ago, she had to leave her favorite pastime. When Kate married William, she decided to resume her career as a dancer. She was going to create a special hall for classes in her residence. The queen was so outraged by this that they quarreled and did not communicate for several days.
