Poems about forest and trees. Poems about forests and trees As soon as I entered the bushes, an aspen boletus

Mom and I are mushrooms
Let's collect together.
Forest gifts
We put it in the basket.
Trees above us
They make a quiet noise
About something of your own
They talk among themselves.
V. Kudlachev

In the forest
We went to pick berries in the distant forest.
There are apparently miracles there!
We saw a red ant
We met a squirrel by the stream.
We found a little white fungus,
They carefully placed it in the box.
Well, you can’t even count the ripe berries!
As soon as we get home, we’ll start eating.
We would walk in the forest until the morning,
Yes, the evening is approaching - it’s time to sleep.
N. Sakonskaya

In the forest
I've been walking in the forest since morning.
I was completely wet from the dew.
But now I know
About birch and moss.
About raspberries, blackberries,
About the hedgehog and about the hedgehog,
Who have hedgehogs
All the needles are shaking.
N. Matveeva

Hello forest!
Dense forest,
Full of fairy tales and miracles!
What are you making noise about?
On a dark, stormy night,
What do you whisper to us at dawn?
All in dew, like in silver?
Who is hiding in your wilderness?
What kind of animal? What bird?
Open everything, don’t hide:
You see, we are our own.
S. Pogorelovsky

The forest fills a basket with mushrooms
And in reserve
Leaves a little...
After all, the animals of the forest
They eat mushrooms,
Therefore greedy
Entry into the forest is prohibited!
V. Shulzhik

Forest family
Above a river
The maple rose
And underneath it,
From all sides,
The maples have grown:
Daughters and sons.
V. Orlov

It's good in our forest!
As soon as I entered the bushes -
I found a boletus
Two chanterelles, boletus
And a green moss.
The prickly hedgehog is in front of me
I ran to my home.
Two titmouses in silence
They sang songs to me loudly.
I wandered further away
I picked blueberries there.
Now I bring everything home.
It's good in our forest!
G. Ladonshchikov

Our little forest
He is not low, not high,
Our forest is green and bright.
When we started studying
In that little forest they counted:
Eight dense pine trees,
Five young birches,
Seven small aspens,
Nine sister pines.
It’s good in such a forest -
Every bush is familiar to us.
We only grieved once:
Poor Valya got lost.
A. Prokofiev

Mushroom forest
I’m calling you to the mushroom forest
Quiet autumn morning.
Do you see foliage under your feet?
They threw trees at us.
Summer came and went
Songful, sultry.
And now it’s light in the forest,
Stricter and calmer.
Only the squirrel is in sight -
I crawled all the corners,
Vitamin food
Stocking up for the winter.
Under the trunks of two oaks
Let's be silent for a while.
Let's bring home mushrooms
A complete basket.
Y. Akim

Ate at the edge of the forest -
To the top of the sky -
They listen and remain silent.
They look at their grandchildren.
And the grandchildren are Christmas trees,
Thin needles -
At the forest gate
They lead a round dance.
I. Tokmakova

In the great world
Many miracles:
Isn't the brooding forest a miracle?
With green grass and wild berries?
Glitter of emerald
Wings of beetles,
Cloak of Blue Moths –
Isn't it a miracle?
G. Galina

Self-assembled tablecloth
Paints early in the morning
The sun is the edge of heaven,
Self-assembled tablecloth
The forest spreads out.
Enough treats
He has for everyone:
Sweet roots,
Honey, mushrooms, nuts.
T. Shorygina

In the forest
Turn red in the sun
Pine trunks,
Spreads everywhere
Smell of resin;
And white lilies of the valley
The brushes are hanging;
How thin and tender
Their scent.
I'm walking through the forest,
I sing a song
And the pine trees listen
My song.
Through the thick branches
The sun is looking;
Chaffinch in response to me
The song rings...
I. Belousov

In the forest
Like a fairy tale book page
The forest opened up, the leaves ringing.
I understand both the beast and the bird,
And they understand me.

Maybe on animal paths
In the impenetrable depths of the forest
Suddenly a hut on chicken legs
I'll meet you unexpectedly.

Maybe in this region, inadvertently,
Avoiding the roads
Glisten with a toasted side
Among the tall grass there is a bun.

