Payments of fees. Payments of royalties Fee for publication in a scientific journal

All questions regarding obtaining information on royalties for publications in English versions journals published by Pleades Publishing must be sent to the editorial offices of the journals.

How to receive a fee

Step 2:

Prepare documents:

To speed up the registration procedure at the bank, we ask you to download and fill out the attached form in advance.

To receive a fee, you must have your passport with you. For Russian citizens, a valid internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. For foreign authors with a foreign passport, a notarized translation of the passport into Russian is additionally required.

To receive a fee by proxy for your colleagues (relatives), you must fill out a power of attorney form and have it notarized or properly certified at the principal's place of work.

Step 3:

Contact the bank to receive a fee:

Contacting the bank and receiving the fee occurs on the day on which you will be registered. With the prepared documents, you need to contact the bank branch you selected when registering.

For addresses and opening hours of branches, see section

See more

We ask you to be understanding about the presence of queues and long service times at the bank - this is an inevitable moment due to the large document flow when opening an account and making payments, which affects the service time for each client. At the same time, opening a bank account is a one-time procedure, and as the majority already have accounts, the service time will be significantly reduced.


To speed up the registration procedure at the bank, we ask you, if possible, to download and fill out the attached form in advance.

To receive a fee, you must have your passport with you. For Russian citizens, an internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. For foreign authors with a foreign passport, an additional document is required notarized translation of passport into Russian.

It is also advisable to provide a TIN (if available) - this will speed up the procedure for opening an account (it is enough to know the number; the certificate itself is not necessary).

To receive a fee by proxy for your colleagues (relatives), you must fill out a power of attorney form and have it notarized or properly certified at the principal's place of work.

Attention: power of attorney options in any form are not accepted!

For all non-tax resident authors Russian Federation, in accordance with the requirements of Article 142.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 16, 2018 N 693 "On the implementation of international automatic exchange of financial information with the competent authorities of foreign states (territories)", it is necessary to provide information about your country of tax residence and the corresponding tax number (TIN). To confirm the tax number, you must present the appropriate document - a certificate of assignment of a tax number (tax certificate), as well as a completed form attached below.


Cash desk address and opening hours

Moscow, st. Kalanchevskaya, 29, building 2
Directions: from the Komsomolskaya metro station, exit towards the Leningradsky station, then to the Leningradskaya hotel, after the railway bridge turn right and walk 200 m.

Cash desk operating hours:
Mon-Thu: from 10-00 to 15-30
Fri: from 10-00 to 15-00
Sat, Sun: days off

Saint Petersburg

Cash desk address and opening hours

St. Petersburg, st. Chapaeva, 15, lit. A, room 8-N

We are starting an unprecedented experiment: anyone who wants and believes in the power of their word can do it, and if it is good, we will immediately publish it on the website, in all social networks, and maybe in a magazine. The most interesting thing in our experiment is the payment system. The more popular the material is, the more resonance it causes, the more its author will receive. We will open the tariff system in personal correspondence with potential authors; I’ll just hint that one small but hit material can bring its author more than the fee for several articles! It all depends on your instinct on relevant and necessary topics!

Here are some tips on what kind of content we need and are popular with readers:

  1. Materials with photographs. Who is interested in reading without pictures these days?
  2. News. If you find interesting news before others, present it in the style of MAXIM magazine and provide it with a seductive headline, your chances of success will increase. News can be an event, video or photograph. But the text is needed anyway
  3. Useful materials, advice for all occasions in a man's life
  4. Interesting analysis on a current topic, be it culture, science, sports or politics
  5. A selection of news, events, photographs, people or animals related according to some principle. “10 rock musicians with AIDS who saved cats from a fire” or “10 cats who saved journalists from the wrath of rock musicians with AIDS” - some of this might work
  6. Exclusive photo or video. If you made this yourself and think that it might be interesting not only to your friends, send it
  7. If you are not sure of the value of the idea, you can only send its description, we will answer whether it can suit us or not
  8. We definitely don't need: works of art, discussions about life, reviews of films, TV series, music and games

  1. The material must be original, that is, written specifically for us. We will check for copy-paste
  2. Text size - at least 3000 characters with spaces
  3. The material must have a title (a few words) and a subtitle (1-2 sentences)
  4. It should be written in the language of the MAXIM magazine, that is, in good language. From point of view . Knowledge of these values ​​is achieved by reading the magazine, and if there is no intuitive understanding, then you are not our reader, and now you are wasting your time.
  5. And yes! It is advisable to write with this in mind. With humor

