Animal life in autumn. What changes occur in animals in autumn - Animals at different times of the year Animals in autumn for children

In winter, the amount of food decreases significantly, which is why most animals begin to prepare for cold weather in the fall, and some begin to prepare food in the summer. Rodents are the first to collect supplies:

  • mice,
  • chipmunks,
  • grandmas.

Already in the summer, they search throughout the forest for seeds and nuts, depositing them in burrows. This gives them the opportunity to sit in their house all winter and not go outside. During cold weather, rodents sleep almost all the time, interrupting their sleep only to eat.


Hedgehogs need to store fat for the winter. It is difficult for them to do this, since worms, lizards, beetles and frogs hide underground. On clear autumn days, the hedgehog prepares its shelter for winter. Carries dry leaves, forest moss. For the winter, he needs to stock up on a large amount of them so as not to freeze in the cold. The hedgehog spends about 6 months in hibernation. He doesn't wake up all winter. Thus, saving fat reserves, which should last him until spring.

Who isn't afraid of frost?

Foxes, hares and wolves practically do not prepare for frosts, as they spend the winter on their feet in search of food. The bunnies just change their clothes: they change their gray fur coat to a white one so that predators do not notice them on the snow carpet. It is very interesting to watch how animals prepare for winter, because everyone has their own secret.

Foxes and wolves

Foxes and wolves do not change the color of their coats, but their fur becomes thicker and fluffier: this makes it easier to survive severe frosts. Wolves gather in packs because it is much more convenient to survive in winter. Sly foxes look for any holes to rest and hide from the snowstorm.

Beavers and squirrels

Squirrels and beavers do not hibernate, but they are trained responsibly. Beavers live in large families, all together they build cozy houses near ponds, next to which they put their food - twigs from trees. They also feed on the roots of plants that grow in water.

I wonder how a squirrel prepares for winter? Red-haired forest dwellers do not hibernate, although they spend most of their time in their homes - hollows that they build high in the trees.

This rodent changes the color of its coat from red to grayish to camouflage itself from predators. What does a squirrel eat in winter? During the cold season, this rodent stocks up with the following belongings:

  • acorns,
  • mushrooms,
  • nuts,
  • seeds.

Let's talk about the bear

Bears set up their home in advance. They look for caves, ditches, where they carry leaves, branches, moss, and make a soft mattress on top from spruce branches. When snow falls, it masks the bear's hiding place and keeps it warm.

Bears do not store food, but in the fall they actively feed on nuts and fish in order to accumulate as much fat as possible for the winter. In fact, the predator does not sleep, but dozes, and if necessary, it can leave the den. It is in winter that a mother bear gives birth to small cubs.

This is how animals spend the winter. Some sleep all winter, others try to stay warm and find food for themselves. But you can learn a lot more interesting things about animals, birds and insects.

Hello guys! What time of year is approaching us? That's right, winter! We're now in late fall and getting ready for winter, right? How can we humans prepare for it? (We buy warm clothes, prepare supplies for the winter, insulate our houses, close up the windows, etc.). Guys, do you know that animals living in the forests prepare for winter almost the same way as we do! They also make edible reserves, insulate their burrows, exchange their summer skins for winter ones, and some animals even spend the entire winter in deep sleep! Today we will talk to you about how different animals prepare for the coming of winter. You tell me something, and I tell you something!
The first animal we will talk about today is the master of all Lesov-bear. What do you know about him? (children's answers)
The bear's main food consists of berries, nuts, roots, bulbs, ants, beetle larvae and fish. This helps him accumulate fat for the winter. Brown bears They make a den for themselves in a hidden, inaccessible place. Most often, it is under the root of an upturned tree or in a windfall. In November, the bears climb there and fall asleep. Bears sleep restlessly. If they are disturbed by something, they can abandon the den and build another one. In a mother bear's den, cubs are born, usually 1-2, rarely 3. They are very small, the size of a mitten. Mother bear feeds them milk for 8 months. and even when she sleeps in winter.