And I can’t get lost in the forest,
At least I’m wandering away from people.
Because both animals and birds
They speak their native language.
V. Orlov

Make noise, make noise, green forest!
I know your majestic noise,
And your peace and the shine of heaven
Over the head curly.
Since childhood I have become accustomed to understanding
Your silence is mute
And your mysterious tongue
Like something close and dear.

How I loved it when sometimes
The beauty of nature
You argued with a strong thunderstorm
In moments of terrible weather,
When your big oaks
The dark peaks swayed
And hundreds of different voices
In your wilderness they called to each other...

Or when it's daylight
In the far west it shone
And the bright purple of fire
Your clothes were illuminated.
Meanwhile, in the wilderness of your trees
It was already night, and above you
Chain of colorful clouds
Stretched out in a motley ridge.
I. Nikitin

The sun lowers its rays into a plumb line,
And the streams of vapor tremble
At the edge of the bright skies;
Open your arms to me,
Dense, spreading forest!

So that in the face and in the hot chest
Your sigh flowed like a cold wave,
So that I too can breathe sweetly;
Let me touch you with my lips and eyes
At the roots I have the key to water!

So that I too disappear in this sea,
Drowned in that fragrant shadow,
What spread your lush canopy;
Open your arms to me,
Dense, spreading forest!
A. Fet

In the forest
It was a little light and we went out with the box.
A cloud floated by in a ruddy glow,
And the morning dewy chill
The depths of the forest breathed towards us.
Spread an intricate network
Deaf branches and came out onto the path.
Here's the first mushroom! How fun to watch
On a strong, squat leg,
On the red velvety cap!
And there is the second one, funny and handsome,
Hid under a dried leaf!
Blueberry bushes near shaggy stumps
They sparkle in the sun... So many ripe berries!
Here the rays flashed through the gold
Two butterflies on soft white wings...
We inhaled heather, resin,
They called out from the depths of the green...
Our wicker box has become heavy,
And we proudly carried it home!
M. Pozharova

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  • To form in students an idea of ​​the importance of forests in the life of nature and people.
  • Familiarize yourself with the environmental problems of forests that have arisen due to human fault, and with conservation activities in the forest zone.
  • Develop cognitive interest, cultivate love and respect for nature, and a culture of behavior.

Equipment: multimedia projector; interactive board; presentations “Forest and Man”, “Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve”; Multimedia course "Lessons of Cyril and Methodius. The world. 4th grade." (CD); "Birds of central Russia: sounds of nature - 2002," CD (CD-ROM) contains recordings of the voices of birds of central Russia. Rolled magnetic plastic poster "Natural community of the forest" and illustrated magnetic cards from set Spectra. Pleshakov A.A. Kryuchkova E.A. The world around us: Textbook for 4th grade. Part 1. Pleshakov A.A. Kryuchkova E.A. The world around us: Let's test ourselves: Notebook for students of 4th grade of elementary school : Part 1. Riddles Exhibition of student written (printed) messages: about medicinal plants of the forest, about forest mushrooms, berries; about the use of wood; about forest protection, the Red Book of the Russian Federation. (Children get acquainted with the messages before and after the lesson).

1. Org. moment. Updating knowledge.

Teacher. Guys, in the last lesson you got acquainted with the natural forest area. And in order for you to be able to determine what our lesson will be about today, I suggest listening to poems performed by our students:

The forest fills a basket with mushrooms
And in reserve
Leaves a little...
After all, the animals of the forest
They eat mushrooms
Therefore greedy
Entry into the forest is prohibited!
V. Shulzhik

It's good in our forest!
As soon as I entered the bushes -
I found a boletus
Two chanterelles, boletus
And a green moss.
The prickly hedgehog is in front of me
I ran to my home.
Two titmouses in silence
They sang songs to me loudly.
I wandered further away
I picked blueberries there.
Now I bring everything home.
It's good in our forest!
G. Ladonshchikov

Children. We will talk about what the forest can give to a person, and about caring for it

Showing the first slide of the presentation "Forest and Man".

U. Imagine that you are in the forest, close your eyes.

Listening to a fragment of the audio recording "Birds of Central Russia".

