What is better to put a tiger on a tank. Combat tactics

Legendary tanks that participated in World War II have always attracted the attention of players; one of such vehicles is Tiger 1 in World of Tanks guide. This is a truly legendary machine, the presence of which in the hangar pleases the game lover, but it is important to understand its technical qualities and the needs of pumping.

The main characteristics of the Tiger 1 tank are its insufficiently powerful armor, as well as a poorly protected turret and hull; in addition, the vehicle has a clear square shape, which makes tilting difficult. Summarizing all this, we can say that this technique can be penetrated even by low-level tanks.

But there are also advantages, for example, Tiger 1 is an excellent tanker in a diamond formation; if you place the tank in cover at the right angle, this will greatly weaken the enemy’s position. The vehicle's large margin of safety can compensate for the insufficient stability of the armor. In this indicator, it can be compared with level 8 equipment.

Well, the tank also has excellent dynamics and excellent speed data

The main advantages of Tiger 1 are:

Reliable weapon;
excellent strength;
excellent mobility;
good review.

Thin armor;
uncomfortable shape;
high level damage to parts.

You can enhance the advantages of the machine with the help of proper selection of equipment. Good components raise the vehicle's DPM, improve its parameters and expand visibility; the potential of the guns can be increased with the help of optics.

To upgrade tiger 1 in the World of Tanks guide, you need to act in the usual way

At the same time, the strengths of the machine are maximized and the influence of its weaknesses is reduced.

Like all German vehicles, this tank catches fire quickly, so it is worth purchasing an automatic fire extinguisher for it. If you have enough money, then choose premium equipment, which will add significant boosts to the performance of this vehicle.

A player who has a similar vehicle in his hangar must understand that such a tank can be used not only on the second line. Even with insufficient hull protection, the vehicle is highly maneuverable and durable, which allows it to be used during an attack, especially when it is necessary to conduct operations on the flanks. But it is best to use the Tiger 1 to fire at someone else’s territory from cover; this does not mean that the vehicle should constantly hide in the bushes.

Thanks to her agility, she can launch swift attacks to protect her flanks.

Of course, it is necessary to position the tank in such a way as to protect its hull as much as possible from enemy attacks. Thus, we can say with confidence that Tiger 1 is a good enough car and worth adding to your arsenal.

Research and leveling
To research and purchase Tiger 1 you will need 25,120 experience points if you research the tank through Tiger (P) or 45,050 experience points through VK 36.01 (H) and 1,390,000 credits in both cases.

First of all, we need to study the top gun and the turret for it, respectively.
Important note: stock tracks will not withstand the load, and you will not be able to install a top gun and turret without studying chassis. But you can spend money and temporarily buy “Reinforced torsion bars 5+ t class”, the price of which is 500,000 credits.

Then everything else, but don’t rush to study the engine; its price is very high in experience. It makes more sense to first purchase a radio station, and then the engine.

Modules (Weapons) The Tiger 1 tank has two weapons that are worth considering:

  1. 7.5 cm Kw.K. 42 L/70. A stock gun worth checking out. This weapon has penetration 150/194/38 and damage 135/135/17. The gun also stands out for its high rate of fire of 15 rounds per minute without equipment. Spread 0.35, convergence 2.3 seconds, which is very good.
  2. 8.8 cm Kw.K. 43 L/71 Top gun with penetration 203/237/44 and damage 240/240/295. It has a rate of fire without equipment of 8.96 rounds per minute, which is very comfortable. The spread is 0.34, which is a pretty good accuracy indicator for a heavy tank. But the aim of the gun is not the most impressive 2.7 seconds, but this is not critical. Price 8.8 cm Kw.K. 43 L/71 is 16,500 XP and 112,180 credits.
Modules (Tower)
  • Pz.Kpfw. VI H Ausf. H2 Stock turret of the tiger tank 1. Armor 100/80/80mm rotation 24g/sec and visibility 370 meters.
  • Pz.Kpfw. Tiger Ausf. E Top turret of the tiger tank 1. Armor 100/80/80mm rotation 18g/sec, which is 6g less than the stock turret.
The turret view is 380 meters, which is quite good for a heavy tank.
Price of the Top Pz.Kpfw gun. Tiger Ausf. E is 11,300 XP and 33,220 credits.

