An Azerbaijani psychic revealed the secrets of Russian stars. Stars who have personal psychics Psychics about star marriages

The past year has been very busy for show business stars. Someone traveled all over the world with a new show, someone arranged their personal life, and someone was noticed in another loud scandal. All these events in the lives of stars are not accidental. What awaits show business representatives in 2018? We asked psychics to make a forecast for the most popular representatives of the stage and modeling business. According to sociological surveys, this year they were:
Sergey Lazarev.
Grigory Leps.
Sergei Shnurov.
Natalya Vodyanova.
Egor Creed.

Sergey Lazarev

Sergey Lazarev: ups and downs

Grigory Leps: reconciliation with family

A bright streak has finally arrived in the creative life of Grigory Leps. His rating has grown significantly, and now Leps is one of the most desirable people at any concert, show or corporate event. Participation in the “Voice” project was of great importance for the singer, thanks to which he won thousands of new fans. This is no wonder - Leps has a truly unique voice and charisma.
The coming years on a personal level will not be as successful for Gregory as his career. So, few people know that he is on very bad terms with his daughter. The reason lies in the fact that the singer tries to control her every step, and the daughter strives to get rid of her obsessive guardianship. Constant quarrels have become frequent guests in the already rich life singer However, soon the conflicts will stop, and the atmosphere in the artist’s house will again become friendly and harmonious. But he should pay more attention to his loved ones. And this is not easy, given Leps’ busy concert schedule.

Sergey Shnurov: pain from alcohol

After the release of the “Exhibit” video, the popularity of Sergei Shnurov and the Leningrad group skyrocketed. In total, the video received 80 million views online. Many musicians dream of such popularity, which has given rise to a lot of discontent and criticism among envious people. This had a bad effect on Sergei, who was already famous for his harshness and rudeness. Also read our article
In order to cope with the difficult burden of popularity and not harm himself, psychics advise Shnurov to control his emotions. The time has come to search for truly important things, and “Exhibit” is unlikely to be one of them. This is a time of dialogue with yourself, revelations, answers to important questions about the meaning of life and summing up. The singer will face significant changes in his creative life, for example, a complete change in musical style.
It is also important that Sergei faces serious liver problems if he does not stop looking for the muse in the bottle. The singer's health is seriously damaged, and 2018 - good time for a complete examination of the body and subsequent treatment.

What do psychics say about Natalia Vodianova?

Psychics about Natalia Vodianova and her son

Natalia Vodianova is called the queen of the catwalks. She has been working in the modeling business since school, which, by the way, she never graduated from. Natalia has collaborated with companies Etam, CalvinKlein and others. More than 370 thousand people follow Vodianova on Twitter. Natalia's career is going uphill every year, which gives rise to a lot of envious people and intriguers around the girl. Every now and then she becomes a victim of someone's gossip and speculation. Psychics advise the model not to take anything seriously and to carefully control her emotions.
There is no place for a reliable partner in Natalya’s personal life, since she is overly passionate social life, parties and, of course, work. Therefore, meeting the man of your dreams is put on the back burner. But Natalya has a wonderful relationship with her children, which will only grow stronger in the future.
Today Natalya has difficulty breastfeeding, so her baby is very capricious and restless. In the future, this may lead to the development of various diseases nervous system. Therefore, in the near future the girl will have to make a serious choice: career or home.

Egor Creed: the bride is just around the corner

After the release of the song “The Most-The Most,” Yegor Creed, a young ambitious musician, almost overnight became famous throughout the Russian-speaking space. The song was in rotation on all radio stations and even brought the performer a prestigious award from the Ru TV channel. Today, Yegor can often be seen in various shows, advertisements, concerts and other events. Read more about the forecast for Creed in the article
In future creative life The singer's career will be successful if ambition does not get the better of him. A guy needs to pass the difficult test of popularity and at the same time remain himself, maintain his individuality. The singer will also face problems in relationships with his family, again due to his incontinence and stubbornness.
As for the singer’s personal life, he is destined to meet “the very best” very soon. But at first Yegor will not attach importance to the acquaintance, and more than one year will pass before he recognizes the bride in his old acquaintance. Therefore, the advice of psychics: take a closer look at the girls around you. It is possible that with one of them the singer will be able to build an amazing future and give birth to a baby.
But what psychics advise Creed to beware of is all kinds of financial fraud. Very soon he will receive a very tempting offer, but he should still refuse it.

