Tongue Twisters. methodological development on the topic

You-you-you - all the cats ate the sour cream.

Ti-ti-ti - we ate almost all the porridge.

Ra-ra-ra - the game begins.

The mouse in the corner gnawed a hole,

He drags the crust into the bread hole,

But the crust does not fit into the hole,

The crust is great for a mink.

Ivashka has a shirt,

The shirt has pockets.

Before reading tongue twisters, it is advisable to have a conversation with your child “What are tongue twisters for?” You, son (daughter), want everyone to understand you right away?

It is very important to speak clearly, beautifully and expressively.

Fun exercises (tongue twisters) will teach you correct pronunciation.

The tongue twister needs to be said quickly.

Well, try it, repeat it, not just once, but three times!

Ding dong, ding dong!

Day is a day, a day is a day.

The mouse whispers to the little mouse:

“You keep whispering and you’re not sleeping.”

The little mouse whispers to the mouse:

"I'll rustle more quietly."

Sasha quickly dries the dryers,

Sasha dried about six of them.

And the old ladies are in a funny hurry

To eat Sasha's sushi.

Mow, mow, while there is dew.

The dew is gone, and we are home.

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass.

Don't cut wood on the grass in your yard.

One firewood, two firewood, three firewood.

Petya was small

And crushed mint.

I saw my mother -

She didn’t tell me to crush it.

Little chatterbox

The milk was chatting and chatting

I didn’t blurt it out.

Pay attention to sounds that cause difficulty for your child. Choose pure sayings for these sounds and pronounce them with your child more often.

Cap on cap,

Under the hood is a hood.

Three chattering magpies

They chattered on the slide.

The black grouse was sitting on a tree,

And a black grouse with black grouse on a branch.

Mom washed soap

Milu with soap.

Mila soap

Did not love.

In our courtyard

The weather became wet.

Tell us about your purchases.

What about purchases?

About shopping, about shopping,

About my purchases.

Troshkina Shavka

Bitten Pashka

Pashka hits with his hat

Troshka's mongrel.

Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled.

Sledge - jump, Senka - off his feet,

Sanka - in the side, Sonya - in the forehead,

Everything is in a snowdrift.

The heron is lucky

A pike with a pig.

The bristles of the pig,

Pike scales.

Pavel on the bench

Klavke weaves bast shoes.

Bast shoes are not suitable

Klavka on legs,

Are bast shoes suitable?

On the cat's paws.

At the stubborn Prokop

Big dill harvest.

Torment, torment, torment -

I want a bun.

Bull, blunt-lipped, blunt-lipped bull,

The bull's white lip was blunt.

Karl at Clara's

stole corals

And Clara is with Karl

stole a clarinet.

The rooks are chattering and chattering,

The jackdaws are chattering and the rooks are chattering.

Grisha gnaws on a pear,

And Garik was gnawing on a cracker.

The road to the city is uphill,

From the city - from the mountain.

Cook Peter and cook Pavel.
Peter baked, and Paul soared.
Pavel soared, Peter baked.
Cook Pavel, cook Peter.

The ships tacked, tacked

They didn't catch it.

Centipedes have forty legs,

And thousand legs have thousand legs.

Turtle, not bored,

He sits for an hour with a cup of tea.

The turtle makes everyone laugh

Because he's in no hurry.

Why rush?

Who is always at home!?

Four little black little devils

A drawing was drawn in black ink.

Chizh, chizh, whose are you?

Whose, whose - siskin, siskin!

Black tongue twister(E. Izmailov)

Black night

Black cat


Into the black chimney.

In the chimney


Find it there


White tongue twister(E. Izmailov)

White snow, white chalk,

White hare

Also white

Only squirrel

Not white.

It wasn't even white.

Dear loving adults, you can compete with your baby to see which of you is the best “tongue-twister”.