The next animal we will talk about is the lynx. Lynx does not hibernate. Among all representatives of the cat family, the lynx is best adapted to cold weather. She moves excellently in deep snow and climbs trees. Favorite prey of lynxes are hares, black grouse, and hazel grouse. Sometimes she attacks baby boars, hungry winter it can also feed on small rodents. In winter, moose especially suffer from lynxes, when it is difficult for these long-legged animals to move through deep and loose snow. By winter, the lynx's fur becomes thick, fluffy and soft, and the lynx's paws are heavily furred so as not to feel the cold.

Hare. As we know, before the onset of winter, the hare changes its gray skin to white. In winter they feed on bark, small twigs of aspen, willow, and birch. In winter, a fallen tree can become a real hare's dining room, where the animals visit every day until they gnaw off all the bark. They have no permanent home. In extreme cold, they hide under snow-covered bushes.

Hedgehog. When it gets cold, hedgehogs need to accumulate fat, and in the fall, hedgehogs have little prey. Worms hide in the ground, nimble lizards hide. It's hard to find bugs and frogs. On clear autumn days, the hedgehog prepares a warm nest for wintering. Night and day, it drags dry leaves and soft forest moss into the hole. The hedgehog spends more than six months in hibernation. During this time he does not eat anything or move. He sleeps curled up in a ball, in a den, under a deep snowdrift, as if under a thick, fluffy blanket. And he sleeps like this all winter, until the spring sun.

Squirrel. Many rodents also make winter reserves. Squirrels, which sleep in winter only in very severe frosts, need capital reserves. Unlike many other animals, squirrels use their reserves together. In the fall, they hide acorns and nuts in the forest floor, in hollows, and in the ground. Not only the owner herself, but also any other squirrel can get them from there. They also store mushrooms in a special way: they string them on tree branches or stuff them into forks between the branches. By winter, the coat of this animal becomes very soft and fluffy, and the color is grayish. She builds her nest on tall spruce or pine trees. Inside the nest there is soft grass, moss, and balls of wool. In severe frosts, the squirrel does not crawl out of its hollow, and may even fall asleep.

Foxes and wolves. These predators certainly don't sleep. By winter, these animals' fur becomes thicker. In winter, wolves unite in large packs. Their victims are wild boars, hares, and roe deer. And foxes attack smaller animals - hares, small rodents, birds. Burrows are usually dug in groves, on the slopes of hills and ravines.

Beavers. In autumn, the beaver family is busy preparing food. Alone, and sometimes together, beavers easily fell aspen and willow. They build themselves strong huts. The entrance to it is always located under water so that the enemy does not get close. In winter, it is warm inside the beaver’s home, the temperature is above zero.

Hamsters. As autumn approaches, hamsters begin to actively organize pantries in preparation for winter. And most place them right in the mouth, where they hide the food behind the cheeks. These animals are rightfully considered the most thrifty.

Elk. They live in the forests. Closer to autumn, when lingonberries and blueberries ripen, moose love to eat them directly with the twigs; they also love mushrooms, even looking for them specifically. In winter, moose gnaw the bark of aspen, rowan and willow trees. At the end of autumn it sheds its antlers, and by spring it grows new ones. They are not preparing a permanent home. It is difficult for them in winter, when the snow floor is very deep, because it is not easy to cross it with such long legs.

Wood mice, voles. All of them are very voracious, stocking up on seeds and berries. In winter, when everything around is covered with snow, the animals dig tunnels in the snowdrifts, and can also live in haystacks and buildings.

Quiz “How animals winter”

1. What do animals do to protect themselves from the cold?
- fly to warmer climes
- change the summer coat to a warmer and lighter winter coat
- change the summer coat to a warmer and brighter winter coat

2. What animal does not change its coat in winter?
- squirrel
- hare
- hedgehog

3. Which other animal sleeps all winter?
- badger
- fox
- wolf

4. What is the first thing that animals hibernating need?
- Fat reserves under the fur coat
- silence
- peace

5. The hare has no fat reserves. What does he eat in winter?
- Tree bark and twigs
- carrots
- cabbage

6. What do predators eat in winter: wolves and foxes?
- tree bark and twigs
- small animals
- are starving

Who's the odd one out here?