Modules (Motors)

  • Maybach HL 210 TRM P45 The stock engine of the Tiger 1 tank has a power of 650 hp per ton and a fire probability of 20% with a weight of 850 kg.
  • Maybach HL 230 TRM P45 The top engine of the tiger tank 1. has a power of 700 hp per ton and a fire probability of 20% with a weight of 1300 kg.
The price of the Top Engine Maybach HL 230 TRM P45 is 18,800 Experience Units and 54,000 credits.

Modules (Chassis)

  • Pz.Kpfw. VI H Ausf. H1 Stock tracks have a maximum load of 57 tons and a turning speed of 24 degrees per second.
  • Pz.Kpfw. Tiger Ausf. E Top tracks have a maximum load of 61 tons and a turning speed of 26 degrees per second.
Price of the Top chassis Pz.Kpfw. Tiger Ausf. E is 9,705 XP and 21,600 credits.

Modules (Radio Stations)

  • FuG 3 A level 3 radio that interests us little, since almost everyone should have learned the next one.
  • FuG 7 Stock radio station of the Tiger 1 tank has a communication range of 415 meters.
  • FuG 12 The top radio station of the Tiger 1 tank has a communication range of 710 meters.
The price of the FuG 12 Top Radio is 7,200 Experience Units and 43,200 credits.

The crew of the Tiger 1 tank consists of 5 crew members.
The first perk is to level up repairs for all crew members. (due to the lack of armor, it is very dangerous for tiger 1 to stand on the tracks for a long time.) Also, instead of repairs, the commander can upgrade his sixth sense with the first perk. What should you learn as the second perk?
To the radio operator - “radio interception”, which will give +3% to our review
Gunner - “sniper”, +3% to the probability of causing damage to enemy tank modules and crew.
The loader receives a “non-contact ammo rack”, which will give the ammo rack more strength.
Mechanical water - “cleanliness and order” to reduce the chance of a tank fire. or “Off-Road King” to increase cross-country ability.
The third perk is worth learning for all crew members: “Combat Brotherhood.” All crew members receive +5% to their main skill and to all additional skills.

The main equipment includes a large-caliber gun rammer, reinforced aiming drives, and the third equipment, depending on your preferences, you can install optics or even a toolbox, but ventilation would be a universal option.

It all depends on your preferences, but there are several main assemblies:

  1. Option small repair kit, small first aid kit, automatic fire extinguisher (+ 10% to fire protection)
  2. Option small repair kit, small first aid kit, large repair kit (+10% to the repair speed, very useful if you have a crew with 100% repairs, so as not to stand on the tracks for a long time, it’s worth carrying a large repair kit with you just in case a firefighter does.)
  3. I don’t recommend bringing chocolate, each fight costs a lot and the results are not very noticeable.
Tactics and Tips
It should be understood that the Tiger 1 tank is not the first line; do not forget that the biggest disadvantage of the tank is its size and lack of strong armor. It is worth playing the role of a support tank; it suits Tiger 1 best. Never try to move forward; leave this task to your more armored allies and shoot while staying behind their backs.
You should not stand in one place for a long time due to the lack of armor; hostile artillery will immediately remind you of itself and will cause serious damage to you, if not kill you right away.
On more open maps where there are no cities, you can play the role of a sniper by taking a position next to allied tank destroyers. The accuracy of the tiger 1 allows you to hit your targets quite accurately. But don't forget that Tiger 1 large tank and you will be one of the first to be spotted.
You shouldn’t rely too much on the gun mantlet, although this is one of the strongest parts of the tank, it won’t save you from a hostile tank destroyer, and there’s a hatch on the turret itself that’s not difficult to target.

The tiger has 1. The highest number of strength points at the level; (but you shouldn’t be too happy about this because the tank has very weak armor.)
An accurate, rapid-fire weapon with high damage per minute; (and the tank has enough penetration to penetrate heavy tanks at a higher level head-on.)
Good visibility that can be enhanced by optics;
The presence of screens on the tower and the driver’s observation device;
The tank gains a high maximum speed quite quickly.

Weak armor of the hull as a whole; (even at an angle the tank can be penetrated into the fender.)
Slow rotation of the tower; (even with a simultaneous rupture of the hull, a light tank can spin us around.)
Vulnerability of internal modules; (especially the engine and ammunition rack.)
High visibility of the tank.