  • There are a lot of bells ringing around the bell.
  • Have fun, Savely, stir the hay.
  • Osip is hoarse, Arkhip is hoarse.
  • The crow missed the little crow.
  • The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the snake has a squeeze.
  • The fat ground beetle buzzes and spins.
  • A siskin, a siskin, and a little siskin are friends with a swift, a swift, and a little siskin.
  • Even the hedgehog got into the thick rye.
  • There is a cart of oats, next to the cart is a sheep.
  • The snake hisses, the beetle buzzes, the mosquito rings.
  • Does Feklina's jacket suit Fedora?
  • Our guest stole our cane.
  • From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.
  • Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.
  • The wasp does not have whiskers, not whiskers, but antennae.
  • A hat and a fur coat - that’s all Mishutka is.
  • The Christmas tree has pins and needles.
  • Daisy collected daisies on the mountain.
  • Elena crumpled flax.
  • On Mount Ararat Varvara was picking grapes.
  • Senya and Sanya have a catfish with a mustache in their nets.
  • You can't make a rustle out of a hut with a rustle.

V. Lifshits

There is a Crow on the Cow,

Raven is wearing a crown.

Drop the Crow, Cow!

Throw off your crown, Crow!

Tongue twisters help to practice speech sounds, diction, strengthen the ability to speak, speeding up or slowing down the pace - they help to better get used to their native speech.

Used Books:

Puzzles. Tongue Twisters: Favorite Poems / Comp. V. I. Lunin. - M.: Ast-Press, 1999, pp. 338 - 331.

Kachanova I.A., Lyalina L.A. Traditional games in kindergarten. - M: TC Sfera, 2011.- P. 97-104.

Songs and riddles for kids / Comp. M. Kalugina, M.: Strekoza-Press, 2008.

Khatkina M.A. ABC. - M.: JSC "BAO-PRESS", 2006.

1.Like a cat’s mustache of remarkable beauty,

Bold eyes, white teeth.

The cat is walking along the hill, the cat is looking out the window...

The cat is gray, has a white tail, and has velvet paws.

2. The cat Barsik catches rats, the rabbit gnaws a cabbage leaf.

3. Slightly larger mittens gave me a puppy,

Out of habit, he doesn’t lap up milk yet.

I called the cat for help, I moved the bowl closer.

The lesson went well - my puppy is licking the bowl.

4. You, little cow, go and take a walk in the open field,

And when you come back in the evening, you’ll give us milk to drink.

5. The bull butts with the bull, everyone runs away.

Take care, runner, of your sides from the gory bull.

6.- Tell me, our little lamb, how much wool will you give us? -

Don’t cut my hair yet, I’ll give you three bags of wool:

One bag is for the owner, the other bag is for the mistress,

And the third - warm sweatshirts for small children.

7. A hairy goat is coming, a bearded goat is coming,

He waves his horns, shakes his beard,

He taps his hooves, bleats, walks, calls goats and kids.

8. Pig Nemila praised her son: “He’s so cute,

He’s so pretty, with a crochet ponytail and a snout nose.”

9. The pig had a blunt snout and dug up half the yard with its snout.

10. What a horse, the fur is smooth, washed clean from head to hoof. I ate some oats and got back to work.

11.Fast legs don’t get stuck in the snow, the deer raised its head while running -

He threw it high, as if he was proud that the man was able to

come in handy

12. As soon as he sees his village, the donkey quickens his pace.

Don’t rush into the village, donkey, you will fall from the mountain into the ravine.

13. The yak looks very formidable, but he’s a big kind person:

They say that even children can ride it safely in Tibet.

14. The camel decided that he was a giraffe and walked with his head up.

He makes everyone laugh, but he is a camel, spitting on everyone.

15. Here is a camel, and people carry luggage and ride on a camel.

He lives among deserts, eats tasteless bushes,

He's at work all year round: he, a camel, is a working animal.

16.Elephants are smart, elephants are meek, elephants are calm and strong.