U. What sounds did you hear in the forest?

D. Birdsong.

U. Do you remember what the air is like in the forest?

D. There is clean air in the forest.

U. Do you like to be in the forest? Why?

D. The forest is beautiful, interesting, there are many different plants, animals, birds singing.

U. The forest is very important for nature and people. There is clean fresh air in the forest. The beauty of forests inspired poets, artists and musicians to create wonderful works of art, for example, composer P.I. Tchaikovsky, artist I.I. Shishkina. Admire reproductions of forest landscapes painted by Ivan Shishkin.

Showing slide II of the presentation “Forest and Man” by I.I. Shishkin.

Mini quiz.

U. Remember what works these lines were from, read in literary reading lessons, and who their author was? (Three students recite excerpts from poems by heart):

It's a sad time! Ouch charm!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -
I love the lush decay of nature,
Forests dressed in scarlet and gold...
A.S. Pushkin"It's a sad time! The charm of the eyes!"

The forest is like a painted tower,
Lilac, gold, crimson,
A cheerful, motley wall
Standing above a bright clearing...
I.A. Bunin"Leaf fall."

Enchantress in Winter
Bewitched, the forest stands -
And under snow fringe,
motionless, mute,
He shines with a wonderful life...

Is the winter sun shining
On him your ray with a scythe -
Nothing will tremble in him,
It will all flare up and sparkle
Dazzling beauty.
F.I. Tyutchev"Enchantress Winter"

D. Forests are our common wealth, we must be able to admire them, we must protect the forest.

U. Lesson topic: "Forest and man." During the lesson we will talk about the role of forests in the lives of people and nature, get acquainted with the environmental problems of forests and the conservation activities of people in the forest zone.

II. Check of knowledge.

Working with the multimedia textbook "Lessons of Cyril and Methodius. The world around us. Grade 4." (CD). Lesson 09. Natural areas of Russia.

U. What have you learned about the forest area? (Students complete tasks on the interactive board):

a) Indicate the taiga zone on the map.

b) What plants are there in the taiga?

c) In what natural zone of Russia do oak, birch, maple, and aspen grow?

d) For which natural area What are the characteristics of these plants and animals?

Drawing up food chains using Spectra's illustrated magnetic cards "Natural Community of the Forest" (performed by 1 student).

Individual work on cards (the work is carried out by three students):

A) Complete the text: Forest zone located... in the tundra zone. It is indicated... by color on the map of natural areas. The forest zone is the most... natural zone, which is located in... the belt. The forest zone consists of... parts.

b) Correct errors in the text: Taiga is a deciduous forest; it occupies the smallest part of the forest zone. In the taiga Cold winter, summer is colder than in the tundra, so trees grow here that are especially demanding of heat: oak, cedar pine, birch, linden, maple, larch, spruce, aspen, fir, pine.

V ) Continue the sentences:

The forest zone is divided into three parts: ________________________

Closer to the south, mixed forests are replaced by ________________

In deciduous forests grow: ______________________________

Animals living in the taiga are:__________________________________________

Summing up the results of the knowledge test, marking.

III. Working on a new topic.

Guessing riddles.

U. I suggest you solve the riddles and think about the significance of the forest in the life of nature and people:

Like on a stitch, on a path
I see scarlet earrings.
I bent down for one,
And I came across ten!
I was leaning - I was not lazy,
I filled the mug with the top.
(Strawberries) E. Blaginina

A family lives on a stump:
Mom, dad, brother and me.
We have one house, and the roof
Everyone has their own.
(Honey mushrooms) N. Pikuleva

Of course not white -
I, brothers, am simpler,
I usually grow
In a birch grove.
(Boletus) 3. Alexandrova

This guy is very strong
Naughty tooth
Split it first
And then eat.
(Nut) Unknown author.

U. What were the riddles about? Think about why people come to the forest?

D. Collect mushrooms, berries, nuts.

U. What else does the forest give to a person? What does it mean for nature? (Children's answers).

Show III, IV, V slides of the presentation "Forest and Man". Students become familiar with the content of the slides and make comments.

U. Since ancient times, the forest fed and warmed people. Wood served as a material for building and heating homes. People made household utensils from wood, built huts, heated them with firewood and brushwood, wove bast shoes from bast, baskets from twigs, and boxes from birch bark. Our ancestors collected berries, mushrooms, and nuts in the forests, used medicinal herbs to heal ailments, and hunted wild animals.