How to play Tiger 1? Try to always be accompanied by more armored allies. You need to try to save as much as possible the durability of the tank, which can be useful at the end of the battle. It is worth remembering that Tiger 1 is not the fastest tank and you will not have time to get back if the capture begins. Do not forget that tiger 1 can do little alone and if your allies have left the flank, it is worth taking a position behind cover near your base and stalling for time.

Tiger I- a truly legendary tank, it is known to everyone, even those who are not interested in military themes or the theme of tanks. In the game, it is located at level 7 in the research branch of German heavy tanks. This vehicle has good armor and an excellent weapon that can penetrate level 9 vehicles.

What should the Tiger crew upgrade in World of Tanks?

You should immediately understand the skills of tankers, namely, what is preferable for them to download first.

  • Commander- bulb, the Brotherhood of War, eagle eye, repair.
  • Gunner- smooth rotation of the turret, military brotherhood, master gunsmith, repair.
  • Driver mechanic- smooth running, military brotherhood, virtuoso, repair.
  • Radio operator- radio interception, military brotherhood, last-ditch efforts, repairs.
  • Charging- non-contact ammunition storage, combat brotherhood, repair, desperate.

Like any heavy tank, the Tiger needs to upgrade those perks that will somehow improve the weapon or its use. Therefore in mandatory you need to take Smooth movement and Smooth rotation of the tower.

What equipment should I install on Tiger 1 in Wot?

  • It is recommended to install the following modules on this heavy tank:
  • Medium caliber rammer - increases the reload of the projectile, which is already very good;
  • Vertical stabilizer - gives you a chance to hit the enemy while you are moving;
  • Improved ventilation is a nice bonus in the form of improving all crew skills by 5%.

Advantages and disadvantages of Tiger 1 in World of Tanks

Now let's look at the main disadvantages and advantages of this German heavy tank.


  1. Good armor penetration even with stock shells.
  2. Large viewing radius.
  3. Small variation in weapons.
  4. The tiger has a very weak margin of safety.
  5. The armor of the tower is truly impressive.
  6. For such powerful weapons, The Tiger has a fairly fast reload time.


  1. The Tiger's weapon has rather slow aiming.
  2. Low engine power.
  3. The hull armor does not reach the required level.
  4. The damage per shell is not that small, but not too large either.

Tactics for playing Tiger 1 in World of Tanks

The most important Tiger has the advantage- this is its main 88 mm caliber gun. Yes, the damage of one projectile does not directly cause colossal damage, but due to reloading the Tiger’s DPM is very, very good. Armor penetration of 203 mm gives you the opportunity to stand up well against opponents with tanks of the 7th and 8th level. Because The Tiger's hull is poorly armored, then you should choose a wait-and-see approach. It is advisable to look only at the tower, because it has good armor. The tiger feels good on maps with varied terrain and in the city, but is afraid of artillery, so you should be especially careful on open maps. Sometimes you can tank, because the safety margin is large, but only in special cases.

It is difficult to dispute the statement that German tank PzKpfw VI Tiger is a symbol of the armored forces of the Third Reich. Far from being an ideal combat vehicle, this tank still became one of the pinnacles of German design thought during the Second World War.

The original concept of the German tank forces did not assume that the army would need a more powerful tank than the PzKpfw IV, carrying a short-barreled 75 mm gun. But then the Germans took a closer look at their neighbors and realized that this machine was not enough to storm fortified areas like the French Maginot Line. Yes and British tanks The Matildas were too well armored to count on the German Panzers being able to easily deal with them. Therefore, in 1937, the command Armed Forces Germany gave the order to begin work on the design of a breakthrough tank. Initially, the design bureau of the Henschel company, headed by engineer Erwin Aders, took up this matter. It created prototypes under the working names DW1 and DW2, which never became production vehicles, but allowed Aders to accumulate useful experience that would be useful to him in the future, when the Tiger itself was being created.

Contrary to popular belief, Germany began the Second world war, without having countless and indestructible tank hordes. The Wehrmacht's brilliant victories in Europe were built more on the unexpected and extremely effective doctrine of lightning warfare than on technical superiority. And only after the attack on Soviet Union, encountering the T-34 and KV tanks for the first time, the Germans realized that new tank The army needs it as quickly as possible. At the same time, it cannot be said that “Tiger” was the answer. Much earlier, the long-barreled 75-mm KwK 40 gun appeared in the arsenal of German tanks, which made it possible to effectively fight “thick-skinned” Soviet vehicles.