17.6. Wolves walk quietly, silently, such is the habit of wolves.

18. The naughty, greedy Mishka ate too many forest raspberries.

19. Poor Bear got sick: Bear ate a lot of honey.

The bear cries and shouts: “My stomach hurts.”

20. Picking flowers is easy and simple for small children,

And the giraffe is so tall, it’s not easy to pick a flower!

21. The bunny is cold in winter, the bunny is hungry in winter.

The bunny's teeth are chattering and they want to chew the cabbages.

22. The hedgehog walks without paths, does not run from anyone.

A hedgehog covered in needles from head to toe.

How to take it?

23. Lives calmly, is in no hurry, and carries a shield just in case.

A turtle walks under it, not knowing fear.

24. In the bitter cold of winter, a hamster doesn’t want to freeze for a minute.

The cunning man sometimes snores coldly in the mansions underground.

25. There is a slide in the yard, there is a mink under the slide,

In this hole the mole guards the hill.

26. Striped horses, African horses,

It's good for you to play hide and seek in the meadow among the grass!

The horses are lined, like school notebooks,

The horses are painted from their hooves to their heads.

27. Animals get cold in winter, but you can’t feel a raccoon through its fur coat

No storms and no cold. Know he lives for himself, does not grieve.

28. The mouse has gnawed a hole in the corner and is dragging a crust of bread into the hole.

But the crust does not fit into the mink; the crust is too big for a mink.

29. The dead wood crunched and a horned elk came out.

He looks guiltily through the thick hazel trees.

Where can he get drunk? How to go to a forest stream

Can such a stag get through the bushes?

I kept looking for the path, I kept dreaming until nightfall:

How to make the horns a little shorter.

The robber wolf snapped his white fangs...

No, it’s much calmer with long horns.

(P. Glebka)

30.Kolya knows about raccoons, about elephants, about hippos,

About deer, about monkeys, about seals and about bears...

But when he got to the village, for some reason he made a mistake.

The boy seemed smart, but he called the goat a cow.

Why? The answer is: there are no cows in the zoo!


1. A fur coat and a caftan walk across the mountains and valleys.

2. Instead of a tail there is a hook, instead of a nose there is a snout, in the middle there is a back, and on it there is a bristle.

3. She doesn’t speak, doesn’t sing, but whoever goes to the owner, she lets him know.

4. Velvet paws, and scratches on the paws.

5. The muzzle is mustachioed, the fur coat is striped, it washes itself often, but is not familiar with water.

6. She is motley, eats green, gives white.

7. A long ear, a ball of fluff, jumps deftly, gnaws on a carrot.

8. Gray, not a wolf, long-eared, not a hare, with hooves, not a horse.

9. I’m a hunchbacked beast, but the guys like me.

10.Who carries a forest on his head?

11. He walks with his head up, not because he is an important count,

Not because he has a proud disposition, but because he...

12. What kind of horses are they all wearing vests?

13. The owner of the forest wakes up in the spring, and in the winter

Under the howling of the blizzard, he sleeps in a snowy hut.

14.Who wanders around angry and hungry in the cold winter?

15. A white collar jumps straight across the field.

16.White in winter, gray in summer.

17.Who quickly jumps along the fir trees and flies up into the oaks?

Who hides nuts in a hollow and dries mushrooms for the winter?

18. Water craftsmen build a house without an axe,

The house is made of brushwood and mud; they also build a dam.

19. He made a hole, dug a hole, the sun is shining, but he doesn’t even know.

20.Small stature, a long tail, gray coat, sharp teeth.

21. The little animal is jumping, not a mouth, but a trap,

Both the mosquito and the fly will fall into the trap.

Guess: 1. Sheep, ram. 2. Pig. 3. Dog. 4, 5. Cat. 6. Cow. 7. Rabbit (hare). 8. Donkey. 9. Camel. 10. Deer. 11. Giraffe. 12. Zebras. 13. Bear. 14. Wolf. 15,16. Hare. 17. Squirrel. 18. Beavers. 19. Mole. 20. Mouse. 21. Frog.

