Chechen field commander Said Buryatsky (Alexander Tikhomirov). The Buryat face of Caucasian terrorism Who is Said Buryat

According to the leaders of the special operation in Ingushetia, Sheikh Said Buryatsky was killed in the village of Ekazhevo. The destruction of one of the most famous terrorists of the Caucasus Emirate was confirmed by the President of Ingushetia, Yunus-Bek Yevkurov. Doubts about his death...

According to the leaders of the special operation in Ingushetia, Sheikh Said Buryatsky was killed in the village of Ekazhevo. The destruction of one of the most famous terrorists of the Caucasus Emirate was confirmed by the President of Ingushetia, Yunus-Bek Yevkurov. There can be no doubt about his death.

As part of the project “How the Underground Works” we give curriculum vitae Said Buryatsky.

Buryatsky was a very intriguing underground figure. The undisputed opinion leader among the youth of the Caucasian republics. A young, sober-minded theologian, whose appearance in the militant camp played into the hands of the ideologists of the Caucasian Emirate.

Alexander Tikhomirov was born in Ulan-Ude. They only drill after their father. His mother is Russian; he has no Caucasian roots at all. Until the age of 15, he was a Buddhist; he even studied, they say, in a Buddhist datsan. Then something happened to him, and he converted to Islam, from that time on becoming Said Abu Sad.

He has come a long way on this path.

Experts from the special services say that Tikhomirov’s appeal was influenced by friendship either with the Chechens or with the Ingush. All this looks doubtful. Here's what a man who lived next door to Tikhomirov in Ulan-Ude says:

“I lived on Khakhalov Street, next to clinic number seven, and studied at school number 51. It’s a so-so school, simple... I don’t remember many of them by sight, they usually came in a crowd, both girls and boys. They all look alike, although we ALL walked the same way back then, all on the same Chinese market got dressed. He was an inconspicuous boy, gray and quiet. I think they beat him mercilessly. I can understand him. Why shouldn’t a gray kid from the gray backyards of the railway district of a gray city want something significant?

You can guess as much as you like what his motives were for starting to study Islam. I have little faith in the influence of my Chechen friends. What are the Chechens like in the city of Ulan-Ude in the mid-90s?”

Having matured, Said went to study in Moscow, but soon dropped out of school: it seemed to him that the wrong Islam was taught in the Moscow madrasah. He continued his education at the Al-Furqan Madrasah (Buguruslan, Orenburg Region). This is a significant page in his biography. The names of individual graduates of the Buguruslan madrasah are known throughout the world. They were also among the terrorists who attacked the school in Beslan.

The Buguruslan madrasah was very disliked by the prosecutor's office and the FSB. The local leadership was endlessly accused of extremist activities. In the end, in 2004, the madrasah was closed. But before that time, Said Abu Saad managed to finish it and leave with a group of graduates to continue their studies in Egypt. There he studied for about three years, mastered Arabic perfectly. Then he moved to continue his education in Kuwait.

Returning to Russia, he got a job at the Moscow publishing house "Umma" as a translator from Arabic. Then he began to give his first lectures, which instantly gained incredible popularity. The topics of the lectures were not disturbing. "The Dignity of Fasting", "Hell", "On Faith and Unbelief". And if colleagues and dared to argue with him at this stage, these disputes were exclusively theological in nature.

The history of his appearance in the Caucasus is very vague. Allegedly, Dokku Umarov himself called an angelic young man to carry the word of Allah to his soldiers. And by that time, Said not only had formed a coherent point of view regarding the place of a real Muslim in this world - but also had problems with law enforcement officers in Moscow. And so he disappeared for some time, and then made himself known again - already in the ranks of the Ingush front of the Caucasian Emirate.

His sermons - mixed in Russian and Arabic - began to appear regularly on separatist websites. It was here, in the Caucasus, unconstrained by any boundaries, that Sheikh Said Abu Saad developed his charisma to its fullest extent. He began to speak not only on theological topics (although these predominate), he also touched on acute political issues of Russia’s situation in the Caucasus. One of the topics he often mentions is that the intelligence services have nothing to do with the Caucasus Emirate.

Of course, there were those who considered the rise of Said Buryatsky artificial. He was often reproached for calling himself a “sheikh” in vain, and for his knowledge being superficial. His ideological opponents (few) reproached him for his adherence to “low calm.” Said indeed very often bases his lectures on retelling stories drawn from sacred books. Dissatisfied say: “What is the story? Someone jumped, another ran, the third was killed. It's like a movie. It's easy to listen to!"

