In what city was Yaroslav the Wise born? Daughter Anastasia and the King of Hungary

Brief biography of Yaroslav the Wise

Prince Yaroslav Vladimirovich the Wise (born ca. 978 - death February 20, 1054) is one of the most famous ancient Russian princes. Prince of Rostov (987 -1010) then he founded the city of Yaroslavl; Prince of Novgorod (1010 -1034); Grand Duke of Kiev (1016-1018, 1019-1054)

Origin. early years

The son of the baptist of Rus', the great Russian prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich the Saint (the Rurik family) and the Polotsk princess Rogneda (Anastasia) Rogvolodovna. At baptism he received the name George, Yuri. The early years of the life of Yaroslav the Wise are associated with the struggle for the Kiev throne. With achievement Yaroslav mature age Father Vladimir endowed his son with Rostov land and after the death of Vysheslav, Yaroslav became the Prince of Novgorod. 1014 - Yaroslav ceases to obey his father and pay the established tribute to Kyiv.

The struggle for the Kyiv throne

1015-1019 — Yaroslav waged a fierce struggle with his cousin Svyatopolk the Accursed for supreme power. For the first time he was able to occupy Kyiv in 1016, but he finally managed to establish himself in it only in 1019. 1021 - Yaroslav defeated his nephew, the Polotsk prince Bryachislav Izyaslavich, who captured Novgorod.

1023-1026 — fought with his brother Mstislav Vladimirovich the Brave. Having lost the battle of Listven in 1025, Yaroslav had to abandon the Dnieper left bank in favor of Mstislav. 1036 - after Mstislav died, he again subjugated the ceded lands.

Foreign policy

Like his father, Yaroslav actively pursued foreign policy: he successfully fought with Poland and was able to return the Cherven cities lost by Russia in 1018; conducted a victorious campaign against Chud and built the fortress city of Yuryev (now Tartu) in the Chud land. 1036 - defeated the Pechenegs near Kiev, putting an end to their raids on Rus'; he made successful campaigns against the Yasovians, Yatvingians, Lithuanians, Mozovshans, and Yams. 1043 - but the campaign against Byzantium, which he organized, and which was commanded by his son Vladimir, was unsuccessful. Yaroslav created a defensive line along the river. Roshi.

Wife. Children

Yaroslav was married to Ingigerda (daughter of the Swedish king Olaf). He married his daughters Anastasia, Elizabeth and Anna (respectively) to the Hungarian, Norwegian and French kings, and his sons Izyaslav and Vsevolod married the Polish and Byzantine princesses.

Results of the reign of Yaroslav the Wise

Yaroslav was engaged in improving Russian Truth and church charter. During his reign, the territory of Kyiv increased greatly. In Kyiv, the following were erected: the grandiose St. Sophia Cathedral, decorated with amazing frescoes and mosaics, the stone Golden Gate, the monasteries of St. George and St. Irene. The Pechersky Monastery, which became famous over time, was built near Kiev.

The chronicler Nestor notes that during the reign of Yaroslav the Wise, the Christian faith began to “be fruitful and expand, and the monasteries began to multiply and monasteries to appear.” He compared the prince to a sower who “sowed the hearts of believers with bookish words.” At the court of Yaroslav, many “book writers” were gathered who translated books from Greek to Slavic language. An extensive library appeared at the St. Sophia Cathedral.

1051 - by princely order, a council of Russian bishops elected monk Hilarion as Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Rus', thereby emphasizing the independence of the Kyiv Metropolis from the Patriarchate of Constantinople. For all these deeds, Yaroslav was nicknamed the Wise.


Yaroslav the Wise died on February 20, 1054 in Vyshgorod. Vsevolod Yaroslavich, who was with his father, brought his body to Kyiv. He was buried in a marble tomb in the Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral. In the inscription on the wall of this temple he is referred to as “Tsar” (king). Metropolitan Hilarion called Yaroslav the “Russian Hagan.”

Opening of the sarcophagus of Yaroslav the Wise

The sarcophagus of Yaroslav the Wise was opened three times in the 20th century: in 1936, 1939 and 1964. 2009 - the sarcophagus of the prince in the St. Sophia Cathedral was opened again, and the remains were sent for examination. 2011, March - the results of a genetic examination were published, the conclusion is as follows: in the tomb there are not male, but only female remains, consisting of two skeletons that are dated absolutely at different times: one skeleton dates back to Kievan Rus, and the second is 1000 years older, that is, to the time of Scythian settlements. The female remains of the Kyiv period, according to anthropologists, belong to a woman who during her life did a lot of hard physical labor - clearly not of a princely family.

Grand Duke Yaroslav the Wise

A. Kivshenko. “Reading “Russian Truth” to the people in the presence of Grand Duke Yaroslav”

St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, where the tomb is located Yaroslav the Wise

1035 years ago, Yaroslav the Wise was born, the fourth son of the great Kyiv prince Vladimir, popularly nicknamed “Red Sun”, and the Polotsk princess Rogneda. Yaroslav's childhood was difficult - his legs hurt, he learned to walk later than other children. The boy learned to read and write and loved to read books.

