Vronsky Sergei Alekseevich predictions. Sergei Vronsky: biography

Modern Latvian astrologer and healer, popularizer of occult knowledge. The first and only Soviet time certified astrologer in Russia. According to Vronsky, he comes from an old noble family. He lost his parents early, who were shot in 1920. He, who miraculously survived, was found by his grandfather, who lived in Riga. Thanks to his family, he received an excellent education: after graduating from the Miller private gymnasium in Riga, in 1933 (1934) he continued his education in Berlin. Under the patronage of his relative Karl Ernst Kraft, he was selected to study at the Bioradiological Institute, and at the same time studied at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Berlin. At the same time, he became a Soviet intelligence officer and a member of the German Communist Party and the NSDAP at the same time. Treated Hitler, advised Hess and E. Brown.
In 1939 he worked at the German Military Medical Academy, where he treated cancer patients.
In 1941-1942 he worked as a military doctor in Rommel's army.
In 1942, he was called to Moscow, secured a transfer to the Eastern Front, and, hijacking a plane, flew to the Soviet troops. Further, as Vronsky said, he is in the ranks Soviet army worked as a military field surgeon, was seriously wounded, received group I disability. After the operation, Vronsky was discharged and from 1942 to 1945 was in the position of a semi-homeless man.
In 1945, he was helped by his old friend Vilis Lacis, the former head of the government of the Latvian SSR. He invited Vronsky to Latvia and appointed him to the position of director of a school in Jurmala. Vronsky worked there until 1946, when he was arrested. He was given 8 years in the camps. He didn't even serve a year. Having hypnotized the guards, he left the camp and reached Poland, where he lived with relatives until 1956.
In the 50s, the Soviet "higher-ups" became interested in his knowledge. He began working in a secret laboratory at the USSR Academy of Sciences, where paranormal phenomena were studied. In 1967, he created a group of occult consultants under the KGB of the USSR. The group was created on the personal instructions of Yu.V. Andropov and continues to exist to this day. In the late 70s and early 80s, Vronsky worked with Brezhnev as a healer.
S. Vronsky was rehabilitated in 1952. Thanks to Andropov, he settled in Moscow in February 1963, although without registration, and with Andropov’s permission he led the first groups on extrasensory perception and astrology. He lived in Moscow until January 1992, then moved to Riga. For the last 5 years of his life he taught astrology at the Latvian state university.
Thanks to S.A. Vronsky, astrology was revived in Russia. The peak of S.A.'s fame Vronsky was in the late 1980s - early 90s, when the first book on astrology in the Soviet Union, “Astrology - Science or Superstition,” was published. At that time he gave many popular lectures and was published in the newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets. Sergei Alekseevich is the first to combine astrology and extrasensory perception.
Last wife- Liliana Zhukova.
Vronsky's astrological interests are in medical astrology, lunar-terrestrial interactions, and the astrology of extrasensory perception.
All of the above is known from S.A. Vronsky himself. There is an opinion, supported by archival documents, that under this name was hiding Soviet intelligence officer Jan Edvin Muizhemnieks, from 1941 - Jan Bruzevics (took his wife's surname), and from 1943 - S.A. Vronsky.

Vronsky, Sergey Alekseevich

Sergei Alekseevich Vronsky(March 25, Riga - January 10, ibid.), Soviet and Latvian astrologer, healer, parapsychologist, psychic, popularizer of occult knowledge.

Official biography

He came from an ancient Polish family.

Sergei's parents were shot in 1920. He himself miraculously survived, and a little later his grandfather, who also lived in Riga, found him.

He graduated from the Millerovsky private gymnasium in Riga, then studied at medical institute in Berlin. In 1934, in Riga, his distant relative Ernst Kraft met with Sergei Vronsky, who invited Vronsky to enter the Berlin Bioradiological Institute, and Vronsky agreed. At the institute created within the Ahnenerbe organization, Vronsky began to study the so-called “secret” sciences: bioradiology (now - extrasensory perception), parapsychology, cosmobiology (astrology) and others.

After graduating from the institute in 1938, he became a practicing astrologer, and also, according to his own statements, worked at Hitler’s headquarters in the disinformation department.

At the end of 1942, Vronsky fled to the territory of the USSR: he hijacked a military fighter and crossed the border Soviet Union in the Valdai Upland area.

It is alleged that Vronsky practiced for some time as a surgeon, and after the war he returned to Riga, where he was convicted of espionage. Only later, thanks to the support of Yuri Andropov, in February he settled in Moscow, where he led the first groups on extrasensory perception and astrology.

On December 11, 1983, Vronsky began teaching an official five-year course in astrology in Moscow.

In January he left Moscow and settled in Riga again. I taught a course in astrology at the Latvian State University. He died in his apartment in the Zolitude area in January 1998 at the age of 83.