In zoo




Two Peters










Direct syllable.

Reverse syllable.

Fyodor sweeps the yard. Egor is cleaning the carpet. There are watermelons in the basket. There are books and notebooks on the desk. Pioneer in uniform. There's a map on the wall. The room has a bright lampshade. In winter there is a slide in the park. Pour sugar into kefir. On the stamp is our coat of arms: hammer and sickle. Herman's mother is a doctor. Fyodor puts on a jacket, There are cucumbers and tomatoes in the bag. Murka follows the mouse, and the mouse goes into the hole. There is a fire on the farm. Egor goes on duty. Zakharka pulls the cord. Fyodor polished the parquet. Mom gives Yegorka a ball. The grainy snow darkens in March. Bright butterflies flutter at the edge of the forest.

Here are Vera and Mara. Vera has balls and Mary has balls. Roma goes to class. Ira is grazing a cow. Tamara has a red pencil. There is an old feather in the pen. The drummer drums loudly. The peoples want peace. The path ends at the ravine. You can’t even take a fish out of a pond without difficulty. (Proverb.) Zhora and Yura are collecting saffron milk caps. Uncle Fyodor holds a plane and an ax in his hands. Various fruits are sold at the market. In the garden the path is overgrown with grass. A swift stream runs down the mountain. Fedor has an apartment on the second floor. In winter we draw water from an ice hole. Steamers are unloading at the port. Raya feeds the fish. Roma is cleaning the yard. Yura sells huge watermelons. Ira hands out notebooks. The willow blooms in early spring.

1. Grate carrots

Raya and Yegorka.

2. Roma and Raya are playing in the apartment,

And Ira and Mark go to the park.

3. A tailor cuts velvet

Roma jacket with fringes.

4. Red paint Egor

Paints the roof and fence.

5. The bear snores in the roots of the willow tree.

Try to approach him.

6. We will find you in the forest

Boletus and fly agaric.

7. Beavers are brave

Good for beavers.

8. Put on a pine forest

Evergreen coniferous tree.

9. Dad chops wood and throws it,

And the son lays firewood and is not lazy.

A woodpile grows along the fence.

There was a slide in the yard.

Borka rode dashingly down the hill.

The boys shout to the reckless driver:

“I wouldn’t rush, Borka,

You will cry bitterly!”


Yellow - wait

And the green one will light up:

He will allow us to go.

Forty forty in the morning

They chirp and scream.

12. The mouse found a crust.

She dragged the crust into the hole.

She is sitting in a hole.

Gnawing on dry crust.

There is thunder and thunderstorm in the sky.

Close your eyes!

The rain is over.

The grass is shining

There is a rainbow in the sky.

14. The beaver has an otter friend.

She is agile and cunning.

Beaver and otter in the morning

They are playing a new game.

15. Roma is friends with a rhinoceros.

That rhinoceros is untouchable.

Doesn't let you touch the horn

Touch-me-not rhinoceros.

16. Ira has two brothers -

Zakhar and Egor.

Zakhar chops wood,

Egor sweeps the yard.

R-6. 2

1. Barely Elizar

He goes and goes to the market.

And from the market, and from the market

You won't catch up with Elizar.

2. The rhinoceros found a sock

But the sock didn't fit.

The rhinoceros was not embarrassed

And he decorated the horn with a sock.

In the bank - pure water,

Let's put the fish there.

There will be fish playing there,
Swim, wag your tail,

Pick up bread crumbs.

The sleigh is good, of course,

Only they are cunning:

Downhill, they go on their own,

And pull them up the hill.

5. Our pilots are heroes

The sky is vigilantly guarded.

Our hero pilots

Protect peaceful labor.

6. That's how!

I wake up early in the morning

Together with the rosy sun.