In the sixth year of life they committed Yaroslav rite of tonsure: a lock of hair was cut off - as a sign that the prince had matured and would henceforth be raised not by his mother, but by a mentor. Every year he became stronger and wiser in the presence of Grand Duke Yaroslav. But the lameness remained from the previous illness, for which the prince received the nickname - the lame man.

And at the age of 11 he was sent by his father to reign in the city of Rostov, and then to Novgorod. And he paid Yaroslav father, Prince of Kyiv, an annual tribute of 2 thousand silver hryvnia. In 1014, he ceased to obey his father, and 5 years later he himself became the Grand Duke of Kyiv.

During his reign, he united almost all Russian lands. He successfully fought with Poland, defeated the tribes of the Yatvingians, Lithuanians, and Mozovians, and defeated the Pechenegs.

At Yaroslav the Wise appeared on Slavic land first written laws. By order of the prince, those customs by which people were judged in Rus' were collected and recorded. Yaroslav knew church and civil statutes, operating in the Russian principalities. So in 1020 the first collection of laws “Russian Truth” was written. This was a list of punishments and fines for certain misdeeds, offenses and crimes.

The prince was very educated. He founded the first state library in Rus'. It was not only a repository of books, but also a book-writing workshop: translators, artists, parchment makers, and jewelers worked here.

Yaroslav cared about the education of children. To spread literacy, he ordered the clergy to educate children and set up a school for 300 boys in Novgorod.

The prince founded the cities of Yaroslavl, Yuryev (now Tartu), decorated Kyiv with many buildings, built new stone walls, arranging the famous Golden Gate in them.

Yaroslav occupied an honorable place among European sovereigns. Under him, Rus' was known in all corners of the earth. The rulers of the first countries of the world sought the friendship of the Russian prince and considered it an honor to become related to him. The prince's daughter Anastasia became the queen of Hungary, Elizabeth - of Norway, and Anna - of France, son Izyaslav married a Polish princess, Vsevolod - a Byzantine one.

For his intelligence and erudition, for the construction of cities and temples, for his wisdom in governing Russian lands, the prince was called “Wise.” Yaroslav Vladimirovich ruled Kievan Rus for 37 years - until 1054 - and made his country one of the largest, strongest and most cultural states in Europe.

Yaroslav was buried in a marble tomb in the Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral.

The material was prepared by the Central Children's Library named after. Yaroslav the Wise, Yaroslavl

Yaroslav the Wise (Yaroslav Vladimirovich) - Prince of Rostov, Prince of Novgorod, Grand Duke of Kyiv, son Vladimir Svyatoslavovich and Princess Rogneda: born in 978 (according to other sources in 979) and was baptized under the name George.

In 1017, Svyatopolk returned with support in the form of the Pechenegs. The Pechenegs turned out to be not as useful as we would like, and in 1018 Svyatopolk appeared again with help from the Polish king Boleslav I and his troops. This time Svyatopolk was lucky, and he took Kyiv, defeating Yaroslav the day before. But then Boleslav showed himself, who suddenly decided to rule in Kyiv. With the help of the people of Kiev, Svyatopolk expelled Boleslav, who by the way managed to kidnap Yaroslav’s sisters and wife Anna. Anna then disappeared without a trace. When in 1043 (25 years later) Casimir I the Restorer returned to Prince Yaroslav 800 Russian prisoners who had been captured by Boleslav in 1018, Anna was not among them.

In the battle on the Alta River, Svyatopolk was defeated. Yaroslav spared him, but he still died a little later while fleeing.

In 1019, Yaroslav married the daughter of the Swedish king Olaf, Ingigerda, who was given the name Irina at baptism.

The main events of the Kyiv period of the reign of Yaroslav the Wise.

1036 - victory over the Pechenegs and foundation in honor of this event Hagia Sophia in Kyiv.

1038 - campaign in East Prussia.

1040 - campaign against Lithuania.

1041 - campaign in Mazovia (region of modern Warsaw).

1042 - assistance to Casimir I in the struggle for the Polish throne.

1043-1044 - two campaigns against Byzantium (with varying success), ending with the signing of a peace treaty.

1045 - Prince Yaroslav and Princess Irina went to Novgorod, where they founded the stone Cathedral of St. Sophia.

1047 - break of treaty with Poland.

Yaroslav the Wise reigned for 37 years and died on February 20, 1054 in Vyshgorod. He was buried in the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv. The remains of the prince, perhaps in 1943, were taken out by the Germans during the retreat from Kiev, or perhaps at another time; in any case, a genetic examination in 2009 showed that in the sarcophagus the remains of two skeletons (female) were from different eras, and the location of Yaroslav’s ashes not known.

After his death, Yaroslav the Wise left 6 sons and 3 daughters. And also - the first set of Russian laws (normative legal act) called “ Russian truth».

Russian truth of Yaroslav the Wise represented the foundations of the legal system from criminal law (with a description of fines, punishments and types of " Virs" - payments to victims), private law (where usurious transactions and rules of inheritance law were described in detail) and procedural law (where the concepts of pre-trial investigation, statements, material evidence, witnesses, princely court, debt collection, etc. were first described), trade law.

