Currently he is the most. Present tense in English

English tenses are considered the most difficult topic, because in Russian we have only 3 tenses, and in English there are 12.

When studying them, everyone has many questions.

  • What time should I use?
  • Would it be considered a mistake to use one tense instead of another?
  • Why is it necessary to use this time and not another?

This confusion occurs because we learn the rules of grammar but do not fully understand them.

However English Times not as complicated as it seems.

Their use depends on what idea you want to convey to your interlocutor. To do this correctly, you need to understand the logic and usage of English tenses.

I warn you right away that in this article I will not explain to you the grammatical formation of sentences. In it I will give precisely an understanding of the times.

In the article we will look at the cases of using 12 tenses and compare them with each other, as a result of which you will understand how they differ and when to use which tense.

Let's start.

What tenses are there in English?

IN English language, just like in Russian, there are 3 blocks of tenses familiar to us.

1. Present (present) - denotes an action that occurs in the present tense.

2. Past - denotes an action that occurs in the past tense (once upon a time).

3. Future - denotes an action that will occur in the future tense.

However, the English times do not end there. Each of these groups of times is divided into:

1. Simple- simple.

2. Continuous- long-term.

3. Perfect- completed.

4. Perfect Continuous- long-term completed.

The result is 12 times.

It is the use of these 4 groups that baffles English language learners. After all, in the Russian language there is no such division.

How do you know what time to use?

To use English tenses correctly, you need 3 things.

  • Understand the logic of English tenses
    That is, to know what time is intended for what and when it is used.
  • Be able to construct sentences according to the rules
    That is, not only to know, but to be able to speak these sentences.
  • Understand exactly what idea you want to convey to your interlocutor
    That is, be able to choose the right time depending on the meaning you put into your words.

To understand English tenses, let's look at each group in detail.

Once again, I will not explain the grammatical formation of sentences. And I’ll explain to you the logic by which we determine which group’s time should be used.

We'll start with the easiest group - Simple.

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Simple group tenses in English

Simple is translated as “simple”.

We use this tense when we talk about facts that:

  • happen in the present tense
  • happened in the past
  • will happen in the future.

For example

I drive a car.
I drive a car.

We say that a person knows how to drive a car and this is a fact.

Let's look at another example.

She bought a dress.
She bought a dress.

We are talking about the fact that sometime in the past (yesterday, last week or last year) she bought herself a dress.

Remember: when you talk about some action as a fact, then use the Simple group.

You can study all the times of this group in detail here:

Now let's compare Simple with another group of tenses - Continuous.

Continuous tenses in English

Continuous is translated as “long, continuous.”

When we use this tense, we talk about action as a process that:

  • happening at the moment
  • happened in the past at a certain moment,
  • will happen in the future at a certain moment.

For example

I am driving a car.
I'm driving.

Unlike the Simple group, here we do not mean a fact, but talk about a process.

Let's see the difference between fact and process.

Fact:“I can drive a car, I have a license.”

Process:“I got behind the wheel some time ago and now I’m driving the car, that is, I’m in the process of driving.”

Let's look at another example.

I will be flying to Moscow tomorrow.
Tomorrow I will fly to Moscow.

We are talking about the fact that tomorrow you will board a plane and for some time you will be in the process of flying.

That is, for example, you need to get in touch with a client. You tell him that you will not be able to talk to him at this time, since you will be in the middle of a flight.

Remember: when you want to emphasize the duration of an action, that is, that the action is a process, use the Continuous tenses.

You can read in detail about each time of this group here:

Now let's move on to the Perfect group.

Perfect tenses in English

Perfect is translated as “completed/perfect.”

We use this tense when we focus on the result of an action, which:

  • we have received by now,
  • we got to a certain point in the past,
  • we will receive by a certain point in the future.

Note that even in the present tense this tense is translated into Russian as the past. However, despite this, you say that the result of this action is important in the present moment.

For example

I have fixed my car.
I fixed the car.

We focus on the result that we currently have - a working machine. For example, you say that you fixed your car, now it works, and you can go to your friends’ country house.

Let's compare this group with others.

Let's talk about a fact (Simple):

I cooked dinner.
I was cooking dinner.

For example, you tell your friend about the fact that you prepared a delicious dinner yesterday.

I was cooking dinner.
I was cooking dinner.