Having eaten enough over the summer, bears, badgers, mice and hedgehogs hibernate at the beginning of winter.
(Mice don’t sleep in winter, and you can’t see them because they move under the snow. But foxes always know where the mouse is, they can smell it through the snowdrift)

A wolf, a fox and an elk roam the snowy forest in search of prey.
(The elk is not a predator. Like all ungulates, it is a herbivore, and when there is no fresh grass, it eats branches and last year’s grass)

Elks, wild boars, weasels, hares and roe deer in winter feed on branches, roots, plant bark and fresh leaves.
(Weasels are predators, they catch mice and birds. Unfortunately, there are no fresh leaves in the forest in winter, so it’s difficult for them)

Well done guys! They told me everything correctly! Well, now I will show you a cartoon!

Clarify and consolidate children's knowledge about appearance wild animals, their habits, food, housing;

Practice recognizing and naming wild animals (wolf, fox, bear, hare, squirrel, hedgehog, elk);

Learn to form possessive adjectives and coordinate them with nouns.



Lesson notes for the senior group

"Wild Animals in Autumn"

Target: Clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about the appearance of wild animals, their habits, food, and homes;

Practice recognizing and naming wild animals (wolf, fox, bear, hare, squirrel, hedgehog, elk);

Learn to form possessive adjectives and coordinate them with nouns.

Demo material:Toys (squirrel, hare), illustrations of a wolf, a bear’s den, a fox, images of animals without tails (hare, squirrel, wolf, fox, bear, elk).

Handout:illustrations depicting a forest in late autumn, a snow-covered field, images (red and gray squirrels, gray and white hare), images of animal tails (squirrels, foxes, hare, bear, wolf, moose).

Progress of the lesson

Organizing time

Educator: - Children, let's remember what time of year it is now? (Autumn)

Educator: -Have you probably heard that wild animals prepare for winter in the fall? (Yes)

Educator: - I suggest you go into the forest and see how they do it. But animals need silence. And if we go into a real forest, we are unlikely to see anyone. Animals are shy. So let's turn invisible for a while and observe the inhabitants of the forest.

If you came to the forest for a walk,

Breathe fresh air

Run, jump and play

Just don't forget,

That you can't make noise in the forest,

Even sing very loudly.

The little animals will be scared

They will run away from the forest edge.

So, we set off along the forest path on a journey! And while we're walking, let's remember what animals can be found in the forest.

Physical education minute:

It’s beautiful to walk along the elk road with high knees,

An elk walks in a dense forest. fingers crossed over head

Spread apart.

Running on tiptoes like a mouse.

A mouse is scurrying into the house.

And like a hare, the little bunny jumps on two legs left and right.

Everyone is in a hurry to confuse the trail.

The bear walks like a bear, walking on the outer arch of the foot.

He's been a clubfoot since childhood.

Over the rubble, through the ravines

The bear walked with a master's step:

Answer me, animals,

Are you ready for winter?

(V. Stepanov)

Main part

Educator: - Here we are in the forest. Oh, look who it is? I already see someone.

I walk around in a fluffy fur coat,

I live in a dense forest.

In a hollow on an old oak tree

I'm gnawing nuts.

Who is this? (Squirrel)

Educator: - That's right, squirrel. (Shows a toy squirrel)

Squirrel: - Hello guys. Have you come to visit me? Look how beautiful I am. What kind of fur coat do I have? (Red, fluffy, soft)

Squirrel: - But winter will come soon and I will have to change my fur coat. In winter, what color is my fur coat? (Gray)

Squirrel: - Why? (The trees are bare, gray in winter, and the squirrel’s gray coat is invisible against the background of the trees when it hides from enemies)

(If children find it difficult to answer, the teacher gives an explanation)

Educator: - Let's check. I have pictures of a squirrel in gray and red coats and autumn forest. Let's place the squirrels on the trees and see which one is more noticeable? (Redhead)

Educator: “That’s why the squirrel changes its coat, to make it easier for it to hide in winter, when all the trees are bare.”