Ukrainian Orthodox Church The Kyiv Patriarchate canonized Yaroslav Vladimirovich as a saint in 2008.

Yaroslav Vladimirovich the Wise
Years of life: 980-1054
Reign: 1019-1054

Son of the Grand Duke of Kyiv Vladimir I Svyatoslavovich (from the Rurik family) and the Polotsk princess Rogneda Rogvolodovna.

Upon reaching adulthood, the father makes Yaroslav the prince of Rostov (987-1010), and after the death of his eldest son, Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, Yaroslav becomes the prince of Novgorod (1010-1034). Yaroslav's residence became the Prince's Court, later called Yaroslav's Court.

Prince Yaroslav the Wise

In 1014 Yaroslav refused to pay tribute to Kyiv, which angered his father. Vladimir ordered preparations for a campaign against Novgorod, but did not have time carry out your plan. On July 15, 1015, Vladimir Svyatoslavovich died suddenly. Yaroslav began to fight for the Kiev throne with his brother Svyatopolk. The rebellious Kievans freed Svyatopolk from prison and declared them their prince, but Yaroslav, having secured the support of the Novgorodians, continues the struggle, which lasts 4 years. In December 1015, near Lyubech, Yaroslav defeated Svyatopolk and captured Kyiv.

And the Polotsk princess Rogneda. Even in his youth, in 987, his father appointed him Prince of Rostov, and in 1010, after the death of Vysheslav, the eldest son of Vladimir Svyatoslavich, Yaroslav became Prince of Novgorod.

After the death of Prince Vladimir, a struggle began between the brothers for the Kiev throne. First, Kyiv was captured by Svyatopolk, killing his brothers, Prince Boris of Rostov, Gleb of Smolensk and Svyatolav of Drevlya. Having defeated Svyatopolk, Yaroslav had to fight with his brother Mstislav, the Tmutarakan prince. Mstislav won in this fight, but in 1036 he died, then the entire Russian land united in the hands of Yaroslav.

Yaroslav Vladimirovich the Wise was married to the daughter of the Swedish king Olav, Ingigerda. Old Russian chronicles mention two names of Yaroslav's wife, Irina and Anna. Apparently, Ingigerda received the name Irina at baptism, and she took the name Anna when she was tonsured as a nun.

During the reign of Yaroslav the Wise (1019-1054) Kievan Rus reached its peak and became one of the strongest states in Europe. To strengthen his possessions, Yaroslav the Wise built several new cities, Kyiv was surrounded by a stone wall, and the main city gate was called “Golden”.

The foreign policy of Yaroslav the Wise was worthy of a strong monarch and was aimed at strengthening the international authority of Rus'. He made several successful military campaigns against the Finnish peoples, the Principality of Lithuania, and Poland. In 1036, Yaroslav won the final victory over the Pechenegs, the most long-awaited victory for the fatherland. And on the site of the battle he built the Church of St. Sophia.

During the reign of Prince Yaroslav, the last clash between Rus' and Byzantium took place, as a result of which a peace treaty was signed, supported dynastic marriage. His son Vsevolod married the Greek princess Anna.

Dynastic marriages contributed to strengthening peace and friendship between states. Prince Yaroslav the Wise had three daughters and six sons. The eldest daughter Elizabeth was the wife of the Norwegian prince Harald. Yaroslav the Wise's second daughter Anna married the French king Henry I. Anastasia married the Hungarian king Andrew I. Three of Yaroslav the Wise's sons, Svyatoslav, Vyacheslav and Igor, were married to German princesses.

The internal policy of Yaroslav the Wise was aimed at increasing the literacy of the population. For this purpose, he built a school where boys were taught church work. Yaroslav cared about enlightenment, so he instructed the monks to translate and rewrite Greek books.

The activities of Yaroslav the Wise were very productive. He built many temples, churches, and monasteries. The first Metropolitan Hilarion, Russian by origin, was elected at the head of the church organization. With the construction of temples, architecture and painting appeared, and church tunes were adopted from Greece. Kievan Rus under Yaroslav the Wise was noticeably transformed.

To strengthen the influence of the church, the church tithe, previously introduced by Prince Vladimir, was renewed, i.e. a tenth of the tribute established by the princes was given to the needs of the church.

The reign of Yaroslav the Wise left its mark on the history of Russia with another great deed - the publication of "Russian Truth", the first collection of laws. In addition, under him, a set of church laws “Nomocanon” appeared, or in translation “The Helmsman’s Book”.

Thus, the reforms of Yaroslav the Wise covered a wide range of problems - political, religious, educational.

Yaroslav died in 1054 at the age of 76.

He received the nickname Wise for his love of books, the church, and for his godly deeds. Yaroslav did not acquire new lands with weapons, but returned what was lost in civil strife, and did a lot to strengthen the Russian state.

But Yaroslav was nicknamed the Wise only in the 60s of the 19th century. In those days he was called “Khromts”, because. Yaroslav was limping. In that era, it was believed that physical disability was a sign of special strength and intelligence. Chrome means wise. And perhaps “Wise” is an echo of the nickname “Lame,” and his actions only confirmed this.
