Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge now. Prince George of Cambridge and others: young princes and princesses of Europe who will wear royal crowns

IN different countries Europe's royal families are growing up young heirs who will receive royal regalia in the future. Who are these famous children, and how are they raised in royal families? About young heirs royal thrones European countries and will be discussed in this review.

Great Britain

The royal family of Elizabeth II, on the throne since 1952, is undoubtedly the most famous in Europe. That is why the first-born George, born to Prince William and his wife Catherine, became so famous from the moment of his birth. In the future, it is he who, after his grandfather and father, will inherit the British throne.

Prince George (22 July 2013)

Little George's parents do not particularly spoil him with luxury, trying to provide him with an ordinary happy childhood.

Now Katt and William live away from London, in Anmer Hall, on their country estate, which Elizabeth II gave them as a wedding gift, where they mainly raise their children.

But this September, George, who will turn 4 years old this summer, will have to go to school, and by this time the whole family is planning to move permanently to London, to their new residence. About Britain's most photogenic boy


Princess Estelle (23 February 2012)

Estelle is the daughter of Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel Westling, who was previously Victoria's personal fitness instructor, and is second in line to her mother to the Swedish crown.

Now this charming princess is 5 years old, she is a very spontaneous, active and cheerful girl. Estelle loves to dance and often does it during official receptions. At the age of 4 she began studying at a ballet school in Stockholm.

Her parents constantly take her and her brother to various cultural and sporting events. And she already has a lot of fans.


Princess Leonor (31 October 2005)

Princess Leonor, the eldest daughter of King Philip VI and his wife Letizia, has a good chance of becoming head of state (unless her parents have a boy by then). Parents pay a lot of attention to the education of their daughters, Princess Leonor studies several foreign languages, studies music and ballet, studies etiquette, and also loves skiing. It is also planned in the future that Leonor will study economics and diplomacy, which are difficult for the head of state to do without. And since the King of Spain is also the Supreme Commander, Leonor will also have to serve in the army.

Sisters Eleanor and Sofia are very stylish and beautiful girls, who behave impeccably in society, it is impossible not to admire them. Nevertheless, parents try to protect their daughters from excessive paparazzi attention; they rarely go out into the world.


Prince Christian (15 October 2005)

The birth of the first son Christian to Crown Prince Frederik and his wife Mary Donaldson, now a large family with four children, was celebrated on a grand scale throughout the country. The parents themselves, Frederick and Mary, lead a very active life, both sports and cultural, and they teach their children to do the same, often taking them with them.

Christian grows up as a cheerful child who loves to misbehave, like all boys, and communicates with children from the most ordinary families. I first went with them to kindergarten, and then to a municipal school.


Princess Ingrid (21 January 2004)

Ingrid, the main heir to the throne, is the eldest daughter in the family of Prince Haakon and his wife Mette-Marit. The northern princess lives alone ordinary life, her parents have fairly strict child-rearing methods.

Ingrid started studying at a very ordinary school located near her home, and now she and her brother study at an elite school. private school with all subjects taught in English.


Princess Katharina-Amalia (31 October 2003)

Born on July 22, 2013 in London, at St. Mary's Hospital. Father - William, Duke of Cambridge (1982), member of the British royal family from the Windsor dynasty, second in line to the throne. Mother - Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge (nee Catherine Elizabeth Middleton, 1982), was born in the city of Reading in the English county of Berkshire in the family of an air traffic controller and a flight attendant, who later founded their own parcel trading company. Grandparents are Prince Charles of Wales (1948) and Princess Diana of Wales (1961-1997). Prince George's great-grandparents are Elizabeth II (1926), Queen of Great Britain from 1952 to the present, and her husband Prince Philip (1921), Duke of Edinburgh. George's uncle is Prince Harry (Prince Henry of Wales, 1984).

On July 24, 2013, Kate and William named their son George Alexander Louis, and they use the name George in everyday address.

He received the name George (George) in honor of King George VI - the father of his great-grandmother Elizabeth II, Alexander - in honor of the middle name of Elizabeth II (“Elizabeth Alexandra Mary”), Louis (Louis) - in honor of Louis Mountbatten - a military leader, uncle of Prince Philip . The name Louis is also the fourth name of his father, the Duke of Cambridge.