The idea of ​​a new heavy tank, which would have great firepower and strong protection, was proposed by Hitler in May 1941. Each tank formation German army it was proposed to add 20 vehicles of a new type to increase striking power. The work of translating the idea into metal was entrusted to two design bureaus. The first was the Aders bureau, which at that time was developing the prototype tank VK 3601 (H). The second designer was Dr. Ferdinand Porsche, whom the Fuhrer greatly favored despite the fact that by that time Porsche had proven himself more in the development of cars than tanks. Prototypes had to be presented to the Fuhrer in May-June 1942.

Henschel quickly built the first prototype VK3601 (H). Thanks to the use of old developments from the very beginning, the tank received a reliable chassis and engine-transmission group. But there were problems with weapons. The 75mm conical-barrel gun, developed by Krupp, fired armor-piercing projectiles with a tungsten core weighing 1 kilogram. The selection committee considered such wasteful use of scarce and expensive metal unreasonable, and the tank project was rejected.

Aders' competitor, Ferdinand Porsche, decided to use in his prototype the developments left over from the experimental VK3001(P) tank. For his new brainchild, named VK4501 (P), he used the same engine compartment layout and electric transmission. It was planned to install the 88-mm KwK 36 gun on the Porsche model, developed on the basis of the famous German Flak 18/36 anti-aircraft gun. In the version for the tank, a muzzle brake and an electric trigger were added. Porsche, who believed that Hitler’s favorable attitude towards him was the key to victory in the design competition, did not wait for test results and ordered a chassis and turrets for his tank. After which, confident in his triumph, he decided not to strain himself any further and wait for field tests.

Aders, despite the fact that his tank was rejected, did not intend to surrender. He decided to rework his prototype into the same gun as Porsche. As a result, when work on the chassis was completed, a suitable turret was not yet ready. And at the same time, Hitler had a strange idea: he decided to send prototypes of both tanks to the front without passing tests. And then he demanded that Porsche build 60 cars by the fall, and Henschel 25. This was unrealistic, but the designers could not directly tell Hitler that his plan was not feasible. In order to build at least a few tanks by the given deadline, Aders had to install a turret developed by Porsche on his chassis.

On Hitler's birthday, the designers organized a show of their cars for him. Here Porsche was embarrassed, deciding to unload his sample from the railway platform under its own power. The heavy tank simply got stuck in the ground. Aders did not take any risks: his tank was removed by a heavy-duty crane. During testing, both prototypes demonstrated both strong and weak sides. Porsche's car was faster, and Henschel's tank surpassed it in maneuverability. The VK4501(H) engine overheated and caught fire, and the VK4501(P) showed low reliability of the electric transmission. As a result, the decision was initially made to send both tanks into production, but later the command convinced Hitler that Erwin Aders’ tank was preferable. The Fuhrer, with all his sympathies for Professor Porsche, was forced to agree. And the unclaimed heavy tank chassis, ordered by Porsche, were subsequently used in the construction of the Ferdinand anti-tank gun.

The new tank was named PzKpfw VI Tiger. Its serial production began in August 1942. Throughout the war, although the car was produced in only one modification, it was subjected to a large number improvements and changes.

Especially for the Tigers, a new tactical unit was created in the army - a heavy tank battalion. Depending on the situation, the battalion could act either independently or to reinforce other units. New crews were trained at the base of the 500th reserve battalion in Paderborn. Personnel were recruited from both experienced tankers and recruits. Moreover, initially all these people were volunteers who wanted to quickly try out the new miracle tanks.

The first Tigers arrived on the Eastern Front in August 1942. On the 29th, the echelon unloaded the 1st company of the 502nd battalion at the Mga station near Leningrad. Due to the fact that Hitler was in a hurry to send new weapons to the front, the designers were unable to properly debug the machines. Therefore, immediately after arrival, multiple breakdowns began. One of the Tigers even had an engine fire. Until mid-September, mechanics were repairing tanks; many parts had to be delivered by plane from German factories.