Working with the textbook.

U. You will learn about what other significance the forest has by reading the article in the textbook “The Role of the Forest in Nature and People’s Lives” on pp. 106 - 107.

U. What other roles does the forest play? (Children's answers).

Show slide VI of the presentation "Forest and Man". The meaning of the forest.

IV. Physical education minute.

Here is a tall pine tree
She reaches for the sun.
An ancient oak tree above the clearing
He spread the branches to the sides.
And mushrooms grow below,
There are so many of them here now!
Don't be lazy and don't be shy,
Lean over for mushrooms!
It's good to walk through the forest!
But learning is more interesting!
O.V. Uzorova, E.A. Nefyodova

V. Continued study of a new topic.

U. Is a person always fair to the forest? Whose fault do you think this arises from? ecological problems forests? (Children's answers).

Students reading an excerpt from a story by K.G. Paustovsky "Creaky Floorboards".

Perhaps most of all to the composer P.I. Tchaikovsky was helped by the forests, the forest house where he stayed this summer, clearings, thickets... this amazing air...

The house stood on a hill. The forests went down into the cheerful distance, where a lake lay among the thickets. The composer had a favorite place there - it was called Rudy Yar.

The road to Yar itself always caused excitement. Sometimes, in winter, in a damp hotel in Rome, he would wake up in the middle of the night and begin to remember this road step by step: first along a clearing where pink fireweed blooms near stumps, then through birch mushroom forests, then through a broken bridge over an overgrown river and along out and up, into the ship's forest.

He remembered this path, and his heart beat heavily. This place seemed to him the best expression of Russian nature...

He knew that today, having been there, he would return - and his favorite theme, long living somewhere inside, about the lyrical power of this forest side, would overflow and flow in streams of sounds. And so it happened. He stood for a long time on the cliff of Rudy Yar. Dew dripped from the thickets of linden and euonymus... The familiar land was all caressed by light, illuminated by it down to the last blade of grass. The variety and power of lighting caused Tchaikovsky to feel that state when it seems that something extraordinary, like a miracle, is about to happen. He had experienced this state before. He couldn't be lost. It was necessary to immediately return home, sit down at the piano and hastily write down what was played on sheets of music paper.

Tchaikovsky quickly walked towards the house. There was a tall, spreading pine tree in the clearing. He nicknamed it “the lighthouse.” She made a quiet noise, although there was no wind. Without stopping, he ran his hand over her heated bark...

Teacher.Having learned that the forest had been sold to the merchant Troshchenko, who was going to cut it down, Pyotr Ilyich desperately tried to “prevent the execution from happening”: he went to both the governor and Troshchenko. But, returning home, he nevertheless became an eyewitness to the “meanness”.

..."Will I have time? - thought Tchaikovsky... Tomorrow they will start cutting down the forest. What kind of meanness is this!" ... The horses carried the carriage into the clearing. Someone ahead shouted a warning. The coachman immediately reined in the horses. Tchaikovsky stood up and grabbed the coachman's shoulder. The lumberjacks scattered from the foot of the pine tree, bending over like thieves.

Suddenly the entire pine tree, from roots to top, shuddered and groaned. Tchaikovsky clearly heard this groan. The top of the pine tree swayed, the tree began to slowly lean towards the road and suddenly collapsed, crushing neighboring pines and breaking birches. With a heavy roar, the pine tree hit the ground, trembled with all its needles and froze. The horses backed away and began to snore.

It was a moment, just one terrible moment of death of a mighty tree that had lived here for two hundred years... Tchaikovsky approached the top of a fallen pine...

There were also birch branches broken off by pine trees. Tchaikovsky remembered how the birch trees tried to hold the falling pine tree, take it onto their flexible trunks in order to soften the fatal fall - the earth shook far away from him. He quickly went home. First to the right, then to the left, then behind was the roar of falling trunks. And still the earth groaned dully. Birds darted over the clearing... Tchaikovsky kept speeding up his steps. He almost ran.