You say you were in the process of cooking. For example, they didn’t answer the phone because they were cooking (we were in the process) and didn’t hear the call.

Let's talk about the result (Perfect):

I have cooked dinner.
I cooked dinner.

Are you in this moment you have the result of this action - a ready-made dinner. For example, you call the whole family for lunch because dinner is ready.

Remember: when you want to focus on the result of an action, use the Perfect group.

Read more about all the times of the Perfect group in these articles:

Now let's move on to the last group, Perfect Continuous.

Perfect Continuous tenses in English

Perfect Continuous is translated as “complete continuous.” As you noticed from the name, this group of tenses includes characteristics of 2 groups at once.

We use it when we talk about a long-term action (process) and obtaining a result.

That is, we emphasize that the action began some time ago, lasted (was in process) for a certain time and at the moment:

1. We received the result of this action

For example: “He repaired the car for 2 hours” (the action lasted 2 hours, and at the moment he has a result - a working car).

2. The action is still going on

For example: “He has been fixing the car for 2 hours” (he started fixing the car 2 hours ago, was in the process and is still fixing it now).

We can say that the action began some time ago, lasted and:

  • ended/continues in the present,
  • ended/continued until a certain point in the past,
  • will end/will continue until a certain point in the future.

For example

I have been cooking this dinner for 2 hours.
I cooked dinner for 2 hours.

That is, you started cooking 2 hours ago and by now you have the result of your action - a ready-made dinner.

Let's compare this time with others similar to it.

Let's talk about the process (Continuous):

I am painting a picture.
I am drawing a picture.

We say that we are currently in the process of drawing. It doesn’t matter to us how much time it has already taken, it is important to us that you are currently involved in this process.

We talk about the result (Perfect)

I have painted a picture.
I painted a picture.

We say that at the moment we have a result - a completed picture.

We talk about the result and the process (Perfect Continuous)

1. I have been painting a picture for an hour.
I painted the picture for an hour.

We say that at the moment we have a result - a completed picture. You also point out that you were in the drawing process for one hour to get this result.

2. I have been painting a picture for an hour.
I paint a picture for one hour.

We say that we are now in the process of drawing, while we focus on the fact that we have been busy with this process for an hour. Unlike Continuous times, where we care only about what is happening at a certain (given) moment, and not how long we have been doing this.

Remember: if you want to emphasize not only the result obtained, but also its duration (how long it took you to get it), then use the Perfect Continuous.

General table comparing tenses of the groups Simple, Continuous, Perfect and Perfect Continuous

Let's look again at what each group of tenses is responsible for. Look at the table.

Time Example Accent
Simple I did my homework.
I was doing my homework.
We're talking about facts.

For example, you once studied at university and did your homework. It is a fact.

Continuous I was doing my homework.
I was doing my homework.
We talk about the process, emphasizing the duration of the action.

For example, you didn’t clean your room because you were busy doing your homework.

Perfect I have done my homework.
I've done my homework.
We talk about the result.

For example, you came to class with your homework ready.
The teacher doesn't care how long it took you. He is interested in the result - whether the work is done or not.

Perfect Continuous I have been doing my homework for 2 hours.
I did my homework for 2 hours.
We emphasize not only the result, but also the duration of the action before receiving it.

For example, you complain to a friend that Homework too complicated. You spent 2 hours on it and:

  • did it (got the result),
  • still doing at the moment.

Bottom line

Use English tenses depending on the meaning you want to convey to your interlocutor. The most important thing is to understand what the emphasis is on in each tense.

1. We talk about action as a fact - Simple.

2. We talk about action as a process - Continuous.

3. We talk about action, focusing on the result - Perfect.

4. We talk about the action, emphasizing that it took a certain time before obtaining the result - Perfect Continuous.

I hope that now you understand the logic of English times, and you will be able to convey the correct meaning to your interlocutor.



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Based on your request, these examples may contain crude language.

Based on your request, these examples may contain colloquial language.

Translation of "the criteria currently in force" in Chinese

Other translations

The Committee is concerned because those operating in Morocco's rendition and refoulement procedures and practices pose a risk of torture.

fact that the State party's existing extradition and refoulement procedures and practices may put persons at risk of torture.

Fact that the State party"s existing extradition and refoulement procedures and practices may put persons at risk of torture.">

The Committee expresses concern about because those operating in In the State party, legislation and practice are insufficient to ensure universal birth registration by a child's biological parents in all situations.