Squirrel: - Guys, what will I eat in winter? What supplies should I make for the winter? (Dry mushrooms, collect nuts)

Squirrel: - Oh, it’s true, that’s exactly what I stocked up on. Who can tell me what the name of my house is? (Hollow)

Squirrel: - Thank you guys, but I have to go. I still need to cover the hollow with grass and leaves so as not to freeze in winter. And I wish you a happy journey. Goodbye.

Educator: - Look, guys, what is this? (Brings the children to a picture of a den.) Whose is this house? (This is the bear's house)

Educator: - What is it called? (Den)

Educator: - Do you know that the bear does not stock up for the winter, why do you think? (He sleeps all winter)

Educator: - Right. Found by a bear fallen tree, brought brushwood, young fir trees, and moss to it and it turned out to be a bear’s house - a den. And in winter, a blanket of snow will cover the den and the bear will feel warm in it.

Educator: - Let's move on quickly before we wake up the bear.

Oh, who is this?

It's cold in winter

He walks around angry and hungry. (Wolf)

Educator: - He is also preparing for winter. (shows illustration). Its fur grows over the summer and becomes thick and warm. Why? (The wolf sleeps right in the snow)

Educator: - Wolves live in families in winter. Who is in the wolf family? (Wolf, she-wolf, wolf cubs)

Educator: - Let's move on quickly before they notice us.

(The teacher shows a toy hare).

Hare: - Hello guys! I'm so glad you came to visit me. Look how beautiful I have become. What color is my fur coat? (White)

Hare: - Why should I change my fur coat in winter? (So ​​that the fox does not notice him in the white snow)

Hare: - That’s right, it’s very difficult to notice me on white snow. I also know how to cover up my tracks. What do I eat in winter? (Tree bark)

Hare: - Yes, I find fallen branches and gnaw the bark from them, and sometimes I climb into someone’s garden and feast on the bark from apple trees. Oh, I’ve been chatting here with you for some reason, I hear a fox running here. (Runs away)

Educator: - Guys, I again suggest you check whether a hare in a white fur coat is really difficult to notice in the snow. (The teacher gives the children an illustration depicting a snow-covered field and images of two hares: white and gray. Children attach images of hares to the illustration and determine which hare is less noticeable in the snow).

Educator: (Shows an illustration of a fox). And here comes the red fox. What do you guys think, what does a fox eat in winter? (Looks for mice under the snow)

Educator: - That’s right, there are a lot of animals in the forest, but it’s time for us to return to kindergarten.

Lesson summary

Educator : - Guys, did you enjoy the trip? (Yes)

Educator: - Let's remember who we met in the forest? (Squirrel, bear, wolf, fox, hare)

Educator: - What can you call them all, in one word? (Animals)

Educator: - That's right, these are wild animals. Why are they called wild? (Because they live in the forest and get their own food)

Educator: - How do wild animals prepare for winter? (The squirrel stores up and changes its coat, the bear goes to bed, the hare changes its coat, the wolf and the fox become covered with thick, warm fur)

Educator: - Guys, now I suggest you play the game “Whose Tail?”

Game "Whose Tail?"

The teacher hands out pictures to the children depicting the tail of an animal. And on the board there are pictures of wild animals without tails. Children are asked to take turns coming to the board and attaching the tail to the corresponding animal. At the same time, the teacher asks questions whose tail is this, and the child answers.

Used Books:

M.Yu. Kartushina Logorhythmic exercises in kindergarten: Toolkit. – M.: TC Sfera, 2005. – 192 p.

I.A. Morozova, M.A. Pushkareva Acquaintance with the surrounding world. Lesson notes. For working with children 5-6 years old with mental retardation. – 2nd ed., rev. And additional – M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2011. – 176 p.

I.N. Pavlenko, N.G. Rodyushkina Development of speech and familiarization with the outside world in preschool educational institutions: Integrated classes / ed. K.Yu. White. – M.: TC Sfera, 2007. – 176 p.

Municipal educational institution "Amvrosievskaya school No. 6"

Amvrosievsky district council Donetsk region

Subject: Environment

Lesson - a fairy tale

(based on the Russian folk tale"Mitten")

Autumn phenomena in the life of animals? Animals in autumn. How does the life of animals change in autumn? Preparing animals for winter.