By procedure:

  1. We send materials (and questions) to:
  2. We will try to answer all emails, but if the material suits us, we will respond very quickly
  3. Registration of relations occurs by concluding an agreement - a normal procedure, but only after the material has been approved.
  4. We do not review materials
  5. We don't care where you're from. It doesn't matter to us who you are - a man, a woman, a child, a computer program, an animal, a plant or a mineral. Materials are evaluated, not authors
  6. If the material suits us, we reserve the right to make any changes to it
  7. After the material is published, we provide the author with a personal account in our content management system, from which he can monitor the progress of his article
  8. We indicate the author's name or pseudonym. Or we don’t indicate it - at the request of the author.

So, everything is in your hands. We provide a platform from which you can reach several million readers. You try to make the conversion worth it. Go for it! And if this is not the same real income on the Internet, then the fitness editor will eat his weightlifting belt.

I would like to quote from Sergei Kozlov’s article “How much does a book cost and what are the writers’ fees?”:

“The only achievement of current freedoms is that today any author, having the means, can publish his creation. Or find a philanthropist. The circulation of such publications varies from 100 to 3,000 copies. A good circulation for an author (in central publishing houses) is a circulation of 5–10 thousand copies. Even thick literary magazines today have dropped in circulation so much that they can barely eke out their existence. Famous " New world" has a circulation of about 1.5-3 thousand, and only the patriotic "Our Contemporary" has a circulation of more than 10 thousand copies. To be honest, fees for authors in these magazines are formal. For a short story, the author can receive from 1 to 3 thousand rubles. But here the power of prestige is already at work: being published in the oldest publication is the dream of every writer.

If a book is published at the expense of sponsors or regional administrations (according to their publishing programs), then the fee is negotiated in a special agreement with the publishing houses, and the amount is negotiable and can vary from 10 to 100 thousand rubles depending on the volume of the text, as well as the name of the author . The distribution of such publications is also the responsibility of the authors, as well as the owners of the circulation. Most often they are distributed free of charge to libraries and public organizations, and are also generously donated by authors to a narrow and wide circle of those who put these books on the shelves, most often without reading.

Central publishing houses today prefer to invest money, as usual, in well-promoted names that can be equated to brands. The production of this kind of literature, like television series, has been put on stream. Sometimes the author can no longer cope with the workload, and he has to hire so-called “literary blacks” who outline the main idea or several chapters in rough form, and the eminent author then “combs” these texts at his own discretion. Sometimes up to five very talented people work for such a “star” of modern literature, receiving very modest remuneration for their work. The star herself, whose name will be difficult to remember in twenty years, receives on average from 5,000 to 10,000 dollars for a hasty novel. Then, with decent advertising support, the product is thrown onto the market, and also immediately comes to the attention of the creators of television series for an adequate translation into the language of television viewers. In this case, the author receives additional funds. Here, depending on the manufacturer and broadcast channel, the amount varies from 10,000 to 50,000 dollars, because cinema is an expensive pleasure.

It should be noted that in Russia, in Hollywood, those who come up with the most interesting stories The people who make us look at the screen - writers and screenwriters - belong to the lowest paid category of the film industry. More recently, Hollywood screenwriters even went on strike over this issue. Let me remind you that the actors involved in the films receive a “penny” from each rental, no matter where it takes place. For example, a film is shown on an airliner, the airline has already included the cost of this screening in the ticket price, the actors and the director will receive their “penny”. This is in addition to a truly fabulous fee, amounting to millions of dollars. But this is in normal countries, where intellectual property is no cheaper than movable and immovable property, and is protected by laws.

The vast majority of Russian writers today do not have the opportunity to be published. Basically, regional authorities are engaged in their “exit into the world”, publishing collections, almanacs, literary supplements and individual publications at the expense of cultural, as well as publishing programs approved by the Duma. It is more difficult for a provincial writer to get into a Moscow publishing house, get a “registration” and promotion there than for an applicant to enroll in Moscow State University or MGIMO. Usually there are one or two such writers living in a region. At the same time, their fees are very modest when compared with their brothers in the capital, who have a kind of “cunning” in communicating with publishers and know how to track additional circulations, which are usually hidden so as not to pay the authors additional money from the profit. Although, it should be noted that the publishing business today is a very risky business. The fee for a provincial author at a central publishing house varies from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles per author's sheet. What is an author sheet? This is 40,000 characters. And 40,000 characters is a dense text, typed in 14 font in the Times on 20–25 pages. In terms of the amount of spiritual, creative, and physical costs, 25 pages of literary text is a very labor-intensive work even for “quick-to-hand” writers.