The Committee is concerned that the current legislation and practice in the State party are inadequate in providing for universal birth registration by the biological parents of children in all situations.

That the current legislation and practice in the State party are inadequate in providing for universal birth registration by the biological parents of children in all situations.">

Moreover, the Committee is extremely concerned because those operating in The current procedures and practices of expulsion, return and extradition in the State party may place the persons concerned at risk of torture (arts. 3 and 8).

In addition, the Committee is particularly concerned at the fact that the State party's current expulsion, refoulement and extradition procedures and practices may expose individuals to the risk of torture (arts. 3 and 8).

Fact that the State party's current expulsion, refoulement and extradition procedures and practices may expose individuals to the risk of torture (arts. 3 and 8).">

He's worried because those operating in requirements for women to discuss maternity leave with their employers on an individual basis, a right that could be enshrined in appropriate national law and strategy is a factor that undermines the rights of New Zealand women.

It is concerned that the requirement for women to negotiate maternity leave individually with their employers, rather than being established as a matter of national law and policy, is a disadvantage for New Zealand's women.

Concerned that the requirement for women to negotiate maternity leave individually with their employers, rather than being established as a matter of national law and policy, is a disadvantage for New Zealand's women.">

The representative did not agree with because those operating in country, restrictions on religious freedom, freedom of expression or freedom of trade union activity and labor rights do not comply with the provisions of the Convention.

The representative denied that religious freedom, freedom of expression or trade union and employment rights were limited in a manner inconsistent with the Convention.

Denied that religious freedom, freedom of expression or trade union and employment rights were limited in a manner inconsistent with the Convention.">

because those operating in

Committee is concerned at the inadequate application of appeal procedures in the closed centers, although it notes that procedures for lodging complaints exist in theory.">

because those operating in Currently, the admissibility criteria for complaints and, in particular, the five-day period from the date of the alleged violation of rights for filing a written complaint are too restrictive and do not have a suspensive effect against removal or extradition.

The Committee recommends that the State party accelerate its efforts to provide unaccompanied minors with assistance, accommodation and follow-up.

Recommends that the State party accelerate its efforts to provide unaccompanied minors with assistance, accommodation and follow-up.">

Suggest an example

Other results

Particular concern is expressed V connection with the fact that acting in Currently, in Guatemala, the Code on Minors contains provisions that are contrary to the Convention and does not cover all the rights recognized in the Convention.

It is especially concerned that the Minors Code currently in force in Guatemala contains provisions which are incompatible with the Convention and does not address all the rights recognized by the Convention.

That the Minors Code currently in force in Guatemala contains provisions which are incompatible with the Convention and does not address all the rights recognized by the Convention.">

The current situation can be explained the fact that acting in In the country, the registration system and the principles underlying the system do not provide for an indication in the details of the data object of whether a particular holder of title to the relevant property is a member of an indigenous community.

In this regard, the Committee is concerned by the fact that in the current Panama's Family Code does not adequately reflect the rights recognized in the Convention.

Concerned that the Family Code presently in force in Panama does not adequately address the rights recognized by the Convention.">

The Committee is concerned because in within operating in The State Party's extradition and return procedures and practices permit the extradition of a person at risk of torture if diplomatic assurances have been provided to the State Party (art. 3).

The Committee is concerned by the fact that the State party's existing extradition and refoulement procedures make it possible to extradite a person who is at risk of being tortured if the State party has obtained diplomatic assurances (art. 3).

Fact that the State party's existing extradition and refoulement procedures make it possible to extradite a person who is at risk of being tortured if the State party has obtained diplomatic assurances (art. 3).">

Together with those the Danish government believes that are active in Denmark's family reunification rules do not lead to unjustified discrimination.

However, the Danish Government is of the opinion that the Danish rules on family reunification do not amount to unfounded discrimination.">

Concerns have been raised regarding because ships , operating in Mediterranean Sea, they refuse to rescue migrants in distress at sea.

That vessels operating in the Mediterranean are refusing to rescue migrants in distress at sea.">

This is due because Parties , operating in in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 5, were required to eliminate the consumption of CFCs by January 1, 2010.

Because parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 are supposed to have phased out consumption of CFCs by January 1, 2010.">

This inequality between the two sides of criminal proceedings is exacerbated those fact , what is in effect in In the Latvian system, the accused in pre-trial detention is directly at the mercy of the police and the prosecutor for a long period, which can reach up to three years.