Meanness! - he muttered. - Monstrous abomination! Who gave a person the right to mutilate and disfigure the earth so that some Troshchenko would slobber on banknotes at night? There are things that cannot be valued in rubles or billions of rubles. Is it really so difficult for these wise statesmen to understand there, in St. Petersburg, that the power of the country lies not only in material wealth, but also in the soul of the people! The wider and freer this soul is, the greater the greatness and strength the state achieves. And what fosters breadth of spirit if not this amazing nature! It must be protected, just as we protect human life itself. Descendants will never forgive us for the devastation of the earth, the desecration of what rightfully belongs not only to us, but also to them...

U. What environmental problem is K. Paustovsky talking about?

D. About deforestation.

Showing the VII slide of the presentation “Forest and Man” During deforestation.

U. Look at how timber is currently harvested. Such pictures remain after the work of loggers. How do these photographs make you feel?

Our forests are in danger! We are not indifferent to the fate of the forest, we are concerned about this problem, which means we need to look for ways to solve it. What would you propose to do to protect forests? (Collect waste paper).

U. Listen to the poem and tell me what kind of feasible assistance from schoolchildren in preserving forests is the author talking about?

Schoolboy, just one notebook
Let's save for a quarter with you!
And the forests we saved
They will say “thank you” to all voices.

Reading a poem (read by prepared students).

U. Think about what environmental problems of the forest Anatoly Orlov writes about “About the tourist Fedya and the bear (how not to behave in the forest)”

Through the thick green grass
A “green” tourist was going on a hike.
In the silence the “magician” rumbles,
His backpack rattles to the beat.
The sun is shining brightly in the sky,
A cool wind hits your face.
Fedya, that’s the tourist’s name,
For the first time he storms the distance...
- They are melting, - know this, -
There are cigarettes in a bright pack.
Yes, matches are smoking in the bushes,
What quits out of habit...
Here in a rowan jacket,
Picking up the toe of a shoe
Your cigarette butt, boy
Threw it deliciously onto a stump.
What a scared bird
It flew out of the nest in one fell swoop.
Fedya shouted after her:
- Hello to the wood grouse!
Unfinished bottle
Threw it into a pile at the fork.
A ray jumps from the bottle
A hot trickle through the heap...
A pile of dried branches
It will soon burst into flames like gunpowder.
-...The guy is strong, full of strength –
There is no trace of him...
From a rocket launcher to a squirrel
He hits the plate like in a shooting gallery...
Among the dense windfall
I decided to relax like I was at home.
And Fedya will soon go to rest -
A large fire was immediately lit.
I ate Snickers and drank tea. –
Full of fresh energy again.
And without putting out the fire,
Hidden in the dark wilderness...
But behind Fedya's back
The smoke is a thick veil.
And around this time
The bear walked quietly up the mountain.
Seeing everything is his habit:
He looks - the forest is burning from a match...
Where the fire glowed -
The old forest is burning.
From the burning heap to the thicket
The snake crawls, smoldering with fire...
They gave me a job
Until the seventh, immediately, sweat!
The red skin is smoking,
The bear continues to fight
With the fire running wild.
- There wasn’t enough time in the afternoon -
The evening is extinguishing, the night is extinguishing,
To help our native taiga!
Anger strangles the bear with all its might:
- I'll cut off the bastard's ears.
Let him cut it off on the nose,
How to behave in the forest.
But while I was extinguishing the taiga,
Fedya has long since disappeared...
Yes, - the bear thought, -
Hundreds of Fedya come to the forest.
Fedya will not see behind everyone
Even a thousand bears.
We need to make sure that Fedya
Honor the Bear Rules!
So that they, and all the boys
They were read like books.
Didn't smoke, didn't litter,
The forest was idolized in everything.
We took care of animals and birds,
Without bad habits, we would go on.
And then there are bears in the forest
Even Fedya will be welcome!

U. What rules of behavior in the forest did Fedya violate? What act of such a unfortunate tourist led to great trouble for the forest and its inhabitants?

D. Careless handling of fire leads to a fire in the forest.

Show the VIII slide of the presentation "Forest and Man". Forest fire.

U. Why is a forest fire dangerous? What should be done to prevent fires from starting a fire?

D. During a fire, forest inhabitants die, the ecological balance and ecological connections are disrupted. To avoid fires, you must follow the rules for making a fire.

Working with the textbook.

U. Read the memo “How to make a fire” on page 111 in the textbook.

U. What else can’t you do in the forest?

D. Break tree branches, destroy nests, make noise, litter.

U. This is what a forest can become.

Show slide IX of the presentation "Forest and Man". Landfills in the forest.