I make the bed myself

I'm doing exercises quickly!

7. A gun loaded with a cork,

Ruff gave it to the timid fish.

Since then the pugnacious black cancer

Doesn't start fights with her.

8. All the maples have become red,

And not one to tease:

Since everyone is red anyway -

Who cares!

9. Born golden

Large potatoes.

Let's cook it

Soup, puree, okroshka.

10. The mouse in the corner gnawed a hole,

He drags the crust into the bread hole.

But the crust does not fit into the hole,

The crust is great for a mink.

I asked the ant

He came to visit soon.

The ant replied: Yes!

But now he's busy.

The house will be built then,

And then he’ll look in.

No, we shouldn't have decided

Give the cat a ride in the car!

The cat is not used to riding

The truck overturned.

All day and night

A mole is digging an underground passage.

What does the mole need there?

Darker the darkness

A wise mole in the garden

A water pipe leads to the hole.

Stretch pipes from the pond.

Turn the tap and there is water.

2. There is a high slide in the park.

Angry on the hill

Egorka is sitting.

Egorka is afraid

Drive down a steep hill.

3. Right next to the fence

Trezor's booth.

Trezor won't let him in

Guests behind the fence.

4. Menacing thunder rumbles

Somewhere in a grove behind a hill

Roma is not afraid of thunder,

After all, Roma’s dad is at home.

5. Raya has a vegetable garden:

There are carrots and peas,

On the right is Fedora's vegetable garden,

It's mostly tomatoes.

6. There is noise and a fight on the pond,

There are two crayfish arguing.

Won't give in cancer cancer,

How to do without fights?

7. Roma and Egor know:

The fly agaric is inedible.

Despite the beauty

It is not suitable for food.

8. Somehow early in the morning

A gloomy crayfish digs a hole.

Cancer would be glad not to dig it,

But you have to live somewhere.

(Cancer is reluctant to work,

He is not happy with his work).

9. Rain daddy early in the morning

Looks into every house from the screen.

This is dad's job,

His name is announcer.

The clouds are gloomy

Gray-brown on the edges,

The wind blows, the thunder roars,

This means it will rain soon.

11.Fyodor gets up with the roosters in the morning.

He and Peter have a lot to worry about.

Two brothers need to chop wood,

To heat the stove early.

We walked into the forest through cloudberries.

Suddenly we lost our way.

We searched for a long time for the path

And they forgot about cloudberries.

R-6. 4

1. On a huge tractor

the mole is coming.

At the mole's place under the hill

Nature pleases the mole:

There is fish in the river, a beaver at the ford.

The road makes the mole happy

From the garden to the doorstep.

Homes make the mole happy

And. comfort, and darkness.

2. Gorbushka and Kiryushka

There was a humpback on the table.

Kiryushka took the humpback.

Kiryushka ate the pink salmon.

We didn’t recognize Kiryushka -

He's covered in crumbs all over his head.

Parsley has two cheesecakes,

And in the other hand there are toys.

And old Peter

There are two buckets in the garden.

Our ship is sailing ahead,

Picking up speed quickly

Our ship is a fast-moving ship, -

He swims the fastest.

5. Igorek on a walk

I found a black coal.

Children with Igor

Draw with black coal.

6. Roman has two rackets.

A younger brother Ruslanchik

He carries a shuttlecock in his hand.

They came to the stadium

Play badminton

7. Raya argues with Rita, with Roma,

Raya argues with the whole house;

And that's why people

He calls her a debater.

8. Savva and Seva

We came to the river.

To the right is water,

On the left there are all reeds.

We swim to the right -
Suggested by Savva.

We swam to the left, -
Seva insists stubbornly.

9. In Andreika’s hands

Full watering can

Watering Andreyka

Flowerbed from a watering can

In that flowerbed

Flowers are growing.

What are they called?

10. Murka is sleeping,

Curled up into a ball.