Suspicions of hoax

IN documentary film"Sergei Vronsky. The Great Impostor,” published in September 2009, a version is expressed that for many years Latvian Jan Muizhemnieks, recruited by Soviet intelligence, posed as Sergei Vronsky (after his wife’s last name). Bruzewicz). Some episodes of the biography of “Sergei Vronsky” and Jan Muizhemnieks coincide almost to detail. At the beginning, Muizhemnieks received a serious wound to the head and a concussion (the same episode is in the biography of “Vronsky”). According to the memoirs of the intelligence officer’s wife, “when he came to his senses after a shell shock, he called himself Sergei Alekseevich Vronsky.” The newly minted Vronsky told the police that he decided to take this surname because he liked it. He was issued a passport in a new name.

However, there is no doubt about the existence of a man - an astrologer and healer who calls himself Sergei Vronsky. He was personally known to the First Deputy Head of the Security Service of the President of the Russian Federation Georgy Rogozin, a veteran of foreign counterintelligence and intelligence historian Stanislav Lekarev and many others. etc., and on his grave is engraved: “Count Vronsky Sergei Alekseevich.”





  • Personalities in alphabetical order
  • 20th century astrologers
  • Healers
  • Born on March 25
  • Born in 1915
  • Born in Riga
  • Died on January 10
  • Died in 1998
  • Died in Riga

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Sergey Vronsky, a famous astrologer and psychic, a surgeon and psychotherapist, a doctor of medicine and a doctor of philosophy, a prisoner of the NKVD and a political scientist, a descendant of an old noble family, remained unknown for a long time. For many years his works were secretly passed from hand to hand and copied. Astrology in those years was stubbornly considered a pseudoscience.

  • In memory of the outstanding astrologer Vronsky S.A. ,

Vronsky said:

We all know and understand perfectly well that a profession, specialty, or work that does not meet internal needs is simply torment for the person himself and a hassle for colleagues and others. The consequence of an incorrect, unsuccessful choice of profession will be an eternal search for something better and an eternal change of jobs, alternating positions.

In any case, in order to avoid the “three pines” misconception, we sincerely advise you to seek help from astrologers and astropsychologists, for only astrological science can reveal to you all your hidden talents and abilities, the possibilities of applying and realizing your powers in certain conditions and circumstances of life .

The location of the majority of planetary constellations on the Horoscope Map speaks very accurately and correctly about the inclinations of an individual, his talents and abilities. It is structured in the same way as my previous work on astrology about marriage and compatibility: it is easy to process using a computer, to compose certain programs, which will then bring a certain benefit to astrologers and psychologists working in this field.

Leading figures of astrology before the 20th century AD.

We have already named the names of some ancient Greek scientists who contributed to astrological science. Despite the fact that in the XVI-XVII centuries. The new celestial mechanics of Kepler, Galileo and Newton firmly established and strengthened the Copernican cosmology, but it could not completely destroy astrological thinking, rooted in the traditions of many millennia.

As a rule, all famous astronomers of that time were also excellent astrologers.

They continued to engage in astrological science and practice despite the fact that it was considered a “hellish sin”, was extremely dangerous and threatened not only with excommunication, but also with burning at the stake. For example, birth mother Kepler barely escaped the clutches of the church inquisition, almost paying with her life. And Galileo? What about others?

Already in the 13th century AD. one of the outstanding philosophers of that time - Albert the Great (Magnus) (1193 - 1280), a scholastic and Dominican, teacher at the Universities of Paris and Cologne, became especially popular not only in France, but also in Germany. He was revered in everything cultural world thanks to deep knowledge in the field of medicine, magic and astrology. One of his closest students, the famous Thomas Aquinas (1225 - 1275), also enjoyed great fame as a preacher and astrologer. One can name a number of famous astrologers and defenders of astrological science.

For example, the famous preacher, astrologer, humanist, philologist and theologian - Cornelius Melanchthon(16.II 1497 – 19.IV 1590), who compiled a horoscope for Martin Luther (1483 – 1546) and predicted the success of his teaching. Cornelius Melanchthon is the author of many textbooks and works on pedagogy, theology, and astrology.

Nicolaus Copernicus(19.II 1473 – 24.V 1543), Polish astronomer and astrologer, creator of the heliocentric system of the world.

Michelle Nostradamus(XII 14 1503 – 1566), famous French scientist, doctor, astrologer, poet and physician to Charles IX, known as the author of “Centuries”, written in 1555 in rhymed quatrains containing predictions of future events European history.