U. What harm do unauthorized landfills cause to forests and people?

D. They pollute the environment, disrupt the ecological balance, etc.

U. What other environmental problem of the forest do you know?

D. Killing animals is one of the environmental problems of the forest.

U. What did excessive hunting lead to?

D. To the complete or almost complete extermination of some animals.

U. What measures are being taken by the state to protect and save forest animals?

D. Hunting for forest animals is limited, poaching is punishable by law, rare and endangered animals and plants are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation and are under special protection of the state.

Show X slide of the presentation "Forest and Man". Red Book.

Screening of the presentation "Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve".

U. Nature reserves have been created in the forest zone. You will learn about one of them by reading the presentation and the teacher’s story.

In the south of the Moscow region, near the city of Serpukhov, there is the Prioksko-Terrasny State Natural Biosphere Reserve - a pearl of nature in the southern Moscow region. The reserve was created in June 1945 after the war. Its area is 4945 hectares. Most of it is covered with forests. In 1979, the reserve received the status biosphere reserve. There are 960 plant species growing on the territory of the reserve, including rare ones listed in the Red Book of Russia. The pearl of the reserve are areas of steppe vegetation surrounded by pine forests located in the south of the reserve. This is a unique “Oka flora”. Here you can see such rare plants for the Moscow region as feather grass, fescue, Bieberstein tulip, Russian hazel grouse and other plants steppe zone. 56 species of mammals live here. The most common inhabitants of the Russian Plain are wild boar, elk, badger, marten, weasel, and hares: hare and hare. Rarely does a wolf come in. IN last years there are lynx and otter. Roe deer and beaver have been restored. The bird fauna includes 140 species. In spring and summer, pied flycatchers, finches, robins, warblers, and great tits are numerous. There are capercaillie, black grouse, hazel grouse. And also the black kite, kestrel, hawks - goshawk and sparrowhawk, tawny owl, little owl. Among the insects rare species butterflies Mnemosyne, swallowtail, Apollo, etc. In 1948, the Central Bison Nursery was organized in the reserve, which became the center for the restoration and breeding of bison in Russia. Animals are kept here in conditions close to natural. During the existence of the nursery, more than 600 purebred bison were born, 250 of them were resettled in the forests of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Lithuania. Excursions are organized at the bison nursery.

VI. Consolidation.

Working with Spectra's "Forest Natural Community" magnetic poster and illustrated cards. Using cards, children show and talk about which human activities are aimed at benefiting the forest community, and which, on the contrary, bring harm to the forest.

U. Why do you think some people do not follow the rules of behavior in the forest?

Work in notebooks "Let's test ourselves." Peer testing in pairs.

  • Option I - task No. 1. Supplement the diagram “The importance of forests in nature and people’s lives,” p. 29.
  • Option II - task No. 2. Mark those animals that are listed in the Red Book and live in the forest zone, p. 30.

VII. Homework.

VIII. Bottom line.

U. What new did you learn in the lesson? What should a person remember when coming to the forest? (Children's answers). Everyone should think about how our descendants will see the forests, and whether the forest can give them what it gives us now.


Materials used.

1. O. Dmitrieva: Lesson developments for the course “The World around us”: 4th grade: K educational method. set of Pleshakov A.A. M.: VAKO, 2006.

3. Website of the Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve http://www.danki.ru /

4. Website "Ecotravel" http://www.ecotravel.ru/regions/reserves/1/2/36/

This forest fashionista
He often changes his outfit:
In a white fur coat - in winter,
All in earrings - in the spring,
Green sundress - in summer,
On an autumn day - dressed in a raincoat.
If the wind blows,
The golden cloak rustles.
I. Semenova

The wind flew through the forest,
The wind counted the leaves:
Here's an oak one,
Here's a maple one,
Here is a carved rowan tree,
Here from the birch tree - golden,
Here is the last leaf from the aspen tree
The wind blew it onto the path.
N. Nishcheva

In the forest

We are in the forest in summer
We picked raspberries
And every one to the top
Filled the basket.
We shouted to the forest
All in chorus: - Thank you!
And the forest answered us:
"Thank you, thank you!"
Then suddenly he swayed
sighed... and silence.
Probably near the forest
The tongue is tired.
M. Fayzullina