Thus, the average modern dynamic novel (250 pages) - very small by classical standards - can bring the author from 60,000 to 200,000 rubles. Its film adaptation brings much more. Even with a very popular name, the cost of this work will not exceed half a million rubles, otherwise it will simply be unprofitable for the publisher to deal with this book. It should be noted that the author does not sell the text, but rather the copyright to this work for a certain time. Most often - for 5 years. And having sold the text once, he cannot during this time sell it to another publisher, audiobook creators, or even a film director without the consent of the original owner for publication.

If the above amounts seem large to someone, sit at your desk and try to write a book. An artistic text that philologists have yet to recognize as an artistic text. And one more thing: the task of a real writer most often does not coincide with the tasks of the market. Therefore, if in Soviet times many authors wrote to the table in connection with ideological dictate, today many write to the table because it is more difficult to sell and publish a literary text than a “sexy shooter”, “Santa Barbara”, richly seasoned with jargon and even obscenities. ”

What is your opinion about writers and fees?

Hello dear guests!

Website offers everyone who wants to earn money.

  • No affiliate programs
  • No links
  • There are no minimum payout limits.

Everything is very simple: become the author of this site, publish any of your articles and receive a fee for each published text. If, after approval, your article is published, then you are guaranteed to receive a bonus reward of up to $10.

Now a little more detail

  1. Anyone can become an author. To do this, you just need to register in the system. When registering, you must indicate your wmz wallet. Or you can add it later when editing your profile. Later, your bonuses will be transferred to it.
  2. After this, you can start writing articles.
  3. After sending the article for approval to the moderator, you will only have to wait (usually from 2 to 24 hours). If your text meets our requirements, then your article will definitely be published.
  4. After your article is approved and published, your fee will be transferred to you within 2 hours to the wmZ wallet you specified.

Requirements for articles

  • Mandatory requirement: The article must not have been previously published online. Therefore, there is no need to copy them from other Internet sources. Such articles will be immediately deleted.
  • You must be the author of the article or indicate the name of the real author at the end of the article.
  • The article should not be shorter than 500 characters.
  • It is recommended to insert an image relevant to the topic at the beginning of each article. In this case, the article will be rated more expensive.
  • After publication and payment, you no longer have the rights to publish the same article on other resources.

Small additions

  • If when writing an article there is no suitable category for it, then place it in the “Miscellaneous” category.
  • After submitting for moderation, you need to wait from 2 to 24 hours (in rare cases it may take 48 hours). After this, you will know whether the text was accepted or not. If you followed our rules for writing an article, then be 100% sure that the article will pass and you will be paid a reward.
  • Within a few hours (usually a maximum of 2 hours) after your article is approved and posted on the site, your earned money will be transferred to you.
  • After you have received payment for an article, all rights to it are transferred to this site and you do not have the right to post the same article on other resources.
  • The cost of an article depends on many factors: what circle of users will be interested in your article, the content, size, popularity and relevance of the topic, etc. and ranges from 0.1$ to 10$
  • The cost of articles is assessed by the moderator. Claims for payment for the article will not be accepted.
  • The moderator has the right to change the text of the article, remove links to third-party resources (with the exception of free posting)

If you still think or are afraid that your article will not be appreciated, try posting a “test” article. And we will prove to you that everything is fair with us.

Dear authors"New Literature"! We offer everyone who had publications in our magazine in 2015 and later the opportunity to earn real money from their texts. To become a participant in the royalty payment program, read the contents of this page and let us know about your desire by e-mail: .

Dear writers, poets, playwrights, publicists, critics, literary scholars, philosophers, journalists! If you have works that have not been published on the Internet, for which someone will vote in rubles, offer them for publication in Novaya Literature. If published, you can begin to regularly receive well-deserved rewards for your work.

Dear readers! Since 2015, the magazine “New Literature” offers you the opportunity to support your favorite authors financially by transferring a small amount to the publication’s account from the page with the work you like. For this, you will receive permanent access to the archives of the month in the form of files for reading in full and on any device. Buttons for payment are available under each published text.

