English Times. Tenses in English: detailed explanation

Understand, repeat or learn tenses in English language? You're kidding! This is almost a Chinese letter! Actually no, and we know a few secrets on how to quickly and easily learn and remember English Times(table attached).

It is the times that become the main brake that prevents you from easily and simply mastering this most beautiful and popular language in the world. Sit back, sit back, because now we will tell you how to quickly and easily learn and remember verb tenses in English.

Method 1: how to quickly learn verb tenses in English

Students are confused from the very beginning, believing that there are 100,500 tenses in English. In fact, there are also 3 tenses in English: present, past and future. Then, as soon as you have mastered these basics, you will need to add other knowledge to the existing foundation.

Now is the time to find out that all verbs denoting actions in English can be divided into ongoing and non-continuous (i.e. continuous and non-continuous).

How to distinguish them: if an action occurs, has occurred or will occur over a certain period of time, then it is continuous (long or long-lasting). For example, Kolya was sleeping, Lena was doing her homework, Artem was reading a book.

If a sentence contains the following constructions, use Continuous - long time:

  • at the moment,
  • from 5 to 7,
  • the whole day,
  • when he came and so on.

It is used when it comes to about an unfinished process, action, which was done, is being done or will be done in a specific period of time.

Band Times Indefinite or Simple are used to denote an action that occurs regularly, every day, and its exact moment is unknown. It is characterized by indicator words: usually, twice, a week, on Sundays, often, sometimes, never, in summer, hardly, ever and so on. These words state the fact that an action is being performed.

When talking about a completed action, use Perfect, if the sentence contains phrases:

  • already,
  • just,
  • recently
  • lately, etc.

These indicator words indicate about the presence of a result by a certain moment: something happened now or yesterday by 5 o’clock, or will be ready by tomorrow morning.

Now we define Is it important for understanding the meaning by what point in time this action will be completed?. Thanks to this, we will understand whether we should use the perfect tense or not (Perfect or non-Perfect). Now is the time to bring together all the signs of action we have identified. This way we get a complete definition of the available time. For example, Past continuous Perfect.

Perfect Continuous's times real life are practically not used. However, to pass the test and understand the literary language, it still won’t hurt to study them. For example: In April I’ll have been working on the book for 10 months. In Russian it will sound something like this: in April it will be 10 months since I started working on the book.

Method 2: how to quickly learn English tenses (table)

There is another way if the previous one didn’t work out. There is nothing easier than learning the English tense table.

This table shows all the signs of action. By comparing one sign with another, it will not be difficult for you to determine what time appears before you.

When studying tenses, you will need to learn the forms of auxiliary verbs and verbal words that serve in the formation of a particular tense. And be sure to learn the table with irregular verbs!

And if you still don’t have enough time to prepare for taking a test or test in English, don’t hesitate - contact the student assistance service. Service specialists know everything, if not more, about the times, and they certainly know how to help you. And to broaden your horizons or just keep up to date with student life, subscribe to our telegram channel.

And here is a video about how to quickly and easily learn time in English:

English grammar seems complicated and confusing to beginners. However, first impressions are deceiving. For example, the tense system is an example of a clearly thought-out and logically constructed scheme that allows you to understand the time of events at the first glance at the verb. Desperate to grasp this logic and comprehend the essence of each aspect? Do not worry! The purpose of today's article is to explain in detail all the tenses in English for dummies, beginners and all those who dedicatedly learned the theory, but still do not know how to apply the memorized rules in practice.

Let's start with a general explanation of the English tense system.

In Russian speech we use three types of tense: present, past and future. In the English language, there are more than 12 types, as many believe. But this is not entirely the right approach.

In fact, the British have exactly the same 3 types of time, but each of them is divided into 4 more subtypes:

  • – just an action;
  • - an action taking place at a specific moment in time.
  • – completed action;
  • Perfect Continuous - an action that has been going on for some time, brings certain results, but has not yet been completed.