In the forest

Mom and I are mushrooms
Let's collect together.
Forest gifts
We put it in the basket.
Trees above us
They make a quiet noise
About something of your own
They talk among themselves.
V. Kudlachev

In the forest

We went to pick berries in the distant forest.
There are apparently miracles there!
We saw a red ant
We met a squirrel by the stream.
We found a little white fungus,
They carefully placed it in the box.
Well, you can’t even count the ripe berries!
As soon as we get home, we’ll start eating.
We would walk in the forest until the morning,
Yes, the evening is approaching - it’s time to sleep.
N. Sakonskaya

In the forest

I've been walking in the forest since morning.
I was completely wet from the dew.
But now I know
About birch and moss.
About raspberries, blackberries,
About the hedgehog and about the hedgehog,
Who have hedgehogs
All the needles are shaking.
N. Matveeva


The wind blows from the south,
The wind blows with a blizzard,
And it flies from the east,
But he won't break me!
Blow, winds, I'm not afraid -
After all, I’m called an oak!
M. Vainilaitis


On the lawn by the river
We planted oak trees.
It's more fun to grow, oak grove,
For everyone's joy,
To our glory!
Blossom every year
Make some green noise.
Be happy, oaks,
On the lawn by the river!
A. Prokofiev


No matter how bitterly cold it is
And no matter how the blizzards hum, -
They stand and look proudly at the sky
They ate green, like in summer.
N. Goncharov

Christmas tree

Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
Vershinka –
What a needle!
With a wild wind
If you touch it -
You'll prick yourself!
A. Prokofiev


- Willow, my willow!
Who, tell me, are your friends?
- The sun caresses me,
The wind braids the braids.
G. Vieru


The autumn forest falls asleep,
Naked and empty
But viburnum doesn’t remove
Red beads.
The steppe is getting colder under the snow,
All white.
And the viburnum glows brightly
Sat around.
F. Petrov


Lonely at the fence
The nettle became sad.
Maybe she's offended by someone?
I came closer
And she, the mean one,
Burnt my hand.
V. Schwartz


Why so lonely
Does the stump have nettles?
Because it stings a lot.
Who would want to be friends with someone like that?
E. Git


Hello forest!
Dense forest,
Full of fairy tales and miracles!
What are you making noise about?
On a dark, stormy night,
What do you whisper to us at dawn?
All in dew, like in silver?
Who is hiding in your wilderness?
What kind of animal? What bird?
Open everything, don’t hide:
You see, we are our own.
S. Pogorelovsky

The forest fills a basket with mushrooms
And in reserve
Leaves a little...
After all, the animals of the forest
They eat mushrooms
Therefore greedy
Entry into the forest is prohibited!
V. Shulzhik
Forest family
Above a river
The maple rose
And underneath it,
From all sides,
The maples have grown:
Daughters and sons.
V. Orlov


I'm thick, curly
I will grow up to glory, -
Tag me!
I'm honey colored
I bloom in the summer, -
Protect me!
And on a hot day
I’ll hide it in the shade from the sun, -
Water me!
It rains sometimes,
I'll hide you from the rain, -
Don't break me!
Good for both
We can grow with you, -
Love me!
You will go out into the wide world,
You will see the whole country, -
Do not forget about me!
P. Voronko

Leaf fall

Yellow, red leaf fall -
Leaves are flying in the wind.
What will happen to our garden?
What if the leaves fall off?
F. Grubin

Leaf fall

Leaf fall?
Leaf fall!
Autumn caulking forest.
The hemp came,
The edges turned red.
The wind flew by
The wind whispered in the forest:
- Don't complain to the doctor.
I treat the freckled ones:
I'll tear off all the red flowers,
I'll throw them in the grass!
N. Egorov

Leaf fall

fallen leaves
The conversation is barely audible:
- We are from maples...
- We are from apple trees...
- We are from cherries...
- From an aspen tree...
- From bird cherry...
- From oak...
- From a birch tree...
Leaf fall everywhere:
Frost is on the way!
Yu. Kapotov