Galileo Galilei(15.II 1564 – 8.I 1642), Italian astronomer, astrologer, physicist, mechanic, one of the founders of natural science, passionate defender of the new Copernican cosmology. After analyzing his own horoscope, he predicted a serious illness for himself, and his prediction actually came true - in 1637, four years before his death, he became blind. The case of the “great heretic” of the 17th century was revised by the Roman Catholic Church only in October 1980, when Pope John Paul II declared that the Inquisition trial of the brilliant astronomer and mathematician that took place in 1633 was unfair... And Galileo Galilei was rehabilitated.

Philip Areolus Theophrastus Bombast von Hohenheim(Paracelsus) (14.X 1493 – 24.IX 1541), famous doctor and a natural scientist, one of the founders of iatrochemistry, who contributed to the introduction of chemicals into medicine. With great success he applied astrological knowledge in his medical practice. He wrote and taught not in Aginsky, but in German.

Francis Bacon(22.I 1561 – 9.IV 1626), an English empiricist philosopher, the founder of English materialism, not only devoted many years to scientific and literary work, but also successfully engaged in astrological practice.

Johannes Kepler(XII 27, 1571 – XI 15, 1630), one of the most famous astronomers and astrologers of his time, who discovered the laws of planetary motion. I started practicing astrology because of my love for mathematics. Compiled individual horoscopes for many historically famous people, including the great commander Albrecht von Wallenstein, Duke of Friedland, as well as Emperor Rudolf II himself. Kepler's service to scientific astrology lies in the fact that he always passionately defended and defended all the scientific astrologers of his time. He was a staunch supporter of scientific astrology and believed in the indisputable truth of this science. He emphasized that the work of an astrologer is very important and necessary, that it is a highly skilled job, and therefore should be highly valued. Simultaneously with the Danish astronomer and astrologer Tycho de Brahe, Kepler began to use mathematical astronomical calculations and calculations in astrology. In this way they greatly strengthened the mathematical foundation of astrology and advanced it far forward. Kepler outlined his knowledge in a large major work, “Harmony of the World.”

Jean-Baptiste Morin de Villefranche(Johannes Morin) was born on January 22, 1583, his fame was brought to him by the multi-volume work “On Determination”, replete with many accurate predictions. At one time, Morin was the personal astrologer of Cardinal Richelieu himself.

Benedict (Baruch) Spinoza(24.XI 1632 – 21.II 1677), a Dutch materialist philosopher, pantheist and atheist, was considered a skilled astrologer and compiled many horoscopes for famous people. He was especially interested in studying the impact and influence of planetary aspects on the field of commercial activity.

Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz(VII 1646–XI 14 1716), famous German scientist, idealist philosopher, physicist, mathematician, lawyer, historian, linguist, meteorologist, astrologer. From 1677 until the end of his life he served the Hanoverian dukes as a court librarian, historiographer, privy councilor of justice and astrologer. From 1700 he became the first president of the Berlin Scientific Society, then president of the Academy of Sciences. He was one of the largest astrologer-scientists of his time. His astrological basis in relation to meteorology is still used with great success both in Germany and far beyond its borders. In Potsdam, near Berlin, he compiled individual horoscopes for all princely persons.

August Wilhelm Schlegel(8.X 1767 – 12.V 1845), German philosopher and literary historian, literary translation theorist and translator, writer and playwright. Brother of the idealist philosopher Friedrich Schlegel. I was involved in astrological practice a lot.

Friedrich von Hardepberg-Novalis(2.V 1772 – 25.III 1801), German philosopher and poet. I was involved in astrological practice a lot.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe(28.VIII 1749-22.III 1832), famous German thinker and naturalist, poet and statesman. He willingly engaged in astrological practice.

Many of his works were written precisely when the favorable location of the luminaries indicated this.

Walter Scott(15.VIII 1771 – 21.IX 1832), English poet and novelist, lawyer by training. He worked a lot on horoscopes and gradually learned to use the favor of the heavenly bodies to work in the field of legal practice and literary activity.

Professor Johann Pfaff(5.XII 1774 – 26.VI 1835), famous German scientist, member of many academies of sciences around the world, including St. Petersburg and Munich, as well as the Moscow Physics and Mathematics Society and many others. He had many works on astrology, in which he expanded this science using precise mathematical calculations and calculations. His translation of Claudius Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos from Greek into German is still considered the best. It was published for the first time in 1822. He gave his last lecture on astrology in 1817 at the University of Wirzburg.

Gustav Theodor Fechner(19.IV 1801 – 18.XI 1887), German idealist philosopher, physicist, psychologist, satirist writer. One of the founders of experimental psychology and aesthetics. Due to illness and partial blindness, he became seriously interested in philosophy and astrology.

Sergei Alekseevich Vronsky. Volume 1. Introduction to astrology.

