How old are Prince William and Harry? Prince Harry

Prince's youngest son Welsh Charles and Princess Diana was born on September 15, 1984 at St. Mary's Hospital in London - a week earlier than planned. According to media reports, the birth lasted nine hours. The boy, weighing 3.1 kilograms, was named Henry Charles Albert David Mountbatten-Windsor. The shortened version of "Harry" was considered family name, but soon began to be used in official sources.

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Princess Diana later admitted that her husband had always wanted a girl and could not contain his disappointment when she gave birth to another prince: "The first thing he said was: 'Oh my God, it's a boy.' Second: “And he even has red hair,” the princess recalled (her words are quoted in the biography by Edrew Morton, released in 1992).

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The birth of Prince Harry generated even more interest than Princess Diana's first birth, despite the fact that Harry was only the third heir to the throne at the time (he is currently the sixth in line to the crown). This was largely due to the growing popularity of Princess Diana, who from a modest aristocrat Spencer turned into the darling of Great Britain, eclipsing even Queen Elizabeth II.

Pictured: One-year-old Harry in the playroom at Kensington Palace, October 1985.

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Grandma's favorite

Prince William, as the future head of the royal family, always had more responsibility - therefore, his relationship with his grandmother was more serious. It was even rumored that the queen showed more love and care to her youngest grandson. This topic began to be discussed especially actively in 2017, when the media discovered a portrait of Meghan Markle in the office of Elizabeth II - along with photographs of members of the royal family.

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Young diplomat

Princess Diana described her son as "very artistic and athletic." IN early years The prince showed interest in horse riding and hunting. On weekends, the royal family often went from Kensington Palace to Highgrove House, the residence of Prince Charles of Wales in Gloucestershire.

Harry often accompanied his mother to various official events and dinners.

In the Foto: young prince greeting the performers of Cirque du Soleil in August 1990.

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Interest in military service

Prince Harry attended the same educational institutions as Prince William - London kindergarten Jane Minors primary school Wetherby in London and Ludgrove School in Berkshire. During his studies he showed an interest in military affairs, which he retained after entering Eton College.

In the photo: the 9-year-old prince rides light tank while visiting the barracks of the British Army Cavalry Regiment in Hanover, Germany.

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Irreplaceable loss

Harry was 12 years old when his mother died in a car accident. He and his brother Prince William took part in the mournful procession - the young heirs to the British crown had to experience their grief in front of the whole country. The participation of the princes in the funeral ceremony was criticized by Princess Diana's brother, Earl Spencer, who called the decision of the royal family "inappropriate and cruel." Harry himself at first said that such actions should not be demanded of any child under any circumstances, but later changed his position and said that it was a joint and necessary choice, and now, looking back, he is glad that he did so then.

In the photo: Prince Philip, William, Earl Charles Spencer, Princes Harry and Charles.

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Studying at Eton

Like his older brother, Harry entered Eton College (in 1998). There he played on the rugby, cricket and polo teams. Voluntarily joined the United Cadet Corps, passed military training, in May 2003 received the rank of officer cadet. The prince graduated from Eton College with modest results.

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During his time at Eton, Prince Harry earned a reputation as the most rowdy member of the royal family. In 2002, he admitted to his father that he used marijuana. Prince Charles then decided to send his 17-year-old son to Featherstone Lodge for a day so he could learn about the consequences of drug use from people with real addictions.

Pictured: Prince Harry in his halls of residence at Eton College shortly before graduating, 2003.

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In mother's footsteps

After college, Prince Harry took a gap year, which he spent doing charity work abroad. He continued his mother's campaign against landmines and became a trustee of the HALO Trust, which clears mines and unexploded ordnance that pose a danger to civilians. In 2006, the prince went to Lesotho, where, in particular, he worked in a shelter for orphans whose parents died of AIDS. In the South African kingdom, Harry, together with the Prince of Lesotho, founded the Sentebale charity organization to help these children.

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Tabloid hero

In 2005, 20-year-old Harry appeared at a costume party wearing clothes that imitated African uniforms. military units Third Reich. This caused violent indignation among anti-fascist and Jewish organizations. The prince had to explain himself: in his statement, he admitted that it was a “rash choice” and that he regrets what happened.

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Pride of Windsor

In May 2005, Prince Harry began his studies at Sandhurst Military Academy in Surrey, and a year later he was commissioned as a cornet in the Blues and Royals of the Royal Horse Guards and sent to serve in Windsor.