If you know how to understand these semantic shades, then the use of tenses will not cause any problems. We will try to develop this skill and provide accessible explanations for each aspect.

All the rules for tenses in English for dummies

Here we will find examples of all possible tense groups, an explanation of their use and detailed information about sentence construction.


If for us the present is everything that relates to a given moment, then for the British the present plays with four different colors.

1) Present Simple

Facts, everyday actions, abilities, skills. This aspect carries the most generalized understanding of time.

  • I write poems - I write poems(always, every day, never, often, rarely).
  • He writes poems– in the 3rd person the predicate is always supplemented with –s.

For questions and negatives, remember to use the auxiliary do.

3) Present Perfect

The result of a completed action. Such sentences are always translated into Russian using perfective verbs (what did you do?). In this case, the duration of action is not indicated specifically, but approximately.

  • I have written poems- I wrote poetry(just now, already, not yet, once upon a time, by such and such a day, hour, month).

All types of statements are constructed using the auxiliary verb have (for the 3rd person has).

Have you written? Has she written? I haven't written; she hasn't written

4) Present Perfect Continuous

An action that has already brought some results, but is not yet completed. The extent of events over time is emphasized.

  • I have been writing poemssince2005 – I write poetry since 2005(from childhood, from such and such a time, from ... to, all day, during, recently).

2) Past Continuous

Events took place at a specific moment in the past.

  • She was writing this letter at 5 o’clock yesterday –ShewroteThisletteryesterdayat 5hours(at that moment).

4) Past Perfect Continuous

An action that continued for a long time and was completed at a certain point in the past.

  • She had been writing theletterforafewdaysbeforeshesentit– She wrote this letter for several days before sending it.(before when).

2) Future Continuous

The action is planned to take place at a specific point in the future.

  • I will be flying to Spain at this time tomorrow –TomorrowVThistimeIwillflyVSpain.

4) Future Perfect Continuous

The action will last until a certain point in the future. This aspect is used in speech extremely rarely.

  • By April 15, I will have been living in Spain for 3 months –K 15AprilIwillliveVSpainalready 3month.
Will you have been living? I won't have been living.

We hope we have coped with the task and clarified the tenses in English even for dummies. To consolidate the theory you have learned, we recommend solving practical exercises on verb tenses in English.

Good luck in improving your knowledge and see you again!

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How often do you look at your watch to find out what time it is, to arrive somewhere on time, so as not to miss your favorite movie?! In this lesson you will learn how to correctly say the time in English and ask what time it is.

There are two ways to say time in English.

First way. You'll sound more formal, but it's easier to say.

Call first watch, and then minutes!

7:45 - seven forty-five

12:56 - twelve fifty six

For minutes 1 to 9 you pronounce 0 as oh[əu] 11:06 - eleven oh [əu] six, 09: 09 nine oh [əu] nine

When the time is even, for example, exactly one hour or 10 o'clock, you need to use the word o" clock[ə" klɔ k]

01:00- one o’clock

10:00- ten o’clock

06:00 - six o'clock

The second method is more popular in colloquial speech. Look at the clock. Lookonwatch.


This is the big hand, it tells us minutes. This is a big hand, it shows the minutes.

Rice. 2

This is the small hand it tells us the hour. Let's divide this clock into two parts. The right is called Past. The left is called TO. Let's divide the clock into two parts. Let's call the part on the right PAST. Let's call the left one TO.

Rice. 3

We will say the minutes first and then the hours. First we will call the minutes, and then the hours.

From the 1st minute to the 30th we will use the word Past, and then call the hour after which the minutes we indicated passed.

12:05- five minutes past twelve

04:25- five twenty minutes past four

05:10- ten minutes past five

11:28- twenty eight minutes past eleven

From the 31st minute to the 59th minute, we use the word TO and we call the hour towards which time moves. We seem to be saying how many minutes are still missing until the exact time.