Hidden in the paws

Your own nose.

This means,

This means,

Cold weather is just around the corner.

1. It's raining

Like out of a bucket.

Very happy kids:

Finally the time has come

It's easy to measure puddles.

They dropped it quickly

Children boots,

And they just flicker

Their dirty feet

This robot is not simple.

This robot is awesome.

The robot turns its head

The robot moves its hand.

The robot stomps its foot.

He was so funny then.

3. The lake was covered with ice.

Blue, transparent.

The fish are warm under there.

Safe and bright.

Ice, like shell, like glass,

Protects the lake.

4. Raya plays the trombone,

Roma plays the trumpet,

Makar plays the accordion,

And Herman plays the accordion.

Quartet playing in the park

Under the cedars by the arch.

5. About turnips and radishes...

The turnip is yellow and sweet.

Radish is black and bitter.

Don't confuse them, my friend.

Everyone knows about turnips from childhood:

Her grandfather could not pull it out.

And the radish is not beautiful in appearance

And I don't like the taste.

But we also need radishes.

It will cure cough.

And for other diseases

It will be useful to us.

6. Give, cook, fish to the kittens,

Give, cook, some cereal to the crows,

Give, cook, crayfish to the raccoons,

Give the bagel to the hippos.

Chef, give Roman a cake for lunch,

Cottage cheese - Egor, and Rae - sweets.

7. Like our Miron

A crow sits on the bow.

And there are ruffs on the tree.

They build nests from noodles.

The ram boarded the ship

And I went to the garden.

This is how funny it is:

"R" fell on the cat!

The cat is no longer a cat, but a mole,

He is digging an underground passage.

The letter "D" at the bottom of the pond

We found crayfish.

Since then they have been in trouble:

Every now and then there are fights.

R-6. 6

We went to the zoo

We saw birds and animals there.

Striped tigers

In the cages they growled: Rrrr.

Lions roar

They were answered: Rrrr.

Lynxes are like cats

They slept on a tree.

They didn't purr

They growled menacingly: Rrrr.

Lynxes, lions and tigers

They play games all day long.

Practicing in silence,

Then in the rolling

A menacing growl.

2. Taught the little crustacean

Walk forward

Then back.

The rain is over,

The storm has passed.

Rainbow arc in the sky


Multi-colored arc –


3. As soon as you go beyond the fence,

You immediately enter a dark forest.

And mushrooms grow in the forest.

We collected them.

Only red fly agaric

They didn't put it in the basket.

4. Verochka with Egorka

By the fire under the hill

Verochka with Egorka.

Verochka with Egorka

They repeat tongue twisters.

Their conversation is quick,

Fast and tongue-in-cheek:

"An officer is marching,

The engineer reports

A fire is burning,”

Vera and Egor are happy.

All toys are good

Play, Roma, don't rush!

Here's a huge locomotive

He brought joy to Roma.

That's a beautiful drum

Roma's drum is red.

Here's a garage with a truck,

That garage is a windowless house.

Here is a toy snow maiden,

She is wearing a red jacket.

The clockwork tractor growls,

Sometimes he grumbles, sometimes he rumbles.

Here's a toy tram

Play with it carefully.

Steamboat at Roma's house,

It buzzes loudly at Roma's.

sharp-nosed rocket,

The rocket has a large body.

Here is a high-speed trolleybus,

Here he has free passage.

1. We play with the sound R,

We depict the tiger:

Ur-ur-ur, pur-pur-pur,

Gyr-gyr-gyr, fir-fir-fir.

We play with the sound R

And we imitate the crow:

Kar-kar-kar, kra-kra-kra,

Here's a game with the sound R!

2. The crow won’t sing a song

AND appearance won't shine.

And that's why it happens

A pebble is thrown at her.

But the crow and the beetle

And the bug and the elephant

There is a place on earth.

The earth is big

It's not cramped.

Come on guys

Be friends with each other.