In the photo: Elizabeth II receives a parade of the Royal Horse Guards.

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Military service

At the beginning of 2007, Prince Harry was preparing to serve in Iraq, but due to information about a possible assassination attempt and threats received, the leadership of the British armed forces decided not to send him there. The prince was very upset by the actions of his superiors and threatened to leave military service. As a result, he was nevertheless sent to hot spot— to Afghanistan, where he secretly served as an aircraft gunner. However, the media found out about his whereabouts, after which the prince had to be returned to the UK for safety reasons.

In 2008-2009, Harry took military helicopter piloting courses and passed the military helicopter pilot exam. In 2011, he completed a 10-month elite pilot training course combat helicopter Apache and was soon promoted to captain air force Great Britain, which allowed him to return to Afghanistan. It is known that during the second service the prince destroyed one of field commanders Taliban movement. Harry became the first member of the royal family since his uncle, the Duke. York Andrew, who took a direct part in the fighting (the Duke participated in the Falklands War with Argentina in 1982).


Party Lover

In 2012, Prince Harry again found himself on the pages of the tabloids. While on vacation in Las Vegas, he staged a strip game and nude photographs of him were leaked to the press. British royal house released a statement saying the prince was on a private trip and resting before returning to military duty.

Pictured: Prince Harry with Kanye West and P Diddy during a music festival in memory of Princess Diana in 2007.

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Invictus Games

At the end of his military career, Prince Harry announced the start of the Invictus Games sports competitions for former and active military personnel who have become disabled. Men compete annually in basketball, volleyball, rugby and indoor rowing.

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International relationships

During a trip to Washington in 2015, Prince Harry met Barack Obama, which developed into a friendship (two years later, Harry interviewed Obama for a BBC Radio 4 broadcast). American President helped the British prince “promote” the next Invictus Games, which were supposed to take place in May 2016 in Orlando (Florida).

For this, Obama and his wife Michelle

Interest in the British ruling family excites many minds and hearts across the planet. Press service Queen of England announces and talks only about politically important moments and events occurring in her family. As a rule, all official messages have a positive connotation. But there are no ideal people, including in palaces. There are those who try to hide the details of their lives by hiding behind walls. Others want to live life to the fullest, love, travel around the world. The latter includes Prince Harry of Wales, younger son heir. His life passes under the flashes of cameras. It seems that we know everything about him, but is this really so? Surely there are pages in his life hidden from prying eyes.

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Prince Harry of Wales - biography

Harry's home name is firmly attached to him, although in documents he is Henry Charles Albert David Mountbatten-Windsor. He was born on September 15, 1984 in the capital of England. He is credited with the title of Prince of Wales, by analogy with his father, although he is not the direct heir. Officially, he is titled Prince Henry of Wales, but if the Yorkist does not have a son, then Harry will inherit the title of uncle. Today, Harry is fifth in line to the throne, following his father, brother, and two nephews. In the interview, Prince Harry of Wales talks about the joy of each child's birth and his step away from the throne.

The parents, Charles of Wales and Diana Spencer, married in 1981. The girl acquired the title of princess, but the marriage lasted only 15 years. She died after her divorce in a car accident. He was only 12 years old at the time, and Prince William, his brother, was 15 years old. Of course, the tragedy left its mark on the character of the brothers.

Diana sent the princes to study at public schools, although children from the royal family could study individually. Of course, these were elite institutions: Wetherby School in London (primary) and Ludgrove School in Berkshire. The intellectual William was successful in his studies and sports, while Harry gained a reputation as an eccentric student and a difficult teenager. He sometimes could not make informed decisions, was seen using alcohol and soft drugs (marijuana), loved noisy parties and adventures unworthy of the title of prince. The ubiquitous journalists documented such misdeeds, happily publishing photos and articles in their newspapers. He followed in his brother's footsteps after leaving school, studying at Eton College from 1998 to 2003. He did not excel in his studies and even had a negative grade in geography. After graduating from college, Harry went traveling, first to Australia, then to the tiny African country of Lesotho. Here he stayed for a long time and became involved in charitable works. Many see this as a tribute to the memory of Diana, who gave her soul and resources to the unfortunate. Harry, in collaboration with a local prince, founded Sentebale, an organization that helps orphans. "The Forgotten Kingdom: Prince Harry in Lesotho" – documentary about their destitute fate, filmed in those days.