My dear reader, it is not without reason that I introduced you to a number of famous historical figures who, in addition to their main work, were seriously engaged in astrological practice. This is very strong evidence that “the game is worth the candle.” Think about this and you...
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Tags: Astrologer Vronsky, Count Vronsky, classical astrology, works of Vronsky, patriarch of astrology, astrologer and healer,

Human life is not so much a way to improve one’s karma, but rather an obligation to fulfill a certain mission, which a person himself can only vaguely guess about. Particularly difficult tasks fall to the lot of magicians. As if by chance, secrets are revealed to them, giving them the strength to do something that other people cannot. Sometimes the situation is unfavorable and you have to wait decades for moments of Truth, but what do the years of earthly existence mean in comparison with the eternity of the spirit? And he who has not completed his spiritual work cannot die before his time, no matter how hard his enemies try. The Forces of Light will certainly return the soul to the world of passions and suffering: only after fulfilling its duty will it find peace and bliss.

The life of the astrologer, surgeon, psychotherapist, predictor and intelligence officer Sergei Alekseevich Vronsky is truly fantastic. He reveals his legendary past in parts - perhaps we will never know the whole truth about it.

But what has already been told is enough to strike the imagination: the son of a Russian officer, he became a member of the German Communist Party, studied magic in the very heart of the occult Reich, was friends with Rudolf Hess, introduced Hitler to Eva Braun, maintained contact with Richard Sorge and worked for Soviet intelligence. He crossed the front line and ended up in the Gulag, from where he escaped and led a semi-beggarly existence for a long time. He predicted Brezhnev, was friends with Gagarin and Korolev, wrote songs that, when performed by Moscow bards, gained nationwide popularity.

A cascade of heroic, sometimes seemingly implausible deeds and deeds was only the external side of the fulfillment of his mission, which, at first glance, may seem very modest. We are talking about a return to the Soviet Union, which then became the Russian Federation, and the resumption of the interrupted tradition of professional astrology and magic. His books: “Astrology - superstition or science?”, “On marriage and compatibility”, “Medical astrology”, “Career guidance”, “Death indicators” - they were the first. The fashion for secret knowledge and the amateurism inevitably associated with it began later, but after Vronsky, real, talented researchers appeared.

It was this spiritual work of Sergei Alekseevich that they tried to interfere with three times and always in Soviet Russia, and not in Nazi Germany, where the astrologer spent years of study and subsequent work. The first time this happened was in 1920, when the Bolshevik gang of Yakov Yavorsky, breaking into the apartment, shot the large family of the tsarist general: him, his wife, and children.

Even a letter with permission to travel abroad, signed by Lenin himself, did not help: the Tsar was shot along with the Tsarevich, and here it was “just” some general!

Five-year-old Sergei was saved from the bloody massacre only by the fact that he was walking on the street at that time. Instead of him, another boy died, the son of the teacher, who looked similar to Vronsky Jr.

The second time, having returned from Hitler’s Headquarters and crossing the border on the orders of the Center, he was almost killed with a blow to the head, crushing the bones of the skull. Having survived his first death in 1943, Sergei Alekseevich said: “The first time I almost reached the end of the tunnel, the Brotherhood of the Dead. As I understood it, one of the guards came out to meet me and asked: “Are you coming to us voluntarily, or were you forced to do so?” ...And I shouted: “No! Not voluntarily. I'm being forced! Trust me! I see that you are a bright, kind and fair spirit. If you can, let me go!.. You see, I am still young and strong. There's still a lot I can do. Just help me heal the bones on my head. Until the end of my Second Life I will pray for everyone... I swear!”

Of course, he was returned: those who are destined to leave the Earth for a long time are not asked about their readiness to die.

And at this time the famous Soviet neurosurgeon and once close friend father - Burdenko, fought for the life of his patient. Vronsky did not die, but for a long time after being wounded in the head he was unconscious; the words of the guard of the Brotherhood of the Dead echoed in his brain: “Come back, but know that there will be great trials before you...” And so it happened: when the Soviet intelligence officer woke up, he was sentenced to execution, which, however, was replaced by 25 years in the camps. Vronsky says about this period of his life: “I seemed like a demigod to the camp authorities, they obeyed me unconditionally, fearing for their health - I treated them with hypnosis and psychotherapy. When I decided to escape, they prepared the “base” for my escape (an identity card and a “legend” to justify myself before the NKVD) in advance, having thought through all the details.”

But it was not much easier in freedom than in the Gulag: the Soviet authorities persecuted Sergei Alekseevich for many years.

He could not get a job anywhere, and if he did get a job, he was soon fired under any plausible pretext: it was enough for the KGB to call the management and advise them to get rid of the unreliable employee. Of course, these “unobtrusive advice” had the force of an order: Vronsky invariably ended up on the street.