The author will receive 51% of any transfer. 49% will remain for the magazine to live and develop.

To author could receive remuneration for his publications regularly, he needs to promote reader interest in his publications. The answers to frequently asked questions below will tell you how to do this. Ask us your questions, and the database of our answers on this page will be expanded thanks to your participation for the common benefit.


1. Why was the work published in an abridged form?

Since 2015, the magazine “New Literature” has offered its readers two types of reading: 1) short versions texts for free review and 2) full versions texts when purchasing access to all works of a certain month for a symbolic amount. This is done so that readers have the opportunity to express their sympathy for certain works by supporting their favorite magazine and favorite author financially.

2. Are all works abbreviated?

Only works from 2015 and later will be abridged at the discretion of the editors. Works from previous years may also be shortened at the request of their authors.

3. Is it possible not to shorten works?

If the author does not want an abridged publication in free access, then it is enough to indicate this when submitting an application for publication by e-mail: . Then the work will be published in full and freely available.

4. Is it possible to shorten the work differently than the publishing editor did?

If the author believes that it was possible to shorten the work for free access better than the publishing editor did, that the author’s version of the shortening will more effectively attract the reader’s attention, then you can inform about this after publication by e-mail: or even take care of how to shorten the text in advance, when applying for publication. An abbreviated version of the text may be the beginning of the work, or almost the entire work without the ending, or selected fragments of the work - one or several.

5. How much does it cost to have access to all works of a particular month in full?

During the current month (that is, today's month, while publications related to it are being made), access to all past and upcoming publications of this month can be purchased with a 50% discount, for 97 rubles.

After all the works of the month have been published and the first publication of the next month has taken place, the discount ceases to apply, and access to all works of the past month in full can be purchased for 197 rubles.

6. How long does the purchased access last?

Access to all works of the month in full is purchased once and forever, regardless of whether with a discount or without.

7. How much does the author earn?

Half of each such transfer goes to the author of the work from whose page access to all works of the month was purchased. If it is the current month, then 50 rubles out of 97, if it is the past month, then 100 rubles out of 197.

8. Will all authors receive compensation? 9a. If an author publishes under a pseudonym, then in whose name, if successful, will he be able to receive royalties - his own or a fictitious one?

The author has the right to receive royalties without revealing the secret of his pseudonym. But in this case, if he loses control over his e-mail, from which he contacted the editorial office, the money he earned may go to the person who gained control of the e-mail. To prevent this from happening, firstly, the author informs the editor in advance of his payment details, and secondly, the author is recommended to think through in advance and choose ways to confirm his identity if necessary. This could be a phone number, a scan of a passport, a secret word, etc. At the same time, the author must understand that the loss of any such “key” may lead to the sending of a fee to someone who deliberately impersonates this author.

9b. Is it possible to keep the pseudonym secret for a participant in the royalty payment program?

This is possible, provided that the author has a bank card, or an account in an electronic payment system, or a mobile phone. Then the editors don’t need to know the author’s real name in order to send him money. But his real name will be known, respectively, to the bank, or the administration of the electronic payment system, or the mobile operator - otherwise the recipient will not be able to cash out the money. However, in the case of an electronic payment system, there are many opportunities to spend electronic money without revealing your real name even to the administration of this system.

10. How can a reader find out if the author of a work he or she likes is participating in the royalty program?

Near the “Buy” button at the bottom of the page there should be a message about this with a link to this page. If you are participating in a royalty program and there is no such message on your page, then remind us about this so that we can post such a message.

11. What is the minimum amount you can receive?

Any amount, starting from 1000 rubles, as soon as it accumulates in personal account. If the author has circumstances that do not allow waiting, then you can receive a smaller amount by agreement.

12. How can the author find out the status of the current individual account?

After the author has expressed a desire to participate in the program for receiving royalties by e-mail: , in response to confirmation of his inclusion in the program, he will receive access to his personal account, where he can control the receipt of money to his virtual account: date, time and amount of credit.

13. They bought access from my page, but no money was added to my personal account. What to do?

1) Wait. Information is displayed in your personal account with a delay of 1 to 24 hours.

2) If after 24 hours the receipt is not displayed in your personal account, then inform us by e-mail: the date, time and method of payment so that we can search for the payment.