Subject:Animals in autumn. How does the life of animals change in autumn?

Preparing animals for winter

The purpose of the lesson: Summarize and consolidate the knowledge, skills and abilities of students; identify the volume and quality of knowledge about preparing wild animals and birds for the winter period. Improve students' ability to make logical conclusions. Show the connection between changes in the lives of animals in autumn and changes in inanimate nature and in the plant world. Develop thinking oral speech, memory and attention of younger schoolchildren. Foster respect for nature

Lesson type: combined

Equipment: Illustrations, plot pictures, magpie (stuffed animal), rowan fruits, seeds, cones, fairy tale text.

During the classes

Organizing time.

The bell has already rung.

We are starting the lesson.

I just need to remind you

That we work together.

Do you guys agree?

Well, sit down, everything is fine.

Greetings. Let's turn to each other. Let's smile, wink: how are you going? How are you running? How are you being naughty? How are you threatening? How are you?

Creating a positive emotional atmosphere. Let's get ready for today's lesson. Everything is fine in my world. I am human, part of nature. I love the natural world: plants, animals, birds and everything that surrounds me. I live in harmony with this world. We are all one. We all feel good together.

Updating basic knowledge and skills and their correction


What time of year is it now?

How many winter months are there?

What winter months do you know?

What month is it now? Let's remember the proverbs about the winter months.

January is the beginning of the year, winter is the middle.

February is a fierce month: He asks how the shoes are.

December is the end of the year, and the beginning of winter.

(note about the weather today, in notebooks).

calendar - what is it?

Calendar - the schedule of the sun for the whole year. December is the tail of the year. January is the tip of the year.

Motivation for learning and cognitive activities.

Expectations. We will write our own fairy tale. It will not be easy, but it will be instructive. We will learn a lot of new things about preparing birds and animals for winter, and the heroes of the Ukrainian folk tale “Rukavichka” will help us with this. After all, a fairy tale is interesting, exciting and educational. And so, we go on a journey.

State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Under blue skies

Magnificent carpets,

Glistening in the sun, the snow lies;

The transparent forest alone turns black,

And the spruce turns green through the frost,

And the river glitters under the ice. (A. S. Pushkin “Winter Morning”)

Show the signals. In what mood are you going on this journey?

Introductory conversation.

Calendar winter has arrived. And the weather makes us happy. Snow and frost.

Today we will talk about how animals and birds prepared for winter. We have a lot of work.

And for this we will mentally go on an excursion to an already snow-covered forest. December came to earth white and sparkling.

(Reproduction of the painting “Winter in the Forest” by I. I. Shishkin, 1877).

And one forest resident will help us find out everything. She knows everything that is happening in the forest. Who is she?


The fidget is motley,

Long-tailed bird,

Talkative bird

The most chatty one. (Magpie)


Have you been to the forest in winter?

If not, follow me quickly!

The winter forest knows a lot

And mysteries and miracles...

Magpie, of course, loves summer very much. In the summer she has many talkative girlfriends - neighbors.

The magpie is complaining that we won’t see many neighboring birds in the forest today.

Why? Which ones flew away first?

Why? Which ones were the last to fly away?

Why? What do you call birds that fly away for the winter and then return?

Where did we read about this? What is the name of this fairy tale?

Do all birds fly to warmer climes? What are the birds that stay behind called? What happens to them?

Reference: Out of 10 tits, only 2 meet spring (Describe a tit).

Magpie is a good housewife and loves to greet guests.

What kind of guests are these? Where are they flying to us from?

This is what the magpie stored for them: rowan berries, seeds, cones, sunflower seeds.

What birds breed their chicks here? Why?


We see the bullfinch only in snowy times. With the first snow, bullfinches fly to us. And in the spring they fly north, to their native lands. (Describe the bullfinch).

How can and should we help birds?

Physical education break.

Like snow under a hill, snow,

And there's snow on the hill, snow,

And there is snow on the tree, snow,

And a bear sleeps under the snow.