But, relying on simplicity of perception, Said Buryatsky, an excellent storyteller, achieved a goal that many, many preachers from the imarate could not achieve before him. He showed young people that Islam is far from boring. This greatly contributed to the popularization of terrorist ideas - just read the forums on propaganda sites.

Said had already been declared dead once. Shortly after the bombing of the Nazran city police department on August 17 last year, a video went viral in which he was sitting in a Gazelle with explosives and talking to the camera about what “gift” was waiting for the Ingush police. The credits at the end of the video say the following: “Said personally, driving a Gazelle car, blew up the lair of infidels and apostates of the Nazran City Department of Internal Affairs.”

A few days later, Said, alive, in another video said that there was an error. That it was not he who was driving that Gazelle, but only blessed the brothers to die.

This is Buryatsky's latest video. The websites of the Caucasian Emirate continue to post audio messages from him, but the messages in those messages are again about the abstract. There is no indication that these entries are recent.

Said disappeared, and disappeared ugly. His opponents had often reproached him before: “Why are you so praising the path of the martyr, while you yourself are strong only by talking?” Now they began to speak louder about something else: Said Buryatsky, as a phenomenon, was a creature of the special services - that is why he so vehemently disowned them. They brought him to the Caucasus, and they brought him out.

Buryatsky’s relatives, by the way, have not lived in Russia since he fell into extremism.

P.S.The next issue of the project “How the Underground Works” will appear in the upcoming issues of Novaya.

Everyone has been talking about Said Buryatsky for five days now - from TV announcers to janitors. A Wahhabi killed during a special operation in the North Caucasus had a hand in many high-profile terrorist attacks.

And everyone is wondering: where does the terrorist get so much anger and hatred towards Russians? After all, from birth he is a simple Siberian guy. Mom is Russian, dad is Buryat. Why did it get stuck?

\"KP\" correspondents visited the terrorist's homeland

Yes, he ended up in a lyceum, where, under the guise of studying Turkish and Arabic, the ideology of Islamic fundamentalists was hammered into the boys (read: The life of one of the main ideologists of the Wahhabis is divided into two approximately equal parts). But why did he so quickly go over to the side of the fanatics?

KP correspondents found people in Ulan-Ude who knew Said Buryatsky when he was still a schoolboy, Sasha Tikhomirov.

Sashka had no friends

Just don't call him a Buryat! He disgraced our entire people! - the teachers of the school where Tikhomirov studied are indignant. “It’s all his mother’s fault - she didn’t look after her son.” And then she also pushed the guy towards the Islamists...

Well, well, interesting. Just the day before we were told a completely different story. They say that the boy’s mother, Galina Tikhomirova, was worried that her son had gone headlong into Islam. Everyone complained: his father died when the boy was not even a year old, otherwise he would have set him on the right path with a belt.

Now, it turns out, she pushed it herself?

In fact, Sashka’s mother didn’t take much care of her. He lived with his grandparents. They raised him as best they could - fed him, clothed him. They went to parent meetings. “We didn’t even see our mother at school,” the teachers shake their heads in unison.

The mother was called to school not because the boy was a hooligan. On the contrary, Sasha was too shy. The teachers mentioned the word “downtrodden,” although they immediately corrected themselves: “Don’t think, they didn’t seem to beat him either in the class or in the family.” But they teased me often. Sasha's classmates despised him. He didn’t go to physical education; he brought a certificate that he had a brain tumor. Whether this really happened or a fake certificate - no one checked. Sasha had no friends, he sat alone like an owl on the last desk. So Tikhomirov was labeled as a weakling.

Until the age of 13, Sasha visited his mother more and more. Then my grandfather and grandmother died and he moved to his father’s house. And there...

\"His mother set up a brothel!\"

Ordinary "Khrushchev" A shabby wall with a sign \"Khakhalova, 8\". Quiet courtyard. The neighbors open their doors in a friendly manner, but they hear the Tikhomirovs’ name and immediately become gloomy. They mutter sparingly: “I don’t remember those.”

A guy in a T-shirt goes out onto the platform to smoke. At first he also refused, but then he started talking.