With people and nature

To live in harmony.

3. The crow taught

They blacken their own:

"Crows in the Forest"

That's what they say -

Kar-kar-kar - picture.

Kar-kar-kar - basket.

Kar-kar-kar - potatoes.

Kar-kar-kar - feeding."

4. The crow croaks: “Kar! Kar!”

There's a fire in the barn this morning!

The barn is burning, the barn is burning! Kar!

Well, it’s just grief and a nightmare!”

Hearing a loud “Kar-kar!”

The beavers rushed to the fire,

The barn and the cows were saved.

And everyone thanks the beavers

Because, without hearing “Kar!”

They didn’t miss the fire.

Patter- a comic genre of folk art, a phrase built on a combination of sounds that make it difficult to quickly pronounce words, for example: “In the depths of the tundra, otters in spats poke cedar cores into buckets!”

Patter- a short, syntactically correct phrase in any language with artificially complicated articulation. Tongue twisters contain similar-sounding but different phonemes (for example, c and sh) and combinations of phonemes that are difficult to pronounce. Often contain alliteration and rhyme. Used to train diction and pronunciation.

“A tongue twister, a pure tongue twister, is composed for the purpose of exercising quick and clear pronunciation, because sounds collide in it, making it difficult to speak quickly; but many pure tales also contain the proverb: “You can’t change our sexton” (you can’t change a person); “I reported, but not completed his report, but began to report further, reported” (all at random, unsuccessfully); “There is a priest on a head, a cap on the priest, a head under the priest, a priest under a cap” (that is, everything is the same). - V. Dahl "

Popular tongue twisters:

"The pope is standing on a haystack,
Butt cap.
A shock under the butt,
Pop under the hood."

"Prokop has arrived - the dill is boiling,
Prokop has left - the dill is boiling.
Like dill boiling under Prokop,
dill boils even without Prokop."

"Thirty-three kings maneuvered, maneuvered,
maneuvered, maneuvered,
but they never caught it."

"A blunt-lipped bull, a blunt-lipped bull.
The bull's white lip was blunt."

"Cuckoo bought a hood.
He put on the cuckoo's hood,
He's so funny in the hood!"

"Queen to the gentleman,
gave me a caravel,
queen with gentleman,
went away in the caravel."

"I washed the quail's diapers,
Then the quail quails the quail!”

"One day, a jackdaw pops scaring
I saw a parrot in the bushes
And that parrot says:
You scare the jackdaws, scare,
But the jackdaws pop up in the bushes, frightening
Don't you dare scare the parrot!"

"All tongue twisters,
You won’t talk too quickly, you won’t talk too quickly!”

And you exchanged burbot for tench.
Wasn’t it me you sweetly begged for love?
And into the mists of the Liman they beckoned me."

"The parrot says to the parrot:
I'll parrot you!
The parrot answers him:
Parrot, parrot, parrot!"

"Tell me about the purchases,
About what about purchases,
About shopping, about shopping, about my shopping."

"They gave the little one corn, and the little one asked for a watermelon."

"Beavers live in our river,
Beavers are cheerful, beavers are kind.
Mudras of dam builders beavers -
River dwellers."

“Beyond the village, near the country road, a quail was singing in the field,
The quail has flown in, the quail has flown."

“Chickens, geese and turkeys pecked at the parsley, ate quinoa, and ran for water.”

"From the trampling of hooves,
Dust flies across the field.
Dust flies across the field,
from the clatter of hooves."

"Yasha and Pasha ate porridge,
Sasha and Tasha make yogurt
And Mishutka - a herring under a fur coat."

“The mouse in the corner gnawed a hole, drags the crust of bread into the hole, but the crust does not fit into the hole, the crust is too big for a mink.”

“The ship was carrying caramel, the ship ran aground, and the sailors ate caramel aground for three weeks.”