Quiet! Quiet! Keep quiet!


Our magpie was worried for some reason. Oh, that's it! A grandfather is walking through the forest, not alone, but with his faithful dog. A magpie will fly and notify the whole forest. Grandfather dropped his mitten and moved on.

What kind of fairy tale? What is the name of?

Let's try to tell a fairy tale.

A little mouse is running.

Mystery: Small animals, gray fur coats.

Little black eyes, sharp teeth.


How does this animal prepare for winter? What other small animals hibernate? Tell us about them.

Who came running next?

Behind her is a bouncing bunny.

Mystery: White in winter, gray in summer

Jumps deftly and loves carrots.

Guess what kind of hat?

A whole armful of fur.

The hat is running in the forest,

And the trunks gnaw the bark.


Does he have his own home? How did the bunny prepare for winter? What other animals change their fur color? Why do the hare's legs save him, but his heels give him away? When are the bunnies hatched?

Who came running next?

Little fox-sister is running.

Mystery: Red-haired mistress

Came from the forest

I counted all the chickens

She took it with her.


What do you know about her? What does “the fox is mousing” mean? What it is?

Who came running next?

Brother wolf is running.

Mystery: Grayish, toothy prowls across the field

Looking for calves and lambs.


What kind of animal is this? What does he eat? What do we call it?

Who came running next?

The Father Bear is coming.

Mystery: The owner of the forest

Wakes up in the spring

And in winter, under the blizzards howl

He sleeps in a snow hut.

He is a furry, club-footed beast

He sucks his paw in the den.


What does a bear do in winter? Why does he suck his paw? When are cubs born?

Who else would you like to invite into the mitten? Listen to the letter we received. And you will find out what kind of animal this is. (Reading the letter).


"Tell me what you eat and I'll tell you who you are"

Guess who am I? I eat bugs and ants!

I thought and firmly said: Woodpecker!

I guessed wrong! I also eat wasps and bumblebees.

Yeah! You're a honey-buzzard bird!

Not a buzzard! I also eat caterpillars and larvae!

Thrush bird.

And I'm not a blackbird! I also gnaw on the elk’s shed antlers.

Then you must be a wood mouse.

And I'm not a mouse at all. Sometimes I eat mice myself!

Mice? Then, of course, you are a cat.

Either a mouse or a cat! And I didn’t guess at all.

Show yourself!

I'll show myself if you admit defeat!

Sometimes I eat lizard. And occasionally fish.

Maybe you're a heron?

Not a heron. I catch chicks and steal eggs from birds' nests.

It looks like you're a marten.

Don't tell me about the marten. The marten is my old enemy. I also eat kidneys, nuts, seeds of fir trees and pine trees, berries and mushrooms.

Most likely you are a pig! You eat everything. You are a feral pig who foolishly climbed onto the Christmas tree!

Are you giving up?!

To make it easier for you to recognize this animal, guess the riddle.

Inna Lopatina
GCD on ecology “Animal life in the forest in autumn”

Animal life in the forest in autumn. Older age.

Target: develop interest in natural objects, expand children’s horizons and ideas about changes in animal life in autumn, develop speech, enrich children's vocabulary, develop the grammatical structure of speech. Cultivate a sense of caring for animals.

1. What time of year is it now?

Early autumn, golden or late?

What is the name of the month?

2. Do you think we people have a good life? in autumn? (children's answers)

There is a warm home, clothes, food

How is life in forest animals in autumn, How do you think? (children's answers)

3. Today I will tell you what we are doing animals in the forest in autumn.

Bear. He, dressed in a warm fur coat, clumsy, clubfoot, has been preparing for winter since the summer, storing fat, preparing a cozy den. The bear is afraid of frost, which is why it sleeps in a den all winter. Using sharp claws, it tears strips of bark from pine and spruce and mixes them with moss. And he prepares such a soft bed for himself in the pit. Curls up and sleeps until spring.

The hedgehog prepares bedding in its own way. It rolls head over heels on the grass and accumulates leaves on its needles. Then he carries his mattress of leaves to his hole under the roots of the tree. He doesn't make any provisions for the winter. When the cold comes, he climbs into his house and sleeps until spring.