Yes, everyone here remembers Galina Tikhomirova. She was a beautiful woman. At first she worked as a mechanic at Buryatenergo, then she went into business - she transported clothes from Moscow. She just didn’t behave very well. Of course, I don’t blame her - she was left without a husband early. She never got married afterwards. She lived freely - her son was with her grandparents, and her gentlemen were constantly changing. But then all Caucasians began to come to her. They played loud songs and made it difficult to sleep. We drank a lot. She practically set up a hangout here...

It was in this “brothel” that Sasha moved to live. Moreover, as they say, it was his mother’s new friends who advised him to go to the lyceum to study languages. They say, we have friends there, we’ll help you get in - and you don’t need any bribes.

You see, Sasha loved his mother very much, respected her, he says classroom teacher Zoya Tulugoeva. “That’s why his mother’s guests were an authority for him.” According to the guy, his mother could not communicate with bad people.

\"Beat the Russians, beat the Buryats\"

One of the Chechen "teachers" - Ismail M. - began to live with Galina Tikhomirova as common law husband. He was surprisingly kind to young Sashka. He gave money for pocket expenses, which the boy had never received before. Mom and grandmother didn’t particularly indulge in this - they themselves barely made ends meet. It was at the suggestion of uncle Ismail that Tikhomirov converted to Islam. And he began to teach the guy how to live correctly.

We heard them sitting in the yard and talking a couple of times. Without hiding, without lowering your voice. “They didn’t care about us,” the neighbor recalls. - This “stepfather” said: “In the Caucasus, a man must be a real fighter. You cannot forgive insults. If you are offended in class, you must take revenge. It’s cruel, so that they are afraid. Otherwise, you are not a man. Beat the Russians, beat the Buryats . They should know that real men are only in the Caucasus!\"

And eighth-grader Tikhomirov did not question these words. I wanted to be a "real man."

As soon as Sasha entered the 9th grade, he changed a lot,” continues class teacher Zoya Tulugoeva. “If he was talking to us before, he suddenly stopped abruptly.” Didn't communicate with anyone. Slipped into solid twos and threes.

Now Sasha-Said despised those who had previously teased him as a weakling. He bullied the guys, but they were afraid to fight him. Everyone knew that his mother’s partner was a Chechen. They didn't want to get involved.

Why didn’t the teachers sound the alarm? Everyone at school shrugs. In the late 90s, there were no psychologists or social educators working at school, who were supposed to monitor the guy, go home and see in what conditions he lived. Everyone had no time for this. Or maybe it was not only the school bullies who were afraid of the mother’s partner, but also the teachers...

The Chechens immediately realized that they could mold this little klutz into what they needed. But, as it turned out, they needed a terrorist, the teachers say.

\"Well, purely a wolf cub\"

After the 9th grade, as soon as Tikhomirov received a certificate of incomplete education, Uncle Ismail uprooted the family from their home. And he took him to Chechnya - he had a house there. Galina came to Ulan-Ude a year later to collect money from tenants who were allowed to live. She was all in black and said that she had also converted to Islam. She reported that she had given birth to a daughter. And that he will soon go to live either in Moscow or in Egypt. Chechnya is uneasy.

And Sashka arrived a year later, with his Muslim wife. I sold my parents’ apartment, took the money, and was gone. Didn't communicate with neighbors.

It was scary to approach. When Sasha moved in with his mother, he was polite and kind. And he returned from Chechnya - he glared at everyone with evil eyes, well, just a wolf cub.

This little wolf cub grew into a ruthless wolf. At the age of 28, Said Buryatsky managed to thunder throughout Russia - the organization of the assassination attempt on the President of Ingushetia, the explosion of the police department in Nazran, the death of\"Nevsky Express \".

On the evening of March 4, security forces announced the destruction in Ingushetia of the militant ideologist and closest associate of Doku Umarov, Said Buryatsky, known in the world as Alexander Tikhomirov. A simple guy from Ulan-Ude two last year was a real headache for the intelligence services, who could not capture this talkative preacher of Islam. In the past, he has already fooled them several times, so the FSB will officially announce Tikhomirov’s liquidation only after a molecular genetic examination has been carried out.

Said Buryatsky was killed basically by accident. On the morning of March 2, security forces received information that the militants holed up in the village of Ekazhevo were preparing some kind of major terrorist attack, after which special forces of the Ingush FSB Directorate and soldiers of the internal troops blocked several houses on the outskirts of the village. According to a RIA Novosti source in the power structures of the North Caucasus Federal District, before the operation, the special services had no information that Said Buryatsky was located in Ekazhevo.