12:35 - twenty five minutes to one

04:55 - five minutes to five

05:40- twenty minutes to six

06:37- twenty three minutes to seven

Important to remember! When the minute hand is at the 15th or 45th minute, you can replace the word fifteen/ forty-five with a quarter- A QUARTER ["kwɔːtə] 07:15- a quarter past seven 11:45- a quarter to twelve 10:15 -a quarter past ten 04:45 - a quarter to five When the clock shows 30 minutes, you can say half - HALF 7:30 - half past seven 02:30 - half past two 05:30 - half past five If you want to ask what time it is, remember the question : What time is it? This poem will help you remember how to tell time. There is a rhyme that will help you to remember how to tell time!

When the big hand's at the top

You know it’s (five) o’clock!

But when the hand goes round

and it's pointing down

It’s half past (five) o’clock!

It's (five) thirty!

When the big hand's on the three

It's for fifteen

When the big hand’s on the nine it’s for forty five.

1.Biboletova M.Z., Denisenko O.A., Trubaneva N.N. Enjoy English. 2nd grade. Title, 2011

2. Vereshchagina I.N. ., Bondarenko K.A. Pritikina T . A. English language textbook for 2nd grade schools with in-depth study of English, 6-9th ed. - M.: Education, 2006-2008.

3. Kaufman, Kaufman: English. HappyEnglish.ru. Happy English.ru. Textbook for 2nd grade. Title, 2013

  1. Euroeducation.com.ua ().
  2. Canteach.ca ().

Say time in two ways:

10:10 11:20 12:15 07:25 06:30 02:45 08: 40 09:50 04:55

Tell me what time you get up, what time your classes start, what time you have lunch, what time you come home, what time you go to bed:

I get up at…

My lessons start at…

I have lunch at…

I get home at…

English tenses are considered the most difficult topic, because in Russian we have only 3 tenses, and in English there are 12.

When studying them, everyone has many questions.

  • What time should I use?
  • Would it be considered a mistake to use one tense instead of another?
  • Why is it necessary to use this time and not another?

This confusion occurs because we learn the rules of grammar but do not fully understand them.

However, English tenses are not as complicated as they seem.

Their use depends on what idea you want to convey to your interlocutor. To do this correctly, you need to understand the logic and usage of English tenses.

I warn you right away that in this article I will not explain to you the grammatical formation of sentences. In it I will give precisely an understanding of the times.

In the article we will look at the cases of using 12 tenses and compare them with each other, as a result of which you will understand how they differ and when to use which tense.

Let's start.

What tenses are there in English?

In English, as well as in Russian, there are 3 blocks of tenses familiar to us.

1. Present (present) - denotes an action that occurs in the present tense.

2. Past - denotes an action that occurs in the past tense (once upon a time).

3. Future - denotes an action that will occur in the future tense.

However, the English times do not end there. Each of these groups of times is divided into:

1. Simple- simple.

2. Continuous- long-term.

3. Perfect- completed.

4. Perfect Continuous- long-term completed.

The result is 12 times.

It is the use of these 4 groups that baffles English language learners. After all, in the Russian language there is no such division.

How do you know what time to use?

To use English tenses correctly, you need 3 things.

  • Understand the logic of English tenses
    That is, to know what time is intended for what and when it is used.
  • Be able to construct sentences according to the rules
    That is, not only to know, but to be able to speak these sentences.
  • Understand exactly what idea you want to convey to your interlocutor
    That is, be able to choose the right time depending on the meaning you put into your words.

To understand English tenses, let's look at each group in detail.

Once again, I will not explain the grammatical formation of sentences. And I’ll explain to you the logic by which we determine which group’s time should be used.

We'll start with the easiest group - Simple.

Bonus! Do you want to easily learn English tenses and use them in your speech? in Moscow and find out how easy it is to master tenses and start speaking English in 1 month using the ESL method!

Simple group tenses in English

Simple is translated as “simple”.

We use this tense when we talk about facts that:

  • happen in the present tense
  • happened in the past
  • will happen in the future.

For example

I drive a car.
I drive a car.

We say that a person knows how to drive a car and this is a fact.

Let's look at another example.

She bought a dress.
She bought a dress.