However, senior Soviet officials turned to the person they were persecuting for help - for example, Brezhnev wanted to find out the exact date of Mao Zedong’s death. The astrologer says: “Some high-ranking officials sometimes used consultations - for a soup or a one-time “packed ration.” No one has ever paid me money, and I simply wouldn’t take it. Most often, I gave recommendations regarding successful days of departure, stay in another country and return. Of the cosmonauts, I was associated only with Gagarin and chief designer Korolev. I warned Gagarin about the unlucky day of March 27, 1968 (triple critical day), and Korolev was instructed to be especially vigilant in mid-January 1966.”

Once again Vronsky was “killed” by the Dark Forces during the period of “developed socialism” - in 1977. He died in a hospital on Stromynka, and his breathing stopped.

Sergei Alekseevich began to climb the dark tunnel to the Gate of Light. Later he spoke about his experience in the next world:

“And suddenly I see my mother, brothers and sisters, who were shot during civil war. I clearly hear my mother’s voice: “Son, stop. I have not yet fulfilled my duty to the Fatherland and the people. Come back and know that you must leave your knowledge to people on earth... The true time of your departure will come, and we will come for you, meet you and take you away...” And again a miracle happened - I returned once again From there."

He returned to complete his mission, for which he endured so much ordeal, and announced that the future belongs to Russia in an alliance with independent Ukraine and Belarus. However, worldwide tragedies are also possible - the worst of them: the Third World War, in which we will only be observers. Astrologer and magician Vronsky warns: “The laws of the Cosmos are inexorable and merciless. The First World War destroyed most empires, the second - the “brown plague”. The third must destroy the “red plague”. After this will come “worldwide brotherhood” - a thousand-year period of peace when a person will be glad to meet another person, when he will not care whether he is a fellow countryman or a stranger, whether he is white or black, red or yellow.”

The future is variant: the trials of humanity are not predetermined, but only possible. And yet it is not out of place to listen to Vronsky’s words: he underwent magical initiation in early childhood, having accepted it from the hands of his Montenegrin grandmother. Then he learned the secrets of mastery at the Berlin Bioradiological Institute, where his teachers were Tibetan lamas and acupuncturists from China, Hindu yogis and martial arts experts from Japan, as well as shamans from Arab and African countries.

The innate talent of the astrologer is evidenced by the fact that he began teaching as a third-year student, and in the fourth year he became a senior teacher in astrology.

  1. A magician cannot be a weak person. He has to show an iron will, resisting not only immaterial entities, but also the power of earthly rulers. Sergei Vronsky was a true wizard. A graduate of the Academy of Occultism in Germany in the thirties, he survived the horrors of the Stalinist Gulag, but did not break down and did not betray his calling.
  2. Sergei Vronsky returned astrology and other secret knowledge to the country of “militant ignorance”. Before Vronsky, astrology seemed unreal to Soviet people. Now many people cannot start the week without reading the astrologer’s advice for the near future.

It is known that there are 2 directions of teaching in Astrology: Western and Eastern. Depending on the future. The Eastern school concentrates knowledge based on Arabic and Indian astrology. Accordingly, the zodiac sign at the time of a person’s birth is assessed by the location of the Moon. Western astrology, another name for European, determines the zodiac sign according to the location of the Sun in the starry sky.

Sergey Vronsky studied specialized education in Berlin. He noted that he perceives Astrology precisely as a science, and not a faith. What is noteworthy is that the magician himself was a deeply religious Christian. The education received in Europe, however, was based on Eastern treatises. While today, most astrologers in Russian Federation draw up horoscopes according to Western style.

People who attended Vronsky's courses spoke of him as an open and fairly down-to-earth person. Despite his wisdom and advanced age, communication with the “guru” was always equated to a friendly conversation. The magician's predictions were always amazing in their accuracy. Some students to this day keep personal horoscopes compiled by a famous astrologer.



Source of information about Vronsky’s predictions – ProrokOnLine.ru
Published February 23, 2014

Sergei Alekseevich Vronsky - philosopher and psychologist, healer and clairvoyant, astrologer and medium, personal astrologer of Rudolf Hess, a man of mystery.

Vronsky's prediction: “...all mine prophetic dreams The dreams that I have seen during my life have been fulfilled, so I am sure and have no doubt that my last and future dreams will also come true. Late last year, I saw California on fire in a dream. San Francisco, Los Angeles, Hollywood were in ruins. And I hear a voice: “This is Sodom and Gomorrah...”.

Our planet is facing severe natural disasters and the Third World War with dire consequences. Many scientists confirm that in the near future the so-called "ring of fire" - a tectonic fault passing under Pacific Ocean, capturing Russian Far East, Japan, northeast Australia and West Coast America" ​​(May, 1997, Riga).