In 2005, an unpleasant high-profile story was associated with Prince Harry of Wales. He showed up to a masquerade party dressed as a Nazi. Photos and notes in newspapers shocked the public, and the prince publicly apologized. In 2005, with the surname Wales, he enrolled at Sandhurst Academy and the following year became a second lieutenant in the House Cavalry. In 2007, Harry went to Helmand (Afghan province), where he served as an aircraft controller from December 2007 to February 2008. Subsequently, he came home to England, but invariably returned to Afghanistan. Harry participated in combat operations for several years, flying a helicopter, and received several medals. In 2011 he became captain army aviation. The Taliban movement did not hide its plans to destroy it; this would serve them as excellent PR.

Prince Harry of Wales - personal life

The love adventures of the royal offspring are the most delicious topic for any journalist or tabloid. The paparazzi follow them, leaving no hope for privacy or keeping any secrets. For several years, Chelsy Davy was next to Prince Harry of Wales. They met in England during their school years, but became a couple after meeting in Africa. Her father is the owner of a large safari tour business. Chelsea graduated from the University of Cape Town in 2006 with a degree in economics. From 2004 to 2009 their romantic relationship were stable, the girl was accepted into the family, and then several separations and reunions followed. In April 2011, Chelsea attended William's wedding. After this, the break between her and Prince Harry finally took place. For the media, the girl said that life is next to royal family doesn't suit her.

In March 2013, Cressida Bonas was often spotted with the prince. The blonde girl was born in 1989 into the family of businessman J. Bonas and socialite M. Curzon. The prince's girlfriend's mother is from richest family Curzon and is related to King Edward VII. Cressida was friends with cousin Prince Harry of Wales, Eugenie, daughter of the Duke of York, since childhood. Apparently, it was through Evgenia that the young people met in 2012. A short-lived romance ensued, ending after Harry's next unsightly prank. In 2013, the couple reunited and, according to media reports, announced their engagement. Cressida was not accepted by the royal family, apparently because her sister dated William for some time before his marriage. Kate Middleton and Prince Charles were unhappy with this relationship. In the spring of 2014, Harry and Cressida separated. After Cressida, for quite a long time he could not choose a permanent girlfriend. For a short time, actress J. Coleman appeared next to him, as well as Pippa Middleton, Kate's younger sister. IN Lately Harry is dating Juliette Labelle, a model and actress. The royal family is unhappy again because too many people see his girlfriend half-naked in photos. How long their relationship will last, time will tell.

Full name: Henry Charles Albert David Mountbatten Windsor

Dynastic role: youngest son of Prince Charles of Wales and his first wife, the late Princess Diana, grandson of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain

Family status: married to actress Meghan Markle, no children

Height and weight: 186 cm and 82 kg

Education: prestigious schools Wetherby and Ludgrow, Eton College, Sandhurst Military Academy

Field of activity: royalty, philanthropist

Awards: Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal (2002), Afghanistan Campaign Medal (2008), Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal (2012), NATO ISAF Medal, Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order (2015), Spanish Badge honors "Commander 1st Class of the Order of Isabella the Catholic" (2017)

Hobbies: helicopter flights, hunting, horse polo

Prince Harry, the most charming member of the Windsor royal family (after his grandmother Elizabeth II), was born on September 15, 1084. The red-haired boy became the youngest son of Prince Charles and Princess Diana of Wales, and he is fifth in the line of succession to the throne. The boy was baptized royal blood On December 21, 1984, with great pomp at St. George's Cathedral in Windsor, observing the centuries-old traditions of the family of English kings and queens.

Harry's childhood was happy and carefree - the youngest son of Diana and Charles loved to play pranks, for which he constantly got into trouble. They were inseparable with their brother William, which made their parents and grandmother-queen very happy. Harry went to study at a regular school in London, befitting the status of his family, and his older brother also studied there. Diana and Charles refused individual education because they did not want to deprive the boys of the usual social circle for any child.

The tragedy of Harry's life happened in 1997 - his mother, Princess Diana, died in a car accident in Paris. Harry (12 years old) and William (15 years old) mournfully followed their mother’s coffin, not fully understanding the irreparability of what had happened. Fortunately, the wise grandmother and loving father Children have always been - they are still the closest people in the life of Harry and his older brother.