In accordance with the British monarchy's title rules, the prince's full official title is as follows: "His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge."

Prince George of Cambridge(eng. Prince George of Cambridge; full name George Alexander Louis, English George Alexander Louis; genus. July 22, 2013, London) - member of the British royal family, third great-grandson of Queen Elizabeth II, first grandson of the Prince Welsh Charles and princesses Welsh Diana, the Duke's firstborn Cambridge William and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge.

Occupies third place (at the time of birth) in the line of inheritance British throne.

Even before the prince was born, The Washington Post called him “the world’s most famous baby.” Prince George of Cambridge became one of the first people in history to have articles about him appear in several language sections of Wikipedia even before his birth.

Birth and baptism

British Royal Family and Heads of the Commonwealth Realms

Her Majesty the Queen His Royal Majesty the Duke of Edinburgh

  • HRH The Prince of Wales HRH The Duchess of Cornwall
    • HRH The Duke of Cambridge Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge
      • HRH Prince George of Cambridge
      • HRH Princess Charlotte of Cambridge
    • HRH Prince Harry of Wales
  • HRH The Duke of York
    • HRH Princess Beatrice of York
    • HRH Princess Eugenie of York
  • HRH The Earl of Wessex Her Royal Highness The Countess of Wessex
    • Viscount Severn
    • Lady Louisa Windsor
  • HRH Princess Anne
  • HRH The Duke of Gloucester HRH The Duchess of Gloucester
  • HRH The Duke of Kent HRH The Duchess of Kent
  • HRH Prince Michael of Kent HRH Princess Mary of Kent
  • HRH Princess Alexandra of Kent

The prince was born in London at St Mary's Hospital - the same place where Princess Diana gave birth to Princes William and Harry in 1982 and 1984 respectively.

Duchess Catherine was admitted to hospital at 5:30 am on July 22, 2013. The boy was born at 16:24 local time (19:24 Moscow time). At birth, a weight of 8 lb 6 oz (3.8 kg) was recorded.

Prince William was present at the birth. The birth was attended by the Queen's former and current gynecologists, Marcus Satchell and Alan Farthing.

On 23 October 2013, Prince George of Cambridge was baptized in the Chapel Royal at St James's Palace. The baptism was performed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby. Prince George's christening at St James's Palace was a departure from the ancient tradition of baptizing heirs to the British throne in Buckingham Palace.

Seven people became Prince George's godparents: Oliver Baker, Emilia Jardine-Paterson, Julia Samuel, William von Cutsem, as well as Lord Hugh Grosvenor (son of the 6th Duke of Westminster), the couple's former private secretary Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton and Queen Elizabeth's granddaughter Zara Phillips. The names of the godparents were announced several hours before the ceremony.


On July 24, 2013, the prince received the name George Alexandre Louis. For everyday use the name George is used.

He received the name George (George) in honor of King George VI - the father of his great-grandmother Elizabeth II, Alexander - in honor of the middle name of Elizabeth II (her full name is “Elizabeth Alexandra Mary”), Louis (Louis) - in honor of Louis Mountbatten - a military leader , Prince Philip's uncle. The name Louis is also the fourth name of his father, the Duke of Cambridge.

In the Russian tradition, British monarchs are named in the German manner, and if George ascends to the throne, he will be called King George VII in Russian (or VIII, if this name was previously chosen as the throne name by his grandfather Prince Charles, one of whose names is also George) . By this logic, the full name could be "Georg Alexander Louis". At the same time, in relation to princes and other members of the British royal family, the use of names in the English manner has now become established (Charles, William, Harry/Henry, and not Charles, William, Henry).

Charming George of Cambridge. Despite his young age, the prince has already become one of the most famous people planets. He enjoys great love compatriots and is considered one of the most stylish kids in the world. The most significant events in the life of the prince will be outlined below.


George Alexander Louis, Prince of Cambridge, Member of the Royal British family. He is the third great-grandson of Elizabeth II and the first grandson of the princess and The boy is the first child in the family of the Duchess of Cambridge Catherine and This baby is in third place among the contenders for the royal throne in Britain. Even before his birth he was proclaimed the most famous child in the world.