Born on April 10, 1976 in the Tula region. Parents are Yuri and Raisa Vorotnikov, hereditary healers and psychics. Natalia has younger brother Mikhail, also a healer. In infancy, the future star experienced two clinical deaths, which became turning point in her life.

WITH early childhood Vorotnikova felt her psychic abilities. She could predict tragic events in people's lives. With age, her abilities only intensified, and she was able to predict and joyful events.

After graduating from medical school, Vorotnikova began working as a nurse in a hospital. Her extraordinary abilities helped people recover ahead of schedule. Natalia’s energy was so strong that electrical appliances and light bulbs constantly burned out in the house.

To curb her abilities, the future healer went to study at International Academy human development, which she completed brilliantly. In it, Vorotnikova was taught to interrupt spontaneous manifestations, as well as control the time and strength of extrasensory abilities.

During her studies, Natalya was nicknamed a nugget for her special talent. Results data scientific research her abilities showed that Vorotnikova has a beneficial direction of bioenergetic effects for the body.

After completing training at the academy, Vorotnikova left her job at the hospital and became a professional

Blogger Denchik, who works as a cameraman on the TNT channel, is rapidly gaining popularity on the Internet. He has the opportunity ten times a day for any reason to address questions to the all-knowing clairvoyant, veteran of the “Battle of Psychics” Marilyn Kerro.


The other day, the witch already told Denchik that because this is supposedly “not her way.” But this was not enough for the blogger. At the next session, the operator brought photographs of Olga and her still husband Dmitry Tarasov. Denchik asked Marilyn why the stars’ marriage fell apart.

Kerro immediately replied: “Her lucky number is nine. This means that it is very difficult for her to find her other half. Here is the situation: man is number one, and she is number nine. They are completely different.” The red-haired witch pointed her finger at Olga’s photograph and said: “This man will go according to the spiritual measure.” Then she nodded towards Tarasov’s photo with the words: “And this one is material. He is looking for fame and money.”

Marilyn made it clear that the relationship between the TV presenter and the football player was doomed from the beginning. “I can’t understand how they could be together. It seems to me that she hasn’t found her way yet. I would advise her to discover something of her own related to beauty,” Kerro was again concerned about the future of Buzova.

Denchik commented on this video: “I went to a second session with the charming and unique Marilyn to finally understand why everything happened this way... in the first video I used the art of editing and pulled out phrases to make it funny... In this video everyone will no laughing matter!!!The whole truth of Olga Buzova's divorce in an exclusive video from Denchik!!!If we're talking very seriously, Marilyn said that Olga Buzova needs to develop her chain of stores...There are quite a few of them, 153 in Russia!! ! And in general, she said that Olga is at the beginning of a long journey and 2017 will put everything in its place!!!" – the blogger made a prediction.

Later, the cameraman boasted that videos on the topic of the day with TNT stars brought him enormous popularity on the Internet. "Many of you love the battle of psychics and especially for you I conducted a test with the charming Marilyn Kerro. I called this test We are 135,000!!! I am immensely grateful to you for your interest in my page!!! I would like to say special thanks to @buzova86 @ borodylia @dom2_tnt @varvina if you hadn’t helped me, then no one would have ever known about me!!! thank you all so much 😘😘😘😘😘,” Denchik sent virtual kisses to Olga Buzova and Ksenia Borodina.

The next season of the “Battle of Psychics” has started on television. For ten years now, participants in the program have been communicating with spirits, seeing the past and predicting the future. An endless procession of magicians and sorcerers replace each other. Many of them are very popular with the public: some have acquired crowds of fans and monetize their popularity, some have devoted themselves entirely to their family, and some are fighting for life.