Prince Harry's turbulent youth

Red-haired, mischievous Harry eventually developed into an attractive, athletic young man, which was incredibly popular among women. However, the romantic side of Harry’s life did not work out for a long time - either Harry himself did not want Serious relationships, or the young applicants did not dare to shoulder the burden of palace etiquette.

At the age of seventeen, the prince “delighted” his grandmother with his first antics that hit the press: a young man of blue blood was caught smoking marijuana, then there were more incidents with strong alcohol, as well as the famous costume party. Then, as a masquerade costume, Harry chose a Nazi uniform with a swastika patch. The grandmother did not give in - for some time the red-haired prince calmed down, moreover, publicly apologized and thought about entering a higher educational institution.

IN royal families and among the nobility it has long been the custom that the youngest of the sons must certainly become a military man; among the Windsors, this honor fell to Harry: the prince, after graduating from Eton College, entered the Sandhurst Military Academy. Get into it prestigious establishment maybe not everyone, but Harry was very glad that he would become a military man.

Military career of Prince Harry of Wales

Studying at the Military Academy was not easy for Harry (he does not like to study at all); in April 2006, the newly-minted second lieutenant enlisted in the Blues and Royals regiment of the Palace Cavalry, later he enlisted in the Air Force and participated in operations in the Middle East. It is there that Harry's character emerges: the guy is honest, brave, always ready to come to the rescue. Risky and dangerous military missions did not take place without Harry’s participation - he gained authority and respect among his fellow soldiers, and his courage irritated his jihadist enemies, who even began to threaten to kill the glorious warrior.

Military service quickly brought Harry to his senses - friendly drinking and thoughtless wasting of life are left behind, the prince shows his best traits: generosity, compassion, concern for the sick and orphaned. He begins charitable activities, with a lot of help from his older brother and his charming wife Kate Middleton. This new growth of the English royal house is captivating everyone, not only in the kingdom, but also in the world.

Prince Harry novels

Prince Harry's novels have always been on the front pages of newspapers: the British are eager to learn about the details of the lives of their monarchs. It should be noted that the loving and flighty Harry never allowed the media to get bored: every now and then he threw up new reasons to gossip. The nice, tall, noble guy had many fleeting romances and difficult relationships, but only two women went down in the history of the amorous adventures of the grandson of Queen Elizabeth.

In college, Harry's official girlfriend was Chelsea Devi, their relationship lasted almost six years. They met and separated, but invariably gave food to gossip. The nail in the coffin of their relationship was driven by the wedding of older brother Harry and his fiancee Kate Middleton in 2011: Chelsea was simply crushed by such attention to life royalty. Although the girl behaved with dignity, accompanying Harry at the ceremony, she later admitted to him that she did not want to live her whole life under the gun of millions of glances.

Chelsea said goodbye to Harry, and he dived into bachelor life, where aristocrats, singers, actresses pampered him with their attention - these are the ones who are used to being under the gun of cameras! However, Harry quickly said goodbye to such ladies, dreaming of finding his ideal.

In 2016, Harry met actress Meghan Markle, star of the series about lawyers “Suits.” The American had already been married and divorced, but she was flattered by the prince’s attention. The couple dated for a year and a half, and then Harry offered his chosen one his hand, his heart and the title of royalty. The engagement became big news; on the eve of the wedding, Queen Elizabeth bestowed the title of Duchess of Sussex on the motherless bride.

On May 19, 2018, Harry and Megan got married, the whole world watched the wedding of the year, and the groom’s elder brother, Prince William, was the groom’s best man. After conclusion official marriage the newlyweds began to be titled Duke and Duchess of Sussex, and Megan got her own page on the website of the House of Windsor.

In mid-October 2018, Kensington Palace confirmed rumors that the Duchess was pregnant; the news coincided with the start of the Sussexes' first official tour to Australia.

According to the report, Harry and Meghan's first child will be born in the spring of 2019. This will be the first grandchild for Meghan's mother, and Queen Elizabeth said she was incredibly happy that her grandson would have his first child. Traditionally, the best option it would be the appearance of a boy, although for Harry himself this is completely unimportant - he simply adores his wife.

Today marks the birthday of probably the most smiling monarch in the world - Prince Harry, he turns 31 years old. We have already talked about the best jokes and the funniest actions of the grandson of Queen Elizabeth II, but over the three decades of his life he distinguished himself not only with this. HELLO.RU congratulates Harry on his birthday and remembers 20 interesting facts from his life that will help you get to know him better the red-haired heir to the British throne.