14. How can the author get his money?

When informing about your desire to participate in the program for receiving royalties by e-mail:, the author is recommended to immediately indicate a convenient way to receive money. For example, phone number, region and operator, if it is more convenient to receive money on your balance mobile phone. Or the bank card number, region and name of the bank that issued it. Wallet number in Yandex-money or Webmoney. Account numbers in QIWI or PayPal. Current account details in a Russian bank. Royalties will be transferred to where it is more convenient for the author, if the journal has the possibility of such a transfer method.

15. Can authors of the journal “New Literature” who did not have publications in 2015 participate in the royalty program?

Probably yes. Please indicate your desire to participate in the program for receiving royalties by e-mail: the issue of participation in the program for receiving royalties for authors of the journal “New Literature” who have no publications in 2015 is decided individually.

16. Why doesn’t anyone buy access to the works of the month from my page?

This usually happens for two reasons: they didn’t like your work or they don’t know about it.

1) The reader will vote with rubles only for the work that he really liked, for which he would like to thank the author not in word, but in deed. Therefore, if your work is truly remarkable, then nothing is required of you other than to write it and publish it in Novaya Literature as part of the royalty program. It will find its reader through word of mouth: readers themselves will recommend each other to read it and support the author. Create beautiful works and be rich! "New Literature" provides you with such an opportunity.

2) Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to create such a wonderful work that would reach the reader on its own: to do this you need to have not only literary talent and writing skills, but also to get into the flow, as they say, to be in the right place at the right time, guess the requirements of current reality, cause a public outcry with your creation. This happens infrequently, and relying only on this is stupid. In order for readers to pay attention to your work, you, dear authors, must not only create it, but also make sure that people know about your brainchild. Otherwise, you will spend your whole life waiting by the sea for weather, never realizing that water does not flow under a lying stone.

The magazine “New Literature” has been paving the way from writers’ heads to readers’ hearts for the second decade. We, more than anyone, know how difficult this is. And today we can give you some advice on how to find your way to the reader, how to express yourself, make them interested in you, how to properly present your creation so that they pay attention to you. How to give the reader a chance to love your works and thank you for your work, if he deserves it.

First, publish your work in New Literature. This alone is not easy to do, since we publish only carefully selected texts. This will be the first test of the consistency of your work. It will appear in the magazine in edited form, illustrated and formatted for easy reading. There is no need to pay for this.

Secondly. If you have money, it’s better to use it to promote your own creation on the Internet (for example, by advertising a page with your work in the Google AdWords or Yandex-Direct contextual advertising systems). If you have time, use it to promote your creation on the Internet by communicating with your potential readers. If you have the strength, do not spare it for this. If you have friends and relatives, involve them in your advertising campaign.

Your goal is to bring an interested reader to your page in New Literature. This should not be a random visitor; running after them is just a waste of energy. This should be a reading, interested representative of the abstract community for which you created your work.

The task is to find such a reader and interest him.

Where to look? On thematic sites: in literary magazines, in online bookstores, among visitors to portals dedicated to fiction. In thematic communities: in literary, writing and poetry clubs, on specialized literary forums, on websites of fans of a particular author. At events: at literary meetings, presentations, anniversaries, festivals, exhibitions. Among fellow writers: at literary competitions. IN in social networks: among members of groups directly or indirectly related to literature and art. In professional communities: unions of writers, cinematographers, screenwriters, theater workers. On the official websites of publishing houses, theaters, exhibitions. At scientific literary conferences. Among teachers of literature and Russian language. Among students and teachers of philological faculties and universities. Finally, among any cultural developed people, intellectuals and romantics interested in literature.

How to get interested?

Register in these communities, communicate, be interesting yourself and interest your interlocutors in your creativity. And only after that, invite them to get acquainted with your publications in the journal “New Literature”. These are the only readers you need.

It's long and hard way for any author. But only he will bring you a unique experience of knowing both your audience and yourself. In this way, you can act both for the benefit of your writing and for the benefit of your financial situation.

And the magazine “New Literature,” for its part, is ready to support you in this endeavor and is equally interested in your literary triumph.

Dear readers! Once a month, don’t take the trouble to donate an amount equivalent to half a bottle of vodka or a couple of subway rides to the cause of the development of Russian fiction. One half of your payment will please your favorite author, the second will help make your favorite magazine even better and more popular.

If you did not find the answer to your question on this page, ask it right now by e-mail: and the answer will appear here.