Recently, the winner of the first season, Natalya Vorotnikova, launched her own reality show “Sorcerers,” in which she helps viewers understand difficult situations. Also, the clairvoyant provides individual consultations in a specialized center, where she corrects destinies, removes damage and relieves alcohol addiction. And although Vorotnikova considers helping people her life’s work, her assistance is by no means free.

Psychic Swami Dashi puts all his efforts into developing himself as a brand. Swami opened a meditation center, conducts lectures, seminars, and also published two books - “Rebirth” and “Wolf. Reflections on the Main Thing.” But, despite the efforts made, Dashi is better known as a person involved in all sorts of scandals. Last year, the meditation guru provoked an argument on a plane, and a few months later he was detained for driving a stolen car.

Some participants try to make money in more earthly ways. The winner of the 15th season, Julia Wang, discovered her talents as a perfumer and designer - she sews clothes, develops new fragrances, and creates Hand Made dolls. It is worth noting that the girl dramatically changed not only her career strategy, but also appearance. Wang got rid of her chic curls, abandoned girlish outfits and lost a lot of weight - this made her once feminine image a little androgynous. One can only guess what is behind such dramatic changes.

Nicole Kuznetsova, a participant in the 16th season of the “Battle of Psychics,” has suffered from a serious illness since childhood and has undergone about 280 operations. The girl is forced to breathe through a tracheotomy tube inserted into her throat, which does not have the best effect on her quality of life. In February, Nicole's condition worsened and now most of her time, the psychic is busy with her health.

Victoria Rydos and Marilyn Kerro directed their magical energy to create new life. Both girls are pregnant, which, without fear of the evil eye, was reported in in social networks. Despite the interesting situation, psychics continue to work. For example, Victoria plans to meet with fans at a week-long seminar in Turkey at the end of May - the cost of participation in the event starts from 1.5 thousand dollars.

The winner of the tenth “Battle of Psychics” Mohsen Norouzi gave a forecast of what the stars should expect in the future. The clairvoyant spoke about celebrities who have been the most talked about people for several months now. As it turned out, a lot of surprises await many of them, writes StarHit.

The famous psychic Mohsen Norouzi, whose prophecies are listened to by thousands of people, made a forecast for the near future to the most talked about people of recent times. Many celebrities started this year with major changes in their lives. Some were lucky enough to become parents, others were lucky enough to get a divorce and start all over again. clean slate, and the third had to face scandals altogether.

Alexander Panayotov

“The star of the show “The Voice” will have success in the music field in the next three years. His creative energy, with its flow, seemed to have opened all previously inaccessible doors with a roar. Alexander has every chance to represent Russia at Eurovision this year, but the decision will largely depend on the organizers on our part. Participation in a geopolitical music competition will not be a key moment for the singer. Alexander will have a very successful patronage of his author’s project. Years later, I see him in New York in a smoky club with friends and admirers. He will probably spend a lot of time abroad."

Olga Buzova

The psychic saw the near future for the Dom-2 star Olga Buzova, who recently officially divorced Dmitry Tarasov. According to Noruzi, the football player will indeed soon become a father, and Olga Buzova will all work out and in a month she will fly off on vacation with her new boyfriend.

“Now Olya is experiencing stress, but everything will be for the good: difficulties will make her less childish and change her superficial vision of the world. And the ones that popped up candid photos and correspondence only aroused interest and played into the hands of lucky Olga. The hype around the divorce from football player Dmitry Tarasov will subside in three months. The marriage has exhausted itself, Dima is cold towards his wife, he has long ceased to consider himself a male leader. He wanted deep feelings, not coexistence for show. The division of property will become more complicated due to conflicts on both sides and will last nine months. Tarasov will soon have a son, but he will live with his mother for no more than five years. ...Buzova will have two suitors on the horizon at once. She will fly off on vacation with one of them in February. Olga will have three marriages and the same number of children. She will appear in various projects for another four years, after which she will disappear from the screens.”

Ksenia Sobchak

For 35-year-old Ksenia Sobchak, who recently became a mother for the first time, Noruzi also has a prediction. A year ago, Mohsen made a prediction to Ksenia and Maxim:

“I finally feel like she wants to be a mother. As long as the desire and physiological capabilities to conceive naturally coincide, I advise Ksyusha to do this in the spring and summer of next year.”