This imbalance between the parties to criminal proceedings is aggravated by the fact that, under the current system in Latvia, an accused held in pre-trial detention remains under the direct authority of the police and the procurator for a long while - up to three years.

Fact that, under the current system in Latvia, an accused held in pre-trial detention remains under the direct authority of the police and the procurator for a long while - up to three years.">

For these purposes, a 50 percent quota for women was introduced at all levels in the Department, which, however, often creates a number of problems related to because, according to operating in United Nations recruitment policies give priority to other criteria.

To that end , it had established a quota of 50 per cent women at all levels. However, that often caused many problems owed to the fact that United Nations recruitment policies gave priority to other criteria.

It had established a quota of 50 per cent women at all levels. However, that often caused many problems owed to the fact that United Nations recruitment policies gave priority to other criteria.">

There are many approaches to understanding the phenomenon of time. People have been struggling with the solution to this phenomenon for many centuries.

In this article we will try to figure out whether time exists and what this definition includes.

Measuring time

How can you measure something that doesn't exist? Time is an extremely subjective matter. We are accustomed to measuring time based on the speed of movement of celestial bodies across the sky. The simplest and one of the earliest instruments for measuring time was and remains the sundial. With their help, people since ancient times have learned to determine time based on the angle at which the sun's shadow falls and at what speed it moves across the sky. Over time, more accurate mechanical and digital watches have appeared, with the help of which it is possible to accurately measure the timing of any processes.

When we measure the speed of a car, we are simply comparing the movement of the car with the movement of our planet around the Sun. It seems to us that we are comparing the speed of a car with some abstract quantity called time. In fact, we are simply comparing the unknown speed of our car with the known speed of the Sun moving across the sky. Time is a way to compare or describe different types of motion, such as the speed of light, the heart rate, the speed at which the Earth rotates on its axis. Time is not an independent quantity. It only serves to simplify and streamline the description of the processes that occur around us every day.

Imagine two objects, one of which rotates around the other in space. Now imagine that we are observing this rotation from a great distance. According to our observations, a rotating object goes through one circle of rotation in a certain time. It is not difficult to imagine that if we were directly on this object, one circle of rotation in our perception would take much more time, and it would drag on much slower for us. This once again confirms that the perception of time is subjective.

How can you track the passage of time?

The movement of time becomes obvious when we observe sunrises and sunsets, the change of day and night, seasons, and also when we observe movement celestial bodies, such as the Sun and Moon. The aging process also serves as a visible reminder that molecules in nature are in constant motion, and the more time passes, the more pronounced the effects of molecules on each other become.

Past, present and future

We are accustomed to perceiving time from the point of view of the past, present and future. The most real perception of time, what is happening right now around us, we call the present. However, almost everything that we perceive as the present is already in the past. When our brain begins to analyze an event, it, as a rule, has already happened, and we are already dealing with its consequences. The present is just a fleeting moment. It is an infinitesimal point on the time line that separates what has already happened and what is about to happen in the future. The present resembles the tip of a recording needle or laser. It can be described as the mental awareness of the moment of recording an event in our memory, what our brain is encountering at a given second. Until we are aware of ourselves in a certain place or in a certain situation, this event will not become part of the past for us.

Unlike present time, past and future times are measurable. Past historical events, meetings and celebrations can be measured in time, both in terms of their total duration and in terms of how long ago they occurred in relation to the present moment.

The past is simply the memory of some events in your head.

The future is a projection of our previous experiences stored in memory onto current events and an attempt to predict how events will develop in the future.

The fact that the present, which gives the most real and, as it seems to us, objective perception of reality, cannot be captured in time, while the duration of events can only be measured in the past and future time, which we cannot influence in any way, suggests that our perception of time is, in principle, an illusion.

Religious point of view

In most world religions, the concept of time as such does not exist. In religions that recognize the existence of one God, it is customary to say that God exists outside of time. That he has always existed and will exist forever. In polytheistic religions, time is often controlled by one or more divine beings.

The concept of time in religion is closely related to the concept of eschatology - a system of religious views at the moment when the usual existing way of life in the Universe will radically change. Within the framework of eschatology, it is customary to talk about such issues as the cyclical nature of the historical development of mankind and the end of the world.