First combat use The "Tigers" ended unsuccessfully: one tank stalled and had to be abandoned, and three more got stuck in a swamp - they were evacuated with great difficulty. An abandoned tank was blown up. In January 1943, another Tiger, virtually undamaged, was captured by Soviet troops on the Volkhov Front. After studying these two trophies, instructions were drawn up for the Red Army soldiers on how to fight the PzKpfw VI.

Further battles involving the Tigers near Rostov, Kharkov and Leningrad showed that this tank was a truly formidable opponent. Its thick armor could withstand hits from most guns. Reliable defeat and destruction of German vehicles was ensured only by shooting at the sides and stern. Damage to the chassis was also practiced: the tracks were knocked down by a shell or a bunch of grenades were thrown under them. Molotov cocktails were widely used and a terrible threat. Flowing through the ventilation grilles, it caused a fire in the Tiger engine.

On December 1, 1942, Tigers were used for the first time in Africa. A company from the 501st Heavy Battalion was sent to reinforce the retreating corps of Erwin Rommel. In the Battle of Tebourbe, the Germans won a complete victory, destroying 134 American and British tanks, suffering minimal losses in equipment. However, the company commander died in these battles. Further, the “Tigers” continued to fight in separate groups of two to five vehicles, always inflicting heavy damage on Allied vehicles.

Africa became a difficult test for the tank design. Constant overheating, dust and difficult road conditions led to numerous breakdowns. Again, design flaws affected the design, which the manufacturers did not have time to eliminate.

In April 1943, the Germans suffered final defeat in Africa. All the Tigers that remained in service at that time were either blown up by the crews or fell into the hands of the Allies.

139 Tigers took part in the battles near Kursk. Due to their small number, they could not have any serious influence on the course of hostilities, especially since they were used scatteredly. However, by that time the glory of the “Tiger” ran ahead of him, and real “tigerphobia” was widespread in the Soviet troops. As a result, anyone could be mistaken for the "Tiger" german tank, most often - Pz-IV. In battle, the Tigers performed well, especially if they managed to fire at the enemy for a long time from long distances, at which Soviet tanks and anti-tank guns could not effectively penetrate the armor of German vehicles.

The Tigers fought until the very end of the war. And all this time they remained extremely formidable opponents for any tank of the anti-Hitler coalition.

Overall, Erwin Aders's vehicle was the best German heavy tank of the Second World War. It was perfectly balanced in terms of armor and weapons. The car was quite agile for its weight. The smooth ride provided by the staggered suspension made it possible to effectively fire while moving. Controlling the tank was so simple that there was even a saying among the German troops: “Well, you’re incompetent! You only have to control the Tiger!” On the other hand, the tank was extremely expensive to produce and difficult to repair. Replacing a damaged inner row roller required up to three days of work, and the gearbox could not be replaced without removing the turret.

The Tiger crews spoke highly of the fighting qualities of their vehicle, and its creator Erwin Aders even received the respectful nickname “Father of the Tigers.”

To this day, this tank remains popular: many books are written about it, scale models are produced, the tank can be seen in many computer games. Many copies of this armored vehicle have also been preserved in metal, and some of them are still on the move.

Renders of this car in various resolutions can be downloaded.

Heavy German tank ( Royal tiger), one of the most “pleasant” tanks in the game World of Tanks. For those who like to play heavy tanks, this is one of the best options.

Historical background onTiger II.

A little historical information about our “character”. , or Royal Tiger (KT), as he was also called, was one of the most powerful tanks times of the Second World War. It began to be produced in the spring of 1944, and before the end of the war, 489 units of this equipment were produced. Official name of the tank Panzerkampfwagen VI Ausf.B, and already in the armies fighting against Germany it was called Tiger II or Royal Tiger (KT).

This was the first model in the history of tank building that was developed for a cannon; as a rule, a cannon is developed for a tank, but here it was the other way around. The engineers were tasked with developing a vehicle on which one of the most powerful and successful guns of that time could be installed - the 88-mm KwK 43 L/71, since it was impossible to install it on existing tanks due to the size of the gun. So, the main advantage of the tank was its cannon, which allowed it to destroy any enemy armored vehicles, but the disadvantage was its large mass and weak engine power, which ultimately affected the low driving performance and overall reliability of the tank.