“Ksenia is more of a mentor, humorist and support than a strict mother. She will be a close friend to her son. The baby's charisma is more like his father's. A career as a businessman awaits him. In Ksenia, I feel a great desire for repeated motherhood. The birth of a daughter will change the star, turning her into an incredibly gentle mother.”

Dmitry Shepelev

Also, the eminent psychic did not ignore the sensational story with Dmitry Shepelev’s book about the late Zhanna Friske. We wrote earlier that the singer’s father, Vladimir Borisovich, is writing his own book and another version of what is happening, the fate of which Noruzi also saw.

“The work of Vladimir Friske will most likely be published in 2017, but will not have the same effect as the work of Dmitry Shepelev. Moreover, with the release of the memoirs, the relationship between these two men who love Jeanne will worsen. The conflict will still be settled in the future, but now I feel it escalating again. Jeanne's family will definitely wait until the moment they meet Plato, having, unfortunately, gone through all the circles of hell. The singer's sister Natalya will help reconcile the parties. She, with the help of wisdom, compliance and light, will soften the hearts of opposing men. Dmitry will not be lonely; a happy and long marriage awaits him. However, this will not happen soon. His heart is still filled with pain. Zhanna will come to him in a dream and give him a blessing for a new life. This will happen after the drama around little Plato is resolved.”

Fyodor Bondarchuk and Paulina Andreeva

Previously, Mohsen Norouzi had already prophesied the future of the marriage of Paulina Andreeva and Fyodor Bondarchuk, who would get married very soon, but he had some additions that also concerned Svetlana Bondarchuk.

“This couple doesn’t need marriage. Having registered a relationship and played beautiful wedding, the director and actress will separate after some time. Paulina – wild bird, insidious, free, unbridled, thirsty for wandering and adventure. Fyodor won't be with her for long. ...At Svetlana's, ex-wife Bondarchuk, I don’t see marriage, but a man will appear in her life who will become her close friend and ally. She will forgive her ex-wife years later, she will do it from the heart and forever.”

Alena Vodonaeva

The famous psychic also foresaw changes in the life of Alena Vodonaeva, who recently had her breasts reduced. The star, who broke up with Anton Korotkov, already has a suitable gentleman, but has not yet spoken about him.

“In the fall of 2016, the TV presenter broke up with her fiancé Anton Korotkov, but you don’t have to worry about her. Alena did not, does not and will not have periods of loneliness or depression! One person replaces another, and someone else follows them. She is strong, powerful, with a perpetual motion machine in her heart. It is difficult for Vodonaeva to find a partner to match, but she has a lot of energy for these attempts. The TV presenter already has a boyfriend who is similar in energy to her.”

Nikita Dzhigurda

“The shocking behavior of the charismatic Nikita Dzhigurda, unfortunately, moved to a new level and led to illness. The actor created a scandal and a show out of his own divorce from figure skater Marina Anisina. Nikita is seriously ill, although he himself does not realize it. Behind the mask of self-confidence hides a person with a wild fear of loneliness. Marina is not joking when she calls on Dzhigurda to seek help. Anisina will heal after a divorce and a short depression happy life, which Nikita, alas, will no longer be able to afford. I feel the dangerous effects of certain drugs that will cause irreparable harm to this one day healthy person with the energy of Pegasus."

Anna Semenovich

“The singer is not married, but is not at all lonely. She simply protects her personal life from prying eyes. The person who will make Anna happy with motherhood is far from the world of show business, rich, deals with financial calculations and does not like publicity. In March-April 2017, Semenovich will reach a key turning point for his feminine energy - during this period there is a high chance of becoming pregnant and giving birth to twins.”

Elena Letuchaya

“The host of the “Revizorro” program does not know how to sit idle, she relaxes while working. Hardworking, self-sufficient, self-confident, beautiful in every sense of the word, Flying is an absolutely happy and lucky person with light energy. Lena will devote 2017 and 2018 to motherhood, in which she is completely happy and fulfilled in a new way. No matter how funny it may sound, Letuchaya will be able to manage the restaurant business extremely successfully. Her project will be a huge success!”

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