Prince George of Cambridge was born in 2013, on July 22. This happened in London, at St. Mary's Hospital. Here at one time she gave birth to her two sons: Harry (1984) and William (1982). The Duchess of Cambridge was brought to the hospital on the morning of July 22, at 5:30. The baby was born at 16:24 (19:24 Moscow time). At birth, he weighed 8 pounds 6 ounces, or 3.8 kilograms. The boy's father, Prince William, was with his wife during the birth. The prince was received by the Queen's personal gynecologists - Alan Farthing and Marcus Satchel. As soon as the birth of the young heir became known, a ceremonial fireworks salute was given in many Commonwealth countries (for example, Canada).


George of Cambridge was baptized in the Chapel Royal, St James's Palace. The sacrament was performed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby. Heirs to the British throne are usually baptized at Buckingham Palace. Performing the ceremony at St. James's Palace was a departure from generally accepted tradition. The baby has seven godparents: Julia Samuel, Oliver Baker, Zara Phillips, Hugh Grosvenor, William von Cutsem, Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton, Emilia Jardine-Paterson. The names of these people were officially announced before the ceremony, several hours before it. In honor of the solemn event, five pound coins were issued in the United Kingdom.


As already mentioned, the prince was named George Alexander Louis. The first name is used for everyday use. The baby was named George (George) in honor of his great-great-grandfather: the father of Elizabeth II, King. The boy received the name Louis in memory of the military leader Louis Mountbetton, Prince Philip’s uncle. The prince was named Alexander in honor of his great-grandmother, Elizabeth II. Her middle name is Alexandra.

In Russian, British monarchs are called in the German manner, therefore, if George of Cambridge ascends the throne, in our country he will be called George the Seventh. Or the Eighth, if his grandfather, Prince Charles, chooses this name as the throne. However, for now in the Russian media it is customary to call the baby Prince George.


According to the British monarchy's title rules, George is a prince and should be addressed as "Royal Highness." The boy's official full title, according to information from the book, looks like this: "His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge." It should be borne in mind that Prince William is the Duke of Cambridge. Addressing a boy as "Prince of Cambridge" without using the name George is incorrect. In the British tradition, it is also not customary to include personal additional names (Louis and Alexander in this case) in the official full title.

First trip

At the age of five months, George of Cambridge made his first journey. He went with his parents on a business trip to Australia and New Zealand. The young heir met with many senior Australian officials, such as Governor General Sir Peter Cosgrove. In addition, the baby visited the local Taronga Zoo in Sydney. Here George of Cambridge met a little rabbit, who was named after him.

First steps

In 2014, in June, the baby walked on his own for the first time. The young prince's public walk took place under the supervision of his mother. On June 15, the crowned family came to Cirencester Park for an equestrian polo competition. Kate Middleton wore a very comfortable outfit: moccasins, a striped sweater and jeans. She took her son with her, who twirled in her arms until she let the baby fall to the ground. There he took a few steps towards Prince William. At the same time, his mother held his hand.

Yes, he surpassed his father, who at the age of ten months could only crawl, George of Cambridge! Photos of the adorable baby in a pink jumpsuit and white T-shirt spread all over the world.


The young heir became extremely popular. His every public appearance is covered in detail in the press. Journalists note the impeccable taste and style with which the boy is combed and dressed. George of Cambridge appeared on the cover of People magazine, and one online publication called him the “perfectly cut” child. Residents of Britain called the prince the cutest of the star kids. Journalists attribute this attitude towards the boy to the fact that he was born into a loving family and was raised by calm, benevolent parents. They note that watching Prince George of Cambridge grow up is a great pleasure.


The young prince's mother, Kate Middleton, is considered a style icon. All the outfits in which the charming duchess appears in public are immediately swept off store shelves. Interestingly, the “Kate effect” extended to her son. People are happy to buy things that Prince George of Cambridge wears. Photos of the baby are studied in detail for fashion news. Thus, the backpack with a kangaroo, with which the young prince appeared in Australia, became the most popular children's accessory in the world for several weeks. And the charming blue knitted vest with three royal guards, in which the prince “lit up” in one of the new official portraits, caused an unprecedented stir and was sold out in a few hours.

George of Cambridge is a charming little boy, whose life has been under close public attention from his first days. Many enjoy watching it grow and develop. Gradually this boy becomes a symbol happy childhood for all people on the planet.