These ideas were most clearly reflected in the Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Judaism, Islam), which to one degree or another are based on the doctrines of the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament. Because events are often mentioned in the Old Testament last days and the Last Judgment, disputes about when these events will finally come have not subsided for many centuries.

Be that as it may, neither science, nor religion or philosophy has yet been able to derive a single, universally accepted definition of what time is and how it should be measured. However, developments in this area are still ongoing. Nobody denies the fact of the existence of time. It remains only to find out what this concept means.

In this section of the site you can get answers to other age-old questions.

English verbs have a multi-valued system of tenses, consisting of 12 different combinations. This is if you do not take into account the passive voice and other constructions expressing tenses. Today we will begin to study this system and analyze in detail its first large category - the present tense in English. Let's consider the situations of using this group, the schemes for constructing structures in different subgroups and summarize the material in a generalized table.

In Russian grammar, the answer to this question is clear - the present is everything that happens at a given moment in time. In the English-speaking environment, the generalized concept of Present Tense ( present time) is divided into four more specific types: simple, continuous, perfect and perfect-continuous. Let's find out in more detail how these times differ.

Present Simple

Constructions of this type are used to express ordinary, everyday or regularly repeated actions in English; conveying facts, current information, attitudes, perceptions, generally known truths; designations of permanent phenomena, states of nature.

  • I am 15 years old –I'm 15years.
  • The sun rises in the East –Sunrisesoneast.
  • She likes to sing –To herlikesing.
  • Jack and Nick are his best friends –JackAndNickhisthe bestFriends.
  • I run in the morning every day –IeverydayI'm runningByin the morning.

1) The action ended very recently, which connects it with the present moment.

  • Childrenhavejustdonetheirhomework— The children have just finished their homework.

2) The conversation emphasizes the experience of the action and its result.

  • I have heard something about it –IWhat-Thatheardaboutthis.
  • PupilshavelearnfiveEnglishrulestoday– The students learned 5 English rules today.

To indicate completeness in the present tense, the auxiliary verb have and participle II are used, which is usually translated as a passive participle in Russian, but in this verbal construction expresses action. Here again pronouns and 3rd person nouns receive special shapehas. To compose a sentence with a question, the auxiliary verb is brought forward, and when negated, it is used after it not.

  • Has she just arrived at the airport? –SheonlyWhatarrivedVairport?
  • She hasn’t arrived at the airport yet –ShemoreNotarrivedVairport.

It remains to study the last present tense possible in English.

Present Perfect Continuous

The name sounds scary, but the logic in such constructions is easy to follow. This is a type of speech phrase that indicates that an action has already been performed for some time, but has not yet been completed. This subgroup differs from the usual continuus and perfect precisely in its emphasis on the duration of the ongoing (but not completed) action.

  • I have been studying the German language since August –IstudyingGermanlanguage since August 2017.

Present Perfect Continuous sentences are also found when denoting recently occurring events, if it is necessary to emphasize their result in the present, or they are the cause of current actions/states.

  • Shelookstired,shehasbeencookingdinnerfor10 personsfor2 hours– She looks tired, she spends two hours preparing dinner for 10 people.

As the examples show, the statement in this tense is formed using the construction have been and the participle I. In this case, the third person again uses the verb has. Interrogative combinations are built according to the same principle: at the beginning of the speech expression there is have/has, then the subject, followed by been + participle I. For negation, add not.

  • Has he been waiting for teacher for 20 minutes? –Hewaitingteachers 20minutes?
  • He hasn’t been waiting for teacher for 20 minutes –HeNotwaitingteachers 20minutes.

We have studied all the species forms of the present time, it is time to summarize our knowledge.

Present tense in English in the language - summary table

Let's present all the tenses studied in one table and add circumstances that are often used with them. These words will become a kind of beacon that will help determine the type of time.