But the squirrel dries mushrooms, collects cones, nuts, acorns - everything will come in handy in winter. Squirrels are very economical. She has there are storage rooms in the forest. He will find a nut and bury it in a hole under a tree. He finds more and puts them in the same hole. In such storage rooms different trees The squirrel makes a lot of reserves and doesn’t even eat it itself during the winter. Very hardworking.

I've been jumping around all day, There's a lot to do in the fall

Choose a hollow for the winter so that it is warm,

Cover it with a carpet - warm down, soft moss.

I'm jumping around all day long I collect soft moss in the forest,

And if I see a nut, I’ll jump into the pantry with it!

Well, if I find a mushroom in the clearing, then come in winter - I’ll certainly treat you.

Sheet autumn flies around, leaves are falling from the branches.

Look, look, I'm changing my outfit.

She was red, now her fur coat is thicker and lighter,

The tail is silvery-gray, fluffy.

But they prepare in a completely different way animals in the fall for the cold, which do not fit into hibernation and do not make provisions for themselves. What do you think about animals in question? (fox, hare, wolf, wild boar, deer).

Generous to all of them autumn gives warm fluffy coats. You can survive frosts in such fur coats.

Who changes his fur coat? (fox, hare)

The fox changes its fur coat to a more fluffy, beautiful, warm one. Thick fur appears on the paws, and the tail becomes fluffy. In summer the fox has a lot of food. These are frogs, lizards, mice, and chicks. But in winter, only mice save the fox from hunger. (A child prepared in advance makes a small message about life of a fox in the forest)

The wolf also needs a fluffy tail. In winter he sleeps right in the snow and covers his nose and paws with his tail. The wolf does not change the color of his fur coat, but his fur becomes thicker. And the wolf does not make provisions; strong, fast legs and sharp teeth help him survive.

About life of a wolf in the forest Artem will tell us (the child has prepared a story about life of a wolf in the forest)

The hardest thing in the forest has to Who do you think?

Of course, the hare. The hare does not have his own house, he hides wherever he can, he is afraid of everything. And he is full of enemies. His inconspicuous fur coat saves him. Gray in summer, white in winter. It is no coincidence that the eyes are slanted; the hare sees in front, behind and to the sides. Sensitive, but the ears also help out the hare. The hare feeds at night, it is safer. Loves to eat branches of young trees.

Fizminutka "We are now in forest»

Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle is one child with his eyes closed. Children walk in a circle and say the following: words:

Roma, we are now in forest, we are calling you: AU, Roma, open your eyes, find out who called you.

4. The second part of the GCD didactic games:

Game exercise "Which" to select adjectives for the word animals.

(herbivores, evil, big, kind, small, cunning)

A game “Who was who?” when I was little

The bear was...the squirrel was a bear cub...the hare was...

There was a hedgehog... there was a wolf... there was a badger.

There was a fox... there was a moose...

A game "Whose Family"

Wolf, she-wolf, cub - whose family is this? (wolf)

Hare, hare, bunny...

Fox, fox, little fox...

Bear, she-bear, little bear

Hedgehog, hedgehog, hedgehog...

Elk, moose cow, calf.

Badger, badger, little badger.

"Who lives with whom" (drawing up a proposal)

The wolf lives with the she-wolf and the cubs (fox, hare, bear, hedgehog)

In conclusion, you can make riddles about animals.

As an option - a sketch of any animal.

Bottom line: Who did we talk about today? What new did you learn?

Publications on the topic:

Didactic games on ecology I offer you several games environmental education For different ages. 1. “Ambulance” (for children middle group) Goal: to develop.

Final lesson on ecology Goal: To identify the level of development of children’s environmental knowledge and ideas. Strengthen ideas about the signs of spring (add.

Goal: to generalize and clarify children’s knowledge about nature, to cultivate love and respect for it. Objectives: Develop memory, intelligence.

Ecology lesson “The world around us” Program content: Cognitive development: 1. Form a caring attitude towards your body through a system of knowledge about harmful factors.