In his book “Horoscope for Eve,” published in 1992, he predicted the collapse of the USSR and a bloody war in the Caucasus. According to his forecasts, the inhabitants of the Earth will face a third world war, which will overwhelm Europe and Asia, but the Russians will not participate in it.

On April 10 last year, in the “Autograph” section, our weekly magazine published an interview with the world-famous astrologer Sergei Alekseevich Vronsky.

Unfortunately, due to a lack of newspaper space, the conversation with a leading expert in the field of astral phenomena was published in an abbreviated form, but we promised readers (who, by the way, showed great interest in this publication) to continue the conversation with S. Vronsky on the topic of clairvoyance and predictions future.

Due to certain circumstances, our interlocutor turned out to be a foreigner (S. Vronsky lives in Riga), and this prevented our readers from speeding up the meeting with him. And only thanks to the editor-in-chief of the publishing center "Knigolyub", the editor-in-chief of the magazine "Bereginya", writer Sergei Mikhailovich Kamenev, this meeting took place.

So, Sergei Vronsky. Former major of the German Wehrmacht, "black shirt", then a surgeon, psychotherapist, bioradiologist, professor, Ph.D., doctor of medicine... A certified astrologer, whose forecasts simply stunned everyone... Professor of White Magic. A man-legend of the 20th century... Only a year remains, and, as he admitted in an interview last year, we will find out the true face of this sorcerer. For now, just another conversation with him...

Sergey Alekseevich! You have been living in Latvia for the second year now, where you spent your childhood, where you first fell in love, where you lived and started working. But, apparently, you also remember the time when you were forced to leave Latvia...

Yes, I remember this time. I was offered to leave Riga within 72 hours as a socially harmful element. Then I didn’t sign anything and left the KGB building, leaving all the documents there. It’s good that then I met my friend Viktor Okunchikov. I told him everything: “Yes, we’ll have to leave. There were cases when after such visits people simply disappeared.” And I left. And where do you think? To Moscow. I was met there by a whole delegation: Doctor Alexander Malinovsky, Doctor Leonid Vasiliev, Professor Gellerstein. At first I stopped at the animal graphic artist Vadim Trofimov, where I began treatment. But the house was under surveillance, and I had to wander again. The Losev family gave me shelter on Arbat.

Professor Losev, a leading Russian philosopher, one of Solovyov's followers, at that time worked as a professor at the Krupskaya Pedagogical Institute. His wife Aza Libekovna Taho-Godi headed the department of ancient literature at Moscow State University. I lived in this wonderful family for almost a year and a half. During this time, I put my lectures and manuscripts in order and began to write a homeopathic prescription, which I conceived back in Berlin.

Since Arbat lay on the “government highway,” I also had to leave the Losev family. Lieutenant Colonel Naida, who worked in some secret laboratory, and pilot Batievsky found out about my situation, they introduced me to Colonel Ivanov from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They offered me to work for them. I helped find criminals with the help of one photograph. They were happy with me and soon gave me a passport and registration. At the same time, I began to train psychics and astrologers.

I remember such a case. After meeting Yuri Gagarin, I drew up a horoscope for him and predicted the day he should fear. I even told him not to leave the house that day. Several factors predicted him tragic death. He predicted the tragedy and the Queen. He shouldn't have had surgery.

Years have passed, and I am back in Riga. I want to spend the rest of my earthly life in peace. After all, in Moscow for so many years I huddled in a one-room apartment. And now I have a wonderful three-room apartment. I work well here. You ask how I feel when I remember Russia? Feelings are very diverse. Firstly, I am still Russian, albeit of Polish origin. You know that my ancestors appeared in Rus' since 1636, which means that Russia is my Fatherland, and I love it as much as I love Latvia. Secondly, my heart aches when I read in newspapers, hear on Russian radio, watch on TV where our Russia is heading... How our people, and not only ours, suffer and suffer... And how difficult it can be to understand such well-known commandments such as “personal freedom”, “spiritual freedom”, “independence”, “independence”,
"freedom of speech and press"...

For the most terrible and incorrigible mistakes of the first and last president Now we all have to suffer from the Soviet Union - Russians, Latvians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians... And it’s too late to fix the matter. As people say: “the train has left.” We have no choice but to humbly come to terms with what is. Or violently begin to improve their affairs.

Now, if they had listened to my forecasts, which I made in 1986-1989, and they were simple and understandable, then everything could have been different and what we are experiencing now would not have happened. And my predictions were really simple: to sacrifice political ambitions for the sake of economic ties. But in those years, politicians celebrated the “Pyrrhic victory” over reason.
And now it will take decades to restore broken and lost connections.