We are talking about the fact that sometime in the past (yesterday, last week or last year) she bought herself a dress.

Remember: when you talk about some action as a fact, then use the Simple group.

You can study all the times of this group in detail here:

Now let's compare Simple with another group of tenses - Continuous.

Continuous tenses in English

Continuous is translated as “long, continuous.”

When we use this tense, we talk about action as a process that:

  • happening at the moment
  • happened in the past at a certain moment,
  • will happen in the future at a certain moment.

For example

I am driving a car.
I'm driving.

Unlike the Simple group, here we do not mean a fact, but talk about a process.

Let's see the difference between fact and process.

Fact:“I can drive a car, I have a license.”

Process:“I got behind the wheel some time ago and now I’m driving the car, that is, I’m in the process of driving.”

Let's look at another example.

I will be flying to Moscow tomorrow.
Tomorrow I will fly to Moscow.

We are talking about the fact that tomorrow you will board a plane and for some time you will be in the process of flying.

That is, for example, you need to get in touch with a client. You tell him that you will not be able to talk to him at this time, since you will be in the middle of a flight.

Remember: when you want to emphasize the duration of an action, that is, that the action is a process, use the Continuous tenses.

You can read in detail about each time of this group here:

Now let's move on to the Perfect group.

Perfect tenses in English

Perfect is translated as “completed/perfect.”

We use this tense when we focus on the result of an action, which:

  • we have received by now,
  • we got to a certain point in the past,
  • we will receive by a certain point in the future.

Note that even in the present tense this tense is translated into Russian as the past. However, despite this, you say that the result of this action is important in the present moment.

For example

I have fixed my car.
I fixed the car.

We focus on the result that we currently have - a working machine. For example, you say that you fixed your car, now it works, and you can go to your friends’ country house.

Let's compare this group with others.

Let's talk about a fact (Simple):

I cooked dinner.
I was cooking dinner.

For example, you tell your friend about the fact that you prepared a delicious dinner yesterday.

I was cooking dinner.
I was cooking dinner.

You say you were in the process of cooking. For example, they didn’t answer the phone because they were cooking (we were in the process) and didn’t hear the call.

Let's talk about the result (Perfect):

I have cooked dinner.
I cooked dinner.

Are you in this moment you have the result of this action - a ready-made dinner. For example, you call the whole family for lunch because dinner is ready.

Remember: when you want to focus on the result of an action, use the Perfect group.

Read more about all the times of the Perfect group in these articles:

Now let's move on to the last group, Perfect Continuous.

Perfect Continuous tenses in English

Perfect Continuous is translated as “complete continuous.” As you noticed from the name, this group of tenses includes characteristics of 2 groups at once.

We use it when we talk about a long-term action (process) and obtaining a result.

That is, we emphasize that the action began some time ago, lasted (was in process) for a certain time and at the moment:

1. We received the result of this action

For example: “He repaired the car for 2 hours” (the action lasted 2 hours, and at the moment he has a result - a working car).

2. The action is still going on

For example: “He has been fixing the car for 2 hours” (he started fixing the car 2 hours ago, was in the process and is still fixing it now).

We can say that the action began some time ago, lasted and:

  • ended/continues in the present,
  • ended/continued until a certain point in the past,
  • will end/will continue until a certain point in the future.

For example

I have been cooking this dinner for 2 hours.
I cooked dinner for 2 hours.

That is, you started cooking 2 hours ago and by now you have the result of your action - a ready-made dinner.

Let's compare this time with others similar to it.

Let's talk about the process (Continuous):

I am painting a picture.
I am drawing a picture.

We say that we are currently in the process of drawing. It doesn’t matter to us how much time it has already taken, it is important to us that you are currently involved in this process.

We talk about the result (Perfect)

I have painted a picture.
I painted a picture.

We say that at the moment we have a result - a completed picture.

We talk about the result and the process (Perfect Continuous)

1. I have been painting a picture for an hour.
I painted the picture for an hour.

We say that at the moment we have a result - a completed picture. You also point out that you were in the drawing process for one hour to get this result.