One two three four five
We will collect leaves.
Birch leaves,
Rowan leaves,
poplar leaves,
Aspen leaves,
Oak leaves
We will collect
We'll take an autumn bouquet to mom.
N. Nishcheva

A jackdaw settled on a pine tree.
I feel very sorry for the poor thing:
Why does he torture himself so much?
After all, the pine is prickly!
M. Druzhinina

Flies over the trees
A large flock of pigeons.
The bunny thinks that the clouds
They fly over the trees,
And he runs under the mighty oak tree,
To shelter from the rain.
B. Lema

Our little forest

He is not low, not high,
Our forest is green and bright.
When we started studying
In that little forest they counted:
Eight dense pine trees,
Five young birches,
Seven small aspens,
Nine sister pines.
It’s good in such a forest -
Every bush is familiar to us.
We only grieved once:
Poor Valya got lost.
A. Prokofiev

Autumn rowan
Right under the window
Burns with red fire.
It doesn't cause the house to catch fire.
Nobody put it out
Not going to.
V. Karizna


In the autumn garden,
By the path
Aspen claps
In the palms.
That's why
That week
Her palms
R. Seph

Autumn colors.
I like Osinka
She shines with gold,
There is only one pity -
Flies around.
V. Lunin

What does a seed dream about?

What does a seed dream about?
In winter in damp ground?
Of course, about the sun,
Of course, about the warmth!
After all, without a dream of the sun
In this cold
Do not become a grain in spring
Green stem.
N. Krasilnikov

Why did the oak tree's leaves fall off?

They spoke at the edge of the forest
Two visiting cuckoos:
"The oak is green, why
Aren't you coming for us?
It will be sad alone
Winter nights."
The green oak heard
I thought for a long time,
I waved the branches for a long time,
There was a lot of noise.
The leaves turned yellow overnight
And the next morning they flew around.
V. Boyarinov

Holiday in autumn

Autumn holiday in the forest -
It's both light and fun.
These are the decorations
Autumn is here.
Every leaf is golden
Little sun.
I'll put it in a basket
I'll put it on the bottom.
I take care of the leaves...
Autumn continues.
I've been at home for a long time
The holiday doesn't end.
A. Shibitskaya

The forest is growing

In the fog
Quiet forest
Like in milk
He drinks
New milk
And grows
Sh. Galliev

Pine buds

The duck quacked from the doorway:
- I caught a little cold.
I every minute
I cough and cough...
The woodpecker leafed through the book,
The woodpecker read a book
I underlined two lines:
"Pine buds."
Not a cure - just a miracle,
Your cold will go away in no time.
V. Luksha

Count it!

The Hedgehog glanced sideways at the Christmas tree:
- How many needles do you have?
Sad on the stump:
"Maybe more than on me?"
The mistress of the forest says:
- Climb on the branches, count them!
Maybe more, maybe not -
Count and give the answer!
I. Demyanov

Warm rain

Cheerful thunder roared...
It's raining in a thick forest.
It's a bath day there today,
Wash everyone who is not too lazy.
Messing up my hair,
Birch trees wash their heads.
Dusty oaks
Red forelocks are washed.
The linden tree bent down in the rain,
Washes the leaves until they squeak.
In front of the puddle mirrors
The trees are taking showers.
And rowan trees and aspens
They wash their necks, wash their backs...
Wash yourself, everyone who is not too lazy,
After all, today is bath day!
Z. Alexandrova

Poplar barber

Walks with a long ladder
Barber poplar:
- Hello, poplar,
You're disheveled.
And with an iron saw
Down with the poplar curls.
Topolek did not get angry,
It just doesn’t look like a puddle:
"It's okay that I'm a freak
Maybe it will be in a year"
G. Demykina

It's good in our forest!

As soon as I entered the bushes -
I found a boletus
Two chanterelles, boletus
And a green moss.
The prickly hedgehog is in front of me
I ran to my home.
Two titmouses in silence
They sang songs to me loudly.
I wandered further away
I picked blueberries there.
Now I bring everything home.
It's good in our forest!
G. Ladonshchikov

Bird cherry color

The Owl has a sad look,
Owl's eyes hurt.
Sat on the roof:
- I don’t see anything!
Dr. Woodpecker gave advice:
- Pick up the bird cherry blossom.
Drink the decoction -
May be,
He will help you.
V. Luksha