"In the shallows we lazily caught burbot,
And you exchanged my burbot for tench,
Wasn’t it me who so sweetly begged for love?
And they beckoned me into the mists of the estuary?

“Three magpie chatterers were chattering on the hill; three forty-three ratchets lost three brushes each.”

"Forty forty for their forties,
Forty shirts are sewing without quarreling.
Forty shirts were stitched on time -
Forty forty immediately quarreled."

"Greek rode across the river.
He sees a Greek - there is a cancer in the river.
He stuck the Greek's hand into the river.
Cancer for the hand of a Greek - tsap!

“Karl stole corals from Clara, Clara stole Karl’s clarinet.”

"The little cuckoo bought a hood. The little cuckoo is funny in the hood."

"The cap is sewn, but not in the Kolpakov style,
The bell is poured out, but not in a bell-like manner.
It is necessary to re-cap, re-cap.
The bell must be re-belled, re-belled."

"Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer."

"Checkers on the table
Cones on a pine tree."

“Sasha knocked off the bumps with his hat.”

"Egor walked through the yard,
He carried an ax to repair the fence."

"The jackdaw sat on the fence,
Rook started a conversation with her."

"Not the one, comrades, comrade comrade
he who is with his comrades is a comrade, and he who
comrades, comrade comrade,
He who is without comrades is a comrade."

* * *
Yegor walked through the yard,
He carried an ax to repair a fence.
* * *
The trumpet blows, the trumpet sings,
The trumpeter is walking through the city.
* * *
Tamara and I go as a couple, -
Tamara and I are orderlies.
* * *
Rhinoceros butts with horn.
Don't joke with the rhinoceros.

* * *
Krynku Kirill
Covered it with a lid.

* * *
Borya and Lyova catch fish
Borya and Lyova are fishermen.

* * *
Prepared by Lera
Four eclairs.

* * *
How many horns does a pair of cows have?
A pair of cows has two pairs of horns

* * *
We went to the boulevard
They bought a red ball there.

* * *
The mouse in the corner gnawed a hole,
He drags the crust into the bread hole.
But the crust does not fit into the hole,
The crust is great for a mink.

* * *
Yegor has a vegetable garden,
There are radishes and peas.
Nearby is Fedora's garden -
There are tomatoes in the garden.

* * *
Crayfish caught on the river
There was a fight over cancer.
This is Lera the bully
He threw the crayfish into the river again.

* * *
Fly agaric in a bright jacket
He sat down proudly on the slope.
We don't need fly agaric -
Let's not go to the slope.

* * *
Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass.
Don't cut wood on the grass in your yard.
Two woodcutters, two woodcutters
In the yard they chop wood with axes.

* * *
Sooner or early two rams
They knocked on the gate:
- Tra-ta-ta!
And tra-ta-ta!

* * *
There is thunder and thunderstorm in the sky.
Close your eyes.
There is no thunder, the grass is shining,
There is a rainbow in the sky.

* * *
A mole snuck into our yard,
Digging the ground at the gate.
A ton of earth will enter the mouth,
If the mole opens his mouth.

* * *
Varvara's sundress
The pencil is easy to carry in your pocket.
Draw, Varvara, a river
And a curly sheep.

* * *
Little pig chewing
Wake up carrots.
Lamb bagel
Gnawing early in the morning.

* * *
Crayfish under a river snag
It won't work out at all.
Cancer is angry, cancer is upset
Cancer's house is not organized.

* * *
- Tell me a tongue twister
About Peter and Yegorka.
- Peter is climbing the mountain,
Peter hurries to visit Yegor.

* * *
The crab climbed up the ladder
And the crab crawled along the ladder.
A crab will crawl along the ladder,
The crab will not fall off the ladder.

* * *
Boris behind the fence
Planted barberry.
Barberry bush
Outgrown Boris.

* * *
Vera went to the park yesterday,
Vera dropped her fan.
Find a fan in the park
And return the fan to Vera.