Sergey Alekseevich! Over Russia, over Muscovy, the clouds are too cloudy. Everything is gray, everything is faded, everything is despondent. Poverty began to appear everywhere. Why do we need such punishment? Russia, with its thousand-year-old culture, wears the rags of civilization...

Whether we like it or not, we all live according to the laws of Karma. There is Karma of an individual, which he redeems or mitigates in his present life. The same Karma exists in the family. People have karma. Karma for humanity. Karma of the entire planet Earth. So the Russian people are atoning for their Karma with the present torment and suffering earned during the existence of their history. Our planet is Dante's purgatory. We cannot escape this law, no matter how hard we try.

Many ancient peoples either died or passed a very strong test - the Lemurians and Atlanteans, the Sumerians and Babylonians, the Mayans and Incas. Of the most ancient peoples, only Jews and Gypsies survive, and, as can be seen, they will continue to live. Every nation, like a person, is born, grows, culminates in culture and power, and then begins to wither, die and disappear from the face of the Earth, leaving behind some faded traces.

If we can trace a human life from birth to sunset, then the life of a people is much more difficult to trace, it can last thousands and tens of thousands of years, and we are unable to record either the beginning of its emergence or the end of its disappearance...

I recently had a chance to talk with Father Nikolai from Volokolamsk. So he said with alarm that there is now a split in Orthodoxy. This can be seen this way: there are hour-long sermons on television, and the same thing on the radio. Whose sermons are these?..

Regarding the schism in Orthodoxy, we can say that such a schism has occurred and continues to occur in other faiths. History shows us that, for example, the Catholic faith split into Calvinism, Lutheranism, and Anglicanism.

The same thing happens in Judaism and Islam. Although Judaism is faithful to Jehovah, you must admit that there are many Jewish Christians.
In Islam, most people have remained faithful to their prototype Allah, but there are already fundamentalists who are real fanatics who neglect all the commandments of Islam.

And how many different sects and trends have now arisen, very different from each other. All this is a sign that soon the unification of all cult religions into one faith will begin - the faith of the Supreme Mind or the First Cause.
All this will be established in the age of Aquarius, an age that seeks truth in all spheres and areas human life. This century will be the century of Millennial Peace and Justice.

Is it not according to the laws of the Cosmos that the movement of many peoples occurs? Nowadays, even in Moscow and the Moscow region, you see too few bright people. There seems to be some kind of migration going on...

Yes, it is happening... The white race is going to destruction. And she will die. Entire multi-volume volumes can be written about this... The next ruling race, the sixth in a row, will be yellow. She will come and seize power and power in the cosmic age of Aquarius, which is just around the corner.

But only the third world war will clear the way for him. The yellow race will rule for approximately 8-9 thousand years, until our planet from the cosmic age of Sagittarius enters the cosmic age of Scorpio.

Sergey Alekseevich. Once, in a conversation with you, you mentioned that someone’s voice helps you create your books. Is it so?

Yes, here you are absolutely right, someone helps me in my work... I am personally sure that this is Johannes Baptistus Morinus, who was born on February 22, 1583. He was once the personal astrologer of Cardinal Richelieu. This, perhaps, is my gratitude for the fact that throughout my adult life, starting with student years at the Bioradiological Institute, I always admired his 26-volume book “On Determination”. I studied these books and promoted them. I have been Morinus' most loyal and devoted fan for 60 years. Apparently, for this I deserved his love, attention and recognition. True, there is another version.

Our “clairvoyants” - both visitors and locals - unanimously affirm that in one of my previous lives I seemed to be Morinus himself. This is confirmed by the fact that I was associated with many outstanding government and politicians, this is something that is a clear repetition of Morinus’ connections with both the French king and noble nobles, and his service with Cardinal Richelieu.

But all this is not for my mind. I need more explicit proof, although, to be honest, Morinus and I have too much in common.

There are too many “gifted people” at present. You just don’t have time to look at their faces and remember their names. Do you think this is a “disease” of the 20th century or a “conscious” necessity?

Regarding gifted people, I can say one thing: in Russia they were, are and always will be. But the thing is that in last years"messengers" from other worlds, "contactees" and miracle workers are simply lumped into this category." And why not? In such a muddy water, as now, you can catch, in addition to minnows and all sorts of tinsel, larger fish. If only she took the bait. These "fishermen" need a catch. And they profit from the misfortune of the people; this is a pleasure for them.

By the way, this is observed not only in Russia, but also in many countries around the world. And with my students, things are like this: the very first ones, who studied with me in the 60-70s, went abroad, however, for various reasons. Of those who studied in the 70s and 80s, they still remained in Russia and successfully continue my work. Moreover, the school of classical astrology has become stronger in many countries. And it began, just imagine, in Nazi Germany.