1. Prince Harry's real name is Henry Charles Albert David Mountbatten-Windsor. They began to call him Harry early childhood, the name has become so attached to the boy that it is now used even in official sources.

2. According to the British press, the Prince has another nickname - Spike. That's what his friends and security at Scotland Yard call him. In addition, under this name Harry allegedly registered in social network Facebook many years ago, but then deleted the account.

3. Harry was born at 04:20 on a Saturday morning in 1984.

4. Harry's birth was surrounded by many rumors. Someone stated that the baby’s father is not Prince Charles at all, but Diana’s bodyguard, cavalry officer James Hewitt. Allegedly, the royal court threatened him to keep his mouth shut. However, over the years, not a trace remained of the rumors. And Hewitt himself told reporters that his affair with Diana began when Harry had already learned to walk.

5. According to biographers of the royal court, in childhood the characters of the princes were completely different: the now diligent family man William was a difficult child who could drive everyone, including his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, to a nervous breakdown. The joker and cheerful Harry, on the contrary, was reserved and modest.

6. As a child, Harry loved the crime series Starsky and Hutch about two police officers, but Diana forbade him to watch the show because large quantity violence on screen.

7. Harry's first trip was an official trip to Italy with his parents, Prince Charles and Princess Diana. Then the heir was only 8 months old.

8. When Harry and William’s mother, Princess Diana, died in a car accident, many subjects brought bouquets of flowers to English palaces. Little Harry placed white freesias and a note with the word "To Mommy".

9. Harry graduated from the famous Eton College. Tuition there costs more than £20,000 a year. At least 18 British prime ministers studied there, as well as writers George Orwell, Henry Fielding, Ian Fleming and others. Prince Harry cannot be called the best student of this prestigious educational institution- he graduated with a low score in geography.

10. As a child, Prince Harry was a big fan of the Spice Girls. In 1997, he even attended a concert of the group during his tour to Africa with Prince Charles. One of the group's members, Emma Bunton, called the meeting "nice" and said it was nice to eat sandwiches with Harry. But the heir himself called this event one of the brightest in his life.

11. Harry has been involved in more than one scandal, the most famous involving the publication of photographs showing the naked prince while partying in Las Vegas in 2012. It turns out that at the party the friends were playing strip billiards, and, apparently, Harry, who is good at polo, football and much more, is not very good at this sport. The prince had to apologize to the public more than once for his unworthy behavior.

12. Prince Harry made a documentary at age 19. The film was called “The Forgotten Kingdom: Prince Harry in Lesotho,” and it was dedicated to the problem of AIDS in Africa. With the help of the painting, the prince then managed to raise two million dollars for the benefit of the Red Cross.

13. Prince Harry, like any Englishman, loves football. He is a fan of the London team Arsenal and often attends their matches.

14. After college, Prince Harry took a gap year to work in different places. He went to Australia and worked for a time on a farm as a trainee and sheep driver.

15. Prince Harry is known in England as a fan of the television music competition Britain's Got Talent. One of the show's judges, Amanda Holden, spoke about his passion in 2011:
He told me he even records our show every week when it's on Sky Plus!

16. Harry's longest romance was with Chelsy Davy - they dated for six years. They met as children when they studied at neighboring schools. The relationship between Chelsea and Harry could not be called stable - the couple separated and got back together several times. The prince invited Chelsea to officially accompany him to the wedding of his brother William and Kate Middleton, but it was this important step that turned out to be decisive. The girl stated that she did not want such a fate and “such a life is not for her.”

17. After several novels by the prince, the English press “brought out” Harry’s favorite type of girl: a slender blonde with long hair, who graduated from the University of Leeds.

18. Prince Harry and Prince William are approximately the same height: Harry is 1 meter 89 centimeters, and William is 1 meter 91 centimeters. At the same time, the height of their parents - Diana and Charles - is only 178 centimeters.

19. In 2011, the press wrote many times that Harry is a fan of the franchise" Star Trek"(Star Trek). In addition, Harry supposedly wants to become the first British monarch to go into space. While the birthday boy has not yet managed to ascend to the stratosphere, he has made an expedition to the South Pole.

20. Prince Harry likes to go to fast food restaurants around Kensington Palace and there are hamburgers. Once he even invited Cressida Bonas, whom he was dating at the time, there on a date.