Present Tense
Form + ?
Simple 1. P. (subject) + 2. Infinitive (at 3faceending –s)

3. Remaining part

1. Do/Does+2. P. + 3. Inf.+ 4. Remaining part 1. P. + 2. do/does not + 3.Inf.. + 4. Res. Part
Circumstances: always, never, every day, regularly, usually, generally, sometimes, ever, as a rule.
Continuous 1. P. + 2 . To be + 3.Proverbs I+ 4. Res. Part 1. To be+ 2. P.+ 3. Proverbs I+ 4. Res. Part 1. P. + 2. To be not + 3. Proverbs I+ 4. Res. Part
Circumstances: now, next, soon, at the moment, constantly, still, right now.
Perfect 1. P. + 2. have/has + 3. Proverbs II+ 4. Res. Part 1. Have/ has+ 2. P. + 3. ProverbsII+ 4. Res. Part 1. P. + 2. have/hasn't + 3. Proverbs II+ 4. Res. Part
Circumstances: just, already, before, not, for a long time, never, ever, lately, so far, until, recently, up till now.
Perfect Continuous 1. P. + 2. have/has been + 3. Proverbs I+ 4. Res. Part 1. have/has+2. P. + 3. been + 4. Proverbs I+ 5. Res. Part 1. P. + 2. have/hasn't been+ 3. Proverbs I+ 4. Res. Part
Circumstances: since, for, already, before AndT.P.

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Some species of animals and plants inevitably become extinct, because conditions on our planet are constantly changing. Endangered animals are sad, although familiar. What about endangered products? It turns out that they exist too.

website I decided to see what products might soon disappear from our table.


Fungal diseases of trees

An international team of scientists working in the Netherlands, Australia and the USA has found that the Cavendish banana variety, the most popular and familiar to us, is facing complete extinction in a few decades.

The reason for this is a fungus called “Tropical race 4” (tropical race 4, TR4), which attacks the roots of bananas. This already happened once in the first half of the 20th century with the Gros Michel banana variety.
Now TR4 has already spread to Pakistan, the Philippines, Indonesia, and has penetrated into Africa and Australia.


Global warming

Within 20–25 years, the oldest French, Argentine and Chilean vineyards may become unsuitable for the cultivation of wine varieties. Global warming is to blame. Because of high temperature The grapes ripen for a short time and do not have time to gain the taste qualities that good wine needs. Researchers suggest that the wine business will decline by 70–80%, which will entail an increase in wine prices.


Bee Colony Collapse Syndrome

Scientists have noticed that the population of the most common and useful species of bees is declining sharply. This phenomenon is called “colony collapse syndrome,” when bees simply leave the hive at one time and never return. Its nature remains unclear; perhaps it is due to pathogenic microorganisms or the Varroa mite.

If the problem is not solved, then within 20 years honey bees will disappear altogether. This will affect the functioning of the entire biosphere, because many plants need bees for pollination.


Fungal plant diseases

Researchers from the Climate Institute of Australia have found that by 2050 the number of agricultural plots on which coffee trees are grown will decrease by half. And by 2080, these plants will completely disappear from the face of the Earth.

The reason again is global warming: As temperatures rise, plantations are increasingly affected by fungal diseases. In 2012 alone, they caused some producers in Guatemala to lose 85% of their harvest. If this continues, millions of coffee lovers will have to change their taste habits: 2.25 billion cups of this drink are drunk every day in the world, while consumption is growing by 5% annually.

Sea fish

Fishing in huge quantities

Environmentalists have concluded that by about 2050 the world may face the problem of the complete extermination of commercial fish. Currently, the volume of fishing is 50–60% higher than the permissible norms. We can only hope for reforms in the fishing industry system, because this is the only way to save ocean fish.


Diseases and aging of trees, drought

There is a possibility that in about 50 years the Earth will be left without chocolate or it will be terribly expensive. There are several reasons for the cocoa shortage.

The first is cocoa tree disease, which has already destroyed almost 1/3 of the world's cocoa crop. The second was drought in Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire, which account for 70% of global cocoa production. The third reason is the aging of cocoa trees. For uninterrupted production, these trees need to be planted regularly, which is not always feasible. Meanwhile, the demand for chocolate continues to grow.


Global warming

According to data obtained using simulation climate change, current temperature sea ​​water is increasing in all regions of our planet. And due to the dilution of the waters of the world's oceans, the concentration of salt in the surface layer of sea water decreases. These changes will have Negative influence on marine microorganisms - bacteria and plankton, which, in turn, will affect species at the next level food chain, that is, on mussels and other filter feeders.


Growing avocados is becoming increasingly difficult and expensive. Growing 1 kg of this fruit requires an incredible amount of water (about 272 liters). In California, which supplies avocados most The United States has experienced severe drought in recent years. If the climate continues to change, the same fate will befall other regions and countries that are the largest exporters of avocados.