Technical characteristics of the tankTiger IIin Game.

Let's move on directly to the gaming characteristics Tiger. In my opinion, the KT is one of the most beautiful tanks in the game, like the E-75 and E-50, which appeared later. The Tiger II looks the way a tank should look; when you see such a vehicle, you immediately begin to respect tank troops.

When we play on a heavy tank, there is no need to talk about speed and maneuverability, and in the case of a CT, even more so, our strength is in the thickness of the armor and the damage that a powerful gun inflicts. So remember that the cannon is our main trump card, it is powerful and accurate in this tank.

Let's compare the characteristics of tanks that are in the same class as Tiger II


AMX50 100


Engine power (hp)

Maximum speed(km/h)

Turning speed (deg/sec)

Hull armor (front/sides/stern in mm)

Turret armor (front/sides/rear in mm)

Basic projectile damage

Armor penetration with basic projectile (mm)

Gun rate (rounds/min)

Turret rotation speed (deg/sec)

Communication range (m)

As you can see, even when compared with tanks that can only be purchased for “real” money, our Tiger has one of the best indicators in terms of armor, weight and gun power. The IS-3 has a more powerful gun, but our rate of fire and accuracy are higher, and in long- and medium-range battles, accuracy plays a big role. The gun is really very accurate, I had the opportunity to ride on the IS, it’s like heaven and earth. It's very difficult to miss on the Tiger II.

Guide to playing a tankTiger II.

As I wrote above, the main trump card is the accuracy and power of the gun. Therefore, on CT, you can shoot from a fairly safe distance. Only when I reached this tank did I feel the full power of the heavies, this tank can cause trouble for any tank, even one level higher.

As soon as I switched to the “second” Tiger, I noticed that it was quite easy to set it on fire, most often with a shot in the forehead in the lower part, the problem decreased after leveling up the crew and upgrading the tank.

How to fight on CT? It’s all very simple, we always stand with our forehead facing the enemy and at a slight angle, increasing the likelihood of the enemy’s shot ricocheting. Ahead of the most weak points we have the lower part of the armor, just above the bottom and the hatch on the turret, but this is for point-blank fire. So, ideally, stand so that the lower part is not visible, in some kind of recess or behind an obstacle. If you maneuver successfully, don’t stand still and don’t let them shoot at a right angle, you can even defeat a tank of a higher level. Several times it was possible to “overwhelm” the E-75 this way, perhaps due to the enemy’s inexperience or underestimation. The most difficult thing for me was and remains the IS-4, on any vehicle, I noticed that it is very difficult to penetrate it even in the rear, no other tank has such a percentage of ricochets.

The tactics of behavior on the map depend on whether you are at the top of the team or below. If you are top, then you have certain obligations to the team, you must hold some kind of flank, a standard task for top heavyweights. If you're somewhere in the middle, then the choice of game depends more on you and your playstyle preferences. You can stick behind stronger allies, causing trouble for the enemy with your cannon, or you can simply “camp” somewhere behind a pebble or bush. Choose only the correct position so that it is difficult to get around you from the rear, if suddenly some CT wants your “blood”.

Of course, it’s better not to get involved with tanks two levels higher; only the side and rear parts are suitable for penetration there, so it’s better not to climb in yourself. Wait until he starts a fight with an enemy of the same class, and then go to the side or behind.

If you encounter a PT starting from level 8, it is better not to go head-on, otherwise it will be very “painful”. If possible, the standard scheme is to get used to it; if you see that it won’t work, shoot at the penetration points.

If a ST plays at you competently, he will try to come in from the side, from behind, and spin you around, and since our turret does not turn quickly, this can be a problem. Try to help turn the turret with your body, exposing the CT's forehead, he most often shoots on the move and he doesn't have much time to aim, he just tries to shoot at your side, exposing his forehead, you do not allow him to accurately shoot at the lower part of the armor. If several ST different classes, turn your back on the weaker one.

Tank profitabilityTiger II.

You only get profit if you win or have a well-run round. If there is an unlucky streak of only defeats, then you begin to “get into the red.” An BB shot costs 1030 silver, a landmine costs 650. The cost of repairs is about 13,000 thousand silver.

Penetration zones and weak points of Tiger II.

Kolizhen model of the Tiger II tank.