I personally had to meet Adolf Hitler. He suffered from stomach, liver and headaches. Several times, on the recommendation of Hess, he called me to relieve pain and attacks. It’s worth saying here that I coped well with this. As a patient, Hitler was calm. And if the first time he greeted me warily, then he greeted me with a smile. I noticed one thing about Hitler - he was an amazing organizer. He could instantly subjugate everyone gathered around him, and during his speeches he immediately conquered the masses of the people. His gift as an orator was naturally intertwined with the gift of a hypnologist. I noticed how Mussolini, who arrived in Berlin, after one meeting with him, immediately found himself under the influence of the Fuhrer.

I compiled horoscopes for almost the entire top of the Reich, including Hitler, Goering, and Himmler. I predicted the dates of death for them, but none of them believed it.

The only one who took my warnings seriously and thereby saved his life was Hess.

EDITOR'S NOTE: As is known, Rudolf Hess was Deputy Fuhrer, a member of the Ministerial Council of Defense of the German Empire, a member of the Secret German Council of the Cabinet of Ministers and the leader of the Nazi Party. What prompted him to parachute into Great Britain, near the estate of the Duke of Hamilton, in his plane in the uniform of a Wehrmacht captain in May 1941? Why did he call himself Horn? Why did Joseph Stalin, when Winston Churchill arrived in Moscow, ask the British representative at dinner about Hess's unplanned mission?

There are many secrets, but they will also be revealed. It is known for certain that materials from the English archives concerning Rudolf Hess will be disclosed and declassified... in 2002.
- Recently, information from a professor appeared in the press that you were among those people who attempted to assassinate Hitler.

Yes, many people are haunted by my biography. But I have a taboo, as you know, until midnight on May 8, 1995.

The time will come, we will see, but for now I personally still want to live, work...
In general, little is known about what happened in October 1935 in Germany, because it was strictly forbidden to write about it.
And those who tried to find out ended up in a concentration camp. And, as far as I know, none of them lived to see the end of the war.

Sergei Alekseevich, but could you tell us about your attitude towards dreams. About their interpretation...

You probably know that a dream book is a book in which the symbols are translated into a language we understand. The art of dream interpretation is called oneiromancy. This science is as old as humanity itself, for as long as a person has existed on earth, dreams accompany him from the cradle until the end of his life. And, naturally, the person tried to interpret dreams.

I have always been surprised and admired correct interpretation dreams of my grandmother. She mastered this art perfectly, as well as astrology, healing, fortune telling and other types of occult sciences. And what kind of books did she not have in her home library! But what caught my eye most were the leather-bound books: the ancient Chinese dream book with amazing pictures, the brightly colored ancient Egyptian and large Assyrian-Babylonian dream books.

Over the years, I have visited many countries around the world. And what surprised me most was that dream books were reference books in almost all homes, in every family.

Personally, I always believed in dreams, because for me they were prophetic.

Second dream on the night of December 29-30, 1978. The Virgin Mary comes to me in a dream, all in white, and stretches out her hands. I'm delighted, but I can't understand how this can be? I stretch out my hands, and they are covered in blood. She wipes them on her robes. When I ask why she does this, she replies: “Now we are becoming family...”. The next morning, in the Kolomna Church in Moscow, I accept Orthodoxy... I believe dreams and attach great importance to them.

What about the question of human happiness? After all, it exists together with hope for the best, but now we have the opposite: there is no hope, and the people do not believe in anything...

The question of human happiness is too conditional, because each individual has his own concept of happiness. For one, happiness is the results of his scientific work, for another - money and wealth, for a third - love and family life. It depends on the spiritual level of a person.

And yet, faith, hope and love are the foundation of any happiness, both for a scientist, and for a person from the world of art, and for an ordinary person.

If you lose faith, you can become spiritually poor. Having lost love, you become impoverished morally and ethically, and having lost hope, you may lose interest in life.

Well, now a question about your books. What was the fate of the “Vronsky Homeopathic Prescription Recipe”, which we talked about in the last interview?

So far, three of my books have been published, not counting the small-format book of our conversations. “Astrologers: superstition or science”, “Astrology in choosing a marriage”, “Astrology in choosing a profession”. All these books are already being prepared for the second edition. Three new manuscripts are being considered by various publishers. The recipe you are asking me about is currently being reviewed by a new generation homeopath, research scientist Igor Dmitrievich Trubachev. He is one of the best diagnosticians.

The manuscript of a multi-volume book “Classical Astrology” is being prepared, which will include lectures that I gave in Berlin in the 30s. True, some incidents occur: publishers earn millions from the release of my books, forgetting about their author. But this is by the way. I will only say that retribution for unseemly, to put it mildly, actions is inevitable. This was not said by me, but by life itself...

The conversation was conducted by Sergei Kamenev.