2. I have been painting a picture for an hour.
I paint a picture for one hour.

We say that we are now in the process of drawing, while we focus on the fact that we have been busy with this process for an hour. Unlike Continuous times, where we care only about what is happening at a certain (given) moment, and not how long we have been doing this.

Remember: if you want to emphasize not only the result obtained, but also its duration (how long it took you to get it), then use the Perfect Continuous.

General table comparing tenses of the groups Simple, Continuous, Perfect and Perfect Continuous

Let's look again at what each group of tenses is responsible for. Look at the table.

Time Example Accent
Simple I did my homework.
I was doing my homework.
We're talking about facts.

For example, you once studied at university and did your homework. It is a fact.

Continuous I was doing my homework.
I was doing my homework.
We talk about the process, emphasizing the duration of the action.

For example, you didn’t clean your room because you were busy doing your homework.

Perfect I have done my homework.
I've done my homework.
We talk about the result.

For example, you came to class with your homework ready.
The teacher doesn't care how long it took you. He is interested in the result - whether the work is done or not.

Perfect Continuous I have been doing my homework for 2 hours.
I did my homework for 2 hours.
We emphasize not only the result, but also the duration of the action before receiving it.

For example, you complain to a friend that Homework too complicated. You spent 2 hours on it and:

  • did it (got the result),
  • still doing at the moment.

Bottom line

Use English tenses depending on the meaning you want to convey to your interlocutor. The most important thing is to understand what the emphasis is on in each tense.

1. We talk about action as a fact - Simple.

2. We talk about action as a process - Continuous.

3. We talk about action, focusing on the result - Perfect.

4. We talk about the action, emphasizing that it took a certain time before obtaining the result - Perfect Continuous.

I hope that now you understand the logic of English times, and you will be able to convey the correct meaning to your interlocutor.

English times - playlist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPy4KYVKxDc&list=PL3KDFIV9zTkxiqBwEY6JoeDv7Gzt65Aja In this video lesson we look at tenses in English. This is an English grammar lesson. Provided full list English times. You can by this video learn English tenses from scratch (all English grammar presented in this form is accompanied by very simple but very important examples, which allows you to better understand this material). The video is aimed both at beginners (when the first 6 English tenses are understood - English tenses 1-6 from the list), and for advanced students (for those who know English at an intermediate level (the second part of the video). All tenses in this lesson are illustrated with examples. English tenses are given with example sentences and grammatical explanations. All tenses in English, presented in video - a list of 12 English tenses with explanations: Time 1. Present Simple Tense (another name for Present Indefinite) - simple present tense in English. The general case is analyzed. with a verb and when the verb to be is used 2. Future Simple Tense (Future Indefinite) 3. Past Simple Tense (Past Indefinite) - simple past tense in English We talk about regular verbs and irregular verbs (irregular verbs) 4. Present Continuous Tense (Present Progressive) present continuous or present continuous tense 5. Past Continuous Tense (Past Progressive) past continuous tense. 6. Present Perfect Tense - present perfect tense. Also given time often called the nearest past tense. 7. Past Perfect Tense - past perfect tense (pre-past tense). 8. Present Perfect Continuous Tense - present perfect continuous tense. 9. Future Continuous (Future Progressive) Tense - Future continuous tense 10. Past Perfect Continuous Tense (past perfect continuous / long tense) - an analogue of the Present Perfect Continuous, only for the past tense, usually used in complex sentences. 11. Future Perfect Tense - future perfect tense. The main time indicator of a given time is by. 12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense - future perfect continuous tense. The signal to use this tense is for, since. ***************************************** Welcome to my channel English Galaxy - English language for beginners and intermediates. Here you will find free online English lessons and video courses. The author of the channel is Alexander Bebris, a professional English tutor with a teaching certificate from the University of Cambridge - CELTA. On this channel you can learn English online for free and with pleasure. ************************************** Subscribe to my second channel - Bebris English