The blocked militants fired back at the employees for several hours law enforcement, but they couldn’t even hurt anyone. The security forces, in turn, hit the houses with heavy fire and even used flamethrowers. In addition, they were supported by snipers, who, according to Kommersant, managed to shoot two militants who tried to escape from the besieged building.

Those who managed to escape settled on a farm nearby, where they continued to hold their defense. In the end, the federal forces won, killing six militants and capturing 15 or 16 people alive. At the same time, security forces found an entire arsenal on the farm: an RPG-7 grenade launcher, a Kalashnikov assault rifle, a Kedr submachine gun, a Makarov pistol, a shot for a grenade launcher, a hand-held anti-personnel grenade, five thousand rounds of ammunition and nine barrels with 450 kilograms of sodium nitrate.

About the destruction of the leader of the bandit underground, Said Buryatsky, according to his passport - Alexander Tikhomirov. One of the militants had documents in this name. The body is badly damaged, so genetic testing will be needed to establish his identity. After all, Said Buryatsky, who was involved in the assassination attempt on the president of the republic, Yunus-bek Yevkurov, staged his own death more than once.

This is how a special operation took place in the village of Ekazhevo, during which Said Buryatsky is supposed to have been killed: FSB special forces move from house to house, covering each other; the militants tried to resist, to hide in the houses, but not everyone had time. Just after this battle, in the burnt clothes of one of the killed militants, they found a passport in the name of Alexander Tikhomirov. That is the real name, or now, probably, one can say - the name was, of one of the main ideologists of the militants.

The biography of Alexander Tikhomirov is completely atypical and differs markedly from other militant leaders. Tikhomirov was born in Buryatia, Buryat father, Russian mother. First he studied at a Buddhist datsan, then, at the age of 15, he converted to Islam. According to one version, after reading some books on Islam, according to another, Ingush friends were introduced to the faith.

Then a new page began in Tikhomirov’s life. He is a student of a madrasah in the Orenburg region, then he goes to study in Egypt, and later in Kuwait. Tikhomirov really was a strong theologian, and for the time being he not only lectured, but also worked in an Islamic publishing house, wrote works about Islamic movements.

And now it’s impossible to understand what happened, but, probably, already at that time there was some kind of internal rebirth of Alexander Tikhomirov into Said Buryatsky. From some point on, his lectures and articles begin to differ in a radical direction.

In 2008, he is said to have received a video letter from the Arab warlord Muhannad, abandoned his family and went to North Caucasus, where he joined the terrorists. He met and took part in militant attacks. Said Buryatsky becomes a kind of symbol of the terrorist international - he is not from the Caucasus, he is not a Muslim by birth, but he is a militant and a terrorist.

But perhaps his main work is ideological. Said Buryatsky writes video messages to militants, to Caucasian youth, where he calls on everyone to wage a holy war and join the terrorists. He speaks beautifully, gives lengthy quotes in Arabic, he knows how to convince, which is not strange, given his education.

According to some reports, it was Said Buryatsky who psychologically processed young people and trained them to become suicide bombers. For example, he trained Rustam Mukhadiev, who...

By the way, in his video messages, the terrorist himself admitted to involvement in the most notorious crimes - attacks on police officers in Ingushetia, an explosion on the Theater Square in Grozny, etc.

Information about the death of Said Buryatsky already passed in August 2009. Afterwards, another video message from the terrorist appeared on the militants’ Internet resources and a message that, they say, it was Said Buryatsky who personally rammed the city police department building in a mined GAZelle. But two days later, terrorist Buryatsky, as if nothing had happened, personally announced: I .

This time there is no definitive information about whether Said Buryatsky has been killed. The security forces speak cautiously: yes, the documents have been found, yes, there will be an examination, and after that we’ll talk.

But in general, the leaders of the bandit underground in the Caucasus are destroyed regularly. Almost all the major field commanders were killed, most of the Arab terrorists and financiers were killed, and odious leaders like Basayev and Maskhadov were killed. If it is true that Said Buryatsky was included in the list of killed underground leaders, then this is an undoubted success of the special services. Because the terrorists do not have another equally strong propagandist.
